Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1613

On the 28th day of the first month of this year, Jiang Wangcai turned 21 years old.

That is to say, at today's grand ceremony, a Marquis Marquis who was not yet 21 years old and had 3,000 households in the city was born. His name was Jiang Wang!

The youngest record of the Daqi Empire's contemporary feudal marquis has been premised on for several years!

And what is the concept of three thousand households in a food city?

Three thousand households of the people of the state of Qi, who were killed or seized, all paid to Jiang Wang alone.

Like Jiang Wang, who made contributions in the battle of defeating Yang, attacked Yang and took Qingyang Town as a fief. On the one hand, it is to help Qi Ting consolidate its rule in Yangdi with the help of Jiang Wang's banner-like influence in the local area. On the other hand, Jiang Wang, as the lord of this fief, only enjoys tax rights. Moreover, on the basis of equal taxation, taxes can only be reduced, not increased.

The governance of the people in the fief is still the continuation of the power of the Qi court. Although he can control the appointment and dismissal of town hall officials, the position of the pavilion chief also needs to be reported to the county government. If the disabled people go too far, they will be held accountable by Qi Ting.

Just like this war against Xia, after conquering Sheji of Xia State, Qi Ting also set aside some fiefdoms in situ and distributed them to the generals who made meritorious deeds. For example, Jiang Wang was granted the title of Chitan, and Chong Xuansheng was granted the title of Ming Konghan Mountain... In essence, they also relied on the prestige of these Xia heroes to stabilize their rule in Xia. At the same time, the power of these fiefdoms is far less than that of Shiyi.

More importantly, no matter Chitan, Mingkong Hanshan or Qingyang Town, they were sealed just after they were defeated. Although it is already a state of Qi in terms of law, it will take time to effectively govern the people of Qi. It is a special case of war.

However, the feudal cities obtained by the feudal lords are different. Those who are conferred are all the Qi people who have lived in Qi for generations, and they are the people of Daqi who are really closely related to the state.

The corresponding household registration roster will be handed over to Jiang Wang later.

Jiang Wang can move them all to his own fief, and requisition the first batch of people whose life and death are completely controlled by him. It can also be placed in the place of origin, just for taxation.

The support of these 3,000 households is not too much wealth for a superpower. But what it represents is a supreme honor.

On behalf of the prince, he will share the glory with the country in this life, and he can enjoy the offerings of all the people together with the emperor.

The more food cities there are, the more use can be made of the country's power.

In the official system, Yu practice has great benefits!

The Marquis of Dingyuan made the first achievement in breaking Xia thirty-three years ago, and after many years of conquests, his efforts were in vain. With his wonderful performance in the battle of destroying the sun, he was finally granted the title of Marquis.

At that time, there were only 7,000 households in Shiyi.

It was also after this campaign against Xia that he first broke Jianfeng Mountain and forced Yu Liyang to retreat, then killed the commander of the Xiazhen National Army, Longjiao, first ascended Tongyang City, and gained the victory of commanding the autumn killing, which increased the food town by 3,000 households. Yi is the Marquis of Wanhu.

Generally speaking, Wan Huhou is already the ultimate lord.

And Jiang Wang had already completed the achievement of three thousand households in Shiyi when he was weak.

This is not only his personal glory, it can also be compared with martial arts in all countries.

People cheered and celebrated the future of Daqi.

Dan rank above.

Jiang Wuhua clapped his hands and smiled, his face was full of joy.

Jiang Wuxie shook her head while laughing, peeled a white snow fruit, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Jiang Wuyou was the only one who sat upright with his knees propped up, and didn't do any extra moves. Full of joy, all in the phoenix eyes.

To this day, no one doubts her original vision.

That sentence "The so-called hero is the person who makes the impossible possible."

It almost changed from a beautiful message to a realistic description of Jiang Wang.

And she did not hesitate to invest all her overseas resources in order to win Jiang Wang's promise at the beginning-this was regarded as a reckless gamble at the time, but looking at it today, it is a huge profit investment with hundreds of times and thousands of times of income?

Plant a Qingyang male and reap a Marquis of Wu'an!

Looking at the history of Qi, there are not many people who have such meritorious deeds at Jiang Wang's age.

Qiu Ji, the eunuch of Bingbi, personally put on Jiang Wang the luxurious python robe that shows the identity of Marquis Wu'an.

