Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1660 The blue sky and white sun, the Big Dipper shines on the royal court!

Representing the toppling of the Tianzhu, the ultimate sword strikes from the bottom up.

The Jiuqiu sword technique, which represents the mountains, rivers and land, chops from top to bottom.

The warring parties seem to be on opposite sides.

But the power is not affected at all.

Terrifying vigor screamed out.

Three layers of light curtains have been raised one after another around the Wuwu stage. It is the Qingyatai magic circle that has risen in response, and has been directly pushed to the limit to protect the safety of the audience in the spectator seats.

And this martial arts platform itself is already full of cracks.

The floor tiles engraved with complicated array patterns have reached their limit.

The light in Helian Yunyun's sky-blue eyes in the stands, what he saw was the duel between knives and swords, and what he saw was the collision of two "wills".

The black-clothed nun, who was originally indifferent, also stared intently at this moment.

Jiang Wang's sword is a sword that breaks the pillar of heaven, and this sword has the tendency to tilt the sky.

However, the mountains, rivers and land also have a broad mind to carry everything.

The so-called "geography is Kun, a gentleman carries things with virtue".

No matter what kind of disaster, the mountains, rivers and earth will bear it silently.

At this moment, Sauvignon Blanc came from bottom to top, roaring the sword of Yanshan, and bumped into the continuous mountains and rivers that covered the dense sky. It shattered one mountain after another in the shape of a sword, and the mountains and rivers are infinitely far away.

Dou Zhao laid out the Jiuqiu saber gesture, and wrote a grand article like this. It talks about scenery, writes about mountains and rivers, describes history, and outlines the vicissitudes of life.

The sky pillar is broken, and you can't go in again.

There are nine styles in Jiuqiu Daodian, and what Dou Zhao cut out at the moment is "Qingzhou is not old".

The continuous green hills are like splashed ink, swaying down wantonly, exhausting the power of the sword of the sky.

At this moment, Dou Zhaoling was above, and Jiang Wangjian's momentum had already weakened.

The thick-backed and sharp-edged Tianxiao knife slashed down, following the wonderful trajectory of life and death, and chopped down [Yangzhou Ruge]!

This style is full of flowers and brocades, and it is even more beautiful.

When in its heyday, Ling Yu's sword of extreme intention.

What a wonderful, well-timed cut.

Dou Zhao's grasp of momentum and intention is simply wonderful.

With a single slash, the saber energy danced wildly, each ray of saber energy was extremely flamboyant and extremely bright, as if the brilliance of a lifetime bloomed in an instant.

When this knife falls, the prosperity of the world is in it.

The sword of Yanshan has been burned out like a red candle.

The sauvignon blanc, which was the wick, was suddenly picked up by the embers.

This pick is like a phoenix flying nine days, with a bird singing.

The sound of the sword is the sound of birds.

Behind Jiang Wang, the one-legged divine bird raised its wings to the sky.

On the tip of Sauvignon Blanc's sword, this point of flame expanded instantly, spreading out into a boundless sea of ​​flames.

The sword fairy performed Bi Fangyin, and spread the true fire of Samadhi into the sea!

With this real fire of supernatural powers, it can deal with the extreme meaning of Dou Zhao's saber.

The beautiful mountains and rivers all fell into the sea of ​​flames.

Boom boom boom!

The strength of the sword and the raging fire crazily strangled each other, consuming each other.

Dou Zhao, who was already wary of Samadhi True Fire, of course would not allow this entanglement to continue. Yangzhou Ruge hadn't exhausted his stance yet, but he had already changed his saber posture.

It has always been the secret art of killing magic, not that the more you learn, the better. The more powerful the killing technique, the more time and energy it takes to polish it, and the more it tests the talent. If you use unskilled killing techniques to deal with an opponent like Jiang Wang, it is tantamount to seeking your own death.

But every set of sword skills that Dou Zhao has used so far has completely demonstrated the peak level.

The transition between knife gestures is natural, with a flowing beauty.

