Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1670

Life is a long scroll.

Since the fall of Fenglin City, Jiang Wang and Zhang Linchuan, the two former "senior brothers", have started their own magnificent stories, and both have developed and progressed rapidly.

But it took a completely different path.

One is shining brightly in the eyes of everyone, and the other is spreading wildly in the endless darkness.

Zhang Linchuan's biggest advantage today is that he hides in the dark, very deep. All the stations below the Wusheng Sect are connected by a single line, and usually only connect to the Shinto world through faith. His whereabouts are extremely difficult to track, and his strength is unpredictable.

The low-key and hidden Wushengjiao looks like a small puddle on the side of the road, but if anyone steps on it rashly, he may step into an abyss.

From Jiang Wang's current point of view, Zhang Linchuan's biggest weakness is that he hides in the dark, he can't see the light!

He chose the path of running a cult, which would certainly make him stronger the fastest. But it also made him unacceptable to Zhao Zhaotian.

The sages said, "Those who are not good enough to be obvious, people will punish them."

It is this point that makes Zhang Linchuan easier to deal with than Zhuang Gaoxian no matter how strong and cunning he is.

The biggest difference between him and Zhuang Gaoxian is——

Jiang Wang can use the energy of Marquis Wu'an of Great Qi without any scruples to strangle him all over the world!

This is sunlight, the suppression of darkness.

If it is said that today, apart from his own cultivation, Zhang Linchuan's management is the Wusheng Cult that is rapidly expanding in the dark world.

Jiang Wang's management is everything that he can calmly show in the sun, his power, his fame, and his status.

Just like this time in Muguo, Jiang Wang just said to Yu Wenduo, without going to the level of Helian Yunyun, and easily erased the Wushengjiao station on the grassland.

An outstanding talent in the Wusheng sect and an emissary of the earth spirit who was named "Wusheng old mother", led a team to the grassland to develop their beliefs.

In order to win the trust of the Chiha tribe, Wang Yigui, the protector of Wushengjiao, went to the grassland to have an interview with Wu Chiyan in person.

The grassland must not be an insignificant part of Wushengjiao's development plan.

But it was erased so easily.

One is Jiang Wang's status today, and the other is that Wusheng Cult itself is a cult and cannot see the light. Yu Wenduo's suppression of it is justified, and there is no need to consider other things.

This action is a good example. To deal with Zhang Linchuan, we should start from this aspect. Use the brilliant general trend to crush everything in the darkness, no matter whether it is like a deep ocean, or full of twists and turns. The sun rises in the east, and the mountains and rivers are naturally illuminated.

Dealing with Zhuang Gaoxian is different.

Zhuang Kingdom is an orthodox empire recognized by all countries in the world, and Zhuang Gaoxian is the son of Zhengshuo. Attached to Yujing Mountain, it faces Tianjing City. In a duel with Zhuang Gaoxian, there is no possibility of overpowering others. Even more often it will be suppressed in reverse.

When dealing with Zhuang Gaoxian, Jiang Wang has no room for mistakes, so he has to be more careful. Just like the last time Zhuang Gaoxian took advantage of Yujing Mountain to do a thunderous move, after failing, his vitality was also seriously injured. But he doesn't have the background like Zhuang Gaoxian, so he can't make mistakes a few times.

But then again, how could Zhang Linchuan be a good match? Start from scratch and achieve such a foundation. If such terrifying characters cannot be pressed to death at once, they will surely suffer endless disasters.

In fact, the reverse is also true.

In Zhuang Gaoxian's eyes, how come Jiang Wang and Zhu Weiwo are not serious troubles? The ancient covenant of extermination of demons and the city of non-redemption, the two shots were made, and if they didn't move, they would kill the grass and roots.

Zhuang Gaoxian is an enemy, and in some respects he can also learn from it.

According to the tacit agreement reached between Jiang Wang and Wang Changji.

Now Wang Changji, as a clear chess player, is sneaking in the dark, hunting around the world, chasing each other with Wushengjiao.

Jiang Wang was in the open, and climbed every step of the way, but he was playing in the dark. While accumulating strength, he only collected relevant information about Wushengjiao in secret.

One day Jiang Wang stood up in front of the stage and played his dummy in the open, that's when they completely solved Zhang Linchuan. But on that day, don't rush for it.

"Aren't you going to stay for a few more days?" Yu Wenduo in the carriage said with regret on his face, "You haven't even seen the scenery of Shen'en Temple before."

Jiang Wang said politely: "Time is tight this time, forget it. Go to Qi State later, and I will show you the seven sights of Linzi."

"Huh?" Yu Wenduo asked in surprise, "Isn't it Sijing? Red sleeves or something, Wen Yu or something."

He knows all about these things!

Jiang Wang smiled generously: "I am also very familiar with the four famous halls! I will definitely take you there when the time comes. I have a Taoist technique 'Eight Sounds Burning the Sea', which is the inspiration I found in the four famous halls."

