Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1640 Sky High Nine Layers No

"Is the sky high and ninefold? The upper city or one of them.

Thirty-nine in the lower city, who borrows the Qingyun Ladder? "

This short poem, which is widely circulated in Youguo, describes the simple feelings of the people of Youguo towards Shangcheng.

You Country is a country blessed by God, and the upper city is where the upper classes live.

The most prosperous cities stand on the back of giant turtles, cruising around the borders. People living in the lower city can only look up and down twice a year. Of course they want to climb up, want to be a master. But there are never many ways to enter the upper city. The competition for the position of the city lord of the major cities is fierce.

Many years ago, being uptown was a teenager's dream.

Today he trampled Uptown underfoot.

The broken walls and ruins, the casualties of the meat-eaters, were just as he had wished in his heart when he left this country.

But is it really enough?

The mother lost her son, the younger brother lost her brother, the most talented person was strangled in the cradle... What is the cause of the tragedy they are experiencing today?

Searching through the history books, no relevant records can be found, and that period of history has been artificially erased.

The tortoise beast with the blood of Baxia seemed to have appeared in this country suddenly, and was inexplicably manipulated by You Ting, and inexplicably became a holy beast to protect the country.

Inexplicably, the "heaven" of the kingdom of heaven's blessing has become a totem in the shape of a holy tortoise.

Many years ago, this place was originally a fertile land with good weather and good weather, and it was a land of blessings loved by God...

Who is in charge of all this, who manipulated this tragedy that has lasted for nearly a hundred years?

Yin Guan has some speculations, but there is no evidence, so he cannot be sure. Until today, it was confirmed in Zhao Che's mouth.

So everything can be said clearly.

Why is it that with Zhao Cang's cultivation base, he can guide the action of a giant tortoise that is close to the real power of the cave.

Why is this giant tortoise already approaching the peak and approaching the cave with only physical strength, but his mind is still not clear?

Because from the beginning to the end, this giant tortoise is a pet animal raised here by a strong man in Jingguo, not a natural and free strong man.

What Zhao Cang has is only the secret key delivered by the real owner of the giant tortoise.

It was precisely because of this that he usurped the rights of Youguo, turned the ruler of the country into a puppet, and controlled the court by himself.

Even Zheng Chaoyang was blocked by the gap between man and nature for decades, so why was he able to break through last year?

It was just Jing Guo's help in order to save Zhao Cang's life.

Since there is only a thousand days to be a thief, there is no thousand days to guard against a thief. It is absolutely impossible for Jing Guo to assign a Dongzhen expert to sit here for Zhao Cang's safety.

As for the power of God's Imminent level alone, theoretically, Youguo can completely handle it...

It is not difficult to see that Zhao Cang has indeed used the existing resources to the limit and made the greatest effort after reviewing the situation of the entire You country.

The only thing he missed was that he himself hadn't been able to come to God. He didn't know at all what level of combat power a genius of Yin Guan's level could have.

The gap between God's presence and God's presence can also be as deep as the sea!

If he can truly understand Yin Guan's strength, then he should understand that his resistance is meaningless. The best choice should be to throw away everything in Youguo and flee to Tianya early.

But maybe...he couldn't let go of his business for so many years.

And after throwing away all business and losing all value, who will protect him? How can he escape the pursuit of hell without a door?

He has made so many preparations, starting with people's hearts, family and country, and personal emotions. If someone else faces it, maybe Zhao Che can really survive...

But he was facing Yin Guan after all.

He is a strong man who has pushed the small way of incantation to the realm of God for the first time. It is a person who has no way ahead and walks out of the way by himself.

The upper city that many people in Youguo yearn for and regard as heaven, now he can destroy it with a single flip of his hand.

How could he be bound by mediocrity?

In the year 3921 of the Dao calendar, May 25th.

The monarch of the country of You died, the minister of the country died, the general was punished, and almost all the countries were destroyed.

On this day, Yin Guan watched the sunset quietly for a while, and also listened to howls for a while.


When Wu Guan Wang crawled out of the coffin contentedly.

Yin Guan walked down the air and walked up to King Biancheng. He looked at the giant turtle in front of him calmly, and said, "The strong man from Jingguo is coming. We can't kill it today. Let's go."

Of course, Jiang Wang also listened to the conversation between Yin Guan and Zhao Che.

So he can fully understand why Yin Guan stopped at this step.

Although this giant tortoise has terrifying defenses, its mind is confused, and it has a lot of room to use in the battle-if there is enough time, they have a chance to kill it if they join hands.

Unfortunately there is no time.

The image of King Biancheng naturally wouldn't sigh, so Jiang Wang just gave a cold "hmm" and walked away side by side with Yin Guan.

