Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1605 I dare not say its name

It is the sixth day of the first month in the year 3921 of the Daoist calendar.

When Jiang Wang and Chongxuansheng changed their way in Sang Mansion and chose to rescue Chongxuanzun, the Jingmu war had come to an end.

Nan Tianshi Ying Jianghong led the army to restore the territory of Shengguo, and chased and killed the defeated army. Make the bones of the warriors of the Mu country stretch out, and make the war horses of the Mu country burn the scene. Go deep into the grassland for three hundred miles, and set up a stele to record your achievements!

When Beigong Nantu's death in battle was shocking the world, Yan Ping speculated on the progress of Jingmu's war. He said that the war would end in two or three days at least, or five or seven days at most.

But Jingguo really completed the end of this magnificent war in two days, which is still shocking!

The death of Beigong Nantu became a turning point in this war. The High Priest who preaches with the crown of God has a status in the hearts of many shepherds, which is close to that of a god. With his fall, the originally stalemate broke the balance in an instant, and the morale of the Mu army fell to the bottom, and they collapsed thousands of miles away.

From October 19th, 3920, when Jingmu and Jingmu went to war, to January 6th, 3921, Ying Jianghong erected a monument on the grassland.

After a total of two months and seventeen days, the vigorous battle for the hegemony came to an end.

Of course, the year-long round of battle between Musheng should not be completely ignored. Li Yuanshe, who was severely injured in this Jingmu war, should also be remembered by people.

But in the final analysis, what stood up in this battle was Jing Guo's unwavering majesty. It is another declaration of the ancient empire to the whole world—the strong scene still dominates the world today, and it is the so-called supreme and noble central empire.

Ying Jianghong completed the ending so smoothly, Jing Ting sent a letter of state to Linzi on the same day without hesitation, saying——

"Emperor Dongguo personally said:

Jingxia is the country of the alliance! I and Emperor Xia are brotherly brothers! Although the younger brother is stupid and stubborn, he wants to invite external disasters, so the elder brother has to save him. The east country has the virtue of sunrise, why doesn't the emperor of the east end the gap, stop fighting, and rebuild the goodness of the original sect?

Jing has the responsibility of being stable in this world, and I always have peace in mind.

The people in the world belong to the same family, so we shouldn't accumulate old grudges and add new grudges.

How can there be no end to hatred if you insist on going your own way? This wise man does not take it.

A single thought of hating and fighting makes thousands of families lament and ten thousand families cry! What the unkind do.

My words are also sincere, and my heart is also earnest. I wish the emperor of the Eastern Kingdom would know.

The eastern country stopped its troops, and the country in the middle region did not blame the past.

If the Qi army does not retreat, although I can't bear it, I have no choice but to go to the country of my brothers and fight back the foreign thieves with swords! "

This warning is not just a warning, or in other words, it doesn't just stop at the level of warning. Before Ying Jianghong's troops had withdrawn and returned, Yu Que, the real king, personally led the Dou'er army, the number one in the Bajia, and sent them south as the vanguard army!

Jingguo's predicament, Jingguo's difficult choice, Jingguo's fear of rats, Jingguo may not dare to start the second war of hegemony after the end of the Jingmu War...all of them are under this tough attitude. crushed.

The hegemony of the Central Empire was immediately apparent!

Rao is that Qi State has been victorious year after year, coercing the Quartet, when it is in its prime, the soldiers are brave and the people are arrogant, and people are panicked for a while.

This time, it was Jing Guo who stood in front of him with the knife. After all, it is the first empire that has always dominated the central region since the restart of the Dao calendar!

Today, with the prestige of breaking the shepherd country, it is overwhelming the Eastern Qi, and everyone who hears it is terrified.

All of a sudden, memorials rained down on Emperor Qi's desk.

At a glance, most of them are asking the emperor to take care of the overall situation and order the frontline troops to retreat.

Among them, the great Ruer Fengming, who once wrote the majestic essay "Theory of Merit and Demerit", almost crucified Jiang Wang's reputation and made him trampled by thousands of people, wrote a letter to the emperor with magnificent words, and the core is only one sentence——

Keeping the green hills there, there is no need to worry about no firewood. The emperor should focus on preserving the strength of the Qi army.

Cao Jie is not Jiang Wang, of course he, Fengming, dare not curse him without substantial evidence.

