Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1639 God Bless

Chaotic Hwaseong, dilapidated long streets.

At the place where countless gazes gathered, Zheng Chaoyang, who had a strong body and was like a mountain, knelt down in the large expanse of peeling petals of vitality and blood.

This is an extremely shocking scene.

Being in it, witnessing this scene, the entire upper city was silent.

Even if Zheng Chaoyang, who leads a strong army and achieves God, is like this, he has no power to fight back from the beginning to the end, who else in the whole country can be like this?

The rest of Yan Luo is naturally intimidated by Yin Guan's prestige.

Even the most ferocious Wuguan Wang wanted to remind him that he hoped that the leader would not play with Zheng Chaoyang's body and affect his use - his lips moved a few times, but he didn't dare to speak.

It was Zhao Che who spoke at this time.

"I hope you don't mind me reminding you of one thing." He said: "Apart from you and your subordinates, General Zheng is the only one who is strong in the state of God. If you want to rule this country well, Fulfill your aspirations and ideals, and you shouldn't have killed him."

Yin Guan's eyes moved away from the nearly useless Zheng Chaoyang, and landed on Zhao Che.

Zhao Che could completely feel the fear that his heart was suddenly clenched.

He felt like a drowning man about to suffocate, and he knew that there was no straw around him!

But what sounded in his heart was the old father's words——

"You memorized every word I said! You can't make mistakes in a single word or tone. Whether you can survive or not depends on how you behave that day. Che'er... Che'er! You have already You don't have the qualifications to be trash!"



"You want to make You Country better and the people of You Country better. You are not alone in this feeling."

Under the terrifying power of King Qin Guang, Zhao Che barely supported himself, and continued with a kind of bravery beyond imagination: "In the past few years, we have made a lot of efforts. Including my father...including General Zheng, They have paid a lot for this. That's why you see the life of the people of Youguo today. They have already lived a decent and dignified life, and they will live even better in the foreseeable future.

But this time, you showed up.

Of course, you have the power of vengeance. In the situation where I have to rely on holy beasts to protect the country, my father has long been aware of his own death, so I will not resent you for this.

But Yin Guan, do you really think you can do better? It's easier to destroy than to build, how do you change the country when you have vented your anger and hatred? "

"It's very interesting, Zhao Cang's son. I haven't remembered your name, but today I tolerate you saying so many...not so nonsense. But these words are too unlike what you can say."

Yin Guan's eyes flicked from Zhao Che's body, and fell to Zhao Cang's body on the ground.

Prime Minister Youguo, whose life was cut off by King Yama, was lying on his back on the street at this moment, with his eyes wide open, motionless. Those godless eyes that refuse to close seem to be still watching the world.

The person died, but the arrangement was still there.

"So now I'm still talking to Zhao Cang, right?"

Looking at the old corpse, Yin said: "The people who are kept in captivity as pigs and dogs, cutting off their future and hope, no matter how dignified they are on the outside, the core of pain will never die.

It's no real respect to put on fancy collars for them when they need it. It's not really decency to groom them at their leisure.

True decency lies in self-esteem, and true self-respect lies in freedom... Of course, I am not here today to tell you these things. "

Yin Guan shifted his gaze, landed on the slumped Zheng Chaoyang, and said casually, "Officer Wu, he is yours now."

"Okay...okay." King Wuguan couldn't hide his joy in his voice, knowing that this was King Qin Guang's reward for his previous efforts to resist the giant tortoise. With a gesture of his hand, the black coffin behind him opened automatically, and the undead Zheng Chaoyang was already put inside.

A living God's body, of course, has more room for manipulation and more prospects than a dead corpse.

The black coffin was slanted behind his back, and it only shook for a moment before returning to peace.

And Yin Guan looked back at Zhao Che calmly: "You ask, what do I want to do?"

"It's nothing more than... watching Zeng Qing being eaten that year, and made up my mind to kill you people."

"It's that simple...that's all."

He raised his hand again and pressed Zhao Che from afar.

Zhao Che gritted his teeth and looked at him: "So you don't care about this country at all, and you don't care about the people here. You only see your narrow hatred and extreme self, don't you!?"

