Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1616 Guitai is on a high place with nine hundred stone steps

During the Xia Xia War, Lin Jie was also on the Eastern Front. However, adhering to the principle of not putting all eggs in one basket, he always fought in the headquarters of Xie Huai'an, the commander of the Eastern Front, while General Yan Po was leading the army alone in Yi Country.

Just like Lin Xian wasn't with Ouyang Yong either.

Such a small country cannot bear the risk of Guozhu and Tianjiao dying together.

Facing Marquis Wu'an, who was killed on the Eastern Front, Lin Jie's "last general" was worthy of praise, even though they had never fought side by side.

Even if Jiang Wang doesn't give Lin Jie face, he still wants to give Yan Po face. Even if you don't give Yan Po face, you still have to give those two jars of Luming Wine face.

Hearing the words, he just laughed: "From now on, we will be classmates, and learning from each other is the most important thing. Two people, please show me the way as a latecomer, and let me see where I should live?"

Yan Fu, Li Longchuan and others entered the academy a few days ago, and have already attended classes for several days.

Chongxuansheng just finished dealing with the aftermath of the Desheng camp yesterday, and was called to the mansion early this morning by Bo Wanghou, and for some reason, he and Chongxuanzun entered the academy together.

Jiang Wang deliberately waited until Lian Que came over from Nanyao City, so he was so late, it was already dusk.

The area covered by Jixia Academy far exceeds its representation on the map. What Jiang Wang saw along the way was not smaller than a city, and it was far from reaching the end.

Mingxinshe is a group of buildings surrounded by green mountains and green waters. The houses are simple and elegant wooden houses with a unified style.

Not to mention the living conditions, Jiang Wang and Lian Que randomly chose two adjacent rooms and lived there.

The wooden house stands beside a meandering stream.

There is a leisurely sound when the clear water hits the white stone.

Lin Xian and Lin Jie didn't hold on to Jiang Wang, and the goodwill was conveyed, so that's all.

Once Jiang Wang had chosen a room, he went to class separately.

In any case, they are also the pride of a country, and they know what is fundamental.

He said he was waiting for Jiang Wang, but he would not delay his practice. The moment before receiving Jiang Wang, Lin Xian was still practicing his sword.

Jiang Wang and Lian Que only entered the academy at this time, so the class had to wait until the next day.

Everyone is busy on weekdays, and it is rare to have time to sit together and gossip.

"Since you returned the life card, during this period of time, my practice has been very smooth."

By the stream, two people sat facing each other, in the middle was an exquisite small stove with a jug of wine on it. While the fire snake was jumping, Lian Que smiled and said: "It seems that the Fifth Mansion is about to be knocked open, and I have a hunch that I will be able to harvest the seeds of supernatural powers!"

In the secret realm of Tianfu, Lian Que failed to enter the Tongtian Tower. He and Shishi were also the only two people who failed to lock the supernatural power seed in the secret realm of Tianfu that time, but came out alive.

Speaking of which, he was still pushing open the gate of heaven and earth one step ahead of Jiang Wang, and achieved the Tenglong Realm. At the beginning, he was all thinking of letting Jiang Wang try the Tenglong Iron Fist. Now that Jiang Wang has achieved God's Realm, he is still polishing in the Inner Palace.

And from the first inner palace to the fourth inner palace, none of them could take off the supernatural powers.

But he was never discouraged, and walked forward step by step quietly, concentrating on polishing the Taoism of each prefecture, focusing on the research of the art of casting soldiers.

He knows that not everyone has the talent of Jiang Wang.

Otherwise, why is it called "Tianjiao" and "Peerless"?

He knows better that, apart from talent and chance, not everyone can work as hard as Jiang Wang.

When he was casting soldiers, he was intoxicated like a demon and devoted himself to refining. Jiang Wang treats practice like this all the time, self-disciplined to the point of self-abuse.

In the world of mortals, everything is entangled, who can be consistent day and night?

