Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1609 How many things have risen and fallen through the ages, leaving history according to th

"That year I was nine years old, I was not sensible."

In Baohua Palace, such a voice sounded.

The voice fell from above Danbi, and there was a taste of overlooking all living beings.

"I am forty-two years old this year, and I am still ignorant."

On that lonely and honorable dragon chair, sat the current Emperor Xia.

His voice sank, a little suppressed, but also a little majestic——

"My son has grown up!"

The magnificent and majestic Baohua Palace is empty today.

Not a single courtier.

His voice became more lonely and more majestic.

From the perspective of Emperor Xia Sicheng, looking straight ahead, passing Danbi, Yuzhu, and corridors, at the end of the palace, under the tall palace gate, there is a luxurious figure standing in the light.

The light was too harsh, making it difficult to see the person's face clearly.

Just like over the years, this person, this face, has become a symbol.

He can't see clearly, and he can't remember for a long time!

Xia Zi's voice echoed for a long time.

The person standing in the light said: "The national teacher is loyal, cut his liver for the country, and devoted his life to the affairs of the country! If you are sensible, why would you treat him like this?"

She walked towards the hall.

The sound of footsteps makes the palace lonely.

What a lonely palace!

Emperor Xia sat in his seat, looking at the Empress Dowager Xia who was coming in all her attire, and at his mother.

He seemed to have never seen the actual ruler of the Great Xia Empire for the past thirty-three years from this angle.

He is the son of Daxia, but this is the first time he overlooks this person.

"Oh?" His voice was indifferent: "Since he has the will to die, he doesn't care how he dies. He dares to put me in danger, so what if he has more notoriety?"

Empress Dowager Xia stopped after taking a step. She was in His Highness, looking up at His Majesty Dan. I couldn't believe it. This was the shivering little boy who was hiding behind her back then.

After all, he is the heir of the late emperor.

No matter how incompetent and mediocre, it is impossible to have no ambition.

It's a pity that in the past thirty-three years, she has devoted herself to state affairs with all her heart and soul, and reorganized the Xia Kingdom, which was almost smashed into a scorched earth, into these thousands of miles of dazzling mountains and rivers... But she neglected how to teach a child, an emperor.

After all, she is not the first emperor, she can't cultivate morality internally and martial arts externally, she can do everything with ease, and she can often bring the princes and princesses to teach her, and even care about the funerals and marriages of every minister...

Xia Guo was able to fight to the death with Qi Guo today, and so many civil servants and military generals were able to die generously, all of which are the legacy of the late emperor.

The first emperor...

"Even the first emperor did not activate the Changluo Jue formation." Empress Dowager Xia said, "How dare you..."

"Mother!" Emperor Xia interrupted her: "This year is the thirty-third year of Shenwu!"

He didn't say anything else.

But what else needs to be said?

What other words are more cruel than this?

The Empress Dowager Xia originally wanted to say too much, but at this moment, she couldn't say anything at all.

She stood calmly in the hall, under the phoenix crown, was a pair of eyes that were no longer disturbed.

She only said: "The first emperor died generously, and there are still thirty-three years left for Guozuo. Let's see how many years can the emperor continue to live for the country if he does such a great thing?"

at both ends of the palace.

She stood and the emperor sat.

It's mother and son.

It is the monarch and his ministers.

The skylight outside Baohua Palace refused to fall into the gate of the palace.



Tianguang is not stingy with everything in the world, unless you deliberately resist.

Guiyi city can be bright, so is Jiangyin Plain.

The majestic Tongyang City is bathed in brilliant skylight, giving it an epic sense of magnificence. And above the city, the densely packed boats of the Qi Kingdom are also clear and clear!

The thorn spears falling like a shower, flowing in the sunlight, covered most of the sky.

The emergency military situation is also reported at this moment——

Ren Qiuli, the Tianji real person of Nandou Palace, concealed God's will and concealed his motives, and suddenly struck, severely injuring Chen Fu, the marshal of the 300,000 soldiers of Daqi!

But Tian Anping tried his best to turn the tide, proved the truth among the thousands of troops, and forced Ren Qiuli to retire at the cost of 90,000 people killed in battle. So the Xia army on the northern front was defeated for thousands of miles!

These two pieces of news on the northern battlefield spread almost at the same time, shaking both Qi and Xia!

With Cao Jie in hand, of course he can receive more detailed information——

Tian Anping's victory can be said to have been piled up with the corpses of his soldiers.

It is said that on the battlefield, he personally holds the dharma sword, and anyone who dares to retreat, kill! Those who hesitate to advance, kill! Those who are in trouble, kill them!

As the marshal of the left side of the northern line, he personally commanded 100,000 soldiers from Qi State, and 90,000 of them died in this battle, of which 8,000 were executed by him himself!

Forcibly using the lives of 90,000 soldiers from the county, defeated Xia Jun's will, and piled to death the Daxia Chu clan's real people, Chu Gongyi.

After this battle, among the 10,000 county soldiers who were still alive, more than 2,000 were insane, and more than 1,000 chose to commit suicide.

And his direct elder brother Tian Antai also went crazy in this war!

But Cao Jie did not make any comments on this, but put the battle report aside casually, and looked into the distance——

A decisive victory has been achieved on the northern front.

Duke Zhou Ying of Fengguo, Marquis of Xuanping Fan Ao, etc. all died in the battle on the Eastern Front. Xie Huai'an, the commander of the Allied Forces of the Eastern Regions, has already marched westward, and the soldiers are pointing directly at Guiyi.

