Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1631 The world is not alone in conspiracy

The wedding between the grandson of Bowang Hou and Yi Xingchen's righteous daughter can be called grand.

The most eye-catching event since the Qi State New Year.

Marquis Wu An, as Luan Lang, had a rare whole day without training, and after busy work, he accompanied the couple to complete the wedding. In short, one worships the heaven and the earth, the second worships the high hall, the husband and wife worship each other, and then they are sent to the bridal chamber.

Such prestigious marriages as Shuofangbo Mansion and Bowanghou Mansion show the stability and prosperity after Qi State conquered Xia State. Both Bao Yi and Zhong Xuanyunbo have worked in the military and political circles of the Qi State for many years. Choosing this time to promote the marriage of the juniors of the direct line can also be regarded as a political statement.

Of course, under this big political premise, there are also complicated causes within the two families.

And of course the world is not alone.

Not to mention that Chong Xuansheng was forcibly tied to the deep mountains and old forests for "special training" on the second day of his wedding, and it is also needless to say that Yi Huaimin, the second son of the Yi family, was attacked by mysterious people on the second day of his wedding and was forced to copy a copy of his book. "Agama Sutra". The Metropolitan Inspection Office preliminarily suspected that it was the work of the remnants of Kurongyuan, and said it would do its best to investigate, but so far no useful clues have been found...

Every corner of the world has its own stories happening every moment.

For example, in the Snow Country in the Northwest Arctic, the months-long seclusion has come to an end.

In this mysterious country that has always been indifferent to the world and has little communication with the outside world, during this period of time, a new true monarch and strong man named himself the Winter Emperor appeared!

The first battle of this Winter Emperor after his birth was to go to the mainland of Jing Kingdom to challenge Zhong Jing, the governor of Jing Kingdom's Longwu.

The Kingdom of Jing is a military court empire composed of six guards and seven guards. The military master is the king of the country.

The Longwu Army is one of the six guards, and it is the lower guard army.

The political significance of the battle between Dong Huang and Zhong Jing is far greater than the battle itself.

The outcome of the battle is unknown to outsiders.

However, the westward expansion of Jing State's crusade against the Alliance of Five Nations in the Northwest came to an abrupt end after encroaching on most of the Gao State and the smaller half of the Liao State.

It is said that the snow country cannot see the sword hanging on the border. Because of the reason that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, and by taking advantage of the new true king, they put on a tough stance that they will not hesitate to join forces with the five northwest alliances to attack the Jing country, and finally stabilize the situation in the northwest.

It is also said that Jingguo secretly exerted influence after absorbing the harvest of Dasheng Muguo.

Of course, the Jing people themselves said that - "Small punishment and big commandment are the blessings of this villain."

Said that they are not keen on war, but because of the increasingly arrogant and arrogant behavior of the Northwest Five Nations Alliance, based on the responsibility of maintaining peace in the Northwest, they came forward to give some lessons.

Now that the purpose of the lesson has been achieved, they can retreat with peace of mind.

Jing Guo just gave up, and he will never suffer. They took advantage of the Jingmu War to launch the westward expansion war, and smashed the Allied Forces of the Five Nations to pieces. On the territory of the Five-Nation Alliance in the Northwest, they almost cut off a country's territory.

And the cost is next to nothing.

Compared to Jingguo's lost influence in the Southern Region, compared to Muguo's heavy loss when it was thrown into the grassland, compared to Qiguo's risk of national annihilation and betting against Jingguo's national fortune... in this chaotic situation , Jing Guo can be said to be a harvest that was picked up.

However, Snow Country has added a strong Taoist Yan, the Alliance of Five Nations in the Northwest has suffered heavy losses, and Jing Country is overwhelming the North Region. The current situation in the Northwest is bound to change.

In the next period of time, the northwest will never be peaceful, it all depends on the methods of all parties.

And the reason why he is able to know these general trends in the world like Jiang Wang is because he and Shangqing Yu Liyang attended the court meeting as a non-voting delegate in the past two days.

Yu Liyang's participation in the court council was to represent the people of the Xia land and communicate with him about the governance of the Xia land. The state of Qi was newly occupied in the land of Xia, and there was a severe shortage of manpower, and it had not annexed the countries along the way. It was equivalent to managing an enclave with an extremely wide territory, and many problems would inevitably arise.

The method of governing Qi and Yang by the people of Qi is not necessarily feasible in Xia.

Even the laws of the Qi State, if imposed rashly, the people of the Xia Land may not be able to accept it... After all, the customs and customs of different places are different.

Changing customs takes a long time.

At this time, the importance of Yu Liyang is beyond doubt. He was able to represent the demands of the people of Xia to the greatest extent, and dealt with various issues one by one with officials of the Qi court. At the same time, he can also allow Qi Ting's government orders to be implemented most efficiently in Xiadi.

In the era of martial arts, he was the pride of the Xia people. After the end of the Age of Martial Arts, he was the political link connecting Qi and Xia.

And Jiang Wang, who does not leave the gate and does not devote himself to practice, will participate in the court meeting... It is purely the emperor's name.