Just like the eunuch Zhong Liwen, who was familiar with the champion Hou Chongxuan, was also acquainted with him. The more these details, the more you can see the grace of the emperor.

The people of Qi still favor purple, and the clothes of the Marquis are also based on purple, which is beyond words. In front of and behind him, the Nine Pythons are like swallowing clouds and mist.

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are in the corner of the robe, and the dreamlike star shadows only loom when walking.

After taking off the green shirt to be chic, you can see princes and princes!

Once this garment is put on, it is already the extreme of a minister. You can look straight at the court officials, and you don't have to avoid the way when you see the commander-in-chief of the nine soldiers. You have the qualifications to attend the deliberations of the political affairs hall, just like that Shangqing Yu Liyang.

Amidst the sound of mountains and tsunami, the two youngest military masters in Qi State are both calm. They looked at each other and stepped aside for the time being.

And this time the commander of Xia Xia, Cao Jie, who proved the true king in Xiadi, walked into the square at this time and climbed onto the high platform.

Emperor Qi sat on the dragon chair, looked down, and said slowly: "Cao Qing has worked hard."

Cao Jie was wearing armor, bowed his hands as a salute, and said: "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life!"

There are only eight words in the dialogue between the monarch and his ministers, but the trust delivered to each other during it is all in the words.

The emperor waved his sleeves, and Jiang Rumo unfolded another edict.

This is the third and last imperial edict that Jiang Rumo, Prime Minister of the Great Qi Kingdom, personally read out today.

His face was too generous, and his voice was extremely gentle. However, at this time, walking around the world, inside Xiong Zhenyu——

"In the past when the Taizu founded the country, his family was no more than 11 Jiajia, and he settled the mountains and rivers in 21 years.

When Emperor Wu returned to the country, he had no more than 30,000 soldiers, and the country was restored in the 37th battle.

I was the prince at the beginning, and I wiped out the four kingdoms in armor. When the great position comes, the country will be destroyed again. At that time, the emperor of Xia, Si Yuan, swept across the universe and annexed the southeast, and no one in the world dared to do so.

I held up my sword to resist, and fought with all the country, beheaded Si Yuan, wiped out the six armies, swallowed the Eastern Region, and became the hegemony, and Qi State has been called the Eastern State since then!

In today's world of great strife, there are six hegemonic countries, small countries in the stars, and ancient sects everywhere, and millions of people are fighting to kill each other.

How can a famous general in the world be like the sea of ​​stars? There are only a few who can become teachers of millions!

Now there is Cao Jie, who can do whatever he wants.

Lead millions of troops, and destroy Xia in one battle. All my old regrets run through the southeast.

For example, Taizu had Fengtian’s ten ministers, and Emperor Wu had seven generals who ruled the country. I have Cao Jie!

Seal Duhou with 30,000 households, and inherit it from generation to generation! "

Cao Jie was granted the title of 30,000 hereditary marquis, and became the top lord of the Great Qi Empire. With the title, name, power, and power, from now on, he can be equal to the Grand Marshal of Zhen Guo.

Such as Chongxuanzun and Jiang Wang's seals, they are marquises for life and cannot be passed on to future generations.

And Cao Jie's "Duhou" is a hereditary marquis.

Of course, it is still slightly inferior to the hereditary Bowanghou and Jiuhuihou.

Because this is a hereditary succession, each generation will be degraded by a rank.

The son of Cao Jie is the earl, and the son and grandson are the viscount.

But this one-character Hou is more noble than the double-character Hou. Even the Shimen Li family does not have a food town of 30,000 households.

Especially in this imperial edict, Qi Tianzi directly compared Cao Jie to Qi Taizu's ten ministers of Fengtian and Qi Wudi's seven generals who ruled the country. Those characters were all incensed in the Taimiao after death. The two palaces of Fengtian and Zhenguo were built for these honored ministers.

Emperor Qi has almost made it clear that in the future, the Taimiao will definitely open another hall, or it will be side by side with Fengtian and Zhenguo, or even above it, and Cao Jie will definitely be listed among them!

This is not only a supreme honor, but also has extraordinary significance in this mighty world.

The so-called ten ministers of Fengtian and the seven generals of Zhenguo have all died due to various reasons.

Just like the stronger a monk is, the harder it is to heal once he is injured. The stronger the person, the more thorough they will be once the body dies and the dao disappears.

