Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1617

When she walks, it is misty and misty, and when she sits, she lowers her eyebrows like a Bodhisattva.

The Taoist robe is like snow on the mountain, and the wooden hairpin is like a horizontal branch.

"I'm Qin Lian."

Her voice was quiet again, like the evening wind returning from an empty mountain and valley.

The light in his eyes fell lightly: "I am the executive teacher of Jixia Academy."

Guitai is very quiet.

Nearly 30 students did not say a word.

Everyone knows who she is, except Jiang Wang.

But now he reacted.

Among the four famous pavilions in Linzi, isn't the owner of Wenyu Water Pavilion called Qin Lian?

That Qin Lian and this Qin Lian are the same person?

Jiang Wang naturally thought of Jiang Wuxie.

The four palace masters in the Daqi Dragon Fighting Bureau.

Jiang Wuqi himself needless to say.

Jiang Wuyou opened Dao martial arts by himself, and the atmosphere is majestic.

Jiang Wuhua's Shenhua is introverted and unfathomable. He usually doesn't show the mountains and the water, but in the case of Concubine Lei, he said that the gods will come, and I don't know how many people they have calmed down.

But Jiang Wuxie, the lord of Yangxin Palace, hardly showed any competitiveness. It's not that what he showed was not excellent, but that the few people who competed with him were too dazzling.

In all Jiang Wang's impressions of him, the only thing that stands out, apart from that feminine and handsome face, is the beauties of all kinds around him.

Of course, Jiang Wang has never underestimated Jiang Wuxie, but sometimes he can't help thinking, why should such a heart-nourishing palace master compete with Jiang Wuhua, Jiang Wuyou, and even Jiang Wuqi?

It wouldn't be possible for the emperor Qi to set up the four major palace masters just to make up an even number, right?

Even if they make up the numbers, like the Fourteenth Prince Jiang Wuyong, who are trying to get in, they don't have much chance.

Seeing this Qin Lian with his own eyes today, he unconsciously raised his expectations for Jiang Wuxie - how could the Palace Master Yangxin be a simple person if he could get the love of such a woman?

On the podium, Qin Lian's voice continued to sound: "Today I want to tell you about "Jing Xu Xiang Er Ji"."

As long as you take a look off the stage, it is not difficult to find her lecture skills.

The speech was so good that it made all the students mesmerized...

Even if it's just a name.

"Jingxu Xianger Collection" is a classic written by Taoist sages. In addition to explaining Taoist philosophy, it also contains some records of ancient secrets.

Of course, these ancient secrets are also recorded for the purpose of better elaborating thoughts, so they cannot be regarded as authentic history.

Sima Heng once commented on this Daoist classic, saying: "Want Erji? Take it for granted!"

The authenticity of the ancient secrets recorded in this book can be imagined. But it is not as unbearable as Sima Heng said, and it is not all taken for granted. In the part related to ancient secrets, at least seven out of ten respect history.

After all, Taoism is the oldest source of practice, and no force can compare with the true grasp of the long river of history.

Sima Heng's criticism does not detract from the greatness of "Jingxu Xianger Ji". He judged this classic from the perspective of a historian, but he has no place to relegate the practice realm and the practice philosophy expressed in this book.

For thousands of years, its name has always been included in the forty-nine classics listed on the boundless stone wall of Tianjing City. It is one of the must-read classics for Taoist monks in the world.

Unless you have a very high level of Taoism, you must never dare to talk about "Jingxu Xianger Ji".

Qin Lian's cultivation level can be seen from this.

Sitting beside her was an iceberg beauty like Li Fengyao, and on the stage was a landscape bodhisattva like Qin Lian.

The faint fragrance floats in the nose, and the pleasant voice flows in the ears.

Jiang Wang, however, lingers wholeheartedly in the Taoist world constructed by "Jingxu Xianger Ji". He listens extremely attentively, and records the wonderful things with Rumeng Order from time to time.

"In ancient times, the three Daoist priests teamed up with the Human Emperor to kill the world and build the gate of ten thousand demons. The famous "Zhu You" broke through the passage of the world, overwhelmed Bizhou and turned it into a desert, and wiped out all demons. The for the 'Magic Ancestor'."

Jiang Wang's heart skipped a beat.

He has always heard about the demon clan, and he has personally descended into the ancient demon cave, experienced the supreme magic skills, and even mastered a blood puppet true demon... But this is the first time he has heard about the demon ancestor.

It was named "Zhu You".

I don't know if his demon name is like this, or if the human race gave him such a name.

Just like Gao Jie of the Hai Clan, the Human Clan is mostly named after Wantong.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help raising his hand to ask questions.

Qin Lian's eyes fell on the podium: "Zhu You is his real name, or the name he chose after he invaded the world. The existing information is unreliable. In other words, credible information has not been made public. I prefer So he chose this name by himself. Because he searched all the records before, and he didn't see the name of "Zhu You", but there have been sporadic records of "Magic"... After the name Zhu You was born, there was a wave of magic explosion."