In less than three breaths, the hell without a gate that set off a bloody storm in Youguo has already dissipated.

Only the bewildered Youguo soldiers and civilians, and the huge tortoise and beast that had already fallen asleep were left behind.


About two quarters of an hour later, a white rainbow pierced through the sky and landed directly on the sky above Youguo.

From the white rainbow, a beautiful woman in palace attire emerged.

Her posture is graceful, her majesty is like the sea, and she is full of nobility in her glances, but she is the real person of Jing Kingdom's imperial family——Ji Yanyue!

She hangs high in the sky, and the terrifying power is overwhelmed, as if the entire sky has been lowered by a few minutes.

The gigantic tortoise beast that was sleeping soundly woke up suddenly, stirring up a huge amount of heaven and earth vitality, and seemed restless, but soon realized something from the familiar aura, and obediently fell down, showing respect.

The Youguo officials who stood up one after another to direct the army and the people to restore order, saw this scene, and all knelt down on the ground, saying that they were envoys.

They didn't know the relationship between Jingguo and the holy beast protecting the country before, it was a secret that only the prime minister could know. But Youguo has always regarded Jingguo as a superior country, even though he is not a Daoist, he has always been submissive and paid tribute constantly. At this time, when the dragons have no leader and people are in panic, seeing the real person of Shangguo, they will naturally prostrate.

The country's dead ruler, prime minister, missing general, comatose Monument Army soldiers, and even the dilapidated city and officials kneeling on the ground could not win Ji Yanyue's attention.

She just carefully observed the giant tortoise and confirmed that it had not received any fatal injuries, then she was relieved and asked casually, "Who did it?"

"Reporting to the envoy, there is no gate to hell." Teng Bai, who was in charge of the defense of the upper city, stood up at this time and said, "The ten Yamas have all come, and the leader is Yin Guan, king of Qin Guang, who was born twenty years ago when he went down to the city three years ago." Lord of the Seven Cities."

He hid for the first time when Hell Without Doors ravaged the upper city. After Jingguo Daoist arrived, he was also the first to stand up and answer. It can be said that he is a very efficient talent.

In a few simple sentences, the matter was explained clearly, and there was not a word of nonsense that should not be said.

Ji Yanyue nodded slightly, and while exploring the sea of ​​consciousness of the giant tortoise, she asked, "Are you interested in becoming the lord of the country?"

Teng Bai, who was not in the top three in the Youguo Army, was overjoyed for a moment, and fell to the ground on the spot: "Xiao Wang has met the envoy! Later, after Xiao Wang cleans up the palace, I will ask the envoy to crown Xiao Wang! "

When Hell Nowhere descended, judging that Zhao Cang and Zheng Chaoyang were definitely not opponents, they decisively hid to avoid the battle.

After hearing the relationship between Guishou and Jingguo admitted by Zhao Che, and seeing Ji Yanyue's arrival, he judged that Ji Yanyue would support the new ruling class, and stood up decisively to show his loyalty.

He is very satisfied with his judgment and determination.

At this moment, asking Ji Yanyue to crown her is not only an expression of obedience, but also a sign that the interests of the upper kingdom will never be damaged, and at the same time, it is also using the power of the Dajing Central Empire to endorse her own authority.

From now on, he will be the new king conferred by Jingguo, who in Youguo would dare to disobey?

"Well, coronation..." Ji Yanyue felt a little amused, and said casually, "Yes."

But at this moment, the tortoise beast's eyes, which were as big as a house, suddenly turned dark green, and it became manic for a moment, and it wanted to stand up and bite.

A terror has descended!

Ji Yanyue pressed it casually, and had already firmly suppressed it. At the same time, she raised her eyes to look at the sky——

A long black gap just appeared in the sky, like a huge vertical pupil, looking at her.

And from the vertical pupil, the violent thunder and lightning entangled into a beam of light, crushing down on the head!

This is the [Eye of a Thousand Tribulations]!

Yin Guan has lived and died several times in the offshore islands. Surrounded by many forces such as Diaohailou and Bajiao Island, he robbed the treasures left over from the Palace of Ten Thousand Immortals...

But it is used here.


The whole sky darkened.

The illusory thunder light has condensed into substance, like the weapon of the gods outside the sky, chiseling the barrier of the world.

This is definitely a terrorist attack beyond the level of God's presence, fully capable of destructive power at the rule level.

Lightning rays gather to form lines, which contain countless possibilities of explosion.

But real people are real people after all.

Even in the era of the Nine Great Immortal Palaces, there was never heard of any immortal treasures that could make beings below real people challenge real people.

