Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1661 Widely Known as a Hero

The huge Qingyatai was completely silent at this moment.

The flames and vigor that should have been magnificent seemed to be overwhelmed by the two who were about to decide between life and death. Including this world, including all rules.

Only Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao have become the falling points of all the light and become inevitable in a certain sense.

Under the endless starlight, when the sky is full of snow, a kind of extinction is happening.

Even at the level of a god, this is definitely a terrifying power!

The five declines of heaven and man are against the sky and the world is winter, who lives? who died?

Yuhua was calmly waiting for the result, but at the same time, there was also a faint curiosity lingering in her heart, curious about the relationship between Junior Sister Yuzhen and Jiang Wang. Of course, whoever lives and who dies in this battle has nothing to do with her.

Huang Sheli is doing the last appreciation.

She has already made up her mind that even if the gods are slightly flawed, she will save the lives of the two beauties. Of course, there must be some compensation afterwards. She Huang Sheli is lustful but not humble. She is willing to give, but never for nothing. She can reluctantly learn Dou Zhao's sword and Jiang Wang's sword. Not only do you have to learn, but you also need to teach them slowly one by one... Isn't it worth saving your life?

Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao have no other thoughts and eyes, they are still trying to exhaust the last possibility of this battle, trying to find a way to seal the victory.

It's not that life and death are unimportant.

But at this moment, I can't think of anything else!

It was too pure a fight for the two of them. It is so pure that only the victory itself is the meaning, so they all really want to win.

Who wouldn't want to defeat Dou Zhao?

Who wouldn't want to beat Jiang Wang?

At this time, an old man in fur coat had already arrived at Helian Yunyun's call, and descended with the wind of the sky, stepped into the sky above Qingyatai, and walked peacefully in the starlight. But his hand with the cane hesitated a little, and Sauvignon Blanc and Tianxiao Dao were already approaching their targets.

Helian Yunyun watched this scene nervously——

It's getting dark!

It's not just the sudden darkness of the sky.

Nor is it similar to Jiang Wang's mobilization of the Daotu Killing Sword, causing the starlight to cover the sky for a short time.

Instead, there was a darkness covering the sky.

It is not a nihilistic concept, nor is it a volatile landscape, but a substantive and extremely resilient existence. Such is a piece of black cloth, such as a piece of iron.

You realize that if you don't do something about it, it will always be there.

It is not real night, but it is deeper than night. Because the sun can't dispel it.

At this moment, the dimness of the Qingya Terrace, even with Helian Yunyun's blue eyes, it feels like this day...

It's a bit too dark.

The old man in fur immediately raised his staff, the powerful force instantly dispelled his old state, he moved a step horizontally, and stopped in front of Helian Yunyun. There was no flame, but Helian Yunyun's surroundings were obviously free from depression. And the old man just looked at the sky with a solemn expression.

There is a huge horror, born at this moment!

At this moment, Dou Zhao is watching Jiang Wang, and Jiang Wang is watching Dou Zhao, without any words, the knife and sword are expressing themselves. Respect for this duel, respect for each other, all in this desperate offensive.

The sky is dark at this moment.

The darkness that swallowed all the light seemed to be crushed down from the sky.

There is a faint thunder, and the sky is low!

In the darkness that spread like night, a huge blurry human face protruded from the outside. I can't see the specific expression clearly, and I can't explain what he looks like, but I can feel his widened, chaotic eyes, and his greedy mouth!


It's just ridiculous, completely beyond imagination.

This is the center of the entire grassland, this is the supreme royal court of the Great Shepherd Empire, where the Great Shepherd Emperor settled his tent.

How could there be monsters coming?

In the entire history of the Great Shepherd Empire, this scene is rare!

Yet it actually happened.

It descends resolutely, and expands its influence extremely tyrannically.

At the same time as this huge human face appeared, many changes had already taken place.

For example, the vitality of heaven and earth seems to have gained weight, becoming dark and difficult to mobilize. For example, the several sacred banners standing on the high place to decorate the Qingya Terrace were all broken neatly. For example, the space seems to be decaying, which can be observed by the naked eye to be thin. For example, there are many shadows in the void...