Yin Guan glanced lazily, a green awn had jumped between his slender five fingers.

Zhao Che lowered his eyelids: "Or...are you just doing it for Mu Qing?"

Jiang Wang, who was hanging in front of the giant tortoise, frowned.

Su Muqing!

Yin Guan's cousin!

Back then, he and Xu Xiangqian confronted Zhao Che precisely to save Su Muqing. Of course he remembered this man.

He also knew that this person was very important to Yin Guan.

Yin Guan, Zeng Qing, and Su Muqing grew up together and have a very good relationship. Zeng Qing also had a crush on Su Muqing, but Su Muqing fell in love with Yin Guan. In order to make up for Zeng Qing, Yin Guan deliberately concealed himself, allowing Zeng Qing to win the position of the lord of the twenty-seventh city. It's just that I didn't expect that this move would send Zeng Qing into the beast's mouth...

It can be said that the reason why Yin Guan chose to make a big noise in the holy beast assessment before leaving, and the reason why he formed No Door to Hell but never concealed his identity was for Su Muqing's safety in Youguo.

Su Muqing is his only weakness that is exposed to others. The stronger and more vicious he is, the more valuable Su Muqing is and the less he will be hurt.

As for Zhao Che, at this time he finally brought up the name.

After the hearts of the people, the family and the country, the overall situation... After all the cards that can be played have been played, he had to lift this last reliance.

Yin looked at the city king who was leaning on the stick at the end of the long street, and the city king shook his head, indicating that he did not find Su Muqing.

He looked back at Zhao Che and said calmly, "I hope you won't be so stupid as to threaten me with her."

What Zhao Che showed at this moment was a bitter expression: "How could I?"

"So..." Yin Guan asked, "Where is the person?"

Zhao Che said: "For her safety, I hid her in a very important place. As long as you..."

"Running Wheel." Yin Guan interrupted lightly: "You come to search for his soul."

The dense runes, like flying insects, swam between the fingers of the wheel runner, and he walked towards Zhao Che silently.

"I didn't intend to threaten you at all!" Zhao Che immediately said: "Holy beast! I hid her in the body of the holy beast! That is the place my father prepared for me to save the Zhao family in the crisis of destroying the country." His bloodline... I gave it to her! As long as you let your people let go of the sacred beast's control first, I can use mystic techniques to remove her!"

"King Biancheng, do you think I should trust him?" Yin Guanxuan was on a high place in the upper city, looking at the existence named King Biancheng at the point above the lower city.

"Are you willing to believe him?" King Bian Cheng replied.

Yin Guan nodded slightly: "It's time to work."

King Biancheng confronted the giant tortoise alone in the lower city, but his cold voice rang clearly in everyone's ears.

"What secret technique? Give it to me, I'll activate it."

Zhao Che looked down from a high altitude: "How... How will I give it to you?"

His line of sight was caught instantly, piercing through the distance of space, and immediately connected with the line of sight of King Bian Cheng.

Inside Tongtian Palace, a terrifying phantom wearing a black official uniform suddenly manifested and descended, looking down at Zhao Che's frail soul.

Although the innate suppression of the Tongtian Palace can weaken all the invading spirit powers to below the safety line of ignorance—the so-called "mystery in the womb" is like this. In history, many monks who tried to take away their babies, after losing the traction of their physical bodies and entering Tongtian Palace with all their spirits, in all likelihood, they all disappeared in the innate ignorance in the end. This kind of innate protection of the human body to the soul will not disappear until the monks penetrate the world and the spiritual consciousness can interfere with reality.

But under this kind of suppression, Zhao Che's soul could still feel the terror that made him completely unable to resist.

He didn't dare to think too much, for fear of revealing his thoughts. He didn't dare to say more, fearing that his flaws would be exposed, so he dedicated the secret technique tremblingly.

King Bian Cheng didn't say much, put away this secret technique, and withdrew from Tongtian Palace.

It's hard to say that Yu Jiangwang didn't have the slightest problem with the secret technique that Zhao Che could use.