At this moment, he was standing on the tall Rongchonglou car, looking at the seemingly indestructible Tongyang City.

Between him and Tongyang City, the mighty Da Qi soldiers rushed like a sea tide, filling all the gaps in sight.

The terrifying whistling sound that kept ringing out was the continuous firing of the Moon Shooting Crossbow.

The chariot is a ferocious beast made of steel, running wildly in the wilderness.

Today's Jiangyin Plain will not have an inch of peaceful soil.

Autumn Kill, Chasing the Wind, and Spring Death, the three armies are all out, and the final decisive battle...has begun!

Chongxuan, Chuliang, Li Zhengyan, and Chen Zeqing all led the army in person, constantly attacking the city defenses.

The sky of the entire Jiangyin Plain has a colorful color, which is the dao mark left by several Yan Dao Zhenjun.

Ruan Yu and Si Jiao, Yan Ping and Yu Liyang...the four masters of Dao Yan have not officially started to fight, but Dao has already begun to collide!

Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom!

The huge war drums were beating again and again, as if responding to the unwilling cries of the Qi people under the city of Guiyi thirty-three years ago.

Ziwei Zhongtiantaihuang's flag fluttered proudly, brazenly displaying the majesty of the overlord of the Eastern Region.

This world-renowned battle is resolutely heading towards the end, towards the final victory.

But Cao Jie's eyes were still calm.

There was a great perseverance in his face, which was described as the bitter face of a little daughter-in-law.

This enabled him to withstand all the pressure and unswervingly implement his own strategy, thus advancing the war against Xia step by step to the present stage.

These pressures...

Not only Xia Guo's tenacity, not only Jing Guo's powerful deterrence, not only the voices of urging and dissatisfaction within Qi State, but also not only the life and death of millions of troops, the success or failure of Qi State's great cause of conquering Xia!

And his own anxiety that he couldn't avoid from the moment he started the war!

His entire political life, his entire reputation, was devoted to this war.

More than anyone else, he wants to win the fun and win the excitement.

But in many cases, you can only choose a kind of clumsiness that is not understood! Even ugly! Only for the ultimate victory.

Now he stands here with his head held high.

He felt a rare emotion of pride.

It's not that he is proud of him controlling the outcome of a great power battle, but that he is proud of himself for being able to have such persistence and courage.

His gaze was as calm as the sea.


A peach blossom flew over, causing tiny ripples.

The ripples turned into turbulent waves!

In the beginning, it was just a handsome man with red lips and white teeth, strolling in the alleys.

In the beginning, it was just a tree of peach blossoms, welcoming spring prematurely.

This is not a romantic day.

But the handsome man in brocade clothes casually broke off a branch. Then he raised his amorous eyes, walked through alleys, long streets, houses, towers... and nearly a million troops in battle, and looked over.

When he looked at Cao Jie, he was already close to Cao Jie.

Then he handed over the peach branch in his hand, and handed over the whole precipitous spring!

Tongyang has nothing, talk about giving a branch of spring!

Without the Qi army, it would have been a warm day.

If there is no Cao Jie, this is the time for flowers to bloom!

Yu Liyang's voice had his usual gentleness, but it was light and light, and the hatred in the entire Xia Kingdom was surging.

"The peach blossoms are as bright as blood, and should be inserted into Cao Jun's skull!"

There was shock in Cao Jie's eyes, but Cao Jie remained motionless.

"There are frozen snow peach blossoms in Beijun, the best of them all, rare in the world. It blooms every thirty years, and every thirty years. If King Min likes it... this old man can give up his love."

While speaking, a thin hand protruded out, picked up the peach blossom very casually, and also accepted the spring that the Xia people could not let go of.

Gently sniffing without revealing the mountain or dew, the old man with a clear face had a smile on his face.

Since the founding of the Great Qi Empire, the only Xiangguo who has successfully surpassed the officialdom in terms of aspect, attributed his mighty power to himself, and stood on the top of the extraordinary, Yan Ping!

"The person surnamed Yan has such a heart, and this king quite appreciates it."

Si Jiao was still standing on the tower of Tongyang City, but his fist had already crushed the space around Cao Jie: "In the future, if we conquer Linzi, we will go to Beijun with King Min to enjoy it!"

But the starlight flows like water, and the process of shattering seems to have never existed at all.

Moyu's hairpin was inserted obliquely, and Qin Tianjian, who looked too young, just said calmly: "I made a fortune for you, it seems that you can't do it."

His tone was unusually serious.

After that, a starlight network covering the entire battlefield appeared in the sky and on the ground.

The endless flow of starlight took the four Yan Dao Zhenjun away from this place in an instant, and went straight to the sky.

Boom boom boom!

The sky was knocked out by someone's overflowing force, like a huge canyon, lying on the high sky.

And King Wu's voice remained behind like thunder——

"Eternal Life Lord! If you don't do it yet, when will you wait?"

He is calling for the Lord of the South Dou Palace, the great existence once known as the Antarctic Longevity Emperor!

Those who heard this name on the battlefield were all moved.

But Xia Jun had no time to cheer, because Qi Jun was still charging.

Cao Jie was still standing firmly on the Rongchonglou car.

There was no figure in sight.

There was nothing unusual in the sound either.

But in the long river of fate, there is a vague figure in a crown suit, walking on the path of Cao Jie's fate!

The vague figure had a clear majesty, and he sighed softly: "Cao Jie, stop here."

