Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1665 Coronation

Today's succession ceremony is naturally crowded.

At this moment, there are not a few people who look straight like Yu Wenduo.

Especially Huang Sheli's expression stands out the most.

First of all, of course it is because of the beauty of the Winter Emperor, but it is not just because of beauty.

She appeared on the altar with a white robe and frosty face, like a snowflake falling in this scorching summer season.

So she is easy to melt, easy to digest, the world will lose her at any time.

She has a face that is too beautiful and too cold, and she is the kind of beauty with a very broken feeling. It is like a piece of ice porcelain that is beautiful on the outside but full of cracks on the inside, it will shatter in the warm sunshine with just a light tap.

This cold-skinned and thin-browed beauty walked silently among the four golden-crowned priests, walked up to the altar, and sat down slowly opposite the chief elder Borjijin Okre.

Today's grand ceremony, she came to witness.

And who participated in the 3919 Yellow River Meeting, who can forget this face?

Even Jiang Wang forgot to warn Yu Wenduo for a while, and stared at the altar in a daze.

Because the person in front of me...

Obviously thank you!

The Xie Ai in the inner mansion in the past, and the Xie Ai who stopped in front of Zhao Rucheng, how could it be the strong man of Yan Dao today, the true emperor Donghuang?

This is unbelievable and unrealistic.

The best young geniuses from all over the world gathered in Guanhetai. Jiang Wang was the one who successfully won the first prize among the players in that year's Yellow River Tournament, and he was also recognized as the most talented and fastest-improving player in the world.

To this day, he is the best in the group of inner court talents, and even surpassed most of the outer court players at that time, and can compete head-on with the two strongest players.

The pride of the nations, who can be like Jiang Wang?

In the eyes of many people, the growth rate of Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi is already unbelievable.

How could anyone grow faster than Jiang Wang in that session of the Yellow River Meeting?

Especially this person is not Tianfu Qin Zhizhen, nor Jue Dian Huang Sheli, but Xie Ai.

In particular, she is not just a little bit more than Jiang Wang.

She ascended to the sky in one step, and achieved an extraordinary peak!

How can this be?

Although there are also legends about sages who ascended to the sky in one step, they are unproven legends after all. Moreover, the sage in the legend is also a peerless figure who has learned hundreds of schools and understands the truth of the world. He is not a young man who is just fledgling.

Xie Ai can even be said to be not dazzling enough at the Yellow River Gathering, where the geniuses gather.

The only place that can be ranked in the forefront is her face that elaborates on the beauty of mourning. did she become the Winter Emperor?

People have different complex moods.

And Xie Ai's gaze fell lightly, and he didn't look at anyone.

There was no earth-shattering vision, but all the people who were confused by that mournful beauty suddenly became sober.

Jiang Wang also subconsciously withdrew his gaze.

Yu Wenduo almost buried his head, not daring to look any more.

"What's going on here?" Jiang Wang forgot about Wushengjiao for a while, and asked Yu Wenduo through sound transmission, what happened to Xie Ai.

"How would I know? Master Tu Hu personally greeted her when she came to the grassland. This is also the first time I have seen the true face of the Winter Emperor." Yu Wenduo tremblingly sent back via voice transmission: "Why don't you... I will ask Yun later. Your Highness?"

Jiang Wang frowned and said, "Why are you trembling?"

"I don't know either. Hiss... I just feel so cold all of a sudden." Yu Wenduo panicked.

Thinking about where this guy usually spends his time, Jiang Wang probably understood something.

He can even capture the weight of the line of sight. Wouldn't the distracting thoughts attached to the line of sight be captured by the strong Dao Yan?

This kid Yu Wenduo is really a coward, he dares to have any thoughts.

Jiang Wang patted him on the shoulder and gave a helpless sigh. Then he looked around to see who could give him the answer.

There were so many people who participated in the last Yellow River Meeting, don't they know what happened to Xie Ai?

