Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1614 Once Feixue in the world

Jiang Wang hid in Xiashan Biefu and refused outside visitors, not even servants.

After asking Yu Liyang to take a seat in the courtyard, he went and brought four jars of wine over.

After thinking about it, I brought two more altars.

Fragrant snow osmanthus, which is hard to come by, has also been moved here. In the courtyard, facing the wind proudly.

Of course, you can't smell the sweet-scented osmanthus now.

The so-called "Fushan is old, and the fragrant snow is withered" refers to the two most famous osmanthus trees in the Eastern Region. In addition to the moving landscape, the former soothes the nerves and the latter delights the mind.

A low bluestone table stands under the osmanthus tree, and two futons look like jade carvings.

Jiang Wang brought some iron berries and some pastries before kneeling down opposite Yu Liyang.

From the beginning to the end, Yu Liyang just knelt and sat quietly under the fragrant snow osmanthus, like a person in a meticulous painting, himself in the scenery... watching Jiang Wang busy to and fro.

At this time Fang said: "I never thought that the courtyard of Marquis Wu'an is so quiet."

This is the first time they have met since the Taimiao gift.

Before presenting gifts at the Taimiao, there was actually no intersection.

Yu Liyang stood too high, and Jiang Wang was far from qualified to drink with him at that time.

"There is nothing else to do except practice." Jiang Wangwen said, "I'm used to being loose, so I don't need to serve you."

Six altars of deer wine are lined up beside the table, like six white deer facing the snow osmanthus.

Not to mention the taste, just this jar of wine is extraordinary.

The whole body is jade-colored, if you tap the altar wall three times with your fingers, the jade-color will slowly fade away, and the body of the bottle will become transparent, showing amber-like liquor. After three breaths, it will return to jade color.

It is the so-called "White Deer Tibetan Forest".

The overall shape of the wine jar is a white deer kneeling on all fours. The deer antlers on both sides are particularly delicate, hold each side and unscrew it in the wrong direction before it can be considered unsealed.

The deer lips are the mouth of the altar, and the antlers are the two wine glasses, which are called "deer horn bottles".

This wine must be paired with this bottle to have an endless aftertaste.

Jiang Wang unscrewed the two antler bottles with his own hands, filled the wine again, and then only made a gesture of please, without further words.

Yu Liyang picked up the wine bottle and sniffed it lightly, first looking for its fragrance, then sipping it carefully, savoring its alcohol slowly, and finally drinking it full, the smell of wine is consistent, from the viscera to the spirit.

Playing with the antler bottle, his face was full of Tao Ran. Man said: "The wine of the Eastern Kingdom is drunk in Lushuang. The wine of Lushuang is 'Xunlin'. The best product of 'Xunlin' is called 'Luming'. The annual production of this wine is no more than 20 altars. You can't wait for it, but the Marquis of Wu'an actually has these in stock. Why is it so can see it here."

"Actually, I can hardly buy it myself." Jiang Wang said, and patted the two altars near his hand: "These two altars were won by a bet between me and General Yan Po of Yi Kingdom."

Of course, he didn't say what the bet was.

He patted the front two altars again: "These two altars are gifts from my friend Yan Fu."

The Marquis gift gift from Young Master Yan was full of ten carts. Two jars of Luming wine are really nothing.

He paused, then pointed to the two jars in front: "These two jars... are some wine that Yan Fu brought with me when he came to my place for a gathering a few days ago. Out."

The so-called inventory is almost all of Yan Fu, who is also a little embarrassed. Then he stopped talking and poured wine for Yu Liyang.

In detail, it's not just wine, this table is all gifts from others.

The iron berries were of course given by Lian Que, and the cakes were all brought by friends. Among them is the crescent moon cake made by Jiang Wuhua, the prince of the East Palace.

Of course, even this Xiashan Biefu originally valued Xuansheng...

Hearing Yan Fu on the left and Yan Fu on the right in his ears, Yu Liyang paused, and naturally thought of the hospitality he received in Beijun these days, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "The Yan family is indeed very good..."

