Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1622

Chong Xuansheng's obese figure is often a pleasure.

Especially when walking around, the fat is rippling like water, making it more and more ridiculous, where is there any momentum?

The vast majority of people in this world are inferior to him in family background, inferior in intelligence, and inferior in meritorious deeds, but they are not as obese as he is, so they have a reason to laugh at him.

But today he walked out without looking back, in the sea-deep Bowanghou Mansion, he was no longer that lonely little fat man lying on the ground, not the little boy who would pile up fake smiles very early on. Young master, but a real grown-up "person".

The top can support the sky, the bottom can stand on the ground, and a tree alone can block the wind and rain.

He doesn't have the magical powers of the heavens and the earth, but he is bigger and more powerful than ever.

Smart people always have a lot of ideas and a big heart. Sometimes the smarter you are, the harder it is to know what you really want.

But now he knows.

Chong Xuanyunbo's voice faded behind him: "Do you know what you lost when you walked out like this?"

Chong Xuansheng also left his young voice behind: "I will not remember what I lost, I only remember what I have."

What he lost was probably the hereditary Marquis Bowang, the possibility of catching up with Jiang Wang and Zhongxuan Zun in terms of cultivation, the hope of the truth, the entire Chongxuan family's intricate network of relationships, and the current and senior members of the top famous family in the Daqi Empire. future.

But so what?

He strode out, his voice remained in Bowanghou's mansion.

"Now, I still have at least one Desheng Firm, at least one Jiang Wang who will stand by my side and support me no matter what the situation is, and at least... Fourteen."

"With fourteen, I have everything."

"Grandpa, I hope you really didn't do anything to Fourteen. Otherwise, I'm actually a terrible person."

Chong Xuanyunbo realized that he was actually threatened.

Yu Shi is ridiculous.

For love, it is disrespectful for the following.

But there was no anger in his heart.

He is just a little lonely.

None of his four sons, from Mingguang to Minghe, put the family first.

His two grandsons, from Chongxuanzun to Chongxuansheng, none of them put family first.

He never thought about what to do with Fourteen.

From the beginning to the end, it was just to make Chong Xuansheng compromise and let Fourteen be his concubine.

Unexpectedly, Chong Xuansheng would not even back down from this step.

The future of each family that he placed high hopes on had its own stubbornness, and that stubbornness was not even the family itself.

So ironic, isn't it?

He leaned back on the chair, working hard. But when the voice came out, he held his breath and refused to be weak. He snorted coldly: "I'm so serious about Xuan Yunbo that I won't take my anger out on a little girl."

In this way, in the somewhat dazzling skylight, I watched that fat figure disappear.

like many years ago...

I can't remember how long it has been, it seems like it just happened yesterday.

The child went away and never came back.

never coming back.

"Confused, dad!"

Chongxuan Mingguang suddenly rushed in, startled Chongxuan Yunbo, and almost scared him over on the spot.

Turning his eyes, he couldn't help scolding: "What are you doing sneakily!"

Chongxuan Mingguang approached, and while using his boots to gather up the fragments of the wooden handrail on the ground, he said, "Don't be angry, don't be angry, hey, didn't I come to see you? In case you have troubles."

Chong Xuanyunbo got up and went to look for the knife: "I will let you go up and down today!"

"Father, father!" Chongxuan Mingguang hurriedly hugged his waist, and said in a loud voice: "Calm down! Calm down! Calm down!"

Chong Xuan Yunbo struggled for a while but didn't move, feeling sad from his heart for a moment.

Cursed: "Get up!"

Chongxuan Mingguang maintained a defensive posture, let go and distanced himself, and muttered: "Why are you angry at me, I didn't provoke you."

"You are not convinced, are you?" Chong Xuanyunbo glared at him violently: "Even you are not convinced, are you?"

"I'm obedient." Chongxuan Mingguang nodded and bowed his waist with an apologetic smile: "I am very obedient, you old man calm down, don't care about fools!"

