Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1615

On the twenty-fourth day of the first month in the fifty-seventh year of Yuanfeng, it is advisable to travel, sacrifice, receive wealth, and get married.

It is the wedding day of Bao Zhongqing, the son of Fangbo Shuo, and Miao Yuzhi, the daughter of the sheriff of Cangzhu County.

Being able to control 30% of the horse and horse business in the entire Qi State, the Bao family's financial strength is beyond doubt. Of course, Bao's business is not limited to the car dealership. Instead, based on chariots and horses, it has expanded to various fields, and has already woven into a dense business network.

Let me give you a very simple example—although Chong Xuansheng paid a lot of money to buy the business of the Golden Feather Impatiens flower, he still needs to rely on the Bao family's channel to send this flower to Chu.

Among the famous families in Qi State, the Bao family is probably only inferior to the Beijun Yan family in terms of financial resources.

When Bao Zhongqing married his wife, the convoy of dowry gifts lined up for a full ten miles, and one end could not see the other end.

In Guicheng, where the Miao family is located, traffic was once blocked.

In the city of Linzi, the capital of the Great Qi Dynasty, where every inch of land is precious, there are also three whole streets covered in red, and there will be nine-day running water mats, implying that the sky will last forever.

The three earls of the Bao family are one of the first-class families in the Qi Empire when it comes to power and status.

Shuofang Bo Bao Yi is the commander-in-chief of the nine soldiers, a real person in the world, who is in charge of the thunder of the nine soldiers, and is a figure standing at the highest level of the Daqi Empire.

Uncle Changhua Bao Zonglin resigned from his official position a long time ago, and practiced in seclusion in the Bao clan's land in Yinqiao County, focusing on attacking Dongzhen. And the heroic Bo Bao Heng is still fighting behind the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters, and holds the military power in his hands.

The grand wedding of such a top-notch famous family's son-in-law is naturally very grand.

It was even called "the biggest joyous event in Qi State after the victory of the Xia Dynasty" by some good people.

Being able to sit in Shuofangbo's mansion on the day of the wedding can be regarded as a proof of status.

Just throwing a brick in there, it is very difficult to hit an official below the fifth rank.

There is a lot of traffic, and all the gatherings are official cars.

There are so many people in the market, and the people who are crowded are noble people.

Song Yao, the court official, was present in person, and wrote a congratulatory message for the couple at the climax of the wedding banquet.

Miao Jingyang, governor of Cangzhu County, is Song Yao's disciple. It is said that he has touched the threshold of God's Realm, and has a great opportunity to go further.

The marriage between Bao Zhongqing and Miao Yuzhi is also regarded as the political closeness between Song Yao, the court councilor, and Bao Yi, the commander-in-chief of the Nine Soldiers. It's a sign of strong alliances.

After the great victory over Xia State, Qi State has too many more interests to divide. This is just a glimpse of the mighty situation.

However, the running water banquet outside Shuofangbo's mansion was still going on, but Bao Zhongqing himself left his wife and walked into Jixia Academy on the second day of his marriage - this was originally the emperor's gift to the meritorious ministers after the war against Xia. Reward, to give young people the opportunity to study in Jixia Academy.

He naturally inherited the legacy of Bob Zhao. Although Bob Zhao was defeated and died outside Wuyang City, his achievements in sweeping up the various houses on the Eastern Front in the early stage will not be completely erased.

On the second day after Bao Zhongxin got married, he went to study. His diligence and hard work are evident, and it was a good story for a while.

Jiang Wang, Chong Xuansheng, Li Longchuan, Li Fengyao, Yan Fu, Chong Xuanzun, Wang Yiwu, Wen Lianmu, Xie Baoshu and others entered Jixia Academy in the same batch.

The ban Wang Yiwu bears is that he is not allowed to enter Linzi. There is no problem with the Jixia Academy opened outside the Jimen Gate of Linzi.

These people all performed brilliantly in the Fa Xia battlefield, and only Xie Baoshu was a bit abrupt.

But in detail, all the feats Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng achieved on the Eastern Front should be attributed to Xie Huai'an's leadership.

And he himself, as the coach of the Eastern Front, dominated the battle situation, penetrated the Xia army's defense line first, and killed Zhou Ying, the Duke of Fengguo in Daxia. He even broke through the city of Guiyi and captured Xia Zi alive... After returning to Qi, the rewards were very few, almost in vain.

Of course, these were given to Xie Baoshu.

Qi people talk about merit, since merit is merit, and faults are faults. But Xie Huai'an made such a great contribution, if he wants to protect the future of Xie Baoshu, even the emperor has to think about it.

