Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1642 Erdemi

Jiang Wang quietly returned to the envoy team, except for Qiao Lin, no one in the team knew about his absenteeism.

After all, it is quite normal for a diligent person like Marquis Wu An to concentrate on cultivating behind closed doors. They are still standing guard and self-study in the court meeting!

For Qiao Lin, sharing the secret with Marquis Wu'an was already a great achievement. As for where Marquis Wu An slipped away and what he did, he didn't want to know.

From then on, Jiang Wang ignored everything and studied the newly acquired fairy eye with peace of mind, and kept the carriage rattling all the time.

What is carried in this fairy eye is indeed the true version of "Mianjian Xiandian".

It is different from the "Shengwen Xiandian" obtained from Wuxianmen. The so-called fairy book that the founder of the Five Immortals Sect reversed, only some scattered sound control skills, simple practice imagination, because it is the relationship between the induction, the quality is very high, but all the key parts are missing, the effect is more likely to broaden the horizon .

The authentic version of "Mu Jian Xian Dian" describes the practice method of [Mu Xianren]!

"Man is the universe, man is the universe, and man is the immortal of all immortals!"

What the Palace of Ten Thousand Immortals fights to overwhelm the world is the method of the human body and ten thousand immortals, and the Immortal Eye is one of them. And as an immortal of the five senses, he is also a very high-level existence in the law of the ten thousand immortals of the human body.

It's a pity that the carrying capacity of this fairy eye is not complete.

I don't know if it has been worn down in the long time, and it is also missing the content related to the introduction. Moreover, there is only the "Tao" of becoming an immortal, and there is no "law" after achieving an immortal.

Or maybe these contents are all in another fairy eye that was taken away by the Tian family.

Shujie is the foundation of fairy art, and it is also the root of the difference between the fairy art system and the Taoist art system. Its absence makes it difficult to reflect the value of this "Mujian Xianshu".

But in any case, its preciousness is beyond doubt.

Take Yin Guan as an example.

Jiang Wang never believed that Yin Guan would be helpless before this "Mianjian Xiandian", maybe he had disassembled and digested it long ago, and integrated it into his pair of green eyes after he became evil.

Zheng Chaoyang, who can forcefully crush and mobilize the power of the army, can easily plant tricks on that huge turtle and beast, and make a move against a real person... How could it be that he waits for God to come?

As far as Jiang Wang himself is concerned, he also has his own method - the Rumeng Token obtained from the Five Immortals Sect.

Immortal art without the introduction of the technique is like a castle in the air, which can be expected but cannot be achieved, known but not touched.

The founder of the Five Immortals School ingeniously created [Rumeng Token] to replace Shujie. In the era when the Nine Great Immortal Palaces had collapsed, it reproduced Xianshu in some form—although it was very rough, and even in terms of effect, Can be rated as poor. But its creativity, even in this era of geniuses, is dazzling enough.

The original Rumeng Token required 417 seals to be drawn up, the process was cumbersome and the effect was crude. It can only be used for cultivation and cannot be used for combat at all.

After intensive research by successive masters and elders of the Five Immortals Sect, it was later reduced to three hundred and seventy-two seals.

Jiang Wang holds a steady stream of surgery guides, and can repeatedly try to replace Shanfu Qingyun with Rumeng Token, so as to shorten the gap between Rumeng Token and the real surgery guide.

His cultivation has already surpassed all the strong men of the Five Immortals Sect in the past, and his progress in Rumeng Ling has also reached a height that has never been reached in the history of the Five Immortals Sect.

All these things, relying on his own strength, reduced the Rumeng Token to one hundred and twenty-three seals, and the effects in all aspects are better than before.

However, even so, such a dream order is difficult to apply in battle. It is more used by Jiang Wang for recording, review and simulation.

It is not the same as the fairy state of the sound and hearing.

But although the basis of the Shengwen fairy state is the five immortals Rumeng Ling and the Shengwen Xiandian, the most critical part is the Dao sound accidentally captured by Jiang Wang in the illusory realm. That kind of opportunity is rare and cannot be replicated.

However, Rumengling is completely controlled by Jiang Wang himself, and if he uses it to replace the technique required in "Mianjian Xiandian", he will also have the opportunity to complete the cultivation of the Immortal Mu!

Of course, in order to successfully imitate Shujie, Jiang Wang first needs to have a deep enough understanding of this "Mu Jian Xian Dian" to be able to accurately capture the various needs of Mu Xianren for Shu Jie... Apart from hard work, there is no shortcut can go.

Time was in the middle of practice, and it passed by unsteadily.

The distance is also crossed in a wobble.

At an unexpected point of time, the blue sky as clear as the sea and the endless grassland suddenly spread out in the field of vision.

The long journey of trekking has a meaning all of a sudden.

The traveler's heart seems to have broadened with his vision.

