Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1610 Withered in Three Days

On the window sill facing the lake, the spring scenery is in full bloom.

The flowers are only in one pot, but they bloom with a flourishing momentum in spring.

The head, wings, tail and feet of this flower are upright like a phoenix, and the stems and whiskers are brilliant and fluttering like a fairy.

Most are the main lobes on both sides, extending outward, as if about to blow away. The lines are beautiful, as bright as a golden feather.

Hence the name "Golden Feather Phoenix Fairy".

It drives very slowly, only once every three years.

The flowering period is very short, only three days.

So it is also called "three-day withering".

Originally, the growth conditions are extremely harsh. To preserve its blooming posture and artificially freeze the flowering period, it will take a lot of resources.

In the entire country of Qi, only the Bao family can have a stable output of golden feather impatiens.

Of course, now this business has been handed over to Chongxuan Sheng of the Chongxuan family.

In addition to being beautiful, this flower also has extremely high medicinal value. Its "fairy whiskers" can be used in more than 30 kinds of prescriptions to improve the efficacy of medicines. Its petals are also a highly sought-after raw material for making tea. Especially the two-petal "Golden Feather" is listed among the best raw materials for scented tea.

Shuofang uncle Bao Yi loved this flower so much that he put a pot of golden-feathered impatiens in full bloom on the window sill all year round. Of course, it is not beautiful to maintain the illusion of undefeated flowers with extraordinary strength. Instead, the flowers are moved here, withered and replaced every three days.

When Bao Bozhao changed the business, he had a rigid requirement - to guarantee the supply to Fangbo Shuo.

"The more beautiful the flower, the shorter the flowering period, probably this is the principle of the eternal law of heaven." Bao Yi looked at the misty Feihe Lake outside the window with his hands behind his hands, and sighed very lightly.

This uncle, who was called "Plagiarized Yao" when he was young, was once as famous as Chongxuan Mingtu, just by looking at his appearance, he can't see his bravery and vigor.

More like a wealthy scribe, with gentle brows and eyes.

Only when you turn your body around and raise your eyebrows, can you see the ruggedness and feel the firmness.

He looked at Bao Zhongqing like this, and said slowly: "You are my only son."

Today's Bao Zhongqing is dressed very plainly, without extra accessories, but is very appropriate. If there are no pockmarks on the face, it should not be ugly.

There are so many mysteries in this world, and a few blemishes on his face are not a problem to Shuofangbo's mansion.

But when he was very young, Bao Zhongqing said - "A man should seek golden body and chalcedony, and those who seek golden clothes and jade face are young men!" He personally rejected the adjustment of his appearance.

It was this sentence that officially started the competition between him and Bob Zhao for the hereditary title.

Today's Daqi Baoshi, one family and three earls, is extremely prominent. However, only the position of Uncle Shuo is hereditary and the foundation of a real thousand-year-old family.

Shuo Fangbo has always been the master of the Bao family.

At this moment, facing his father's extremely rare expression of emotion, Bao Zhongqing looked sad: "Please mourn Father's Day."

Bao Yi looked at Bao Zhongqing and didn't speak for a while.

Bao Zhongqing looked at Bao Yi with worry and sadness in his eyes.

"Did you kill Bo Zhao?" Shuo Fangbo asked suddenly.

The sound resounded like thunder.

Bao Zhongqing couldn't believe it, and then he was heartbroken. With his extraordinary cultivation, he took two steps back before standing firm: "How could father say that?!"

He stood firm, barely supported, and took a step forward in shock and pain: "How could I do that kind of thing? Could it be that in the eyes of my father, am I the kind of person who is inferior to a beast?!"

Bao Yi's eyes were cold at the moment: "You didn't deny that you could do it."

"People have a bottom line!" Bao Zhongqing's eyes were filled with anger mixed with pain: "Whether you can do it or not, he is the eldest brother of my mother and compatriots. How could I do that?! Apart from these factors, I am at least alone!"

"So you can do it." Bao Yi said.

"If you give me enough time and a corresponding opportunity, I can also kill Chongxuanzun or Jiangwang in the Outer Building Realm. People are very fragile before they become gods. Of course father understands this." Bao Zhongqing's voice He was a little hoarse, and there were tears in his eyes: "But I don't know why my father broke my heart like this?"

Bao Yi looked at him firmly: "I personally went to Xiadi to check all the traces of the battle. From Wuyang City to Xiaojianshan, I didn't miss any details."