Walking with Tianjiao, seeing him ride the dust, it is too easy to make people feel depressed.

But Lian Que was very calm. On his own life path, he never stopped. His own life goals are also being realized step by step.

When I first met Jiang Wang, he was still impatient, even violent. If righteousness is not humiliated, it can be proved by death.

After being heartbroken by the elders of the Lian family and determined to shoulder the future of the Lian family, he became much calmer overnight.

Jiang Wang was also very happy for him: "I have never doubted your ability, but after picking off the supernatural powers, the chances of becoming a god are greater! You must not worry, you must pick up the supernatural powers in the most perfect state, so as to Get more consistent results."

"Marquis Wu'an's suggestion, I will definitely remember!" Lian Que laughed, and said again: "Many ideas of refining weapons in the past were hindered by cultivation and could not be realized. After my god comes, I will help you practice Sauvignon Blanc. "

Inside the Shenlong's wooden sheath, Chang Xiangsi whistled loudly.

"Hahahaha." Jiang Wang laughed: "It seems that it disagrees."

For Lian Que, a swordsmith, Chang Xiangsi is also very close.

Lian Que said with emotion: "Fame and utensils are attached to people. Famous utensils in the world are just dead things at the moment they are released from the oven. Only in the hands of the utensil holder, warming day and night, overcoming thorns and thorns, can one step at a time. Grow up. Drink the blood of the strong and gain world fame. There is really no need to refine it. Today you are famous all over the world, and this Sauvignon Blanc should also have its place in the list of famous utensils!"

Because of well-known reasons, the credibility of famous instruments in various countries is very problematic.

But if you can't stand it, there are always people who are talking about it, and there are always people who are diligently pursuing it.

The so-called "name" and the so-called "vessel", who can avoid the vulgarity?

Jiang Wangdao: "Speaking of the life card, I only passed your life card when I overcame the disaster, and knew that the Dayan Lian family had such a glorious history. The emperor sealed me with Chitan, and I think I also have high hopes for you. .”

"I don't know how many years the Yan Kingdom has been dead. Where did the Lian family come from? The current Lian family has a small business, and even if they have any responsibilities, they can't afford it." Lian Que said soberly: "After this training When it's over, I'll go to Chitan to have a look."

Jiang Wang looked at him and sighed, "Now you really look like the head of a clan."

Lian Que laughed hahaha: "The way you comment on people in the world is really like a Marquis!"

The two chatted like this, listening to the clear water hitting the rocks and the singing of birds in the mountain stream, and slowly drank a pot of wine.

So comfortable.



Jixia Academy has more than one dormitory, and Chong Xuansheng who came in this morning did not live in Mingxinshe. Li Longchuan and the others who lived in before were farther away, and Jiang Wang was also happy to practice quietly.

On the second day, when he was still in Mao, Jiang Wang went out with Shi Shiran.

The servant guarding outside the door handed over a note at the right time. It was marked in detail who was teaching today, what class was being taught, and where it was being taught.

Just follow the guide.

Compared to the delicate fingers used in the Lost Realm Battlefield, this is obviously a castrated version, but it is also enough to be used in Jixia Academy.

The so-called "serving puppet" means serving the puppet.

There are no waiters in the Jixia Academy, and all chores are done by puppets.

When it comes to the art of organ puppets, the Mohists are naturally unparalleled in the world. But the world is strong, and no one would say give up on exploration. Just like the Rongchong building chariot that shined brilliantly in the Qi Xia battlefield, it is the product of the meticulous design of the Qi masters.

In this Jixia Academy, there are quite a few monks who are proficient in puppetry. The servant puppets are also very vivid and very skillful.

Lian Que rushed to this course an hour earlier.

And what Jiang Wang is going to attend today is a class given by a Taoist monk surnamed Qin, at Guitai.

Follow the instructions and walk through the Dajixia Academy.

Jiang Wang felt more and more, where is this a school palace, where is it just a group of palaces? Pavilions, towers, pavilions, landscapes, clouds, flowers, birds, wind and moon, one mountain looks far away than the other, and there is no end in sight. It is like a vast world.