It's not the first time Jiang Wang has come to the grassland, but every time he comes, he will still be trapped in the feeling of the vastness of the world.


Between heaven and earth, there was a wolf howl. It's like a declaration of some kind of territory.

The sound disappeared and was replaced by a muffled sound. Like the muffled thunder before the shower, it rolled low in the air, approaching from far away.

A black line suddenly appeared in the field of vision.

Looking at the past, each of the prairie cavalry already had a specific appearance, and they came like a tide under the leadership of a young man with braided hair.

They carry big iron guns and wear chain mail, all of them are majestic and extraordinary.

What they ride on is a vigorous and majestic giant wolf!

The vital parts of the giant wolf are also protected with iron armor.

Although this team of cavalry consisted of only a hundred men, it was like a ten thousand army. When he is approaching, he really has the power to destroy the city and the country.

Qi Guofang's convoy stopped immediately. The two hundred Sky Overwhelming soldiers who accompanied them immediately formed an attack formation.

The Heavenly Overwhelming Army, number one among the nine soldiers, certainly has the confidence to face any powerful army in the world.

One by one, with their talisman spears on their backs and their swords out of their sheaths, they stared at each other coldly.

The war horses they rode were also the best monster horses selected by the Qi State Beast Control Workshop, and they had no timidity in front of the famous prairie god wolf.

Qiao Lin pressed his sword and poked his horse, and rode forward alone: ​​"Who is coming?"

At a safe distance, the steppe cavalry stopped.

The leading general stroked his chest with his hands, and said very formally: "Cangtu Shenqi Yuwenduo of the Great Shepherd Empire, I have met Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi!"

Jolin then raised his hand.


The voices of two hundred sharp men retracting their knives and putting them back into their sheaths came together in one sound. Apart from the sharpness, there was also a sense of majesty.

Only then did the guards lift the curtain of the carriage in the center, and the famous Marquis of Wu An stepped out of the carriage.

The Cangtu Divine Cavalry who was present at the scene only felt his eyes light up. In this vast world of blue and clear green, he saw a god-like existence. He has a sword hanging on his green shirt, and his straight body seems to be able to support the sky. The eyes are clear, and there is an unfathomable majesty. Thinking of the strong in this country, I only feel that this demeanor is no less than anyone else.

Of course Jiang Wang remembered Yu Wenduo.

This is the one who stared at him on the Changhe Ninth Bridge back then, and is also Zhao Rucheng's good friend in Muguo.

"General Yuwen!" Jiang Wang called out very kindly, and then said: "Let the subordinates lead the way, the general might as well come over to Xiaoxu!"

Is Jiang Wang today comparable to before he went to Guanhetai?

At that time, Yu Wenduo was still confronting him coldly, drawing his sword and cutting each other at the slightest disagreement. Today, I just feel——I am honored!

This is the youngest person in the world who has won the title of Marquis with military exploits in the past hundred years!

Such a character, but he also remembers Yu Wenduo!

After simply making a hand gesture, the cavalry he brought turned around and opened the way, while Yu Wenduo walked into Qi's convoy alone.

In order not to disturb the nobleman by being ignorant on his mount, the divine wolf, he even came here on foot.

It is said that it is a convoy, and Jiang Wang is the only person in the car. The rest of the carriages were loaded with gifts from the two countries. Such as the wine from Lushuang County, the medicinal materials from Zhuhe County... and so on.

Jiang Wang patted the guard driving the car, motioned him to make room, and sat down casually in the driver's seat, holding the reins as if, and patted the seat next to him with a smile: "This way! "

Yu Wenduo was originally a heroic character, and he felt at ease seeing Marquis Wu An of the Great Qi so free and easy. He jumped up and sat up, looked left and right, and exclaimed: "Qi's carriage is really exquisite!"

Jiang Wang handed him the reins directly: "Since the general likes it, I will give you this carriage!"

Yu Wenduo didn't hesitate, took the reins and said, "I and Ru Chengye are indistinguishable from each other. He regards Lord Hou as his elder brother, and I also regard him as an elder brother. I don't dare to say goodbye to my elder brother. It's just that we have to change positions. I drive for you!"

Jiang Wang laughed. Ru Cheng said at the beginning that this guy was stupid and stunned, but now it seems that he is quite clever.

While speaking, the two exchanged positions left and right.

Yu Wenduo flicked the reins lightly, and the carriage continued to move forward steadily.

Jiang Wang half leaned against the car door, and sat leisurely, looking into the distance: "This endless scenery really makes people feel open. On this grassland, I just feel that it is a sin to hide in the car!"

Yu Wenduo said: "Master Hou and I think differently."

"What's the difference?" Jiang Wang asked casually.

Yu Wenduo said with a smile: "I thought that Lord Hou should not be so easy to get close to because of his high position and power now. I didn't expect that he was still so unassuming."

Jiang Wang smiled: "I'm not that easy to get close to. It's just Ru Cheng's friend, no matter how you think about it, it's worth getting close to."

