Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1666 The confluence of all religions, the lingering fire of the old god

What happened to Cangtu God?

This is the biggest question in Jiang Wang's mind right now.

This question is even higher than Xie Ai's achievement of the Winter Emperor.

At the succession ceremony of the High Priest of the Holy Crown Evangelist, the Chief Elder of the Joint Elders, Borjijin Ekelie, represented the Emperor Damu to crown the new High Priest of the Holy Crown, Tu Hu, and the news spread throughout the world. Let people know that the grassland has changed.

But there were more practical changes, which took place after the succession ceremony.

The most critical point is that the grassland has directly released the control of beliefs. Since then, any sect can come to the grassland to preach. The so-called "convergence of all religions and freedom of belief" was proposed by the clan Helian Yahu during a sacrificial ceremony, and became the religious policy of the grassland at this stage.

Other sects who come to the grassland to preach, only need to admit one premise - Cangtu God is the supreme god in the world, and all the gods in the world who preach on the grassland are the followers of Cangtu God.

Other than that, there are no taboos. One term robs faith, and each family relies on its own ability.

Of course, the laws of the pastoral country are above all religious regulations.

In other words, the Cangtu Divine Sect has changed from a great existence covering the grassland and standing side by side with the Great Shepherd Royal Court, to one of the many sects under the rule of the Great Shepherd Royal Court.

Cangtu God Sect is still regarded as the state religion, and Cangtu God is still the highest belief, but it is no longer the only true god. The fundamental relationship behind it has changed.

For the policy of converging all religions, Mu Ting has put in a lot of hard work and painstaking efforts behind the scenes.

Jiang Wang only found out in the past few days.

The reason why Huang Sheli followed Murong Long to the grassland was not because of Fairy Jiang as she said, this woman clearly distinguishes between public and private affairs. She came to the grassland to spread the belief of the yellow-faced Buddha.

The yellow-faced Buddha is a Buddha set up by Huang Fu, the general of Huanglongwei, and has already had a lot of influence in Jingguo. If it can develop in the grassland, the future can be described as bright.

Huang Fu and Wanyan Xiong have a good relationship, and they are involved in the Canglang Arena opened by Wanyan's family. It is normal to be able to seize the opportunity of the convergence of all religions in the grassland.

The nun Yuhua came to observe the ceremony this time, representing Xiyue nunnery to open a nunnery in the grassland. Such a major event cannot be decided in a few words.

This is also the first time that Xiyuean has come out of the hermitage and embraced the torrent of the times. This powerful sect vaguely known as the "Third Buddhist Sect" settled in the grassland, and it is bound to bring great changes to the belief pattern of the grassland.

To put it simply, Xiyue Nunnery now only has Yuhua, who is in the presence of gods, and a small Bodhisattva can be worshiped as a follower of Cangtu God. When the prairie nunneries developed and the strong men from Xiyue nunnery entered the grassland in large numbers, would the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas they worship be still under Cangtu God?

In the foreseeable future, the status of Cangtu Divine Sect in Muguo will be reduced!

This is something anyone with a discerning eye can see.

How could God Cang Tu not see it?

How could the Cangtu Divine Sect fail to see it?

But the whole grassland is calm.

This is a behemoth that has been the only one on the grassland for thousands of years. It is one of the most sects in the world. Is it true that it has no power to resist in front of the empress?

If we let all of today's events go by so peacefully. In the future, the Cangtu Sect's room for resistance will only become smaller and smaller.

Among other things, a Xiyue nunnery is enough to compete with the Cangtu God Sect. In addition, Tu Hu, the newly-appointed High Priest of Cangtu Divine Sect, is also obviously a member of the Empress. In addition, there are also various sects that came to the grassland to develop...

What will the Cangtu Divine Sect do to make a comeback?

This is what makes Jiang Wang suspicious.

Even if those golden-crowned priests are almost controlled by the empress, what about Cangtu God himself?

