Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1655

Qiao Lin led a few elite soldiers from the Heaven Overwhelming Army to defend Lord Jianghou, and returned to Minhe Temple with his head held high and his chest held high.

In an instant, there was thunderous cheers in the courtyard.

That posture looks like Jiang Wang is already invincible in the world.

Jiang Wang had to suppress it, lest these guys swell up and help him make enemies everywhere.

He likes a challenge, but he doesn't like being beaten.

Even if nothing else was included, even in this Minhe Temple, he couldn't say that he swept away Wuji.

Shenlinjing is not like an outer building or an inner mansion, there is no obvious distinction between small realms. There is only one Yun Temple, on which the Dao veins swim, and the soul sits in it. There are no five mansions or four floors, no particularly obvious boundaries, but as the first big realm after breaking the barrier between heaven and man, the so-called "gate of the third rank", the strength gap between different monks is very different.

God has always been boundless.

How can mortals in the world divide the powerhouses who are like gods?

Even the monks of God's presence, some cultivate the spiritual realm first, some develop supernatural powers first, and some advance in the path. It is difficult to distinguish the strong from the weak only by looking at the external appearance.

Based on his own contact, Jiang Wang felt that if they were distinguished by combat power, they could be roughly divided into four levels.

For example, Zheng Chaoyang, who spent a huge price or relied on special means to achieve God's presence, had inherent deficiencies, did not have supernatural powers, failed to achieve the spiritual realm, and the path was not solid was for the weak God's presence. Its strength is probably stronger than those gods and generals who only have simple intelligence in Bianhuang, but it is also enough to suppress the monks in the outer building separated by heaven and man with their golden body and chalcedony.

For example, Yue Leng and Li Yougui, who can take important positions in powerful institutions and also have killer moves, are routine gods. This type of God's presence occupies the vast majority of God's presence monks in the world. Including Zhou Xiong and Yan Po, all belong here.

For example, those Lords of the Xia Kingdom that he faced on the battlefield performed well in a few areas at the same time in terms of supernatural powers, path, killing methods, spiritual realm, and physical body, and they were powerful gods. The upper limit of this level is extremely high, and he himself is also in this level, including Dou Zhao, Chong Xuanzun, and even Ji Zhaonan, Chunyugui and others who are a round older.

Such as sin Junhuang Jinmo, and the former murderous Tu Zhongxuan Chuliang are at this level, they are the ultimate gods. Looking at the present world, there are very few of them, and it can be said that they are even rarer than real people.

Of course, if you really want to be more rigorous, you can also subdivide it. For example, if the hole is really hopeful, if you reach the limit in a certain direction, or if you are at the level of Qiangshenlin, Ji Zhaonan must be stronger than Zhongxuan Zun now, can it be divided into another level... But this It's too cumbersome and unnecessary.

Jiang Wang examined his own strength, and asked himself that he would be able to fight even under the presence of God. Strength may vary, but in the battle of life and death, there is no chance at all.

And if it is against Jue Ding Shenlin, it is just running for life.

When he was beaten by Chongxuan Chuliang at Dianjiangtai, even though he was only from the inner court, Ji Zhaonan was a real genius, but he was easily crushed by Chongxuan Chuliang as if he was squeezing mud.

Even at that time, Chongxuan and Chuliang "pointed" three people at the same time, and crushed three top talents at the same time with three cultivation bases of the same level!

Fighting Ji Zhaonan is the god's presence, hitting Chongxuan Zun is the outer building, and fighting Jiang Wang is the inner mansion. The control of power is simply superb, and the three of them have nothing to say.

Thinking back so far, Jiang Wang doesn't think he can perform better than Ji Zhaonan.

This time he came to the grassland to observe the ceremony, so he didn't need to care about the small country's envoys. Among the envoys of the strong country, Murong Longqie and Huang Budong are almost ten years older, and he doesn't intend to provoke them.