For example, between Jiang Wang's chest and abdomen, between the five rounds of heavenly light, belongs to the position of the heart. Suddenly, a cloud of magic energy rushed out!

This is a mass of twisted and chaotic demonic energy like a living creature.

It seemed to rush out with Jiang Wang's vitality, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Let's take the direction of its collision as the front.

Such a mass of darkness, from which five wisps of devilish energy were separated, floating at the tail like tentacles, entangled with Jiang Wang's light of the Five Houses, as if they were being bound to some extent.

Using magic energy to capture the light of supernatural powers is simply an unimaginable method. And the most core position in the front of it was still tumbling and changing, and suddenly solidified at a certain moment, condensing into the head of a middle-aged man with a meek face.

It was Deng Yue!

While fighting against the light of heaven, it chanted words, chanting obscure and chaotic spells, which disturbed people and shaken their souls.

You have obviously never heard such a weird pronunciation, but you understand its expression. Perhaps that is not its expression either?

"life and death!"






Or sharp, or high, or swallowing, or hoarse... simple words, just recited, but created an extremely chaotic feeling. The listeners are all disgusted, and there is a painful feeling that the soul wants to break through the sky and leave the body.

Inexplicable changes have taken place in the world here, and for a moment, Jiang Wang felt the frontier!

Deng Yue, Bian Huang, the Illusory Demon Art of Birth and Extinction, the Illusory Demon Lord...

All thoughts flashed like a stream of light, and Jiang Wang finally understood why there were monsters coming to the High King Court, and they were at the Qingya Terrace in the Canglang Arena——

Qingyatai is not the point, the point is himself.

He was treated as a medium and made into a beacon. In a hasty encounter in Bianhuangli, the mysterious and unpredictable Phantom Lord planted a trick on him. At that time, there was no danger, but it was to catch him as a bridge today!

Facing the means of a demon king, it is normal for him to be unaware of it before.


Why yourself? Why today? What is the purpose of Phantom Lord? What role did Tu Hu play in it?

While the thoughts were turning sharply, the movements of the body did not stop. At this time, Sauvignon Blanc suddenly folded, and the sword energy roared.

The shattered snow flew against the sky.

The starlight of the distant star vault rushed wantonly, constantly impacting the dark curtain. The face that shrouded the sky was a little flickering.

And the strong light from the star tower and star road makes people look up, as if the Big Dipper is tearing up the long night!

In the critical moment of life and death with Dou Zhao, between victory and defeat, Jiang Wang decisively turned his sword.

But Dou Zhao's Tianxiao Saber was still moving forward, and the power of annihilating everything was rampant in all directions, without any hesitation... It was cut in front of Jiang Wang's chest and abdomen!

The blade slashed into the demonic head that showed Deng Yue's appearance. This very specific face immediately showed all kinds of evil looks, such as wilting, stench, and restlessness!

The head of the whole demonic energy trembled, and strands of magical energy also turned to dead gray and dissipated.

Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao made choices almost at the same time. At the critical moment of life and death, they turned to each other without a single glance, without reservation. One piercing the sky and the human face, one beheading the devil's head, it seems that there is an innate tacit understanding.

But in fact, they just felt the mortal danger at the same time, and at the same time made the best response under the current situation.

The two peerless arrogances joined forces to fight against the enemy, and both showed their strongest state. How terrifying is the offensive at this moment?

The feeling of being dry like a wilderness was temporarily pushed away!

The huge human face in the sky opened suddenly and took a breath—all the starlight in the sky entered its throat, swallowing the boundless sword energy in one gulp! Starlight and snow color merged into a torrent in this giant mouth, and then they were all infected into ink, rushing to the unknown place. Even the four holy buildings standing in the distant star dome are a bit crumbling, and the starlight is floating, as if they are about to be torn down from the ancient star dome!

Jiang Wang can fully feel that the foundation of his path has been shaken!

He walked all the way, and the cultivation base built with sweat was shaken by this demon's mouth. What level of power is this?

However, the methods of the Phantom Demon Lord are not limited to this?

