Red Heart Survey

I am not God's presence——Volume 7 Summary

I Am Like a God is by far my most ambitious volume.

It is also the volume that I have written the hardest and put the most effort into.

At the same time, it is also the volume with the most controversy and seems to be the least liked by readers.

Written now, its structure is very clear.

This volume has two main lines in parallel——

One main line is the arrogant characters of "I am like a god".

One main line is Jiang Wang's path to success.

The two threads are intertwined and collide to create the story of this volume.

When I wrote the meeting of the Yellow River, I said that this is a real meeting of the pride of the nations. The Tianjiao who appeared at this grand meeting at this time will determine the fate of the next ten, decades, or even hundreds of years in this world.

How can they be unimportant?

It can even be said that the volume "I Come Like a God" is a more complex, more three-dimensional, and more grand meeting of the Yellow River.

Because at that time, those Tianjiao's history and responsibilities could only be glimpsed on the viewing platform, but those heavy years could only be seen in the real life under the sword platform.

Only when history reflects the present, can we know what kind of war the Qi Xia struggle for hegemony was. Only then did I know why Tai Yin and Tuo Min were fighting on the Guanhe Terrace. Only then can I know what kind of life Ge Fei and Xiao Shu have carried on their shoulders...

The gravitational force of the present world is too heavy, turning over the history is either glory or blood and tears.

From the beginning of Jiang Wuqi's marriage to Qiushuang, to the end of Jiang Wangjian's collision with the bronze tripod.

In the middle of this, Jiang Wuhua said, "I will be like a god, and I will cross the gap between heaven and man."

Xiao Shu didn't redeem the city and sat guard for forty days, but his success was still on the verge of failure.

Dou Zhao, Zhong Liyan, Wang Changji, Yue Tiannu, Zhu Weiwo, Chong Xuanzun, Tai Yin, Yi Shengfeng...

The theme of this volume is the way these people carry out their own ways and walk one by one to the "God's enlightenment".

How can a practitioner transcend the mortal body and break the barrier between heaven and man?

How to take that step and achieve "I am like a god"?

In this process, Jiang Wang is a witness, an experiencer, a companion, and a person who passed by them.

Jiang Wang has his own way.

This is the second main line of this volume.

The beginning of Jiang Wuqi's knot as autumn frost sets the tone of this volume.

And it is precisely from the beginning of Jiang Wuqi Shenlin that this volume has ushered in quite intense controversy, but it is not worth mentioning compared to the subsequent ones. Thinking about it now, it seems that the controversy at that time also set the tone for the constant controversy in this volume.

In and out of the book, there is always such a wonderful confluence.

In this grand and complex world, Jiang Wuqi's story has already had too much foreshadowing.

It's all scattered among other storylines.

Empty-handed to catch the real fire, flipping the hand to suppress Leixi, eager to try after the outer building of Chongxuan Zuntian Mansion, and after Jiang Wang Huanghe won the first prize, he was itchy to try...

At those times, Zhang Yong was writing, Lei Zhangan was writing, Chong Xuanzun was writing...

Jiang Wuqi wrapped himself in fox fur, looming.

Finally, a string of jade beads formed autumn frost.

Jiang Wuqi's death logically led to the case of Concubine Lei Guifei many years ago.

This line is intertwined with the long-awaited Daqi Qingpai line.

Why did the four big green card families decline? Why does Lin Youxie look like this today? Why did Lin Kuang die? Why did Uriel withdraw from the blue card, and what is he looking for? Back then... what happened?

This is destined to be an impossible case.

Because of an emperor like Jiang Shu, his attitude towards this case has long been reflected in history.

In Qi State, who can really disobey Jiang Shu's attitude?

Therefore, there can be no ironclad evidence in this case, and all the evidence that appears will be mercilessly erased.

Therefore, the truth of this case can only be kept in the hearts of a few people, and kept silent in the mouths of many more.

So when Jiang Wang got involved in this case and felt the overwhelming pressure of terror, he was destined to be unable to break through the haze that had covered the sky for decades as many readers expected, and be the one who pierced the sky. Heroes of Earth.

He can only do what he can after the people who have fought for it have died in vain.

For example, to keep Lin Youxie, for example, to give Yang Jing an explanation.

Then he gave up the captain of Beiya, like a loser, and left Qi to "shelter the limelight".

And this is the epitome of Jiang Wang in this volume.