After understanding its principle, how to activate it without affecting the current state of the giant tortoise is not a difficult problem.

After carefully examining this technique and confirming that there is no problem with it, Jiang Wang and Yin Guanyao glanced at each other before activating the technique.


But seeing the main street in the center of the upper city, it actually split from it.

The gully of the city was opened to the very deep bottom, exposing the back shell of the giant tortoise—it was a black-blue carapace with many natural patterns.

And one of the lines, shaped like a fairy flying into the sky, is mixed in it, very inconspicuous.

Only at this moment, when it is filled with light in an instant, can people see its abruptness and obvious traces of man-made—I don’t know how people like Youguo managed to engrave formation patterns on this tortoise shell .

It should be noted that with the defensive power of this turtle beast, even the king of Wu Guan could not break through the defense.

The strong light flashed suddenly, and after it faded away, two people appeared on the tortoise shell.

They were sent out of the ravine by the power of the pattern and landed on the street, and the ravine slowly closed again.

Now everyone's eyes are on these two people.

One of them who closed his eyes was naturally Su Muqing. And the other black-bearded middle-aged man who was meditating next to her was the former Zuo Zheng of the 27th City of the Lower City, the current Patriarch of the famous Su Family in the Upper City, the biological father of Su Muqing, and the uncle of Yin Guan... Su Quan .

He was suddenly removed from his hiding place, but he was not surprised. Surrounded by ferocious strong men, he did not feel uneasy. I think there are countless previews in my heart. With just a flick of his gaze, he quickly settled on Yin Guan, the expression on his face was both surprised and happy: "Xiao Guan! You're back?!"

Yin Guan ignored it and just looked at Su Muqing's face silently.

At this moment, she was curled up on the ground with her eyes closed, as if she had fallen asleep. The long eyelashes are like a door curtain, and there is still a hint of worry on her pretty face, and she doesn't know who she is worried about.

"Just fell asleep." Zhao Che explained softly: "Her body needs to rest and not be frightened..."

Yin Guan remained silent.

Su Quan stretched out his index finger and lightly pressed on Su Muqing's neck, and she woke up leisurely.

When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw in the crowd was Zhao Che.

"Che Lang!" She got up and ran in Zhao Che's direction, but she couldn't run a few steps, so she stopped hesitantly, turned her head and saw Yin Guan.

At that moment, the expression on her face was extremely complicated: "Cousin...cousin."

Zhao Che flew over, turned around suddenly, opened his arms to protect her behind, and faced Yin Guan directly.

"In the past three years, we have been together day and night, and we have developed feelings. Without telling my father, we have already made a private decision for life. We don't know where it started, and it goes deep. Yin Guan, I know that you once had an engagement, but you left at the beginning In short, nothing was left behind, and she doesn't even know where you went or whether you are still alive... This is not Mu Qing's fault."

With a plop, he knelt down, and said in a mournful voice, "If you want to blame, just blame me, don't hurt Mu Qing!"

Of course Su Muqing also understood what happened at this time.

The person she once cared about, the person who blatantly betrayed the country in the face of injustice, and walked away alone with hatred... came back in blood and fire.

This should have been a romantic legend, an epic of heroes. but……

She should have foreseen this scene.

Since Zeng Qing's death, Yin Guan has become a different person and started to practice day and night.

She should have known earlier that this man has the determination to overthrow everything and the ability to realize all imaginations.

But why, she didn't wait?

She doesn't know the answer.

Three years is so short.

Three years... a long time.

There used to be some misunderstandings, but after getting in touch with him, I discovered that Zhao Che is really a very good person.

The Su family moved to Shangcheng with no relatives. Who gave her company during those difficult days?

The Su family encountered so many troubles in the upper city, who stepped forward and protected her?

Who is standing in front of her under the ridicule and cold eyes of others?

In the past three years, more than a thousand days and nights, who brought her laughter, who gave her warmth, and who gave her without complaint or regret?

Su Muqing walked around to Zhao Che, opened her arms bravely, and looked at Yin Guan with tears in her eyes: "Cousin, Che Lang and I really love each other... Please don't hurt him!"

