Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1620 Liu Guang is easy to throw people away

Chong Xuansheng looked at Chong Xuanzun and gritted his teeth.

Chong Xuanzun looked at Chong Xuansheng with a smile on his face.

On the day when the two brothers entered Jixia Academy...

Mr. Chongxuan specially called the two brothers to the Hou's mansion, with the intention of settling the dust. It was time for the two brothers to use their own means to start the final confrontation.

In the end, before the old man could open his mouth, Chong Xuanzun took the initiative to say that he would set up his own family, saying something like "my ambition is not here", "I have been optimistic about the little fat man since I was young", and handed over the big family business to the fat brother. I have learned Chong Xuansheng's disgusting language style by ten percent, and I don't know how many times I typed the draft secretly.

Chong Xuansheng was furious on the spot.

How could he be called Chongxuan Zunrang?

In the Battle of Faxia, his performance was obvious to all.

Who is better at handling complicated situations, and who is better at leading the family to glory?

He and Zhong Xuanzun are two leaders with completely different styles. In a complicated situation, he is good at peeling cocoons, step by step, using a series of dazzling actions to deduce the result all the way to victory, seeking the best option. Chongxuanzun always points directly to the core of the problem and seeks the simplest and most direct solution. During this process, some details are often ignored or not cared about.

It's hard to say whether these two styles are good or bad, but who can unite more people? The answer is obvious.

Although Zhong Xuanzun was named the champion, he was proud of his life. But this is where points are lost in the battle for the head of the family. As far as the whole family is concerned, it is self-evident whether it is better to have one more champion, or to merge the champion into Bowanghou.

The old man who has been fighting for the family all his life must have a tendency in his heart.

Even... Even if the above are not counted, only the elders are allowed to express their opinions, and Chong Xuansheng is sure to win the support of most of the elders. Such a long-term business is not done in vain. The chain of interests he has laid is intricate and can tie several knots in Zhong Xuanzun's mind. Where does he need to let go!

In front of the old man, he was impassioned, spitting everywhere, showing off his eloquence, and demoted Chongxuan Zun to nothing.

But Chong Xuanzun rolled up his sleeves and beat him up. What do you say that there is no competition for the position of Marquis, and from now on, we will only fight for the superiority of the brothers.

After the fight, he forced Xuansheng to enter the school, saying that he was urged to study, so that he didn't even have a chance to communicate with Jiang Wang.

He is not someone who will suffer from immediate disadvantages, he will practice honestly after entering the academy, and he will never neglect his brothers before and after, and will never give Chong Xuanzun an excuse to do something.

In the matter of practice, he does not lack hard work. Even if Bowanghou's hereditary title has already been obtained, he will never be slower than anyone else in walking the official path.

Entering Jixia Academy this time is also a rare opportunity to practice and get rid of many external disturbances, especially for him who has to deal with too many things in his daily life.

Uncle Chongxuan Chuliang's life-cutting knife is famous all over the world.

He practiced weapons as well as saber skills, that's why he came to Hengdao Garden.

With his mind, he knew something was wrong when he saw Chong Xuan Zun. But Chong Xuanzun came on stage as soon as he came, and told him to "come up" when he came on stage, and he didn't give him time to react at all.

Now, he even forcibly pulled him onto the stage with supernatural powers, and forced a knife into his hand.

Is there any reason? Is there any kingly law? !

Dare you stop being so rude, dare you sit down and have a good game of wits for a few rounds?

Chong Xuansheng had already scolded in his heart, but there was a gentle and harmless smile on his face: "My good brother, why are you coming to class today?"

Chongxuan said: "Very good, I didn't expect you to have the courage to draw your sword and face me."

Chong Xuansheng's smile froze: "Then what, I'm actually going to take a Taoism class today, and I accidentally went to the wrong place."

Chongxuan said: "Since you are so active, then I will give you some pointers."

The dog champion Hou made it clear that he was going to play tricks, and Chongxuan Sheng said angrily: "Chongxuan Zun! This is the place to learn! Are you unreasonable!"

Chongxuan Zun said: "Yes, I have been your swordsman instructor during this time. Now we will start the actual combat drill."



A punch head on.

Chong Xuansheng fell on his back, nose bleeding profusely.

"No way." Chong Xuanzun shook his head, and said to the students in the audience: "Students have also seen that this knife holder is absolutely unqualified...Come on, let's do it again."

While speaking, he casually grabbed Chongxuan Sheng and pulled Chongxuan Sheng up with the power of Chongxuan.



It happened in the teaching practice of the Sword Demonstration Stage.

This is the fifth time Wang Yiwu has been sent flying.

Thinking of him as a disciple of the closed door of the military god, the five mansions are complete, the outer building is stable, and the fourth floor will be erected in a short time, pursuing the ultimate perfection.