The star building is the foundation of telling the Tao, so the volume of Shenlin must be an unavoidable volume of telling the Tao.

From the outer building to God's Landing, he must recognize clearly what kind of path he wants to take.

He is struggling, and he is often contradictory.

The foreshadowing of the mountain and sea realm, Huang Weizhen's foreshadowing, has long been there.

Xiang Bei said on the viewing platform that he wished he could have been born nine hundred years earlier so that he could not see Huang Weizhen in person.

He is long dead, but his legend lives on.

Jiang Wang left Qi State, and went to the mountain and sea border to make an appointment as a matter of course.

First of all, I want to write about the romance in Chu, so I have what Jiang Wang saw and heard in Chu.

In order to write about the mountains and seas, I turned the classics of mountains and seas over and over again, and made a lot of revisions and adaptations, trying to construct a world between reality and fantasy——

The legends you have seen are all specious, just like the legends heard by Chu people, a large part of them are fictions of Huang Weizhen.

The talented people of the Chu Kingdom have their own personalities, and the helpers they invite each have their own life burdens. Together with Wang Changji, Fang Heling, Zhu Weiwo and Kuishan, they have become experiencers of this world.

Each of these characters is different, and compared to the Yellow River Meeting, they have more space to show themselves.

But at the same time, they are not the masters of this world.

They have their own loves and hatreds, and their own pursuits. In a sense, they are the "protagonists" in the game of Mountain Sea Realm.

But those strange beasts in the mountains and seas are not the background board. They don't recognize the so-called protagonists. In this world, human beings are just outsiders, a group of weak spectators.

The struggle for freedom between Zhu Jiuyin and Chaos is the main line to carry out the mountain and sea realm.

But after them, there are Jia Xuan and Kong Yuan. On top of them is Huang Weizhen's will that runs through reality and illusion, and breaks history and the present.

I am really depicting the scenery on top of the peak, using the whole world as my paintbrush.

This is also the first time that this book has spread the level of power here.

After more than four million words, everyone can feel how the world unfolds step by step.

The dialogue between Jiang Wang and Fang Heling in the mountain and sea environment reflects his conflicts and struggles. On the one hand, he has a fundamentally different standpoint from the human devil. No matter how brotherly Zheng Fei and Li Shou are, no matter how childlike curiosity they have about him, and how they like to play with him, it will not affect his sword. But on the other hand, he has to face, many things, many times, he can't do anything. From Zheng Shangming to Fang Heling, they all told him that he must also realize that others are powerless.

【He can only make the best choice within his ability. 】

This is the logic of Jiang Wang's behavior in many life hurdles.

And his character determines that most of the time this [best] is not the best for him. It's the best for Jiang An'an, for Chong Xuansheng, for the people he cherishes, for some people he respects, for those people.

So many times you will see him working hard for a long time, but finally getting nothing-he was not rushing to get something for himself.

Jiang Wang can sympathize with Fang Heling's pain, but he will never agree with Fang Heling's choice.

In this exchange scene between three people, Wang Changji's role is the most charming, Fang Heling's role is the most tense, and Jiang Wang's role is the least pleasing and the most annoying, but it is really what the protagonist should have, the ballast stone General part.

Besides him, who can suppress this scene, make Wang Changji so charming and Fang Heling so three-dimensional?

It's very unflattering to write this way, and I can also make Jiang Wang more charming-just erase Fang Heling's complexity.

But that's my choice.

The appearance of Zhu Weiwo in the Mountain and Sea Realm also connects with the plot of Unredeemed City, and even the story line of Xiao Shu, which is also intertwined here.

Huang Jinmo's story has long been known, and many readers have already speculated that with such a rare surname, is there any connection between her and Huang Weizhen?

Ge Fei was replaced, Dou Zhao became a god, Yue Tiannu gave up taking the house, Chu Yu gave up the seat, Xiao Shu stole the pill, Zhang Xun endured the pain...

These plots received rave reviews, until after Xiao Shu's failure, Jiang Wang left alone to accept the ambush.

Everything came to an abrupt end.

The warmth between readers and authors has been torn apart, and we have ushered in a bloody era.

There are too many points in this plot that readers cannot accept.

The first one is abrupt. In order to create an impact, I deliberately made a sudden stroke in the aftermath of the tragedy of Xiao Shu's death. Jiang Wang was attacked in the plot, and readers outside the plot were also attacked.