Like a wounded beast, Bao Zhongqing shouted sadly and angrily: "Then you should know your son's innocence! You are a real person in the world, with piercing and real eyes, but you stab me with these words today, just because you were born in Xia Dynasty. Wasn't I the one who died on the national battlefield?!"


He pulled out a gorgeous short dagger, smashed his knees on the ground heavily, then knelt down, raised his hands high, and offered the short dagger.


He closed his eyes and wept on his back: "If you are really worried, if you are really full of grievances, then use this dagger that my brother gave me to kill me! Let me, a damned but not dead son, go To be buried with my elder brother who didn't deserve to die but died!"

The whole body of this dagger is blue, inlaid with gold and jade, it is indescribably expensive, and it is called "Zhao Qing". It was a gift from Bao Bozhao when Bao Zhongqing was eight years old.

They were on good terms back then.

"The human heart is more complicated than everything in the world. Even the eyes that can penetrate the real world cannot penetrate the human heart."

As strong as the commander of the Yan Lei Army, he lost his mind for a moment.

Then he sighed and said: "Zhongqing, in the past time, I may have ignored your feelings. I also have to admit that on the issue of title succession, my choice was a bit cold and hard, and I was not soft enough for you. You guys I bear the main responsibility for the two brothers fighting to become what they were later. Therefore, I may be the least qualified person to complain about the results today."

He looked at his only remaining son with rare, soft eyes: "Tell me the truth, did Bo Zhao leave any last words before his death?"

Bao Zhongqing opened his tearful eyes, looked up at his father, and said in a trembling voice, "You still don't believe me?"

"I don't need to blame you. I can blame Xia Guotai for Bo Zhao's death. Bao can be completely ignorant of this." Bao Yi said.

There was even a trace of pleading in his voice: "You shouldn't deprive... a father of the right to have a final conversation with his son?"

It is rare for a real person in the world, the contemporary Shuo Fangbo, and the commander of the nine soldiers in the Military Affairs Hall to appear so fragile.

In such a situation, who can not be moved?

But Bao Zhongqing just said in a miserable voice: "Zhongqing deserves to die. He has been so misbehaving that his father has misunderstood this point. Now there is no proof for himself, no way to show his will. I would like to bury my elder brother with me, so that my father will know! Father's love for his son, I wish to live After Zhongqing dies, he can be merciful just in case!"

He reversed the dagger with his backhand, Dao Yuan surged, and pierced his heart without hesitation!

The point of the dagger pierced the heart, and the blood quickly stained the skirt of his clothes. The Qi of Gengjin surged and roared in the sea of ​​five mansions, and all the destruction began from then on.

But everything stands still.

Bao Yi grabbed his hand.

Bao's patriarch didn't say anything else, just took off the green dagger and put it in his arms. Then he took out a gift slip in a red envelope and put it in his hand.

"This gift list was originally prepared for your elder brother. The object of the contract is the daughter of Cangzhu County Sheriff. Now it belongs to you. You can see if there is anything else to add. Tomorrow I will ask someone to come to propose marriage..."

He noticed Bao Zhongqing's hesitant expression, so he paused: "Why, do you have someone you like?"

"The son does have a true love in his heart."

Meeting Shuo Fangbo's eyes, Bao Zhongqing said: "Now there are no more."

Of course, it is impossible for a person like him to have any true love in his heart.

At most, he felt that the daughter of Cangzhu County Sheriff was not in the same family as Shuofangbo Mansion. However, considering that Cangzhu County Sheriff is a disciple of Song Yao, the court official, and there is still a possibility of promotion in terms of cultivation base and official position, it is not completely unacceptable.

Especially this is something that Bao Yi has already decided.

He will accept. But he needs to let his father know about his sacrifice.

"Go." Bao Yi finally said that.

"Father, please take care of yourself."

Bao Zhongqing knelt down on the ground and made a big salute. Wipe away the tears, got up, turned and left the room.

Feihe Lake is the city lake with the best scenery in Linzi. This Befu located on the bank of Feihe Lake is Bao Yi's favorite house.

The commander-in-chief of the nine soldiers hid his lonely eyes, turned around, and stared at the sparkling lake again.

But in the end, I can no longer enjoy the scenery.

So with a flick of his robe sleeves, the potted flowers on the window sill have been wiped away, leaving no petals behind!

The Bao family and the Chongxuan family have been fighting for many years, and no one can really push the other down.

But with Chongxuan and Chuliang becoming the Marquis, he became a real person as the number one god in the Eastern Region. Chong Xuan Zun and Chong Xuan Sheng both displayed terrifying talents...