The emperor looked around one day and said: "Where is the Marquis of Wu'an? Where is the Marquis of Champion? Don't worry about important national affairs?"

The courtier could not answer.

The next day, Jiang Wang and Chong Xuanzun ran to court in a hurry.

Chong Xuanzun even rushed back from a certain deep mountain and old forest, rolled up his sleeves and rushed back after going to court every day...

Jiang Wang would sometimes follow him to observe.

Observing the various confrontations and applications of heavy mystic arts, and realizing the mysteries of Taoism, I feel in a good mood.

The only regret is...Chong Xuansheng refused to accept the teaching assistant life and death.

Both Jiang Wang and Chong Xuanzun have the qualifications to practice with the help of national power, but this qualification comes from their "jue", not their "job".

So in theory, they don't have to participate in the court meeting at all. There is no concrete work to do, and neither is interested in taking power. One's own greatness is everything.

Of course, the official way is the mainstream of the present world, but for a peerless arrogance like them, they can walk the road without having to ride a horse or a boat.

They are indeed avoiding as much as they can.

Many people regard it as a symbol of power, and they almost never participate in court discussions that can affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

But the emperor opened his mouth, and he should "stand guard" or "stand guard".

Participating in several days of court discussions, the two newly promoted military masters were silent, like clay sculptures and wood sculptures, submerged in spiritual practice, and people at the time called them "stand guard."

But no one blamed them.

Even if they don't say anything, the emperor is very happy to see them standing in the crowd.

The emperor once said to Jiang Rumo in private: "I saw Wu'an, the champion, and recalled the youthful youth in the past, like a spring breeze."

Visible love.

"Muguo will hold the succession ceremony of the High Priest of the Cangtu Temple on June 27." Wen Yanyu, the court councilor, is playing: "The letter of credence has been submitted to the Ministry of Rites. Please come to watch the ceremony. I don't know who will come out." If it is appropriate, please His Majesty make a decision."

When Jiang Wangwen heard this, his mind was out of practice.

This trip to Muguo as an envoy was probably more than simply watching the ceremony.

Because he was worried about Zhao Rucheng, he and Chong Xuansheng had a special chat about Muguo.

In the battle last year, Cao Jie first took down Liyuan City for Muguo, and then there was an all-out war in Mujing. Qi State also got the opportunity to conquer Xia State from this.

Qi State and Mu State have long had a tacit understanding.

In the chaos that has just ended, the connection between these two countries is definitely not limited to what happened on the surface.

At the current point in time, looking back at the Battle of Mujing, there are too many things that make people confused.

For example, where did the confidence to go to war between Muguo and Jingguo come from?

Mu Guo planned for a long time, and reached a tacit agreement with Qi Guo, and then sent his troops south and stepped into the central region. And why did he lose so quickly and so badly in such a long-prepared war?

It is true that there are infinite variables in war, and it is true that there are too many factors that determine the outcome.

In other words, as the most powerful country in the world, Jingguo's strength is well known throughout the world, and history has proven it countless times. It is not surprising that Muguo was defeated in battle—then why did it take the initiative to start this war?

Jingguo has been driving the sword for the world, and its roots have been rotten for many years, or it may be at the time of decline; the prosperous country is expanding and becoming more and more threatening; the borders of the Northern Territory and the Central Territory have been at odds for a long time, and people's hearts are hard to restrain; Cangtu God urgently needs to open up a new trust land ...To be honest, maybe Mu Country has too many reasons to go to war.

Every reason is enough to promote war.

But why now?

I have endured it for so many years, why choose not to bear it this time?

What was the empress of Muguo thinking?

There must be some unknown reason, there must be some truth that must go to war, hidden at the bottom of the mighty water.

what is that?

"Marquis Wu'an?"

The voice of the Son of Heaven fell from the throne.

Jiang Wang bowed slightly: "The minister is here."

"It's you." The emperor said.

Jiang Wang froze for a moment.

But the emperor has already changed the way: "The Marquis of Ruicheng Shangzuo Xia Ling handles matters, Doctor Wen will come out with a charter as soon as possible..."

He even skipped over the issue of going to Muguo as an envoy, so he didn't say anything more.

Jiang Wang backed away half surprised and half confused, but no one explained anything to him.

And so on until the end of the court meeting.

Han Ling announced his withdrawal from the court, and all officials dispersed one after another.

Jiang Wang didn't leave, but followed Yujia all the way to Donghua Pavilion.

The emperor sat on the dragon chariot and turned his head, and asked a little funny: "What are you doing with me?"

Jiang Wang took two steps forward, and said with a little worry: "Your Majesty sent his ministers to Muguo, don't you have any orders?"

"Didn't I already give the order? Just watch the ceremony."

That's it?

But looking at the emperor's appearance, it doesn't look like a joke. Furthermore, there is no reason to joke about state affairs.

Jiang Wang originally thought that this should be an extremely difficult task.

He went out as an envoy with festivals and went to the grasslands. The tacit understanding between Qi and Mu, the alliance of the hegemons of the world, the layout and secrets that stir up the situation in the world...

