Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1654 And You Yun has scattered

The so-called "heavenly secret" supernatural power is said to be "the front line of the heavenly secret".

It is to capture the most accurate and delicate "hand of God" among the countless choices that occur in an instant.

After the supernatural power blossoms, it is even possible to start counting hands in succession, with the best step by step. Relying on this supernatural power, Chen Suan has few opponents in the same realm. In the Jingmu War, he repeatedly defeated powerful enemies, established his prestige, and completed the initial accumulation of meritorious deeds.

Of course, heaven and earth are rational and cannot be exhausted. Even the supernatural power of "Tianji" has its limitations. It is impossible for Chen Suan to get the "most correct" choice in the world. Can the "most correct" seen by the monks of the inner palace be the same as the "most correct" seen by real people in the world?

The so-called truth often changes in different times and environments.

Therefore, the "God's Hand" obtained by the divine power is only the best choice under certain restrictions.

For example, based on his current cultivation base of divine presence, this best move will probably be made with the vision of Dongzhen cultivation base. Playing high against low is always going to be disadvantageous.

After Chen Suan witnessed the battle between Jiang Wang and Zhong Liyan, he counted 13 times in a row, with seven wins and six losses. Strictly speaking, it is a small advantage.

But the problem is that in today's Qingyatai battle, Jiang Wang definitely did not show his peak strength when he suppressed his opponent throughout the whole process, but he substituted his own peak strength into the calculation.

The real peak strength of the two sides... I'm afraid it will be very tragic.

It is true that there are countless possibilities for a real fight, and it is impossible to predict it completely. But he knows a little better - Jiang Wang is definitely the top fighting genius in the world, and in a real life-and-death fight, his performance will only be better, not worse.

This is what he has witnessed and experienced.

So he sighs.

He is not a man of good luck.

Or "the secrets should not be met, but humanity is often lacking."

The meeting of the Yellow River in the 3919th year of the Dao calendar was supposed to be an occasion for him to become famous. But he got involved for no reason, and didn't even have a chance to play. All the glory of Jingguo is exclusively enjoyed by Li Yi, the real person of Taiyu.

In the same year, the Battle of Xingyueyuan, where Jing Qi and Tianjiao fought, was originally an occasion for him to prove himself. But Yuheng and the stars changed hands, and Jiang Wang came from outside the sky, making Qi Tianjiao win Jing Tianjiao, and his Chen Suan also became the background. Dong Tianshi later approached Yuheng and warned the newly promoted Yuheng Xingjun. But what's the use of making calculations for him?

One step at a time, one step at a time.

He won some honors in the battle of Jingmu, but compared with Jiang Wang, who was made a marquis with military merits on the Qixia battlefield, he was far behind. Of course, this has a lot to do with the situation on the battlefield. The so-called "time and luck", but others don't think so.

Others will only say that Chen Suan is indeed not as good as Jiang Wangyuan. In Xingyueyuan back then, it was not wrong to lose!

This time he came back to the grassland, and with Jing Kingdom's victory over Mu Country, he was determined to prove himself.

But this time I really can't beat it...

By this time the people had dispersed.

The grand arena stands empty.

Just like the secrets of heaven are always looking for in the void.

Chen Suan thought for a while, then silently took out a cloak and put it on for himself.

It was quite embarrassing for Jingmu to be invited to participate in the succession ceremony of the crowned priest especially as the envoy of the victorious side.

Although no official figures in Muguo would target him, it would be difficult for the people of Muguo to guarantee it... If you go out without covering up and suffer from rotten eggs and potatoes, it will be a bit ugly.



Jiang Wang walked into the long corridor.

Winning is so beautiful, naturally greeted the adoring eyes of Qiao Lin and other followers.

Especially Qiao Lin, that's a flatterer.

After Jiang Houye listened carefully, he did not harshly criticize General Qiao's flattery, and gave high-level guidance on the guard work, emphasizing the truth-seeking and pragmatic work attitude...