Chong Xuansheng said that Xie Baoshu was Xie Huai'an's little heart, and he was really right. The dignified real person in the world, the court official who is listed in the political affairs hall, gave Xie Baoshu enough opportunities on the battlefield, and after the incident happened, he worked hard to make up for it... Even if he treats his own son, there are not many people who are so successful!

In addition to these young people from their own country, Qi Ting also opened up a few quotas to the countries of the Eastern Region this time.

For example, Lin Jie of Yi State was admitted to the Palace because of Yan Po's meritorious service, Lin Xian of Rong State was admitted to the Palace because of Ouyang Yong's death, Li Shuwen of Xu State was admitted to the Palace because of Mrs. Xidu's contribution, and Gu Yan of Zhao State was admitted to the Palace... because of the death of Ouyang Yong. The monarch personally came to court Qi Tianzi.

This is the most open number of places in Jixia Academy in recent years.

Every quota to enter the academy can be equivalent to a huge amount of resources. This is also on the side, which shows the great harvest of Qi State's campaign against Xia.

The Jixia Academy is just outside the Ji Gate, but many people have never seen the scenery inside the Academy in their entire lives.

It is so important that it can almost be said to be the lifeblood of the Great Qi Empire.

And it's too mysterious, not easy to let go of the truth.

If you travel less than ten miles outside Jimen, you can see the gate tower.

The tall stone archway stands here and has been silent for thousands of years. There are not too many complicated carvings, simple and atmospheric, running through time.

The four characters "Jixia Xuegong" engraved on the archway were written by Emperor Wu of Qi himself. It's not so golden and iron horse, and it doesn't hide its front and hidden potential. Instead, it has a willful, natural, casual and free and easy posture.

As far as this painting is concerned, it is not so much an emperor or a famous general, but more like a mad celebrity.

For this legendary figure, Jiang Wang has been in love for a long time.

At this moment, it is unavoidable to stand under the archway and admire this painting carefully.

Lu Xiangqing, the teacher who had just walked out of the academy and was known for his sternness, saw this scene, shut down his voice that was about to yell loudly, and waited silently.

Although it is said that the entrance to the palace discusses teachers and students, and the hierarchy is orderly... But isn't Marquis Wu'an still walking in?

And how should I put it... as expected of the youngest Marquis of Daqi, and as expected of Marquis of Wu'an! How respectful and savvy he is to Emperor Wu. Looking at his serious eyes and firm edges and corners, it is obvious that he can fully feel the charm of the four characters of Emperor Wu.

Rare, rare.

Such outstanding young people are rare!

The particularity of Jixia Academy completely cut off Jiang Wang's perception. So much so that he was a few breaths late before he discovered the arrival of the elderly teacher.

He hurriedly bowed his body and saluted: "Sir, do you dare to ask respect? My name is Jiang Wang, and I have come to Xuegong by order of the emperor."

How polite!

Lu Xiangqing was very satisfied, and a smile appeared on his stiff and accustomed face: "The old man's surname is Lu, and he is from Youmi, Le'an County. Entered the Academy of Arts and devoted himself to the study of military formations for the country. Huyue Xiaohai was researched by the old man, and it is still used by Cangjun soldiers... Yuanfeng entered Jixia Academy in the 37th year and has been teaching until now , Twenty years have passed in a blink of an eye! Speaking of which, I have taught both the Palace Master of Yangxin and the Palace of Longevity."

He originally wanted to interject a story about his deeds on the battlefield back then, but he regretted giving up after thinking about the achievements of the young Marquis in front of him.

"Mr. Lu." Jiang Wang respectfully said, "Jiang Wang came late, I really shouldn't have troubled you to wait so long."

"Hahaha, don't talk about this." Lu Xiangqing glanced at the ugly man next to Jiang Wang, and said with a smile: "Let your subordinates go back, I will lead you into the academy."

"Uh, this is my school boy." Jiang Wang explained: "My cultivation foundation is not solid, and His Majesty authorized me to bring an accompanying school boy to the palace."

This is actually the emperor giving him a place to shelter in the entrance palace, which can be regarded as preferential treatment for the newly promoted Marquis Wu'an.

So he brought... Lian Que.

At first Lu Xiangqing just took a quick look at it and thought it was very ugly. He guessed it should be Wu Anhou's old army on the battlefield.

This will take a closer look...

It's not as good as it seems at first glance.

He couldn't hide his surprise: "Such an older book boy?"

He has no bad intentions. The implication is that even if you, Marquis Wu'an, can shelter one person, you should find someone young and promising, so that you can be worthy of the precious number of admission places in Jixia Academy.