Lord Jiang Hou felt the same way.

So they touched the antler bottle and had a drink.

The two of them were drinking and gossiping like this, it was really a bit of springtime.

The clouds pass through the clear sky, the wind passes through the empty courtyard, and people are also drunk.

Just a few rounds of drinking.

Yu Liyang looked at Jiang Wang, and asked suddenly: "Don't you ask me why I came to visit An Lebo today?"

Jiang Wang invited Yu Liyang to drink, but he didn't have any other ideas. It just so happened that the weather was nice, and I was in the mood for drinking, and I saw that this person was flamboyant, so I wanted to have a drink with him, that's all.

It's rare for him to be so spontaneous. Over the past few years, I have been driven by tangible and invisible pressure almost all the time, and I have no leisure time.

At this moment, he just poured the wine and said with a smile: "What kind of person is Yu Shangqing! You can meet whoever you want, why do you need any reason?"

Yu Liyang smiled, raised his bottle and said, "Drink a cup!"

Jiang Wang naturally accompanied him.

After the bottle was finished, Yu Liyang smiled lightly and said: "An Lebo is a smart man, he knows that seeing me now is inappropriate and not safe enough."

"He is also a person with only a little cleverness. He doesn't know that in the eyes of Emperor Qi, he doesn't exist at all, and he doesn't care what he does at all. Whether he really doesn't want to miss Xia, or hides clumsiness and acts stupid , it doesn't hurt at all."

"You're right... I just wanted to see him suddenly today."

"I wonder what he'll say when he sees me."

"I want to ask him if he ever felt ashamed."

"I want to see what he looks like today, and what is the difference from what I saw thirty-three years ago..."

After Yu Liyang said so much, he stopped suddenly, probably because he felt that there was actually no need to say anything. In the end, there was only a "huh", "In fact, it is difficult to be free when you expand the Tao."

Jiang Wang just listened quietly and didn't speak.

But Yu Liyang asked again: "Shang Yanhu presumptuously launched the Changluo Jue formation, causing disasters and chaos in the world, whose order was it, I think the Marquis of Wu'an knew about it?"

Jiang Wangdao: "At that time, I did see Beixiang Hou take out the imperial edict of Xia Ting's imperial seal."

"It's An Lebo's order." Yu Liyang said: "Shang Yanhu, like the Ximeng Mansion, is a staunch imperial party. Such a thing, if An Lebo didn't speak up personally, he would not do it."

Luming wine flowed in the blood, but the alcohol dissipated. Jiang Wang said softly: "So that's the case."

From this point of view, Si Cheng can still live well today, and can still be named Anle Bo, singing and dancing... The emperor really gave Yu Liyang too much face.

And the same dead person, on the premise of preserving Si Cheng, caused disasters and rebelled against his fate, and finally blamed it on King Wu Si Jiao, not Queen Mother Xia. Presumably it also had something to do with Yu Liyang's will.

"An Lebo wants to activate the Changluo Juezhen, and the King of Wu acquiesces. An Lebo wants to attribute the responsibility to the Ximeng Mansion, and the King of Wu acquiesces. An Lebo also wants to blame the Queen Mother, and the King of Wu also acquiesces...but I can no longer agree. Prove the truth Jun, Zhu Kingdom has been in the sixteenth year, and this is the only thing I disagree with King Wu."

Yu Liyang looked at Jiang Wang and said, "That's why I'm sitting here today drinking with you."

Jiang Wang didn't know what to say, so he poured wine.

Yu Liyang didn't know what to think of for a moment, looking at Yuan Kong's eyes, such as water waves, he sipped his wine lightly, his posture was really gentle.

He smiled and asked: "A person has dedicated his life to the country, and even his life has been turned into firewood. After such a person dies, shouldn't he be disturbed anymore, shouldn't he be in peace?"

"She deserves respect," Jiang Wang said.

