Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1623 In the vast sea of ​​people, looking for a specific name

Jiang Wang looked at Chong Xuansheng.

Chong Xuansheng was speechless.

Then he asked again: "Is that woman slender and fair-skinned?"

"According to Zhang Jiaoxi, it's a kind of paleness that rarely sees the light of day." Yan Chan thought.

"Did she leave anything to say?"

"No." Yan Chanyi shook his head, and explained one more sentence: "There have always been many people who have come to pay their respects outside the academy palace. Generally, as long as they don't collide with the formation, we don't care."

Fourteen had indeed been to Jixia Academy, and he had removed his iron armor, put on red makeup, and was dressed gorgeously.

She seemed to have never dressed like this before.

Always hiding in the heavy armor, always carrying the heavy sword to protect Chong Xuansheng, it almost makes people ignore that she is a girl.

What was she thinking that night outside the Jixia Academy?

And why, leave at dawn?

Only one hour away... At most one hour away, Chong Xuansheng and Jiang Wang walked out of the academy.

Only an hour away, she and Chong Xuansheng could meet each other.

And she didn't wait any longer.

Jiang Wang had no way of knowing what Fourteen was thinking, but he thought it must be a very difficult decision.

How much do you have to love someone to be willing to leave?

Chong Xuansheng turned around and left.

"I'm sorry to bother you." Jiang Wang bowed his hands to Yan Chanyi as a thank you, and quickly caught up with Chong Xuansheng.

"What are you going to do?"

Chong Xuansheng flew in the air, there was no sad expression on his face, but he said very firmly: "Look for her."

"Where can I find it?"

Jiang Wang subconsciously wanted to use the technique of remembrance, but he and Shisi hadn't seen each other for more than three months, and the secret technique of remembrance couldn't take effect.

Chong Xuansheng spoke while thinking, speaking very fast: "She wants to leave Qi, she can only go quietly, she can't fly all over the world with great fanfare. Then her speed must be limited. She will leave at dawn Yes, even if it is Yin time, and now it is Shen time. In six hours, going west, north and south, it is too late to get out of Qi. As long as I don't go east to sea, I can stop her!"

"What if we go to sea?" Jiang Wang asked.

Chong Xuansheng didn't hesitate at all: "Then go to sea and look for it!"

The offshore islands are such a vast place, and because of the special geographical environment, the forces of all parties are intricate. Those fleeing criminals in Qi State often go to the offshore islands, because it is difficult to be caught after they go there.

But finding fourteen was never a matter of trade-offs.

No matter what Fourteen thinks, no matter what decision she makes, wherever she goes alone. You also look for it when you go to the offshore islands, you want to look for it when you go to the lost world, and you want to look for it even when you go to the sea.

What Jiang Wang saw in Zhong Xuansheng's eyes was such determination.

So he didn't say anything, just grabbed Chong Xuansheng and flew back to Linzi at high speed.

Afterwards, one order after another, with the Jiang family in Yaoguangfang as the core, quickly spread to the entire Daqi Empire.


Qingyang Town.

Dugu Xiao was practicing in the quiet room, and suddenly his face showed joy.

Holding his breath and concentrating, his soul sank into the Tongtian Palace. After a while, Jiang Wang manifested his figure with the divine seal method.

Dressed in a green shirt, he has an outstanding demeanor.

Dugu Xiao's Little Zhoutian image is Jiang Wang. After Jiang Wang imprinted her divine seal and helped her broaden her room for growth, she established an extraordinary connection.

It was Jiang Wang's reminder that the divine seal was touched just now.

After achieving God's Realm, Jiang Wang's influence on "Shenyin" is far greater than before. Although Song Wanxi, the blood puppet true demon who fell into the tomb of the Ten Thousand Realms, is still unable to be sensed, within the scope of the Qi Kingdom, the power can already descend directly on the body of Dugu Xiao, and it is of course even more common to manifest his image in Tongtian Palace.

It's just that in order to take care of Dugu Xiao's feelings, he rarely does this.

This time the emergency came, but also first reminded through the seal of God. It is equivalent to knocking on the door before visiting.

"My lord, what are your orders?" Dugu looked at Jiang Wang without blinking his small eyes.

After becoming a Marquis, Jiang Wang is no longer what it used to be. Too many people need to re-examine this young man and adjust their attitude towards him.

But Mr. Jiang in Dugu's heart has never changed.

Because of her reverence, it has long been impossible to be more.

Jiang Wang didn't exchange pleasantries, and directly imitated the appearance of Shisi, so that Dugu Xiao could remember: "Send everyone to search for this person within the range of Yangdi, and if you meet her, tell her that I'm looking for her." , I will help her solve the problems she is worried about, and let her not leave again. In addition, I will pass on my warrant, asking the governors of Hengyang and Chiwei to help guard the border and find this person together. I will remember this favor."

Dugu's ability to deal with things has already been cultivated. Hearing that there was no nonsense, he immediately withdrew from Tongtian Palace and issued a series of orders to quickly mobilize the strength of Qingyang Town.

Today's Qingyang Town is not what it used to be.