Lian Que was bored for a long time, but couldn't bear it anymore, and said in a low voice, "Sir, I'm the same age as Jiang Wang!"

"Ah, what... let's go."

Lu Xiangqing made a seal casually, and saw behind the tall stone archway, a road paved with bluestone slowly appeared, winding its way to the depths of the clouds and mists. Among the flowing clouds and mist, there are faint palaces and lofts, which are really like a fairyland.

The old teacher of Jixia Academy, while leading the way, explained to Jiang Wang nonchalantly: "There is a special seal method for entering and leaving Jixia Academy, which is different every day. Today is Yiwu Seal."

With Jiang Wang's current divine state, after stepping on the bluestone road, he felt the difference almost immediately!

All monks know that the birth of Dao Yuan is the perfect fusion of will and power, the most true feedback of the spirit of all things to the origin of heaven and earth, and it is the "beginning of the Dao".

In addition to this metaphysical concept, the more specific birth process can be described in this way-the so-called Dao Yuan is under the integration of the will of the practitioner, integrating Qi, blood and the power of heaven and earth, in the body of the practitioner. , refined through Daoxuan and Daomai True Spirit.

The power of heaven and earth is the basis for the birth of Dao Yuan, and the outside is the guarantee of the power of Dao Dharma. In a normal environment, it exists almost like air. Ubiquitous, yet almost impenetrable.

Almost all powerful forces will gather the power of heaven and earth with magic circles to make it more intense.

But the most intense force of heaven and earth that Jiang Wang has ever felt is not like it is at this moment, it almost flows like water, washing away his body wantonly!

There is no need to be distracted to extract it at all, and it is rich in heaven and earth energy with every breath.

Of course, the cultivator himself is the root, no matter how rich the energy of heaven and earth is, it will not be able to achieve a breakthrough in the realm of cultivation. It is nothing more than accelerating the cohesion of Dao Yuan, which is of great benefit in the Traveling Vessel Realm and Zhoutian Realm.

What really moved Jiang Wang was that after he entered Jixia Academy, he immediately had a feeling - he seemed to be closer to the truth of the world...

If outside of Jixia Academy, he was separated from the essence of heaven and earth by a sea, then now it is only separated by a river. Although it is still very far away, the scenery on the other side can already be seen faintly.

With his current cultivation base, there is absolutely no possibility of hallucinations.

That is to say—practicing in the Jixia Academy helps to realize the truth of the cave!

How amazing is this?

Jiang Wang's mind was erratic for a while, and he had already flown into the mysterious and unspeakable perception.

Lu Xiangqing looked over enviously, and made a silent gesture to Lian Que.

Aside from academic orthodoxy, Jixia Academy itself is also an excellent place for spiritual practice.

It goes without saying that he is full of vitality.

What's more, the fate of the Great Qi State is transpiring here, so that those practitioners who have not made enough achievements in the official way can also enjoy the convenience of the official way, and practice with half the effort.

The most important thing... is that this place is close to the source of the present world, which makes it easier for people to see the essence of the world!

The world itself can be regarded as a wall, and the avenue is like the scenery outside the wall. A precious place like Jixia Academy is like a window on a wall.

After all, the size of the window is limited, so many people cannot peek out together. Even the opening and closing of this window itself will damage the life of the window. After use, it takes time to recover.

Therefore, the number of places in Jixia Academy has always been limited and very precious. This is especially true for the monks who stand on tiptoe and are qualified to see the essence of heaven and earth.

They have been teaching in Jixia Academy all the year round, but their perception of heaven and earth is actually blocked. Only after the contribution of the school reaches a certain share, during the free time for special exchange, you can freely perceive this world.

It's been a year of hard work, but it can be exchanged for one or two hours.

But even that is enough to make people flock to it. I don't know how many people wanted to enter Jixia Academy, but they couldn't get in.

He also earned enough contributions in the academy to be eligible to teach at Jixia Academy.

Among the practitioners in the entire Eastern Region, who would not want to study in Jixia Academy?

There are strong people like clouds here, a hundred schools of thought contend, and there is an excellent cultivation environment.

There are two types of teaching in Jixia Academy. One is a regular teacher like Lu Xiangqing, who combines power and responsibility. On the one hand, he teaches students, and on the other hand, it is also for his own practice. There is also a kind of cultivators from different sects who have to come to the academy to give lectures on a regular basis, which is also called teaching, but it is essentially a kind of corvee. Responsibilities but no rights are more to enrich the knowledge of practice in Jixia Academy.