The implication in the voice is so firm, it is like a statement of heavenly law, which determines Cao Jie's life, and there is no possibility of turning around.

But as he took the last step, in this section of the river of life, blood suddenly burst into the sky. The blood is like a sea, sweeping this vague figure in the crown suit!

From the beginning to the end, Cao Jie faced the battlefield calmly.

He didn't take his eyes off even once in the confrontation between Yan Dao powerhouses.


across the vast battlefield.

Upstairs in Tongyang City, Xi Meng Mansion looked away.

No surprises.

He knew that the Qi people had made adequate preparations for this battle.

He has always been clear that there should be no possibility of turning the tide of the battle just by Changsheng Jun's shot.

But he still looked at Cao Jie with hope and weak expectation.

But nothing was seen.

The back move prepared by King Wu was completely dispelled without a sound.

He didn't even know if Lord Changsheng had come, or if he had made a move!

"Hey, I just remembered."

Liu Xiyi, who suddenly appeared, flicked his robe sleeves, and waved away a huge crossbow arrow that fell, and said casually: "When the late emperor died in battle, we fought to the death with the whole country, and it happened to be thirty-three days."

"What do you want to say?" Xi Mengfu asked.

"This year happens to be the 33rd year of Shenwu."

Liu Xiyi said: "I've always disliked tortoise divination. I only believe that man can conquer nature. I don't know if I'm too old, but now I start to feel that there is a certain destiny in the dark."

He lowered his eyes and sighed, looking very old: "Thirty-three days of hard work, in exchange for thirty-three years of national fortune...and he died today!"

Xi Mengfu did not speak.

Great Xia died today...

Up to now, this is the ending he and Xi Mengfu have seen.

Although they are still waiting.



The calm eyes are not unique to Cao Jie.

If Cao Jie's face was replaced by Jiang Wang, whose blood stains hadn't faded, it wouldn't be very unfriendly.

It's just a pair of eyes looking at the city of thousands of troops and famous generals, and a pair of eyes only looking at the enemy he is chasing.

The same calmness represents the same determination.

Daqi Qingyangzi, whose blue shirt was stained with blood, had been chasing Xia Guobei Township Hou with his sword for a long time.

Across the entire Sang Mansion, he chased him all the way to Changluo.

During this process, he approached several times, but was forcibly thrown away by Shang Yanhu every time. Relying on the terrifying physical defense, Shang Yanhu survived countless times of attacks, but he was still alive and well.

As we all know, the ancestral home of Hou Lifu of Guangping was in Changluo.

But when people talk about the most famous person in Changluo today, they are the first to think of Duke Feng Zhou Ying, even though Zhou Ying's ancestral home is not Changluo - who made his most promising son stay in the Changluo Catacombs? Just a few decades?

Zhou Xiong will definitely become a prince in the future, so if Duke Feng is not from Changluo, where is he from?

The land and the vast sea penetrate into the Great Xia, and the long river stops here, so there has always been a saying about the prosperity of the Dragon in Xia.

In the past, Guiyi, the capital of Daxia, was not far from Changluo Mansion, and it also meant to control the dragon and see thousands of miles away.

The east of the Changjiang River enters the Xia territory, and the majestic flow all the way is the most famous scenery in the west of the Xia Kingdom. Many literati and inkmen have left immortal poems here.

But this scenery only ends at Wudingbao.

This fortress built with mixed stone as the basic material stands on the cliff of Sigui. There is a poem from the predecessors who said, "The long river has come to this point and thought of returning to the west!"

It can be described as extremely dangerous.

The footsteps of tourists stop when they reach Sigui Cliff.

To the east of Wuding Castle, all the places close to Changluo Catacombs were designated as forbidden areas.

There is an army stationed in Wudingbao all the year round, with a number of around 7,000. In terms of individual elite level, it can almost be said to be the best among all the prefectures, only under the Zhenguo and Shenwu armies.

Even at the current stage of the Qixia War, there are still 2,000 people guarding Wudingbao, which shows the importance of this place.

The long river meanders around Siguiya.

The cliff surface is as smooth as a stone mirror, and the calm river at this time is like a water mirror.

Therefore, there is also the name of "Shuangjing River".

Two figures, one in front and one behind, cut through the sky, leaving two long marks on the surface of the vast long river.

After chasing all the way to this point, Jiang Wang already had a bad feeling. He originally thought that Shang Yanhu was going to flee to Guiyi City, so during the pursuit, he intentionally controlled his position and stopped him in advance.

But Shang Yanhu simply went west without looking back, from the beginning to the end, he had no intention of going to Guiyi City at all. Now it is even more plunged into the Changluo Mansion, heading straight to the Changluo Catacombs!

Although he doesn't know what secrets lie under the Changluo Catacombs, he also knows that what Shang Yanhu insists on doing is definitely not a good thing for Qi Guo.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Jiang Wang hurriedly chased behind Shang Yanhu, burning the long sword of the line of fire, and killed overlapping phantoms.

But Shang Yanhu endured the injury and rushed forward without looking back!

"Big Xia Forbidden Land, comers stop!"

Outside Wuding Fort, the torrent rushes up!

The calm long river changed its appearance in an instant, and the huge water dragon soared into the sky, stretching its teeth and claws, and crossing the road ahead.

The left-behind lieutenant immediately activated the guard formation, and more than 2,000 well-trained elite soldiers also quickly began to gather.

Shang Yanhu roared furiously: "Enter the burrow under the order of the frontline army, switch with me quickly!"

