Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1619 History speaks for itself

The background color of Kaimaidan is bloody.

Even retrospectively, from birth, there is original sin.

But it is indeed an important reason why the human race can come out of the dark age.

It is also the indispensable foundation for the development of the extraordinary world to this day!

For thousands of years, how many histories have disappeared, how many myths have been shattered, and how many great inheritances have disappeared like smoke.

Only Kaimai Pill is irreplaceable.

Passed down from generation to generation.

The raw materials of Kaimai Pill have been greatly enriched, and the output of Kaimai Pill has been greatly increased. The prescription of Kaimai Pill has been adjusted and optimized by generations of sages, and the danger of Kaimai Pill has almost been erased. The effect is getting better and better...

But everything has changed.

The core part of the Zhangkaimai Dandan formula that runs through the long river of history has always been created by the Kaidao family in ancient times. Everything has a price, and the human race must use the Tao of others to open its veins.

Now Lu Xiangqing asked whether Kai Dao's behavior was "righteous".

For a while no one could answer.

The birth of the Zhang Kaimai Pill Recipe back then really had a fundamental contradiction.

"I ask you gentlemen." Lu Xiangqing asked again: "Is this 'righteousness'?"

"Of course it is 'righteousness'!" Bao Zhongqing was the first to stand up and said: "This is not righteousness, what is righteousness? It is the eternal righteousness to open the way of the human race and bring the human race out of the dark age!"

Gu Yan is a serious-looking young man with very old-fashioned clothes. He was born and raised in Zhao State, where Qi style is prevalent, but he always wears Zhao State's traditional dress, covering himself tightly, with almost only his head showing. Come out—this kind of clothes, which are generally regarded as outdated, are only worn by some very old people in Zhao Kingdom.

He should have learned to keep a low profile.

He had already learned to keep a low profile - after being pulled out of the military tent by Li Longchuan to chat in Xingyueyuan last time, he looked around, but no one made decisions for him.

This time when he came to Jixia Academy, he had tried his best to downplay his presence.

But after Bao Zhongqing spoke, he still couldn't help standing up, because it was really different from what he thought in his heart: "How innocent is the baby? How innocent is the warrior who fights for the human race? The greatness I understand is to sacrifice one's life." To take righteousness, what you give up is your own body, not others!"

The ancient history of Kaidao is really complicated.

Everyone's origin, experience, perception, and even the world in their eyes are different. Of course, in such a highly controversial issue, it is impossible to maintain unanimity.

The speeches of Gu Yan and Bao Zhongqing broke the silence and immediately ignited the debate.

Wu Zhou, who had been reprimanded by his master before, stood up and said, "Justice has its size. Saving one person is a small righteousness. Saving thousands of people is a great righteousness! At that time, the human race was in a dark age, struggling to survive. , what qualifications do you have to fight against the Yaozu? And why did you rise later? The Kaidao Clan risked the world's disgrace, and took the righteousness of the human race for thousands of years, so what's the point of mentioning small righteousness!"

Xie Baoshu always felt that Jiang Wang seemed to be looking at him. After all, Confucianism is his basic cultivation. Sometimes he needs to maintain his own identity. He frowned and stood up and said: "For old men, there is history. For infants and children, the future is also. Tiger poison is not eaten. Son, is there a future for a group that does not protect infants and children? It is a great injustice for the Dao family to kill infants to obtain pulses and violate human relations.

Someone immediately retorted: "Without Kaimai Pill, the elderly and children are history, and the human race is also history! With Kaimai Pill, we can argue about the future here! Why do you think you are sitting here?"

Another person said: "How can those who hold salaries for everyone be allowed to freeze to death in the snow? Those warriors fought for the human race, but were attacked by their own people to get pulses. How sad is this? How can such evil things be called A word 'righteousness'?"

Someone said: "Mr. Er's "On Merit and Demerit" has a saying, 'Great is merit, and fault is fault. There is no need to count previous deeds when evaluating merit, and no need to count previous deeds when punishing demerits.' Kai Dao's behavior should also be divided into two parts. Let's say..."