This is the great god who has bathed the grassland with divine light for thousands of years. Could it be that he is really sleeping in the shrine and turning a blind eye to everything on the grassland?

If it was pushed forward a few years, Jiang Wang might not think it was a big deal.

After all, the era of the great prosperity of the Shinto has long been like smoke, and people today can say that it is old!

How could God Cangtu be an exception?

But today, he has become a strong man who "becomes like a god in the world", so he knows more about what a "god" is, and he is more able to understand the power of Cangtu God.

From this, I became more and more aware that this matter was unusual.

God Cangtu is not some hairy god.

He is the undisputed living god, and the most powerful living god. It can even be said that He is the strongest god known since the new Dao calendar!

Jiang Wang never forgot Fenglin City, never relaxed his understanding of the enemy, and among all the hated names, Bone God is an indelible existence. It's just that because of my cultivation, I couldn't get in touch with higher-level knowledge. Only after achieving God's Promenade did I find an opportunity to supplement relevant knowledge. Now I have a considerable understanding of Shinto.

Not only does he know everything about Shinto now, but at least he understands the personality of a ghost god like Bone God, and why he is so persistent in wanting to enter the world and become a god in the world.

Since the end of the age of mythology, the embers of the old gods lingered before reincarnation, and finally burned in the nether world.

The gods since the new calendar basically only exist in the nether world, and rarely wander around the world.

Of course, gods also have strengths and weaknesses.

According to the division of the age of mythology, gods are further divided into four levels: false gods, true gods, sun gods, and respected gods.

The gods can be divided into two levels: ghost gods and secular gods.

The cultivators themselves do not follow the way of gods, but condense beliefs, shape legends, and establish gods, thus creating all kinds of strange legends in the world, and there are also strange gods that finally take shape. These gods can basically be classified as "false gods", also known as Yin gods and Mao gods. If the strength is compared with the current monks, the lower limit is in the inner palace, and the upper limit is in the realm of God.

Those who truly cultivate themselves in the way of God are all running towards the [True God]. The so-called "cultivating the Tao for a hundred years and no one asks about it, once you become a god, the world knows it"!

[True God] can be compared to monks in the Realm of the Cave. This place can be called a master of Shinto. In the era of great prosperity of Shinto, he was incensed by thousands of families and admired by thousands of people.

[Yangshen] is analogous to a monk in the Yan Dao realm. This place can compete with the scorching sun for brilliance, so it is called Yangshen. It is the highest of Shinto, which can be called "God King" and "God King".

The so-called [Nether God] is in the Netherworld, possessing the mighty power beyond the pinnacle. But this power is only in Nether. And Netherworld is just a place where reincarnation passes, not real reincarnation, and it is not such a great world.

The gods of the nether world are outside the nether world, at most they are at the level of the true king. And after entering the present world, they will be suppressed by the will of the present world, and it is extremely difficult to manifest their power.

In the era of the great prosperity of Shinto, only the sun gods who could not go further would go to the nether world and choose to become the god of the nether world.

The present world is the center of all worlds, so why do monks with real potential have to achieve God's presence in this world? Because only here is the achievement, is the real road can be expected. There is a sentence in "Chao Cangwu" that says, "Become a god outside the sky, and the Tao will disappear forever!"

And the same person as the [Venue God], above the [Sun God], the person of the [Worldly God] is the target pursued by the Bone God!

Once the gods of the present world are achieved, all worlds will remain one. In any place, there is a mighty power above the peak.

Therefore, the appeal of Bone God is a further step.

He has come to an end in the netherworld, and there is no room for growth other than competing with other nether gods for the small netherlands. Because the limit of the nether world is there, and because of its proximity to the source pool, it is not considered weak in the heavens and worlds, but it still cannot be compared with the present world.

