Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1632

The friendship between Marquis Wu'an and Palace Master Huaying is well known in the government and the public, but there is nothing to cover up, it is a friendship that was established in the infancy.

This is not the first time Jiang Wang from Huaying Palace has come.

However, visiting late at night is indeed the first time.

Compared with the bright atmosphere of Changsheng Palace, the architectural style of Huaying Palace is relatively more majestic and heroic. They are often decorated with weapons and armored longbows, and there are hardly any flowers and plants.

If you want to plant, plant a tree, a tree that can make guns, bows, and the pillars of houses.

Stand tall like a guard.

Walking with the silver-haired old woman in the Huaying Palace, all the guards and maids have a military temperament, they are meticulous in speaking and doing things, and they are also very dignified in their salutes.

This old woman who has been with Jiang Wuyou all year round does not know her name, but Jiang Wuyou sometimes calls her "Mother Shen".

It's like calling "Witch".

Although we have met many times, Jiang Wang has not had much communication with her, and he is an old man with a cold personality.

The meeting place is in the Martial Arts Field.

The Martial Arts Arena in Huaying Palace can be said to be the most thoughtful building in the palace.

Sound insulation, Tibetan interest, and various array patterns of gathering elements are all masters. Not to mention other materials such as floor tiles.

Even on the weapon racks beside the martial arts arena, all kinds of weapons, such as knives, guns, sticks, axes and axes, are not ordinary.

The scale of the entire martial arts arena is far from being as small as those in ordinary mansions. It can really accommodate four or five hundred people for military training.

Go to the Martial Arts Field.

At that time, the bright moon was hanging high, and the cold stars were counting.

The clean summer night just spread out over the row upon row of palaces.

On the huge martial arts arena, there was one person dancing solo.

The long hair was tied into a ponytail, and it exploded in the air like a whip, drawing a powerful and graceful arc.

She wore leather armor, but the leather armor couldn't hide her toned figure.

Explosive power, undulating under the leather armor.

She has a pair of round and powerful legs, which are staggered, making muffled sounds on the ground.

Holding an exaggeratedly huge painting halberd in his hand, he flipped and leaped like a dragon swimming.

Her speed is not fast, and she is not in a hurry to complete every move and style, just like she has been all the way to today.

But every movement she made was extremely powerful.

Even if it's just a turn and a step, it seems to mobilize all the strength in the whole body.

She tried her best to walk, to chase, to fight.

The air was knocked open, and the night wind was blown away. The moonlight that shattered all over the ground scattered on her body in a mess.

Looking at her movements, Jiang Wang felt that there was a dragon in her body, roaring and turning.

That's not an illusion.

Rather, it is a tangible image of power.

Jiang Wuyou fully developed the power of the great dragon of the spine, and used the body of the dragon to drive all the limbs and bones, causing the earth to shatter and the sky to collapse. This is a path that is different from orthodox practice, and also different from martial arts. Her Taoism Tenglong has never left Tongtianhai, the so-called dragon's roar is just a tsunami!

When she finally stopped the halberd, the whole world was still for a moment in a trance.

With a flick of his hand, the halberd flipped away in the air.

Fang Tian's ghostly halberd, which was just as arrogant as a dragon's roar, has absorbed all spirituality in an instant, and was quietly put away by Shen Po.

Grandma Shen took a step back, took the Fangtian ghost halberd, and disappeared into the night.

Palace Master Huaying looked back, her healthy, wheat-colored complexion looked very sunny. There is a little sweat on her forehead, which makes her more genuinely sexy.

She looked at Jiang Wang without saying anything else, but with a casual move, she drew a long sword from the weapon rack on the sidelines.

"Liang Ye is like this, how can I take it lightly?" She said: "Please Wu Anhou to give me some pointers on my swordsmanship."

Jiang Wuyou's current cultivation is the inner palace.

Two years ago, when Jiang Wang went out to sea to save Zhu Biqiong, and sword swept Diaohailou's inner palace disciples, Jiang Wuyou was in the inner palace.

When Jiang Wang first came to Qi Kingdom three years ago and hadn't opened the gate of heaven and earth, Jiang Wuyou was also in the inner mansion.

Now that Jiang Wang has achieved God's Realm, and is a strong man in God's Realm, Jiang Wuyou is still in the Inner Palace.

Of course it's not because she's mediocre, let alone because she doesn't work hard enough.

It's because...she is opening up a new path of cultivation by herself.

In today's world, martial arts have not yet been mastered.

Wang Ao, the world's number one martial artist, has been unable to take the step of being the ultimate for a long time.

But everyone knows it's just a matter of time.

The road before the twenty-sixth heaven of martial arts has been opened, which is the result of countless talented monks working hard for it. The dense cloud that shrouded the twenty-seventh layer of Martial Dao has also been dispersed a lot, and the outline of the palace behind the heavy cloud has been captured...

People can fully believe that it will eventually open up a road from the beginning of the extraordinary to the peak of the extraordinary. Truly open up a new path for the human race in the present world.

Not Wang Ao, but someone else.