One moment, it was still the most flourishing saber intent with fresh flowers on the brocade fire, but the next moment Tianxiao Dao became indifferent. It seems to be a willow leaf, blown by the wind in the mist and rain.

Floating and misty.

Flickering, worrying about gains and losses, like a dream.

This mountain was once a river, and this water was once a mausoleum.

The rotten bone here was once an old friend. The ruins of this place, Zengli Huacheng,


In the vicissitudes of life, the world is like a dream.

This style, [Youzhou No Dreams]!

The most ethereal style in the Jiuqiu knife canon.

There is no better cut than this one.

When this saber is practiced, the samadhi real fire is like a dream, and it goes through it all at once.

A moment ago, the waves of flames swept across the sky.

In the next moment, the knife opened the sea of ​​flames, facing Jiang Wang's body.

However, when the sea of ​​flames diverted, there was sword energy roaring like a dragon, and the torrent of humanity was rolling in!

Jiang Wang had already made preparations, and the foreshadowing had already been laid when he was chasing in Yancheng. At that time, those people who were cut to pieces by Dou Zhao came and went, all of which were the merits of the herringbone sword at this moment.

No matter what kind of superb swordsmanship Dou Zhao will use to deal with it, if he dares to open fire, he must face the crowd head-on!

Grass snake gray lines, with thousands of miles of veins, at this time, the strokes of the brush are connected end to end in an instant, which is the finishing touch.

With one stroke and one stroke, it is a herringbone supporting the sky.

A pair of feet, stepping across thousands of mountains. With one hand, break through all difficulties.

With this herringbone sword, Jiang Wang can pass without hindrance. The sword qi was surging, and he rushed forward, tearing up all the illusions in an instant... Breaking open the knife and asking the courtyard!

But in the boundless broken dream, there is another knife rampant!

Meet the tip of the sword with the blade.

Dou Zhao was also prepared for Jiang Wang's herringbone sword. He has even made up his mind that at this moment, this is Jiang Wang's sure sword.

Because this is the momentum he gave, his decision, and it is the best chance he has left for the herringbone sword.

How did the two monks with outstanding combat talents compete for the initiative? Zhong Liyan watched all this intently, he knew very well that what he lacked might be here. From the beginning to the present, in a very short period of time, Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao have already switched offense and defense so many times, constantly breaking moves and changing moves, setting up games and breaking games, how many choices directly broke his imagination!

This is the pinnacle battle game among the younger generation of monks. He can deny it with his mouth, but he must face it in his heart. Only by facing the gap squarely can we challenge the gap.

At this moment, facing the turbulent crowd, Dou Zhao's Tian Xiao Dao came out with a swipe.

There is a new trick in Jiuqiu Knife Code.

The long sword slashes across the world, and the sword energy opens up the sky and the earth, causing the mountains to fill the valleys, called the river water and fertile fields.

Cut the mountain to make a platform, and dig the earth to make a pond. The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants enjoyed the shade. Who will comment on the merits and demerits of the ages?

Princes, princes and generals are all dead, only the mountains and rivers remain the same, only the mountains and rivers remain the same!

This knife, 【Gain and Lose Jingzhou】!

When the knife is cut out, people come and go.

The herringbone sword is swaying.

Herringbone two feet, it is already unstable!

Relying on the terrifying swordsmanship of a hundred schools of thought, Dou Zhao has not repeated a single move since the beginning of the battle. His knife skills are too strong, and he has too many choices! It can even be said that so far in the battle, each of his moves has appeared at the most appropriate time, and each of his slashes has achieved the best result under the current conditions.

No matter how amazing Jiang Wang's performance was, he couldn't be suppressed.

But at this moment, when the battle has evolved to such a fierce level, the victory and loss of Jingzhou has already cut the crowd.

Since ancient times, who can escape the word gain and loss?

Seeing the sea of ​​flames split by the knife, seeing the herringbone sword that was caught off guard and failed to hold the momentum... The six people watching the battle from the sidelines clearly noticed that Jiang Wang had fallen into a decline.

This decline is actually very weak.

But in the peak confrontation between Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao at this level, it is fatal!

The tit-for-tat situation was disrupted.