He didn't even dare to mention the names of such murderous people as Chongxuan and Chuliang.

But such words as "the front line is a private plan for great achievements, how can we give up retreating!"

Among the ruling and opposition parties, there are many supporters.

Many people regard his voice as the voice of gold and jade, and regard him as the confidant of literati in Qi State.

It is said that he is not afraid of power, does not flatter the emperor, and dares to write to Cao Jie, which is a model of a country with a public heart.

People seem to have forgotten that he was once thrown feces by the angry Qi people because he slandered Jiang Wang and echoed Jing Guo's suggestion of cultivating demons.

After all, people's hearts are fickle.

The additional court meeting held on the 6th day of the first month was not only the most concerned matter of the whole country of Qi, but also one that attracted the attention of the whole world.

Everyone in the world wanted to see what attitude Qi State would have, and what attitude Qi Tianzi would have.

In a short period of time, will the second war of hegemony break out!

The meeting was held under the auspices of Jiang Rumo, Prime Minister of the State, Wen Yanyu, Yi Xingchen, etc., Xiuyuan Wu, Shuofang Bo Bao Yi, etc.

Those who are in Beijing and have a considerable right to speak have all participated in this court meeting, which can be described as a crowd.

It is worth mentioning that the prince Jiang Wuhua, who is wearing the crown prince's uniform today, is also in the Ziji Hall.

The third daughter of the emperor, Jiang Wuyou, and the ninth son of the emperor, Jiang Wuxie, also wore the palace lord's court clothes.

The same as before, the emperor still sits high on the dragon chair.

What is different from the past is that this time the court meeting has just started, and the two parties who hold different opinions are arguing very fiercely, completely skipping the previous mild and polite but yin and yang foreplay stage, and every word used is very fierce.

Under the strong pressure brought by Jing Guo, no one can really wear the mask of Wen Tun.

This court meeting is not only about their political views, but also about the future of Qi.

The conflict with Jing Guo cannot be taken lightly. When going to war with the strongest country in the world, one must consider the consequences of defeat!

The Ziji Hall was full of voices, almost topple the dome.

One side expressed that they would take advantage of the victory to pursue and eliminate future troubles forever, and they must not be intimidated by Jing Guo.

One side said that they should accept it as soon as it is good. This battle has already hurt Xia Guo, and they have already taken advantage of being able to plunder a large amount of resources. There is no need to fight Jing Guo again and push themselves into a risky situation.

Of course, the quarrels were all officials below the military affairs hall and the political affairs hall, and none of their official ranks were below the third rank.

The few who stood at the top of Qi's officialdom were as silent as a mountain, and they would not express their position easily until the final decision was made.

After arguing like this for a long time, no one can convince anyone.

Because everyone has their own right, and even some right and wrong, even time can not give the result. History has bifurcated a long time ago, and who can be sure whether it will be better or worse to change a choice at that time? What if in the world?

Some people have opposition.

In the midst of a heated discussion, Qi Tianzi raised his index finger and just tapped on the armrest of the imperial chair.

tuk tuk.

So the whole hall was silent.

What is reflected in the silence is the supreme majesty of Emperor Qi.

Then he said: "Read the letter Ji Fengzhou wrote to me for them."

Han Ling bowed his head and accepted the order. He unfolded the Jingguo Guoshu, and under Majesty Dan, facing the courtiers, he read aloud: "Emperor Dongguo personally wrote: Jingxia, the country of the alliance..."

The sentence "I have to go to the country of brothers, and use swords to drive back foreign thieves!", the lingering sound fell.

Qi Tianzi had already slapped the armrest of the dragon chair with his palm.


"The master humiliated the minister to death, don't you think so!?"

For a while, the court was full of officials and officials, and no one dared to speak!

"Do you know what's going on at the front?"

Qi Tianzi sat on the dragon chair and asked.

His voice had calmed down.

But his eyes fell from the gap in the flat sky crown, like mountains and seas.

It was a real pressure, a life-and-death authority.

"You see the good news frequently, saying that I am a great Qi Tianwei, and that I have already taken advantage of it. Do you know how these results come from? You can see that behind the good news is the blood of my great Qi soldiers!"

"What are they for?"

"Xia Kingdom's 33 years of grudges are still there, and they don't respect the East Kingdom. I have a million soldiers from Qi and go to the Southern Region. What do you want?"

