Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1664 Crowning the Wolf Eagle

There is a notorious but very important organization on the grassland called the Joint Elders.

The most virtuous and respected people of each tribe participated in it, forming a group of elders to assist the government.

This is similar to Jing Guo but different.

Relatively speaking, the joint elders group is the sharer of the monarchy. In the earliest time, it stood side by side with Emperor Mu under the divine authority. Over time, authority slowly decays.

The current function is more similar to the Qi State Political Affairs Hall, but it only has the power of the imperial court, and the specific power depends on the strength of the tribe it represents.

But to say that the co-elders are a complete decoration is not enough.

The security organization [Cangyu] of Muguo, officially named [Cangyu Patrol Office], is under the control of the Joint Elders Group. Therefore, on this grassland, the joint elders still have an unquestionable position.

And the old man who talked to Tu Hu just now is the chief elder of the joint elders group.

To be able to comment on the giants of the Momen with Tu Hu at will, is naturally the real king of the world.

whose name is—

Borjijin Oakley!



"Look, I still have a flying tooth card here."

Holding the round dominoes in his hand, Jiang Wang was joking with Yu Wenduo.

At the beginning, he traveled through the grassland and rescued some herdsmen under the white hair wind. Fei Ya, who belongs to the Cangyu Patrol Office, just came to rescue him. Seeing that he had finished the rescue work, he gave him a Fei Ya token and told him to go to the royal court to receive the reward.

Just now, the two happened to be talking about Fei Ya, about Yu Wenduo's days of training in Cang Yu. Speaking of which, he has also investigated the case, and he is half a colleague with the well-known Jiang Butou.

Yu Wenduo also laughed, laughed for a while, and said with some bumps: "Actually, today's matter..."

"If you want to solve the case, I know a friend who is very good." Jiang Wang said in a relaxed tone: "After she was a famous arrester, her family passed down her skills, and she was born to be strong, smart and clever. It's really hard to hide. See, what case told her to take a look at it, and she would definitely be able to find clues!"

Yu Wenduo accompanied him and said: "Dragon does not live with snakes, your friend of the Marquis of Wu'an, how can you be so bad? With such a miraculous method of solving cases, the next inspector general will not be able to escape."

The most important thing for the inspection captain is not the ability to solve cases. But there is no need to say this to Yu Wenduo.

Jiang Wang just smiled: "She is not suitable for being in the officialdom. Now she is going to the Sanxing Palace to practice, and she will have a bright future in the future!"

"The official way is not the only way. The Sanxing Palace is a good place, the Holy Land of the Legalists. When I was Fei Ya, I really wanted to study!"

Yu Wenduo is indeed not a person who can chat, and he answered the words too bluntly.

But his desire to get rid of his grudges is still very obvious.

"Okay, okay, you don't need to talk with me here anymore, let's go visit your God's Grace Temple." Jiang Wang said with a smile: "I will practice later."

"Brother, look at what you said, am I the kind of person who doesn't know how to control oneself?" Yu Wenduo paused, and then said: "Actually, His Royal Highness Yun was busy with things today, so he didn't plan to go to Qingyatai. Let me record your duel process with a photo stone, so that she can watch it with Rucheng later. But she heard that you met Mr. Tu Hu in Bianhuang, so she decided to come here in person... and brought the Xiyue Temple Teacher."

"Speaking of the teacher of Xiyue Temple..." Jiang Wang asked, "Who is this person here today?"

"It's Mrs. Yuhua." Out of some compensatory psychology, Yu Wenduo added a secret message rather mysteriously: "I heard that she is very likely to be the head of the next Miaoyou Zhaitang."


That complicated night seemed to float before my eyes again.

Yuhua is still fighting for the first seat, and hasn't taken it yet?

Generally speaking, if you have been fighting for so long, you should have been able to sit on it long ago. It has not been successful yet, and it is still working hard, and it is almost certain to fail.

This Mrs. Yuhua didn't know if she really didn't see clearly, or if she was deceiving herself.

Jiang Wang thought again. The position of the first seat of Miaoyou Zhaitang will be suspended for so long, obviously it is not prepared for Yuhua...

Who will it be waiting for?

He calmly said: "Speaking of which, how could Your Highness Yun befriend the teacher at Xiyue Temple? I remember that at the meeting of the Yellow River, she also brought a teacher to watch the battle. The grassland bathed in divine light , will there still be space for Bodhisattvas and Buddhas?"

Regarding the Cangtu God Sect, Jiang Wang had a very impressive detail.

Back then, on the way to Guanhetai, even when crossing a stone bridge, the shepherds had to cover up the relief sculptures of suanni to show that the incense of the shepherds was never indistinguishable.

If it is said that He Lian Yunyun has personal relationships with some of the masters, it is all right, now the masters of Xiyue Temple came to the Supreme Royal Court at this critical time, and it was clear that they came for the succession ceremony of the crown priest. Couldn't the Cangtu God Sect have any objections?