After killing time like this for a while, they waited until Huang Sheli came over.

As soon as he saw Jiang Wang, a smile appeared on Huang Sheli's face, and he directly handed over a squirrel box: "Your share."

Jiang Wang was also polite, took a look at it, and said in surprise: "So many?"

Huang Sheli blinked: "The main reason is that time is too tight and there is no time to operate, otherwise it is impossible to earn only this little."

After such a fight, earning so many gemstones without even scratching the skin, Jiang Wang felt a little uneasy: "You don't know how to take care of me, did you secretly give me more points?"

Huang Sheli laughed: "You can rest assured! As much as you say in advance, even if you are ten times more beautiful, you still can't take an extra Dao Yuan stone from me."

"It seems that I still underestimated the wealth of the Muguo people." Jiang Wang said with emotion: "Spending so much money to watch other people fight, what are you trying to do?"

Huang Sheli laughed and said, "You underestimated your current fame. This thing is very valuable!"

Jiang Wangdao: "Fame comes like a pile of dirt, and goes like a collapsed mountain. If you lose once, it's gone. It's nothing valuable."

"That's not necessarily the case. For thousands of years, how valuable is fame and wealth? Fame is wealth, fame is power, and fame is a tool." Huang Sheli looked at the Sauvignon Blanc in his hand: "Fame nourishes people most, and fame also nourishes tools. Cultivate a general momentum, and there will be no disadvantages. Just like your famous sword, the more famous it is, the more spiritual it will be, so that it can always match your cultivation, and it will not become a burden. One day, it will be able to truly engrave history. Also unknown."

Jiang Wang only said: "Although fame nourishes people, it is also powerful when it devours people. If one day, it loses to a weapon that is not as ranked as it. All the things attached to it because of fame before will be passed on, and it will only be used as a wedding dress."

Huang Sheli folded his arms around his chest and propped his chin: "I never thought that the famous Jiang Qingyang would be such a pessimistic person."

"Probably I'm not pessimistic." Jiang Wang smiled: "Anyone will lose."

Huang Sheli thought for a while, and then said: "By the way, without your permission, I recorded the battle between you and Zhong Liyan. You can make a price and let me buy the right to record it. Or..."

She took out the photo stone and shook it in front of Jiang Wang: "Take it away."

The Jing country beauty with a unique style added very seriously: "I guarantee that this is the only one."

She is such a brilliant person.

It's really hard to take your eyes off her beautiful eyes when she's talking seriously.

"You keep it." Jiang Wang said with a relaxed tone, "If you have any thoughts on this battle, you are welcome to discuss it with me at any time."

"Okay!" Huang Sheli smiled happily, "I'll come to talk to you tonight."

"...If you want to meditate at night, why not make an appointment tomorrow morning."

"That's fine." Huang Sheli's smile didn't change: "The morning is full of dew, it's very suitable to meet you."

Jiang Wang was defeated and fled.



He led Qiao Lin and others out of the wolf arena, and not far away, two women hurriedly chased after them.

Qiao Lin immediately stopped in front, and said horizontally: "Don't be presumptuous, this is Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi! Who are you?"

At this moment, the sky is blue and white clouds are leisurely.

The two delicate girls stood there, and the lively and vivid youthful atmosphere was already a scenery.

The young girl walking in front, without any fear, stepped on her feet and turned her head, bypassing Qiao Lin's cover, and shouted to Jiang Wang: "Little girl suddenly has a precious heart, please see Marquis Wu'an!"

Jiang Wang glanced at her, but didn't recognize her, but recognized Wuyan Lanzhu standing next to her.

Back then it was argued!

Then he waved his hand, signaled Qiao Lin to get out of the way, and said with a warm smile, "Girl stopped me, why?"