"Is it to plunder some resources, shed some blood, and kill a few Xia people?"

"The audience is full of high-spirited and impassioned speeches, but who is working hard on the front line?!"

"The desperate people on the front line haven't said a word 'retire', are you going to do this for them?"

"They paved a road leading to Guiyi City with flesh and blood, pulled out all the thorns, cut off all the swords, so that in the future we will be able to travel between the two capitals calmly. There are no dangers in the southern region. Linzi to Guiyi is a smooth journey!"

"You seek fame, merit, career, and the overall situation—what is the overall situation?"

"Going thousands of miles to the southern region, all the way to the bones! The frontline soldiers fought for merit with their lives, and the blood stained the flag. If I can't even guarantee a safe rear, what kind of emperor!?"

Qi Tianzi stood up directly.

His figure above Dan Majesty is as high as the sky.

All the officials under Majesty Dan bowed to the ground and bowed to each other.

"Keep fighting!"

Qi Tianzi waved his hand, like breaking the floating clouds, it is to fix the universe——

"Even if we fight till the end of the world, until the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, and the sun and the moon are displaced, if I don't die, I will support Cao Jie to fight for a day. It is necessary to break the summer capital!"

His voice soared to the nine heavens, and it shook the heaven and earth, acting as the supreme, deterring the world——

"I want to plow the court and sweep the holes, and destroy the country of Xia.

I want to run through the southeast, and hang the latitude and longitude of my great Qi.

I want the world to know——

Si Yuan can't win the hegemony, and Si Jiao can't keep Xia Guo.

It's the same with Ji Fengzhou's move! "


In front of the court full of civil and military officials, and in front of Duke Qi, he tore off his dragon robe!

So people looked up to see that under the dragon robe of Emperor Qi, he had already put on his battle armor!

His determination, his will, couldn't be more clear, and couldn't be more firm!

"With the dignity of the Great Qi Emperor, I inherited the ambitions of Taizu and Emperor Wu, and I have fought for thousands of years, and I dare not neglect it for a day! I appointed Cao Jie to conquer Xia's army. If Qi State wants to retreat, it is Cao Jie who says to retreat! Others say to retreat, It's irrelevant. If the other country says retreat, it will use swords!"

"If Jing Guo really dares to participate in the battle, I will be the emperor to fight in person, and I will meet Ji Fengzhou in Tianjing!"

A word from the overlord emperor will shake the world!

Jiang Shu's attitude was very tough, and his meaning was very clear——

Yu Que led the Dou'e army to the south, but it was just a bluff.

But I am also willing to deal with it as your Jingguo's true attitude.

Qi State is ready to go to war with Jing State. I wonder if Jing State is ready?

If this battle starts, the scale will be even greater than the battle of Jingmu.

Because the Son of Heaven is overwhelmed!

Thousands of years of hegemony were paid for in the First World War, Qi State has such determination, does Jing State have it! ?



"Jing Guo won't be coming."

Upstairs in Shuo Feng Lie Lie's city gate, Liu Xiyi walked over.

His appearance was originally that of a very old man, and it was not easy to achieve God's presence back then.

Now it seems decades older again.

A dignified real person in the world actually looks a little stooped.

Xi Meng Mansion sat in the corner of the tower with no image at all, looked over the notch of the battlements, looked into the sky, and did not respond.

"It's okay to apply pressure, to fight a small-scale war, and it's okay for Yu Quezhen to make a move, but if we want to start a war that will destroy the country now...Jing Guo can't have such determination."

Liu Xiyi continued: "Even this point will not depend on Ji Fengzhou's will. Jingguo has ruled the world for nearly four thousand years, and it is not Ji Fengzhou alone that governs Jingguo."

"Jing Guo won't come.

If he wanted to fight against Qi State, the only result that Jing State could accept was to win a big victory without hurting his muscles or bones. Once the loss is heavy, even if it wins, it will inevitably be a feast for the powers to carve up the Central Territory. It is victory and defeat! This is the situation that Jingguo, as the central empire, must face.

However, it is impossible to defeat Qi State without loss in the Battle of Alluring the Nation.

No matter how much I hate Jiang Shu, I have to admit the fact that he has never lost a war. "

"So we really can only rely on ourselves." Liu Xiyi said.

Xi Mengfu thought silently... time is really not forgiving, this grumpy old guy has also started to chatter.