He first looked at Dou Zhao, but Dou Zhao was closing his eyes, and he didn't know whether he was resting or practicing.

Zhong Liyan, on the other hand, kept moving his mouth, looking agitated, as if he was cursing.

This guy is too tough.

Jiang Wang had only this thought in his mind.

Looking away again, Huang Sheli just happened to look over with a smile on his face, as if he was specially welcoming him.

Jiang Wang gave him a questioning look.

Huang Sheli moved his lips and said silently - reincarnation.

Jiang Wang fully believed that Huang Sheli had no reason to tease him at this time.

But there is even more doubt in my heart!

There are many theoretical bases for reincarnation, and practitioners have provided countless ideas...but they are not realistic.

If it is said that before the coming of the gods, Jiang Wang might still have some faith in the theory of who is the reincarnation of the powerful in history, but after supplementing the relevant knowledge of Yuan Hai, he no longer agrees with this possibility at all.

The process of practice, the truth of practice, and the truth of the world are all clearly reflected there.

He who sees has seen.

Everything that has passed away will eventually be shattered into the most basic "one" in Yuanhai. After the ultimate death, where is the personality, where is the spirit, where is the mind, where is the memory, and where is the "I"?

What about reincarnation?

From ancient times to the present, there are only legends about successful reincarnation and reconstruction, but no historical records. Under extremely harsh circumstances, occasionally there will be some special cases similar to reincarnation found in records, which can be counted tentatively. But there has never been one who reincarnated into a true king!

Among those cases similar to reincarnation, none of them can be recognized by this world and achieve God's presence.

If Huang Sheli's answer is true.

If Xie Ai is indeed a reincarnated true monarch, this may be more breakthrough than her cultivation from the Inner Mansion Realm to the Dao Evolution Realm in just three years!

The latter is also a very scary thing, but after all, it is a practical path from Neifu to Yandao, but the time is not realistic.

And the former...

The most basic "one" is an existence that is countless times smaller than a dust particle. How can it be reincarnated as another self?


Jiang Wang couldn't help but think that if Zhuang Chengqian managed to occupy his fate in the ancient magic cave at the bottom of the Qingjiang River and got this body that has become more and more similar to him under his subtle influence, then the external performance would also be very similar. The reincarnation that exists in the imagination.

Zhuang Chengqian was obsessed with obsession all his life, broke through the impossible, reincarnated in the country he built with his own hands, realized the memory of his previous life, and became a real person in this world... Such a story may also be cited as a legend.

But in essence, Zhuang Chengqian never passed through the Netherworld, never fell into the source pool, and never really faced the ultimate death. He is a lonely soul hiding in a dark candle, stealing away for a long time, even if he succeeds that time, it should be "grabbing the house".

Because of the "confuse in the womb, congenital ignorance", seizing the house is a matter of narrow escape, but after all, someone has succeeded, and Zhuang Chengqian almost succeeded at the beginning, so it is not completely impossible.

But Huang Sheli, or the person who told Huang Sheli the news, can't tell what is seizing the house and what is reincarnation?

After Donghuang became enlightened, he came to the door to discuss the aisle with Zhong Jing, the governor of Jing Guo Longwu.

Two points can be derived from this matter: First, the Winter Emperor's state is not shady, and he is not afraid of fighting with others at all. Second, the State of Jing has had a say in the status of the Winter Emperor since then.

With Huang Sheli's identity and background, it is not surprising that he can know some inside information.

Just Xie Ai What's the difference? How could he be able to successfully reincarnate and accomplish this kind of thing that no one has ever done in history?

Who was a big shot in her previous life?

Jiang Wang is really curious now, what happened during the time when Snow Country was locked down.

It's a pity that he is destined not to get an answer in a short time.

Looking around, Dou Zhao was more impatient, probably because Tian Xiao was about to be unable to hold back, and Zhong Liyan, who was chattering, really owed a lot.

Murong Long had his usual cold expression.