The left-behind lieutenant remained unwavering: "General Zhou has an order, no one is allowed to enter or leave the cave without his personal permission!"

Shang Yanhu turned around suddenly, his fists were like ten thousand arrows flying through the air, forcing Jiang Wang back a few feet, and then turned around, shaking out a piece of imperial decree: "I am the Marquis of Daxia Beixiang, the imperial seal decree is for this, dare you not Those who let go will be treated as treason!"

He was also in a hurry.

The Eastern Front was completely abandoned, and the Northern Front, which had high hopes, was also defeated. Tongyang City, which is still in a stalemate, is facing the absolute main force of the Qi people. No matter how you look at it, there is no hope of a comeback in this war.

And he has already been ordered by the emperor to activate the Changluo Juezhen at the critical moment, causing disasters to flood the world, and wipe out the main force of the Qi army.

Seeing that if it doesn't start again, Xia Guo will be gone, so he chooses to escape.

Otherwise, what would he regret if he fought Jiang Wang to the death?

It is said that it is a front-line military order, and the responsibility of the main envoy will be borne by the Ximeng Mansion.

Take out the imperial decree with the imperial seal, this responsibility must be borne by Empress Xia later!

Because the person in charge of the Great Xia Dynasty has been the Empress Dowager Xia for thirty-three years!

Although the emperor's decree said, "Unless it is absolutely necessary, the switch cannot be switched by imperial decree."

In the name of reinforcing the front line, the Son of Heaven transferred Zhou Xiong away without a trace, leaving only 2,000 people who met the minimum garrison standards in Wudingbao, just to allow Shang Yanhu to forcibly break through the pass when necessary.

But at this moment, where does he have time to break through?

Of course he knows how loyal the Ximeng Mansion is to serve the country, and of course he knows how diligent and loving the current Empress Dowager is.

But he understands better—

The blood of the first emperor is the orthodoxy of this Great Xia.

Daxia Zhengshuo emperor's order, he must follow it!

As soon as the imperial decree came out, it immediately suppressed Wudingbao's formation.

The guard didn't say anything else, he directly controlled the formation and opened the blockade.

The gigantic water dragon raised its claws lightly, and Shang Yanhu had already passed through quickly, and went directly along the rushing long river to the Changluo Catacombs.

Don't forget to point Jiang Wang back: "This man is a thief, punish him!"

The defenders of Wudingbao immediately moved their bows and knives.

But Jiang Wang almost flew close to Shang Yanhu, attacking against Shang Yanhu's iron arrow fist, so that the defenders of Wudingbao didn't know how to shoot the arrows, and the huge water dragon didn't know whether to fall or not. .

During the fierce battle, Jiang Wang suddenly turned his eyes, and his red-gold eyes fell on the guard of Wudingbao in an instant.

The hell of the five senses summons it, making it unconscious.

Then the whole body burst into flames, and the true fire of samadhi burned away, like a cloud of smoke.

At any rate, he is also a monk in the Outer Building Realm, and is Zhou Xiong's right-hand man. In front of Jiang Wang, who is in the presence of God, he can't even look at him!

"Guiyi has been destroyed, Emperor Xia is dead, this place has been merged into Qi, anyone who stands in my way will be killed without mercy!"

The sound of King Kong's thunder rolled out, shaking all the soldiers who had lost their main general to the ground. Those who stood still by luck also showed shock.

Jiang Wang's body turned like lightning, and followed Shang Yanhu one by one, and flew towards the burrow.

Wudingbao is still there, but the passer-by is far away!

The Changhe River passed through Sigui Cliff and traveled eastward for tens of miles, the momentum suddenly changed.

Rumble rumble.

The big river was rushing, making a roar like thunder, and suddenly fell into an unimaginably huge sinkhole!

People are here, and they can't see the other side for a while.

Based on the map of Daxia, the actual size of this tiankeng can almost occupy one-third of Changluo Mansion. It should be covered by a formation and shrink the space, so it is not so obtrusive.

This is the Changluo Catacombs, the largest and most mysterious caverns in the world, known as the bottomless abyss!

Shang Yanhu was like a piece of iron cast, smashed directly into the cave.

Jiang Wang followed without hesitation, and cut more than ten swords at Shang Yanhu. In such a fierce pursuit, he still controlled more than a dozen swords and slashed on the same line.


Hanmang took away a few drops of flying blood.

This continuous attack along the way finally cut through the skin of the steely body.

Although it can't penetrate too deep into the flesh, it is a breakthrough after all. If there is a little more time, the defense can always be completely defeated.

Shang Yanhu didn't say a word, and accelerated his fall.

It has fallen thousands of feet in an instant, but still only the roaring of the waterfall and the rush of the river can be heard, but the bottom of the cave cannot be seen.

"Marquis of Beixiang!" Jiang Wang chased and said, "Xia Kingdom's demise is a foregone conclusion, but you still have a long life, why don't you just surrender? You can use your iron fists to continue to protect the people of Xia from being bullied." !"

"Surrender Qi?" The words of persuasion have been said many times along the way, but this is the first time Shang Yanhu responded: "You dare to spare my life? Aren't you afraid that I will reveal the secret of your supernatural power?"

"I admire the will of the Marquis of Beixiang. Of course, we swear to kill each other if we have different positions. The enemy and the enemy should fight for each other without leaving any trouble. But it is a pity that people like you are missing in the world!" Jiang Wang said: "If you are willing to surrender, Of course I want to believe it too!"

