Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1671 Chaotian Tower

Suddenly it seems that the sun is shining for thousands of miles, and suddenly there is a thunderbolt flying in the sky.

It's really unpredictable.

Emperor Qi asked plainly, and Marquis Wu An was startled.

The first thought in his mind was - on the way to the grassland, he secretly left the team, and the incident of going to Youguo to kill turtles was exposed!

As for the matter itself, he didn't regret it. Do it all over again, still willing to try. Being born as a human being, and having the ability to do so, will kill anyone who feeds on human beings.

This matter is no different from his battles in the Lost Realm and the Borderlands.

But the problem is with the people he works with...

The former city lord of the lower city of You country, and now the king of Qin Guang, Yin Guan, is also a wanted criminal of Qi country.

Hell's famous battle is to take over the order of the late Prince Yang Xuance, and successfully assassinate Zhao Xuan, the doctor of the Ministry of Rites, in Linzi.

Even Jiang Wang covered Yin Guan's entry into the city.

Even with or without his cover, it didn't affect the action of No Door to Hell. Yin Guan asked him to help at that time, more because of his rise after saving him.

But he has done this thing, as well as the nature of this matter, in the environment of Qi State, it must be a stain.

Even at that time, Qi Guo didn't have any sense of belonging...

At that time, Lin Youxie clung to him because of the simple sense of responsibility of a Qingpai headhunter.

Later, he kept silent and even took the initiative to help him erase some traces, which is another story.

Arrived today.

There is no need to talk about Zhao Xuan's character, and it doesn't matter how he betrayed Yang Ting as a Yang countryman. The key point is that Hell Wumen acted like this, which is an offense to the Great Qi Empire.

The few Yan Luos who acted that time died in the end and only two remained. However, the arrest document issued by the Metropolitan Inspection Office has not yet been revoked.

And he, Jiang Wang, is the Marquis of Wu'an of the Great Qi, and he wears the green badge of the Metropolitan Inspection Office on his waist. How can he be with the wanted criminals of Qi?

He even took over the mask of King Biancheng.

Although later he agreed to continue to cooperate with Yin Guan, mainly for the follow-up of the turtle killing incident, he wanted to deal with people like Ji Yanyue who raised pets with people, in order to eradicate these phenomena, and at the same time to restrain Yin Guan. Behavior.

But is this reason acceptable to Emperor Qi?

He couldn't deny that even if his identity was here, he still couldn't regard Yin Guan as a vengeful enemy.

He couldn't deny that he had a feeling of sympathy for Yin Guan in his heart, hoping to restrain the leader of this killer organization from going on the right path.

Even for Yin Guan's ability, he has always admired him. For a long time, he regarded Yin Guan as one of the targets to catch up with.

How will he respond today?

"Yin Guan has the grace to save my life. If he hadn't acted outside Linzi City back then..."

"Being friends with thieves, I have nothing to say, and I am willing to be punished..."

In an instant, Jiang Wang had several answers in his mind, either pleading guilty or pleading guilty or confessing himself.

In the end, he lowered his waist by two centimeters, and said with a straight heart: "Chen..."

But he just started, and Qi Tianzi's words fell down again——

"I heard that when you returned to Qi, you let the envoys go first, but you quietly stayed in the grassland, sneaked into the military fort every day, and hooked up with that Huang Sheli of Jing Kingdom. I don't know. Is there such a thing? "

"Ah?" Jiang Wang looked up in surprise.

Qi Tianzi looked at him with a half-smile and only asked, "Is there any?"

"The minister and Huang Sheli are innocent!" Jiang Wang said loudly: "The minister and Huang Sheli were just discussing cultivation with Huang Sheli in the past few days, and they had no other thoughts at all. I don't know who spread such rumors, it's really abominable! Yu Huang The girl's reputation is harmful, is it my intention to ask for advice?"

The Son of Heaven said: "This practice can be discussed openly, why did Marquis Wu'an go there secretly?"

"I'm here to deal with Wushengjiao!" Jiang Wang immediately told the story of the annihilation of Wushengjiao branch in the grassland.

He told the Son of Heaven frankly that he had a grudge against the Wusheng Patriarch, so he hid his whereabouts to deal with this matter in order not to scare the snake away.

"Wushengjiao?" Qi Tianzi smiled softly: "You are Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi. Why are you so sneaky in dealing with a small cult? Do you not know the dignity of a hegemony, or the dignity of a prince?"

Jiang Wang said: "The minister is dull."

"If you are dull, think about it more." The emperor didn't say much, and he revealed the topic, and said leisurely: "Heroes are sad and beautiful, and there are many history books in ancient times. Marquis Wu'an became famous when he was young, so don't make mistakes."