Jiang Mengxiong was able to suppress the passage between the two worlds with his hands, and rescued Shishi on the spot with the elixir. Under the same conditions, it was ten times more difficult to save a cultivator in the Inner Palace. It is almost impossible to revive a monk who came to God.

And the difficulty of saving a person who has just died is completely different from saving a person who has been dead for a long time. The longer the time, the harder it is.

These honored ministers who are listed in Fengtian and Zhenguo Second Palaces are all the foundations of real people in the world. At the time of death, the sky rains blood, and the heaven and the earth mourn together. After death, the ghost also disappears, and even the true spirit is impossible to find.

But entering the temple to receive sacrifices is different.

Their spiritual seats are invited to enter the Taimiao Temple and be enshrined by Qi State Sheji for generations.

Raise them with the power of the country, worship them with incense... Their spirit, will, and reputation will last forever. Even after being dead for many years and disappearing into thin air, there is still hope of resurrection!

So why did the princes of the past dynasties pay so much attention to incense, and why the thousand-year-old family is so prominent. A powerful ancestor with the possibility of surviving resurrection is also the heritage of the family!

This is one of the places where the national system is stronger than the Zongmen. It is enshrined by all people, and the world is opened up.

Of course, those ancient sects also have similar means to survive, but they are not as popular as the Zongguo Taimiao.

Cao Jie defeated Xia in one battle, not only became the top nobleman of Daqi today, but also was promised by the emperor in the future. Before that, there was no family with the surname Cao, and since then, the Cao family in Donglai has become a first-class family in Daqi.

Donglai County has also become the only county in Qi that has two top-notch families.

However, the Qi family, the original No. 1 family in Donglai, lost momentum after Qi Xiao split up and seized Xia Shi's military power, and it was hard to compare with the current upstart Cao family.

The entire grand ceremony, followed by Chongxuanzun, Jiang Wang, and Cao Jie, were conferred successively as marquises, step by step to the climax.

The sound of the ritual officer striking the chime bells was still floating in the sky.

A vigorous war against Xia has officially come to an end.

The spring of the fifty-seventh year of Yuanfeng.

The people of Qi won everything they wanted to win.

There are too many people who sleep forever in the summer soil.

Such as Bob Zhao, such as Ouyang Yong.

Such as the vanguard battalion under Chong Xuanzun, such as Zhong Xin who has followed Chong Xuanzun for many years.

For example, there are 90,000 soldiers in the county under Tian Anping...

For example, the victory battalion led by Jiang Wangzhong and Xuan Sheng also killed more than 2,000 people.

But there are also some people who have stepped onto a higher stage.

As the saying goes——

"Based on Jun Mo's words to seal the Marquis, one general will succeed!"



"Based on Jun Mo's words to seal the Marquis, one general will be successful..."

The line was written on the paper and then erased.

In the fifty-seventh year of Yuanfeng, the twenty-fourth day of the first month.

Jiang Wang was sitting at the desk by the window, writing a letter.

A very long letter.

He wanted to tell Jiang An'an about Linzi's spring. He wants to describe the prosperity here, exaggerate the glory he has gained, and share all his success and joy...but he never mentions the pain and danger he has experienced.

During the entire Xia Xia War, he did not write a letter, and he saved a lot of things to say.

He also wanted to chat with Ye Qingyu about little An'an's education, and plan An'an's practice route. He also needs to help deduce the various applications of Yunzhuan's supernatural powers with the vision after God's arrival.

His mood is peaceful, and his pen is light.

Outside the window is Xiashan Mountain, where the maple leaves are not yet red, and you can see the lush greenery when you look up.

After the Taimiao gift was over, he was tired of the constant visits from all walks of life, and he was unwilling to waste his precious time in the banquet.

So he hid in Xiashan Biefu, where Xuansheng was heavy.

Compared with the Yaoguangfang in the bustling city, and the Wu'anhou Mansion under construction in a more prosperous place, this place is much quieter.

Of course, it is also to avoid some meaningless entanglements. For example, what is the niece of a court official, what is the daughter of a commander in chief, what is the daughter of a servant, what is a lady of a famous family...

Even Wen Tinglan from Yan Fu's family, because of affection, held several poetry gatherings, many of her boudoir friends were present--God, what does Jiang Wang know about poetry?

Sitting among a group of warblers and swallows, listening to their splendor and splendor, writing lyrics and singing songs, I am more exhausted than when I was chasing and killing Shang Yanhu...