"This is good, this is good." Yu Wenduo immediately cheered.

Jiang Wang cupped his hands: "The mountain is long and the water is far away!"

Yu Wenduo replied: "See you later!"

When he put down his hand, Marquis Wu An from Dong Qi had disappeared.

Thinking of the short time together during this period, Yu Wenduo couldn't help sighing: "How many heroes are there in the world?"

Across the blue sky and blue plains, this carriage is still speeding along.

Inside the carriage, Yu Wenduo frowned again: "Why didn't I comprehend any Taoism in Shen'en Temple?"

"It seems that I still don't go often enough." He summed up the reason.

He sighed again: "As expected of Rucheng's third brother, Marquis Wu'an's realm is really impressive, no wonder he doesn't bother to play with me!"

Since then, there have always been rumors on the grasslands that Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi possessed all the secret techniques, and they all realized it from the gentle village. It attracted many grassland nobles to go on a pilgrimage to the Eastern Qi Dynasty to "seek inspiration".

I don't know who passed it on.



This is the end of the prairie trip.

Loaded with knowledge of the current situation in the Mu country, the envoys of Da Qi returned eastward.

It was the last thing Jiang Wang did on the grassland to use Yu Wenduo to come forward to wipe out the Wushengjiao resident.

Prior to this, under the arrangement of He Lian Yunyun, Jiang Wang made an appointment to fight against the "wolf boy" Naliang who had already led the army of the king's tent cavalry in a closed environment, and won the battle with an overwhelming advantage. Victory.

In the same environment, Yuwen Lie, Yu Wenduo's cousin, one of the "Three Horses in the Qionglu", won a small victory.

Drinking with Yu Wenlie after the war, Yu Wenlie has no power to fight back in front of Cang Ming. It's a pity that Cang Ming, the envoy of God in this world, is not in the Supreme Court during this time, otherwise Jiang Wang would like to challenge him. Even if it is beaten, there will be a lot of gains in the future.

But in fact, after the end of the two challenges, the envoy team had already left the country openly.

And Jiang Wang quietly stayed in the grassland, one is to wait for an answer from Huang Sheli, and the other is to deal with the matter of Wushengjiao. Every time I went to Huang Sheli's place, I always disappeared without a trace, and the carriage stopped directly outside the military fort.

After the team of envoys from the State of Qi left the grassland, Wu Shengjiao had an accident, so it would not easily lead to associations and aroused Zhang Linchuan's vigilance.

Once the matter was over, he didn't stay long. He caught up with the team overnight and got into the ox cart without a sound. The original carriage was given to Yu Wenduo, and this one is Yu Wenduo's return gift. The white ox that pulls the cart is a gift from Helian Yunyun. It is said that it was raised in the temple and is full of spirituality. It is not much better than the Yanzhao raised in Qingyang Town.

It is of course a pity that I did not see Rucheng, but I can't just stay in the grassland like this when I am on a mission. There are many things big and small in the country. For example, he still has a new fiefdom in the old summer. He hasn't visited it yet, so it's time to take a look.

From the grassland to Dongqi, there were no accidents along the way.

Jiang Wang was only concentrating on practicing on the road.

The previous duel with Dou Zhao was accidentally involved in Tu Hu's plan for Huan Mo Jun, and Tu Hu expressed that he would make compensation. After replaying the battle between the two, someone specially sent Jiang Wang a body-training exercise at the divine level, called "Xuantian Liuli Gong".

There is also a passage attached to the exercises.

It was written in Cangtu divine script, translated, it means——

"May the Supreme God bless you, friends of the grassland. May you have more choices."

For a long time, Jiang Wang's defense was basically covered with the body of abundance, and he focused more on strengthening the offensive end.

Tu Hu is obviously trying to make up for his shortcomings. If the physical defense is improved, he will naturally have more choices in battle.

As for whether this sentence has other meanings...

Whether it has or not.

Lord Jiang didn't understand anyway.

It was May when I left Qi, and it was already July when I returned to Qi.

As an envoy, the first thing Jiang Wang did after returning home was to report to the emperor. Of course, the foreign affairs posts submitted to the Zhengshitang also had to be written on the way, and had to be handed in when they returned was equivalent to reporting twice.

When Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi returned to Linzi, the emperor was discussing in the Ziji Hall. Han Ling came out in person and led him to Donghua Pavilion to wait.

He is already familiar with this place, and he can recognize everything once it is laid out.

Han Ling brought him over, and then returned to Ziji Hall.

There are two palace guards standing outside the pavilion, and there is no one else in the pavilion.

The incense burned in the beast stove has a very light smell and has the power to soothe the mind.

Jiang Wang sat silently for a while, then got up involuntarily, walked to the stone screen depicting all living beings, and admired it quietly.

This painting is always fresh. All the living beings in the painting are alive and well, with all kinds of human emotions vividly on the paper.