"Every day in the Age of Gods and Martial Arts, she was worried about the future of that country. In thirty-three years, there was not a day of leisure. The later Xia Kingdom was built in ruins. When it fell into ruins, she would not be able to survive. It is." Yu Liyang said slowly: "If it is the case with the Queen Mother, it is the same case with the Ximeng Mansion."

The Empress Dowager Xia was burned in a raging fire, and the Ximeng Mansion was killed by thousands of troops, all of which are silhouettes of the collapse of the millennium empire. So disillusioned.

"The so-called hero." Jiang Wang raised the antler bottle and poured it lightly in front of Xiangxue Gui: "I'll toast you from afar."

The amber-like agar sap soaks into the soil, exuding a long-lasting fragrance.

Yu Liyang's eyes were complicated: "Even Jiang Wu'an, who was enshrined in the First World War, is willing to respect them. I think they should be gratified if they know about it."

Jiang Wang said sincerely: "My military exploits are a fluke, but their deeds will always remain in people's hearts."

"I was wrong. If they have knowledge under the spring..." Yu Liyang leaned forward and said quietly: "I will definitely find a way to get up and kill you."

This sentence is really scary, especially when it comes from the mouth of a Yan Dao True Monarch. don't know if he is joking.

But Jiang Wang just filled a bottle of wine and said, "I will definitely run away."

Yu Liyang sat back and said calmly: "The loneliness in good times is more unbearable than in adversity. Being able to hide and practice in such a hot time, Marquis Wu'an is not your end... The future is promising. Now, I must not let you live."

"Let's take it as a compliment!" Jiang Wang smiled wryly, and said again: "Actually, I never thought about being a Marquis and Prime Minister. Yu Shangqing talked about the future, but I don't know what the future will be like. I just try my best to do my best." What I can do well, I just move forward step by step.”

"Oh? Where is the front of Marquis Wu'an?" Yu Liyang asked.

"a place far away."

Jiang Wang paused, then said, "Maybe it's not that far away."

Yu Liyang then stopped asking. Turned around: "You killed Yi Shengfeng, Tian Anping forced Ren Qiuli to retreat, these people all came from Nandou Palace... Do you know that the Lord of Longevity also made a move?"

Jiang Wang smiled bitterly: "That's not a level I can get involved in."

"Do you know who is blocking Changshengjun?" Yu Liyang asked again.

Jiang Wang shook his head.

Yu Liyang said slowly: "True Monarch Blood River."

Jiang Wang looked up in astonishment.

The Blood River Sect is the current sect, and has been in charge of suppressing disasters for many years. It has a very special meaning in itself.

True Monarch Blood River will appear on the Qixia battlefield, which shows that Cao Jie has long been prepared for the battle of Changluo!

In other words, Jiang Wang's credit for suppressing Huoshui is actually to be discounted. Without him, nothing could go wrong.

If this matter is made clear, with Jiang Wang's military achievements, he can still be named a marquis, but there must be no three thousand households in the city.

But Qi Tianzi completely ignored these, and the reward was not discounted at all.

What a reward!

So why?

Why is the fact that True Monarch Xuehe stopped Changsheng Jun of Nandou Hall completely missing from the military situation?

And why is Yu Liyang talking about this matter?

Even... why is it True Monarch Blood River?

Jiang Wang remembered that Zhenjun Xuehe had traveled with Zhenjun Shendu Wei Xun before, joined hands with three other strong men, entered the sea and cut Wantonglong's horn and returned. Since he has a personal relationship with Wei Xun, it is always a bit strange to intervene in Qixia's battlefield and help Qi to stop Lord Changsheng.

"Why him?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Maybe you should ask Cao Jie, because I don't know." Yu Liyang said indifferently: "I just told you what I should let you know, so that you, the great Qi Tianjiao, will become more loyal and earn Qi Tianzi a piece of money." It's just a favor."

Jiang Wang faintly felt that there was still a huge secret hidden in this matter.

Anything that involves secrets is definitely not good, and it is often beyond the reach of his small body.

God is sorry, he just wanted to have a drink today!