"Hahahaha!" Shang Yanhu laughed hoarsely: "Believe it? Oaths are untrustworthy, and all oaths can be violated. There is always a way to break all the covenants in the world! Why do you believe me?!"

"If a person like Beixianghou can't keep a secret for me, I will admit it!" Jiang Wang only said: "The success or failure of my Jiang Wang is not determined by a single supernatural power!"

Shang Yanhu remained silent, but flew faster.

Jiang Wang asked again: "Don't the Marquis of Beixiang believe it?"

Shang Yanhu's sigh was as heavy as a stone: "I believe it!"

But at the next moment, his iron-gray body suddenly radiated brilliant light!

The bright light converges, revealing the third kalpa body!

It was a kind of hard steel white, like eternal frozen soil, like unmelted ice.

"There are young people like this in Qi State, I am not wronged to lose in Daxia!"

"But I'm from the Xia Kingdom."

"Grandfathers have been born here, born like this!"

"Even if it is a defeat in the end, I must let the people of the world see—the proof that the Xia people once existed!"

While speaking, he slammed across the body and crashed into the waterfall!

Jiang Wang slashed out of the Tianzhu fold with a sword, followed by the sword to split the waterfall. Although Shang Yanhu had resisted most of the impact force in the front, his sword was still extraordinarily heavy in the terrifying waterfall that fell from the long river.

The sword energy soared, cutting through the waterfall, and the field of vision suddenly became wider.

Behind the waterfall here, there is actually a huge cave hidden.

As Shang Yanhu crashed in, the imperial decree he carried with him shone brightly! There seems to be a great existence in the void, which is declaring some kind of irreversible will.

The entire gloomy cave instantly brightened up, bursting out one after another of brilliant light.

The countless lines of brilliance vaguely form some kind of complicated and gorgeous pattern, like a dragon or a tiger.

For a while, the tiger roared and the dragon groaned, and the wind was surging.

And Shang Yanhu suddenly jumped in front of a huge bronze tripod, holding the ears of the tripod with both hands. From his body, there was the sound of the bowstring being fully drawn, and his whole body was tense, like pulling up mountains and rivers!

There was a huge warning in Jiang Wang's heart, and the black and white magical seeds trembled crazily.

All the red light in his eyes faded away, and misty phantoms flowed in his black and white eyes, and the scenes seemed to be spinning like heaven and earth!

He used the wrong way, interfered with Shang Yanhu, and made Shang Yanhu make the choice to turn back and fight!

But then he discovered——

Shang Yanhu's feet had sunk into the ground, as if roots were growing underneath. Part of his steel-white hands actually melted, melting together with the ears of the huge bronze tripod!

Chu Rang's struggle with Jiang Wang's unknown supernatural power had already given him a general understanding of this supernatural power.

Therefore, at the physical and spiritual level, at the price of self-harm and self-harm, he has completely restricted himself, preventing himself from having a choice!

He can only pull out the top!

There is a kind of person in the world who will never go astray. When a person's will is firm enough, all the choices along the way will make way for his life goals.

Of course, who can say that this kind of paranoia has not gone further on the wrong road?


The huge bronze cauldron seemed to have finally moved a gap.


This sound is not like the sound of a giant tripod moving, but like the trembling of the mountains, rivers and earth, like the mournful cry of the entire Xia Kingdom!

Jiang Wang felt an extremely terrifying atmosphere, that familiar feeling, just like what he had seen in Wither Nanyuan, extremely depressed, extremely nervous, and endless evil thoughts were hidden in every drop of water!

The malice at this moment is stronger than that of Shuo Nanyuan, so why is it thousands of times stronger?

What rushed out from under the huge bronze cauldron was the [Water of Misfortune] in this world.

It is the entire present world, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of millions of years... endless negative!

And the large formation covering the entire cave was exactly the Changluo Jue formation arranged by Emperor Xia Xiang, Si Yuan. That giant bronze tripod is the hub.

As soon as the imperial decree came down, Hou Beixiang took the emperor's order to move the tripod.

So the Changluo Jue Formation was activated in an instant, while linking up the troubles in the bottomless abyss, it penetrated the Great Xia National Defense Formation at the same time!

At this moment, the entire land and rivers of Xia Kingdom are indeed shaking!

In Guiyi City, inside Baohua Palace, Xia Zi suddenly clenched his fists! The Empress Dowager Xia stood at the junction of sunlight and shadow, and let out a very soft sigh.

At the head of Tongyang City, Xi Mengfu stood up, and Liu Xiyi silently walked beside him.

A national teacher and a national minister, there are not many expressions on their faces.

They fully have the consciousness of being infamous for thousands of years, and they fully accept it when they are smashed to pieces. Their power is integrated, their authority is shared with each other, and they control the power of the entire national defense formation——

What kind of vast power is that? The accumulation of this great empire in the long history has been fully paid for this last fight.

The sky that covered the entire Jiangyin Plain split open!

It's not just the aftermath left by the battle of Yan Dao powerhouses, but the real, in the sense of time and space... co-occurring cracks.

There were nearly a million soldiers on the entire battlefield, and most of them buried their heads in the fight, oblivious to themselves. But there are also many people on the charging road who raised their heads in horror, and saw the terrifying torrent as vast as the sea from the terrifying rift in the sky!

The water is so complicated that it can no longer be described with specific colors.

Every drop of water contains terrifying power.

What surges in the rift in the sky is extreme hatred, irresolvable resentment, eternal jealousy... It can be said that it is the possibility of destroying the world formed by all negative things gathered.