But the white bones have already become the gods. If they want to become gods in this world, they can only get the approval of the will of the world first, and then establish the kingdom of the gods on earth and shape the gods in the world. That's why there was the Tao of the Bones, and the generations of the Taoists of the Bones like Zhuang Chengqian and Wang Changji...there was the tragedy of Fenglin City.

In today's era, there are only two known gods in this world who own the divine kingdom on earth. One is Cangtu God, and the other is Yuantian God. The strength of the divine kingdom on earth can completely reflect the strength of the gods, so Cangtu God is of course much stronger than the original god of heaven.

Therefore, God Cangtu is undoubtedly the strongest god since the new calendar.

Since He is such a great existence, how could he sit back and watch the Great Shepherd Empress do this? How could he just watch his handle being weakened?

Even if the Great Shepherd Empress relies on the power of the Great Shepherd Empire and can display her supreme strength within the borders of the country, Cangtu God will definitely not be powerless to fight.

So Jiang Wang wondered if something happened to Cangtu God.

However, during the entire succession ceremony of the crown priest, the succession of divine power was quite normal. God Cangtu bestowed the new high priest with majestic divine power, and there was even a scene of "Gods promise, heaven and earth congratulate".

If not, then the huge Cangtu Divine Sect would probably not accept the result so easily...

Of course, Jiang Wang has experienced the Senhaiyuan Realm, and has also seen the "Dragon God Yingzuo" with his own eyes, so he doesn't believe in these miracles so firmly.

It's just the story of Senhaiyuan World, which was told by Master Guanyan.

It is impossible to tell the story of the great herd empire to such a military hero of the Qi State.

A huge mist was transpiring over the grassland, and all people could see was the faint silhouette of the Great Shepherd Empress.

The status quo of Cangtu God must be the top secret of the Mu Kingdom, so no matter how much doubts and curiosity there are, Jiang Wang only keeps it in his heart.

At this stage, what he most wants to find out and has the best chance to find out the answer is the mystery of Xie Ai's reincarnation and cultivation to become a true king.

In addition to being curious about the mystery of reincarnation, I also care about Xu Xiangqian and Zishu. Counting the time, the time when the snow country was locked and Xie Ai became a true king was exactly the time when Xu Xianggan accompanied his senior sister Zhao to tour the snow country.

And from then until now, he has never heard from Xu Xiangqian again.

Although he knew that with the backgrounds of the three people, there was basically no possibility of anything happening to Yu Xueguo when their whereabouts were made public, but he still had some concerns.

If you want to know the secret of the reincarnation of the Winter Emperor, the best way is of course to ask Xie Ai himself, but Xie Ai is probably too lazy to talk to him. So Jiang Wang visited Huang Sheli at intervals during this time.

Now the succession ceremony is over, and the envoys from various countries have dispersed one after another. Jiang Wang left very late, and took the time to send a challenge letter to Chen Suan, but because Chen Suan's spiritual consciousness was deducing the secret, he couldn't leave, so he had to meet next time. The Jingguo team left the next day.

Among the major overlords, Huang Sheli is the only one who wants to spread the belief of the Yellow-faced Buddha and is preparing to build a temple, which may have to stay in the grassland for a long time.

Jiang Wang also happened to ask her to explain his doubts, and visited her many times to ask for advice.

Of course, Huang Sheli couldn't wish for it. It can even be said that he deliberately confided the word "reincarnation" to Jiang Wang on the day of the pawn, just for this moment.

In the few days after the ceremony ended, every day, I crossed my legs, drank wine, ate peanuts, waited for Fairy Jiang to come to my door, and then talked happily for thousands of years.

She is very good at whetting one's appetite. Today she will talk about reincarnation, tomorrow she will talk about the history of Snow Country, and the day after tomorrow she will talk about the situation in the Northwest.