Walk on the plank road, pass the waterside pavilion, and step on the green hills.

Guitai is on a high place with nine hundred stone steps.

The sun shines on the jade tower, and the clouds travel around the sky ladder.

Stepping up the floating sky steps, walking all the way to the depths of the clouds, and finally came to a stone platform with ancient breath.

This platform hangs high in the sky, and is only connected to the ground by floating stone steps.

The entire stone platform is a huge gossip, Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun, Dui, and the eight hexagrams are displayed on vertical stone slabs.

Every stone slab is engraved with some Taoist classics.

The yin-yang fish in the middle surrounded by stone slabs is the teaching square.

There is a podium hanging alone in the dry position, a futon on the stage, and a stone table.

On the opposite side of the podium is the place where the students sit and listen to lectures, and several rows of futons are lined up neatly.

At this time, the brilliant sky above the clouds was falling, and the stone platform was completely bathed in gold.

The erected slate of scriptures seems to be describing history.

This scene is of course magnificent, but what surprised Jiang Wang even more was...

Too many people.

More acquaintances.

Chong Xuansheng, Li Longchuan, Yan Fu, Bao Zhongqing, Wen Lianmu, Xie Baoshu, Lin Jie, Lin Xian, Li Shuwen, Gu Yan...

More than half of this group of people who entered Jixia Academy came!

The students of Jixia Academy are also divided into two types.

One is those like Chongxuansheng and the others who are rewarded for their merits and come to practice. You only need to enjoy the practice, without any conditions.

There is another kind that has been trained by Jixia Academy since childhood, and after successful cultivation, they must unconditionally work for the Qi court. Most of them were born as orphans. After completing their studies, they usually spend thirty years working hard. Most of them go to art institutes, tool making workshops, and animal control workshops. There are also many who directly join the army.

The exact number of these students is a state secret, and no accurate figure has been leaked out.

But after all, there will not be too many people who can come to Guitai to attend lectures.

Because this is a relatively advanced coursework, teaching and teaching is the realm of God.

And Jiang Wang took a look and saw that there were about thirty people here, and the center of the stone platform was crowded to the brim.

There is no place in the front row at all.

All I could see were faces thirsting for knowledge.

Is this Mr. Qin so powerful?

Lectures are so popular!

Walk through the stone slabs and walk into the Yin Yang Fish Square.

As soon as he saw Jiang Wang, Chong Xuansheng began to wink: "Brother Wang has good taste!"

Lin Jie, who was sitting in the middle of the fourth row, had already stood up and waved vigorously: "Brother Jiang, sit here! I've got a seat for you!"

Not far away, Lin Xian raised half of his buttocks and sat back down.

"Thank you, thank you!" Jiang Wang thanked with a smile, while pointing to Chong Xuansheng: "I'll just squeeze with my friends."

Chong Xuansheng had already started to say strange things, and tapped on the side with his fingers.

tuk tuk.

"Do you have sharp eyesight? Why don't you make room for Marquis Wu'an?"

He knocked on the ground in front of Yan Fu.

Mr. Yan didn't talk nonsense, he just took out a bag of primordial stones and put them on the ground.

"Okay!" Chong Xuansheng picked up the bag of primordial stones, got up very nimbly, and made room for Jiang Wang.

At the same time, he squeezed back naturally: "Come on brothers squeeze."

It doesn't matter if you know someone or not.

It doesn't matter whether it can be squeezed or not.

Li Longchuan clicked his tongue again and again: "After all, he is from a famous family. Today, he nodded and bowed because of these primordial stones. Where is the dignity? Where is the honor?"

He turned his head and looked at Yan Fu: "Where is Yuanshi?! I can do it in my position, brother Yan Xian!"

Jiang Wang walked in with some amusement.