Peeled an iron berry and ate it. Then he said: "If I should know, Cao Shuai will tell me."

"The Juezhen of Changluo thirty-three years ago may be related to True Monarch Xuehe..." Yu Liyang turned his head, looked at the green Xiangxuegui beside the stone table, and said casually: "When will you know If you have the inside story, you might as well tell me, I am also very curious.”

Without waiting for Jiang Wang to respond, he asked again: "What does it look like here when it blooms?"

"It's like falling snow." Jiang Wang said.

Yu Liyang then sighed: "Today's good meeting, we should serve wine with sweet-scented osmanthus!"

The sleeves of the robe flicked lightly.

But seeing the green trees all over the place, they suddenly turned into the color of snow.

The white petals are fluttering and falling, like dancing. I really don't know if it's snowflakes or sweet-scented osmanthus.

A sweet-scented osmanthus flower just falls into the antler bottle... The amber wine contains the first snow.

Yu Liyang raised the wine bottle as a gesture.

Jiang Wang raised his glass and drank together.

What a real gentleman!

Raise your hands and throw your feet to change the flowering period, red lips and white teeth are teenagers.

At this moment, Yu Liyang, with a rare innocent smile, as if afraid of waking up someone's dream, asked softly: "How?"

"Beauty is beauty, and the fragrance is also very fragrant." Jiang Wang said honestly: "But I don't know why, I always feel that it is not so appropriate."

Yu Liyang was probably drunk, looking up at the falling snow-like sweet-scented osmanthus, he said, "I often wonder, is there a greater power in the world that can change these things?"

He withdrew his gaze and said to Jiang Wang, "Man, the timing of appearance is very important."

With a flip of his sleeves, he stood up gracefully and walked out of the courtyard. He just said: "The wine is very good, goodbye!"

There was no sound in the courtyard for a long time.

Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi sat quietly in the snow.



Snow is an image of purity.

Snow color is sometimes a kind of extremely complete sadness.

On the 24th day of the first month, Jiang Wang stood with Chong Xuansheng, wrapped in a white cloth.

Behind them were 767 soldiers from the Victory Battalion.

Everyone's left arm is wrapped in snow.

In front of them is a tall communal tomb with a monument saying: Victory.

There is no one-word inscription on the body of the stele.

There are really no words that can engrave the fate of fighting side by side for dozens of days and traveling thousands of miles.

On the Faxia battlefield, the Victory Battalion experienced a replenishment.

At that time, 547 people were killed in the battle, and they were supplemented by selecting the best from the Allied Army of the Eastern Regions and the Xia Kingdom's surrendered army. After the full number, dozens of people died in the Minxi Corridor, and in the Sang Mansion... only 836 people remained.

Among the eight hundred and thirty-six people, another sixty-nine people failed to survive their injuries.

So the last ones left are these seven hundred and sixty-seven people.

Their future is secure, and the wealth that everyone plunders on the battlefield is enough to enjoy for a lifetime.

As for the families of those who died in battle, Chong Xuansheng had already contacted them one by one. The military of the State of Qi contacted once first and gave corresponding compensation and condolences. Chong Xuansheng and Jiang Wang made another compensation in the name of Desheng Battalion.

In addition to equally sharing the wealth they plundered on the Xia Kingdom battlefield, according to different family situations, they either gave Da Qi the status of a good family son, or gave them extraordinary opportunities...

But will this heal the pain?

There is no answer.

The cruelty of war cannot be fully expressed in words, and sometimes it is only reflected in people's sad hearts.

Jiang Wang and Chongxuansheng stood in front of this common tomb, and they had done all the things that should be done, and there was nothing else to say after the sacrifice.

"Are you going to Jixia Academy tomorrow?" Chong Xuansheng asked.

"Yes." Jiang Wang replied.

There was no sound after that.

This is the best cemetery that can be found on Ganma Mountain.

Xu Fang, a famous scholar who lived a miserable life, was also buried here.

The wind blows.

The white flag is still moving, and the decaying grass is falling.

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