Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1621 No regrets

There is a spring jujube tree in the courtyard, which grows against the season, and now is the time to bear fruit. A tree of red fruit almost fell to the ground.

Chong Xuansheng walked over, picked a handful, gave Jiang Wang a few, and ate as he walked.

The courtyard of Bowanghou Mansion is deep.

When Jiang Wang first came to Zizi, seeing it was like seeing the sea.

If you really want to hold a big banquet, compared to the wedding banquet in Shuofangbo's mansion three months ago, the standard will only be higher, not lower.

After all, it is a top famous family in Daqi, and now there are three princes in one family, which is at its peak. Overwhelmed Bao Shi by more than one end.

Of course, today is a private banquet, and there are not many outsiders.

Following the old butler through the corner, to the central hall, Chong Xuan Yunbo was having a happy conversation with a middle-aged man.

"Hahaha, I really can't bear to talk about it. As soon as I mentioned him, he came back!" The old man laughed loudly.

Stretching out his hand, he beckoned: "Come, come, Ah Sheng, Qingyang, quickly greet Doctor Ye!"

Today's guest at Bowanghou's Mansion was Ye Henshui, the councilor of the Political Affairs Hall.

He is well-known in humanities, especially good at Qing Ci.

The so-called green words, also known as green chapters. It refers to the chapters that prayed to the heavens and played the emperors of the past dynasties at the ceremony. It got its name because the vermilion words fell on the ivy paper.

I just want gorgeous writing to show the prosperity of the times.

Chacha Ye Henshui has the most gorgeous writing style in Qi State today. His writing style was called "Dragon Palace" by the people at that time, which means that his reading is like walking in Dragon Palace, which is extremely gorgeous.

There are many imitators, and it is also a quite influential faction in the literary world of Qi State.

Every time Qi Ting presents a big sacrifice, it is basically Ye Henshui who writes Qingci, which shows his status.

Even for the sake of Chongxuan Sheng, Jiang Wang couldn't disrespect Chongxuan Yunbo. Not to mention that he was already in front of the old Hou Ye, and he always respected the etiquette of the younger generation.

As soon as the old man opened his mouth, he hurried forward to greet him.

For some reason, Chong Xuansheng, who was long-sleeved and good at dancing, was not very active, walked slowly beside Jiang Wang, and reluctantly saluted.

In terms of seniority, Jiang Wangzhong and Xuan Sheng are all juniors, so Ye Henshui certainly accepted the gift.

But Jiang Wang was about to bow here, and Ye Henshui got up on the other side, with a smile on his face: "I and the Chongxuan family are close friends, and you and Ah Sheng are brothers, and we are originally a family." People, there is no need to be polite."

Jiang Wang didn't know that Ye Henshui was so close to Chongxuan's family, but Ye Henshui's face was full of smiles, and it was impossible for him not to give face: "To be able to sit with Dr. Ye, who is a romantic poet today, although Wang is careless, it is very important." I can also smell the fragrance of ink, I am really overjoyed!"

"Ah Sheng." The only one sitting in the room was Chong Xuan Yunbo. He looked at Chong Xuansheng with concern in his voice: "Are you tired from practicing in the academy these days? Grandpa sees that you are not in good spirits."

He smiled and said to Ye Henshui: "This kid is usually very happy, it seems that Jixia Academy is a good place to grind his temper."

Ye Henshui looked at Zhong Xuansheng with a smile on his face: "I have replayed the whole process of the war against Xia on the Eastern Front. Ah Sheng's temperament, where does it need to be tempered? In the future, it will not be as good as Ding Yuanhou." Difference!"

"Doctor Ye has a great reputation, how can I compare with my uncle?" Chong Xuansheng seemed to come to his senses, and replied Ye Henshui, and said to Chong Xuan Yunbo: "To tell the truth, Grandpa, my grandson is being tortured every day in the academy." My cousin provoked and beat me, and I have already accumulated hidden wounds, so my spirit is not good... I will not eat, I will go back to rest first."

Chong Xuanyunbo smiled and waved his hands: "You child, in front of your Uncle Ye, don't make jokes, or you will make your Uncle Ye really worry about you, how can you?"

"I'm not joking." Chong Xuansheng's fat face, which was always full of smiles, was very serious at this moment.

He bowed to Ye Henshui: "I'm sorry, Doctor Ye, Chong Xuansheng is not feeling well, so I won't be with you."

"It's okay." Ye Henshui didn't show any unpleasant expression, and said very gently: "I don't feel well, I need to take good care of it."

Then he said to Chong Xuan Yunbo: "Master Hou, Ah Sheng's health is very important. I don't want to bother you any more, I will drink tea with you some other day."

After that, he turned around and left.

No matter how dull Jiang Wang was, he still felt that the atmosphere was not right.

Hurry up a few steps, and then walk out of the hall: "Doctor Ye, I'll see you off."