The water of misfortune will fall on the Jiangyin Plain!

but hear-

Click, click.

The terrifying rift in the sky actually froze during the cracking process. Then a little bit of starlight appeared... Endless starlight gathered together! The starlight is like a curtain, like a thin film, sealing the wound of the sky.

All the catastrophic waterfalls with destruction also temporarily stopped in the air.

Xi Mengfu was stunned, and Liu Xiyi was stunned.

Even Cao Jie, who was standing on top of the Rongchong building car and never changed his face, was surprised at this moment.

I don't know why!



Inside the Changluo Catacombs.

The giant bronze cauldron had already moved, and the disaster water began to leak.

The terrifying aura scattered and flowed in all directions, threatening to swallow everything.

The power of Changluo Juezhen was connected with the Great Xia Protecting the Nation Formation, allowing the main formation to have the ability to dispatch disasters.

Jiang Wang still can't know for the time being, what this makes him feel the power of instinctive fear is related to. He didn't even know it was a disaster.

But he could feel that some kind of terrifying force that Shang Yanhu was releasing had the possibility of destroying the world!

He had already experienced this feeling before the world was destroyed and the rules were broken in the mountains and seas.


He never wants to see the end-time scene of the mountains and seas collapsing in the world.

At this moment, he mobilized all his strength and hit Shang Yanhu with his sword!

The first thing that gushes out from the tip of the sword is the full remaining Samadhi True Fire.

The blazing flames covered the steel body in an instant.

From the east of Sang Mansion, they went all the way to Changluo Mansion, and then to this Changluo Cave.

The samadhi true fire burned the whole steel robbery body more than ten times and a hundred times?

His "knowledge" about Shang Yanhu is already too much!

The indelible steel white color unexpectedly turned to iron gray in the raging flames.

The Hungang Jie body that has entered the state of the third calamity, under the burning of the real fire of Samadhi, irretrievably retreats to the state of the second calamity.

Take its samadhi, and then burn it!


Unexpectedly, the wind is blowing!

Shuang Leng killed the growth nails, a set of six, one after another.

The first shattered into the wind, and the second caught up.

The second one was blocked by the steel robbery body, and the third one was connected to...

So to the fifth root.

As stubborn as Shang Yanhu, he also raised his head and roared in pain: "I'm going to die! Have fun, Jiang Wang!"

The fifth killing nail pierced through the body of Hungang Jie, representing the ultimate killing power of Bu Zhoufeng, howling in Shang Yanhu's body!

After going through hundreds of kalpas to become this body, once the body dies, everything is empty!


The frosty wind collided with the huge bronze tripod, making a lone cold sound.

Shang Yanhu, who fused himself with the huge bronze cauldron and swore to die, had already been erased.

But the water has leaked out!

The huge bronze cauldron has moved a gap, the barrier between the disaster water and the present world has been broken, and endless negative forces are rushing!

Although most of the power was diverted to other places by Chang Luo Juezhen, but only part of the negative power that overflowed gave Jiang Wang a feeling that the body of the gods was melting.

Even the golden body and chalcedony can't bear it!

He thrust all his strength into his arms, Dao Yuan surged, blood rushed, his muscles exploded one by one, he tried to push back the huge cauldron, but the huge bronze cauldron did not move at all!

It's not just that his physical strength is far inferior to Shang Yanhu's, it's also because he is pushing back the huge bronze cauldron at the same time, and at the same time must suppress the aura of disaster!

Shang Yanhu was ordered by Emperor Xia to enjoy the blessings of the country and controlled Chang Luo Juezhen, only then was he able to push the huge bronze tripod.

How could Jiang Wang do it alone?

It's really a gnat that shakes a big tree!

At this time, it is a good strategy to get away and run away. If the sky falls, a tall man will stand up to it.

He didn't push away the huge bronze cauldron, he didn't move the Changluo Jue formation, and he didn't take any responsibility.

In this boundless world, there are six overlords, there are many great sects, and there are more than a few strong ones.

How many terrifying powerhouses stand on that extraordinary peak, overlooking the world?

There is even an existence above that peak, standing in the fog of history.

Such a terrible disaster that may destroy the world, in any case, it is not up to him, a young monk who has just become a god, to face it.

Although he didn't know the foundation of this giant bronze cauldron, he could feel how small it was.

Compared to this cauldron, his strength is nothing to mention!

He could feel even more that even in this crypt where there was only a small amount of power overflowing, some kind of regular power was disintegrating.

This is... the collapse of the rules of the world.

He has seen it in the mountains and seas.

If he stayed any longer, he might also lose the possibility of getting out. Even his golden chalcedony has begun to wear out!

But he's still trying!

He tried to mobilize the energy of heaven and earth to form some kind of seal to seal the gap, but as soon as the energy of heaven and earth rushed over, he was melted by that force.

He tried to fill the gap with the majestic power of Dao Yuan after God's arrival, but he was immediately polluted and Dao Yuan collapsed.

He then echoed the distant star tower, pouring down like a waterfall of starlight, constantly colliding with the negative power gushing out of that gap.

Perhaps because the power of starlight is more pure, this time it has a slight relief effect.

But how vast is the negative force behind the gap in the giant bronze tripod? For a while, the majestic star power poured down from the Big Dipper Road was not enough, so Jiang Wang began to draw the power of the old dragon in the Yuheng Star Building.

"Little friend! You are so confused!"

Senhai Laolong earnestly asked for communication in the star building.