For those of the same generation as Zhong Liyan, Dou Zhao, and Chen Suan, he never refuses anyone who comes, and he doesn't mind exchanging ideas.

Even the strong gods here in Muguo, those famous young gods, such as the children of several true blood families, such as Naliang and others who have gone to Guanhetai... If the people of Muguo don't mind, he also wants to try hand.

Fighting is to recognize oneself and to verify the road. In short, it is to strictly implement Qi Tianzi's instructions, and strive to earn face for Qi.

As for now...

After Lord Jiang took a bath and changed his clothes, he asked Qiao Lin to prepare a gift, and he carried it by himself, and went to visit the host of the Minhe Temple, the golden-crowned priest Tu Hu alone.

Although Yu Wenduo reminded him not to cause trouble, Jiang Wang thought, the other party helped him in the frontier, and he should have something to say when he returned to the royal court.

The main hall of Minhe Temple is named "Guangwen Yexiewu".

The name of the temple is a bit strange, because it is a combination of words from two language families, "Guangwen" and "Yesiawu".

Yexiewu is naturally a pantheon language, meaning "hero".

Guangwen is a term commonly used by Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, and it describes "wide knowledge".

Of course, in Guangwen Yexiewu Temple, its meaning is to make our call for heroes widely known in the world.

It is to call the god envoy Minhaer back then.

After the Minhe Temple became the Muguo’s institution for receiving foreign envoys, it has gained a new meaning over the years—“preaching and singing the name of heroes”, which means welcoming heroes from all over the world to visit.

As for why the word "Guangwen" was used in the first place, Jiang Wang guessed privately, perhaps because he was afraid that Minhar, who was not in the grassland, would not receive this call...

Of course, this is just wishful thinking. The grassland language also has many parts of the Central Plains, as can be seen from the true blood families.

Before going to the Canglang Arena, Jiang Wang sent someone to inquire, and Tu Hu was indeed in the Minhe Temple, so this meeting did not come to nothing—envoys from various countries arrived on the grassland one after another, and Tu Hu, the person in charge of welcoming foreign envoys, It's really strange that people are running around.

For the visit of Marquis Wu'an of Qi State, Tu Hu did not show arrogance, but opened the door of the main hall and personally led him into the hall.

Today's Tu Hu is still as rich and gorgeous as the day he first met him. Wearing an extremely complicated golden crown sacrificial robe, it shows the grace and power of the gods, aloft, but the feeling of him himself is very real and vivid.

Although that handsome face is profound, it does not give people a sense of distance.

It's just the opposite of when it was in the frontier.

Casually and Jiang Wang explained all kinds of things about Guangwen Yexiewu Hall, from architectural style to historical anecdotes.

Walking into the tall, solemn and resplendent gate, the first thing Jiang Wang saw was a huge bell.

This bell is azure and hangs in the middle of the courtyard. The reliefs on it are detailed, describing the story of Minhal's preaching. Because the volume is too large, it looks like a screen wall.

Those who come in must bypass it in order to see the scenery behind it.

"This Guangwen bell has not struck since the day the Guangwen Hall of Yexiewu was completed." Tu Hu introduced, with a hint of sadness in his tone.

Of course Jiang Wang knew why it hadn't sounded. The story about Minhaer had been circulated on the grassland for many years.

But at this moment when he heard the name "Guangwen Bell", he suddenly thought of another bell.

The treasure of Xuankong Temple - "I Hear the Bell".

With such similar names, is there any connection?

However, one is in the Cangtu Divine Sect and the other is in the Eastern Holy Land of Buddhism, they are really irrelevant.

Jiang Wang felt that he was probably a little too sensitive.

There are many doubts about Mu Guo, coupled with the experience of hunting demons in the wilderness, it makes him feel that there are some secrets when he looks at Mu Guo now.

"Guangwen...a good name." He replied without any mistakes.

