Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1662 Qingping Centennial

At this time, Tu Hu no longer possessed that majestic majesty, nor did he have that kind of aura that made people approachable.

When you look at him, sometimes you feel that this is a collection of contradictions, sometimes you feel that he does not exist, and sometimes it is natural and natural.

He seems to be "changing" all the time.

But everyone present understood that Tu Hu at this moment was already an existence that could be called a true monarch.

Even...he didn't just testify today.

Because there was no vision of enlightenment just now, because a real monarch who has just proved his way, it is hard to say that he would have the possibility of designing a phantom demon king, and he clearly succeeded!

However, before today, Mr. Tu Hu of Minhe Temple had conflicting bloodlines, identities, and stances. He had too many troubles, and he had provoked too many people in Muguo...

His cultivation has always been just a real person in the world.

Even Jin Gonghao, who was born in the Jin family, has first-class vision and news channels. He has never heard that there is a second Tu Hu in the world, and he has never heard that there is such a step as God and man.

The scene in front of me can connect too many things together.

He was shocked at first, then angry, his emotions fluctuated, and his hand tightened and loosened, loosened and tightened, and finally he just murmured: "So that's how it is."

I see……

At this time, the wolf arena was quiet everywhere. I don't know whether it is being suppressed or isolated, no one cares. Those duels that were interrupted, of course, would not continue. And today's shock is still undecided, and it is probably just a chat after dinner in the future.

At this time, Qingyatai fell into another kind of silence.

The dark curtain of the sky has dissipated, and the sky is shining brightly.

Although the Wutai is badly damaged, at least the gloom has been swept away, and there is clarity.

Dou Zhao looked expressionlessly at the Yan Dao powerhouse who had just suppressed Huan Mojun in front of him, and stretched out his hand silently.

Tu Hu smiled, turned Tian Xiao upside down, and sent it back to Dou Zhao: "This is indeed a knife worthy of you."

Dou Zhao didn't speak because he thought it was nonsense.

And Jiang Wang held his long sword, looked at Tu Hu calmly, and just asked, "Why me?"

Frankly speaking, if he wasn't in the Mu country today, if he wasn't in the court of the supreme king, if he wasn't going on an envoy on behalf of the Qi country.

Jiang Wang couldn't say anything.

He has been through too much and seen too much.

In today's situation, it is hard for him not to have associations - is Tu Hu using him as a game? Did Bian Huang's encounter with the demon come from Tu Hu's design?

It is not uncommon for those high-ranking and strong men to take the world as their situation and the common people as their sons.

For a greater ideal, a greater cause, some sacrifices will always be forgiven.

Although Jiang Wang disagreed, he would only bury everything in his heart, and would only ask this question when he had enough strength to defend his own truth with a sword.

But today he is Daqi's envoy, so he must not be silent.

Because he went on a mission with restraint, which represented the majesty of a country.

He can be unsociable and focus on practicing, because Qi Ting didn't intend to let him handle diplomatic relations, and he just came here to listen and see.

But he must maintain the national system, so he did not hesitate to press the sword for this, and the envoys of Qi must not be insulted!

He is not questioning Tu Hu at this moment.

Instead, the Daqi Empire is asking—what gave you the courage to take risks with my Daqi envoy?

"Lonely! Helian Yunyun!"

Helian Yunyun got up at this moment, across the distance between the stands and the martial arts stage, stroked his heart with one hand, and bowed to Jiang Wangyao: "As the Damu royal family, I apologize to Marquis Wu'an. Marquis Wu'an is a guest from afar. , and represents Daqi, and is a figure whom I have always admired! No matter what the reason is, you should not be allowed to take risks in Muguo and the supreme royal court! This shames the palace. What happened today, Gu I will give you an explanation!"

What she said was to give an explanation, but in fact she wanted to explain.

Help Jiang Wang to ask Yan Dao powerhouse Tu Hu for an explanation.

Tu Hudang immediately said: "I think I can explain this clearly."

