Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1604 Real fire starts a prairie fire!

Li Fu, Marquis of Guangping!

An Guohou Jin Ling!

Xue Chang, Marquis of Yangling!

Beixiang Hou Shangyanhu!

The Patriarch of the Daxia Chu Clan, Jue Cheng Dongpinghou's surrender!

There is even a red blood ghost bat at the god's level!

There are a total of six battle strengths at the God's Promenade level, and five of them are Lord Daxia.

The aura belonging to the cultivators of God's Landing soared to the sky and filled everything for a while, making the wind, rain, clouds and moon tremble. The world is full of their magnificent aura!

The spiritual consciousness spreads on the ground, without a trace of gap.

The faint blue fire curtain scattered, because it was no longer needed at this time.

Although Chu Rang was injured, he stepped on the bat's back and looked at Jiang Wang and the others as if he were looking at a corpse——

It is indeed hopeless.

Such a lineup, which can be called luxurious, can affect the outcome of an important battle on the entire Qixia battlefield.

But they gathered here and surrounded Desheng Battalion with only 2,000 remnants left, Chongxuanzun who had lost a hand, and Jiang Wang who was at the outer building level.

It's like grinding eggs with high mountains!

Hou Shangyanhu of Beixiang turned his head and looked at Chong Xuansheng, who was tens of feet tall, he was obviously looking up at him, but he seemed to be looking down: "This Marquis really underestimated each of you, especially I underestimated you. Being able to use the military formation to such a degree is not easy at your age. How about giving me a little surprise?"

"I said." The tall Xue Chang said: "Shouldn't we stop wasting time? Kill a young man along the way, and he hasn't killed him until now. If we go out, we can find a piece of tofu and kill him!"

"Hey, I'm going to go on your own, you are a stupid big man, and you are suitable for this kind of death." Li Fu said in a relaxed tone: "It's normal to spend a little time, Jin'an Hudou was almost removed from the list, and the big bat that touched the house was beaten. Became a silly sparrow, our Beixianghou is like a rock... Hehe, don't underestimate these young people, at least they all have brains."

This man looked gentle and polite, and almost stomped everyone when he opened his mouth.

It's no wonder that none of the civil and military courts had a good relationship with him.

Yangling Marquis Xue Chang had fought with him at Hutai back then, and the situation was once fierce, but now he will naturally not give him a good face: "Spend your lip service on practice, and you won't lose in Hutai back then." Give me."

Jin Ling, who was dragging his knife, couldn't help but said, "Okay, just don't say a few words."

"Ha!" Li Fu stared at him and said, "Isn't this the Marquis of Anguo who failed to catch up with Chong Xuanzun with an army of tens of thousands a few days ago? Thanks to your good command, the emperor's mausoleum was humiliated later. You are truly a great hero of Qi!"

Finally, he knew where Li Ziye's style of jumping and cursing at the Shou'an tower came from.

This guy is really a dog! Catch whoever bites!

But anyway, their attitude is so relaxed. Naturally, it was because, at this time, they already had an absolute advantage, and there was almost no possibility of a comeback.

Tianjiao peerless like Chong Xuanzun, under the pursuit of the five Great Xia Hou Ye, they all escaped for a day and a night. But at the moment when he was surrounded, he just said slowly: "I'm not very good at saying sorry... I will die before you."

Outstanding in wisdom and unparalleled in eloquence, he controlled the army and remained silent for a while.

No matter how smart he is, it is impossible to accurately calculate all the variables in the world. Everyone has many choices, and the intersection of countless choices is infinite possibilities.

Who knew that there would be so many god-faced powerhouses besieging and besieging Chong Xuanzun?

Isn't the battlefield on the northern front more important than the humiliation of the imperial mausoleum?

He speculated that these people in front of him may have other tasks besides besieging and killing Zhongxuan Zun, and perhaps a more powerful force participated in the northern battlefield...Nandou Palace really dare to fully participate in the battle?

But these speculations, these trade-offs, are useless at this moment.

