Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1618 Is this

Jixia Academy is really a casual place. It's not that the people here don't work hard. On the contrary, the teachers are very attentive in teaching, and the students are also very serious.

The so-called loose and casual, is a sense of relaxation from the inside out.

Everyone worked hard during class, and they were laughing and joking before and after class.

I don't know if it's because it's too closed, and it's hard for outside pressure to come in. The people here are far different from the people in Linzi City, they are always in a hurry, as if they are afraid of being late when doing anything.

After leaving Guitai, Jiang Wang immediately went to the class of Shi's family.

This teacher mainly lectured on the "Lotus Sutra", and also analyzed a set of Buddhist Mahamudra... His speech was not bad, but he had a bitter expression throughout.

It is very difficult to practice Buddhism in Qi State without suffering.

There were only three people attending the class, including Jiang Wang.

The other two are talents cultivated by the academy since childhood, a man and a woman, sitting in the corner.

Jiang Wang, who hastily barged in, didn't have a good face.

Jiang Wang didn't pay any attention to it, and after listening to the class, he frequently discussed with the teacher.

This made the school teacher named Yan Chanyi very excited. He probably talked to himself for too long and was reluctant to leave after class. He kept asking Jiang Wang if he would come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. More Powerful Teaching of Dharma...

The man and the woman were flirting in the corner the whole time, not paying any attention to their studies.

Jiang Wang doubts whether they will be able to meet the requirements of the academy when they start serving.

Qi Ting spends energy and resources to support them, but it is not for nothing.

At that time, places like the Art Academy and Beast Control Workshop cannot enter, so they have to go to the mining area or the lair of fierce beasts to do hard labor, or go to places like the Lost Realm and the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters to fill up the number of people...

Of course, this is not what Jiang Wang needs to worry about. Everyone has their own choice.

The atmosphere in Jixia Academy is free, but the schoolwork is actually very tight.

Each class lasts about two hours, basically from dawn to dusk, only three classes.

Of course, from Yinshi to Youshi, there are always professors teaching in the academy, and there is more than one professor teaching at the same time.

What class to take and how many classes to take are all chosen by the students themselves.

But no matter how hard-working people are, they can only take up to four classes a day.

Xushi, Haishi, Zishi, and Choushi, these four hours are the time for students to practice or rest on their own.

Today, between Yinshi and Maoshi, there was no lesson that Jiang Wang wanted to learn, so he didn't go out until he had practiced until Maoshi.

After Taoism and Buddhism, his third class today is Confucianism.

It was Lu Xiangqing who taught the class.

Jiang Wang was dragged by Yan Chanyi to chat for too long in the Buddhism class, so that he missed the start time of the class.

Even if he rushed all the way to the "Zhengda Guangming Academy" where he was going to class, he was half a quarter of an hour late.

He hasn't felt this nervous about being late for a long time!

When I was in the city daoyuan, I had to take care of An An's food and clothes every day, and send An An to the private school, and I was almost never late.

The only missed class was before An An arrived in Fenglin City. Once, Jiang Wang was encouraged by Du Yehu to pour Zhao Rucheng together, Linghe came out halfway to block the drink, and Fang Pengju also came to help the big brother, but all five of them got drunk... Missed class together, and stood side by side outside the classroom for punishment , was taught a good lesson by Xiao Tiemian.

Especially at this moment... Lu Xiangqing is sternly lecturing the students, this scene is too shadowy.

"Wu Zhou, Wu Zhou, do you know what is righteousness and what is profit? How old are you, dare to talk about the debate between righteousness and benefit, and dare to say that you have insight into human nature? You have been high up for too long, and you don't know what firewood, rice, oil and salt are. You should really go to the fields Take a look, go live in the beast lair for a few days, and see how some people live!"

Jiang Wang stood innocently at the gate of the courtyard, thinking whether to sneak in quietly, or wait for Lu Xiangqing to finish his training and say hello first.

Lu Xiangqing reprimanded loudly, and his angry eyes swept over, falling on Marquis Wu An who received him yesterday, and immediately eased: "Here you come? Find a place to sit by yourself."

Many students in the courtyard showed incredulous expressions, turned their heads and looked back, wondering if some prince or princess had come, how could Old Demon Lu treat him so leniently—the princes of the Qi family all attended classes in Jixia Academy .

Of course, after seeing Jiang Wang, there was nothing to say.

The youngest Marquis of the Great Qi Empire, his status is no worse than that of the prince!

In Zhengda Guangming Courtyard, there are desks for books, all the students are sitting upright, and the four treasures of the study are spread on the desks.

The podium placed at the front is obviously a bit higher.

In Confucianism, the teacher-student relationship is a very important ethical relationship, and the hierarchy is extremely strict.

Compared with the overcrowded Daoism class and the sparse Buddhism class, the Confucianism class is much more normal here, and it is very moderate. Even Jiang Wang himself, there are less than 20 people in total.

People I know include Xie Baoshu, Bao Zhongqing, Wen Lianmu, Lin Xian, and Gu Yan.