He doesn't have the arrogance of "becoming a Taoist and transcending the world", and he can even be said to be very gentle.

At this time, with a bitter smile on his face, he said with a frank attitude: "The history of the struggle between the human and demon races has continued from ancient times to the present. As the leader of the demon clan on the side of the life and death line, the Phantom Demon Lord His spying has never stopped. Today is a good opportunity for him, and I believe he has prepared for this day for a long time. It is impossible for him to come to the royal court in person, so he needs a bridge, and you, Marquis Wu'an, are his Choose one."

"In today's matter, I didn't choose you, but Huanmojun chose you. If I want to answer your question, 'Why you?' I think from Huanmen's point of view, I can find many reasons. For example, your strength is not enough. Vulgar, with enough bearing capacity, can make his magic head take shape quickly. For example, he met you in the frontier not long ago, and he just had the opportunity to plant a trick. For example, your extraordinary status prevents you from being hurt by the most Thorough inspection, so as to be able to conceal his movements as much as possible."

"As for me. Before the Huanmo Lord made a move, I didn't know how he would choose to cut into today's game. Of course, I don't deny that after I met you in the frontier that day, I had some guesses, but I didn't I found a definite clue. Moreover, my confrontation with Lord Huanmo at that time was originally to lure him into the game, and the situation was also very dangerous at that time, so I didn't have time to investigate carefully, so I could only let you leave first."

"Later, in the Hall of Guangwen Yexiewu, when I was sitting in the Minhe Temple, after I learned that you met another me in the border wasteland, I deliberately chatted with you for a long time. The two me at that time were not the same, I, who sits in the Minhe Temple, have actually been observing you, trying to find traces of Huanmojun. Both 'I's' were alert to Huanmojun's methods, but unfortunately, neither of the two 'I's You have found traces on your body. As a demon king who became enlightened with the "Finger Birth and Destroy Illusory Demon Technique", his methods have always been unpredictable and secretive."

After Jiang Wang listened to this quietly, he said: "The Huanmo Lord's methods are indeed unpredictable, and Mr. Tu came here in time today."

Tu Hulue pondered for a while, and then said: "You must still have an impression of the female demon that you saw just now? When you were in the frontier, you had already met and fought with her. She is a woman from the Wanyan family Wanyan Qingping was also a well-known Arrogant God back then. At the same time, she has already been controlled by a foreign force. As for which force is controlled by it, I will not say..."

"After I informed the Patriarch of the Wanyan family, I prepared a means for her. I also arranged for her to die in the frontier, and was captured by the Phantom Demon Lord, becoming a demon. This is also an important reason why I can appear in time today."

The demon is almost a symbolic representation of the Huanmo Lord, but Tu Hu was able to start with this and successfully deploy methods. The difficulties and painstaking efforts involved cannot be described in a few words.

But Tu Hu used Wanyan Qingping as a lead, followed the clues and caught a series of big fish. After using up all the value of her life, she sent Wanyan Qingping to the frontier to design the Huanmojun and use her value of death...he didn't have to explain everything clearly.

Now he just wants to explain to Jiang Wang why he came so timely.

Jiang Wang didn't just have an impression of Wanyan Qingping? Wanyan Qingping was the mob that brought him the greatest pressure in the encounter at the 2,600-mile frontier. At that time, he was already prepared to fight desperately, and he planned to kill this woman first.

He was amazed at Tu Hu's ability and means.

But these were not enough to convince him.

"Your country's protection of the wolf arena is also timely." Jiang Wang said.

Naturally, he was referring to the three strong men who blocked the Wolf Arena for the first time and hadn't really shown up until now.

If it was said that Tu Hu hadn't prepared in advance and didn't know when Huan Mojun would launch it, he wouldn't believe it.

You came in such a timely manner, and the arrangement was so targeted. In the end, you said that you don't know anything, it's all a coincidence. Who can believe this?

If we say that in the Minhe Temple the day before yesterday, Jiang Wang's attitude towards Tu Hu was restrained and cautious amidst gratitude. So after today's incident, his attitude was obviously closed.