The central hall of Bowanghou's Mansion is naturally bright and clean, with excellent lighting.

The outsiders left, and the grandparents and grandchildren sat and stood in the big room, but the atmosphere was not relaxed.

Chong Xuanyunbo sat in the upper seat, never got up, and did not speak for a long time.

Chong Xuansheng didn't say anything about going back to rest, and just stood there.

There was a long silence.

In the end, Chong Xuanyunbo spoke first.

"Ye Henshui, listed in the Political Affairs Hall, has a high position and authority. Looking at the whole country of Qi, there are not many such people. He came to the door in person today, which shows that he takes it seriously?"

Chong Xuansheng did not speak.

Chong Xuanyunbo continued: "He has only one younger sister, who is married to Xing Yundao, the sheriff of Pingyuan County. Although Xing Yundao is only a sheriff, due to historical reasons, their family has been operating in Pingyuan County for many years. The Xing family is known as 'Pingyuan County'. It’s called ‘phase’. It’s much stronger than the officials and sheriffs in other places, and you can understand this, right?”

Chong Xuansheng was silent.

"Ye Henshui's only younger sister, and Xing Yunbao have only one daughter, and she is extremely favored. Xing Qingxue's reputation is one of the best in the western part of the empire. Isn't she gorgeous?"

Chong Xuansheng remained silent.

"I know you always love to compete with Bao Zhongqing. The marriage I arranged for you is more than ten times stronger than the two sons of the Bao family." Chong Xuan Yunbo's old voice was not very loud, but he was full of anger: "What kind of temper are you getting into with me today, what kind of trouble are you making!"

His eloquence is fine, but Chong Xuansheng, who had been silent for a long time today, opened his mouth and said, "Where is Fourteen?"

"Fourteen?" Chongxuan Yunbo frowned and said: "She is just a dead man. There are not one thousand dead men like Chong Xuan's family, but eight hundred. What are you thinking!?"

Chong Xuansheng looked at Chong Xuan Yunbo, and said stubbornly: "Where is Fourteen?"

"Presumptuous!" Chongxuan Yunbo was furious, and he slapped the armrest, and it flew away: "Chongxuanzun is a champion who stands on his own, what are you? I can't control Chongxuanzun, and I can't control you ?"

Although this battle-tested old Hou Ye was riddled with old injuries and lacked cultivation, his majesty was extraordinary.

He has been a soldier all his life and has made countless contributions to the country. Today's powerful generals in the Great Qi Army were some of his former troops.

Even Jiang Mengxiong, the military god, has to be polite in front of him. Even Ye Henshui, the court councilor, was very respectful in front of him.

At this time, the anger was bursting, like a tiger roaring in the forest.

But Chong Xuansheng just looked at him directly, and said seriously: "Chongxuanzun is the champion of his own family, and I am Chong Xuansheng who forced him to stand on his own. Grandpa, I am not trying to challenge your majesty, nor do I want to challenge you." I'm confronting you. I don't care about Ye Henshui or Xing Qingxue. I just want to know... where did Fourteen go?"

Chongxuan Yunbo's voice sank: "Chongxuansheng, do you think your wings are hard? You haven't inherited the title of Marquis of Bowang!"

"Give it to whoever you love, what's the big deal!" Finally, Chong Xuansheng could no longer suppress his uneasiness, waved his hand impatiently, and asked angrily, "What did you do to Fourteen?!"

Chongxuan Yunbo has always known that Chongxuansheng is a brave child. He has always cared about what Chong Xuansheng did and the difficulties he overcame. I have also expressed emotion again and again, and comforted my heart again and again.

But today is the first time for him to face this courage in person.

He really felt that this grandson who used to hide his emotions with a smile, this little fat man who always smiled and rolled around in front of him, had really grown up.

So I feel more clearly that my aging...

He didn't believe that Yizhong Xuansheng's intelligence would fail to think of the reason why he did what he did today, and what would be a better choice. But after all, it was because of a woman, a dead man, so dizzy.

When he was young, how could anyone dare to talk to him like that? Even if he was also in the Outer Building Realm, the him back then could slap ten Chongxuan Sheng away with a single slap. After suffering irreversible damage and cutting off the hope of God's presence, he can still firmly control the entire Chongxuan family, and cultivate several children except Mingguang into talents. After Mingtu's incident, he was able to support the crumbling family situation of the Chongxuan family and make the Chongxuan family stand upright. Are his means ordinary?

I am old after all...

It's not just the physical body that gets old, and it's not just the blood that decays.

And spirit, will, even temper...

He let out a long sigh in his heart.

There was no expression on his face, and he said to Chongxuansheng calmly: "Have you ever thought about how you will support this family after you seize the title? Have you jumped out of your Chongxuansheng's own feelings and used As the Marquis of Bowang, have you considered the future of this family? Do you know what is the most important thing for a family to pass on for a long time?"