He is very clear that now is a desperate situation!

If it weren't for the power of the entire Victory Battalion at this time, all of which were entrusted to the collective will of the army and controlled by Chongxuan Sheng, few people would be able to stand firm with the elite of the Victory Battalion.

It's not even about courage, it's just such a huge gap in strength that it's impossible for people to have the heart to resist.

But at this time, Zhuo Li was high in the sky, and Jiang Wang, who had just pierced through the back of his heart with a sword, was still calm.

Calm is not because he is ignorant of fear.

It's because he has faced too many desperate moments, and he knows that he still has to face it.

Seeing Li Fu, Xue Chang, and Jin Ling joining the battlefield one by one, and hearing Chong Xuanzun's still proud words, he just held his Sauvignon Blanc tightly and said, "Chong Xuansheng, what did I tell you?" with?"

The words were like some kind of decree, like an incantation.

Chong Xuansheng's gigantic body, tens of feet high and wrapped in soldiers, exploded with a bang!

It seemed that the crossbow that shot the moon had left its string, and it was going southeast at a terrifying speed.

He wanted to escape!

Li Fu, the Marquis of Guangping who was in the east, waved his sleeve and was about to intercept him.

Suddenly, I felt a terrifying force that hit the sky!

bang bang!

Does heaven also have a heart?

Why is it ringing at this time?


There are no big rivers everywhere in Sangfu, so why do you hear mountains and rivers gushing? !

Such a violent, such a terrifying movement!

Li Fu turned his head in surprise and astonishment, and saw that Jiang Qingyang, who was standing proudly in the cloak, was shining with an immortal red golden light!

Every muscle, every bone, every drop of blood, every hair in his body is calling a name and resonating with a kind of emotion.

And the heavens and the earth trembled together!

It was this stagnation that Chong Xuansheng had already rolled up Bingsha, sprinted past Li Fu's side at a crushing speed, went straight to the southeast, and passed out of the battle in an instant!

He ran, ran, desperately.

The speed of this Bingsha Cloud reached its limit, and after breaking through the space for a while——


The entire cloud of Bingsha exploded.

The pale-faced soldiers of the Victory Battalion fell like rain.

Some got up immediately, and some couldn't open their eyes again.

Chongxuansheng roughly speaking, there are only 836 living people left.

Many soldiers died alive!

These are the life and death brothers who accompanied him and Jiang Wang to attack the city and pull out the stronghold, and fought for thousands of miles. Now there are only 836 people left.

And fourteen...

Fourteen, who was held in Chong Xuansheng's arms, also lost his breath.

Chong Xuansheng shattered her armor, lest the heavy armor crush her to death in this state, only to see her face like gold paper.

As an extraordinary monk whose strength is far superior to that of ordinary soldiers, because it is difficult for him to participate in the battle at the level of the gods, he overdraws himself almost without a bottom line in the army formation.

All true energy, all qi and blood are continuously delivered to the battle formation.

She is stronger than any soldier in the Victory Camp, but she is the first to be overdrawn!

That's why it's all over now!

"Brothers!" Chong Xuansheng said in a hoarse voice: "Try to find a way to hide yourself nearby, I will send reinforcements, I Chong Xuansheng will never give up on you!"

The voices of the soldiers who could still speak rang out in disorder.

"General, hurry up!"

"Go find someone to save Lord Jiang!"

"We have never suffered such a big loss, bring people here to avenge the brothers!"


Not tidy at all, no momentum at all.

But it is the most vivid heart.

These beliefs, these passions, these expectations...

These voices gradually faded away, scattered in the wind behind them.

Chong Xuansheng was in a hurry to feed Shisi pills, and at the same time he hugged her and flew away. He had to be faster, he was going to the Huiming Mansion to send troops, he was going to send a large army, and he was going to strangle this group of people from the Xia Kingdom Shit Marquis!


In Chongxuansheng's arms, Shisi swallowed the life-saving elixir, breathlessly said: "Jiang Wang...that sentence he asked you...what did he tell you?"