Is the so-called Demon Ancestor the source of the demons, or the master of the demon race, a powerful existence that lifted the demon race to sweep the world?

"Blood Devil Art of Extermination of Emotion and Desire", "Seven Devil Art of Hatred"...why are those devil arts still unable to be eradicated? What is the origin of the blood demon that Yu Beidou dealt with in Duanhun Gorge?

According to "Jingxu Xianger Ji", Zhu You broke the barriers of the world, and only then did the tide of magic sweep the world. So are the demons an extraterrestrial race? Song Wanxi belongs to the aquatic tribe, why can she become a demon? Yang Jiande, Jing Ye, and Liu Huai are all human races, why can they become demons?

Knowing some secrets, but gave birth to more doubts.

But "Jingxu Xianger Ji" is a classic of Taoism after all, and the focus is on the path of Taoist practice, rather than historical records, so it is not appropriate to keep asking here.

Jiang Wang lowered his head slightly: "Thank you for clarifying the confusion."

Qin Lian also skipped this point, and continued to talk: "The devil is a ghost in hemp. The devil is the seed of rebellion! Therefore, the original version of the Dao Qingyuan should be called ghosts and gods, and then set things right."

Speaking of this, she smiled: "I think it was said in the book that only the Tao can eliminate demons, so the demons will grow when the Tao disappears, and the moon will disappear when the moon is full. I only agree with half of this sentence. Tao can eliminate demons. But those who can eliminate demons do not stop at the Taoism."

"Your Tao can do it, so can mine. As long as you are strong enough, the art of war, ink, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism... all schools of thought can do it."

She clenched her fist, raised it lightly, and said with great momentum: "Therefore, it is power that can eliminate demons!"

There was thunderous applause for a while.

Obviously everyone felt the "force".

It's really like looking at mountains.

It was like a storm.

good insight.

Good knowledge.

Jiang Wang listened intently to Qin Lian's understanding of Taoism, which was also mixed with the interpretation and application of some Taoist symbolic Taoism.

With his current state, many things can be understood at the first glance, and a little bit can be understood, and he really sinks in. I can fully understand Qin Lian's exquisite expression, and I can feel the power of this executive lecturer in the academy.

As an extraordinary origin, Taoism naturally has its background as vast as the sea. The more you linger in it, the more you can discover your insignificance.

This kind of experience of sitting down and listening to a class with many peers...Jiang Wang has not had it for a long time.

So much so that at the end of this lesson, he was still in a daze.

Those whispers with the neighbors, those distracted moments, that long ruler, the red palms, those Taoist priests who were punished for plagiarism... It seems that they never left.

Again as if it never happened.

Who else would remember it but him?

"Let's go!"

Chong Xuansheng poked Jiang Wang in the back.

Jiang Wang came back to his senses and saw that everyone else was leaving, and sister Feng Yao had already got up and walked out. Although the stone platform is crowded, the person closest to her is several feet away from her.

Li Longchuan and Yan Fu had already disappeared.

"Marquis Wu'an stay here." Qin Lian suddenly said on the podium: "If you don't mind, stay here and let's discuss a few more words."

Chong Xuansheng tapped Jiang Wang's back again as a reminder, so he got up and walked out with a smile.

The crowd is still rushing out, as if no one cares about this sentence.

However, the speed at which these students left the arena had obviously slowed down, with their ears pricked up extremely high.

Li Fengyao, who had already walked to the side of the stone steps, looked back slightly and glanced at Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang quickly stood up.

But before he could speak, Qin Lian said again: "If Miss Li is interested, you might as well stay and discuss together."

"No need." Li Fengyao replied calmly.

Rushuang's eyes retracted, and she just walked down the stone steps.

At that moment, thousands of miles of sunshine are behind her.

And her side face is the second kind of beauty.

"A role model, a role model for my generation."

As Lin Jie walked out, he was muttering something in his heart.

Of course he didn't dare to say it aloud. People from small countries are used to observing words and demeanor. Although he came to Jixia Academy not long ago, he still vaguely heard about the relationship between Qin Jiaoxi and the Ninth Prince.

Marquis Wu'an has the ability to act nonsense, but he has no ability to talk nonsense.

As for there seems to be another Li Fengyao here... I dare not think about it, I dare not think about it. The strange woman who can change her name on the Li family tree in Shimen has done enough homework before coming to Zimen, and she is one of the people who must not be messed with.

Speaking of it, Marquis Wu An took no credit for Zhou Xiong's death, and gave up all the credit for killing a god. After Yan Po went back and talked to him, although he admired him, he also felt that it was a peerless arrogance. do things. Not particularly remarkable.

But today's lesson really got him all over the place.

It is said that the Marquis of Wu'an is devoted to cultivation and has no intention of female sex, but he does not know that this is the state of returning to nature! Don't you hear that there is a fishing method called "the willing one takes the bait"?

