Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1606 One sword strikes, ten thousand spells emerge!

Burning the city with flames is one of the most representative Taoist arts of Zuo Guanglie, the great Chu Tianjiao.

Jiang Wang has reread the detailed explanation of the "Fireworks Burning the City" in his own handwriting, countless times.

It has been able to use it in advance at the level of the outer building, and it is precisely because of the full understanding of the performance of this Taoism.

But if you don't become a god, you won't be able to show your power and prestige after all.

The fourth-class and twelve-rank Taoism system exists only for the presence of gods.

Only after being enlightened by the gods can one truly control the power of super-grade Taoism.

The most important reason lies in spiritual consciousness.

Take the burning of the city with flames as an example. The complexity and mystery of this Taoism requires the power of the soul to complete the extremely detailed guidance in the fire element. But before God comes, it is impossible to release the power of the soul.

Only after the presence of the gods, the power of the gods and souls can be condensed into spiritual consciousness, can they interfere in this world.

Therefore, the flames that Jiang Wang released at the level of the outer building to burn the city were actually still relying on his extraordinary control over the fire element and guided by the dao element, which can be said to have only an outline.

In terms of power performance, it is stronger than the first-class high-grade Taoism, but not so strong that it surpasses the rank.

Today, it is different.

With Jiang Wangyuan surpassing the power of the soul of the monks in the same realm, the spiritual consciousness condensed is unparalleled. Perfectly controlled every detail of the fireworks burning the city.

Moreover, the true fire of samadhi, which is even more fundamental after the arrival of the gods, is the foundation of this city of flames...

In the memories he will never forget, he found every bit of that city.

It then really has its imprint, it really exists in the fire element.

What is burning now is not only the fire of supernatural powers?

It's the pain in his heart, it's his dream city.


Sauvignon Blanc is ringing sharply.

"Looking at the eaves, there is nothing wrong with it, and the spring swallows can't fly back to their nests."

"Wandering around the old city and crying, the four seasons are gone!"

This sword was forged in Nanyao City thousands of miles away, and the homeless people are in Nanyao!

The city that was manifested in flames fell down.

Jiang Wang's memories are burning in reality!


The Fenglin City, which was really on fire, was smashed down with an attitude of being invincible!

There will be no more maple leaves in Maplewood City...

But what is burning right now, isn't it the red of Maple?

From Chongxuanzun's release of the moonlight like a forest, to the opening of the fire world, and then to the fall of the flames burning the city, it was all completed in the blink of an eye.

An Guohou Jin Ling had just smashed the moon beam falling on his body, shook off the sword with a swing, and opened up a world of sword light in the world of fire. The blade light is translucent and crystal clear, walking in the vibrant fire world, but it seems to be walking in his own country.

He looks at the flame flowers, the flame sparrow, and everything in this world, but he doesn't interact with them.

But the red flame city just fell down.

In a world of fire, it happens so fast!

In the world of emotion, it burns too intensely!

With an extremely strong and abrupt posture, he ran into Jin Ling's world of sword light. The terrifying Taoist power overwhelmed everything, crushing the sword light to pieces!

At the critical moment, a streak of colorful smoke suddenly emerged from the back of Jin Ling's neck.

With a light turn of the smoke, it turned into a five-headed evil spirit in the void behind him!

The five heads are divided into five colors, white, green, black, red, and yellow.

Five-headed palms and five elements, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth!

Supernatural powers, five-headed ghost!

The blue-faced one has fangs, the white-faced one has blood pupils, the dark-faced one is crying, the red-faced one looks like a child, and the yellow-faced one looks old.

Every ghost head has a strong control over a kind of energy.

As soon as the red ghost head opened his eyes, he was already shaking the existence of the fire world, and even resisting the powerful will of Yanhua Burning City, delaying the progress of this powerful Taoism!

Of course it can't be delayed at all.

The true fire of samadhi burns everything, can it burn the soul? Can you burn your will?

When the spiritual consciousness is formed and the true fire of samadhi undergoes a qualitative change, all this will become possible!

The will of the red ghost head could not even enter the gate of Yanhua Burning City, and it had already been decomposed into red smoke.

But this supernatural power manifests five heads, which is strong in controlling the field and superimposing momentum.

The cyan-colored ghost-headed fangs protruded and entangled, shaped like a giant tree towering to the sky.