The military master's supernatural powers shined brilliantly on the Qixia battlefield, with a single punch followed by thousands of troops, blowing up an unknown number of enemy troops. Especially in the battlefield environment, it is difficult to find an opponent under the presence of God.

Out of a certain attitude of not admitting defeat, he came to Jixia Academy, and specially came to the sword stage to learn swordsmanship.

He didn't pursue the selfless kendo that the master personally shattered, but it was not difficult for a genius like him to absorb some nutrients from the flying sword technique that stood at the pinnacle of the times.

Combining his own perception and battlefield experience, he formed his unique swordsmanship style, which is sharp, decisive, and never retreats.

In terms of killing power alone, he has already reached the limit of his current cultivation.

But today's Jiang Wang, even if he suppresses the golden body and chalcedony, bans spiritual consciousness, and only uses the power at the outer building level, it is terrifying enough.

Cultivation is a step-by-step scenery, and then look back after the gods come. The once perfect swordsmanship already has many shortcomings.

At this time, Wang Yiwu has not yet reached the extreme state of the outer building. There is still a long way to go before Dou Zhao, Wang Changji, and Chong Xuanzun arrived.

There is really no comparison with Jiang Wang, who came back to fill in the gap after God came.

If you say you don't bully people with your cultivation, how can you hide your vision after God's presence?

So the result was Wang Yiwu's horrific outbursts again and again, in exchange for falling embarrassingly again and again.

He didn't cry out for pain, he didn't admit defeat, and he didn't run away. Always maintain that cold posture, get up again after falling down, and swing your sword when you get up, attacking as much as you want.

Jiang Wang also... beat him to his heart's content.

While beating, he explained to the students the split routine of sword moves.

Talking and talking, not only him, but all the students in the audience have learned Wang Yiwu's swordsmanship a lot...

Life in Jixia Academy is pleasant.

No mundane disturbances.

Every day is studying, practicing, drinking, chatting...and giving a lesson in the name of performing swords when anyone is not pleasing to the eye.

What? If you don't come to my class, I have no right to teach you a lesson?

You came here yesterday, but you don't come today, what do you mean?

Look down on Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi with three thousand households in Shiyi?

Jiang's class, people can only add, not less!

What Xie Xiaobao, what Wen Lianmu, they were beaten when they came.

Of course, there is also that iron head like Wang Yiwu, who will come to every swordsmanship class and never miss a single time. Wen Lian Mula can't hold back.

Even Jiang Wang didn't want to "point out" him anymore, he also took the initiative to ask for advice...

And whenever Wang Yiwu swollen one eye, Chong Xuansheng would definitely swell the other. Whenever Chongxuansheng gets disheartened, Wang Yiwu will definitely describe him as embarrassed...

Marquis Wu'an's swordsmanship class and Champion Hou's swordsmanship class were once the two most lively classes in Jixia Academy, attracting many students to compete... to watch the play.

Wang Yiwu, who never flinches and is invincible, and Chong Xuansheng, who plays hide-and-seek with Chong Xuanzun every day, and who can show complex and changeable tactics on stage after being caught, have become the bet objects of many people.

Who can show off the genius, who can occupy the coquettish, who can... last longer.

Regardless of the mood of Wang Yiwu and Chong Xuansheng, everyone is very happy, which is a wonderful adjustment from the exhausting days of hard work.

And Jiang Wang's 21st birthday passed away in this happy time.

There was no special celebration on that day. I just had a drink at Mingxinshe with a few friends and chatted happily.

That's enough.

It was the 25th day of the first lunar month when I entered Jixia Academy. By the time we left Jixia Academy, spring had already passed.

The whole three months is a rare and precious experience in a lifetime for everyone who goes to the academy to study.

No one is slacking off.

Everyone is trying to make up for the shortcomings as much as possible during this time.

Whether it's the newlywed Bao Zhongqing, the distraught Xie Baoshu, or Chong Xuansheng and Wang Yiwu who are often beaten with bruised noses and swollen faces...all practice from morning to night, and from night to morning.

Now that the practice period expires, it is also a rare fate to disperse one after another.

After bidding farewell to Lin Xian, Lin Jie and others, Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng stood at the gate of the school, feeling a little emotional.

Jiang Wang is reluctant to part.

Chong Xuansheng is returning home like an arrow.

Of course, it's not just about trying to escape a beating. He was going to leave the academy today, and last night he cleaned it up specially, and asked Li Longchuan to help him reduce the swelling.

Li Longchuan, who possesses the supernatural power of Zhuwei, is the best in this group of people in terms of medical skills.

A very luxurious carriage was parked outside the academy.

Bao Zhongqing walked out of the academy at this time, with a smile on his face, he said to Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng: "Shall I send you two?"