If the power is weak, the game will collapse.

Weak step, wrong step!

Of course Dou Zhao would not miss out on such an advantage.

Tian Xiaodao paused suddenly.

Jiuqiu's knife suddenly withdrew.

What splendor, what sweet dream, finally vanished. What green hills, what gains and losses, the mountains and rivers are gone for thousands of miles.

At this moment, Dou Zhao's body was surrounded by a kind of calmness.

There is a horror, born at this moment.

Even the six people sitting far away in the spectator seats felt chills when they saw the sharpness of Tianxiao's knife.

Since the present world, the first killing technique.

Dou Zhao was about to bring this battle to an end.

This knife washes away all the lead, and sees the five declines of heaven and man!

But before that—

In Jiang Wang's red eyes, a sword light leaped up first.

Jiang Wang has also been brewing for a long time!

The moment Dou Zhao dropped his son and slayed the dragon was his chosen fighter.

His pair of ears, with the color of jade flowing, is faint in the void, and there seems to be the sound of compassion.

The saravaka fairy state has only now begun!

Avalokitesvara unfolds at the same time!

The former lasts for nineteen breaths, while the latter only lasts for a moment.

But at this very moment—

The star tower on the horizon lights up for the second time, the starlight is as vast as a waterfall, and the star road winds like a god and man waving a brush in the sky, drawing a mighty long night and a picture of the Big Dipper hanging.

So people can see.

Outside the wolf arena, people can also see——

The sky is bright and the sun is shining, and the Big Dipper shines on the king's court!

Dou Zhao changed his moves crazily to avoid Jiang Wang's supplementary knowledge, which of course was a genius move. If it weren't for a peerless genius like Dou Zhao, who dared to use such a method in front of Jiang Wang, he would definitely be courting death. Facing Jiang Wang, who dare not show the strongest?

Even knowing that he would be captured, it was impossible to deal with Jiang Wang with the second-best killing technique. In this way, as soon as the battle started, Jiang Wang had an inherent advantage in time, and the longer the battle dragged on, the more favorable it would be.

But it happened to be Dou Zhao.

Even with his not the strongest sword technique, it is enough to compete with Jiang Wang.

To a certain extent, this can also be regarded as a kind of suppression of strength.

Jiang Wang has to admit that the current him, even if he travels a thousand miles a day, is no longer Jiang Wang in the mountains and seas. In terms of strength on paper, it is still inferior to Dou Zhao.

This is not something to be ashamed of, and it does not affect his confidence in winning.

So far, Dou Zhao has performed four top-level saber arts one after another, the Buddhist saber art [Great Illusion Induo Sword], the legalist saber art [one-word chopping], the military saber art [Loulan Breaking the Formation Dao], and the Confucian saber art [Jiuqiu], every saber technique has reached the peak, it is easy to use, and it is used wonderfully.

This is of course a terrifying strength, a talent unparalleled in the world. It is foreseeable that Dou Zhao is definitely good at more than these, and he has more methods to choose from. He can even keep fighting like this until the winner is determined, and Jiang Wang's misguided ways can't be caught. See.

But Jiang Wang also came to a conclusion from this - no matter how Dou Zhao showed his talent in the battle, his core thinking for this battle has been clarified. This is also the necessity of fighting against misguided perceptions. Under Dou Zhao's crazy changes, what he showed was his absolute confidence and control. Therefore, at the moment when Dou Zhan Qishi comes out, it must be the time when Dou Zhao is confident that he can tell the winner.

The judgment of this timing point is very important, this is where the mouth is!

Where the ventilation takes place is the air port.

Between these breaths is the wonderful line of life and death.

During the battle, he couldn't force out Dou Zhao's flaws, but after confirming Dou Zhao's fighting intention, he had a chance to grasp Dou Zhao's choice. Then there is no flaw, it is also a flaw!

He endured it for a long time, just to put the timing of the victory before the moment when Dou Zhao was about to decide the victory.

It will be alerted earlier, and it may be over later.

So he must judge accurately, when is the time when Dou Zhao thinks the battle can be ended.

