Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1611 Spring is good

In this world where extraordinary powers continue to develop, it is not uncommon to be resurrected from the dead, and physical disabilities are not an insoluble problem.

But everything has a price. As the strength of the monks continues to rise, once the powerful physique with the power to lift mountains and reclamation seas is lost, it will become more and more difficult to fill.

For ordinary people. A grain of the lowest quality Kaimai Pill is enough to cure all diseases. If the body is properly adjusted on weekdays, there is a great possibility of leaping to the extraordinary, and getting rid of stubborn diseases is just a matter of incident.

As for the physical disability of the cultivator of God's Landing, if he wants to restore it to the original state, the money and food spent can already be described as "horrible". For an ordinary cultivator, if he has a broken limb, he will have to pay for his debts for at least two years.

Of course, Jiang Wang and Chong Xuanzun are fighting for the country, and Qi Ting is responsible for this part of the resources.

Both of them suffered injuries of severed limbs, and they both fought to the point of heart failure and collapsed into a coma.

The Sleeping Immortal Needle personally administered by the Imperial Physician of Qi State can not only speed up physical recovery, but also help them regulate Qi and blood and strengthen their cultivation.

As soon as Chong Xuansheng and Bao Zhongqing entered the small courtyard where Chong Xuanzun was recuperating, they were stopped by someone.

Wen Lianmu, a handsome man in the army, is more like a scholar than a general. At this moment, he was lying in front of him with a serious face: "Mr. Zun has not recovered yet, so it is inconvenient to see guests. Please forgive me."

Chong Xuansheng's face was unreasonable, and his fat fingers almost poked Wen Lianmu's face: "The one lying in it is my cousin! Blood is thicker than water, and I am worried! As soon as I am free, I will immediately To see him, you told me not to go in now?"

If it weren't for Wang Yiwu's ban on returning to Linzi for three years, Chong Xuansheng would have been blasted out with an iron fist.

But the one guarding here is Wen Lianmu after all.

The status is not high enough, the fist is not hard enough, so he can only follow the reason.

"Master Zun's injury is not serious. When he wakes up, you will have plenty of time to get close. I'm sorry, Mr. Sheng. I'm also thinking about Mr. Zun's safety."

"What do you mean by that! Are you saying that the imperial hospital is not safe enough?" Chong Xuansheng immediately shouted: "Who are you doubting? Do you not believe in the order of the imperial physician? Do you question the ability of the palace guards who specialize in guarding this place? Tell me clearly today!"

Wen Lianmu backed away, avoiding his excited fingers: "The imperial hospital is extremely safe, and the imperial physician Ling himself is a real person in the world. It is expected that few Xiaoxiao dare to come here to make trouble. But... Life is safe, but some things are extremely unavoidable. For example, when Mr. Xie Baoshu was recovering from his injuries in the Imperial Hospital, he was threatened by others. Lei Zhanqian was in a coma in the Imperial Hospital, and Mr. Lei was almost beaten. Mr. Sheng, do you think we are Shouldn't you be more careful?"

Bao Zhongqing, who was silent at the side, suddenly remembered what he had overlooked. Xie Baoshu was among the people who were rushed back to Linzi with them for treatment.

In terms of basic etiquette of aristocratic families, he specially came to the Tai Hospital to visit the wounded, and it was really wrong for him to ignore Xie Baoshu. Remembering that he would stop by to see Mr. Xie's family later, he heard Chong Xuansheng's shock in his ears——

"There is such a thing? It's really a bad world, and people's hearts are not old. I can't imagine that there are people so presumptuous in such a clean place as Tai Hospital!"

As he said that, his fat body pushed forward, and with the power of heavy mystery, he squeezed Wen Lianmu away: "Then I have to go in and protect my brother personally!"

It is impossible for Wen Lianmu to fight Chongxuansheng here, and there is really nothing he can do about such an overbearing posture.

Bao Zhongqing rubbed his nose and smiled at Wen Lianmu: "In ancient times, one should guard against gentlemen but not villains. Does General Wen think so?"

Wen Lianmu glanced at him indifferently: "Yes."

After that, he turned around and followed in.

The door was wide open, and everyone who entered was a villain, but he, Bao Zhongqing, was also scolded in.

Bao Zhongqing was bored, but he didn't care.

Everyone is a smart person, who can really be emotionally aroused by someone's words?

He walked in with his front feet and back feet, and he also wanted to know Chong Xuanzun's current state. Although the imperial physician has superb medical skills, and although the Sleeping Immortal Needle is mysterious and unpredictable, but...what if?

The future patriarch of the Bao family is naturally very concerned about the future of the Chongxuan family. Even if you have already decided to make friends with each other, the degree of bending is still open to question, isn't it?

In the hospital, the environment is naturally excellent. The old osmanthus from Fushan, which is very sought after by literati and is known as "a hard to find", has formed a shade beside the road.

A soothing aroma that floats in the air.

In the hollowed-out pane, there is a disk array for purifying vitality.

In the place where the energy is the strongest in the room, there is a warm jade bed engraved with the patterns of the source of life. The vitality of the heaven and the earth gathers here to form the essence of life, warming and nourishing vitality.