The momentum of the Bao family is not as good.

As the leader of the next generation of the Bao family, Bao Bozhao sold the business of the Golden Feather Impatiens at the beginning precisely to ease the conflict between the Bao family and the Chongxuan family.

Not only did Bao Bozhao sell the Golden Feather Impatiens business to Chongxuansheng, but he was also able to ignore the humiliation of being stepped on by Chongxuanzun at the ceremony of the master, and opened the door to the business under Chongxuanzun's banner .

Regarding Bao Bozhao's family management strategy, Bao Yi did not intend to interfere. Bao Yi approved of Bob Zhao's ability to tolerate what ordinary people couldn't.

Of course, it doesn't make any sense to say this now.

Just like this pot of golden feather impatiens that has been erased.

What qualifications does the Bao family have in the future to be enemies with the Chongxuan family?

What qualifications do you have to be friends with Chongxuan? !



Coming out of Feihe Lake Beppu, Bao Zhongqing got into a carriage by himself.

The man driving the car was none other than Yan Er, the sea-smashing hand who was once known as the number one dragon in Linhai.'s still Tamron.

The fog of ignorance is not so easy to penetrate.

Having been by Bao Zhongqing's side for so long, he already understood this master's temperament.

Therefore, he turned a blind eye to Bao Zhongqing's distressed appearance, and just asked, "My lord, where are you going?"

"Too hospital."

Sitting in the carriage, Bao Zhongqing treated the wound slowly and put on a new set of clothes.

The voice could not hear the slightest strangeness, and he said calmly: "Speaking of which, during the Xia Dynasty, I fought with Chongxuanzun and Jiang Wang on the Eastern Front, which can be regarded as robes. They have been in a coma for so many days in the Imperial Hospital. , I should go see it too."

As soon as Yan Er pulled the reins, he controlled the carriage and drove towards Tai Hospital smoothly.

Bao Zhongqing, like Chongxuanzun, Jiang Wang, and Chongxuansheng, were all seriously injured and sent back to Linzi for recuperation immediately. It's just that after he returned to Linzi, he refused to receive medical treatment. Instead, he braced himself and returned home to report for the funeral.

Chongxuanzun and Jiang Wang had been lying in the imperial hospital for several days, seeing that the army was about to return, and soon the imperial temple would present a gift...

When it comes to the original intention, Bao Zhongqing does not approve of the strategy of easing the conflict with Chongxuan.

Even in this war against Xia, the two sons of Chongxuan's direct descendants have created astonishing achievements. Destined to soar into the sky. Steadily overwhelmed Bao Bozhao, who was dead in battle, and Bao Zhongqing himself, who was lackluster.

But he believes that the more prosperous the Chongxuan family is, the more useful the thorn planted by Chongxuan Mingtu in the past will be. The Bao family can be used as a check and balance chess piece, allowing the emperor to use it, so as to gain support... But this is not the case. It was something Bob Zhao decided before he was alive. Before Bob Zhao's influence was completely wiped out, he was willing to let his father feel their brotherly love.

Including retaining old things, also including following the old strategy.

Moreover, since the old strategy is to be followed... Bobzhao cooperated with Fatty Chongxuan's strategy on the Eastern Front, should Fatty Chongxuan show something? It is always time to fight against the only younger brother of the deceased, with a sense of repayment.

The carriage stopped in front of Tai Hospital.

Bao Zhongqing took a few gifts at random, and then walked inside.

He could fully imagine how beautiful it would be for these few people who are still recuperating at the Taimiao ceremony after Cao Jie's class returned to the imperial court. So of course he understands the constant traffic outside the hospital. I can also understand the strictness of several teams of Miyagi guards guarding the door and not allowing entry or exit.

Of course, this couldn't stop him, Shuo Fangbo's son. Furthermore, he was also a general who was wounded in the war against Xia. The wound on his body should be changed for medicine or something, right?

Going back in the huge imperial hospital for a while, before he found a doctor and asked him which courtyard Jiang Wang lived in and which courtyard Chong Xuanzun lived in, he saw a very conspicuous fat man——

Like a thief, he was drilling into the small courtyard on the east side.

Hearing movement here, he turned his head abruptly.

On that chubby face, a friendly smile instantly appeared: "Brother Bao!"

Bao Zhongqing strode forward even more, with tears in his eyes: "Brother Chongxuan, it's great that you can recover. I can finally let go of half of my heart!"

The two hands were clasped together, and they shook heavily, expressing deep affection.