Today, Jiang Wang's herringbone sword has become supernatural, but he dare not say that his understanding of humanity can surpass this painting.

He has inspected this portrait of sentient beings countless times, and he can always see something new.

Today he discovered another detail.

There is a long street in the painting, and a banner selling wine is blown out by the wind, half covering a window facing the street. Although it is only a half window, you can also see the desk inside from the window. On the desk is a piece of paper with words on it.

If you look closely, it says——

"The yellow boy who released the kite, and the white man with a stick, roamed around, when will we see you again?"

The street in the painting is near the city gate.

In the field outside the city, there are pictures of an old man leaning on a wooden stick with a kind smile and a naughty boy running around releasing paper kites.

He has an impression of this picture, but the corresponding piece of paper, this line of writing, was only seen today. I don't think so, because this is not an omission of meaning or metaphor, but a lack of specific details.

At that time, he pointed to this painting to solve the case and checked it countless times. How could he miss such a detail?

Taking a closer look at the old man, he found that his appearance was vaguely... resembling today's day.

Jiang Wang understood.

This is not a detail he left out, but a detail added by another person at a later time.

That person changed the painting, changed this small part, and let an ordinary old man live in the painting.

It's hard to describe in a thousand words.

There is only one sentence - when will we see you again?

"looking at what?"

Suddenly a voice asked.

Although the sound is gentle, it travels in the nine heavens.

The voice of Emperor Qi!

The Supreme Master of Great Qi had arrived at Donghua Pavilion at some time, but no movement was heard, and he wanted to scare people to death.

Jiang Wang woke up in an instant, and quickly turned around to salute: "I have seen Your Majesty!"

"Exemption." Qi Tianzi just raised his palm, still looking at the painting on the stone screen with great interest, as if he only cared about the question he just asked.

Do you know the emperor's mind well, or do you not know well?

Jiang Wang put his heart to one side, and said loudly: "I risk my life to speak out!"

Qi Tianzi was obviously a little surprised. He turned his eyes and looked at Jiang Wang: "Let's talk."

"The Son of Heaven must act with dignity." Jiang Wang said, "How can you come and go in such a silent way, without giving any movement to the humble minister?"

Han Ling silently rolled his eyes.

It's hard to imagine that the Marquis of Wu'an dared to "sue the wicked first" after returning from a trip to the grassland.

But he did catch the truth.

How do you say something?


"Well... the emperor's deeds and deeds must not be without dignity. Aiqing's words are very reasonable, so it can be seen that he has read the book." Qi Tianzi took a good time: "But when I went back to Donghua Pavilion just now, there was a guard of honor before tomorrow, and an announcement later. It's very noisy."

His voice was not heavy, but lightened: "Which one of us is wrong?"

"..." Jiang Wang bowed his head: "It's the minister who made a mistake. I just blame the minister for being distracted and not listening clearly."

The emperor smiled and pointed at him: "Jiang Qingyang, Jiang Qingyang, you are straight but not strong."

Turning around and walking towards the dragon seat, he said casually: "Tell me, what did you see and hear on this trip to the grassland."

Jiang Wang followed behind the emperor obediently, and stated what he had seen and heard during his visit to Muguo without any opinions.

The emperor sat on a high place, always as quiet as the deep sea, and did not express any opinions on the affairs of Muguo.

But after Jiang Wang finished speaking, he suddenly asked: "Marquis Wu An went to the grassland to observe the ceremony this time, and the envoys from all over the world will compete with them for a while? How was the result?"

Jiang Wang said loudly: "The minister has never failed!"

The emperor laughed out loud: "It seems that Aiqing is very good at picking opponents."

"To tell you the truth, the minister did not refuse!"

This time Han Ling also smiled.

The emperor asked again: "Then Aiqing has met opponents this time, who impresses you more deeply?"

"No one impresses me. I only focus on my own practice and fight for the honor of Qi." Jiang Wang continued to speak loudly.

Han Ling, who was standing next to the cloud-pattern beast furnace, gave a moderate wink.

Jiang Wang hurriedly added: "However, that Dou Zhao from Chu State is still a bit troublesome."

Emperor Qi nodded: "Golden Bridge on the other side. It is still difficult to match the housekeeping skills of Dou Laotai...Han Ling, you will take Wu'anhou to the inner treasury later, and help him choose a soul secret that can compete. So as not to let people say that our state of Qi is not as good as others, and let our Lord Hou, in the future, have less trouble and be louder next time."

Han Ling bowed his head and said, "I will do my best."

Jiang Wang knew that this was the "remuneration" for this mission.

Satisfied, he bowed his hands and bowed his hands, saluting politely: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

But this side of the waist has not yet straightened up.

In my ears, the emperor asked casually: "I heard that you have been in the envoy team for a long time during this mission?"

Suddenly there was thunder on the ground.

This remark made Jiang Wang's heart tremble!

Thanks to leader Tu Shan Zhuoyan for rewarding the new alliance!

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