As for those like Jiang Wang and Chong Xuanzun, who were granted permission by the emperor to enter the academy, their practice in the academy will not be restricted at all. It is almost like two fixed windows have been crossed out on the "window" for observing the nature of heaven and earth. share of views.

Lu Xiangqing's envy is not only because Jiang Wang can use the Jixia Academy to perceive the nature of the world without restriction, but also because Jiang Wang has such a keen perception of the changes in the world that he can feel the key as soon as he enters the Jixia Academy.

It has been twenty-eight years since he achieved Shenlin, and he knows how far it is from Shenlin to Dongzhen. I also know too well what this sensitivity means.

It wasn't until Jiang Wang withdrew from the mysterious world of perception that Lu Xiangqing said, "Did Marquis Wu An choose his subjects? Or do you practice on your own, and only occasionally ask someone to explain your doubts?"

He walked slowly, quite self-confident: "This old man has some experience in Confucianism. The study of Taoism has never been neglected."

"Since you are in the academy, the younger generation is a student. You can just call me by your name." Jiang Wang said this first, and then said: "The art of war, ink, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. I think I should listen to them first. Taoism class It is also going to be on, and I am very much looking forward to the teacher's teaching."

Soldiers, Law, Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, Famousness, Agriculture, Merchant... almost all the eminent schools of practice in the present world have corresponding courses in Jixia Academy.

Even the Shi family, which is almost extinct in the mainland of Qi, still has its own place here.

This place only asks about practice and nothing else.

Too many explorers are colliding with ideas here.

The prosperity of contending among a hundred schools of thought has cultivated a large number of talents for Qi. Jixia Academy itself is also a strong support of Daqi Academy of Arts.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is the fundamental importance of the Great Qi Empire. It is no wonder that when the former Prime Minister Yan Ping was in power, he repeatedly emphasized in various public occasions that Jixia Academy was "the most important place for the country".

"Hahaha, easy to talk, easy to talk." Lu Xiangqing twirled his beard and smiled, thought for a while, and then said to Lian Que: "Remember to come when the time comes."

Lian Que smiled brightly.

Lu Xiangqing quickly turned his eyes back to Jiang Wang's face again: "I won't send you any more. At the end of this road, you will be at Mingxinshe. Naturally, someone will arrange a place for you. Remember the class time, if you miss it, no one will wait for you. you."

"Mr. Lao." Jiang Wang stopped and saluted: "Sir, please stay."

Lu Xiangqing waved his hand and left.

He is a monk with a dignified spirit, and the executive teacher of Jixia Academy... It is his turn to be the gatekeeper today, so he must not delay too long.

It was not until Lu Xiangqing walked away that Jiang Wang and Lian Que continued to walk towards Mingxinshe, which was deeply hidden by the clouds. Stepping on the long stone steps, he couldn't help but ask, "Why are you smiling so happily?"

Lian Que smiled frankly with an ugly face: "I am honored to see you so beautiful!"

There are almost two worlds inside and outside the Jixia Academy. The standing instructor in Jixia Academy doesn't have to care about power struggles outside. Therefore, the strict teaching here is also famous.

All through the ages, the noble sons of famous families have learned a lot of lessons in the inner room.

But for this Marquis of Wu'an, Lu Xiangqing's attitude is really gentle.

Jiang Wang smiled: "What kind of scenery is this, Mr. Lu is only eager for love."

While speaking, the clouds parted, and the houses hidden among the green mountains and green waters appeared in the field of vision in an extremely comfortable posture.

It's like pulling people into a landscape painting, and it's like the scenery in the painting, showing reality inch by inch.

The so-called enlightenment of the mind is to see the nature clearly, and then be able to be at ease.

"Master Jiang!" A pleasantly surprised voice sounded.

Lin Xian, Rong Guo Tianjiao with a hatchet in his hand, leaped down from a piece of bluestone. He was probably still practicing the sword just now. There was a lingering fierceness on his body, but the expression on his face was excited and kind: "You really came! Already!"

Meeting Lin Xian at this time, Jiang Wang was also a little happy: "Brother Lin is waiting for me?"

"I heard that you are coming today, he has been waiting since this morning!"

After Qingshi, he raised a lazy hand.

Lin Jie, the Tianjiao of Yi Kingdom, gave a light support, turned over gracefully, landed in front of Jiang Wang, half-kneeled on the ground, took advantage of the situation, gave a military salute, and said with a grin: "Of course, the end will be to sleep last night." here!"

Thank you for the new alliance rewarded by the leader "the one who logged out is no longer"!

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