"Oh? I don't know who the other half is hanging for?" Chong Xuansheng asked.

"Of course it's Brother Jiang Wangjiang, and your cousin Chongxuan Zun." Bao Zhongqing said seriously: "My elder brother died for the great cause of attacking Xia. How can these heroes of Daqi not make me worry about it? You take care of this concern." Half, the two of them share half."

"Is it possible to let go only after death?" Chong Xuansheng laughed.

Bao Zhongqing sighed: "Yes, unless I die completely, how can I let go of my concern for Pao Ze?"

This sentence made Xuan Sheng respectful: "I didn't know Brother Bao was such a kind-hearted person before, but we need to get along well in the future."

"It's time for us to get along well!" Bao Zhongqing said meaningfully.

Shouldn't the future patriarch of the Bao family and the future patriarch of the Chongxuan family get along well?

Both have been suppressed since childhood, and they have been the underdogs in the competition for a long time, so they should have a lot of common language.

What? Are you Chongxuan Sheng the future Patriarch of the Chongxuan Clan?

The person who competes with you is lying unconscious on a hospital bed.

Don't you...should do something about it?

Chong Xuansheng didn't seem to understand at all, and smiled harmlessly: "Brother Bao, why are you here at the Imperial Hospital today?"

Bao Zhongqing just smiled and said, "Which yard is Brother Jiang recuperating? I'll come and see him."

"No." Chong Xuansheng shook his head solemnly: "The imperial doctor said that brother Wang needs to rest well, and gave him the sleeping fairy needle to prolong his lethargy time. During this period, he cannot be disturbed."

Sleeping Fairy Needle!

One of the three sets of acupuncture with the highest value in Linzi Taiyuan Hospital. It is used to recuperate the body and cultivate the cultivation base.

The extremely high cost of acupuncture makes it easy not to use it.

What a big investment!

"I was rude." Bao Zhongqing said with regret: "It's the same when I want to come to Mr. Zun. Then don't bother, I have prepared two small gifts here, please ask Mr. Sheng to—"

Before he finished speaking, Chong Xuansheng grabbed his arm and took him straight to the yard next to him: "My cousin is very physically fit, and he is not afraid of being disturbed. It just so happens that I want to see him too, come, come together!"





(I can't write the author's testimonials, so let me borrow some space...

Thanks to the book friend "Green Robe Patriarch 111" for tipping the Silver League, which is the 16th Silver League for Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Qizheng" for the leader of the reward, it is the 296th league for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Cleaning the Dust after the Rain 11" for the reward, it is the 297th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "oveppr" for the reward, it is the 298th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Shisanyuesi" for the reward, it is the 299th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Plucking the Strings in the Mirror and Fu Changge" for the reward, it is the 300th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Can't wake up the person who pretends to be asleep" for the reward, it is the 301st alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Let's go to the sea tonight" for the reward, it is the 302nd league for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Star Soul" for the reward, it is the 303rd league for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader of the book friends who rewarded "one or two gold", it is the 304th league for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Bear Bear Fighter" for rewarding the lord, it is the 305th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Impulsive Consumption is the Devil" for the reward, it is the 306th league for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Jing Mo Yun" for the reward, it is the 307th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader of the book friends who "folded their sleeves for fun" and rewarded them, it is the 308th league for the Chixin Sky Survey! )

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Liu Yuanz" for the reward, it is the 309th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Shuyou 10086" for the leader of the reward, it is the 310th league for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "20171106102749789" for the reward, it is the 311th league for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Saiyi" for the reward, the leader is the 312th league for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Go to XHL" for the reward, it is the 313th league for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Fish Boss 666" for rewarding the lord, it is the 314th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Flower in the World" for the reward, it is the 315th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Dream Fall of Reincarnation of Hundreds of Worlds" for the reward, it is the 316th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Blank White Passerby" for the reward, it is the 317th league for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend who "just heard of it" for the reward, it is the 318th alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "I think of a nice name" for the reward, it is the 319th league for the Chixin Sky Survey!

=, =, after returning from vacation, there are many leaders, many encouragement posts in the circle of book friends, and many people make up subscriptions.

It feels...already surrounded by light.

What's even more amazing is that during the few days of my vacation, Chixin's ranking on the list is actually much higher than before when I was busy updating! ?

I have a bold idea...

Well, don't dare to think too much, and don't say much.

Put my feelings into words. Please feel it.

Thanks for the love.

I hope that the story of the eighth volume can be worthy of this support.

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