As Wu'an Hou Jiangwang's fiefdom in Qi State, many people have broken their heads and wanted to take shelter here.

Of course, it is not easy to recruit people in Qingyang Town. Even a transcendent monk must have a clean foundation and be able to show a certain ability.

If someone like Zhang Hai was just dawdling in the present, it would be impossible for him to sneak into the upper echelons of Qingyang Town. That is to say, with the status of a patriarch, he can still eat a vegetarian meal with peace of mind, repeating his delusional alchemy day after day.

Of course, Jiang Wang had an order, even if the pill was about to be released in the next moment, he had to turn off the fire and go out now.

Qingyang Town's own extraordinary monks, coupled with the stronghold of Desheng Trading Company here, came out all at once. Dugu Xiaoye took the Qingyangzi seal personally and rushed to Hengyang and Chiwei.

As a banner figure in Yangdi, Jiang Wang's influence on this land seems to have only been revealed today.

In the entire Yangdi, who wouldn't want to be Jiang Wu'an's eyes and ears?


The most important city in Linhai County is named Tianfu City.

Lu Zongxiao, the city lord of Tianfu City, is a more important existence than Linhai County Guard, especially when the Taixu Tower is located behind Tianfu City.

On this day, a message came from Linzi that the four gates of Tianfu City were wide open, and the city guards were sent out to patrol the four territories.

In the shortest time, all thirteen piers in Linhai County have been included in the monitoring scope. And check the records of the ships going to sea one by one, looking for a woman named "Fourteen".


In Shimen County, the city gate is towering.

Almost all the city gate guards from all walks of life have a portrait, which was transmitted from Linzi through the summoning circle.

With the order of the Marquis of Destruction City, the entire Shimen County was immediately put under martial law.

Of course, it is not to ban traffic, but to set up sieves in key border towns, so that the target person has no possibility of escape.

In Li Longchuan's words - "I can't guarantee anything else, even if you want to keep a fly on the southern border of Qi State, the Li family can make it impossible for it to fly!"


Zhuhe County.

Wu Quji, the master of the Golden Needle Gate, suddenly summoned a group of disciples and ordered them to disperse to various cities and gates, looking for a woman named "Fourteen".

Jinzhenmen has developed in Zhuhe County for many years, practicing medicine with benevolence, and is deeply loved by the local people.

Although there was a change of Wu Yiyu's betrayal of the sect, and his vitality was seriously injured. After the sect master Wu Yiyu was seriously injured, he even lost his thoughts of God's presence, and his qi and blood began to decline, which was passed down to his eldest disciple Wu Quji.

Wu Quji's cultivation is not obvious, but he can knock open the inner palace.

But it is said that he had friendship with the newly promoted Marquis of Wu'an—Wu Yiyu fled from the family, but was chased overseas by Marquis of Wu'an and shot dead with his own hands.

With such a relationship, coupled with Wu Yiyu's full support, in Zhuhe County, the influence of Jinzhenmen has not been greatly reduced.

Physicians are also the school of practice that is most able to make connections. Once the action of Jinzhenmen started, almost half of the border towns in Zhuhe County were brought under surveillance.

As for the other half of the border city, it is in the charge of Desheng Trading Company, which occupies nearly half of the medicinal material business in Zhuhe County.


There is Cang County in the north, and the county guard is a student of Yan Ping.

There is Jiaodong County in the south, and the county guard is a member of the Yan clan.

I am a direct descendant, and I have always performed well. My fiancée is the daughter of Wen Yanyu, a court official, and his wife's family is quite powerful. Yan Fu's position within the Yan family is as stable as a mountain.

He sent a letter in Linzi, and the two border counties immediately became strict. Almost according to the standard of chasing fugitives, the city gates are strictly screened, and no unidentified people are allowed to leave the country.

In fact, several criminals who fled in disguise were found out.


Xuansha County is the largest iron ore producing area in Qi State.

And Nanyao Lian's occupies the largest purchase share of iron ore in Xuansha County. It can be said that Lian's procurement needs can even influence the price of iron ore in Xuansha County to a certain extent. Therefore, the relationship between the Lian family's upper and lower members here is very stable.

On this day, the border town of Xuansha County was under martial law, and the sporadic outbound trucks, even if they had customs clearance documents, had to be opened for careful inspection to prevent anyone from hiding.

No matter who wears a cloak or wears a mask, no matter how free the dressing habits are on weekdays, at this point in time, it is impossible to leave the country without showing your face.


In order to find Fourteen in the shortest possible time, Jiang Wang and Chong Xuansheng's burst of energy made the whole Linzi look sideways!

It was only at this time that many people suddenly realized that these two young people had already had such influence in Qi State before they knew it.

The Great Qi Empire dominates the Eastern Region, with a vast territory and a population of hundreds of millions.

But they said they were looking for someone, and they were looking for someone.

It is to find a needle in the bottom of the sea, to find a specific name in the vast sea of ​​people.

With one order, from south to north, from west to east, almost all the routes leaving the Qi territory have been monitored. How can such determination, will, and energy not move people?

Who would have thought it would be a year ago? Two young men in their early twenties, with their current will, have been able to make waves in this great empire.