Liu Xiyi glanced at the uneven, blood-stained floor tiles, hesitated for a moment, and sat down anyway.

Putting down the demeanor and restraint of the prime minister, he let out a breath of satisfaction.

Xi Mengfu silently moved his butt to the side.

Liu Xiyi did not lose his temper, but said: "Zhou Xiong has been transferred from Changluo. It is already obvious what the emperor wants to do..."

If this sentence is heard by others, it will definitely cause an uproar!

Regardless of Qi Xia, or even looking at the world, no matter what position people stand on, I'm afraid they can't rest in peace!

What is there in Changluo Mansion?

The long river traverses the present world, flows eastward into Xia, and ends here!

At the core of Changluo Mansion, there is a bottomless cave, which continues the end of this land and sea.

And what is this bottomless burrow connected with?

According to many legends, the Changluo Catacombs located in the territory of Xia Kingdom are connected with disasters!

Where is the trouble?

It is the most ominous place in the present world, and it is the negative place of the entire present world, just like the withered Nanyuan in the mountains and seas!

Up to now, San Xing Gong is still needed to rule it, and Xuehe Zong ruled it.

Of course, high-level empire officials like Liu Xiyi and Ximengfu know... Changluo Catacombs are not just legends.

As prime ministers and teachers of the country, they know a top-secret matter——

Before Emperor Xia Xiang's defeat, he had already tried to break the connection between Changluo Catacombs and Huoshui, and set up a formation that could induce Huoshui to invade the world and set off a catastrophe that would destroy the world!

But in the end until his defeat, Emperor Xia Xiang did not choose to start this step.

Liu Xiyi continued: "Zhou Xiong is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. If he thinks it's wrong, he will never do it, and no one will do it. That's why the late emperor chose him to guard Changluo."

"And among the princes transferred from the Eastern Front, there happens to be one who is a staunch imperialist party, who will carry out any order."

He turned his head, looked at Xi Mengfu's still calm face, and asked slowly: "I only realized this now, when did you guess it?"

Xi Mengfu finally said: "When King Wu told me, 'Actually, it doesn't matter when Jing Kingdom comes', I knew it."

Liu Xiyi said with some difficulty: "So King Wu knew about it a long time ago... right?"

Xi Mengfu still looked at the sky, but said: "Under the current situation, if Da Xia cannot unify its will, there is no possibility of survival. So when the emperor suddenly showed such a strong desire for power... I completely understand His Highness King Wu acquiescence."

He smiled: "And it seems that there is no other way, isn't it? It is the responsibility of the national teacher to make the emperor desperate."

Liu Xiyi let out a long sigh.

The old prime minister who was loyal to the Great Xia imperial family finally couldn't help saying: "In ancient times, the Tian family was ruthless, especially the incompetent!"

Emperor Xia Xiang still gave up the choice of bringing disaster into the world, and would rather fight to the death with a few princes and daughters. Of course it does not mean that he is an emperor without courage.

But such a choice is really outrageous. The person who made this decision is the public enemy of the entire world, and will definitely leave an eternal infamy!

And today...

The grand strategy of defending the isolated city of Guiyi and abandoning the eastern route to aid the northern route was formulated and implemented by the Ximeng Mansion.

What happened in this process should of course be instigated by the Ximeng Mansion!

Xia Zi just took an extra step in this strategy, drawing out the last move that the late emperor did not make yet...

It is of course the Ximeng Mansion who has become the public enemy of the world. The one who bears the eternal infamy is of course the Ximeng Mansion. If he is lucky enough to survive, he will definitely be hacked into pieces by the Sanxing Palace, of course it is the Ximeng Mansion!

Liu Xiyi's accusation of the contemporary Emperor Xia being incompetent was really not very fair. At least this move of his was ruthless, calm, and too ruthless!

Xi Mengfu said in a low voice: "If the Son of Heaven told me directly, I would agree. The reason why I didn't worry about the king's worries first, I took the initiative to think of this move, because this is really too bad chess. I can really use this Retreating the enemy will also destroy the foundation of Great Xia. No matter how treacherous and evil I am in the Ximeng Mansion, will the people of the world believe that I alone can solve the problem? But since the emperor thinks that I can take responsibility, then I Let’s try to bear it.”

He is so calm.

It was as calm as if it was played in court.

Emperor Xia Xiang said that the Meng family has the talent of a national teacher.