"Please don't worry, Your Majesty, the minister is dedicated to practicing, and has no mood at all. He can pass any test!" Jiang Wang said with confidence.

The emperor took a deep look at him: "It was also here that day. You were eighteen years old, and you were still a young boy. He took off his shirt, but his body was covered with scars. I remembered the name Jiang Wang at that time. After you Without a thousand-year-old family and no honest elders by your side, it is not easy to come to this day alone. I believe you can understand clearly."

Obviously every step of the experience is clear and profound, but after walking step by step, looking back suddenly, there is always a sense of trance.

Those moments of true feelings seem to be unreal...

A few years, really like a snap of the fingers.

Jiang Wang saluted seriously: "It all depends on His Majesty's cultivation."

"Okay." The emperor waved his sleeves: "The official business is over, and I won't let you eat."

Jiang Wang cupped his hands: "The minister resigns!"

He straightened up, turned around and walked out.

"That's right." Qi Tianzi's voice sounded behind him again: "You haven't said yet, what did you see in the painting?"

Jiang Wang replied: "I saw all the living beings under the emperor's rule."

The emperor waved his hand again: "Go."



When I walked out of Donghua Pavilion, I felt like seeing the sun again.

Obviously Tianzi's attitude was not strict, and it could even be said to be very good, but Jiang Wang's back was still soaked in sweat.

What is companionship like a tiger?

Those ruffian Qingpi always like to say that if I see the emperor, I should do so. Those talking in the streets always despise those ministers who are sincere and fearful, thinking that it is nothing more than that.

But if they were asked to stand in front of the emperor, they might not even be able to open their mouths.

Jue, salary, abolition, setting, killing, life, giving, and seizing these eight handles are all in the hands of the other party, and who can not feel anxious?

Even if you don't care about fame and fortune, wealth and glory, life and death are always in your mind.

Moreover, Qi Tianzi is such an unrivaled hero.

Han Ling led the way ahead, but there was nothing strange about it.

Jiang Wang took two steps, and arched his hands: "I was in the cabinet just now... Thank you for your reminder, father-in-law."

"How can I get Marquis Wu'an to thank you? If you want to thank, you should thank the emperor." Han Ling said calmly: "The emperor has a heart, so I dare to show it."

Jiang Wangdao: "Of course, first of all, I want to thank His Majesty for your kindness. But Jiang will not dare to forget your father-in-law's understanding."

Only then did Han Ling smile: "Let's talk about it, in recent years, you have been a person who really cares about the emperor. The love of the emperor is so great, there is no one like the Marquis of Wu'an. We may need your care at any time."

"My father-in-law is serious. You treat me with sincerity. If there is an effective day, how dare Jiang Wang neglect?"

"Haha, come here!"

The inner treasury is the treasury of the imperial palace, which is the private property of the emperor.

Daqi has been established for a long time and has become a hegemon again. The treasury is full, and the internal treasury is also rich.

As far as the library is concerned, the secret arts of the national treasury are broader, with a wide variety and all-encompassing. The latest techniques researched by the Academy of Arts are also kept in the national treasury.

The secret arts of the inner library are more private, and most of them are inconvenient to leak out, including some royal secret arts, and there are even taboo arts.

Speaking of which, Jiang Wang didn't describe his battle with Dou Zhao at all. Struggles at the level of spirit and soul cannot be seen by outsiders. But just mentioning Dou Zhao's name, Qi Tianzi immediately knew what the "trouble" Jiang Wang encountered was.

It can be seen that the heart of the emperor really has the world.

Han Ling had been thinking for a long time in his mind, and after entering the inner warehouse through many checkpoints, he led Jiang Wang to point directly at the target.

"This [Chaotianque] is a secret art of the imperial dynasty. It was passed down by Emperor Wu in the past. It is not inferior to the Golden Bridge on the other side. If Marquis Wu'an is not satisfied, he can choose again."

Han Ling used the token of the head of the internal official to open the protection of the magic circle. And use the corresponding special seal to trigger changes in the stone platform.

Then a golden scroll was seen slowly rising up and laying in front of the two of them.

"Satisfied, satisfied, how can you be dissatisfied?"

As soon as he heard that it was passed down by Emperor Wu, Jiang Wang felt kind.

As the most respected emperor today, Emperor Qi Wu's martial arts and martial arts are almost the highest in the history of Da Qi. How can the secret techniques passed down by his old man be weak?

Jiang Wang couldn't be more satisfied, just hearing a name.

Han Ling made a gesture of invitation.

Jiang Wang picked up the golden scroll and rolled it up carefully, but saw a magnificent picture spread out in front of his eyes. What it a portal to heaven!

Ancient, thick, solemn.

High above, overlooking the heavens!

At this moment, the picture catches the eye, and the meaning springs up.

Countless messages passed in my heart.