When the outside world was turbulent, the two people who set off all this were sitting opposite each other in the courtyard of the Jiang Mansion in Yaoguangfang.

All the relationships that should be spread out have been spread out, and even the green card relationship is used to hire a headhunter who is good at tracking to find Shisi. Now they can't do anything else, they can only wait here.

Waiting magnifies anxiety exponentially.

"Is there no news yet?" Chong Xuansheng asked this for the first time.

After arranging everything and reconfirming that he had done everything he could, the state of mind he had forcibly suppressed immediately collapsed.

The person who waited so patiently for the opportunity on the battlefield, and the person who could calmly make a decision before the crisis of life and death, is now like an ant on a hot pot, with nowhere to relieve the anxiety in his heart.

"Not yet. Your judgment will not be wrong. It is impossible for Fourteen to leave the country so soon. It is only a matter of time before you find her."

Jiang Wang didn't know how many times he repeated these words.

But he knew that Chong Xuansheng needed such a repetition now.

"Is there something else I missed?" Chong Xuansheng asked again.

Jiang Wang said patiently: "Shishi is not defecting from the country, she doesn't need to choose a dangerous way to escape. If she just wants to leave Qi quietly without affecting you, then all the departure routes are under our supervision. "

Chong Xuansheng was silent for a while, and then said: "Will there be insufficient strength on the side of Yangdi and Zhuhe County? If Fourteen breaks through the barrier forcefully, they may not be able to stop it."

"First of all, after Fourteen knows your choice, she probably won't leave again. Secondly, even if she forcibly breaks through the gate and leaves, as soon as I know her whereabouts, I will immediately set off to chase her. Believe me, she can't run too far. I am now a genuine Sanpinqing brand headhunter." Jiang Wangwen said softly, pouring him a cup of tea: "Drink some water, you are in a hurry now."

Chong Xuansheng gulped down a cup of tea.

There was a little calm.

But he murmured again: "Shisi has never been to a very far place. She always follows me when she goes out. When I fight against Yang, she follows to Yangguo. When I go to sea, she follows. When I fight against Xia, she follows me." Then go to Xia Kingdom...why should I go to Jixia Academy?"

"Fourteen is very powerful, and I admire her swordsmanship." Jiang Wang emphasized: "No accident will happen to her."

"She will be fine..." Chong Xuansheng repeated, as if he had gained some comfort from it, but then asked dejectedly, "Am I stupid?"

Jiang Wang looked at him sincerely: "If you are stupid, there will be no smart people in this world. If you care about it now, you will be in chaos."

"No, I'm stupid."

Chong Xuansheng shook his head and said: "Old man puts family first in everything, I should have thought of it earlier, I was dazzled by the victory, and I was tied into the academy by Chong Xuanzun before I had time to explain anything..."

He stood up abruptly: "Chongxuan Zun!"

Anger burst out in an instant: "Chongxuanzun and the old man definitely have a tacit understanding. They worked together to drive away Shishi!"

Jiang Wang got up, put his hands on his shoulders, gently pressed him on the seat, smiled deliberately, and said: "Brother Sheng, this moodiness is not the style of a wise man. Regardless of whether Chong Xuanzun is I really have a tacit understanding with the old master, and no matter what his purpose is, we entered Jixia Academy for three months, but Fourteen left at dawn today, didn’t we?”

Chong Xuansheng closed his eyes and took a long breath of relief.

"I'm so used to it, I'm so used to it. Do you know that feeling?"

"It's not painful, nor sad. It's just empty, like here..." He pressed the position of his heart and murmured: "There is a piece missing."

Jiang Wang was silent for a while, and said: "Actually... If you want to be a concubine, I think she will be willing to be fourteen. Sometimes the status is not so important. Who is the most important in your heart is only in your heart, isn't it? "

Chong Xuansheng opened his eyes and glanced at Jiang Wang: "My uncle is looking for you? Ask you to be a lobbyist? This doesn't seem like something you can say."

At this moment, he seemed to regain his composure... when he felt that something was wrong with Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang sat down without saying a word.

Indeed, when he contacted Lu Zongxiao, Chongxuan Chuliang found him and chatted with him about some things.

It is true that he will unconditionally support Chong Xuansheng's choice, and it is true that he himself very much approves of Chong Xuansheng's choice, but it will inevitably be affected, and he will also wonder whether there is a better choice for Chong Xuansheng Woolen cloth?

Neither Chongxuan Yunbo nor Chongxuan Chuliang had any reason to hurt Chongxuan Sheng. But such a famous family as the Chongxuan family does have its deep-rooted traditions. The ancient family has its own wisdom that has been passed down for many years.

As Chongxuan and Chuliang said, looking through the history books, the success or failure of the rise and fall of many famous families, isn't it enough to wake up future generations?

Chong Xuansheng sighed, and finally said: "I am actually a person who doesn't care much about whether others are wronged. In order to achieve the goal, the means are not very important.

But in a person's life, there are always one or two people who make you feel that you must not be wronged.

As far as I am concerned, my uncle counts as half, and you count as half. "

He said to Jiang Wang seriously: "Fourteen is a whole."

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