At such a moment, she asked such a question.

She is introverted by nature, not good at speaking, and has sealed herself in armor for many years.

The most important person in her life is of course Joong Hyun Seung. But besides Chong Xuansheng, the only person who can be regarded as a friend is that reckless man Jiang Qingyang who sometimes has a bright mind and sometimes is not enlightened, and is always ready to beat Brother Sheng.

"You've heard it too."

Chong Xuansheng repeated, as if to give Shisi confidence, and also to give confidence to himself: "You have also heard it..."

"He said……"

He only said these two words, and tears suddenly poured out without warning.

He is a very smart person, and he has never regretted it since he was a child.

But at this moment regret swallowed his heart!

He regrets why he took the risk to come to Guiyi!

He is conceited of his intelligence, he wants to win back what he deserves, but why does he pull Jiang Wang to bet his life with him again and again?

That is the world-famous Tianjiao, a person with an infinitely bright future!

Even the position of Captain of the Beiya can be rejected, and even the kindness of Emperor Qi can be waived. Does this man named Jiang Wang really care about power, status and glory?

The reason why Jiang Wang came to this battlefield to conquer Xia, and the reason why he participated in everything on this battlefield, from the generals in the western suburbs of Linzi to the Sang Mansion of Xia Guo, was all for him. It's all for him!

He laughed at this person for being stupid, for laughing at this person for being stupid.

Laughing and laughing, brought this person into a desperate situation.

But this idiot, still just said, what did I tell you?

Still reminding him to take the opportunity to escape with the brothers of the Victory Battalion!

Chong Xuansheng was weeping, his unattractive chubby face was covered with creases.

It was the second time in his life that he shed tears.

Only once before, and never again.

With tears in his eyes, he said, "He who is in God's presence...will be very strong! He said that in God's presence, he will be very strong!"

His body surface was already bleeding, and he was already flying beyond the limit and in a life-consuming way.

"He can do what he says, and he can do it." Fourteen weakly emphasized, tears also fell.


Those who escape will not affect the situation of the battle.

In normal times, Shang Yanhu would have to scold Li Fu, because in his opinion, Chong Xuansheng, who had become a leader in military skills, was a greater threat than Jiang Wang and Chong Xuanzun.

But at this moment, he has no time to care about him, and he can't help being frightened by Jiang Wang's leap.

No matter Li Fu, Shang Yanhu, Jin Ling, Xue Chang, Chu Rang, or even the red blood ghost bat with half of its wings broken, they couldn't look away at this moment!

The four star towers standing far away in the ancient star dome erupted with indescribable brilliance at this moment, more proud than the sun!

Only those with supernatural powers and eyesight can vaguely see from the blazing light...

A cyan seven-story stone pagoda sits in Yuheng.

A seven-story pentagonal building with an ancient structure stands in Kaiyang.

A red seven-storey small building with four corners and cornices is located in Tianshu.

A majestic seven-story purple building suppresses fluctlight.

The star road winds, walks through Yuheng, connects Kaiyang, runs through Yaoguang, and responds to Tianshu. They passed Tianquan, Tianji, and Tianxuan again.

The immeasurably majestic star power surged across the vast star road.

It seemed that a mighty galaxy appeared in the sky, and this galaxy was unique to Jiang Wang.

The majestic power has a majestic will, and with this glorious fourth floor, he preaches to the universe the way of his "true self" that belongs to Jiang Wang alone.

The world trembled!

The sky and the earth here are all echoing his way.

Jiang Wang closed his eyes, and the immortal red gold light flowed on his body surface.

The five rounds of blazing light on the chest and abdomen seem to shine forever.

The frosty white cloak flutters like a banner.

Behind him was a red curtain of fire, and in the phantom, the gorgeous bird of Bifang appeared with all its feathers, as if it had condensed its essence.

The secret of God's Presence passed down from Huang Weizhen flows clearly in my mind at this moment.

What is the secret of Huang Weizhen's divine presence?