Huang Budong was also sleepy as usual.

Chen Suan didn't know if he didn't know Xie Ai, or if he already knew about it, and he was very calm at the moment.

Jiang Wang found that he seemed to be the most ignorant, with a kind of loneliness that the whole world wakes up and I am alone. Therefore, he silently adjusted his sitting posture and gave everyone a calm expression.

Everyone understands this matter, and if I don’t understand it, it’s not convenient for me to say it. In short, it’s tacitly understood, that’s the situation... roughly like this.

Xie Ai appeared today in her true colors at the succession ceremony of the High Priest of the Crown Evangelist, so she naturally understood what kind of waves would be caused in the world, and she was of course prepared for it.

As for Snow Country, the only country that sent True Lord Yan Dao to the grassland to observe the ceremony, the unusual meaning of this is enough for many people to ponder.

Courtesy is prestige, courtesy is courteous.

The succession ceremony of the High Priest of the Crown Evangelist proceeded step by step in the cumbersome rituals.

The sacred music resounds under the sky.

The matouqin is melodious, and the sound of the xun is ancient and mysterious.

Two teams of priests of the same height and shape, with straight faces and dressed in white robes, came in unison, holding various magical instruments such as streamers, flags, bells, and horns, and sang sacrificial songs in the divine language of Cangtu, which made the atmosphere of the whole ceremony change. Be more solemn.

The obscure and difficult language seems to have some kind of great power.

It makes the sky more open and the sun brighter. Everyone seems to be bathed in a splendid world and forget their worries for a while.

At this moment, a white bull with a height of tens of feet came slowly.

The ground should have been shaken, but it stepped on the ground silently. The posture is light and graceful, like a dance.

There is a gorgeous blanket on the back of the ox, and the composition is probably an indescribable shrine. Today's protagonist, Tu Hu, is wearing a golden crown and sacrificial robes, sitting cross-legged on a blanket. Like a general sitting on his tower.

Everyone was staring at him, and at this moment his face seemed to be hidden in a divine light. His body seemed to be unified with Shenhui.

The great divine power that covers the entire Shenguang Altar has a faint feeling of joy, and it looks agile and warm.

The divine power of the divine grace of the great gods has its own representative in the world, and such authority is expected to return in earnest.

A giant white bull with a strong breath slowly walked up to the altar. Its eyes were foggy white, like windows of gods. It didn't raise its head, but let out a long moo along with the sacrificial song.

This sound is far away and seems to be boundless, and it is mixed with the sacrificial song, so harmonious. It seems that the sacrificial song has been sung for a long time, and what is waiting is this cow moo, and it seems that this cow moo is the summary of the sacrificial song and everything in the world.

The mooing stopped, and so did the chant.

Bai Niu knelt down slowly, giving people a particularly pious feeling.

Tu Hu slowly descended from the back of the bull and stood facing the altar.

It was convenient for Bo'er Jijin Okre to get up at this moment, Xie Ai also stood up to show respect.

However, the first action of the chief elder stunned many envoys present.

I saw him respectfully bowing in the direction of the king's tent, then took out a scroll of imperial edict from his arms, unfolded it like that, and stood in front of him——

"By the order of Emperor Damu!"

When this sound came out, many people lost their composure on the spot.

But the old man with white beard and dangling pigtails did not stop for anyone, and continued to chant: "There is a Minhe Temple chief priest named Tu Huzhe, a descendant of the Tu family, who has been quick-witted and courageous since childhood..."

Chen Suan in front of the altar was expressionless, but his heart was already full of shock.

Just like Xie Ai who became the Winter Emperor, this is another incident that Jing Shitai had no prior information about!

Thinking that the Great King is the majestic central empire, it has always been the main force supporting the Northwest Five Nations Alliance and the Jing Kingdom in their fight against Taiwan. A winter emperor suddenly appeared in the snow country, one country and two real kings, and the momentum rose sharply. Donghuang went to Jing, which led to Jing's retreat.