The famous Chongxuan Fenghua was lying on his back.

The so-called peerless arrogance, when he is motionless, does not appear to be so radiant.

Especially when Chong Xuansheng squeezed beside the bed, holding his hand, and moaning, he felt more and more powerless after the god statue faded away.

"It's a pity that you have suffered such a calamity at such a young age, and you can't wake up for a long time, and you will sleep here forever..." Chong Xuansheng sighed repeatedly: "Heaven is really jealous of talents!"

Sighing, he waved at Bao Zhongqing: "Come and see my brother for the last time."

Bao Zhongqing really hoped that this sentence was true.

"Cough!" Wen Lianmu couldn't help reminding: "The imperial physician's order said that Mr. Zun is in good health and will wake up at any time."

"Even if I wake up, I'm sure I'll be delirious, and I'll be crazy and stupid from then on..." Chong Xuansheng continued without hesitation: "My brother! If there is a shake in the heavens, won't it make the world perfect? The huge family business depends on me alone—”

On Wen Yu's bed, Chong Xuanzun's eyelids were lifted, and the vague dreaminess was washed away, revealing a pair of black pupils after rain.

Chong Xuansheng's fat hand wiped it away calmly, closed his eyes again, and released a sleeping spell, and continued: "I can barely bear it alone."

"Take it away." Chong Xuanzun's flat voice came from under his fat hands.

Chong Xuansheng withdrew his hand without embarrassment, and his face was pleasantly surprised: "Brother, you're awake!? It's not in vain that I worked so hard, flying thousands of miles every day, to carry you back to Qi from Xiadi!"

Chong Xuanzun remained motionless, but there was a soul-stirring power flowing from his body lying there quietly.

"You carried me back?" he asked.

"Hey, this is what a foolish brother should do. Speaking of which, there were hundreds of thousands of Xia soldiers blocking the way at that time, wishing to skin you and cramp you. How could I give you up? Go straight forward with your back on your back, with a pair of fists, open Thousands of miles away..."

"You fly thousands of miles every day?" Chong Xuanzun asked again.

"Of course, this is a relatively exaggerated expression. In fact, there are not so many. You can get a general understanding." Chongxuan Sheng did not change his face: "At that time, you were seriously injured and dying, and you told me a lot. Do you remember..."

"What did I tell you?" Zhong Xuanzun asked.

"You really don't remember!" Chong Xuansheng sighed: "I listened to my advice from my brother, your injury this time is not a small one, it hurts your brain. If you don't raise it for three or five years, it will be very unreasonable."

Chong Xuanzun looked at him quietly.

Chong Xuansheng said seriously: "You were sad at the time. Crying and saying that you can't do it, your road will come to an end. Saying that you hope I can provoke the leader and inherit the title of Marquis of Bowang... Sigh! In fact, I Nor do you want to. Brother, you know me. I have always been a person who is indifferent to fame and wealth. I don’t care about these titles and the position of the head of the family. But you were already dying at the time, and said that if I didn’t agree, you would die with peace. I was soft-hearted for a moment. ..."

"Okay." Chong Xuanzun said suddenly.

"I'm really afraid of trouble. How can I manage such a big pile of things? But since I promised you, it's not good...Huh?" Chong Xuansheng was stunned while talking.

His eloquence was as eloquent as his, and he was at a loss for words for a while.

Chong Xuanzun looked at this fat man who was rarely stuck, and smiled softly: "I think of it, I seem to have said such a thing. So the Marquis of Bowang is yours."

The sunlight that slipped in through the window was no warmer than the twilight of the warm jade bed.

Except Chong Xuanzun, the three people in the room were silent for a while.

This is the hereditary marquis!

It is the top magnate in the Great Qi Empire today.

Inheriting this position not only means power, status, and wealth, but also means more possibilities to break through to the real world!

Chong Xuanzun just let go?

Or is it so casual, so careless?

The silence spread for a while, and Chong Xuansheng stood up abruptly, knocking the chair beside the bed away.

"I'll just pretend I didn't hear anything!"

He strode out, losing his composure to the point where he forgot to falsely greet Bao Zhongqing.

In the room, there was only Chong Xuanzun's wanton laughter for a moment.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"



"Ha ha ha ha……"

When the crowds are crowded, the laughter and laughter are like undulating waves.

Some people climbed up and shouted, some people sang wildly.

The giant city of Linzi, which is three hundred miles away, has been completely filled with joyful atmosphere.

Almost all the restaurants have large banquets, open for people to eat and drink. After a few days of feasting, people from the government came to pay the bill.

The whole city is decorated with lights and festoons, and the flames go straight to the sky.

There is also an illusion formed by Taoism, like a fairyland changing in the high sky.

People are singing and dancing, and the music is melodious.

The common people helped the old and the young, and greeted them ten miles outside the city...

And it's not just Linzi?

From Zhuhe and Daze in the north, Shimen and Xuansha in the south, Hengyang and Chiwei in the west, Linhai County in the east, and even Cassia Island! Even in the Lost Realm, even in the city occupied by the Qi State behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, where Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang's flag flutters, everyone is bathed in the mighty national power, and everyone celebrates!