The black ghost head opened its mouth, and the ghost's eyes were filled with tears, and there was already a loud sound in the depths of its throat, which was a rushing river.


An incomparably blazing light appeared at this moment.

The red-faced and yellow-faced ones are all gone.

The sun wheel belonging to Chongxuanzun is hanging high at this moment!

The timing was perfect.

The so-called sun wheel, all evils retreat, and all gods and ghosts are burned!

Chong Xuanzun developed it into a concrete supernatural power that integrates offense and defense, so many people have forgotten that before Chong Xuanzun, the fundamental use of the sun wheel supernatural power has always been to suppress gods and exorcise ghosts.

The five-headed ghost let out a chaotic scream.

Since the trend of mutual generation and mutual restraint also depends on the comparison of strengths, a drop in the bucket cannot help.

Of course, Jin Ling's five-headed ghost would not be killed by Zhong Xuanzun's Rilun, but he would inevitably be suppressed.

And Yanhua Fencheng fell unstoppably like this.


It was an indescribably gorgeous process.

It is not the power that can be limited by the super-grade yellow-rank Taoism!

Burn the sky, burn the ground, burn people.

Burn out the momentum, burn out the resistance.

Several Marquis other than Jin Ling had to make way.

And everything burned by the fire belongs to that specific "one".

This is the most extreme fire, the most magnificent explosion.

In the splendor where all will be burnt—


The two halberd blades suddenly seemed like two dragons coming out of the water, one bright and one dark, together and then falling, following the trajectory in the dark, they cut open the fire realm.

For a while, the jade pot turned bright, and the phoenix danced and the dragon flew.

Between light and shadow, Yangling Marquis Xue Chang's yin-yang force field has fully expanded. Hiding the real in the virtual, and revealing the virtual in the real. Avoiding a head-on collision with the Fire Realm, it just swept away the flames and caused the ashes to fly down.

His tall stature seems to have the "momentum" to dominate everything.

Let people understand why he is Xue Chang!

Burning the city with flames is of course amazing, but he, Marquis of Yangling, also possesses a power that can rival him!

Right behind him, in the scattered flames, An Guohou Jin Ling was still standing in the air with his armor and hair scattered.

A whole set of armor, only a skirt is broken, and the black iron military boots seem to be rooted in this world and remain motionless. The bare upper body is bronzed. Terrifying power swims among them, with well-defined muscles, like hills and ravines.

His magical five-headed ghost has disappeared, but his hand holding Guan Dao is still as firm as a rock.

The final eruption of the flames burning the city obscured all visual perception. But Jiang Wang, as a performer, can naturally feel everything that happened during it.

Too hard!

This scene really describes the difficulty of this battle.

In the battle of few against many, Jiang Wang has always believed in the belief that "it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt his ten fingers". In the battle, constantly oppress the opponents, create opportunities, and find a way to kill one of the opponents in the shortest time, so as to open the situation as quickly as possible.

He is also very good at this kind of battle - nothing more than asking himself what price he needs to pay.

But none of the five Xia Guohous is an opponent who can be instantly killed by him.

Even if he is so powerful today, he can't do it if he truly masters the power that is almost like a god!

The weakest person is also the most vigilant, not only keeping a cautious distance, but even other princes of the Xia Kingdom will adjust their posture intentionally or unintentionally during the battle to protect their wings.

Their combat experience is too rich!

Not only is tenderness not a weakness, but these people have laid an indistinct number of traps around him.

In addition, Xue Chang is difficult to capture, and Shang Yanhu's defense is too strong.

That's why Jiang Wang targeted Jin Ling.

From the moonlight like a forest, to the filling of the fire realm, to the burning of the city with fireworks.

His cooperation with Chong Xuan Zun is perfect.

Burning the city with the flames he knew just now, and pouring a huge amount of Samadhi True Fire, the superposition of the two can almost be said to be the existence of a killer.

There was also Chong Xuanzun's just-right photo of the sun, which suppressed Jin Ling's five-headed ghost and created a very rare opportunity.

However, at such an opportunity, such an extremely sublimated flame fell on the city, but Jin Ling counteracted it with the five-headed ghost in time, and asked Xue Chang to pull it out with the yin-yang force field, which failed to achieve the expected result at all!