Seeing Jiang Wang, Lin Xian silently pulled away the chair next to him—because of Laomo Lu's temper, he didn't dare to yell. The few times I came to the class, I witnessed a few palm beatings, which was really terrifying.

Jiang Wang clasped his palms together, made a gesture of apology, and walked towards Lin Xian.

Xie Baoshu happened to be sitting at the outermost position, but he didn't seem to notice his old neighbor at all, and was reading a book seriously with his head down.

Jiang Wang sat down, with Lin Xian on the right and Gu Yan behind.

In Zhaoguo's extremely admiring environment, Gu Yan's attitude of dissatisfaction with Qi people is really rare.

It is said that when he was in Xingyueyuan, Li Longchuan communicated with him in private and persuaded him friendly.

In the previous Taoism class, he sat in a very corner, as if invisible the whole time. Sitting so close this time, I couldn't avoid it, and I managed to squeeze out a smile.

Jiang Wang didn't put on airs, and responded with a smile.

Seeing Jiang Wang sit down, Lu Xiangqing glanced at the student whose forehead was sweating because of his criticism, and snorted, "Sit down too."

Today, he has a high crown and a rich belt, with a very Confucian style.

Taking a step on the podium, he suddenly raised his voice and said, "Today we will say 'righteousness'!"

"Book of Changes" has three volumes, the so-called "Lianshan", "Gui Zang", and "Book of Changes", which are the first among the group of classics.

Both Confucianism and Taoism practice the "Book of Changes", of course the interpretation is different.

Lu Xiangqing talked about "Yuan Henry Zhen" today, and explained "Heaven moves vigorously, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement".

The main lecture is on the word "benefit", which means "everything has its own life" and "everything has its own kind", and it talks about the proper value and harvest of everything.

The student named Wu Zhou, who had been studying in the academy since he was a child, jumped out to say that a gentleman doesn't talk about profit, and was reprimanded by Lu Xiangqing.

Or just a reprimand is not enough, did not explain thoroughly. Or maybe it was to tell something interesting to Marquis Wu'an, to show off his ability as an executive teacher at Jixia Academy...

In short, Lu Xiangqing changed the subject and suddenly talked about "righteousness".

All the students present listened quietly.

"As we all know, the way of Confucianism is generally taken from the six characters of 'propriety, righteousness, faith, virtue, benevolence, and killing'. In addition, there are also words such as 'integrity, shame, filial piety, fraternity, and loyalty', but they are not so mainstream in the end. ..."

He started the article with the four characters of Daotu, and then suddenly asked——

"What is 'righteousness'?!"

His stern eyes fell, and at this moment, righteousness was awe-inspiring and inviolable, as if the majesty of the teacher was fully manifested, and it condensed into a substantial pressure.

No one answered.

This proposition is too grand, and how many sages would spend their whole lives explaining it, who can explain it in a few words?

The Starlight Sacred Building is the foundation of telling the Tao, and the God and Mingzhi is the interpretation of the Tao. Only those who can truly follow their own way can truly "come to the world like a god"!

The practice of divine presence is itself the principle that Lu Xiangqing wants to explain.

At this moment, his God is his "righteousness"!

People with insufficient realm are not qualified to explain at all.

But after Lu Xiangqing looked around for a while, he did not give a direct answer, but turned leisurely: "The sages divided the history before the present world into four major eras: ancient times, ancient times, middle ancient times, and modern times. Yuan Jiu time , persevering in the world... Everyone here, what do you know about the ancient times?"

Xie Baoshu didn't bury his head in the book for a while, and replied aloud: "That was the longest era, and it was also the darkest era."

Bao Zhongqing also replied: "In the ancient times, it was the era when the monster race ruled the world."

Jiang Wang listened quietly without saying a word.

Lu Xiangqing nodded, and then said: "In that distant era when I don't know when it started, I don't know when it will end, and most of the information is unverifiable...

The Yaozu is the bell of heaven and earth.

The strength of this family is innate, the natural Dao veins are manifested, and the supernatural powers are born. He is the lord of heaven and earth, governing all races, and has the supreme status.

The human race at that time was also at the bottom among all the races of the ages, extremely mediocre.

Our human race generally has blocked Dao veins, and only a very small number of people who are born with Dao veins can practice. "

Speaking of this, he looked around for half a week: "Like many students who entered the palace to practice this time, only Champion Hou is born with Dao veins."

Chong Xuanzun did not come to his class.

To be more precise... Zhong Xuanzun did not come to class.

None of the classes are attended.

When he entered Jixia Academy this time, he came here purely to look at the "scenery outside the window", aiming to go further and grasp the essence of heaven and earth.

"Of course, the human race doesn't decide their life based on their talents. Marquis Wu'an is not born with Dao veins either, but there are 1,400 more households in Shiyi!"

All living things will come.

Jiang Wang's expression was a little stiff, neither smiling nor not smiling.

Fortunately, Lu Xiangqing didn't really want to use Jiang Wang to step on Xuan Zun, so he mentioned a little, and then continued: "Why is it said that the ancient era is the darkest era?