The second one is emotion. Emotionally, there are two aspects, one is the sneak attacker Lin Zhengren, the character that the readers hate, has already been left behind by the protagonist, a character who should no longer be on the same level, but bites the protagonist like a poisonous snake,

Another one, the person who attacked Jiang Wang was Du Yehu, the second brother who cried outside Fenglin City for three days. This is the most emotionally difficult point for the reader.

Even in order to maintain this abruptness and doubt, except for the sentence in the battle [Jiang Wang treats this battle with the greatest calmness, he knows that he can't make mistakes in every step. Any mistake may cause regret in this life! ], except for the conversation between Du Yehu and Jiang Wang about fine wine.

I didn't make any further hints.

It's really hard to ease the reader's emotions, so I understand the incomprehension of all readers.

As for the combat power that many people like to talk about, it is actually irrelevant. The inner mansion and the outer building are the two realms that are most prone to leapfrog injuries, not to mention that Jiang Wang was blocked from warning. The military formation is a regular force that has been emphasized many times in this book and can clearly surpass the extraordinary level. Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng were able to use Tenglong to kill Wailou on the battlefield of Yangguo, didn't they rely on the army formation?

Du Yehu took Zhuangguo's most elite Jiujiang Xuanjia, and under the circumstances of advance intelligence targeting, added sneak attack, added Lin Zhengren's layout, added formation, and added Yi Shengfeng's ability to shield and warn, he has the possibility of hurting Jiang Wang. ——at least from the perspective of the characters in the play.

Then why am I still writing this?

Because of Zhuang Gaoxian's character logic, it is determined that he will definitely take action after the blessing of God, and will definitely take action against Unredeemed City.

The fact that Zhuang Guo wanted to uproot the City of Unredeemed had nothing to do with Jiang Wang, and the depression he endured was even just a incidental matter. If he passes by, it will happen.

And you know, this is Jiang Wang's powerlessness again.

He must restrain, restrain anger, restrain hatred, restrain eagerness, as he has always done, move forward firmly, silently, and steadfastly.

In my plot line, this is the last scene of my godlike presence.

Because next, I will set off a climax of the whole battle against Xia.

The death of Jiang Wuqi at the beginning of the scroll has long pointed to Faxia at the end of the scroll!

All the accumulation of emotions must be released in this part.

A series of challenges on the road to Guiqi have three purposes.

First, do the final polishing for Jiang Wang's sword in the world.

Second, heal the depressed emotions of readers.

Thirdly, briefly describe the current world’s major works, and outline them for later filling. After all, it's been so long, and they haven't played much.

On the general stage, Jiang Wang stood up to compete with Chong Xuanzun.

Everyone can already see that this volume has a clear main line——Jiang Wang's road to the road, the journey of the gods.

In the depths of Yuheng, Lixin office building.

In the mountain and sea environment, there is a Licheng building.

If you don't redeem the city, set up Renzilou.

In the western suburbs of Linzi, Liwu Building.

So there are the four virtues to restrain oneself, the ape of peace of mind, the horse of descending mind, and the ability to Wukong, and the way of the true self.

When it comes to the chapter "Reassuring Ape, Jiangyi Horse, and Neng Wukong", the plot line about the road is closed in one fell swoop. But this is not the climax that this volume should have, so I have to pause before going on.

Here, the biggest contradiction since the novel was written was detonated.

I found that I have a fundamental difference of opinion with many readers - that is, I don't think it is [口] for the protagonist to lose to Chong Xuan Zun at all, and many readers have rooted anger about this.

Later, I thought about this question repeatedly, and I think the biggest problem may still be the difference between the perspectives of the author and the reader.

In the layout of my story, Jiang Wang's road to Taoism has come to an end when he reaches Xin Xin Yuan, Jiang Yi Ma, and Neng Wu Kong.

The battle between him and Chongxuanzun is a corner of the whole Faxia battle, and it is the first step in the battle between Chongxuansheng and Chongxuanzun on the battlefield.

In my opinion, this is the chess game of Sheng Zunzhi, where Chongxuan wins Jiangwang and loses a pawn first. And because of Zhongxuanzun's invincible posture all the time, and because Jiang Wangben has not been able to catch up with Dou Zhao, I think this is reasonable and harmless.

When Jiang Wang and Chong Xuanzun met for the first time, Chong Xuanzun didn't even look at Jiang Wang!

After the gift from the master, Chong Xuanzun noticed this person.

After the meeting of the Yellow River, Chong Xuanzun paid attention to this person.