Tu Hu, who is in harmony with man and god, naturally has a deep feeling for this.

He sighed softly, and suddenly the voice came to Jiang Wang's heart: "I know it is difficult to dispel Marquis Wu'an's doubts today, and I can understand that it is the same for anyone. So I want to tell you a secret... about My secret supernatural power, it will certainly be able to dispel your doubts. But this matter comes out of my mouth and into your ears, and it must not be spread. Are you willing to listen?"

Subconsciously, Jiang Wang was about to nod his head in agreement, but his thoughts suddenly went into a trance, and the black and white magic seed in Wufuhai seemed to be beating vaguely.

Looking closely, there was no movement.

But he had a vague feeling... Maybe this was a wrong choice.

Jiang Wang, Jiang Wang, how can you listen to the secret magical powers of a True Monarch Yan Dao?

What qualifications do you have to listen, and what ability do you have to keep such a secret?

He immediately cut off his thoughts, and said: "I heard that the ancient gentleman always told people everything. Jiang is not a person who likes to get to the bottom of things. He just encountered a calamity and needed a reasonable explanation. If Mr. Tu If you think you can’t explain clearly, or I don’t deserve an explanation, you can say nothing. If Mr. Tu thinks you can explain clearly, you might as well explain it openly and honestly at once, and it’s not good for me to listen alone. To make a move, the danger not only involves me, but also to Brother Dou, and even everyone who watched the battle, it is also a disaster for no reason."

"Why, Mr. Tu has something to say, is it not convenient for me to listen in? But someone Dou really wants to hear an explanation." Dou Zhao said: "You are hunting demons. It is a serious business. The demon hunt is so good that the demon king is put in you It is also your freedom to come in the royal court. However, regardless of the safety of envoys from other countries, on behalf of Chu State, I am puzzled by this. I don’t know what kind of behavior this is?"

There is a word called "righteousness and confidence", because Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao, who occupy the truth and are on the scene, can ask Tu Huzhui for an explanation with a serious attitude.

Of course, the premise of being confident is to have a reasonable environment.

Qi Chu behind Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao is the reason why they can speak loudly.

At this moment, the attitudes of Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao already had a sense of persecution. In particular, Jiang Wang exposed Tu Hu's secret voice transmission, which undoubtedly put him in an embarrassing situation.

But Tu Hu didn't feel annoyed, he just said calmly: "Then I'll explain in detail."

"It's been a hundred years since I used Yan Qingping to set up this game. During this nearly a hundred years, I have gone deep into the wilderness to hunt demons many times, attracting the attention of the Huanmo Lord and exerting influence on him. The me who is truly cultivated, Under Huanmo Lord’s watchful eyes, it’s often a near-death situation. It’s even more difficult to do something. You can only subtly influence it, begging for a drop of water to wear it through. It’s a game in a hundred years, and today is officially closed.”

"Today's round, the most ideal result was to drag Lord Huanmen from the Tomb of Myriad Realms to kill him on the spot, but he failed. He finally broke free, and I only achieved the second-best goal."

He stretched out his palm so that Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao could clearly see the colorful and constantly changing human face in his palm: "This is the mask of Huan Mo Jun. As far as I know, Huan Mo Jun only has nine masks in total, which are his cultivation base. Fundamental. If this one is removed, without a hundred years of hard work, he can’t get it back.”

He looked at Jiang Wang, and said slowly: "Marquis Wu An must also know what this means. So I really admire Yu Beidou. He has achieved similar things with Dongzhen cultivation base."

"Of course, when I say this, I don't want you to approve of adventure and sacrifice. You are guests from afar, and you should only be respected and respected, and you have no obligation to contribute to my layout. The two take a step back and say that they are the pillars of the country, There are so many talents in the world, and furthermore, it can be regarded as the future of the human race. I believe that if you can tell you this situation in advance, you will agree to take risks, but telling you after the fact is deceit. And using deception to promote the development of the situation, regardless of the initial No matter what the goal is, what the end result is, it must not be a friendly act for the parties involved.”