Let alone kill Jin Ling. After burning the battle armor on Jin Ling's body, this technique was at the end of its strength, and it hardly caused any injuries to this man.

In a matchup at this level, repeating yourself is almost tantamount to giving up on yourself. The second shot, the flames burning the city, absolutely cannot have the deterrent power of the first shot.

A killer move, if the expected effect is not achieved, it is a failure.

Because of the missed opportunity, the effort was wasted, and the hole card was seen!

But Jiang Wang just walked quickly through the air, letting the long-sounding Sauvignon Blanc bloom once again. A sword breaks the Tianzhu, and a sword breaks the frost and snow.

He knew that failure was inevitable.

Just as he knows not all hard work will pay off.

But he will still work hard!

First attack Xue Chang with the sword of extreme strength, and then attack Jin Ling with the sword of extreme move. In the sword energy flying all over the sky, turn around and attack Xue Chang again with the herringbone sword!

This moment.

Just as Jin Ling came out of the raging fire, the light of the saber cut through the sword threads all over the sky. Xue Chang's twin halberds staggered forward, with killing intent surging. Chu Rang cautiously kept a distance, Shang Yanhu rushed over——

Chongxuanzun's bluffing hand, which let go of the moon, suddenly grabbed Jiang Wang's arm!

Backhand flick!

At the level of the outer building, he is the best in the world with his extraordinary physique.

With his great strength after God's arrival, this flick will definitely not be weaker than the driving force of the Moonshot Crossbow.

And Jiang Wang also instantly withdrew his sword momentum, shrunk his figure, and was thrown out like a spear, in the direction——

Li Fu!

He had already worn it in front of Li Fu.

The terrifying explosion sounded from behind him, but at this time he had already screamed his sword!

With a desperate will, he launched a crazy attack on Li Fu.

The so-called veteran's twilight melts into an ordinary stab. The so-called downfall of celebrities has turned into a natural disaster. The so-called involuntary, the so-called youthful and frivolous, everything in the humane sword style is fully penetrated at this moment, and it is swayed wantonly!

Multiple voices were stacked on top of each other, the voice was so sharp that it seemed to cut your ears.

And in this instant, there are tens of thousands of sword lights, and the sword energy is flying freely!

Li Fu's big sleeves fluttered, and a pair of fleshy palms were like butterflies wearing flowers. In the almost crazy sword light, he determined Yin and Yang, divided heaven and earth, opened heaven and earth, and ordered!

The king's son will be settled in Tianyuan!

This Tianyuan palm method returns all disordered things to order, and separates all chaotic things into order. Of course all dharmas take refuge, I am in the center!


Like the moon's sword light rising.

Behind the light of the knife were Chongxuanzun's eyes as black as ink.

Behind his flying ink hair, a door like the moon is opening.

From the bright and distant portal, an invisible suction was covered with moon clothes, like big hands made of moonlight, catching everyone except Li Fu.

The red blood ghost bat was pinched by its fleshy wings, screaming and struggling in the air, but was pulled into the door step by step.

It's for super-grade Taoism, the gate of the new moon!

In various battle scenes, Chongxuanzun has always shown people with the image of smashing people with a sun wheel. With his superb use of supernatural powers, he has become a well-deserved strong man in the same situation-but this does not mean that he does not understand others.

Born with Dao veins, self-control, how could it be possible not to use the secret method of channeling?

If you don't know all kinds of dharmas, how can you kill the false?

This technique was developed by Chongxuanzun combined with his own moon wheel supernatural powers on the basis of the Taoism technique of Chongxuan's family.

Inside the Kisaragi portal is the turbulent sea of ​​moonlight. I am afraid no one wants to know what the consequences of being pulled into the portal will be.

Shang Yanhu resisted the suction force of the New Moon Gate and chased forward, Xue Chang avoided the pull of the New Moon Gate with his yin-yang fish powers, Jin Ling chopped it with a knife, and touched him with the Holy Fire of Xuanming...

But for a while, after all, he was forced to react by this new moon gate.

This bought time for Chong Xuanzun, who had already caught up with Jiang Wang!

A huge warning suddenly arose in Li Fu's heart!

Only then did he realize——

Just when he used Tianyuan Palm to attack Jiang Wang, he was unconsciously forced into the dead corner of the huge air prison!