Once such a great cause is accomplished, it is very likely that the first person in martial arts will be pushed to a higher level and set foot on the top of the peak just by the power of merit and virtue for opening a new path for the human race.

Many monks with amazing talents turned to martial arts, not without the idea of ​​hitting the top with this.

After all, it is too hard to find the top.

The emperor who is as strong as the six overlords has not been able to surpass the peak. Huang Weizhen, the most coquettish person in Chu land for three thousand years, has been planning for more than nine hundred years, and it is only now that she has seen some possibilities.

But the danger of opening up a new road is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Climbing in thick clouds and fog, never knowing what lies ahead, never knowing where the road is, never knowing whether you are right or wrong - the way to verify the wrong is death.

From the birth of martial arts to the present, in the long history, Wang Ao is not the only one who has gone through the twenty-fourth heaven of martial arts, and can be compared to the orthodox practice path of Dongzhen realm.

Wang Ao is not the only one who has already started to approach the true king.

But those once prominent figures all disappeared into the clouds in the end.

It is true that Wang Ao has reached the highest position in the history of martial arts, almost infinitely approaching the twenty-seventh heaven of martial arts, and approaching the realm of a true king.

But no one can say for sure whether he will stumble at the next step and fall from the peak of cultivation with no end in sight.

Taking a step forward, no one can decide whether to step on the peak or into the abyss until that step is taken.

The exploration of countless amazing figures in history is to use their own life and blood to write four words-this road is difficult!

This road is difficult, and people have never stopped it through the ages.

There are always great men who go first, and there are always those who come after.

This is how the human race came out of the dark ages.

And Jiang Wuyou's path of Taoism and martial arts is a hybrid of the two paths of practice, and it cannot be regarded as a complete innovation, but she is currently the only one walking this path, and her difficulties are not lost to anyone. A martial arts monk after the twenty-fourth heaven.

At this moment, she held the sword in her hand, facing Wu Anhou, who is a master of swordsmanship. Calm and confident, majestic and heroic.

Under the moonlight, the Huaying Palace Martial Arts Field was instantly illuminated by the sword light, like two bright moons rising together.

Jiang Wang naturally suppressed his cultivation at the inner government level.

But everyone in the world doesn't know that Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi has made achievements at the inner government level, surpassing the past and present. With one against four, in a life-and-death fight, he defeated four demons with terrifying killing powers.

It is true that battles are ever-changing and have infinite possibilities. At that time, Jiang Wang's strength on paper was far inferior, and at the heavy price of amputated limbs, he completed the life-and-death fight. It's not about crushing the game, it doesn't mean absolute dominance.

There must have been inner monks who were qualified to challenge this achievement in history.

But everyone has to admit that Jiang Wang, who is in the inner mansion, is indeed worthy of the title of number one in history. No matter how great an existence is, if you want to face Jiang Wang like that in the Inner Palace, you must have the awareness to be killed.

But today, Jiang Wang has suppressed his cultivation, and what he can do at the inner palace level is completely beyond imagination!

Of course, even if the golden body and chalcedony were forcibly sealed, this would not be regarded as the real inner palace.

But the scary part is...

Facing Jiang Wang like this, Jiang Wuyou still has the strength to fight!

Jiang Wuyou's sword, momentum, and intention are completely mixed together. She almost used the power at the inner palace level to the limit, without wasting a single bit.

After suppressing his cultivation at the inner government level, Jiang Wang certainly would not hold back.

He respected Jiang Wuyou enough, so he showed Jiang Wuyou the absolutely perfect swordsmanship at the inner palace level.

And Jiang Wuyou's figure, which embodies strength and beauty, dances under the moonlight. Depicting the three-foot green front is an art.

She turned her eyes, like a dragon walking nine days.

She drank lightly, like a phoenix singing a phoenix tree.

She raised her sword as if she had provoked thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and she moved her sword to bump into Li Shu and the common people!

Greatness and insignificance are all in one thought.

Sometimes she is an emperor and daughter with affection, and sometimes she is a king with no heart.

Her eyebrows, her eyes, are the most noble.

Her sword, her people...

The sword is like a frightening dance, and the moonlight and night are not as good!


Jiang Wuyou swung the sword away quickly, and with a move in his hand, he held a long knife.

The whole person is like a big bow that has been fully drawn, and when the string moves, he rushes forward——

"I have a knife, please raise your eyebrows!"

The light of the knife tore through the night and broke into Jiang Wang's vision without warning.

Her swordsmanship is already excellent, and her swordsmanship is not weak at all.

In terms of sword skills only, all the opponents Jiang Wang had fought at the inner government level were only slightly inferior to Qin Zhizhen.

Jiang Wang focused on it, and used a long-sauvignon blanc to suppress the snow-like knife light.

The long night is not willing to end, the time of gold and iron is ringing.

Jiang Wuyou even changed to seven sets of superb saber techniques, either chilling or fierce or vicious, performing all kinds of styles, but none of them could break through Jiang Wang's sword encirclement. So he put the saber back into the frame, and with a pull of his hand, a long red-tasseled spear has been shaken out!