"So the first thing I want to say is - I didn't lie to you. It was not my design to involve Marquis Wu'an. No matter how grand the reason is, the Mu Kingdom will never use envoys from friendly countries as bait .Especially today, in this High Court."

"Marquis Wu'an, you might as well think about it. Has anyone influenced your decision to go to the frontier? Have you been guided by the route you chose, the time you chose? Illusory Demon Lord was setting up a situation against me at that time, and his Action, is it something that I in Dongzhen Realm can stop?"

"I did use a special method and spent nearly a hundred years to mislead Huanmo Lord, making him regard today as the right time. But I am not sure where he will start. So I made preparations for today's time point, rather than a specific person or a certain location. The reason why the blockade can come in such a timely manner is because at this point in time today, several adults have been on standby in the royal court."

He didn't say what method he used, and how he misled Huanmojun, but Jiang Wang thought that it must have something to do with Huanmojun's angry shout of "Hunaba".

Hunaba is the wolf god who protects the Dharma, and the word "Dharma protector" is of great significance.

Under what circumstances is it possible for the Dharma Guardian Wolf God to have a problem and be seen as an opportunity by the Huanmo Lord?

Jiang Wang restrained himself and didn't think deeply.

Tu Hu took a deep look at Jiang Wang, and said: "You can know the means of the Huanmojun after thinking about it, and it is absolutely impossible to be easily discovered. I spent a hundred years setting up this game, but the Huanmenjun is on the line of life and death for more than a hundred years. .A man counts as a tiger, and a tiger counts as a man. Before the finale, who can decide the outcome?

We don't know how many methods he has hidden in the grassland and how many bridges he has built, but Marquis Wu'an is by no means the only one he designed. In the recent period of time alone, his pursuit of me in the frontier has affected many people, but among those people, there are not many who can survive.

Until today, I wasn't entirely sure he'd be in the game, let alone how he'd be in it. I did suspect that he might use Marquis Wu'an to do something, but I couldn't check it with great fanfare. Firstly, he will definitely be scared off, and secondly, Marquis Wu'an may not agree. "

This is true.

If Tu Hu had suddenly said that Jiang Wang might be influenced by Huanmojun and asked him to let go of his body and mind to undergo the examination, he would definitely not agree.

As an envoy of the Qi State, how could he be completely defenseless against the True King of another country?

Tu Hu continued: "Today's Supreme Royal Court, the grand formation has been opened, and besides me, there are four Yan Dao powerhouses on standby! In any corner of the royal court, there is a Dao Yan powerhouse who can be the first!" The time has come. This is what we have prepared for today.

Therefore, in today's royal court, no matter what happens, the safety of Marquis Wu'an can be guaranteed. This is also the reason why I didn't check Wu'anhou further. "

"Besides, the Huanmo Lord used Marquis Wu'an as his beacon, and with the demonic energy as his guide, he came to this wolf arena. I followed the Huanmo Lord with the demon as my beacon, so I was able to arrive in time."

Tu Hu explained all aspects of considerations, and the whole logic went down, and he was indeed able to explain clearly.

With his status as the True Lord of Yan Dao, today he stripped off the mask of the Demon Lord and completed this event that was destined to shake the world. To be able to explain so seriously is already considered an excellent attitude.

And he said again: "But if you say one thousand, you can say ten thousand. The two envoys on a mission, came to the grassland from afar, and they are distinguished guests. They were supposed to enjoy the scenery of the grassland peacefully, but they were disturbed by this unexpectedly. Poor hospitality."

He rested his chest with one hand and bowed his head sincerely: "Please allow me to apologize to the two ambassadors on behalf of Mu Guo in the name of Min He Temple."

Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao turned sideways immediately, refusing to accept the gift.

How could it be possible for two monks to receive the gift of Yan Dao Zhenjun carelessly? As arrogant as Dou Zhao, even he can't do this.