That group of demonic energy had no waves before, and it existed more as a beacon. At this time, Jiang Wang jumped out of Jiang Wang's heart, quickly grabbed the power, and condensed into a demon skull. The five demonic qi were like tentacles, and they pressed down all the lights of Jiang Wang's five houses.

The body of heaven, which is rare in ancient and modern times, is going out!

Jiang Wang, who was still showing strength a moment ago, now has the scarlet flames around his body, the frost behind him has withered, and even the immortal red gold color in his eyes has gradually faded.

In his Five Houses Sea, the turbulent waves are all suppressed. The five demonic energies are like pillars reaching the sky, crashing directly from the dome, breaking through all visible and invisible barriers, and crashing into the five inner mansions!

Baiyun Boy exerted great effort to control Yunding Immortal Palace, trying to expel the foreign enemies with it, but with just a jolt of demon energy, Yunding Immortal Palace seemed to have been dislodged from its joints, and remained motionless. Baiyun boy also sat down on the ground, his face pale with fright, his teeth chattering non-stop.

The Heaven-reaching Demon Pillar towns the five mansions, and even with this as the center, the demonic energy spreads all over the world, with a kind of dominance that changes the world.

And outside the Five Houses Sea.

This demonic head, which was carrying Dou Zhao's saber hard, continued to die, and at the same time, two streams of demonic energy pierced from the pupils, twisted into black ropes, and spread rapidly along the blade of Tianxiao Dao. Bind Dou Zhao!

He completely withstood the five declines of heaven and man!

With Dou Zhao's ability, it is impossible to avoid these two black lines.

The dazzling fighting golden body, under the erosion of this terrifying demonic energy, is also dimming at a speed visible to the naked eye. His saber intent soared, and his saber strength soared, but he couldn't break through at all.

The golden fighting spirit domain and the red fire domain also let go of their entanglement at this moment, and turned to cooperate with each other, colliding with the suddenly approaching monster rules, trying to struggle for a short-term freedom.

But it was extinguished almost at the same time!

The Dou Zhan Lingyu with a radius of 800 zhang and the fire domain with a radius of 1,000 zhang seemed like two bubbles had been gently punctured, without even making any waves.

The rules of the two peerless geniuses are not recognized at all at this time.

The sky is low and there is a line.

Gold and red are all gone!

The domineering military uniform with a red background and gold border, and the chic green shirt with a fairy air, were all soaked in ink at this time.

It's not a level of strength at all.

With Jiang Wang as the beacon, the monster that suddenly descended here was far beyond the power of the gods, and easily suppressed Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao.

The monstrous magic power enveloped the entire Qingyatai, and then the entire Canglang Arena.


The huge human face suddenly shouted in an awkward grassland language: "Kunaba!"

His voice was frenzied and chaotic, bringing a strong sense of uneasiness.

Jiang Wang knows that "Hunaba" means "Wolf Picture", which represents the guardian wolf god of Cangtu Sect. At the same time, it is also the supernatural power that Naliang once showed on Tianyatai.

But I don't know why this monster is calling the wolf picture.

Just after this sound, roars suddenly broke out.

The Wolf Arena is the largest arena of the Supreme Royal Court, and many duels take place every day. Although the duel between Dou Zhao and Jiang Wang is not open today, the rest of the martial arts arenas are still operating normally.

It's just that the excited cries of the audience had never spread to other places before, but at this moment, the roars and screams in the major martial arts arenas were mixed together, converging into a kind of panic like the end of the world.

Some shouted for help, some howled in fright, and some scolded the guards in the arena... The owners of these voices may not all have cultivation levels, but when they are mixed together, a gloomy power is born . Eating emotions and growing in people's hearts.

The soundproof circle, the protection circle, the insight circle... all the magic circles in the Canglang Arena disintegrated in an instant, and hundreds of years of accumulation were destroyed in one fell swoop.

In those chaotic arenas, some generals swelled several times in an instant, easily tearing apart their opponents. Some Yaozu completely broke free from the shackles, gave up their opponents, and rushed to the auditorium, singing a sad war song. There are human fighters who are fighting life and death, and at the same time, their eyes are blood red, and they are alienated into demons!

The world is turned upside down with the snap of your fingers, and disillusionment arises when you think about it.

This level of magical power is already close to Tianwei!