Tu Hu strolled, as if bathed in divine light, and said softly: "Yes. 'If you can hear widely', 'If you make you know', 'If you hear it', 'I hear it like this', this Buddhist sect has 'three hearings and three Buddha beliefs', How could it be bad?"

Jiang Wang's heart skipped a beat.

What Tu Hu said couldn't be more clear, this Guangwen Bell is related to the Wowen Bell of Xuankong Temple!

But how?

There is a Buddhist sect in the Eastern Region and a divine religion in the Northern Region. Not to mention natural opposition, at least there is a clear distinction. Why is there a story in it?

He looked up at the relief on the surface of the huge blue clock that day: "Then this relief..."

If Guangwen Bell is a thing of Buddhism, how can it emboss the story of Minhar, the envoy of Cangtu?

"Oh." Tu Hu said casually: "After the Kurongyuan was destroyed, it was carved on it."

He spoke too casually, as if he wasn't telling any great secret.

But the name Kurongyuan is too sensitive.

It involves Qi's abolition of the crown prince, and even Qi Xia's struggle for hegemony.

The Minhe Temple, located in the Supreme Royal Court of the Grassland Empire, and the Guangwen Bell hanging at the gate of the main courtyard of its main hall, could it be related to the Kurongyuan?

Once the dust of history is blown away, cobwebs will spread in the yellow scroll of time. Later generations reminisce about the past, and what they see are fragments of words and fragmented pictures. You have to piece together bit by bit to get a glimpse of the truth.

The difficulty and complexity of this kind of patchwork is the greatness of "The Sword and the Sea".

However, there is no record of this Guangwen bell in "Historic Knife Chiseling the Sea", so Jiang Wang has no way to figure it out.

What happened to Qi State and Mu State, Mu Ting and Ku Rong Yuan in those years?

The story of the God Envoy Minhal preaching Zhongyu back then seems to be more complicated than imagined. It seems that what is involved in the widely heard Ye Xiewu Temple is not only what people have described...

Even the name Ye Xiewu was widely heard, but it was not that simple.

The main hall of Minhe Temple, which commemorates the envoys of Cangtu Sect, was named after a Guangwen bell related to Kurongyuan.

As long as you think about it, you will feel that there are thousands of threads in it, and I don't know how many hidden entanglements there are.

How complicated is history!

Regarding the complexity in the long river of history, after experiencing many things, Jiang Wang is no longer so surprised.

To his surprise, why did Tu Hu tell himself this?

He doesn't think that he is very attractive, or that Tu Hu has any habit of being a good teacher.

It has been many days since they came to Muguo, except for the day when they first arrived at Minhe Temple and the chance encounter with Bianhuang, they have never had any personal contact. If it weren't for his visit this time, there would be no such exchange.

so why?

A hint? A tacit understanding? A kind of dial?

Jiang Wang recalled what Emperor Qi had mentioned before leaving——

"Bring a pair of ears, a pair of eyes, listen more, see more, come back and tell me what you heard and saw, that's all."

Because he sighed, "It's just that I'm ignorant and ignorant. I've never heard of the 'Three Hearings and Three Buddha Beliefs'."

"Oh?" Tu Hu's deep eyes looked over: "Aren't you a disciple of Master Kujue of Xuankong Temple?"

Hearing this, Jiang Wang's first thought was - Tu Hu, the golden-crowned priest of the Cangtu Sect and a powerful figure in Muguo, actually knew the name of Kujue. If the yellow-faced old monk heard about it, he would be very happy.

It should be noted that even in the Buddhist territory of Xuankong Temple, there are not many people who know his bitterness, let alone call him "Master".

He just said: "Master Kujue has indeed treated me very well, but I have no intention of escaping into Buddhism."

"That's right." Tu Hu nodded: "The national system is where the torrent of humanity lies, and it is more in line with the general trend than any sect."

There is nothing wrong with this.

But when someone like Tu Hu with complicated identities and contradictory stances said it, there was something vaguely meaningless about it.

