Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1643

Jiang Wang had traveled to the grassland twice, but he did not enter the court of the Supreme King twice.

When people are on the road, they always miss the scenery.

Looking around now, the stretching tents are like a sea of ​​clouds, and the brilliant precious light is like a golden glow.

This golden city is like the embodiment of a dream, so brilliant. It represents wealth and power, holds fame and majesty, and is the place where all glory gathers.

Outside this great city, Jiang Wang recalled the past, and casually said to Yu Wenduo: "The last time I came here, I met a relative of your family! At that time, he told me that Rucheng was in Liyuan City, I didn't enter the royal court."

"A relative of my family?" Yu Wenduo asked, "You didn't offend Lord Hou, did you? If there is something unpleasant, you can tell me, and I will bring it to you immediately."

These words showed that he was very confident in Yuwen's family.

The Yuwen family is a famous family in the pastoral country, and one of the most noble families on the grassland.

It is a good thing that Zhao Rucheng has such a valuable friend.

Jiang Wang smiled: "No, that man is very polite. He just made a little joke with me."

"There are not many people in my family who have anything to do with politeness." Yu Wenduo laughed and asked, "What does that person look like?"

Jiang Wang thought about it for a while, and described: "The appearance is very grand, with clear eyebrows and eyes, and he is upright and handsome. He is as tall as you, but a little thinner than you. Look at the clothes, he should be the cavalry of the royal tent. Then I plan to go to the royal court to see Rucheng. He Patrol outside, check my identity."

During the continuation of the battle line in Liyuan City, the royal tent cavalry patrolling outside the royal court must also meet the appearance requirements mentioned by Jiang Wang and be "very polite"...

Yu Wenduo thought for a while, but couldn't think of a match.

"Yuwen's family is too big, and I really don't know who it is at the moment. It is an extraordinary experience to be able to inspect the Marquis of Wu'an." Yu Wenduo laughed: "Maybe we can meet again this time."

Yu Wenduo himself was in the Cangtu God Cavalry, and there were many members of Yuwen's family in the Wangzhang Cavalry, at least so many that Yu Wenduo could not directly exclude or lock down a certain person.

The Cangtu cavalry belonged to the temple, and the royal tent cavalry guarded the royal court.

As a well-known true blood family, Yuwen's internal affairs are so unclear. The interlacing of the shepherd's theocracy and kingship can be seen from this.

Adhering to the principle of listening more and watching more, Jiang Houye talked and laughed happily with Yu Wenduo.

The place where Muguo received foreign envoys was called "Minhe Temple", also known as "Huixian Hall".

Using the temple as a place of diplomacy may also explain the influence of Cangtu God on this grassland empire.

Needless to say, the meaning of Huixian Pavilion is an explanation in the later notes.

And the word "Minhe" is also very special. In the grassland language, it means "when the twilight is all together", and it means to welcome distinguished guests.

At the same time, Jiang Wang knew even more. In the history of Muguo, there is a legendary figure named "Minhar", who is the only divine envoy who successfully preached in the Central Region.

According to the records of "Master's Guide", at the peak of Minhar's missionary work, he traveled in the central region, and wherever he went-"golden bricks paved the ground, and the cows were beautifully dressed to welcome the envoy of the gods."

There are also records that say: "There are more than 30,000 believers, and they worship the gods with endless incense. Thousands of devout believers travel with them."

There are hundreds of millions of believers on the grassland, and more than 30,000 believers, of course, are nothing in terms of numbers, but when it appears in the basic disk of the three veins of Taoism, it has great significance.

He can be regarded as the most successful example of Cangtu Temple's foreign missions.

Min Hoa Temple was first built to welcome him back home.

But he failed to return to the grassland.

"When the twilight converges, no one returns home."

Later, Muguo used Minhe Temple as a place to welcome foreign envoys until now. If we really want to say it, there is inevitably some religious meaning in it.

The person in charge of the Minhe Temple is Tu Hu, the golden-crowned priest of the temple. From this surname, one can know a thing or two about the extraordinaryness of this person.

The Tu family is not inferior to the Yuwen family, and the Jinmian sacrifice is the highest level of the temple just below the divine crown.

Not only has the support of the true blood tribe, but also has the honorable status in the temple. He has considerable influence on theocracy, kingship, and tribe, and is an undoubted big man on the grassland.

The important position of Minhe Temple is also reflected by this person.

After Yu Wenduo led the convoy to Minhe Temple, he also came out to greet him in person, which shows the importance of the Marquis of Wu'an today. Of course, the communication between the two sides is limited to state etiquette, and there is no closer contact.

Kingship and theocracy cooperate in struggle and fight in cooperation, which is the eternal theme of this grassland.

Tu Hu, who has a high nose, deep eyes and a handsome face, naturally possesses a complex identity and attitude, and he also has a cautious and restrained temperament, the kind of person who looks like he can't go wrong. Every word and deed is within the scale.