Is it really just watching the ceremony now?

"Hehe." Qi Tianzi looked at him with great interest: "Do you think that I sent you to Muguo to give them some support and do something for them? Or, to put it another way, there is some earth-shattering plan , want you to communicate and execute?"


Jiang Wang really thought so. Otherwise, why didn't the emperor say anything in court?

Isn't it because the matter is so important that secrets need to be granted privately?

That's why Lord Jiang Hou didn't leave after the court meeting, instead of watching the repertoire of Chong Xuanzun beating Chong Xuansheng violently, he ran to the emperor.

The embarrassment on his face has revealed everything.

Emperor Qi laughed loudly: "Jiang Wang, Jiang Wang, why do you think the overlord country is the hegemony country? Do you think it will be okay if the Mu country loses a game? What kind of person do you think Helian Shanhai is? Grasp her thoughts. Do you actually think that hanging the name of an envoy of the Qi State can affect the situation in the Northern Territory?"

Jiang Wang had given up struggling, and didn't want to be laughed at by the emperor, so he just said: "Oh."

Qi Tianzi stopped his laughter, and finally regained a bit of the emperor's dignity, and said softly: "Bring a pair of ears, a pair of eyes, listen more, see more, come back and tell me what you heard and saw, so convenient Can……"

He looked at Jiang Wang, and added: "If you are sure, you can also learn from Mu Guo Tianjiao."

Oh, sparring.

You said that a long time ago, didn't I understand it a long time ago?

Jiang Wang slandered a few words, and responded very gently in his mouth: "I know."

After all, it was a salute: "The minister will leave."

"Wait." The emperor suddenly said again.

Jiang Wang was startled. Could it be that the Son of Heaven, like Master Guan Yan, also has his own mind? I didn't scold anyone either.

Then I heard the emperor say: "It's all here. Han Ling, you stay and test his "Master's Strategy" to see how he memorizes it. Don't get the grassland and don't understand anything, making people laugh."

Han Ling bowed and said, "What if Marquis Wu An can't recite it?"

"Then you can supervise him to recite it before leaving. In addition..." The emperor pondered for a moment, then said briefly and forcefully: "Punish the salary!"

Long Nian left without stopping.

Jiang Wang stood there blankly.

Linzi in May is a bit cold for some reason.

"Lord Hou?"

Jiang Wang came back to his senses.

Han Ling, who was wearing a purple inner official uniform, was holding his hands in front of him, looking at him with a smile: "Shall we memorize it here, or change it?"



Jiang Wang's salary is now mainly three yuan. One is Marquis Wu'an's salary plus 3,000 households of food, this is the big head. One is a third-rank pumpkin warrior and a third-rank green card headhunter, because the former is just a false job, and the latter is not doing any serious work in the inspection house, so the salary is not much. The other one is the taxation of Qingyang Town's fiefdom, and he can take part of it for his own use on a regular basis.

The sum of these three yuan is enough to make him live comfortably. Desheng Commercial Bank is still laying the groundwork, earning more and spending more, and all the profits from the Taixu Corner Building are invested in it, so there is nothing to say.

In short, he, Jiang, is also very wealthy today. When going out for a banquet, as long as Brother Yan Xian is not present, it is not a problem to rush to pay the bill.

But when leaving Qi Palace, Jiang Wang's footsteps were vain.

It's only May now, and his salary for this year no longer belongs to him...

Han Ling, who killed a thousand swords, did not know when he offended him. The emperor only said that the salary was fined, but he didn't say that every wrong sentence would be fined.

Jiang Wang really wanted to ask him - "Does Han Neiguan think my sword is not good?"

But after all, he couldn't beat him, and when he got out of his mouth, he could only say - "Don't forget the old friendship, Han Neiguan."

So Han Neiguan did not detain him until next year.

"Bad luck, bad luck."

Jiang Wang was still sighing in his heart when he was almost walking out of Qi Palace.

Couldn't help but said to Qiu Ji who sent him out: "Officer Qiu Nei, you said that everyone is on guard, and the errands of the Mu country, why did it fall on me instead of Champion Hou?"

Qiu Ji said seriously: "I think it's because Marquis Wu'an's beauty and handsome appearance are more representative of my Qi Tianwei."

Jiang Wang was silent for a while, and said earnestly: "Qiu Neiguan, you have to work hard, push Han Neiguan down earlier, maybe you can deduct less from my salary later."

Churchill just smiled and said: "Let's try our best."

Having said that, he stopped, and raised his eyes forward, indicating that someone was waiting.

The eunuch's spiritual perception is extraordinary.

Jiang Wang's heart moved slightly, but he just looked forward calmly——

It was an old woman with silver hair, standing quietly outside the palace gate.

Seeing Jiang Wang looking over, he bowed and said, "Master Hou, Palace Master Huaying, please come over to the residence for a briefing."

We just had a drink together a few days ago, why did you suddenly invite me tonight?

Jiang Wang looked up at the moonlight, and for some reason, he was suddenly in a good mood.

He laughed. "I guess there's some good news."

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