The prairie woman named Hu'erlian Zhenyi was still generous and brave when she tried to break through Qiao Lin's obstruction. At this time, Jiang Wang asked her face-to-face, but her cheeks blushed, and the blush spread to the base of her ears.

Holding a sachet tightly in both hands, he hesitated for a long time, closed his eyes, and stretched out his hand: "Please be sure to accept it!"

Jiang Wang took it with both hands: "Thank you, girl. It just so happens that mosquitoes are rampant recently, so hanging it in the room will save you a lot of worry."

Suddenly Erlian Zhenyi felt dizzy, she didn't know what was in the clouds for a moment, and subconsciously prepared to leave.

Compared with her good sister, Wuyan Lanzhu was obviously much more courageous. She looked at Jiang Wang hard, and stretched out her palm, trying to cover the upper half of Jiang Wang's face, trying to use the outline of the chin in front of her to verify the memory that person.

Suddenly Erlian Zhenyi came to her senses and grabbed her: "Don't be rude!"

Jiang Wang just smiled gently, and led the people away.

"Oh, what are you doing, how dare you touch your hands!?"

Suddenly, Lian Zhenyi was still in shock, and that charming trance was completely frightened away.

She was born in the Ku'erlian tribe, and she is the daughter of the patriarch. In the grassland, I can be regarded as a nobleman, and I have seen too many big men with surly temperaments.

This time, watching the duel, I was so excited that I couldn't help it, so I mustered up the courage to send a sachet. He absolutely dare not do anything offensive.

Unexpectedly, this girl Wuyan Lanzhu dared to touch the face of Marquis Wu'an of Qi State as if she lost her soul. When he is the Shenhua man on the spring car?

Nervously grabbed the good sister's hand, didn't dare to relax any more, and kept complaining: "What are you thinking, stupid? Fortunately, Marquis Wu'an has a good personality and doesn't care about you, otherwise if you get angry because of this, you are not the only one who will have an accident , the Tu family can't keep you."

"He was a very good person." Wuyan Lanzhu said.

She suddenly fell silent.

I forgot which book said, "Some people are destined to only catch a glimpse."

I don't remember the previous sentence, and I don't remember the latter sentence.

I don't know how to remember this sentence.

At this moment again, I suddenly understood.

"No matter how good your temper is, you may not be tolerant to you. Besides, he is a marquis who was killed on the battlefield. How do you know if he will just strike you with a sword..."

Suddenly Erlian Zhenyi was still talking non-stop.

Wuyan Lanzhu looked up at the sky, it was as blue as washing, and her eyes were endless. And the Youyun that looked like a horse before has been scattered.



On the way back to Minhemiao, where the envoys of Chu State were stationed, Zhong Liyan always felt that the eyes of passers-by were not quite right. Two points of disdain, three points of ridicule, four points of indifference, and five points of sympathy.

As for why the sum was four points more than ten points, it was because besides passers-by, there were also dogs on the road.

"What are you looking at!" Zhong Liyan raised his slap and slapped his ears, slapping the shepherd dog who was looking at him around in a circle, whining and running with its tail between its legs.

"He is Zhong Liyan?" someone whispered on the side of the road.

"Is it the one who dueled with Lord Jiang Hou of Qi? Look at this bad luck, did you lose?"

"Then you can still win? Don't even look at who Jiang Wang is!"

"Are you still so crazy after losing?"

"Shh, don't talk about it, this person is very small-minded. Didn't see the dog get beaten?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, who is it!"

Scattered voices of discussion came into my ears round after round.

Zhong Liyan was furious.

Slander, these people are blatant slander! Am I, Zhong Liyan, a small-minded person? If this is left in Chu State, you will all be exiled!

But it is not Chu after all.

Returning to Minhe Temple in a very unhappy mood, Zhong Liyan thought about it and turned to the back door. Cautiously touched the area where the envoy of Chu State was, and quietly got into the courtyard. His luck has been bad for the past few days, and he plans not to go out again until the succession ceremony begins.