She just opened her arms to face Yin Guan, who is she fighting against? Who is she protecting?

It turns out... this is the confidence Zhao Che had to stand up for today.

It turns out... this is the reason Zhao Che prepared for his own life!

It's not the influence of any secret technique, it's not the effect of any medicine, it's not those methods that are easy to find out. It really took him more than three years to make Su Muqing fall in love with him.

Even the continuous efforts and performances in the past three years have made him unable to tell whether his inner feelings are true or false. But true or false, it doesn't matter.

Zhao Che knelt on the spot, tears streaming down his face.

"You silly girl, what nonsense are you talking about!" Su Quan rushed forward at this moment, pulling Su Muqing to go towards Yin Guan: "You have never forgotten your cousin in your heart, why are you ignorant today! "

That resolute posture was completely different from that Patriarch of the Su family who wished to knock Su Muqing unconscious and send him to the Xiangguo Mansion.

He, Su Quan, is the person who can measure the situation the most. What is the situation like today? How could it be possible to allow Su Muqing and Zhao Che to be there?

But Su Muqing clung to Zhao Che tightly and did not let go, and Zhao Che also hugged her, sobbing.

What a pair of fateful mandarin ducks, with such deep love, they will never change in life and death.

King Taishan had strange eyes. He never expected that such a drama could happen to such a ruthless person as King Qin Guang. He almost wanted to laugh, but the urge to laugh failed to overcome his desire to live, so he endured it very hard.

The King of Wheels did not squint, he was studying the rune that jumped in the palm of his hand, very focused.

King Chujiang walked forward calmly, with a cold voice: "Boss, you should leave first, and I will take care of it here."

How she will "handle" all this, the answer is obviously clear.

Among so many Yan Luos, perhaps she is the only one who really thinks about Yin Guan. In order to save King Qin Guang's face, the people here... of course must be killed.

But Yin Guan just took a step forward and gave King Chu Jiang an answer with his actions.

He appeared in front of Su Muqing, met her eyes, and kept Zhao Che and Su Quan far behind.

The oppressive power prevented Zhao Che from even opening his mouth to speak.

Looking at Yin Guan's handsome and familiar face, Su Muqing couldn't stop crying: "I'm sorry, cousin...I'm sorry. I..."

"Why are you saying sorry to me?"

Yin Guan finally spoke, and his voice was still very calm: "At the beginning, I was unable to take you with me. No matter what happens later, I should face it. I am not strong enough, and I am not strong enough. I am too strong. Late recognition of the truth... these are my problems."

"You did nothing wrong."

"When people are helpless, they will seek dependence. When people are afraid, they will approach safety."

"Not everyone has the courage to overcome life."

"In an isolated and helpless environment, in the predicament created by others with painstaking efforts, people will instinctively grasp something."

"But Mu Qing, this is not real emotion."

"I will give you enough time and enough freedom to really examine your heart and recognize what love is."

He stretched out his hand, probably wanting to stroke Su Muqing's long hair, but he put it down halfway.

"Of course, I won't kill him before then."

"If you still give me such an answer when the time comes, then it's okay for me to let him go."

Yin Guan turned his head and glanced at Zhao Che indifferently: "Anyway, to me, he is not something important."

Su Muqing just shed tears and couldn't speak.

There is no falsehood in the longings of the past. But getting along day and night later was not a fantasy.

What is true, what is false, what is love?

she does not know!

"Go to sleep." Yin Guan said softly: "After waking up, a new life will begin."

Su Muqing really closed her eyes, collapsed and fell into a deep sleep.

Yin Guan pushed her in vain and sent it to King Chu Jiang, and said in a low voice, "Help me take care of her."

Then he turned around and looked at Zhao Che and Su Quan: "Now let's talk about our affairs again."

"Xiaoguan, Xiaoguan!" Su Quan hurriedly walked towards him: "Uncle is on your side. Uncle has watched you grow up and trusts your character! I will definitely persuade that Silly girl, she was deceived by the rhetoric of that bastard Zhao Che, but she has never forgotten you in her heart, and you are the one she really loves!"