Jiang Wang thoughtfully asked if the sects in Tu Hu's words included the Cangtu Divine Sect. But thinking of this would violate the principle of "only ears and eyes" said by the emperor, so the words came out, and he just said: "I didn't think so much, the main reason is that the six sense organs are not clean, and I feel that I don't have the relationship with Buddha."

Tu Hu said: "It is said that your six sense organs are not clean, and you have not been seen in the Shen'en Temple. I think it is a big picture?"

Jiang Wang replied, "It's actually very small."

"Size is only a relative concept, just like time is only a measure created by man. Only this world, this space, exists." Tu Hu slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and looked at the Guangwen clock again. After glancing at it, he sighed and said, "I thought about putting the Guangwen Bell here when I came to Kurongyuan, but I didn't expect that it would last longer than Kurongyuan itself."

Kurongyuan, Kurongyuan, Tu Hu has mentioned Kurongyuan repeatedly.

Since in the so-called "Three Hearings and Three Buddha Letters", "If you can hear it widely" and "Thus I hear it", then the Guangwen Bell must be a treasure of the same level as the I Wenzhong.

Why did Kurongyuan put such a treasure of the town temple in Muguo Minhe Temple back then?

There was a strong curiosity in Jiang Wang's heart, but this curiosity was faintly accompanied by anxiety.

At this time, Yu Wenduo's reminder came to my mind again—trouble. This person in front of him is a very troublesome person.

Jiang Wang suppressed his curiosity again, and said with a smile, "I'm not familiar with Kurongyuan at all."

Tu Hu smiled slightly and didn't say much. So he led the way and bypassed this Guangwen Bell—maybe it should be called "Guangwen Minhaer Bell" now?

The two of them walked through the courtyard and passed through another door before entering the main hall and took their seats.

Tu Hu was sitting at the head, solemn and solemn, with impeccable manners and manners.

"Speaking of which, the Marquis of Wu'an is visiting today..." He glanced at the large and small items in Jiang Wang's hand, and continued: "He still has a gift, so why?"

Jiang Wang put down the gift in his hand, and said solemnly: "I am here mainly to thank Mr. Tu for his help in the borderlands."

Tu Hu raised his brows: "Bianhuang?"

Jiang Wang asked in surprise: "Has your lord forgotten? It was just a few days ago."

"Maybe I'm too busy." Tu Hu pressed his forehead, looking distressed: "What did I do?"

Jiang Wang's doubts deepened, but he pressed his heart down, recounted the matter as briefly as possible, and thanked him again and again.

Tu Hu listened, thoughtful: "Capturing the spirit, manifesting the original appearance, and turning it into a demon, it should be the handwriting of the Huanmo Lord."

"Phantom Lord?"

"North of the line of life and death, one of the supreme commanders of the demon clan. His real body is in the Tomb of Ten Thousand Realms, but his power is projected here. But he rarely makes a move..."

"Above the real demon, isn't it the heavenly demon? Is this demon... the one above the absolute peak?"

"Oh, that's not true." Tu Hu explained: "The Demon Lord is indeed stronger than ordinary demons, but he has not been able to surpass the peak. It is a very special existence in the tomb of the world. In the same era, there are only eight demons at most. There are only four of them now, and Lord Huanmo is one of them."

"Which four are they?"

"These four are God Demon Lord, Emperor Demon Lord, Illusory Demon Lord, and Seven Hate Demon Lords!"





The so-called "Three Hearings and Three Buddha Beliefs" are the same as the "Diamond Sutra of Realizing Enlightenment and Immortality" in the previous article. The author pulled his hair and compiled it. Don't take the Buddhism outside the book as truth.

The author has no introduction to Buddhism at all, and only pursues a kind of philosophical self-consistency that is taken for granted in the ruthless world, as well as the balance of all aspects of power construction, without the ability to become a classic. Readers who have researched this should not take it seriously.

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