When Chong Xuan Yunbo heard it, it was indeed the truth. It's not a day or two since the eldest son grass is wrapped. At least now I still have an understanding of my own stupidity, which can be regarded as a lot of progress... Then I changed a chair and sat down.

Then Chongxuan Mingguang said again: "This child, Asheng, has not inherited the wisdom of my Chongxuan family at all. What is going on in his mind?"

The old man didn't sound right: "So who were you calling an idiot?"

Chongxuan Mingguang said as a matter of course: "Ah Sheng! Could it be me?!"

The old man didn't speak for a moment.

Chongxuan Mingguang said again: "I don't know how to deal with such a good marriage. I have to marry a dead man and only marry one wife in this life. Isn't that pure stupid? How can there be a Mrs. Hou who was born as a dead man in the world? Spread the word and make people laugh!"

Chong Xuan Yunbo did not scold him this time.

After staying quietly for a while, sighed: "This way he is like his father."

Some people want to hurt the wound once, but the years have passed and it has never healed. The older you get, the more you think about it.

Chongxuan Mingguang leaned over habitually, pinched the old man's shoulders deftly, and sighed: "Oh, it's no wonder old father you are so worried. The second brother and the third brother left early, and the fourth brother went overseas and refused to return. Jing. My family, Azun, is too good, so he was named a Marquis so soon, and the family went out to support himself. My nephew is too ignorant, and he doesn't think about the family at all... Such a big family has no successors. Alas!"

Chong Xuanyunbo also felt heartbroken.

"It can only be relied on me. I have been hiding my strengths and biding my time for so many years. It is time to calm down and lead the Chongxuan family to a new stage!"

Chongxuan Mingguang patted the old man's shoulder, full of ambition: "Dad, don't worry, after you leave, I will definitely do a good job!"

Chong Xuanyunbo, who was already exhausted, suddenly stood up, turned around and lifted his legs, all in one go.

With a beautiful whip kick, the idiot was pulled out of the gate.




Chong Xuansheng took a step back before his dear uncle.

Of course, he is not as handsome as his uncle, but his rolling posture is much more chic.

Marquis Wu'an of Da Qi was waiting for him in the courtyard.

Seeing him coming out like this, she didn't say anything else, just took out a handkerchief and handed it to him, motioning him to wipe it.

Chong Xuansheng walked out side by side with his old friend while wiping the blood on his forehead.

Wiping it, I felt something was wrong, and put it in front of my eyes: "Where did you get this handkerchief, it's so fragrant and beautiful, and it's pink?"

Jiang Wang shrugged his shoulders: "When I was in the academy, I don't know who put it in my room. I think it was embroidered with gold thread and tattooed with a dust-cleaning magic circle. It should be quite valuable. You will sell it for me later. "

Chong Xuansheng let out a "tss", pressed the pink handkerchief back to the wound, and continued to walk out.

"Is there any more?" He asked again suddenly.


Chong Xuansheng took a handkerchief and made a move in front of Jiang Wang.

"There are still a few sachets, a sword, a short bow, a collection of poems... Well, why is there a tea set?" Jiang Wang said while digging out things, full of bits and pieces.

"Okay, okay, stop you." Chong Xuansheng felt that his forehead began to hurt a little.

Jiang Wang also remained silent.

"Did Ye Henshui tell you anything just now?" Chong Xuansheng asked again.

"I didn't say anything. I just praised me casually. He also said that you performed well on the Faxia battlefield, and he appreciated it." Jiang Wang thought for a while and added: "It doesn't look angry."

"Whether you're angry or not, I won't reveal it in front of you. Besides, a person like Ye Henshui wouldn't be in a hurry to send off his niece, that is, the old man still has some face, so he asked him to come to the house today... "Chong Xuansheng said something like this, and then said: "Never mind him, it's none of my business!"

This meeting finally reached the gate of the Hou Mansion.

Chongxuan Sheng said: "We have to go back, we won't be able to use Chongxuan's carriage in the future."

Jiang Wang only said: "Just take a walk."

So the two of them walked like a car, and walked out side by side.

Walk out of Bowanghou Mansion, walk out of the street where Bowanghou Mansion is located, and merge into the bustling crowds of Linzi.