With infinite reverence for Marquis Wu An, his steps became brisk.

Lin Xian, who was still pondering "Jing Xu Xiang Er Ji" in his heart, couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. It's just that they can't compare with Marquis Wu'an, how can they not be as rewarding as Lin Jie in the same class? Seeing Lin Jie's appearance, it is clear that he has realized something!

Jiang Wang didn't care what other people thought.

He himself was still at a loss as to what Qin Lian wanted to discuss when he left him. Do you want to talk about magic skills? It's inconvenient to talk about Seven Hate Demon Art, but he has some right to speak about Blood Demon Art.

Qin Lian sat quietly on the podium, with the temperament of a fairy, but the posture of a stunner in the world. Set out a set of tea sets on the stone table and make tea slowly.

After the tea was finished, people left to clean up.

She gently pushed the teacup out with her index finger, and only said: "Please."

Jiang Wang took a futon casually, placed it in front of the stone table, and sat down cross-legged. Picking up the porcelain cup, he took a sip casually.

"I've heard that the Marquis of Wu'an loves tea. When he first came to Zizi, he drank all the famous teas of the Eight Great Teas. Although this tea is not included in the Eight Great Teas, I am used to drinking it in is it?" she asked.

Her eyes are like water, and people are like water.

With a slight movement, the water rises slightly and flattenes the crest.

Inexplicably, Jiang Wang thought of a poem that was not very eye-catching in a casual book that he accidentally turned over before——

"Only in the deep valley will you know how to bury the first night, how light the willow waist is in the palm!"

He has always been diligent in his practice, even if that idle book is the Tiandu Collected Edition, he doesn't read much. But this sentence is indeed firmly remembered.

But today we will know the truth!

What an apt word.

Emperor Wu of Qi is really a strange person.

Jiang Wang's eyes fell on the water in the cup, he paused for a moment in the ripples in the cup, and then said: "The tea is excellent, but it's a pity that Jiang is not elegant. In fact, he tasted eight-tone tea for the purpose of studying Taoism. I'm chewing peonies...I don't know if Qin Jiaoxi has kept me here, so there is something to discuss?"

Qin Lian smiled: "Marquis Wu'an is really an interesting person. No wonder Tao Niang never forgets you, and she told me about you a few days ago... When you went to Shuixie, you obviously got along well with her, why? Didn't you go later?"

Jiang Wang froze for a moment, Tao Niang? who?

When Xu Xiangqian was still in Linzi, the four famous museums were indeed frequented. But besides drinking tea and tasting wine, he is just thinking about Taoism, and he really hasn't made any friendship with any girl.

Later, Xu Xiang quit drinking, and Xuan Sheng also cultivated his moral character. The gathering place of the former group of friends and friends gradually changed to places like teahouses, and sometimes they just stayed at home.

What is Linzi Fengyue, I can't remember it for a long time.

Seeing Jiang Wang like this, Qin Lian sighed.

"You men, you always try your best to make people think about you, but you don't think about people who think about you."

This is nonsense.

But Jiang Wang suddenly remembered who Tao Niang was.

When he went to Wen Yushui Pavilion to look for Jiang Wuxie, he met the woman with many flaws.

Thinking about it, I didn't think about it.

Just smiled: "I'm afraid it's inconvenient for Jiang to say more about Miss Qin and His Highness the Ninth Prince."

Qin Lian took a deep look at him, and then said: "Actually, the Ninth Prince's kindness towards Marquis Wu An has never changed. Marquis Wu An should know about it."

"Jiang said to His Highness the Ninth Highness a long time ago that although there is no kindness between us, there is no enmity between us. It was the same at the time, and it is the same now." Jiang Wang said: "I have never had any malice towards His Highness the Ninth Highness."

Some words are good enough to stop, but it is not beautiful to say too much.

Qin Lian obviously understood the meaning of the matter, so he just smiled and said, "When I was in class just now, I thought Marquis Wu An still had some doubts, why don't we talk about it?"

"There is indeed one problem." Jiang Wang looked around and said, "Where is Gui?"

Of course, he has a lot of questions about Taoist practice, even about demons, but he only asks them in class.

In class is schoolwork, and after class is human affection.

"No osmanthus."

"Then why is it called Guitai?"

Qin Lian said with a smile: "It was originally called Guatai, but later the gentlemen thought it was unpleasant, so they changed it to Guitai."

Jiang Wang was surprised: "Is it so casual?"

Qin Lian said meaningfully: "It's not casual here, but casual anywhere?"

Jiang Wang laughed: "I know."

Standing up gracefully, he walked down to Guitai: "Qin Jiaoxi, goodbye!"

His blue shirt was fluttering, and he walked away on the steps of the sky. He was really free and easy.

This time it's Qin Lian's turn to look at the sun outside the painting and illuminate the people in the painting.

Thanks to the book friend "A Good Book Is Hard to Find 15" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 331st League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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