On his wrinkled face, there is the majesty of the years.

In his unstern eyes, is the history and authority of the entire family.

But Chong Xuansheng's eyes are so small that they can only accommodate one person.

He looked at Chong Xuan Yunbo with these eyes: "Do you know how important Fourteen is to me?"

This pair of grandparents and grandchildren each knew the answer to each other's questions, but neither gave the other an answer.

Chong Xuanyunbo raised his hand that already had age spots, pointed to the outside: "Look at that spring jujube tree in the courtyard, if you don't trim it, it will be crushed.

Out of season is not a problem, nor is wind and rain.

But why can't it hold on?

It is of course a good thing to have luxuriant branches and fruitful fruits, but the main body should not be weak. If the main body cannot support it, it will be overwhelmed by the overly luxuriant side branches.

Your cousin Zhongxuan Chuliang, a real person in the world, is unparalleled in military prowess. Your cousin Chongxuan Zun, perfect god, less than 30 years old, has been crowned champion, they are the pride of the Chongxuan family, making the entire Chongxuan family stronger and more respected, but... will bear What about you as the head of the household?

Your cultivation is weak, and you don't have the support of your mother clan behind you. With your current strength, you can't support such a big family. I believe you can do well given your time, but where does the long time come from?

Chu Liang treats you like his own, and Ah Zun will not argue with you anymore. But what about ten years later? What about a hundred years from now? Once an opportunity arises, even if Ah Zun doesn't want to fight, what about the people around him? What about those who have been following him?

Now that they have separated and established themselves, they will be offshoots of the Chongxuan family in the future.

Throughout the ages, how can there be a long-term family with weak stems and strong branches?

With your ingenuity, you should understand. Marriage to Ye Henshui's niece, self-cultivation internally, and strong marriage externally, can firmly grasp the family and unify the power of the entire Chongxuan clan. For you, Yu Zhongxuan, it is the best choice. "

Chong Xuansheng listened to him quietly, and only asked, "Where is Yu Shishi?"

Chong Xuanyunbo finally sighed: "If you insist, Fourteen can be your concubine."

Chong Xuansheng let go of the stone in his heart. The old man's words can at least show that nothing happened to Fourteen... that's enough. He can protect Fourteen well, and he will not be separated from Fourteen in the future.

With his intelligence, and the resources at his disposal now, he will not be afraid of any challenge. What made him afraid and nervous was just that kind of unknown. He didn't know whether Chongxuan Yunbo would use any harsh methods during his study in the academy - the possibility was very low, but he was terrified.

He has always been a person who dares to risk everything to go to the gambling table, but he dare not bet on the fourteenth matter.

During the three months in Jixia Academy, although he practiced hard every day and was beaten every day, he never had a moment of leisure. But the figure of Fourteen is always in his mind.

Over the years, he has long been used to having such a person who is always quietly by his side. Listen to his complaints and accompany him on adventures. Give him endless tenderness under the cold armor.

Now he too has calmed down.

I can finally think calmly. It is related to everything today, and all causes and effects are clearly displayed in his mind.

He made an unthinking decision.

But after careful consideration, I still choose this way.

"I don't know how to take concubines." The fat man, who can discuss anything, looked at his respected grandfather and said in a non-negotiable manner: "I will only marry one wife, and that is Fourteen."

How can the majestic Qi Bowanghou take a dead man as his wife?

Chong Xuanyunbo looked at him disappointedly: "Even if you lose the Marquis of Bowang?"

What have you worked hard from childhood to now? Grab a little opportunity, resolutely bet everything on the gambling table, use all your talents to fight, what are you fighting for?

After finally winning to the present, is it necessary to stop at this close point?

Chong Xuansheng originally thought that at this moment, he would have too complicated emotions. But in fact, there was no wave in his heart.

A first-class family in Daqi, a hereditary marquis who was not even granted the title of a true monarch by Cao Jie's defeat of the Xia Kingdom, and a fourteen...

Where is there any comparison?

Why do those things compare with Fourteen?

At this moment, Chong Xuansheng only felt calm, and he said very calmly: "Except for Fourteen, I have nothing to cherish."

"Chongxuan wins!"

Zhong Xuanyunbo's voice suddenly rose.

He looked at Chong Xuansheng with those already cloudy eyes, as if he had exhausted all his strength: "I'm going to die!"

He has never been so weak in his life as a soldier.

When Chong Xuanmingtu went to sea, he never even glanced at him.

Looking at my grandson today, I feel so sad...

"I won't survive this year," he said.

He just wanted to arrange the future of his family before he died. He just wanted to have a reassuring ending to his life's sacrifice and struggle.

His aging face revealed such fragile emotions.

Chong Xuansheng was stunned on the spot.

a long time.

He knelt down, hit his forehead on the floor tiles, and knocked his head hard.

The floor tiles were broken, and blood was seen on the forehead.

Then he got up and walked out without looking back.

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