When it comes to the fight for the vanguard, he already has to achieve God's presence in order to stabilize his head.

The growth trajectory of this road is clearly visible.

But in the feelings of many readers, Jiang Wang has been gaining momentum all the way, and at Dianjiangtai, he should win Xuan Zun so that he can vent his emotions.

And I think that holding on to the way is already a catharsis, and the climax I really want is still to come.

One thing I have to admit is——

I'm stubborn, selfish, and unreasonable when it comes to writing. In many cases, I am not ignorant of the reader's feelings. But I think the structure of the work is more important.

Of course I know what a climax it is to defeat Chongxuanzun before Wanjun, it's like repeating the meeting of the Yellow River Sword Immortal. The eagerness of readers during that time also reminded me very clearly what readers were expecting and wanting.

I certainly knew what a boost that would be to business results.

Even in my detailed outline, there is such a scene dialogue. It was Chongxuanzun who told Wang Yiwu after the Battle of Zunwang. The line is: "In the outer building, I can't hold him down anymore..."

But in the end I didn't write this scene, I didn't write this sentence.

Because when I was writing, I felt that Yi Chong Xuan Zun's character would not say such a sentence. And in the battle against Xia, I don't think Chong Xuanzun and Wang Yiwu should be given the role of dialogue.

So erased.

First of all, let me talk about why there is a plot to fight for the vanguard.

Let's substitute Chong Xuanzun first. What is his layout style? Just like his path is to kill false, he also likes to go straight to the root. Unlike Chong Xuansheng, he can use dazzling layouts, and he can move the situation bit by bit to form a general trend. He has always directly overwhelmed people, directly attacking Huanglong.

For example, as soon as Jixia Xuegong came out, he first built a Tianfu Wailou, and then he fought three times, preparing for the Yellow River meeting with all his heart. He doesn't compete with Zhongxuan Sheng for those business things at all.

For example, in the Faxia battlefield, after he was swayed by Chong Xuansheng, he went to Daye Mansion without saying a word, and killed him in the Great Xia Emperor's Mausoleum.

At the beginning of Fa Xia, he was the same. He was strong and strong in all aspects. With this, he was fighting for the vanguard, and he was going to overwhelm Xuan Sheng and Jiang Wang before Wanjun.

This is his consistent character logic.

And what is Jiang Wang's character logic?

If it is for his own fame and fortune, for his own pretense, he will not play.

Chongxuan Zun suppressed Chongxuan Sheng so dimly that he was going to stand out!

Hence the battle.

And the gap in hard power between them at this time is actually recognized by readers. From the end of January to the end of March, many readers have discussed it many times, and have done a lot of battle deduction. It is generally known that Jiang Wang is indeed unable to beat, so there is no need to repeat anything about it.

The last is the battle of Faxia.

In the battle of Zhuang Yong, Jiang Wangdou and Zhuang Chengqian were the main line, so that battle was just a brushstroke.

The battle of Qiyang was devastating, and Jiang Wang's main perspective on the battlefield was just a glimpse.

And before this time, I said in the alliance group that I will not avoid this war, and I will write a real extraordinary war.

How hard is it to write a truly extraordinary war?

The situation of the world, the courts of the two countries, civil servants and generals, soldiers, common people...

Public opinion, diplomacy, intelligence, battle formation, fighting with real swords and guns...

So far, I haven't seen any truly extraordinary wars.

The individual strength of extraordinary monks made many tactics in human history meaningless.

When individual strength is enough to change the situation of the battle, the war is difficult to be wonderful.

What strikes halfway across, Taoism is spread, and the entire river is directly frozen.

The poison of using soldiers is nothing more than water and fire...

Samadhi and real fire are often ridiculed, what are water and fire?

Of course there are clever ways of writing.

For example, in the end, because the author was exhausted, I chose to briefly write Tian Anping to kill 8,000 people, and use 90,000 lives to kill real people. With just such a description, his madness and strength can be felt by readers.

But this is because Tian Anping has already written a lot before, and his sense of oppression has always existed, so he didn't fall into the void.

The reason why I omitted this part is also because of this-because he has enough, I choose to omit it. Otherwise, for this important role, when energy is limited, I would choose to cut other people's scenes.

Of course I can make a lot of hype about a person, how to plan far-sightedness, how to calculate the world... After bragging about it, throwing a few words about his achievements, I can write it easily, and there will be no room for people to argue.