Yin Guan just looked at him coldly, making him stop unconsciously, shut his mouth, and then said: "I will not forgive you for what you have done. But because of Mu Qing, I I won't kill you either. Get lost now and disappear from my sight forever—one step slower and I'll change my mind."

The devastated upper city silently describes the destructive power of hell without gate.

Su Quan felt an uncontrollable trembling, and clearly recognized the determination of Yin Guan's words.

Not daring to say a word of nonsense, he scrambled away from this place and flew out of the upper city-not even looking at his daughter.

"Mu Qing and I really love each other. But if I force her in the slightest, I will be hacked to death." Zhao Che looked at Yin Guan with tears in his eyes and said, "I know I was not a good person before." Things, but after meeting Mu Qing, she changed me. She is so pure, kind, and beautiful... For her, I did not hesitate to rebel against my father, reject the marriage he arranged for me, and make a big fuss in the family. For her She, I change my mind and want to be an upright person. I build bridges and pave roads, provide relief to the victims, and treat her wholeheartedly..."

Yin Guan waited quietly for him to finish speaking, then bent his index finger and tapped his feet: "If you have finished speaking, then please tell me, when will the real owner of this big turtle come?"

Zhao Che was still immersed in the affectionate atmosphere, but when he heard this, he was suffocated, and he pretended to be calm and said: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Su Muqing's hiding place itself is the key to contact that person. When it is opened again, a message has been sent out, telling that person that there is something wrong with the beast he raised. Am I right?"

Zhao Che felt that his throat was very dry, but he still managed to say: "Don't be joking, holy beasts have belonged to our country since ancient times..."

"Okay, you don't need to talk about it, the answer is all written on your face." Yin Guan patted him on the shoulder and said softly: "Zhao Cang is indeed a difficult guy, and you are such a waste. I can't even recite it... Do you want to know how I will deal with that person?"

Zhao Che's heart was turbulent, and he twitched for a while. He gritted his teeth and said ruthlessly: "Since you know that it has something to do with Jingguo, you shouldn't be so presumptuous. Do you know what you will face? It's not too late to stop now! "

"Sure enough..." Yin Guan sighed softly: "I guessed right, it really has something to do with Jingguo!"

"Divide what is due and prepare to retreat!" He ordered the others.

A group of Yamas scattered everywhere in an instant, and the palace and treasury could be looted everywhere. Only Wuguan Wang, who had already obtained Zheng Chaoyang's body, could not get any more points, so he also stayed where he was, enjoying the scene in front of him with great interest.

Zhao Che's face turned blue and white, and he felt the pain of being fooled wantonly. The biggest secret of Youguo was verified by himself. In front of Yin Guan, he looks like a monkey, jumping up and down, everything he does seems to be just to make people laugh.

But obviously for today, he has worked hard and prepared for so long!

Yin Guan didn't give him time to feel sorry for himself, looked at him and asked, "Do you have anything else to say?"

Zhao Che's heart trembled, and he said forcefully, "Mu Qing and I... truly love each other."

Yin Guan didn't look at him anymore, but walked past him and walked to the other side of the long street alone.

When he passed by King Wuguan, he said thoughtfully: "What did he just say? It was 'a thousand cuts to death', right?"

" fulfill him."

Wuguan Wang let out a hearty laugh, and walked towards Zhao Che.

Zhao Che was taken aback for a moment, and then panicked: "No, no, Yin Guan, you don't keep your word! Mu Qing will be sad! You promised Mu Qing not to kill me!"

He finally collapsed, turned and fled.

But Wuguan Wang just reached out and caught him back.

Then put the black coffin next, put it flat on the ground, pushed open the lid of the coffin, and threw Zhao Che into it!

"No, no! Please, please! Don't—"

Amidst such screams, Wuguan Wang also wriggled strangely and walked in slowly.

Yin Guan walked silently in the streets of Shangcheng without saying a word.

Behind him, the coffin was already closed.

There was only one wail after another.

Be the background sound of this wounded city.

One of the chapters was added for Dameng Yan Shaofei (69/78.)

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