If this judgment is slightly wrong, everything will be closed.

In the case of accurate judgment and no deviation, you need to successfully grasp the fleeting chance before you can seize the possibility of victory!

That opportunity is now! Right now!

Dou Zhao just lifted the saber, and before the saber intent of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man had been released, he turned up his hole card without hesitation and bet all on it!

At this time, the sky above the wolf arena was completely shrouded in starlight.

The star road in the sky turns and runs through the domain of the Big Dipper.

Jiang Wang walks alone with a sword in his green shirt, walking calmly, while the sky and the earth are shaking, and the seven stars are shifting.

The handle of the Big Dipper, just folded in the air, is already pointing to the north.

As a result, the whistling was cold, and all directions were frozen.

Floating clouds shatter into flying snow, and the turbid air withers like yellow leaves.

Everything is lonely, and the world is full of chills.

It's winter all over the world!

Neither Dou Zhao nor Jiang Wang held back, and both used killer-level methods.

Because when it is necessary to win or lose, they face each other, and there is no possibility of holding back!

What kind of move is the Five Declines of Heaven and Man?

It is the last knife of the world's number one killing technique.

Jiang Wang has seen it more than once, accumulated a lot of knowledge, and still has no way to crack it.

What kind of move is winter in the world?

In the western suburbs of Linzi, Chong Xuanzun jumped up without regret. In the Minxi battlefield, the outcome was established.

It is Jiang Wang's Dao Dao sword, purely in terms of lethality, and it is also his strongest sword so far.

Jiang Wang's world is coming out faster, with a more complete momentum, and he has seized half a point of the opportunity.

But Dou Zhao's Five Decays of Heaven and Man are stronger.

The war situation has evolved to such an extent that both sides can no longer control their strength.

There are even yin and yang fish swimming in Jiang Wang's eyes.

And Dou Zhao's jet-black hair seemed to be beginning to protrude.

The golden light and the red flame seemed to be the only two stunning colors in the world.

The second is the silhouette of red and blue!

Helian Yunyun, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, suddenly realized that this exchange between the envoys of the two great powers, which was supposed to be talked about, turned into a life-and-death situation.

How did this work?

"Separate them!" she said immediately.

But I know that I can't see it in time.

This is the Supreme Royal Court, and its safety is beyond doubt. The person who secretly protects her is not so close to her even though she is a real person in the world. The owner of the wolf arena is not in the arena at the moment. And even if the distance is closer, even if it is a real person in the world, can they really easily wipe out the fighting power of these two people and save their lives?

The answer she saw with her eyes... Doubtful!

Zhong Liyan didn't think that Dou Zhao would die, so he sucked his teeth, regretting that he couldn't find a place with Jiang Wang. As for the relationship between Qi and Chu after the war...he didn't think so much.

Yu Wenduo didn't understand the situation at all, and thought it was a sparring that could be stopped at any time, just like Jiang Wang's sword brushed against Zhong Liyan's neck before.

Jin Gonghao from the Jin family and Yuhua nun from Xiyue nun have nothing to do with themselves, they are only thinking about the impact of this matter.

And Huang Sheli has already stretched out his robe, planning to fly to the most elegant posture of the martial arts stage. She had already made up her mind that she would go back in time to save the lives of these two people, even if she would immediately become a god. How could she have the heart to see such two beautiful beauties withering before her eyes?

Today, no matter Dou Zhao or Jiang Wang, as the most representative Tianjiao in their respective countries, their life and death are not only their own, but have a huge involvement.

So whoever noticed this scene, no matter who they were, would inevitably have complicated considerations.

Only the two people who are confronting life and death at this moment, only in their eyes, there is no consideration of life and death at all. At this moment, they are the same, with only the never-fading confidence in themselves burning in their eyes, and the unrelenting pursuit of victory.

I was born different from others and never doubted my own talent.

Self-cultivation does not cease, and self-cultivation does not grind.

One day the magic weapon will be unsheathed.

Who is the enemy of the heroes of the world!

Don't say anything and call it peerless.

Just ask who comes first.

Who is first! ?

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