But such a character, such a story, cannot convince myself.

I want to tell you how powerful he is, how crazy he is, how wise he is, and how romantic he is...I also want to tell you why he is said to be strong, why he is said to be crazy, why he is said to be wise, and why he is said to be romantic!

Like Cao Jie, I fight clumsy wars.

Just to fully show the world in my heart.

So there is this game of cutting summer.

I have written more painfully than I have ever written.

The night before, I was yelling in my room under my breath, I was walking up and down, I was on the treadmill and I was running like crazy at one o'clock in the morning.

Because I don't know how to make the curls perfectly.

With so many pictures, I don’t know how to connect them naturally.

After finishing writing last night.

I was sweating all over my body.

Finally just want to sleep.



Now I want to talk to you about my status.

I remember that once earlier, someone took a screenshot of the first paragraph of the first chapter of Chi Xin, and the first paragraph of the one-on-three scene of Chongxuan Zun later, which was the passage where Chongxuan Mingguang made jokes.

Based on this argument, the writing style of the Chixin Sky Survey plummeted.

A friend in the industry defended me and said, why is the current update speed, if you want to keep the writing style of the first chapter, it will kill him.

Of course, this friend did it out of good intentions, and of course, he did not really read the book later.

From the first chapter to the present, maybe the plot is controversial, maybe the characters have ups and downs, but in terms of words only, I ask myself to be consistent and even strive for perfection.

Something is wrong with my life.

Big question.

Although I work out every day, I eat and sleep on time.

But I know very well that my mental state is getting worse and worse.

I put all my energy into the novel world. In the past few years of writing Chixin Tianxun, my biggest entertainment activity has been chatting in the alliance group.

I was exhausted after writing every day, so I went to the group to listen to them objectively describe my handsomeness.

In the past few years, my circle of friends has almost been limited to this place.

Although I have formed real friendships with many people in the group.

But I still have to say, it's very unhealthy.

The relationship between pure reader and author is very fragile.

I've already seen it.

When I spend nine-tenths of my waking hours in the novel-related world, what have I left for my own life?

When such and such problems arise in the world related to the novel, what kind of mental state can I have to face them?

It's not healthy.

I made up my mind to change, adjust my status well, and allocate more time to my own life.

I want to be happy - this is the Gregorian New Year, my wish.

But at that time, it happened that Lin Zhengren and Du Yehu ambushed Jiang Wang.

Something happened again in my life.

I buried my head in writing, adding updates crazily.

So that there is no manuscript for the new year.

During the Chinese New Year, when others invite friends, play cards and drink, I work overtime and write, and the plot just advances to the battle of hope and compliance...

Honestly, I think I write very well.

I felt that way then, and I feel that way now.

After writing, I am still very happy to send red envelopes in the group...

My wish for the Spring Festival is that the Gregorian calendar does not count. I really must have a happy New Year.

Is fucking wishing useful?


I don't want to criticize anyone, I just want to clarify the truth, so I will state the public opinion turmoil since the Spring Festival without naming names—although I have indeed been angry more than once.

The Battle of Wang Zun has just been written, and there are not too many waves.

On the second day, the quarrel started.

I didn't say anything, just updated silently.

Because before this incident, I have decided not to issue single chapters. A long time ago, I expressed this point of view in the alliance group - if I want to show a real world, then in a real world, there must be many different views, different people, and different attitudes towards life . Including readers' different understandings of the same plot should also be part of the truth. I want to accept it, although it is difficult to accept it many times, but I will try my best to accept it.

Since then, because of Du Yehu Lin Zhengren's ambush of Jiang Wang, the release of a single chapter is a manifestation of my personal emotional breakdown. In fact, it has little to do with the plot itself.

But after that, I have decided not to open a single chapter to talk about the plot.

So silent.

None of the operations of the book Chixin Sky Survey are dedicated to operations.

They are all loyal leaders of Chixin and loyal readers of this book. They all have their own jobs and are very busy.

I don't have much energy to stare at the circle of book friends every day.

I kept my head down on the book and let go of everything else. I even joined the operation group after three years, because during that time they often sent screenshots to the alliance group, telling me that I was scolded again. I think it affects the atmosphere of the group, so I said stop posting in the group and pull me into the group.

There were a lot of ugly voices during that time.

The operator asked me if I wanted to take care of it, and I said no. They really don't care.

It was so noisy for three or four days.

Some people get worse the more they scold.