Here and now, in the main arena overlooked by this huge human face.

Huang Sheli jumped up, with the Pudu Conquering Demon Pestle already in his hand, his toned figure was like a big bow fully drawn, and his yellow cloak was flying in the air like a hunting flag!

Jin Gonghao was also covered in black iron armor in an instant, holding a blood-tasseled long lance in his hand, roaring vigorously behind him, forming a pair of iron-black eagle feathers. The black feather is like a blade.

Yu Wenduo, who was full of braided hair, rushed forward from the corner, with a knife in his hand, his blood was boiling, and the starlight and Dao Yuan were mixed.

For the monks in the Jingmu and Mu countries, fighting against monsters is almost an instinct.

At this moment, Yuhua also recited the mantra, her black hair trembled slightly under the monk's hat, and dazzling golden Sanskrit words flew around.

On the contrary, Helian Yunyun seemed very calm at this time.

He was so calm that he didn't see any emotion at all, he just sat there, motionless.

The old man in the fur robe with a real cultivation base also watched her grow up and knew her temperament very well. He didn't take her away immediately, but stood in front of her holding the wooden staff horizontally, silently guarding the square inch. Protect the majesty of the Great Shepherd royal family.

If Yu Wei is like this, how lucky are Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao who are facing the monster?

But Jiang Wang, whose spiritual realm had been broken, was still swinging his sword, even though his path began to waver, even though his movements were as slow as carrying a mountain on his back.

But Dou Zhao, who was completely suppressed in body and mind, was still struggling, he was staring at the huge face of the monster, and even every strand of hair was expounding unruly.

Spiritual domain, magical powers, Taoism, moves, physical body... Struggling in every direction is of no avail.

And they are still looking for possibilities, just like they did when they were chasing the outcome.

Just at this time……


There is a bell.

This sound is long and broad, as if piercing through time, from the distant past to today. It is so vast and inclusive, it transcends the barriers of space, rings in everyone's ears, and instantly soothes restless hearts.

Jiang Wang had never heard such a bell, but a name jumped out of his mind almost immediately - Guangwen Bell!

Maybe it's because of Avalokitesvara's ears, maybe it's because of the sound of the Vajra Thunder, or maybe there's no reason at all, he just has a very strong certainty that this is the sound of the Guangwen Bell!

This bell called Minhar, the envoy of the gods in the distance, and it has not sounded since the day it was widely heard that the Hall of Yexiewu was completed.

Ye Xiewu, a hero,

Call hero, who is the hero? !

As soon as the bell rings, the world is completely different, almost like the sun and the moon changing the sky.

With the wolf arena as the center, and the surrounding area is almost equidistant, three terrifying auras suddenly erupted, filling the sky and the earth. The three pillars of divine light rise from the sky in the direction of the three talents, and there is no end in sight, as if the pillars of the gods support the sky.

The resplendent pillar of divine light, with divine patterns flowing on it, describes the ancient and majestic. The three divine pillars are connected by divine light, thus forming a circle, enclosing the entire Wolf Arena. The earth-shaking changes here cannot affect outside the arena.

The pitch-black curtain could not expand further.

Inside and outside the Canglang Arena, there are different scenery.

Inside the Wolf Arena, people standing near the Pillar of Divine Light can clearly see that there seems to be an invisible boundary between heaven and earth, separating the Wolf Arena from the Supreme Royal Court. It's night, and it's sunny."

But if people outside the Canglang Arena look over, they can only see the bright sky, the clouds and gold, and the majestic buildings... It's a normal and bright day.

When the devil comes, the world is ignorant.

Just like how many stories buried in history.

"If you have heard it widely, how can there be any grievances and old hatreds in the world?"

There is such a Sanskrit sound in the void.

"If you can hear widely, how can there be secrets and poisons in a troubled world?"

Although it is a Sanskrit sound, it doesn't look like reciting Buddhist scriptures, but more like someone explaining something calmly.

"If you are widely heard, how can a fool have faith and what will he ask for?"

It's weird and unified, awkward and harmonious.

"If it's widely heard..."

It is widely heard that the bell is ringing, and the Sanskrit singing is ringing.