Chong Xuansheng already occupied the seats of two futons, and he was still cramped when he was sitting, but Jiang Wang was very loose when he sat down, and he could even stretch his fists and kick his legs.

"Why are you all suddenly interested in Taoism?" Jiang Wang asked strangely: "I haven't seen any of you like this?"

"You don't understand." Chong Xuansheng, who was so crowded that others dared not speak up, interjected: "This class is too big!"


Li Longchuan also said: "That Daoist technique is really useless."


The more Jiang Wang listened, the more confused he became.

Brother Yan Xian is more normal, and said calmly: "I like the feeling of 'although there are ups and downs, but it is natural'. It is not obtrusive, not redundant, and very spectacular."

"Brother Yan's words... are quite philosophical!" The young Marquis Wu An thought for a while and made such an evaluation.

Taoism is a prominent teaching that no practitioner in this world can bypass.

Taoism is the source of the extraordinary, and Taoism is the beginning of practice. The endless prosperity and thousands of families in the extraordinary world all start from Taoism.

For Jiang Wang, he used to chase very seriously, and now he will not avoid it.

He will definitely understand well.

So the first lesson of entering Jixia Academy was to study Taoism.

Da da da.

The clear sound of footsteps came up the stone steps again.

A tall and frosty beauty stepped onto the stone platform, walked into the inner circle of the stone slab, and immediately took away all eyes.

There seems to be frost on her slim body, and snow seems to pile up in her beautiful eyes.

She came over, as if stomping out your breath.

Li Longchuan, Yan Fu, Jiang Wang, and Chong Xuansheng all stood up subconsciously.

"Sister." Li Longchuan opened his mouth: "Sit here."

Li Fengyao raised his frosty eyes, walked inside without saying anything.

The invisible aura naturally forced a way.

For this woman, you frantically want to get closer, but your body will instinctively move away.

She is too beautiful and too cold.

She came closer and took a look at Jiang Wang.

The dignified Qi Empire's newly promoted Wu'anhou, an arrogant character who wants to stretch his fists and kicks even in class in the academy. Hastily moved to the left to make room for one of the futons.

For some reason, even though he has surpassed her in cultivation now, he is still a little nervous like when he first met her.

He wasn't the only one who was nervous.

After Li Fengyao sat down, these friends who wandered around Linzi City sat down one after another. It's just that all of them lost their arrogance.

"The breath adjustment is a bit late today, and there is almost no seat." Li Fengyao said in a flat tone: "You are very positive about this class."

Chong Xuansheng's fat body squeezed straight back.

The hem of Yan Fu's clothes was wrinkled for some reason, he frowned and lowered his head, smoothing it over and over again.

Li Longchuan bit the bullet and said: "Taoism is the origin of the extraordinary, so we must learn more about it."

Li Fengyao was noncommittal, and glanced sideways at Jiang Wang: "What about you?"

It seems that there is a fragrance of plum blossoms.

It's like it's just an illusion.

Jiang Wang said calmly: "The opportunity to enter the Jixia Academy is hard-won. I want to know about all the famous scholars."

"Oh, so." Li Fengyao nodded and stopped talking.

She just sat on the futon between Jiang Wang and Yan Fu, and all the students in the entire Yinyangyu Square sat upright for no reason.

Everyone gets serious.

Sitting next to him, Jiang Wang could faintly feel Li Fengyao's breath. It was only at this time that she realized that she was already approaching the realm of divine clarity. She was several steps faster than Xuan Sheng and the others, she was indeed sister Feng Yao... she was indeed the woman who beat up Li Longchuan since she was a child.

I thought to myself, but not long after, another woman came out from behind the stone slab...

Went to the podium.

Dressed in a snow-colored Taoist robe, she looked stunning in the world.

The loose Taoist robe can't hide her graceful appearance.

Wooden hairpins and hairpins can't restrain the romance of characters.

The moment Jiang Wang raised his eyes, he immediately understood——

What is "although there are ups and downs, but it is natural".

What is "not obtrusive, not redundant, and very spectacular".

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