Chong Xuanzun used a new moon gate, and he was not qualified to pester Shang Yanhu and others for too long.

But coupled with the distance that Jiang Wang forced out, the two phases superimposed, and this time was approaching two breaths.

Create possibility out of impossibility, create opportunity when there is no opportunity.

These are the two breaths of Jiang Wang and Chongxuanzun joining forces to fight against the enemy.

This is the two breaths of time for the two gods of heaven to target Li Fu alone!

Can he stop it?

Can he survive these two breaths? !

Jiang Wang's sword light became more and more fierce, and there seemed to be a real fire in his red-gold eyes.

And the endless sunlight gathered in Chongxuanzun's hands, turned into a sun wheel, hit his head, and roared like wind and thunder.

Li Fu made a backhand shot!

The air prison with a radius of 500 feet trapped in the lock collapsed like an ebbing tide! The endless air waves rippled away wave after wave.

Li Fu suddenly gained a wide space, floated back and escaped from the restraint of Jiang Wang's sword, and also got rid of the shining sun.

This technique of "drawing qi as a prison" is indeed a first-class secret technique, and it is indeed difficult for Jiang Wang and Chong Xuanzun to break it while ensuring their own safety.

But the premise of the so-called "unless one party dies"... is Li Fu's continued support.

It's hard to break the air prison by yourself, so force Li Fu to do it!

Of course, the two young geniuses of Qi country were determined to kill Li Fu within two breaths. But when Li Fu opened the air prison to save himself, Jiang Wang and Chong Xuanzun also won a wider space!

The sun wheel in Chong Xuanzun's hand disperses into sunlight, but the moonlight gathers into a moon wheel, holding it in his hand, he slashes down in the air, and slashes with his sword!

Outside the air prison, the dense blue line of fire arranged by the touch has also been cut off the key nodes, unable to disperse.

Everything suddenly became clear.

In this corner of the eastern part of the Sang Mansion, the sun and the spring breeze are unobstructed at the moment.

The sky is vast... Let me fly!

Without words, Jiang Wang and Chongxuanzun turned in the air and headed east.

They even tacitly left behind the means of blocking the enemy——

Jiang Wang casually drank the sound of King Kong's Lei Yin, and blocked it behind him with the turbulent flow of thunder and lightning.

And Chongxuanzun left behind an extremely chaotic Chongxuan force field.

The combination of the two phases is simply an all-round interference method. It is impossible for idle monks to catch the corners of their clothes.

But those who are fighting here now, how can they take it easy?

At this moment, the Youlan Line of Fire was disconnected, the Qi Prison dissipated, and the Gate of the New Moon had been slashed open by Jin Ling.

But Yangling Marquis Xue Chang held both halberds in his hands, and he only shouted: "Duh!"

A cloud of mist fell in the void, undisturbed by Lei Yin and the Chongxuan force field at all, and fell on Jiang Wang and Chongxuanzun in an instant.

This was his second supernatural power besides yin and yang fish, and it was also the fundamental means by which he won the battle against Li Fu back then.

The most dangerous process for an extraordinary monk to enter the Inner Palace from Tenglong is the process of Daomai Tenglong going deep into the fog of ignorance to explore the Inner Palace.

How many monks are delirious because of this, and how many monks dare not make an inch of progress.

Xue Chang's supernatural power was conceived in the fog of ignorance, born in the fog of ignorance, and grew up in the fog of ignorance, so it is also named after ignorance!

This is an extremely terrifying supernatural power.

The first point is that it cannot be dodged at all. But if you have something to say, you must have something in it.

Because no one can escape ignorance.

Even if you have already realized the state of nothingness, you can grasp the way of leisure, but if you are in the world of mortals, you must have myths.

This fog of ignorance is said to come from the outside, born from the void, but actually it arises from the enemy's heart.

No matter what defense method you have, if you can block the outside ghost, how can you avoid the inside evil?

This supernatural power can enlighten the three souls, obscure the seven souls, and mess up the five faculties.

Fighting for the first class is inevitable!

In a vast and endless fog...


They were laughing wildly.


They are waiting for you to die.

Waiting to eat your flesh and drink your blood. I want to make clothes out of your human skin and knock out your bone marrow!


Someone is crying.


Why do people have to work so hard?