But in this process, Jing Guo also exerted influence.

It stands to reason that there should be a tacit understanding between Jingguo and Xueguo.

But who is the Donghuang and how he became enlightened, Chen Suan did not know before today.

Even Donghuang's coming to Muguo to observe the ceremony was an unexpected step in Jingguo.

But all the shock was not as good as this moment.

It never occurred to him that the successor of the high priest of Cangtu Sect's Divine Mouth Evangelist needs to obey the decree of Emperor Damu!

what does that mean?

Two thousand six hundred and eighteen years after the founding of the country, the Mu country has changed!

What kind of impact will this have on Jing Guo? What impact will this have on the world?

Chen Suan's thoughts raced, and he thought of too many things in an instant.

And the old but thick voice of Borjijin Okre still pierced the earth, and finally came to the end——

"...It's the human race who stripped off the mask of the Illusory Demon King. I regard the Supreme Prairie, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, as the High Priest of God's Crown Evangelism!"

Tu Hu stepped onto the altar slowly, step by step, and walked in front of Borjijin Ekelie.

Then crossed his arms, folded them on his chest, and bowed deeply to the imperial decree: "My lord, thank you for your grace!"

Two teams of priests in white robes came here with crowns, clothing, seals and decorations on gold plates.

The four golden-crowned priests who were on the lower level of Borjijin Okre stood up at the same time. One person helped Tu Hu take off the golden crown sacrificial robe and the corresponding accessories of the golden crown priest. One person helped him put on the priest's robe and the corresponding accessories of the priest.

One took off the golden crown on his head for him, and the other picked up the divine crown and handed it to Okre.

The person holding the crown, Jiang Wang knew, was the golden crown priest Namo Duo who once led a team to participate in the Yellow River Meeting. At that time, he was very aggressive, confronting Jing Guo's famous general Xian Nankui and Sheng Guo's deputy minister Meng Wuya.

Today looks solemn and meticulous.

Borjijin Ekelie put the imperial decree on the gold plate, took the crown from Namodo, and declared in a loud voice: "The Son of Heaven has given me an honorary ceremony, and today I crown the high priest!"

So he put this divine crown on Tu Hu's head.

He straightened up, continued to walk up, walked to the center of the Divine Light Altar, and turned to face everyone.

Boundless divine power quickly converged on him, making him overflow with radiant divine light from head to toe.

The dome of the sky was brilliant for a moment, and the shapes of wolves, eagles, and horses could be seen faintly, gathering infinite mighty power.

God promises, heaven and earth congratulate!

And everyone who is watching the ceremony understands——

From this moment on, in this great empire, the era of theocracy and kingship came to an end.

From then on in the grassland, the divine power was under the royal power.

The Great Shepherd Empress who did not show up at today's ceremony has completed the great cause that the royal family of the Mu Kingdom has fought for for 2,600 years!

However, even today, people do not know exactly how she did it.

Those grand layouts and ingenious moves are hidden in the howling wind of the grassland. An outsider like Jiang Wang can only look at it with his eyes, but he can only occasionally see it in the depths of the clouds, and he can only see it with scales and half claws.

Just like the rich history of Qi, from outsiders' perspective, it is also full of fog.

Everyone was cheering for the new High Priest who preached the Holy Crown, as if everyone had accepted this coronation naturally.

This historic moment was unexpectedly so peaceful.

And this kind of calm just shows absolute control and great power!

You must know that according to the records of "Mu Lue", the earliest Mu country emperor ascended the throne, but he had to climb Qionglu Mountain and invite the high priest who preached the crown to be crowned.

But as the years passed, everything was different.

Among the roaring crowd, Jiang Wang saw Wuyan Lanzhu who was jumping for joy.

It was the first time he traveled through the grasslands, and the girl's knowledge left a deep impression on him, breaking his narrow perception of "prairie barbarians".

It's only now that I belatedly think about it...

Some changes may have happened long ago.

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