Yu Wenduo thought for a while, then grinned and said, "That's the reason!"

Two people who are not familiar with each other immediately feel close because of a mutual friend.

Jiang Wang asked casually, "Where are we going now?"

"I am ordered by the king to lead the Marquis of Wu'an to the highest royal court!"

Yu Wenduo first replied in such a formal manner, and then said: "The envoys from all countries have not yet arrived. This time, His Highness Yun is in charge of the ceremony. She heard that the envoy from Qi State is you, so she specially sent me to welcome you, and entrusted you I must give you the greatest respect—no, I specially dispatched a team of Cangtu gods to ride here. Others don’t get this kind of treatment!”

Thinking of the princess Mu Guo who had green eyes, Jiang Wang nodded with some relief: "His Royal Highness Yun has a heart."

Yu Wenduo suddenly smiled brightly again: "When we get to the royal court, my younger brother has other arrangements! Lord Hou must have a good look at the scenery of our grassland!"

"Let's talk again, talk again." Jiang Wang made a haha, and asked casually: "This time, the succession ceremony of the High Priest of the Crown Evangelist will be held in the Supreme Royal Court?"

"Exactly!" Yu Wenduo said.

"Is the Supreme Royal Court still at the Mirror of Heaven?" Jiang Wang asked again.

Yu Wenduo drove the car very attentively: "Of course!"

Jiang Wang's question was not ordinary, and Yu Wenduo's answer was even more unusual.

Jiang Houye, who is "good at reading", memorized and recited the six volumes of Mulue before leaving. It is no longer a blind eye to the history and humanities of Muguo. Even combined with the experience of walking through the grassland twice, I have some opinions and judgments about everything that happened in this country.

There have always been two cores on the Prairie. One is Qionglu Mountain, which is where Cangtu Temple is located. One is the supreme royal court, where the king's tent of the Muguo emperor stays.

The Supreme Royal Court was originally located at the foot of Qionglu Mountain, and later moved all the year round, with a tradition of patrolling the four regions. In recent years, it has been parked next to the mirror of the sky, and there is a faint trend of east and west poles.

How the changes in royal power and theocracy are reflected in history, I will not go into details.

Only in this way. The High Priest who preaches the crown of the gods is the person who acts on behalf of the will of the gods, and is the person in charge of the Cangtu Temple. In the sense of theocracy, he is an existence that is only inferior to the Cangtu God.

The succession ceremony of the High Priest of the Crown Evangelist should also be held on Qionglu Mountain as a matter of course.

How could it be in the Supreme Court this time?

But Yu Wenduo's meaning was very clear, without any hesitation or vagueness.

obviously. In those moments unknown to outsiders, what changes have taken place on this grassland.

Inexplicably, Jiang Wang thought of the herdsman girl he met on the grassland... At that time, the girl was still "debating scriptures" with him. Of course, everyone is equally divided, and they are not very educated people. But one can see the appearance of Muguo in this era—every household on the grassland has books to read.

From this, I think of what Qi Tianzi said before leaving, and look at this grassland again, and I feel even more different in my heart——

I think it was the spring breeze that came last night, turning into a blue sea!

Yu Wenduo's identity is there, it is impossible to say more. So there is no need to continue this issue after talking about it here. It is unrealistic to say that a newcomer can know the most important information on the grassland.

At this point, Jiang Wang felt that he had finished his official business, and he was worthy of his status as an envoy. He asked directly, "Where is Rucheng now?"

In fact, he wanted to ask more - why didn't he come to welcome his third brother in person?

He went through the grassland twice, and wanted to meet Zhao Rucheng, but Zhao Rucheng was on the battlefield, so he couldn't meet him, and he missed him very much.

It has been almost two years since Guanhetai left. After the war was finally over, he went on a diplomatic mission, and he was able to see it privately at public expense. How busy is this kid?

Yu Wenduo said proudly: "Ru Chengyue is practicing in Erdemi! Your Majesty has granted permission for an eight-month period, and there are still two months left!"

Jiang Wang froze for a moment.

"Eldemi" means "the wisdom of God" in the grassland language.

And this name has a more specific and crucial reference in Muguo - a secret place that usually only true blood children are eligible to enter to practice.

Of course Jiang Wang knew that this Erdemi was, in a sense, equivalent to the Jixia Academy in Qi State.

Zhao Rucheng's ability to enter the Erdemi as a non-Muguo true blood child is enough to show that he has gone deep enough in the Muguo's political system and gained a high degree of trust.

This can also explain... what kind of contribution he probably made in the previous Jingmu war.

Jiang Wang has only experienced war and knows how difficult it is.

"Eldemi..." Jiang Wangzhong just said, "Okay, okay."

Growing up is a cruel thing.

But people always grow up.

Thanks to the book friend "20220401011350955" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 344th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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