Including my personal social platform account, I also received a lot of abusive private messages.

The operator asked me if I wanted to take care of it, and I said that as long as the full-subscribe readers don't attack personally, they can discuss it casually. White whoring with rhythm can be banned.

At the same time, I think readers really need an explanation, so in the update of the day, I explained why Jiang Wang lost and why he didn't make the last move.

Then the feedback I got was【Wouldn't it explain that you don't know how to play dead? 】

Among them is a reader whose fan is a disciple, probably saying, I waited for three days, just waiting for this? What did you explain. The rhetoric is of course more intense than that.

This post has been deleted. He was also muted.

So he opened a second account and asked himself why he was banned.

He described that he was in a trance after watching the battle of Wang Zun, unable to eat for several days and so on.

I explained to him, probably because I told the operation that prostitution for free can be banned.

He said that he would come back to find this place after making money.

I said that it is normal for students to have no money to read books. This book of mine has been edited and republished.

In short, in the early hours of the morning, I talked a lot in a mess.

I communicated with this reader many times.

It's all useless.

I gave up, and in the last article, I said something like this - "I only replied to you because you are a child. You don't need to work, and I must update 4,000 words every day. Don't post me again in the future."

Then he got angry and said he was twenty-two, not a kid.

At the same time, there are other readers, because the three words [children] exploded.

Why are you interceding? You are extremely arrogant and condescending. Why do you call others children?

What I felt at first was shock, inexplicable.

I really can't understand the outcry that has resulted from this.

Until another reader's comment——

He said [I don't know who is right and who is wrong. I just know that I hate you now and I don't want to understand you. 】

I'm not saying how decent his language is, I just want to say that it is at least a relatively sincere expression.

He let me know how he really felt inside.

I can probably understand the sentiment.

So I stopped talking.

At the same time that this incident happened, some readers were angry that the author was attacked by a group of children because of a sentence, and attacked the 22-year-old reader, saying [People work hard to write, and you come here for free whoring and slander others, be a thief Also found the master's door. 】

I can't remember the exact words. That's probably what it means. In short, I mentioned prostitutes, thieves.

Then public opinion exploded again.

Many people came to the book review area of ​​Chixin Xuntian to uphold justice.

[Why do you say that prostitutes are thieves? 】

[This novel has 1.34 million fans, but all of them are thieves? 】

Ninety-nine out of one hundred of these upholding justice did not see the original appearance of the incident, and one pretended not to see it.

Among the ten silver alliances in Chixin Xuntian, four of them are pirates who have become regulars. There are even more people in the alliance group. Many of them are just working, and they were basically students before, so how can they have the money to watch the genuine ones.

Among them, You always watched a pirated update in front of me once, and I smiled awkwardly when I found out.

Would I call a prostitute a thief?

Won't Mr. You come to my house and steal something from me?

Even if you simply applaud and say that this book can be read, it is still supporting me.

But they are just angry.

Just to uphold justice.

It's interesting how they administer justice—

They came to the Chixin Xuntian book review area, and called all those who disagreed with them thieves.

I didn't think at first that I would be scolded for the Zunwang Battle.

Later, when I was scolded, I thought the scolding would last for three to five days at most.

Unexpectedly, it never stopped.

In the past two months, no matter what I wrote, the circle of book friends has always been a mess.

Scolding every day.

Some people scold repeatedly and persistently.

You click into the circle of book friends, and you can't see a plot discussion at all. There is also a group of people who persevere in dissuading other readers in the book circle.

The atmosphere was so bad that many leaders told me that they didn't want to click into this book at all during this time.

Then the operation began to really rectify, delete posts, and silence.

Immediately afterwards, that group of people began to follow the rhythm of the Chixin Sky Survey operation. It is said that the operation is a fan circle. It is meaningless to say that criticism is not free, and praise is meaningless.


Criticism is not free, so have you been working in the choir for the past two months?

Chixin Xuntian has been written for three years, and 4.53 million words have been updated, with an average order of 16,500. The total number of people who have been banned, as of today, is 376 people.

Excluding those who spinach, those who sell movies, and those who promote web games, how many people are really banned? On average, how long does it take to ban a person?

What about the trumpets opened by those people?

I know many books that were only published last year, and there are more than this number.

Of those who uphold justice, one is a professional operator. I would like to ask, how long have you been writing the book you operate? What is the total number of bans?