But before he finished speaking, he was immediately blocked by people: "You are still talking about Fengming! A clown who jumps on the bridge, a generation who is arrogant and respectful! He was the one who mocked and insinuated earlier, and he was also the one who wanted to lick Cao Shuai's boots later! This person The remarks. How can I mention it!?"

"His character may not be worth mentioning, but his speech has merit."

"I don't want to hear a dog bark!"

"Arguing about things is a first-class reason, but talking about people is a first-class low! Do you have the attitude to discuss matters? Do you still argue?"

"Damn it, who do you call despicable?"

"Whoever should be!"

In Zhengda Guangming Academy, noises erupted one after another, and the students were arguing fiercely.

Lu Xiangqing didn't stop it, and didn't express his opinion. He only waited until everyone had finished expressing their opinions, and the words became more and more fierce, and even turned into a full-fledged martial arts... then he coughed and stopped the debate.

Everyone knows the truth about things and not people.

But restraint is a virtue. Virtue is virtue because it is not easy to do.

Throughout the ages, it is not uncommon for debates to turn into fights.

After Lu Xiangqing called to stop, he called by name and said, "Jiang Wang, what do you think?"

Jiang Wang did think for a while, stood up first, and then asked: "Dare to ask, sir. What was the original intention of the Kaidao family when they studied the Kaimai Danfang? Is it for him to gain extraordinary power, or to help the human race?" rise?"

Lu Xiangqing was silent for a while, and said, "How can you explain this clearly?"

Yes, how can this be explained clearly!

In that distant dark age, Kai Daoshi, who was born with a closed Dao vein and was unable to transcend the extraordinary, who knows what he really thinks in his heart?

Imagine it.

At that time, Kai Daoshi, how would he defend himself? Of course he would say that he "goes alone despite thousands of people" for the great ideal of the rise of the human race.

But who can believe it?

"It doesn't matter what the heart is, because the heart is unpredictable."

Jiang Wang started the article with this, and then said: "A classmate mentioned Mr. Er just now. Mr. Er said something very right-'A virtuous man is not necessarily virtuous every day, but a wicked man is always evil? A murderer can be a loving father. , the savior can be a prisoner. The law of the country should be followed, why should a hero be a hero!'

In terms of its merits, the merit of Kaimai Pill can last for thousands of years, it is a great achievement worthy of being an emperor.

In terms of faults, mutilating babies and murdering heroes are unforgivable heinous crimes.

It was because of the Kaimaidan that I embarked on the path of transcendence. His merits and demerits, I can't say.

but i think...

History already has the answer. "

Almost everyone here knows it. At the beginning, Er Fengming's "On Merits and Demerits" was written to criticize Jiang Wang.

In order to help Jiang Wang build momentum, Chong Xuansheng asked a great Confucian to write "Heroes to the Country", in which there is a sentence "National heroes, who will die when they resign from the country. How can the river flow eastward and be diverted by sand?" It has been passed down as a famous sentence.

It was Er Fengming who used Jiang Wang's memorized passage just now to attack Jiang Wang's reputation directly, which led to a thorough investigation of Qingyang Town.

Lu Xiangqing stroked his beard and sighed: "Not to mention anything else, you quoted Er Fengming's article attacking you, so that the old man can see the heart of the Marquis!"

Jiang Wang smiled bitterly and said: "How can I have any ambition? I just don't read much, and I can't think of other sentences for a while. I was so angry that I read the article several times when I met him when I met him later. He's a good face. It wouldn't be a surprise to beat him up."

In Zhengda Guangming courtyard, there was a burst of laughter.

The tense atmosphere of the debate just now was also dissipated for a moment.

Lu Xiangqing also laughed, and continued to teach after laughing.

He did not express his support or refute any point of view, but just stated the history: "The Kaidao family successfully created the Kaimai Dandan formula, and with its great merit, it is regarded as the choice of the second generation of emperors and is admired by all. Shi, set a holy name...