Why is he the most romantic in Chu land for three thousand years?

Playing in the palm of your hand, fate arises and fate dies.

This is a process of God's presence that Huang Weizhen retraces after the Dao, demanding the limit of every step.

Jiang Wang couldn't grasp it at all before, but the path of true self has been developed to this day, and he has no regrets after beheading Yi Shengfeng.

It's about a drop of blood, a bit of bone marrow, a piece of muscle...all the details about God's presence, perfect leap at this moment!

His blood ran mightily, resounding through the Sang Mansion!

The power of his soul is infinitely condensed, infinitely condensed, that feeling...

It seems to have been diving in the origin of the world of Senhai Yuanjie.

Although it is condensing and compressing, what I feel is the power of tolerance.

The process seemed to be stretched infinitely, but Jiang Wang understood that it only happened for a moment.

In the Tongtian Palace, the star-wrapping spirit python that shuttled in the Taoist circle suddenly shed its outer skin, its scales appeared, its horns protruded, and with a long cry, it jumped into a starlight dragon!

Its body is illusory and indistinct, its starlight is beautiful and real, its Yaojiao figure is cruising among the dao spins, and every time it swallows and puffs up, it is a massive amount of dao yuan.

The entire sky-reaching sea roared, setting off boundless waves, as if celebrating this moment.


In the sea of ​​five mansions, the five mansions come out together, and the five lights are shining everywhere, with endless brilliance.

In the sea of ​​hidden stars, four bright stars anchor the four corners of the sky. In the sparkling waves, the reflections of the stars are reflected.


An extremely agile Taoist dragon jumped out from the bottom of the sea, shattered the dream of starlight, rushed into the endless starry sky, kept going up, up... breaking the boundary between the visible and the invisible, and landed in the last ocean of the human body— —

It's for Yuanshenhai!

The Daomai Tenglong, who is growing stronger and more majestic, is flying in this vast ocean that looks like the universe.

As soon as the dragon's horn arrived, it pressed against a door.

With a slight push of the dragon's horn, this ancient door was pushed open, and a splendid hall between the virtual and the real seemed to come from history.

This is the last glorious manifestation in the secret treasury of the human body, and it is called... the Temple of Yun!


Daomai Tenglong jumped high, crossed the dome of Yunshen Temple, and flew into the boundless human universe.

And the green-clothed fairy who had manifested his soul stepped into the Yunshen Temple with his hand pressed on the long-term acacia, walked in the hall with high jade pillars, passed through scenes of illusory and disillusioned scenes, and finally stood on the high throne. Go up... and sit down.

Rumble like thunder.

This sound seems to be playing together in the whole world.

Crash, clatter, clatter.

Tongtianhai, Wufuhai, Cangxinghai, Yuanshenhai, the four human body seas are surging together, the tide is endless, and the waves are endless.

So at this moment, the world connects!

At this moment, the power of the soul turns into spiritual consciousness, which can be manifested in the world and interfere with reality!

Jiang Wang felt that his thinking was unprecedentedly clear, and countless inspirations were flying in his mind.

What I didn't understand before, is now suddenly clear. What was obscure before is now clear and clear.

At this moment, heaven and earth are in harmony, and unparalleled changes are taking place. It's not just the evolution of flesh and blood into golden chalcedony, it's not just the power of the soul leaping into spiritual consciousness, it's not just the transcendence of the life limit.

Jiang Wang clearly felt that he and the whole world were once again branded.

This world embraces everything and loves everyone equally.

Everyone has two contracts with this world.

The first time is birth.

The second time is the presence of God.

So why do you say that God's presence cannot be achieved outside this world?

Because gods come outside this world, you cannot see the truth of this world!

All of this is slow to say, and it all happens in an instant.

The so-called "There is a gap between heaven and man, and those without regrets can be achieved overnight."

Li Fu, Shang Yanhu, Jin Ling, Xue Chang, and Chu Rang are all lords of great powers, who have been battle-hardened and skilled at killing. Of course, he wouldn't sit there and wait for Jiang Wang to ascend to the gods, but Jiang Wang had already opened his eyes before he could make a move!