I dedicated one night to refine the rules of the ban. In particular, it is emphasized that before the operation is banned, screenshots should be taken to record the speeches of the person who was banned.

The Chixin Book Review Area has always opened a complaint channel. If you feel that you have been silenced unfairly, you can appeal at any time.

Who's coming?

Oh, there was one in the full booking group.

I believe many readers have the impression.

As soon as that person entered the group, he aggressively wanted to "give me an explanation", asking himself why he was silenced when discussing the plot.

I happened to be there at the time, so I asked him for his ID.

As a result, after looking at the record, when others were discussing the plot and summarizing the clues, he came up with a sentence, "You have summed up the hook eight".

What are you talking about? It's already very face-saving. If you were in the group before, you would have scolded me a long time ago.

It's hard for me to imagine his attitude in the group before.

Just like this, he unilaterally took screenshots, erased some dialogues, and went to other places to scold, saying that he was banned for discussing the plot, and it was disgusting to operate with a heart.

This kind of thing is also a normal network status.

For example, a reader sent me a private message before, asking why he was banned for defending this book? Why does this book allow those people to spout nonsense and not allow him to fight back? Is this the reading atmosphere that the Chixin Sky Survey operation wants?

In the screenshot he gave me, he was also very angry, but he refuted others with reason.

I apologized to him, saying that it has been too noisy recently, and the operation may just not want to expand the conflict. Then he solved it easily.

But after I asked the operator, the operator showed me another screenshot—he swears angrily and called the other party a fool.

That is to say, any person, no matter who supports you or hates you, when describing things, once he has a choice, he will inevitably have a side that is biased towards himself.

As I write these now, I don't want to criticize anyone.

I'm really tired.

I have no intention of competing with anyone in the online world.

I just want to tell the truth for those who are willing to see the truth.

The book review section was left unattended before, but now the sticking rule is there. Discussion of the plot is welcome. Unwarranted abuse must be banned.

It's not what some people say.

in addition.

The reader who I mistakenly thought was a middle school student and called him a "kid" caused a storm of public opinion. In fact, we had exchanges afterwards.

He added me with a new QQ account.

I asked him why it was a new number.

He said he was afraid of getting in trouble and had never been a reader before. At the same time, he said that if I mind, he can change his own number to add, because he believes in me.

I said, you are so cautious and logical now, how can you be led by so many people.

He said that you know that public opinion is out of control. I told them not to attack you, but no one listened.

I had a lot to say, but I ended up just telling him the same thing I told him at the beginning—

"Live well, novels are indeed not the most important thing in life. It is to persuade you, but also to persuade myself."

He said, well, that's it. I also went to live a good life.

This is our final conversation.



It may have been too long.

I am so sensitive and fragile, such a person who breaks defenses easily.

This summary is written here, and there are already so many words.

What do I want to say in the end?

Chixin Xuntian is an ordinary novel that has never won the top five monthly tickets. Why is it so painful to change four thousand a day and often have to dawdle until eleven o'clock in the evening.

The average order of this book is even less than 20,000.

But every time the rhythm comes together, that one is so powerful that even the top three books on the general list can't do it.

I always have a trance-

Is Chixin Sky Survey so popular?

Is Chixin Sky Survey really so popular?

So where are all the subscriptions? ?

All right.

Seriously, I want to tell everyone that I have really reached my limit.

I'm tired.

From now on, I will allocate more time and energy to life.

Maybe looking back at all this today in a long time, it will feel insignificant.

But in the past two months, I have really suffered.

I live in pain every day.

Every day when I wake up and open the book review, it is an attack.

Sometimes I want to use Weibo Zhihu to relax, and Weibo Zhihu is also the kind of private message.

You post an idea on Zhihu, write a Weibo, and someone will immediately comment.

Either to scold you, or to scold the book, and then to scold the operation.

I have gradually gotten used to the first two, and I really don't understand scolding operations.

Tang Yuan is a medical worker with upside-down working hours and often wakes up in the middle of the night to give out event rewards. He also paid out of his own pocket for activities and gave readers novels. Other than that, she has almost no sense of existence, even a simple and kind little girl, she has never scolded anyone.

Why scold her?

Manxi discusses the plot every day, does not do other things, and does not quarrel with others. For those who read this book, who seriously discusses the novel and has doubts about the plot, and has not received a serious explanation from Man Xi?

Why scold him?

I can understand being scolded for a management like Braised Simple Xiaoba who likes to line up with other readers. The reason they uphold is that they are also readers and leaders, so why not complain if they are upset. Then they are also ready to be scolded.