But once you do evil, you will not be moved forever.

A strong human race who had fallen into the Jedi successfully returned. Through his natural supernatural powers, he discovered the aura of his own child in Kai Daoshi.

Kaidao killed him to silence him.

But the matter finally spread, and the process of his research on the pill of opening the pulse was also exposed.

The Emperor Ren was furious, and ordered Cangjie to interrogate him, and to have a public trial with the San Daozun.

Kai Daoshi was not angry, killed Cangjie and left.

The Emperor Ren came out personally, chased and killed three million miles, and cut off the Dao family in Yanyang Mountain...

So his name was erased, so that it will never be said again. "

Jiang Wang was silent.

Only remember their achievements, not their names. This is the attitude of the emperor.

Therefore, the achievement of creating the Kaimai Dandan formula has been suspended in the long river of history, and has never been stolen by anyone. But the person who created the Kaimai Dandan formula cannot be found in any classics.

Therefore, although his person has been erased, the holy name of the Kaidao family is still passed down through time.

Lu Xiangqing finally said: "Suiren said: 'I can't say the merits and demerits of the Kaidao family, but Qingshi speaks for itself. However, I can’t say anything. It’s too early for everyone to say it now. Jiang Wang said that history already has the answer, but I don’t see it. Let’s wait for a longer time!”

It was a thought-provoking class.

Lu Xiangqing said that he wanted to talk about "righteousness", but he himself did not give an accurate explanation of "righteousness".

Of course he has his own "righteousness", but he does not express it.

He only arouses students' own speculation by opening up Dow's legends.

However, why is the word "righteousness" not in everyone's heart?

How come the origin of "righteousness" is not different in everyone's heart?

After that, Lu Xiangqing talked about the similarities and differences of the thirty-six kinds of Confucian literary qi, among which he focused on the basic application of the heaven and earth and clear qi.

Combined with the earlier battle with Zhou Xiong, Jiang Wang benefited a lot.

But to be honest, he listened carefully to these "skills". But what I can't get rid of in my heart is always the holy name "Kai Daoshi".

He will never forget the feeling of being destroyed by one day when he was in Sanshan City, the deep-rooted and long-term cognition.

And ferocious beasts must be raised with popularity, and the tributary system established between small and big countries based on Kaimai Pill... These bloody status quo are all things that he still doesn't know how to judge.

Kaimai Dan, which runs through the history of the human race, really has the most complicated background in the world.

It also runs through his life experience.

It's bewildering.


On the first day of formal study at Jixia Academy, Jiang Wang took three courses: Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.

Early the next day, Chou Shi went out.

He took three courses: Military Science, Mohism, and Law.

It is worth mentioning that Xie Baoshu was also present in these three classes, which is really a bit of a coincidence. I don't know whether to say that he worked hard, or that this is the tacit understanding between the neighbors... In short, Xie Baoshu had the expression of seeing a ghost, and endured very hard.

At the end of the military science class, he was the first to rush out of the school grounds, not wanting to have any interaction with the newly promoted Marquis of Wu'an at all.

As a result, he met Jiang Wang again in the Puppet Pavilion immediately.

After the ink study class was over, he stayed in the puppet pavilion and waited for Jiang Wang to leave for a long time before going out. In the end, they bumped into Jiang Wang again in the legalist school named "Execution Ground".

Throughout the class, I was restless, just like being punished. It really fits the name of the execution ground!

He endured and endured, and when the get out of class was over, he couldn't help but stop Jiang Wang: "We've settled our grievances, haven't we?"

Jiang Wang nodded a little funny: "That's right."

The little conflict between him and Xie Baoshu had already been settled by Xie Huaian.

Having bullied Xie Xiaobao so many times, to be honest, seeing him is quite kind.