Jiang Wang sent out the gifts prepared by the officials of the Ministry of Rites before his trip. Just after he settled down under the guidance of the boy from Minhe Temple, Yu Wenduo came over to invite with great interest, saying that he would show Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi to see the grassland scenery.

Even for Rucheng's sake, it's not easy to save his face, so Jiang Wang suspended his research on Immortal Mu.

By the way, they brought along Qiao Lin, whose eyes were green with envy, and the three of them went off in style.

After leaving the solemn and solemn Minhe Temple, Yu Wenduo was in high spirits.

"Although we don't see the Qin Tower and Chu Pavilion in Mu Country, it's not as good as Qi Country Water Pavilion and Jing Country Yuntai, but there are also wonderful images!" While his braided hair trembled, he looked proud: "Do you know the chariot of God, Lord Hou?"

Without waiting for Jiang Wang to answer, he was already intoxicated: "Young men and women, bathe themselves in God's grace, have compassion in their hearts, respect their own desires, give in the flesh, and benefit the world...beautiful, indescribable!"

Where do these words come from?

Jiang Wang had a strange expression. Yu Wenduo said that he would take him to see the scenery of the grassland. He thought it was a place like the Seven Scenic Spots of Linzi, but he didn't expect to take him to see this...

Shen En Che is so famous, and he knows it by reading history books as frequently as he does.

It has a big name, but it is actually an ox cart. Well, the one with the carriage.

It was first born for the reproduction of tribes.

The environment of the grasslands in history was quite harsh, and it was definitely not as bright and beautiful as it is today.

Because of its neighbor relationship with the endless desert, it has been attacked by demon energy and death energy, and disasters continue in the territory. The white-haired wind that Jiang Wang once encountered in the grassland was nothing compared to the disasters in the gloomy period.

Migration was a dangerous thing at that time, and there was little communication between the tribes. The natural calamity is Guansuo, and many tribes died out after being locked up.

At that time, the co-owner of the prairie thought of a way to load men and women of the right age in a bullock cart, and send special personnel to protect them, and sent them to the major tribes for a parade to find a suitable match... After a night of spring breeze, they left.

At that time, this car was also called "Spring Car", which meant endless life, and it gradually became a tradition.

Later, the Cangtu God Sect emerged, and the missionary gods borrowed this tradition and carried it forward to win over believers.

Because the young men and women on the spring car are all believers of gods, bathing in the light of gods, can magnify their joy, compared to brothels and brothels, I don't know how much higher it is. You don't need to spend money, you only need to pay for your faith. Wherever they pass, there are often long queues...

Later, its name became "Shen En Che", which means Cangtu God's favor to the believers.

It is quite similar to the story of Buddhist Bodhisattva's bodily alms.

Yu Wenduo said mysteriously again: "What we are going to is not the ordinary Shenen car, but the Shenen Temple parked in the Supreme Royal Court. It is not open to the public, and the inside is full of genuine Shenhua women! It’s me, and it took a lot of effort to get a spot.”

"I've heard it too, I've heard it too!" Qiao Lin was very excited: "It is said that those Shenhua women are all crystal clear, bullying frost and snow, and they are full of charm!"

Looking back and seeing Jiang Wang's expression, he immediately said seriously: "Master Hou must criticize it!"

Jiang Wang waved his hand and said to Yu Wenduo: "Brother Yu Wen's kindness is appreciated by me, but forget it, I'm not interested in these."

He does not need to be given, let alone this form of "being given", and he is especially unwilling to be preached in this way.

The grassland is really a dangerous place...

Yu Wenduo was stunned for a moment, apparently not expecting to be rejected.

Anyone who knows something about the grassland should know how sincere the quota for the Temple of Divine Grace is.

But whoever knows the God's En Temple, how can they not want to see it?

"Maybe I didn't make it clear." He paused, looked at Jiang Wang's face, and whispered, "In the Shen'en Temple, there are also Shenhua men..."

Qiao Lin looked at his heart immediately, his ears pricked up.

Jiang Wang had to say seriously: "Actually, I hope Brother Yuwen can take me to see the scenery of the grassland...the real scenery. For example, the mirror of the sky, I wonder if it is not convenient now?"

Yu Wenduo smiled boldly: "Master Hou wants to enjoy the scenery, so it's naturally convenient!"

In fact, the Sky Mirror at this time is in the fishing moratorium, and no herdsmen are allowed to approach it. But in Yu Wenduo's capacity, it's not a problem to make a special arrangement.

Immediately they turned to leave the city, and the three of them rode together and headed for the famous Shenjing Lake.

As the largest lake on the grassland, it is like a mirror embedded in the boundless grassland. It is the center of the eastern prairie, the mother lake of the prairie people, and has nurtured too many lives.

It's like a piece of frozen amber, like a truncated segment of the sky. So crystal clear, clear, and quiet.

No words can describe its beauty.

The only thing that can be described is the feeling of "still water in my heart" standing in front of the dark blue lake.