Chong Xuansheng knew that Jiang Wang was not happy with the hospitality, so he took the first step and said with a smile: "Brother Bao, don't keep your wife waiting for a long time, our people are coming soon."

Young Master Bao's wedding banquet three months ago invited all the nobles from Linzi. Although Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng did not go, the gift was delivered.

Bao Zhongqing also looked very happy and looking forward to it: "Then I will take a step first."

Chong Xuansheng is full of smiles, and he is very affectionate. He can be very affectionate to anyone: "Everyone says that Xiaobie is better than a newlywed, so go and go. Don't forget to tell me later, how does it feel to be a newlywed!"

Bao Zhongqing laughed and got into the carriage, and the wheels gradually moved away.

Chong Xuansheng still had a smile on his face, but he said: "Bao Mazi's courage is too much, you should stay away from him."

Earlier on the Qixia battlefield, when he commented on Bao Zhongqing in front of Jiang Wang, he still said that this person had 'more scheming but not enough courage'. People's changes are sometimes really unpredictable.

Just like when he commented on Xie Xiaobao at that time, he meant that he hadn't grown up yet.

And now Xie Xiaobao... Mmm. still none.

Jiang Wang smiled: "I have been far away from him."

"There is also Yan Zenyi, you get along with each other, and you don't hesitate to accept the benefits. But don't be fooled by him to talk about Buddhism in front of the emperor."

"I'm not stupid. I don't want the benefits, and I don't want the troubles."

"You have nothing to do with Qin Lian, right?"

"What can we have?"

"If you really want something, I'll figure it out."

"Did your brain be broken by Chong Xuanzun? You are idle!"

"Hey Hey."

The two chatted with each other and waited for a long time.

"Why hasn't Fourteen come to pick me up yet?" The fat on Chong Xuansheng's face wrinkled.

"Did you tell her when to leave the academy?"

"I didn't say it." Chong Xuansheng smiled wickedly: "But Fourteen used to make arrangements for himself, and I never need to say anything."

Jiang Wang glanced at him speechlessly, and planned to leave by himself.

Calculating the time, the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion in Gaoyangfang should have been completed long ago. All the attendants in the imperial court also have arrangements, so there is really no need to squeeze together with this fat man and watch him try to show off all day long.

But at this time, a luxurious and restrained carriage drove up.

On the driving seat, sat the butler of Bowanghou Mansion.

"Young Master Jiang, Young Master Sheng." After the man saluted meticulously, he said: "The old servant is ordered by the Marquis to come to greet you. To celebrate the return of the two students, a banquet has been held in the mansion."

For this old man who has worked hard in Chongxuan's family all his life, Chongxuan Sheng did not dare to neglect.

After getting into the carriage with Jiang Wang first, he said with a smile, "It's just that I stayed in the academy for a while, why did you host a special banquet?"

The old butler first replied with a smile: "Three months have been a long time, and Lord Hou also misses Mr. Sheng very much."

Then he lowered the curtain, held the reins firmly, and drove back to the house.

Chong Xuansheng sat down paralyzed, thought for a while and said: "By the way, send someone to Yaoguangfang to say, don't come to greet me, I will go back after I see Grandpa."

Chongxuansheng has long been used to living in the mansion that the emperor gave to Jiang Wang in Yaoguangfang, so he also went there to send letters.

"Master Sheng, don't worry, people have already asked people to talk about it." The old housekeeper replied.

He drove extremely steadily, and there was no sense of bumps at all when the carriage was driving.

"Is this the treatment of the next Grand Qi Bowanghou?" In the carriage, Chong Xuansheng stretched out his hand to pat Jiang Wang, and laughed triumphantly.

Back then Chongxuan came out of Jixia Academy, but he didn't have this kind of treatment.

Well, not this time either.

Earlier, I saw Chong Xuanzun riding away with Wang Yiwu and Wen Lianmu, but I didn't know what to do.

Jiang Wang nodded seriously: "Yes, looking at the whole Daqi, how many Hou Ye can have? Unexpectedly, there is only one sitting in this carriage."

After all, the future Lord Hou is not as tough as the current Lord Hou.

Chong Xuansheng shut his mouth angrily.

Once the hereditary and irreplaceable Bowanghou Zhijue gets his hands, with his management ability, he will definitely be able to advance by leaps and bounds in the officialdom, and it is not impossible to chase Jiang Wang's overweight Xuan Zun.

In front of Jiang Wang, he has always claimed to be a figure who plans to rule the world, and he dismisses force as a rude means. But he also had to admit in his heart that he missed the days when he made money from Jiang Wang in the illusory realm.

The good times are gone forever.

Just wait and see, these brats.

None of them can escape!

Thanks to the book friend "20190705165855857" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 335th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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