Then he saw...

Dou Zhao.

The famous Young Master Doujia is eating honeydew melon, and the juice is splashing everywhere, which is a fragrance.

He raised his eyes and saw him, and waved generously: "Come, have a taste. The emerald melon in the grassland is a must, and the price is better than gold!"

Zhong Liyan's face darkened: "What are you doing in my yard?"

Dou Zhao paused, looked at him, and said, "I thought about it. If I want to wait for your good news, I should wait in your yard. Otherwise, it's easy to miss it. How about it? Seeing that you are so arrogant, you must have won? "

Zhong Liyan rolled his eyes: "None of your business?"

"Ha!" Dou Zhao's voice was obviously raised: "So I lost!"

Zhong Liyan refuted loudly.

Say something like "Don't judge a hero by success or failure", "Who can say for sure", "The ground is too slippery".

Dou Zhao smiled brightly: "Speaking of which, in fact, Jiang Wang and I have also made a war agreement."

He squinted at Zhong Liyan: "It's just that, Jiang Wang felt that he had just returned from hunting demons in the grassland, and he was not fit enough to fight with me, so he asked to rest for a few days. I didn't expect you to be so anxious to embarrass yourself. Here, the letter is still here." Well, do you want to see it?"

Zhong Liyan's eyes were burning.

"Eh?" Doumou's face was confused, puzzled, and confused: "Isn't he going to recuperate, why did he fight you in every corner? Could it be that he looks down on you so much and only treats you as a favor? "

Zhong Liyan almost gritted his teeth.

But for a while, I couldn't tell whether Jiang Wang was more hateful or Dou Zhao was more hateful, so we simply hated them together.

Two thieves!

Regardless of Zhong Liyan's mood, Dou Zhaoquan shook his head, poked him in the heart sentence after sentence, and shook his face.

Zhong Liyan retorted indignantly, but after all, defeat was a naked reality, and there was no room for parrying, and his face turned green and pale when he was scolded.

Dou Zhao himself understood very well.

Zhong Liyan was completely suppressed by him so much that he lost confidence in the orthodox practice path and turned to develop martial arts.

Abandoning skills and cultivating martial arts is quite bold to say the least. Zhong Liyan is indeed a person with excellent talent and great perseverance. In fact, it can bring him some pressure.

But so far, it's only at the level of "some pressure"...

No matter how dissatisfied he is, how many times he has been defeated, how much he is not discouraged, deep in his heart, Zhong Liyan has some awareness of that gap, and it can even be said that he is afraid of it. Otherwise, why would you give up so many years of accumulation on the orthodox practice path?

This fear will forever block his path until the day he overcomes it.

And this is not Zhong Liyan's fault.

Anyone who aspires to be the strongest and lives in the same era as him, his confidence will be constantly destroyed. Some people can rebuild, some people can't.

Zhong Liyan was considered rare.

In any case, this guy is a good partner, and Dou Zhao thinks it is necessary for him to help solve one or two problems. It's not okay to just collapse like this, like Wu Ling and the others, it's not as good as Zhong Liyan.

Thinking of this, Dou Zhao restrained himself a little, and sighed instead: "Actually, I can't blame you. If it wasn't because you couldn't beat me all the time, you had to give up your previous accumulation and switch to martial arts. You might not be able to hold on today. Several rounds."

Hearing these words, Zhong Liyan's brows were furrowed.

"Being born in the same era as me is your greatest misfortune. But you, Zhong Liyan, are the only unfortunate people in the world?" Dou Zhao looked like "I understand you very well", and Shi Shiran said: "I personally suggest that you still Take a closer look."

Zhong Liyan was furious: "You are such a bird!"

The elite of the Great Chu Divine Sinner Army guarding outside the courtyard only heard a sudden bang inside the courtyard.

Then there was ping-ping-pong-pong, which lasted for a long time.

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