I'll just say one thing, please imagine--

According to historical records, "people are food for all races." '"

Lu Xiangqing paused, giving the students a little time to buffer, and then said: "The first generation of people, the Huangsuiren clan, rose up in adversity, sheltered the human race, survived with difficulty, lit fire for the human race, and drove out the darkness.

The earliest group of practitioners gathered together to discuss the future of the human race and think about the path of cultivation... All their thoughts about cultivation, combined together, is the earliest "Taoism" in this world, and it is also the source of all extraordinary power in this world.

They have researched the method of pulsating energy and blood, and opened up a new way for human race to obtain extraordinary power beyond the natural Dao vein.

This method is extremely dangerous, and often tens of thousands of people are killed or injured, and it is only then that one attains a transcendence.

Even today, the practice system has been developed and changed from generation to generation. Together with the energy and blood pulse, first use martial arts to train the body, and then use medicine to regulate the state. Those who can walk through this ancient road are also one in a thousand.

But in that era, in order to gain the power to protect themselves and the group, the ancestors of the human race risked death and life, and went on and on.

A strong man of the human race was born!

They either fight with aliens, or open up the dark land, win shelter for the human race, and compete for survival resources. Let those who feed on the human race become the food of the human race.

Three Taoist priests were born in this period, and the fire of inheritance has been burning forever since then.

Since then, the human race's arrogance has emerged in large numbers, shining like stars for a while!

The Yaozu uses Taoism to run scripts, and they know the sky and geography by seeing a single word.

In the human race, Cangjie created characters to describe the Dao. Even those who do not see the Dao can also understand the principles of the Dao. To enable those who are not extraordinary to explore the secrets of the extraordinary. When the word is completed, the ghosts cry and the gods mourn, and the world mourns!

The Yaozu are born with Dao veins, and they are born with everything.

There is a Tianjiao in the human race who created the pill to open the veins, so that those who cannot surpass the extraordinary will be able to surpass the extraordinary in the future! A new era kicked off from that moment. In that long dark age, the human race has risen since then! "

This is a history that is both too difficult and too brilliant.

Lu Xiangqing's voice also became more and more passionate as he narrated, until this sentence, but softened: "The so-called 'Human race does not determine their life according to their talents', it is only from this arrogant person that it is considered a fact."

But he asked: "But the name of that Human Race Tianjiao... do you know?"

All the students in the audience were at a loss.

All the students who can sit here, of course, know the preciousness of the Kaimai Pill formula and understand the meaning of the Kaimai Pill.

But in all the available historical records, the name of the sage who created Kaimai Pill is indeed missing.

Wen Lianmu said with some difficulty: "His name has been erased."

"Yes, He should have a great name." Lu Xiangqing sighed: "But in the long river of history, this name has been erased."

Lu Xiangqing looked at these students, and there was a distant mourning in his voice: "Everyone, he has great merit, created immortal great deeds, and opened the way of tens of thousands of people. The holy name is 'Kai Dao'! It should have come after Suiren. The second generation of Emperor. But why today, his name is not known to the world, and has been erased in the long river of history?"

Kai Dow...

Jiang Wang was silent for a while.

Only today did he know what a great name the sage who created Kaimai Pill had.

The background color of Kaimai Pill is bloody, which he already knew a long time ago. As early as in Zhuangguo Sanshan City, as early as in the beast lair witnessed by Xuguo and Yin Guan...

But he also understands very well that Kaimai Pill is the foundation of the entire extraordinary world. He doesn't have enough ability, and he doesn't have enough vision, it's impossible to have any influence on it.

Even his knowledge of Kaimai Pill is only flimsy and half-clawed. There is absolutely no right to say right or wrong.

So he was silent, then as now.

He can't change the status quo, and he doesn't know how to change it. I can only move forward with confusion and confusion. I hope that one day I will reach a high enough place, and when I look back, I will be able to understand the answers to all questions.

And Lu Xiangqing continued to narrate the history of that distant era: "The formula of Kaimai Pill was researched by Kaidao Sect alone. We all know that the main ingredient of Kaimai Pill is Daomai.

At that time, Kai Dao was just an ordinary person who was not able to transcend, and his research was not recognized. Every extraordinary power is precious to the human race. Who will give him research?

So where does the Dao vein he needs come from?

The Yaozu is the master of the world, it is impossible to use the Taoism of the Yaozu to study it, once it is discovered, it will be a disaster of annihilation. The extraordinary powerhouses of other races are not close to him.


He stole the baby who was born with Taoism, and attacked the human monk who was seriously injured in the battle against the aliens...

Using these blood-stained Dao veins, he finally completed his research! "

The house was full of silence.

The great and the base, the brilliant and the wicked.

This is a shockingly cruel description!

Lu Xiangqing sighed, and his expression was very complicated: "Everyone, today we are going to talk about righteousness—"

His serious eyes swept over everyone in the audience, and he raised his voice: "Is this 'righteousness'?"

Thanks to the book friend "Her Back View" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 332nd League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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