"What are you doing?"

"How can you stop the water of disaster!?"

"If you don't run away, my seat... let's—"

"Disaster?" Jiang Wang interrupted him abruptly: "Is this disaster? How to deal with it?"

"It's best to go—"

Jiang Wang suddenly increased the intensity of drawing the old dragon's power!

"Roar roar!" Mori Lao Long roared madly, and he was mad at the moment: "That's the scourge! The dragon emperor did not solve it, what can I do?!"

It seems that he really has no choice...

While Jiang Wang continued to draw star power, his thoughts changed sharply.

What else can I do?

What else can I do?

He never gave up trying until the last moment.

It is true that there was a tall man supporting the sky falling, but at this moment, he is the one standing here!

He sees, he experiences, and he thinks that he should take responsibility.

The so-called extraordinary power, extraordinary responsibility!

Suddenly, he turned his gaze and landed on his forearm, where there was a star ring flowing with dreamlike starlight.

Gifted by Master Guan Yan, the star building that his old man built back then was remodeled after he became a star king!

As soon as Jiang Wang moved his spiritual consciousness, the imprint of the star ring came out of his hand, and a majestic starlight pagoda appeared. The pagoda just jumped in the air, and it turned into beautiful star sand, like water, all flowed to the gap where the bronze giant tripod was pulled out, filling it up.

Master Guan Yan's physical star building is really extraordinary.

With such a beautiful and dreamy star sand falling behind, all of a sudden, the feeling of threat dissipated a lot!

"Have you calmed down?" Jiang Wang let out a long sigh of relief.

But soon gurgling, gurgling.

The river of star sand transformed by Master Guanyan's physical star building began to bubble continuously.

That is the power of the disaster is constantly impacting the blockade.

No matter how vast the star power contained in this physical star building is, after all, it has been separated from Master Guanyan, and the disaster is endless, how can it last forever?

Really powerless!

Even if it is already clear to the gods, in the face of this level of disaster, you will still feel powerless.

Just when Jiang Wang was at a loss what to do, something suddenly knocked open the storage box and appeared in front of him——

Its appearance is not good, but it has a hot temperature.

The fate card that Lian Que handed over to him!

The Nanyao Lian family of the soldiers casting division in Qi today used to live in this land of Xia.

At that time, this was not Xia Country, the country that occupied it at that time was named 【Yan】!

It was the fall of the Yan Kingdom that caused the once-prominent Lian family to plummet. Only one lineage migrated thousands of miles to the Eastern Region.

At this moment, this fate card represents the Lord of the Lian family.

Represents the powerful family that once used this place as a fief and used disaster water to sacrifice weapons!

The glory of ten thousand years has passed away, so who knows now?

This black fate card was once handed over to Jiang Wang by Lian Que in the secret realm of Tianfu. After leaving Tianfu Secret Realm, Jiang Wang returned it to him without hesitation. The two became attached and became close friends.

And this time when he went to the South Xia, Lian Que gave him this fate card, asking him to find the legacy of the ancestors of the Lian family.

In the dark, there is really a taste of unpredictable fate!

At this moment, it was suspended in front of Jiang Wang, and in the endless time and space, there was a great induction happening.

It would never have existed in the first place, it would have already been silent, if the water hadn't started pouring in!

That kind of induction is not wealth, fame, power, or what people are chasing after. It's...responsibility!

It is the responsibility of Dayan Lian, who once mayored the Luo Diku, to prevent the disaster from entering the world!

People have forgotten, history has forgotten, and even the members of the Lian clan no longer remember.

But it still exists!

"Two hundred miles west of Xiadu, there is a pond called Chi. It is said that the Emperor Renhuang made the dragon son into the Nine Bridges, Chi kissed and wept eastward, and the blood and tears became a cold pool!"

Jiang Wang suddenly realized that if the cover of the formation was stripped away, judging from the actual location of the Changhe Catacombs, this place is actually not far from the Chitan in the west of Guiyi.

He put the long sword back into its sheath, stretched out his hand to hold the hot fate card, and then sensed the Chitan!

There is a great force echoing him.

Without words, it describes the history of tens of thousands of years.

At this moment, Jiang Wang's gaze seemed to penetrate the long river of history. In the floating dust, he saw the phantom shadow of a dragon's head and a fish's body, and was weeping to the east!

Then the phantom of an ancient stone bridge came across time and space, right in front of him, and landed on the huge bronze tripod, knocking the giant tripod back to its original position!

The Ninth Bridge in the Nine Towns of Changhe River is named "Chi Kiss"!

The brilliant brilliance of Changluo in the cave was dimmed for a moment!

All dangers vanished.

It was earth-shattering when it was launched, and it was so silent when it dissipated.

Jiang Wang felt in the dark that there seemed to be some shadow in the river of his fate, and it dissipated.

Then came endless fatigue, like a tidal wave.

Since participating in Fa Xia, apart from practicing, he has been fighting without stopping for a moment. This time, from the Sang Mansion to the Changluo Catacombs, he personally beheaded the five gods and tried all means to finally solve the hidden danger of the disaster.

It's really... the limit has been reached.

He barely supported and released a curse seal, barely concealing himself with the extremely weak dim light, and his whole body fell limply to the ground.

His head touched Kanae's body, making a "dong" sound.

At this moment of complete physical and mental exhaustion, he seemed to have returned to his childhood.

" hurts."

After complaining in such a low voice, he fell into a deep sleep.