There is a wonderful sound of silk and bamboo.

Jiang Wang shook his head, and the pen swam away briskly.

Needless to say, it was the new neighbor waking up from a hangover to kick off the happy hour of the day.

Probably in order to take care of the feelings of Shangqing Yu Liyang, although the Qi army captured the last emperor of Xia, Si Cheng, the captive offering ceremony, which was supposed to be the focus, ended hastily, and did not humiliate the great Qi Anlebo.

Even his former Great Xia Harem, his empress and several concubines were sent to him safely. The rest of the people, etc., were dismissed.

Looking at the subjugated kings in history, Si Cheng can be regarded as having a happy ending.

Of course, a hero like the current Qi Tianzi doesn't need to find any sense of accomplishment from this An Lebo at all. It would be almost the same for Emperor Xia Xiang who has been dead for many years.

It should be said or not, after all, he was once the emperor of a country, rich in thousands of miles. The taste of enjoying music is indeed high.

Although Jiang Wang couldn't hear anything famous, it felt very comfortable to his ears.

With the help of the neighbor's music, I finished writing the letter in such a slow manner. With a slight let go, Yunhe flew out of the window and went straight to the sky. That fluttering heart also flew up to the top of the cloud.

The weather is sunny and good, suitable for thinking about An'an.

"I don't see you, I don't see anyone!"

Ear consciousness picks up the cries.

An indulgent, impatient, middle-aged man's voice, with a touch of extravagance: "Come on, let's play music and dance!"

With a thought in mind, Jiang Wang got up and left the study, walked through the courtyard, and opened the door.

Sure enough, in front of the courtyard not far away, there was a peach blossom-like man in Chinese clothes standing.

The former King Min of Great Xia, now the Shangqing of Qi State.

He used to be known as Peach Blossom Fairy, and he was the most romantic person in Daxia. After drinking, he wrote a poem casually, and ranked the thirteen famous mountains in Xiadi, making "other mountains inferior".

How many songs have been composed for people to sing.

How much love is left, one term will cause boudoir resentment.

After the first Qixia War, sweep away the old debauchery and strive to become stronger. As the true king of the Xia Kingdom's martial arts era, he was once the hope for the rise of the entire Xia Kingdom.

Such a handsome man with red lips and white teeth is almost a concrete image of Xia Kingdom's heyday.

Such a person was rejected by An Luobo.

Jiang Wang's movement of pushing the door was naturally noticed by him.

He turned around, as if walking in the wind, making the sky sway.

It is really beautiful like a flower.

"Yu Shangqing!" Jiang Wang called out very directly, "Can I have a drink?"

The state of Qi originally had no position as a high minister, and this position was specially set up for Yu Liyang.

The position is extremely honorable, and the real power is better than nothing.

A very faint smile appeared on Yu Liyang's face: "Ms. Yu is extravagant by nature. He never drinks good wine and hangs out with good friends. I wonder what kind of wine Marquis Wu'an has?"

Jiang Wang turned his body sideways and made a gesture of invitation: "The 'Lu Ming' of 'Xun Lin'!"

"The sound of deer in wine is the best. Wu'an is a good friend among people!" Yu Liyang smiled brightly, and his sleeves fluttered over: "This wine is good to drink!"

How many things in life, to start from scratch.

For example, yesterday, life and death were intertwined.

For example, in today's dynasty, wine is cooked in spring.

good season.





1. Shiyi: In ancient China, during the Zhou Dynasty, the recipients had the right to rule over Shiyi. After the Qin and Han Dynasties, there was only the right to food tax. The author made minor adjustments in the Chixin world to fit the extraordinary world.

2. "By relying on Jun Mo's words to seal the marquis, one general will succeed!" - Cao Song "Two Poems at the Age of Jihai·Xi Zong Guangming First Year"

Thanks to leader Tu Shan Zhuoyan for rewarding the new alliance! =, =, I missed it before, I will make it up today.

Thanks to the leader phecda for becoming the silver alliance of this book! It's for the 17th Silver League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you book friends for "checking in for Xiao Jiang" and becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 325th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you book friend "Yi Fanchen" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 326th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Separation of Resentment and Hatred" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 327th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Little Penguin Without Conscience" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 328th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you book friend "Gu Zhengqi" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 329th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you book friend "Muran zz" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 330th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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