Chong Xuanzun said, "I have seen all the scenery along the way."

He could indeed say so.

From True Lord Taixu to True Lord Blood River, many powerhouses who stood at the top of the extraordinary all looked at him favorably.

From Linzi to Mijie, there are endless scenery.

Born with Dao veins, he cuts off delusions without confusion, and takes away the elegance of his peers.

That is to say, he ran into Dou Zhao at the meeting of the Yellow River, and his grades were slightly worse than Jiang Wang, who won the top prize in Neifuchang.

But in the western suburbs, he set up a general platform and used military force to fight for the vanguard, and he indeed defeated Jiang Qingyang who was in the outer building.

He has seen all the scenery outside the building.

It made up for the throbbing when he was watching Jiang Wang's battle under the Guanhe platform.

You can take that step without regret.

But for Jiang Wang, what did he see after this bumpy journey?

It is Yin Guan who treads the rugged road to reach the sky, and achieves God's presence alone through the magic path.

It was Jiang Wuqi who captured Li Youguo, caught Yan Tu, and eliminated the hidden dangers of cutting Xia. One step to the gods, and the autumn frost.

Dou Zhao is invincible in all directions, and his golden body is magnificent in the capital of Chu King.

Zhong Liyan will never admit defeat, he has been defeated and fought repeatedly, and his own skills and martial arts are all on the dangerous peak.

Wang Changji fished in mountains and seas, pretending to be a heavenly mansion, and since then, his presence has been perfect.

Yuetian Slave had already obtained the Pure Land and realized the true nature of the Spirit Boat.

Xiao Shu felt regretful, and died without saying a word.

I wish Weiwo to be proud and sharp, never to lose in his life.

Zhang Xun breathed out the sword pills, his sword energy had already become silk, and it filled the sky and the moon.

Of course, there is also the emphasis on Xuan Zun, the so-called "read all the scenery outside the building, and the achievement will come without regret".

These dazzling figures, the brilliant silhouettes of each scene. It seems to flow in the river of time, and it exists clearly in Jiang Wang's heart.

What he saw all the way was the scenery of God's presence!

It is those arrogant people, how to carry out their own way, how to stick to their own life!

Before the gap between heaven and man, how many waves are magnificent.

What is God coming?

Why is it clear to God?

Why... "I came to this world like a god?!"

It is now.

At this moment, Chong Xuanzun, whose blood was stained in white, shouted in a long voice: "Jiang Qingyang! Do you have no regrets today?"

Hanging not far away, Jiang Wang, who was wearing a green shirt and wielding a sword, only said, "Of course!"

Today's achievement, the God of no regrets, no omissions, and no shortages comes!

When his eyes were closed, it seemed to close his life, his heart.

Once closed and opened, the world is different!

His eyes opened, black and white are so distinct, as if the sun and the moon are hanging, giving people a sense of trance that is sometimes real and sometimes lofty.

At the next moment, it turned into immortal red gold!

Now He is God!

He has the majesty, power, and dignity of a god!

The flames in the pupils are long, and wherever the eyes go, the crimson samadhi really fires up.

He turned his eyes from Li Fu, Shang Yanhu, Jin Ling, Xue Chang, and Chu Rang one by one, and wherever he saw, there were fireworks!

The flowers formed by Samadhi real fire.

In an instant, the sky and the earth are full of flames. The brilliance is everywhere, just like a god.

This fire is everywhere, and this fire burns everything.

When the eyes turn, the real fire starts a prairie fire!

He actually took the lead in launching the offensive, attacking five people alone!

Jin Ling, who was fully armored, turned the knife upside down, and the knife was two feet long, making it as dexterous as an embroidery needle. It fell lightly on the flames, and when the knife glow was exhausted... the buds and petals were separated, and the fire was disintegrated!


The spark extinguished and rekindled, spreading along the blade of Guan Dao.