There is a peaceful atmosphere here.

Cows, sheep, horses, moles, even ligers, wolves, and herds of horses all drink water slowly here, living in peace with each other.

In the smoky lake, you can occasionally see a few red fish, a few green turtles, and a group of water birds.

The sounds of cows, horses, rippling water, and flapping wings are the most beautiful movements.

Jiang Wang stood quietly by the lake, watched and listened for a long time.

Erdemi, under the mirror of heaven.

"The wish is fulfilled." Jiang Wang said with a smile.

"I used to come here when I was a child, and I would sit by the lake alone in a place where no one was around." Yu Wenduo, who was standing next to Jiang Wang, said, "Looking at it, my heart will become very peaceful. No matter how uncomfortable things are, That’s how it went.”

In front of the mirror of the sky, his voice unconsciously became very soft, completely different from his usual rough and bold side.

Speaking of which, Jiang Wang knew that Zhao Rucheng met Yu Wenduo when he was slaughtering demons in the frontier. And such a true blood child from a famous family in the shepherd country will appear in a place like the frontier, and there are many stories to tell in itself.

Of course, who doesn't have a story?

Look at Qiao Lin next to him, how sad and frustrated he is. He must have remembered his thoughts too, right?

"When will the envoys from other countries arrive?" Jiang Wang asked casually.

As the envoy of the hegemonic country who arrived at the grassland first, he actually wanted to ask if Mu Guo had invited Jing Guo to watch the ceremony this time. If it's Chunyugui who came to Jingguo, then forget it, if it's someone else... Qi Tianzi let it go before the trip, and they must discuss each other when it's time to discuss.

But there is a suspicion of sprinkling salt on the wound, it is not convenient to ask about it.

Yu Wenduo himself had no scruples, and said enthusiastically: "Just a few days ago, I have already received the credentials first."

"Who are there?" Jiang Wang asked with interest.

"The envoy of the state of Jing is Chen Suan, the envoy of the state of Chu is Dou Zhao, the envoy of the state of Jing is Murong Longqi, and the envoy of the state of Qin is Huang Budong..." Yu Wenduo counted them one by one with his fingers: "by the way, The Winter Emperor of the Snow Country will also come over in person!"

Jiang Wang raised his eyebrows.

Those from Jing Guo and Qin Guo were all contestants under the age of 30 in the 3919 Yellow River Tournament, not to mention that. Dou Zhao has already made an agreement, and it can be shelved for now... This Chen Suan is very confident!

Speaking of the fight in Xingyueyuan back then, he relied on the star power bestowed by Master Guan Yan to sweep away in one fell swoop, and it was indeed a bit of an invincible victory. It is understandable for Chen Suan to be unconvinced. Jiang Wang can fully admit that if he only relied on his own strength, he would not be Chen Suan's opponent at that time.

But tonight and what evening?

The battle of Xingyueyuan was already the year before last.

"Lord Winter Emperor will come in person?" Qiao Lin asked in surprise, "Is it related to Jing Kingdom's westward expansion war?"

He was not an ignorant person, so he would not easily speak up in the conversation between Marquis Wu'an and Mu Guoren.

But Snow Country's new true monarch, a strong man named Winter Emperor, came to Mu Country to observe the ceremony in person, which was a strong signal.

As a qualified envoy, Marquis Wu An would certainly think about this.

But after all, he was on the land of a herdsman, and as the Marquis of Wu'an, it was inconvenient to say some things, and some questions were inappropriate to ask.

Then at this time, the value of his Jolin was revealed.

It was inconvenient for Marquis Wu An to ask questions, but he, Qiao Lin, had the courage to undertake and open his mouth. In this way, the Shepherd answered best, and if he didn't answer, Marquis Wu An would not be embarrassed.

"I don't know about that." Yu Wenduo laughed, "Everyone is just here to watch the ceremony, so you don't need to think too much about it."

Yu Wenduo seemed to have something intentional while explaining his words. It even directly implies that other countries think a lot, don't you, Qi, want to fight for something?

But Jiang Wang didn't respond at all.

He was just curious... Why did Qiao Lin look so sad and regretful just now? Why is his expression so proud now?

Well, Chen Suan's supernatural powers are quite good, and it's even more unpredictable after it blooms. If it matches up, it should be simplified, and the battle should not be allowed to enter a complicated situation...

"Is the Marquis of Wu'an also very curious about the Winter Emperor?" Looking at the thoughtful Jiang Wang, Yu Wenduo said very considerately: "If there is any banquet at that time, I will arrange it for you at a suitable place."

Jiang Wang waved his hand: "Strength is far from the same level, and it is meaningless to get closer."

He walked along the shore of the lake, chatting while walking: "Speaking of Snow Country, I have a very smart friend who traveled to Snow Country before. I haven't contacted him for a long time, so I don't know how he is now..."


A few ripples, a lingering sound.

A water bird plunged into the water.

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