Why is it like a blindfolded donkey, why keeps walking forward, but keeps turning in circles!

Why is the string taut, and it cannot be loosened for a moment, and it cannot be loosened for a moment!

You know that you are about to die, it would be fine if you could, but you can't!

What are you holding on to?

What are you struggling with?

Where is your meaning? !

will not be understood.

All the pain, all the suffering, can only be endured and chewed alone.


You laugh out loud too!

Upside down, chaos, despair!

All negative emotions are like an invisible monster, although it has no form, it is gnawing at people's hearts.

Crazy today, dead tomorrow.

Who can be an exception?

After many years of being a god, the seeds of Xue Chang's supernatural powers have already blossomed.

It is the so-called beginning of one thought, birth of ignorance.

No matter how fast Jiang Wang and Chong Xuanzun fly, they must face the myths of life. No matter how strong their cultivation base is, they still have to taste the pain of life.

For Xue Chang's power, several people in Xia Kingdom are of course aware of it.

Almost at the same time that the mist was born in the void, Jin Ling, Li Fu, Chu Rang, Shang Yanhu, and the Red Blood Ghost Bat all launched an attack at the same time!

Li Fu directly held his five fingers together, forming a Qi lock in the void.

The air around Jiang Wang and Chong Xuanzun suddenly froze, and the air compressed to the limit was stronger than steel, binding their wrists, ankles, and necks like a severe punishment!

The red blood ghost bat flew high in the sky and moved the blood eye. This time, there was no possibility of accidentally injuring his teammates, and the soul-eating blood light shot directly at Jiang Wang's Tianling.

Touching to make the sleeves of the robe swell, the light of the gods surged wildly, and a huge blue fire lotus bloomed under the bodies of Jiang Wang and Chong Xuanzun.

Shang Yanhu leaped into the air, and the explosive Yuan Li shrank towards his fist sharply. This process was so intense that it seemed like a gust of wind was blowing up!

Jin Ling, whose armor was smashed and shirtless, came the fastest, and he was also the most eager to prove himself.

When Guan Dao was dragging, the space was completely separated, so that he directly crossed the distance, slashed down with the saber, and cut two people at the same time!

at the same time--

In that boundless fog.

The blood-stained Chongxuanzun in white clothes, sitting alone in the hiss of endless pain, suddenly opened his eyes, and with a knife in his hand, the fog of thousands of miles was lifted!

At the end of the ever-dividing fog, he saw a red-gold beam of light rising into the sky. In the immortal beam of light, Jiang Wang looked at it with his sword.

Chong Xuanzun's eyes were the black color of Luozi Tulong.

Jiang Wang's eyes are not so piercing, but they will never change.

They looked at each other like this and turned around at the same time!

They also know that the other party will not be disturbed by this ignorance.

They also chose by coincidence, this style of dragging the knife!

Because they all understand that this is the best choice under the current circumstances and the only chance to capture fighters. And they firmly believe that the other party will be able to grasp it too!

With a single slash, he broke through the sea of ​​confusion.

If you don't change your heart, who can shake it!

Jin Ling, who was rushing to the front, suddenly realized that everything seemed to have changed between the heaven and the earth!

The frost cloak on Jiang Wang's back seemed to cover the sky.

The flowing fire around Jiang Wang's body seemed to be the phantom of a gorgeous divine bird.

The most is that pair of red golden eyes, in the immortal eyes, there is an extremely pure sword light!

There are four seas in the human body, and in the sea of ​​five mansions, all five mansions have secret treasures.

The first secret treasure is for supernatural powers.

A supernatural seed picked from the Inner Palace.

Only after God knows it can it blossom and bear fruit!

After Jiang Wang achieved the god of no regrets, no omissions, and no shortages, the first supernatural power to bloom was named——

Sword Immortal!

At this moment, the sword is shining in the eyes, and the endless sword energy is rushing wildly at this moment, smashing all the entangled air locks in an instant, and even the terrifying sword energy is still rolling around Chong Xuanzun's body, helping him to untie the bondage. At the same time, he didn't hurt a piece of his clothes.

Such and such Jiang Wang faced Jin Ling and drew his sword horizontally.

The roaring sword light galloped like the sea.

The radiant fire realm swept across the surroundings.

Terrifying thunder roared in all directions!