Don't think I talk too much nonsense today.

I won't talk to you so much in the future.

I will not reply to those comments in the book review section in the future.

In the future, I will not write a single chapter to explain the plot.

Let's keep a beautiful distance.

If there is another book, I hope I can balance the proportion of serialized web articles and life.

If there is no next book, I hope I can get my happy life back. After all, he is also a handsome young man from all over the world, and his youth is only a few years, so it is really unreasonable to live such a monotonous life.

Say one thousand, say ten thousand, the cause of this incident was that the protagonist lost to Chong Xuanzun, which made it difficult for many readers to accept emotionally.

I sincerely apologize to everyone for the unbearable reading experience brought to you by my stubborn writing personality.

But at the same time, I have to be honest with you, if I did it all over again, I would still write this.

As far as I can, I am very willing to take care of the readers' reading experience. But I will always give priority to the structure of the novel itself.

Just like Chong Xuanzun's line in Xigang, I didn't let him say it. I knew today, but I still don't say it.

If there are readers who really can't accept it, let's make a statement first, so we can get together and leave.

It doesn't matter if Chixin Xuntian is a cool article, a small white article, or a group portrait, it doesn't matter.

Those labels are given by readers.

I never felt that Red Heart Survey had to be a novel.

From the beginning until now, this is the story I wanted to write.

This is the fairy world in my heart.

Those who are destined will walk together, and those who are not destined will be strangers.

It's that simple.

Quarrels are still unavoidable between lovers, and there is still a seven-year itch between husband and wife.

A novel serialized to 4.5 million words, it is impossible for it to satisfy all your wishes.

It's normal to break up without feelings.

But after breaking up, let it die.

Do everything you can to hurt it.

Is it normal?

A friend told me that he didn't care about the battle of Wang Zun at first. But the more time passed, the more I felt a thorn in my heart.

Of course I knew that thorn should be removed as soon as possible.

Of course I know how bad it is for this book to have been attacking voices in the book review section. How many readers will be discouraged, how many readers who do not feel uncomfortable will be made uncomfortable, and how many normal readers will be bored.

Of course I know what kind of mood I am in, how tight the strings in my heart are, and they will break at any time!

But I still chose to start the battle against Xia slowly.

Because I said it, I won't shy away from it.

Even if it is so difficult to write.

Even if no one wants to see it.

Even every word of every chapter I write, in this negative emotion, will be magnified to be picky.

I'm not trying to prove anything.

I just told myself that I have to follow my own ideas and outline step by step.

The Chixin Sky Survey has been written so far, it is too huge.

The intricate relationship between characters runs through history and regions. Those are the people who move the world forward.

It's so complicated that it collapses as soon as I let go.

I have to keep my own pace.

I must protect my blood.

No matter how many voices against it.

No matter how tough it is.

It doesn't matter if you scold me, persuade me, do it for my own good, or want me to die.

I will not change.

When I finished writing the last chapter of the final volume, the last word ended all the plot lines that should be concluded in this volume. It was already eleven o'clock. I just feel tired like never before, and then there is a kind of relaxation. In the end, it was Jiang Wang's bump.

Hiss, it hurts.

It hurts.

Then went to bed.




Take five days off.

The eighth volume will open on April 6.

The name of the eighth volume is——

"Crane Soaring to the Sky"

A poem written by myself did not follow He Chongtian's Ci Pai, but just used this name.

Hope it will be liked.


The crane soars to the sky!

Last night the west wind called the lonely wild goose, and the sound broke that soul's dream. Woke up and couldn't sleep.

A lover wakes up and the sky is not awake, the sky is full of thunder, and the black clouds are low for thousands of miles!

The crane in the mud has horizontal wings, its flight feathers have been pulled out early, and the dripping blood is still cold.

A dirty body does not need to be washed by the moonlight.

Hate for no reason, no matter where it comes from.

How many years thereafter.

Rusty bones can still turn birds into birds, but God knows how loyal they are!

Thank you Dameng Pure Entertainment Lin for rewarding Xinmeng!

Thanks to the book friend 20210908084701103 for the leader of the reward, it is the 292nd alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you book friends for the lord who rewarded Liangye from now on, it is the 293rd alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend Da Chu Zuo Guanglie for rewarding the leader, it is the 294th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to book friend Mu L Ling for rewarding the lord, it is the 295th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

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