Yu Wenduo was silent for a moment, and finally showed his greatest sincerity today, and said: "The greatness of Cangtu God is like the boundless sky. The world illuminated by Cangtu God's divine light contains the existence of everything. Of course, it also includes Xiyue. Um."

Jiang Wang was stunned by the information in this sentence and was speechless for a while.

Only then did he vaguely remember that after coming to the grassland this time, the grassland people seem to be more inclined to "supreme god" for God Cangtu.

"Supreme God" is of course a very high standard of respect, but before the grassland people, they were more inclined to promote "the only true god".

Whereas the Supreme God looks down but acknowledges other great beings, the One True God rejects all. There is a fundamental shift between the two.

He didn't notice such an obvious message until now!

If it was Chong Xuansheng, I am afraid that the first ear will be able to realize the problem. He was too focused on his practice, so he was a little less sensitive to the current situation.

He wanted to ask more, but he knew it was not appropriate. Yu Wenduo was able to say this in advance, which was already very sincere, and he wanted to maintain the relationship between Jiang Wang and Helian Yunyun. his request.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Wang said: "The scenery of the grassland is pleasant. If the restrictions are relaxed, it would be great. I'm just worried that there will be mixed fish and dragons rushing in. I don't know how many monsters and ghosts will disturb the scenery."

Yu Wenduo said: "Whether the big waves wash the sand, you will eventually find gold. Besides, the grassland is huge, and eagles, horses, cattle and sheep all have their own homes."

Jiang Wang was thoughtful: "It seems that the grassland will be lively soon. If Brother Yuwen has time in the future, how about helping me pay attention to a force called Wushengjiao?"

Zhang Linchuan's lifeless religion develops at a very evil speed. In a very short period of time, it has developed in Yong, Cheng, Jiao and other places. Jiang Wang had solved a Wusheng Cult station in Chengguo before, but he couldn't find out the truth. He just listened to the "Wusheng Jing" and felt very afraid.

If the grasslands were deregulated, he thought Wushengjiao might not miss this opportunity.

"Of course it's no problem!" Yu Wenduo slapped his chest loudly.

I am not afraid that Jiang Wang will trouble myself, but I am afraid that he will not trouble myself.

After patting his chest, he asked again: "Brother Jiang and this Wushengjiao, is there an old relationship or a grudge?"

At least on the three-acre land of the grassland, he is very confident: "If there is an old one, I will take care of it, and if there is a grudge, I will also take care of it!"

"Don't take care of it, just help me find out the truth." Jiang Wang said casually.

In fact, he didn't hold out much hope. The Wusheng Sect might not come to the grassland to develop. What's more, he wanted to find an excuse to bother Yu Wenduo to show that he had no grudges.

When Jiang Wang said this, Yu Wenduo naturally understood that he and that Wushengjiao were not old and harmonious friends.

Immediately stated: "It's fine if you can't come here, if you enter the grassland, I will teach you to know the color of their underwear!"

"Hahaha thank you!" Jiang Wang laughed and pushed him out of the courtyard gate, continuing his practice for the day.



The Qingtian Shentu flag representing the Great Shepherd Empire flutters in the high sky, surrounded by divine light, and has the majesty of a great country.

It was cloudless and the sky was just right.

This is June 27, 3921 in the Dao calendar, that is, June 28, 5372 in the divine calendar. The succession ceremony for the high priest of the Holy Crown Evangelist was officially held at the Shenguang Altar.

The divine calendar is naturally the calendar of the Mu Kingdom, which is also the only country in the world whose calendar age exceeds the Xinqidao calendar.

Of course it doesn't mean that Mu Country really has a longer history than Jing Country.

Five thousand three hundred and seventy-two years ago was the day when the legendary God Cangtu became enlightened, and that year was counted as the first year of the divine calendar. In other words, God Cangtu became enlightened in ancient times. Of course, the shepherds generally believe in it, but it is not widely recognized internationally.

It is said that the Cangtu Divine Sect was the first to formulate the divine calendar, and wanted to push it back hundreds of thousands of years, starting from the medieval era when the legendary Cangtu God was born, but later gave up because it was too outrageous.

Jingguo once publicly stated that Cang Tu God only picked up the nourishment from the end of the age of mythology to become enlightened. It is called "fortuitous luck, crowned by a wolf eagle", and it is emphasized that Cang Tu's enlightenment time is after the new Dao calendar... The two countries have argued about this many times.

Both parties have some evidence, which belongs to the public saying that the public is right and the woman is saying that the woman is right.

Jiang Wang said - I believe in Sima Heng.

"Historical Knife Chasing the Sea" records clearly that the founding of Muguo actually took place in 2754 in the divine calendar. The entire Muguo has a history of 2,600 years.

This is a place recognized by both Jingmu and Mu.

As for the history related to Cangtu God, Sima Heng kept secret.

"Mu Lue" has six volumes, starting from the founding of the People's Republic of China and ending before the Empress. It does not trace the gods, nor criticize politics and religion, but only tells the evolution process of the empire on the grassland, which implements Sima Heng's principles of writing history.