Shenhuo, Jinghuo, and Qihuo are also the emperor's fire, minister's fire, and people's fire.

Samadhi in the fire, he couldn't extinguish it!

A ray of black light flowed across the spine of the knife in an instant, like ink, dyeing the entire Guan knife black.

The remaining fire was extinguished.

"It is said that Chu is the only one who is talented, and my lord has seen it today, and Qi Tianjiao seems to be better than Chu Tianjiao!" Jin Ling said with a sigh, "There are actually two fighters!"

In his voice, there was both surprise and joy.

What amazes me is that Jiang Wang's sudden success is so powerful, and he is not inferior to Chongxuan Zun who he led the army to kill.

Fortunately, such two peerless geniuses have been shortlisted today, and they are about to die here!

Not far away, Li Fu's sleeves fluttered and his hands were slightly open, like holding virtual balls. An invisible force froze and fixed the vibrant flame flower in it. He seemed to be holding a lantern, which was burning with enough light to extinguish everything.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he vaguely smelled the fragrance of the flower on the flame flower?

Maybe it's burnt aroma?

But he said on his mouth: "After a visit to Chu, I will know about Dou Zhao every day. Have you left your heart in Chu State?!"

"Wouldn't it be good to have two fights?" Unlike Li Fu who still had the leisure to mock his companions at this time, Xue Chang was straightforward. He grabbed a pair of short halberds from the void with both hands. The fireworks in front of him were smashed to pieces, not even a single spark was left!

"Killing these two is better than killing Qi's army!"

The rich experience and strength of these senior princes can be seen from their treatment of Yanhua.

At the beginning, no one knew how powerful Jiang Wang's Real Fire Liaoyuan was, nor did he know the qualitative change of the Samadhi True Fire after his divine presence.

Jin Ling was the first to deal with the flames, and still needs to make up for it.

After Li Fu took a look, he easily stopped Yanhua.

When Xue Chang made another move, the flame flower had no secrets, and the halberd edge would be shattered if it made a mistake!

This kind of ability to grasp the situation of the battle and quickly evolve the battle is possessed by the real strong.

Although Chu Rang was seriously injured, he just used a faint blue line of fire to freeze the flames that burned him.

Among all the Hou Ye, Shang Yanhu was the most straightforward, his complexion changed from gray to iron gray.

He didn't dodge, dodge, or dodge, and bumped into the front of him, directly smashing the flames!

The shattered Samadhi True Fire scorched his body, but left nothing behind.

And he was already approaching, punching Jiang Wang, the iron-gray fist was more than twice as heavy as before!

"Let me see you, how dare you pretend to have no regrets!"

Jin Ling, Xue Chang, Li Fu, Chu Rang, including the Red Blood Ghost Bat, all rushed towards them almost at the same time!

Without any fear, Jiang Wang drew his sword and went forward.

After the arrival of God, his sharpness seems to be no longer able to be accommodated by the space.

At this time, when the sword light moved, the sky and the earth were singing like a dragon!

clang! clang! clang!

A snow-like Moon Saber slashed in Shang Yanhu's fist, forcing back the red blood ghost bat, and then missed Xue Chang's halberd!

Chongxuanzun floated down, and at the same time he greeted Jin Ling, Li Fu, and Chu Rang with swords, and Jiang Wang, who was injured at the same time, stood against his back.

"Although I'm not in a good state..."

He raised his left hand holding the knife, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and also wiped away the coldness: "You don't want to leave me with only a bat!"

There was a strand of hair on Jiang Wang's forehead, which fell lightly after the strong wind.

In the red-gold world, a trail of black was left behind.

Not all stories have a fixed ending.

And he was going to write his own answer again.

Whether it is life or death, victory or defeat.

Never give up.

never give up.

He held the sword and did not speak.

With this heart and this person, why do you need to express it?

One is green shirt and the other is white shirt.

One is a long sword and the other is a round knife.

Stand with your back.

The two gods come... the six gods of war come.

One of the changes was joined by Dameng Yan Shaofei (60/78.)

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