The sword fairy in the seed state is the unification of all supernatural powers, and has the ability to be close to the heaven rather than the heaven.

Only the Sword Immortal after flowering can truly - the sword! play! Ten thousand! Law!

It is this sword that comes out, and ten thousand magics come out!

Also at the same time.

The soul-eating blood light of the red blood ghost bat was already approaching Jiang Wangtianling, but was blocked by a sun wheel that was lifted up suddenly.

The extremely corrosive soul-eating blood light made an unbearable strange noise on the outer shell of the sun disc, and finally dissipated.

This day, the sun wheel first blocked the soul-eating blood light, and then suppressed the five-headed ghosts. Now it has another soul-eating blood light, and it has become very dim. It is still expanding!

In the illusory boundary, a real short halberd came out.

But he was surprised that his ignorance was broken, and Xue Chang used the yin-yang fish supernatural power to kill him!

The tip of the halberd fell and just landed on the inflated sun disk.

There was a faint painful crack.

Chong Xuanzun spat out a mouthful of blood, and the sun disk was chopped into pieces!

But when he stepped down with both feet, the incomparably terrifying power of heavy mystery directly trampled the blue fire lotus under his feet into pancakes, completely crushing it!

But still at this time, Shang Yanhu landed with an extremely strange posture.

The fist that gathered the terrifying energy has been blasted out!

"I was born ignorant of the depths of the world, and I was sick and boned."

Supernatural powers, bony!

Weirdest, least gregarious, but most aloof, most powerful.

This is the fist of lore!

His fist was obviously far away and not heavy, but he broke the rules, violated common sense, and landed in Jiang Wang's back with unstoppable strength——


Chong Xuanzun, who was still spurting blood, turned around suddenly, and was already stuck behind Jiang Wang.

So Shang Yanhu's deadly punch hit Chongxuan Zun in the heart!


A jewel-like, beautiful thing was shattered.

That is Chong Xuan Zun's star wheel.

And all this...

Jiang Wang never took a look at all this.

From the very beginning, he gave all his defenses to Zhongxuanzun, and he only saw Jin Ling in his eyes.

The boundless killing intent stirred by the longing love only falls on Jin Ling!

In the light of the sword, there is fire, and in the sound of the sword, there is thunder!

Jin Ling rushed forward and crashed into the world of flames. His slashing Guan Dao can only run in the sea of ​​swords.

Boom boom boom.

His unreserved strength is like the tide!

The divine splendor shines outside, making him coated with a god-like light color for a moment.

His Guan Dao pierced through Jianguang Leiyin, as if the barrier had been erased, continuing the story, and then slashed Jiang Wangzhi's neck!

He was as powerful as ever, but he fell into the trick of the little thief, and if he failed to kill him, he lost the opportunity.

With so many strong players joining forces here, any mistakes can be erased!

But why... was there still fear? !

At this moment, Jiang Wang was so brilliant that he couldn't look directly at it.

What he saw didn't seem to be a specific person, but a kind of majesty, a kind of vastness, a sword like the sea, and a sky beyond the sky!

Ho ho ho!

Without thinking, a terrifying monster phantom appeared behind him.

Wearing a divine crown, there are forehead lines, the body is indigo blue, and the face has three kinds of red.

Spread out the eight arms, displaying infinite power.

It's for supernatural powers, the eight-armed god!

Four arms encircled his body, building a defense, like a high wall. Each of the four arms formed a seal, faintly shaking the thunder.

The eight-armed god is roaring!

Life and death on the front line!

Jiang Wang, who didn't dodge or hesitate, has already approached.

In the state of Sword Immortal.

Infinite sword light has infinite evolution.

Kuchiki Jue! Eight tones burn the sea! Five consciousness hell! anger! Send down heretic King Kong Leiyin!

Guan Dao slashed his neck fiercely, as if it also split the distant sky, trying to open up further.

But before the blade touched his neck, Sauvignon Blanc had already wiped off the eight-armed god.

The frosty white wind swept away.

In a trance, I can see that the sky has fallen.

There is a shortage of days in the northwest.

The sword is not in the wind!

With a single strike of the sword, Jin Ling, Marquis of Anguo of Great Xia, together with the hideous and terrifying eight-armed god, disappeared without a trace!

One of the changes was joined by Dameng Yan Shaofei (62/78.)

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