Tu Hu turned his head to look at Helian Yunyun again: "Does Your Highness have a record of this duel just now?"

Helian Yunyun nodded slightly.

"Please give me a copy later." Tu Hu said, then turned to Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao and said: "We grassland people don't like empty words, since we apologize, we can't just talk empty words. It's just compensation for the two of you. I still need to study it before giving it, so that it is appropriate. Of course, the two Tianjiao have everything, but the etiquette of the prairie people is here, so please don't refuse."

Jiang Wang didn't speak.

Neither did Dou Zhao.

Tu Hu's attitude was so sincere, he took care of everything. Even though they still had some doubts in their hearts, they couldn't say anything more.

The person in front of him is, after all, the True Monarch of Yan Dao, an existence standing on the top of the extraordinary. An ordinary person would not even have the courage to speak in front of him.

Tu Hu shifted his gaze again, and looked seriously at the auditorium: "Miss Huang, Mr. Zhongli, Mrs. Yuhua, the three are also my distinguished guests. They came to the arena to watch the battle for entertainment, but they were frightened for no reason. I also I have prepared some thoughts, and I will send someone to offer them later, please forgive me."

Yuhua clasped her hands together and said: "The poor nun has never had any doubts about safety in the royal court. I just saw that demon Xuanhe just now, and I just watched it as a beast...Master Tu has a heart."

Zhong Liyan remained motionless, pretending that he hadn't been called by his name just now.

How could he, who didn't even bother to watch the battle of Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao, be affected by the devil at the scene of the duel between the two? Must be a misunderstanding! It is also reasonable for Tu Hu to call the wrong name when he was in a trance when he was in a trance during the battle with the Huanmojun.

Huang Sheli blinked and said nothing. She will not be polite to the benefits she deserves, but at the same time, she is rich, and she doesn't care much about the so-called intentions.

She has her own focus.

She found that Jiang Wang, who was almost crushed by Huan Mojun, had a different sense of beauty than usual.

Those weak but strong eyes, the spine and waist that are still straight with slack blood, and the hand that is not very strong but still holds the sword tightly...

Searching through the Buddhist scriptures, there is only one word to describe it, "I feel pity"!

She looked at Dou Zhao openly again, and couldn't help curling her lips. You were almost crushed to death by the Huanmojun just now, what's the matter with such a fighting expression? Those who didn't know thought that Huanmojun was the one who got down on the ground... The style is too simple!

So I went back to see Jiang Wang again.

He Lian Yunyun stood still on the stand for a while, and after Tu Hu explained clearly, Jiang Wang seemed to agree, and then bowed lightly: "Congratulations, Mr. Tu Hu. You can peel off the mask of the Phantom Demon Lord and make him It is a serious injury to the root. It has made great contributions to the country, and has made great contributions to the human race. This time, it is even more legitimate to inherit the position of the High Priest of the Divine Crown Evangelism."

Jiang Wang was stunned.

Dou Zhao was stunned.

Huang Sheli was also stunned.

Speaking of which, the succession ceremony is about to begin, but Mu Guo still hasn't revealed the information about who the successor high priest is.

There are many guesses from various parties, and they have almost guessed all the golden-crowned high priests on the top of Qionglu Mountain, and even thought of many legendary figures who lived in seclusion. Unexpectedly, none of them guessed right.

I didn't expect that person to be Tu Hu!

Tu Hu's century-old game against Huan Mojun finally made up for the last link.

Why did he choose to close the net today?

Because he was about to take over the position of High Priest of the Holy Crown Evangelist, his cultivation could no longer be hidden. Not only does he not hide, but he also wants to be prominent and obvious.

Today, the unity of man and god is crowned with the mask of the Phantom Demon Lord. What kind of skill is this?

What's more, from Tu Hu's experience, and the time when he laid out and closed the net...

In the sudden change in the situation of the battle of animal husbandry in the previous scene, it seems that some clues can be glimpsed faintly!

One of the chapters was added to the Dameng Yan Shaofei (72/78.)

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