As soon as Ji Yanyue flipped her right palm, a bronze palace lantern rose into the sky. With a slight shake of the wick, the five-colored flames between virtual and real spread into a sea of ​​flames in the sky. The flowers are like brocade, and the fire is like spring. Take over the entire lightning beam without missing a single trace.

Then the five-colored flame rolled up, and everything disappeared.

The countless possibilities of catastrophe contained in the eye of a thousand catastrophes are all eliminated before the outbreak, and are not allowed to happen at the level of rules.

This is the real person in the world!

The sky is also healed, as if nothing had happened.

The backhand left by Yin Guan didn't even touch Ji Yanyue's clothes, it was futile and futile.

But at this moment, the dark green color in the tortoise's eyes suddenly peeled off from its pupils like a piece of wallpaper. Floating in the air, it turned into a clear phantom, suspended in the air.

Long hair, handsome face, proudly facing the wind.

It was Yin Guan.

He has no breath, nor is he agile, because this is just a photo.

With his long hair fluttering, he said, "Mysterious King Jingguo, on behalf of myself, on behalf of King Qin Guang who has no gate to hell, I salute you.

I don't know who you are yet, but I will.

Maybe you didn't know who I was before, but you should have remembered by now.

I don't know why you made all this, and I don't want to know.

In your long life, this may be just a small challenge. But please remember that this challenge will make your life no longer long.

We will see you again.

I believe that day will not be long. "

Then the sound dissipated, the light and shadow disappeared, and there was nothing between the sky and the earth.

Ji Yanyue raised her hand and tapped lightly, chasing the dark trajectory, and delivered some power, but she got very little and failed to complete the capture.

Then she raised the corner of her mouth and said, "Interesting."

Teng Bai, who had just won the supremacy of You Country, was suddenly in a daze after witnessing this scene.

Only then did he belatedly realize what he had overlooked.

The bodies of the lord and the prime minister were right in front of him, but he had forgotten how they died.

After Zhao Che admitted the relationship between the holy beast protecting the country and Jingguo, and the real person Ji Yanyue appeared, Jingguo must support a new agent to maintain the old order. This is not difficult to judge.

So is it true that other people are not as smart as him?

Or is it just that others cherish their lives more?

He faintly felt a chill coming from the back of his spine, and for a moment he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a disaster.



Somewhere in a private room of a restaurant.

Yin Guan, who was sitting opposite Jiang Wang, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

The sprayed blood, hovering in the air, was wiped lightly by Jiang Wang, and wiped out its existence, failing to land on the face.

There was still blood on the corner of Yin Guan's mouth, but he smiled and said: "Marquis Wu An is very skilled, he can react to this."

Jiang Wang was a little annoyed and funny: "You know that it is impossible to hurt a real person in this world, why do you have to provoke me face to face again?"

Yin Guan said calmly: "Although I can't hurt her, she has already hurt me. Through this little hurt, we have a relationship. I will curse her for a long time... Cursing a real person is very difficult. But I have enough patience."

It turned out to be a plan for future battles.

In this way, even if a rare treasure is used, it is worth the money.

However, with Yin Guan's personality, he would never reveal this kind of matter related to the future life and death struggle. unless……

Jiang Wang leaned back vigilantly, and distanced himself: "It's not convenient for me to do it with real Jing Guo's words. It will cause disputes between the two countries."

"Of course it's not convenient for the Marquis of Wu'an." Yin Guan said with a light smile, "It's just for the convenience of King Biancheng."

Jiang Wang said very clearly: "I will not join Hell without Door, we have different ways."

"Who can force you? As I said, you can come and go freely." Yin Guan said here, as if he just remembered something, flipped his hands and took out a small square jade box with exquisite carvings, and put it on the table , Pushing over: "By the way, this is your reward for this action."

"No need." Lord Jiang Hou is not a greedy person, he shook his head and refused, "I didn't do anything, this trip is just to repay you as a favor. We will settle the matter in the future."

"Our rule of hell is that what you give, you must get something. You don't owe me favors, and I don't like such meaningless things as favors." Yin Guan said calmly: "Why don't you Open it and take a look?"

Marquis Wu An, who is in a high position and well-informed, just smiled lightly, and while randomly opening the jade box with one finger, he said indifferently: "You have your principles, and I also have mine. .Anyway, this is the last time I will help you as King Biancheng. In the future, I will..."

The jade box was opened, and a jade stone lay quietly inside.

An oval, radiant, eye-like jade.

A message popped up in Jiang Wang's mind almost immediately - [Seeing the Immortal Code]!

The four words "Please be smart" were finally swallowed in his throat.

Thanks to the book friend "little nerd" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 340th league of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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