With Hongying in hand, she seemed to have rushed to the battlefield.

Thousands of troops and horses surged in the night.

With a wrong hand, just a little shake, the cold star exploded, and the incalculable gun light filled the night sky, and there were thousands of howls and ten thousand sounds in an instant.

This shot is Feng Qiwu.

Another shot, a hundred birds are facing the phoenix!

"Good marksmanship!"

Jiang Wang admired it from the bottom of his heart, if he slapped his hand casually, he would be a famous scholar, but if he raised his sword, he would turn into a young and frivolous man.

He swayed his swordsmanship to his heart's content, peeled off all the birds, and cut the Gufeng back to the Wutong.

At the same time that the shadows of guns disappeared, Jiang Wuyou held a big ax in both hands, and fell from the sky, like a goddess opening a mountain!

This is really rare in the world!

Palace Mistress Huaying displayed all her martial arts skills, knives, guns, sticks, axes, axes, hooks and forks, all eighteen kinds of weapons were unsatisfactory, they were all excellent choices.

Jiang Wang only responded with sword skills, and he was dazzled when he saw a dazzling array of beautiful objects.

I can see the joy in my heart!

With his current cultivation level, he can gain something from the competition with Jiang Wuyou who is in the Inner Palace.

No wonder there is a saying that "men in the world are ashamed to see them".

No wonder it can be the first of its kind in martial arts!

The weapons on the weapon rack have been tested, and Jiang Wuyou will use whatever he gets. Acting to the rise, affecting the situation.

The more she fights, the more majestic the weather becomes, like a dragon flying and a phoenix dancing.

Then it gradually subsided, like still water flowing deep.

It's a pity that no one appreciates such a wonderful duel.

Such a wonderful duel, why should anyone appreciate it!

When Jiang Wuyou finally returned the pair of iron maces to the weapon rack, his whole body had no momentum at all, and his aura was mixed, blending between heaven and earth.

Under the bright moon and sparse stars, she established a kind of self and freedom.

Jiang Wang put the sword back into its sheath, and said sincerely: "Congratulations, Palace Master!"

He realized that Jiang Wuyou's road to Daowu has been cleared.

Break through many years of dust locks and break through the bitter and dangerous passes.

Jiang Wuyou also smiled: "Thank you Marquis Wu An for accompanying me on this journey."

"I just happened to be at the meeting, but I was able to witness history." Jiang Wang said with emotion: "What a blessing!"

"It's too early to speak of witnessing history." Jiang Wuyou said, "The road is halfway through. At least there is no obstacle before the real person."

As she spoke, she sighed softly.

Of course Jiang Wang knew what she had said.

The road of Daowu, at least at this stage, after being deduced to the real cave, there is no way to go.

Because her way is a hybrid of two families, but the way of martial arts, those martial arts masters themselves did not go through it.

One day in the martial arts world, if there is no real king, and if there is no way forward, Jiang Wuyou's road to martial arts will be impossible to advance in a day.

"Speaking of which, I've always been curious about one thing..." Jiang Wang said: "With the talent and talent of the palace lord, whether it's taking the orthodox practice path or martial arts, you can go very far now. Why do you want to start a martial art? Why choose such a difficult path?"

Jiang Wuyou didn't answer directly, but asked, "Do you know why I am called Wuyou?"

Jiang Wang shook his head.

Jiang Wuyou said: "The day I was born happened to be in the first Qixia War, and my father killed Emperor Xia Xiang and defeated Xia's army. When he heard the news of my birth, he was very happy and said, 'I am worry-free! Yeh!' So you named me Wuyou."

She didn't answer, but she had answered.

Her name carries the beautiful vision of Qi Tianzi.

She wants to make her father "worry-free".

So she wants to take a road that can lead her to the "strongest" road!

She was born in the twenty-fourth year of Yuanfeng, and now it is the fifty-seventh year of Yuanfeng, and she is already thirty-three years old.

Looking at the whole world, one who has not become a god at thirty can not be regarded as the ultimate arrogance.

And she has extremely talented, but she is still wandering in the inner palace at the age of thirty-three.

This is the price she paid for this difficult road.

Even, in the foreseeable future, these costs are far from enough.

But this kind of courage, this spirit, this kind of courage, how many people in the world can have it?

Jiang Wang said with a sigh: "I am also ashamed to see the Palace Master!"

Jiang Wuyou laughed: "It's late at night, Marquis Wu'an, please go back. If you're all happy today, I won't let you drink."

Jiang Wang also smiled: "When I come back from the festival, I will have a drink with Your Highness."

He turned and strode out.

And behind him, the aura belonging to Jiang Wuyou exploded, becoming stronger and more majestic. The night in the cave shines on Linzi.

Her voice resounded through Huaying Palace——

"This palace is now a god, and it is for the Marquis of Wu'an. If you go to the grassland as an envoy, you should be the pride of Qi Tian, ​​​​to win the pride of the world!"

Thank you book friend "Nan Lan" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 338th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Is your young master's surname Li" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 339th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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