The bustling world can sometimes make people feel alienated. The more lively, the more out of place.

Turning a blind eye to the strange eyes cast by some people, Chong Xuansheng pressed his forehead with a pink handkerchief, and sighed suddenly: "I also said that I will move when I leave the academy this time. I always live in the small house in Yaoguangfang It's not a problem, it doesn't fit my current status."

"What now?"

"Move too! Move to the Marquis of Wu'an!"

Jiang Wang: "...that's great, you moved from my house to my house."

Chong Xuansheng snorted in disgust: "Can you talk? You have to say, 'our family'!"

Jiang Wang sighed.

Chong Xuansheng said again: "Our family of three will live a good life in the future."

"I have a younger sister, have you forgotten?"

"That's a family of four."

Jiang Wang squinted at him: "I mean, stay away from me. I have my own home."

"Okay, okay, Jiang Qingyang, you are fine. Since you said so, since you are so cruel. From now on, the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion will be divided into two halves. Don't come to your west, and I promise not to go to your west. Let's not commit any crimes." River water!"

Jiang Wang was completely defeated. After a long silence, he asked, "What is the first thing you do after moving?"

Chong Xuansheng thought about it seriously: "Brother Yan Xian, please come as a guest?"

"Although it makes sense, what I want to ask is..." Jiang Wang said, "Aren't you and Fourteen married?"

"Hahahahaha..." Chong Xuansheng laughed out loud.

Smile openly, laugh presumptuously.

I laughed very happily.

How expensive is it to be a marquis, and how precious is ten thousand gold!

Pedestrians laughed so much that they all looked sideways, looking at him like a fool.

Daqi Wu'anhou, who was upright in green shirt, personable and obviously not a fool, also walked with him and laughed with him.


The Jiang family's mansion in Yaoguangfang is also a popular place.

After Jiang Wang became a marquis, visitors from all walks of life with many twists and turns almost stepped on the threshold. Later he hid in Xiashan Beppu.

When he came to the mansion, Chong Xuansheng put down his handkerchief and asked Jiang Wang, "Is the wound still obvious?"

Jiang Wang took a closer look: "It's very faint."

"Does it affect my handsomeness?"

This question is really difficult to answer. Jiang Wang really didn't know how to influence something that didn't exist.

Silence is sometimes an answer.

Of course, the answer Zhong Xuansheng saw was obviously different from what Jiang Wang wanted to express.

He waved his hand: "Hurry up and heal me."

Jiang Wang picked up Yinjue in a very face-saving way.

He said again: "Forget it, I'll go to a medical clinic. Don't stab my wound open."

Jiang Wang's hand, which had been squeezed into a medical skill seal, suddenly became a fist.

But Chong Xuansheng had already run away.

He really went to a medical center, carefully treated the wound on his forehead, until he could not see even a single red mark, and then swaggered back to the gate of Jiang's residence.

The red-faced door came up from afar: "Hello, Lord Hou! Hello, Mr. Sheng!"

As the saying goes, there are seven rank officials in front of the prime minister.

The status of the door is directly linked to the status of the host.

When he first came to Jiang's family as a disciple, Jiang Wang was just a viscount. It's really inconspicuous in the shake light workshop where rich and powerful people gather. Jiang hoped that he could be arrogant, and from time to time he would bully the nephew of the Chaoyi doctor's family. As a doorman, he often behaves like a man with his tail between his legs, and smiles a little when he meets people.

But who would have imagined that the master's family would be so upbeat?

How long did it take before he licked the door of a servant's house to understand that the Viscount became a Marquis. Or the one with three thousand households in Shiyi, the youngest military meritorious prince in Daqi!

He changed from a licker to a lickee overnight, and the servant's family couldn't even be ranked!

How can life be so happy?

Nowadays, no matter how many people want to come to the door, they have to speak kindly to him, apologize carefully, and give him generous gifts.

Even though Master Hou was not at home after entering the academy, there were never a few greetings.

How could he not do his best. Like to serve?