The connection between the Changluo Juezhen and the Great Xia Protecting the Nation Formation connects the disasters, and also connects the Changluo Catacombs with the Jiangyin Plain.

With the eyes of millions, the sky is cracked, and the disaster is flooding, it seems that the doom of the world is coming.

Then I heard Beixiang Hou Shangyanhu's voice——

"I'm sure to die! Have fun, Jiang Wang!"

Immediately afterwards, he saw the starlight like a curtain, blocking the disaster.

Then, there was the voice of Jiang Wang, the peerless genius of Daqi, talking to himself with a little anxiety and a little caution——

"Have you calmed down?"

Then, in the rift in the sky, the star curtain began to shake, and the disaster became violent again... Only the phantom of an ancient stone bridge suddenly crossed the rift in the sky!

That was the phantom of the Ninth Bridge of the Nine Towns of Changhe, which landed in the Changhe Catacombs, and also manifested in the sky above the Jiangyin Plain!

That terrifying rift in the sky quickly healed again!

All the catastrophic waters and waterfalls with destruction return to the end of the sky again!

In the end, there was only a sound of "dong".

It was the sound of head hitting somewhere.

On the Jiangyin Plain, millions of people listened attentively.

Between heaven and earth, there is only one young man, extremely tired, whispering like a child——

" hurts."

A catastrophe that will destroy the world has disappeared without a trace.

This process is so short and fantastic, but what happened is not difficult to judge.

It can even be said... clearly visible.

Hou Shangyanhu, the northern township of Xia State, attempted to flood the world with disasters, flooding the nine soldiers and three armies of Daqi. And Daqi Qingyangzi Jiang Wang, behead him! town!



At the head of Tongyang City, Liu Xiyi, Prime Minister of the Great Xia Kingdom, laughed so hard that tears came out of his eyes.

"The Son of Heaven wanted to do great things, but he was not careful. It was a good move! Not only did it not help, but it also helped Jiang Shu win the hearts of the people!!"


Just a long laugh.

With a flick of his sleeves, he knelt down on the top of the tower, and said to Ximeng Mansion: "I am the Prime Minister of Great Xia, and I don't want to die at the hands of Qi people... I have Lao Guoshi."

With a casual move, Xi Mengfu drew his saber from the waist of the soldier next to him.

Then he took this ordinary standard long knife and walked towards the kneeling old man of Xia Guo.

"I have one last sentence." Liu Xiyi said suddenly.

Xi Mengfu looked at him, waiting quietly for him to speak.

Liu Xiyi said solemnly: "In my opinion, all the civil and military men in this dynasty are heroes. But you are the only one in Ximeng's house who is worthy of friendship. I have no children under my knees, and you have no father. How about..."


With one slash, the head rolled off.

Holding the bloody saber, Xi Mengfu turned around.

Jump off the city wall and kill thousands of troops.

His figure is so free, just like jumping off that boat——

"Great Xia State Master Xi Meng's Mansion is here, who will fight me to death!?"

He fell into the tide of the Spring Death Army.

Bingsha surged a few times, then returned to calm.



Guiyi City, Baohua Palace.

Emperor Xia sat upright on the dragon chair without saying a word.

The bead hangs down, a bottomless shadow.

And the Empress Dowager Daxia, who was dressed in a costume and was independent, just turned around silently and walked out of Baohua Palace.

She walked all the way, waved away all the eunuchs and maids, and walked back to Qingluan Hall alone.

Stepping into the hall with one foot, a fire was ignited the next moment.

She is so noble and bright in the fire.

Brighter than flames, brighter than flames.

In the raging flames, the flawless jade hand fell down, the jade fingers spread out like petals, and a piece of paper fell down.

The remaining flames are not exhausted, and the four words on the paper can still be vaguely seen——

"Qingluan has faith..."

As far as this letter is concerned.

Then those words were swallowed by the flames.




The first month of 3921 in the Daoist calendar.

The Marquis of Beixiang in Daxia caused disasters and floods to invade the world, and Jiang Wang cut him off.

Empress Dowager Daxia set herself on fire in Qingluan Palace.

The Prime Minister of Daxia died in the tower of Tongyang City.

The Great Xia National Teacher died in the battle among the thousands of troops.

Great Xia Wu Wang Si Jiao died in battle.

Great Xia Min King Yu Liyang descended to Qi.

Chongxuan and Chuliang climbed to Tongyang City first, and killed Longjiao, the commander of the national army in Daxia Town.

Xie Huaian captured Guiyi City and captured Xia Zi alive.

Cao Jie brought the victory of destroying Xia, embezzled Xia's national destiny, and proved the true king of Dao!

The Great Xia Empire, which ruled the eastern part of the Southern Region for 1,272 years, declares the country to be destroyed!

It is -

"How many things have risen and fallen through the ages, and the history is preserved according to this name!"




【End of this volume】

It should have been repaired and reposted.

No matter how serious the conclusion is.

But I really don't have the strength, my mind is dry.

So be it.

So many things in ancient novels are only in the minds of the spectators.


Thanks to the leader "Miss OP next door has been pretending to be busy" for rewarding Xinmeng!

I was in a hurry before, so I forgot to thank you, so I will add it now.


Among them, there are four chapters, added by Dameng Yan Shaofei (68/78.)


Sleep well tonight.

I hope that tomorrow I will have a good spirit and come to summarize the writing of this volume.

Good night.

By the way, there are more.

So what, on the last day of this month, the monthly pass will expire if you don't vote.

Good night. my friend.

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