Famous Confucianist Feng Ming wrote: "In ancient times, there is no saint who is more holy than the Son of Heaven; no warrior in the world is as good as Cao Donglai. So we add all directions, run through the southeast, build a career for thousands of years, and establish the foundation for eternity!"

Cao Jie is a native of Donglai County in Daqi, so he is respectfully called Cao Donglai in the article.

In the history of Qi State, there were many famous people in this county, but since then, when people mention Donglai County, they must first think of Cao Jie.

In the fifty-seventh year of Daqi Yuanfeng, Cao Jie destroyed Xia Guosheji, returned in triumph, captured Xia Emperor Sicheng, and dedicated it to the Taimiao!

A big country that was once qualified to compete for hegemony has withdrawn from the stage of history. This kind of feat of conquering the country is hard to match in the world.

According to the date calculated by the ceremonial officer, the official day of offering gifts at the Taimiao is the 21st day of the first lunar month.

Cao Jie led 3,000 armored soldiers representing the triumphant division, and entered from Jimen. The teachers and students in the Jixia Academy, let go of the legal restrictions on this day, and welcomed them outside the academy!

The sources of these 3,000 soldiers are complicated, including nine soldiers and three armies, Daqi County soldiers, the Allied Forces of the Eastern Regions, and part of the Xia Army that actively fought after surrendering. They were recruited and assembled according to a certain ratio.

Those who can be selected into this army are all soldiers who have made outstanding contributions in the war against Xia. At the same time, the feelings of all parties have been considered as much as possible, and the interests of various ministries have been weighed.

Among the millions of heroes, only these 3,000 people were able to follow Marshal Cao Jie into the city in armor and lead troops into the city, or even to the Taimiao. What an honor is this?

Every selected soldier regards this as a lifetime honor.

And marching all the way on the vast land of Qi State, bathed in flowers and applause all the way, such an army appeared in the Taimiao... The soldiers lined up during it were naturally all high-spirited.

Jiang Wang was summoned out of the house before dawn, burned incense and bathed, dressed and dressed, and taught etiquette... Then he was sent to the Taimiao in eight sedan chairs.

Along the way, no matter the maids and eunuchs or the guards and officials, they all peeked at him whenever they had the opportunity, as if they were admiring some rare jade... but he didn't know how clear the weight of their eyes was to him.

All these things made him feel more like a sacrificial offering at the grand ceremony, which was specially presented for the offering, rather than a person participating in the grand ceremony.

Fortunately, he is not the only one enjoying this kind of treatment.

The young master in white from the Chongxuan family, who claims to be the best of his peers, is sitting next to him.

In this huge side hall, there are only two people sitting, which can be regarded as a companion.

Unlike Jiang Wang who sat down for a moment and started to practice, Chongxuanzun sat casually, half leaning, reading slowly with a book in his hand.

He read it very seriously, turning back a few pages from time to time, as if he was studying some wonderful Taoism.

The sound of turning pages was too frequent, which disturbed Jiang Wang, who was really studying Taoism, a little difficult to concentrate.

When the two were two against six in Xiadi Sang Mansion, there was a kind of tacit understanding that was natural, they entrusted each other with life and death, and finally achieved an incredible victory. Now, even though it's just fighting, leaving the battlefield, there is still some friendship.

Chong Xuanzun turned back another page, and while savoring it carefully, he casually said: "Why do you still feel impetuous while practicing? This is not Jiang Qingyang's proper cultivation attitude."

Jiang Wang was bored for a while, so he simply stopped practicing, looked at him and said, "Young Master Zun is a diligent student, what books are you reading?"

""Illustrated Handbook of Five Grains Planting"." Chongxuan Zun said without raising his head.

Jiang Wang said calmly, "I also bring a picture book."

Chong Xuanzun said casually: "Farming, you can't be sloppy. All the details must be clarified."

Jiang Wang looked at him quietly for a while, and Zhong Xuanzun raised his head inexplicably.

Only then did he say——


Thanks to Dameng Chen Zeqing for the reward of Xinmeng. I missed it yesterday, so I made it up today. =, =!


Thanks to the book friend "The Cat Who Loves Fish and Food" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 321st Alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "What does Jiaran eat" for becoming the leader of this book, it is for the 322nd alliance of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "20180125012524875" for becoming the leader of this book, it is the 323rd alliance for the Chixin Sky Survey!


In addition, one more thing, book friends, I intend to update the Buddhist system of health preservation in this volume.

I want to live a happy life, I want to skip work often and go out to play, I want to play fish, play games and chase dramas or something (By the way, please recommend any good movies, I personally prefer comedies, the kind that can make me laugh .)

Sincerely suggest that can raise books.

At the end of the last volume, the follow-up order rushed to 19,000.

After taking a few days off, I was actually mentally prepared to fall off a cliff. I didn't expect that there were still 18,000 chapters to be added yesterday...

Of course it’s great to be liked, but it’s also stressful.

Afraid of being scolded for slow updates.

Book friends who are more impatient, why not raise them. It won't be broken, and it won't enter the palace. It's definitely worth watching for a while.

Thank you everyone.

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