But Xie Baoshu obviously has a different opinion. He looked at Jiang Wang angrily, and lowered his voice: "Then why have you been following me?! If you want to deal with me, come face to face. Don't play any tricks. Don't think I don't know. In Confucianism class yesterday, you looked at me. The eyes are wrong!"

Jiang Wang was quite helpless: "You think too much! I just attended my class, and I didn't follow you at all."

"It's better not to." Xie Baoshu snorted, and left with a look of wariness.

Shen Shi.

Jixia Academy plays sword stage.

Xie Baoshu was chatting and laughing with Bao Zhongqing, they are both Linzi sons, and they still have some common topics. With a sudden glance, Jiang Wang appeared again.

He couldn't laugh all of a sudden.

Not only could he not laugh, but he strode towards Jiang Wang with an attitude of giving it all up.

He looked directly into Jiang Wang's eyes angrily: "Jiang, what exactly do you want? Don't think I'm afraid of you!"

Probably I also felt that this sentence was not very imposing, so I paused and added: "If my uncle told me not to cause trouble, I would not be so polite to you!"

Jiang Wang blinked: "I don't want to do anything, I'm here for class."

"It's all about the art of war. Are you coming to the swordsmanship class too?" Xie Baoshu couldn't bear Jiang Wang's fooling him like this, and shouted out of control: "Don't tell me that you also want to learn swordsmanship!"

"Yeah, I don't need it." Jiang Wang casually raised his hand and pushed him aside. Shi Shiran walked onto the sword stage and looked around at the students: "I'm here to teach you."

Xie Baoshu was stunned.

Bao Zhongqing was silent.

Wen Lianmu looked at Wang Yiwu, but Wang Yiwu folded his arms and remained silent.

Li Longchuan was also present, holding a long sword with a sheath, watching this scene with a smile.

Gu Yan had a complicated expression.

Today's Jiang Wang only stood on the stage, Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi, already saw the demeanor of a master.

Facing the proud sons of heaven in the audience, he said slowly: "Master Jijiu said that the swordsmanship teacher has been away recently and cannot teach. So during this period of time, I will teach the swordsmanship class... This is my responsibility, I It cannot be avoided."

Of course, the original words of the sacrificial wine were that Marquis Wu'an's swordsmanship has far surpassed the current swordsmanship teaching. Since he is in the academy, there is no reason not to make some contributions.

Jiang Wang looked down the stage while talking: "I'm not very good at talking about theory. So... let's talk while fighting. Of course, I will suppress my cultivation and will not bully you."

Xie Baoshu's face was extremely ugly, thinking that this handsome face might suffer today, but he couldn't do anything to back off on the spot. Gritting his teeth for a while, he hated it very much.

But Jiang Wang's eyes only passed over him, and fell on Wang Yiwu.

The tone was flat: "Brother Wang, please be a training partner."

Wang Yiwu took a military dagger today, and without any hesitation when he heard the words, he walked up to the stage with his long legs.

Just this one person is like a thousand troops rushing forward.

"I can ask Marquis Wu'an for advice on swordsmanship. I'm looking forward to it for a long time!"


Almost at the same time, Chong Xuanzun, who was dragged to the top by the academy's wine ceremony, also appeared here in Hengdao Garden of Jixia Academy.

Unlike Jiang Wang's helplessness, Chong Xuanzun looked quite happy.

At this moment, he was standing on the stage with a smile on his face, and raised his chin to a fat man in the audience: "Come up."

"Huh? Isn't this the divination table? Damn it, I went to the wrong place!" Chong Xuansheng muttered loudly while walking outside, reached the door, and ran away.

But a terrifying suction suddenly occurred.

When he broke free, he had already landed on the stage with a knife in his hand.

Thanks to the book friend "1350704199313203200" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 333rd League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thank you book friend "lialon" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 334th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!


I sincerely recommend everyone to keep books.

o, o I don't know why, it's been ten days in a row, and I only have 4,000 words in a whole day, so I can't save the manuscript. I feel like I'm wasted.

But waste was very peaceful.

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