And he replied...the Holy Son of Heaven thought it was true, and the Ximeng Mansion deeply thought it was true.

Since the Holy Son of Heaven thinks it's okay, the Ximeng Mansion also thinks it's okay.

He doesn't think how generous and stalwart he is today, all of this is very simple.

nothing more than...

As it was then, so it is today.

At this moment, Liu Xiyi was sitting next to this 'improper' junior boy.

But the so-called juniors are not young anymore.

He flipped his hand and took out his Xiangguo seal, and hung it unsteadily on Xi Mengfu's waist.

He met the astonished eyes of Xi Mengfu.

He laughed ha ha ha.

"This eternal infamy, how can you, Ximeng Mansion alone, afford it?"

"When the disaster floods the Changluo Catacombs, I will guide it with you and make it fall to the Jiangyin Plain, flooding the nine soldiers and the three armies!"

He just sat there with no image, closed his eyes as if he was tired, as if he had given up.

His voice sounded like a whisper, like a dream.

"Let's see together, the only major decision our emperor has made so far, what kind of future will it bring to Xia Kingdom!"



The real world does not depend on anyone's will, and everyone has their own stories happening every moment.

The changes in the world situation, the attitude of the overlord emperor, the ravings of an old man in the Great Xia Empire on the tower...

For the time being, it has nothing to do with the God's Landing War that took place in the east of Sang Mansion.

This is a battle that is enough to be recorded in the annals of history. Two Tianfu Shenlin, who have achieved no regrets, join forces to fight, and it is difficult to find them in the history books, let alone their opponents. Formed a terrorist lineup.

From the beginning of the battle, it entered the most intense level.

No matter how superior they were, Li Fu, Shang Yanhu, Xue Chang, Jin Ling, and Chu Rang, who were seasoned in fighting, would not indulge their opponents lightly and give Jiang Wang and Chong Xuanzun a chance.

The cold blue lines of fire have already criss-crossed and blocked the battlefield.

Li Fu flipped his palms and put away the fireworks that sealed him, and pulled his hands apart, his sleeves fluttering.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

There were six explosions in succession.

Supernatural powers, imperial energy!

The ubiquitous and ubiquitous "Qi" between heaven and earth is for my use!

At the meeting of the Yellow River back then, Naliang, the heavenly pride of the Mu country, also mastered this supernatural power.

It's just that this supernatural power is in Naliang's hands, and it perfectly fits his instinct for close combat, enabling him to complete all kinds of unimaginable attacks in the air. In Li Fu's hands, the feeling of control was truly reflected.

The intangible but qualitative Qi gathered into an unimaginable "wall" at this moment!

Heaven, Earth, East, South, West, North.

In these six directions, there is an extremely dense and thick air wall on one side.

With the battlefield as the center, the area within a radius of 500 zhang was all banned!

From then on, the air no longer circulates, the power no longer circulates, and no one is allowed to enter or exit!

Legalist monks have the technique of painting the ground as a prison, but Li Fu's "drawing Qi as a prison" with his supernatural powers is truly insurmountable.

At the beginning when he was fighting for Dao in Hutai, with the ability of Yangling Marquis Xue Chang, it took three full breaths to break the prison.

And the time of three breaths is enough for these people to kill the two God Lin Tianjiao countless times.

Not to mention that besides the air wall, there is also a faint blue line of fire that touches the body.

In other words, from this moment on, the air prison has become a colosseum for both sides.

None of the parties will die... I can't come out.

Shang Yanhu's body turned into iron gray, and the Badu's fist slammed down overwhelmingly, overturning Chong Xuanzun's body.

He didn't make any defense at all, and let go completely at this time, every punch was aimed at the ultimate killing power.

The red blood ghost bat didn't dare to get close to him at all. With a stroke of one wing, it had already opened the distance, protruding the blood eyes again, and the soul-eating blood light shot out quickly, aiming at Jiang Wang!

Xue Chang walked through the air, as if he was stepping on the light of soul-eating blood, with two halberds in his hands, flowing with cold light.

There is also a Guan Dao, and he kills Li from the sidelines. Jin Ling also aimed at the opponent who is in perfect condition first.

At this moment.

A big sun suddenly lit up on the spot.

Sunlight manifests, and you can see glazed tiles, gold bricks, hanging pearls, and white jade railings.