The magic spell that was chanting in the devil's mouth was instantly suppressed.

In Jiang Wang's sea of ​​five mansions, the five pillars of magic energy collapsed immediately!

In front of Jiang Wang's chest and abdomen, the five rounds of divine light that had been struggling all the time surged brilliantly, pushing the devilish energy straight out.

The cord of demon energy that had already entangled Dou Zhao exploded and scattered like black moths. Dou Zhao's sword soared to the sky in an instant!

The light of Tianfu is blazing, and the golden body of Dou Zhan is dazzling.

Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao were suddenly free.

The demonic energy that exploded like a moth suddenly turned in the air, revealing the face of a sassy woman.

Jiang Wang had seen this face before, and it was one of the demons he had encountered in the frontier.

And this face suddenly disappeared again.

It seems that some kind of power exchange has been completed.

An ordinary sheepskin boot stepped into the martial arts stage at this moment!

The magic energy is shaken!

The huge human face on the dome roared: "Tu Hu! How dare you design me!"

The owner of this sheepskin boot is wearing ordinary herdsman clothes, with a high nose and deep eyes, majestic and stern. Facing the fury of this monster, he also remained silent. He just stepped up and walked closer, took the Tianxiao knife in Dou Zhao's hand casually, and just wiped it!

The devil's head that was entangled with Jiang Wang's heart was cut off directly, and the devil's energy was broken, and he easily held it in his hand!

And there was another Tu Hu wearing a bright robe, walking in the night sky as if he had come out of the darkness. Facing the huge human face calmly, he shook his head and smiled slightly: "Who can design you? Just a great existence like you can't erase another possibility of being as great as you."

"You designed yourself," he said.

There are... two Tu Hus!

Tu Hu from Bianhuang, Tu Hu from Minhe Temple, Guangwen Zhong...

All the clues were reorganized in Jiang Wang's mind. He vaguely understood something, but found it unbelievable.

With the deep dark curtain as the background, the huge fuzzy human face screamed angrily: "Arrogant pigs and dogs deserve death!"

The dark color actually flowed, faintly forming a human-shaped shell in Gao Qiong.

There is an ancient majesty descending from far away.

It seems that the Phantom Lord who is in the Tomb of Ten Thousand Realms is going to cross a long distance today to come here in person and kill Tu Hu. The power of destruction instantly filled the wolf arena, infinitely sucking the vitality of all living beings.

"Today is not yesterday."

The Tuhu worn by ordinary herdsmen is like being bathed in divine light, with infinite majesty. In other words, he is God. It has the majesty of God, the personality of God, and the power of God.

"Today I am not yesterday."

Tu Hu, who was wearing a golden-crowned priestly robe, had a smile on his face and friendly eyes. No matter how expensive the clothes are, they can't cover up his freshness and his fireworks.

The two Tu Hu said in unison: "Today you are still yesterday you, Huanmo Lord, just admit it!"

The god Tuhu and the human Tuhu, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground, and at this moment, the light of the gods, flickering, spread between them. It also envelopes every living soul in the wolf arena. Even more, this Qingyatai was decorated to look like a kingdom of God.

This scene is so contradictory, yet so harmonious.

The turbulent demonic energy came across the border, and there was a kind of madness that would destroy the world.

But Shen Tu Hu and Ren Tu Hu are just looking at each other at this moment, taking a step towards each other!

One is smiling, the other is expressionless.

One is kind and amiable, and the other is infinitely powerful.

In the flickering but endless divine light, the two become one!

An extremely terrifying power erupted from this brand new Tu Hu.

This power is even constantly rising and rising, as if it is endlessly rising!

It is not limited to the truth of the hole, nor is it the ordinary Tao.

The madness in the huge man's eyes disappeared in an instant, and a dreamlike wave appeared. As if some real boundary had been breached, that ancient majesty was fleeting.

He was going to escape!


The bell rang again.

The huge human face, the deep darkness, the endless demon energy, the horror of destruction, the dry feeling... all disappeared.

There was only a human face that fluctuated in various colors, floating down lightly.

Tu Hu gently held it in his hand.

One of the chapters was added to the Dameng Yan Shaofei (71/78.)

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