Lord Jiang Jue has only been a Marquis for more than three months, and he has already gained 13 catties!

Jiang Wang almost didn't recognize him at first glance, wondering why he changed doors.

"Fourteen! Fourteen! Where is it?" Chong Xuansheng didn't care what their master and servant looked at, and shouted as soon as he entered the door: "I'm back!"

If you really think about it, Chongxuansheng lived in Yaoguangfang house much longer than Jiang Wang.

Coming back here is very cordial, and the mood at the moment is also very light.

Shouting vigorously: "Fourteen! Fourteen!"

A nobleman's family pays attention to a harmonious and soft-spoken voice, and does not disturb the neighbors. Even if there is any movement, it is often the elegant sound of silk and bamboo.

It's really rare for the whole Yaoguangfang to be so bluffing like Jiang's mansion.

After Chong Xuansheng and Jiang Wang moved in, within a few months, the surrounding land prices became cheaper.

The housekeeper Xie Ping hurried out when he heard the voice: "Young Master Sheng, Young Master Sheng, Your Excellency Fourteen went to the Academy to welcome you yesterday. Why, did you miss it?"

Chong Xuansheng turned around abruptly, stared at Xie Ping, and suppressed his voice: "What time was yesterday?"

From Jixia Academy to Linzi, there is only one way from Jimen.

In any case, it is inescapable.

Unless Fourteen left halfway through, or she didn't go to Jixia Academy at all.

Xie Ping had never seen such sharp eyes from Mr. Sheng, as if someone had grabbed his heart, and it was difficult to breathe: "Next afternoon."

"What happened yesterday?" Jiang Wang asked, "Is there anyone from Bowanghou Mansion?"

In the gentle voice of his master, Xie Ping's tension was relieved, he quickly calmed down, and said clearly: "I have been here. Yesterday morning, a carriage came from Bowanghou's Mansion, and the Fourteenth Lord is invited to go. But it has not happened." After a while, Master Fourteen came back. After staying in the courtyard for a while, he went out in the afternoon. I asked her where she was going, and she said to find Mr. Sheng..."

Chong Xuansheng turned around suddenly, soared into the air, ignoring Linzi's control ban, and flew quickly to Jimen.

Jiang Wang immediately flew up to follow, and kept sending voices to the alarmed guards of the dynasty with his spiritual sense, saying that it was the Qingpai operation, and told all parties not to be alarmed.

Two figures flew outside the gate of Ji, like thunder and lightning flying through the sky, rumbling.

Flying down in front of the archway of Jixia Academy, Chong Xuansheng directly hit the restraint with Dao Yuan: "Who's there?!"

The person who is on duty today is the Buddhist teaching Yan Zen.

She was wearing a scholar's uniform, with shawl hair, a slender figure, and an ancient look on her face.

His eyes were slightly bitter, and he proclaimed "Amitabha" first, then he walked out of the academy formation and looked at Chong Xuansheng: "Is there a seal of the Zhengshitang?"

"I won't go in." Chong Xuansheng took a moment to say, "Did someone come yesterday?"

Yan Chanyi frowned: "I wasn't on duty yesterday."

He is isolated from the outside world in the academy, and he has no relatives and descendants, so he doesn't have to care about the rich and powerful in the unexpected world at all. What kind of grand prince Hou is not polite, he doesn't even bother to give him a good face.

"Strict teaching." Jiang Wang pressed Chong Xuansheng with one hand, stepped forward and asked, "I wonder who was on duty yesterday?"

Seeing Jiang Wang opened his mouth, Yan Chanyi's expression eased a lot: "Probably Zhang Jiaoxi."

Jiang Wang put his palms together and saluted: "I wonder if anyone came to the academy yesterday? Wearing iron armor and holding an epee, that is my very important friend... Please ask."

Yan Chanyi looked at him with seriousness.

After saying "wait a moment", he hid in the formation.

Not long after, they appeared under the archway again: "There are no people wearing iron armor. But there is a delicate woman, wearing very gorgeous clothes, who stood outside the school all night, and left at dawn."

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