The great sun swelled into the palace of the king of gods.

He shrouded Zhong Xuanzun himself and Jiang Wang at the same time.

The soul-eating blood light of the red blood ghost bat will shoot down, and while half of the sun is dimmed, it also collapses into a little bit of streamer. Then he met Jin Ling's Guan Dao who was like a dragon sailing out to sea!


Like the ringing of bells in deep mountains and old forests, passers-by suddenly realize that there is a mistake.

In such a fierce crash.

This glorious Sun God Palace is a collection——

Two figures, one green and one white, came out like lightning bolts!

The supernatural power of Chongxuan suddenly went up and down, and came and went freely.

It was like a white lightning, a blue lightning, moving back and forth across the Colosseum surrounded by Li Fu's magical powers. All of a sudden, there were phantoms everywhere, as if they were woven into a blue and white grid!

The sonorous sound, the sound of gold and jade.

Without a moment's rest, it played a unique rhythm.

Suddenly fighting Xue Chang, suddenly fighting Shang Yanhu, suddenly going to Li Fu, and then to Jin Ling. War touches, forces ghost bats, comes and goes like lightning, extreme danger and extreme freedom!

They seem to have an innate understanding.

Rescue each other and create opportunities for each other.

One is the moon wheel knife, and the other is the lovesickness sword.

In this prison where the spirit is drawn, a lot of chaos has been fought! The Hou Ye who had fought for a long time were a little caught off guard. That red blood ghost bat was completely dumbfounded! Flapping only one side of the fleshy wings, there is no chance to join the battle group at all!

This is of course not allowed!

Xue Chang's pair of short halberds strayed forward, and he had already unleashed the Yin-Yang Fish!

The so-called "yin and yang are born together, and the virtual and the real are combined, you and I are both hidden."

When the left halberd is turned over, a bright moon comes out, and when the right halberd falls, it is just the rising sun.

The yin-yang force field moved ahead of the halberd, covering Jiang Wang and Chong Xuanzun at the same time.

Then there is the halberd light hiding the reality in the emptiness, and the emptiness in the reality. According to the whole body of the two people, there is not an inch of gap. Tell them to stop and respond!

The tiger was drunk last night, and the sun and the moon double halberds should attack the dragon!

Not to mention his supernatural powers, just being entangled by his halberd power, the outcome is no longer a matter of discussion!

At this critical moment, Chongxuanzun spread his five fingers wide, and let go of the moon wheel in his hand. In an instant, the moonlight was like a forest, and bunches of them stood up in the prison.

Divide the space and stop God!

Of course, these mighty Lords of God's Landing would not be so easily stopped, and no one was blocked for more than one breath except for the red blood ghost bat.

But there is no need for a breath at all, just a meal——

The Huo Yuan within a radius of 500 zhang was absorbed.

The process was so fast that it was almost full of flames.

But seeing flame sparrows flying all over the sky, flame flowers blooming everywhere, flame meteors streaking across the sky, the world of flames filled the air prison!

After being enlightened, the world seemed to really exist, and life was really born.

Those twittering flame sparrows are extremely agile and singing with joy.

But at this moment, a burning city descended from a high place to the world.

This is based on the true fire of Samadhi, real, fully released, and unique to Jiang Wang... Burning the city with flames!

Flames are flying, flames are being born.

The flame is screaming, the flame is alive!

A monastery was born in the flames, and vague people came and went in the monastery. There is another mutton restaurant with "Cai Ji" written on the board. In the light of the fire, there was another Suhuai Zhai, and Du Dewang was seen around the corner, the hot pot was gurgling. A few streets away is Moon Tower, which seems to be setting up water mats. Guixiangzhai, which I used to go to often, seems to have just been cooked...

And the home on Pegasus Lane.

One big and one small two beds.

Look at the roof of the starry sky and the courtyard where martial arts are practiced.

It was a place he had loved and still loves deeply. That was the hometown he could never return to.

Every drop of thought, every detail...

In the Fire Realm, there is the first real city.

its name……

It is called "Fenglin".

One of them was added by Yan Shaofei of the Great League (61/78.)


During this period of time, there is really no way to save the manuscript.

This is the case.

But according to the previous habit, I will definitely end the climax with a burst update at the end of the volume.

So now I am writing with one breath, from morning to night every day, writing, repairing and posting now.

Already as much as possible.

Not a drop more.

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