The Divine Light Altar is the largest and most powerful altar in the Supreme Royal Court. In the entire grassland, it is second only to the one on the top of Qionglu Mountain.

The huge square under the altar can accommodate 100,000 worshipers at the same time. Entertaining envoys from various countries is a matter of course.

Jiang Wang, as the envoy of Daqi, of course sat closest to the altar, and was the core of the core.

Qi, Chu, Qin, Jing, and Jing are side by side.

Jiang Wang, Dou Zhao, Huang Budong, Murong Longqi, and Chen Suan, the five envoys sat under the national flags of their respective countries. The guards behind them are all elite soldiers who accompanied them on missions. The Tianfu Army, Shencriminal Army, Suppressing Liao Army, Chimawei Army, and Dou'E Army are all powerful troops in the world.

The number of teams on all sides is not small.

Envoys from other countries, such as Qu Guo, Zheng Guo, etc., have to rely on the outside.

At this time, Yu Wenduo was among the envoys of the Qi State, and stood next to Jiang Wang mysteriously: "Let me tell you, the underpants of that lifeless mother are..."

"Get down to business!" Jiang Wang stopped him: "Discussing at the succession ceremony of the crown priest... Bah, why are you discussing other people's underwear!"

Yu Wenduo shook his head, seemingly innocent: "Didn't you say you wanted to know last time?"

Besides, Jiang Wang mentioned the Wushengjiao organization to him before, and he went back and checked it carefully.

Don't check it, just let it go and check it, and I really found traces of Wushengjiao entering the grassland!

It is said that in the current grassland, the Cangtu God Sect is extremely exclusive. It is absolutely impossible for such small religions as Wushengjiao to compete for their beliefs.

But the preachers of Wusheng Sect are very witty, they preach that their ancestor of Wusheng Sect is the subordinate god of Cangtu God, and he served the gods around before Cangtu God became enlightened.

In short, a lot of legends and stories were made up, supplemented by some songs and sung, the core is to express-the Cangtu God is supreme, and there are billions of people who believe in it, and he can't take care of it. It is the same for believers to pray to Cangtu God's subordinate god. Wusheng Jiaozu's divine skills were all handed down by Cangtu God himself, although not as powerful as Cangtu God, it is still not a problem to resolve some minor disasters and catastrophes.

Throughout the history, no sect, no matter how big or small, can do without the gods they believe in. Don't you see that the He Kingdom is a small country, and it has almost no influence in the world. But that original god is known as "the son of Qingtian, the first god in the world", and his style is much higher than that of the god Cangtu who claimed to be enlightened in modern times.

Who doesn't brag about their own gods when they preach this kind of thing?

Which god is not omnipotent and omniscient?

However, the Wusheng Sect has found another way to carry out parasitic preaching, first dwarfing the leader of the trinity of God, Taoist, and religious leader into a servant of Cangtu God, and then stealing Cangtu God's belief.

Because the majority of faith still falls on Cangtu God, it would be really difficult to find out the clues if it wasn't for Yuwenduo's careful research with the support of Helian Yunyun and the specific characteristics provided by Jiang Wang.

In the past, this small sect dared to lie to the sky like this. Once discovered, the Cangtu Divine Sect would dispatch a few golden-crowned priests to wipe out all the gods the other party believed in.

But in this period of time... Mu Guo actually doesn't mind.

It was Jiang Wang who mentioned it, and Yu Wenduo did it specifically.

Stealing beliefs under the eyes of God Cangtu, Wusheng Cult is also cautious and develops very slowly. But Yu Wenduo understands very well that with such cunning and old-fashioned preaching methods as the Wushengjiao, by the end of today, it may usher in a period of rapid development on the grassland.

He figured out the opponent's background in a very short time, so he came to Jiang Wang to offer a treasure at this time.

Jiang Wang glanced at him sideways: "Now that I'm talking about this, I'll remind you. What kind of god's grace temple, what kind of underpants, you can just joke with me on weekdays, I am a person who is used to storms. You are old enough You are still young, don't do the same in front of him, teach him badly."

Yu Wenduo had strange eyes.

Rucheng knows a lot more than you, okay? Third brother, you are really old-fashioned.

"Did you hear that?" Jiang Wang increased the deterrence in his eyes.

Yu Wenduo curled his lips, and was about to deal with it, when he suddenly stared straight ahead, looking forward—that was the position above the altar where the four golden-crowned priests were sitting.

Jiang Wang followed subconsciously and was also stunned.

There was a sound in the ear at the right time——

"I invite the Winter Emperor to sit down!"

Snow Country's newest True Monarch, Yan Dao powerhouse named Winter Emperor, finally showed his face at this time!

Thanks to the lord Evanschen for accumulating silver, it is the 18th silver alliance for Chixin!

(This is Chen Meng's trumpet)

(I still owe 2 to 3, the advantage lies with me.)

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