All in all, it was some very useful news, but the part that Jiang Wang cared about the most was squeezed in a little bit every day, and he didn't explain it clearly. Every time Jiang Wang asked about the key points, she had to supervise the carving of Buddha statues, check the typesetting of Buddhist scriptures, and sensed the opportunity of God's presence. The weather was fine and she asked to discuss with Jiang Wang... There are many reasons.

So much so that Jiang Wang searched for Huang Sheli for five days in a row, and talked a lot with all kinds of people, because he still didn't understand the matter of Xie Ai.

But it can't be delayed until the seventh day, because Jiang Wang is ready to return.

Huang Sheli finally stopped being a joke, leaning on the reclining chair in a casual manner, but his tone was serious: "According to the news from the Snow Country, Xie Ai's previous life was Xu Qiuci, a strong man in the Snow Country two thousand years ago. .Xu Qiuci, known as Shuangxian Lord, died in the battle to kill the Holy Demon Lord. Because of the achievements of this battle, Wu Daoyou, the Northern Heavenly Master, wrote in the ancient demon killing covenant that the Snow Country should not be invaded for a thousand years."

"Holy Devil?" Jiang Wang sat on a ponytail and poured wine for her sensibly.

Huang Sheli took a sip of wine happily, and then said: "This holy demon king is one of the highest-ranking heavenly demons in the barren tomb of ten thousand realms. Do you know the eight great magic skills? One of them is "Li Beng Le Hua Sheng "Demon Art" is the way that the Holy Demon Monarch cultivated."

Among the four great demon kings that Tu Hu mentioned earlier, this one was not present, and it seemed that he had already been exterminated.

On the contrary, when the name of the Li Beng Le Bad Saint Devil Art came out, it became more and more obvious that the Seven Hate Devil Art was a bit unique.

"Bei Tianshi is the true emperor from Mount Daluo, right?" Jiang Wang asked casually.

Huang Sheli nodded.

Jiang Wang peeled peanuts swiftly with his hands and feet, and said: "Miss Huang continued to talk. What's so special about Xu Qiuci, why was he able to successfully reincarnate and become a true king?"

Huang Sheli's beautiful eyes flowed: "How can Snow Country spread the word about such a secret? We can only piece together some information, and we can't do it right because we think about it on our own."

"I understand, I understand." Jiang Wang was very humble: "Then what does Miss Huang think?"

"The Snow Country has always been closed, and even we have very limited information." Huang Sheli made a foreshadowing first, and then said: "The number one strongest person in the Snow Country now is the true king, Fu Huan. Thank you for this life, then She is Fu Huan's disciple. Xie Ai's talent is nothing to say, she is the best among her peers in the Snow Country. But she is not the most outstanding in the world. At the Yellow River Meeting, her grades were very average... Sigh! Then The last time you robbed me of being the leader, every time I think about it, I still feel very sad."

"Eat peanuts, eat peanuts." Jiang Wang smiled apologetically. Peel them one by one and put them on a tray for her.

Huang Sheli snapped two bites: "Thank you again. She really had a special change, and her cultivation base improved by leaps and bounds. It was in February last year. Well, it was probably the time when you participated in the mountain and sea environment. At that time, she had already The fourth floor is complete, and it is about to hit God's presence."

"At that time, the major event that happened in the Snow Country was the ground fissure in Tianbei Xueling. It is said that it affected a wide range and killed many people, but we did not get specific casualty data. And Tianbei Xueling, it is Xu Qiuci’s ashram more than two thousand years ago. It’s freezing in the sky, frost knives cut souls, and naturally suppresses all divine channeling techniques, so there are few people.”

"The next critical node is the snow country lock. This is an order given by Fu Huan himself. What happened during the lock is unknown to the outside world. After the lock is over, the Xie Ai that reappears in front of people is already the real king. .”


Huang Sheli said leisurely: "Before the Snow Country was locked. It is said that someone saw the phantom of the Winter Fairy Palace near the Tianbei Snow Ridge!"

Happy Children's Day.

Friends remember to be happy!

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