The golden glow in Jiang Wang's eyes soared, and it immediately disappeared. The joy in the eyes is not concealed at all.

Chaotian Que, Chaotian Que!

What a wonderful secret technique!

Although it is so difficult and complicated, it seems that it cannot be practiced in a short time... But its power can be imagined concretely.

If he had this skill at that time, how could he be suppressed by Dou Zhao in the battle of spirits and souls, and almost lose at the beginning?

At least... it can be evenly matched!

Considering the undisclosed application of Dou Zhan Qishi at the level of spirit and soul, and the terrifying background behind Dou Zhao, Jiang Wang chose to be more conservative after all, and failed to let go of his imagination.

"How?" Han Ling asked with a smile.

Jiang Wang bowed his hands sincerely: "Elder-in-law has a heart!"

Han Ling moved sideways, and said slowly: "Your Majesty's permission to open the library of techniques to Lord Hou is at your cultivation level... There is no limit."

With a smile in his eyes: "That's why the Chaotian Tower can be reappeared. The spiritual consciousness of ordinary monks who come to God can't be cultivated."

Jiang Wang said with emotion: "Jiang Wang has so much virtue and so much power."

"Marquis Wu'an is today, and you won it yourself. There is no such thing as good or bad, but people make it on their own..." Han Ling stopped at this point, and bowed his head: "I'm too old to talk too much."

Jiang Wangsu responded: "Golden and good words, never forget."

In the empty surgery library, this voice echoed empty.

How many promises have these silent stone platforms heard, and how many ups and downs have they witnessed?

Throughout the ages, people have come and gone.

Prosperity also declines, and only Shitai.



When Jiang Wang returned to Beijing this time, he first went to see the emperor, then went to the inner treasury to seek surgery, and finally returned to his Wu'anhou mansion.

Speaking of which, since the completion of this Marquis Mansion, he himself has not lived in it for a few days.

However, thinking that Chongxuansheng had to practice for three more months, he calculated that it was not over yet, and that he hadn't had time to spend a few days in the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion, so he felt a lot more balanced.

Go back to the mansion to take a shower and change clothes to wash away the dust. Then he sat in the study with a refreshing mind and began to write letters.

There are flocks of cattle and sheep, green grass like the sea, the supreme royal court that can fly, and the mirror of the sky that is as crystal clear as jewels...

In the letter to An'an, he described the summer in the grassland, and described his longing as an elder brother... By the way, he supervised the study.

He wrote to Qingyu again, talked about his recent situation, and discussed some cultivation issues. In addition, it was mentioned that a batch of gifts with Muguo's characteristics would be sent to a certain city in Yunguo through special channels, and asked Qingyu to remember to receive them. Both she and An An have a share.

Both letters were sent by Yunhe.

In the end, he wrote a letter to Lin Youxie of the Sanxing Palace, asking about the current situation, wishing him well, and asking about Sanjiu Hanchan. This letter was sent by the housekeeper Xie Ping through the channel of the Metropolitan Inspection Office, so he was not afraid of delays.

Within the scope of the Eastern Region, the channels of the Metropolitan Inspection Office are quite strong.

After writing the letter, Jiang Wang sat at the desk and began to practice as usual.

But for some reason, I can't calm down today.

After thinking wildly in his mind for a while, he simply let go of everything and quietly dazed.

Time has always been tight, and he seldom has time to simply be in a daze.

Until dusk, Chong Xuansheng took Yi Shishi's little hand and came carelessly across the house.

This newlywed couple has been living in Bowanghou Mansion during this period of time.

Of course, Chong Xuansheng was still taken away on time before dawn every day, and was sent back after dark. Daqi champion Hou's determination is extremely firm...

Seeing this familiar fat face at the window, Jiang Wang suddenly smiled.

There is no other reason, but it suddenly feels like I have returned to my own home now.

Chong Xuansheng would not say that he asked that good brother to give him a few hours' leave in the name of helping Marquis Wu'an clean up the dust.

He was able to avoid today's bruised nose and swollen face, so decent scenery.

He would only say carelessly, even arrogantly: "Hey, our envoy is finally back?"

Jiang Wang coughed: "I overwhelmed Zhong Liyan, fought with Dou Zhao for 500 rounds, swept away Na Liang, scared away Chen know all these things?"

He straightened his clothes reservedly: "Show off the national prestige a little bit."

Chong Xuansheng only squinted his eyes: "I have worked hard to help you look after the house, and run the business by myself. Where is the present you brought me when you are away on business this time?"

"Ah!" Jiang Wang slapped his forehead: "Forgot!"

"Forget it, I forgive you, who told you that you are my brother, brother, dear friend?" Chong Xuansheng seemed very talkative, and said with a smile: "By the way, good brother, Fourteen and I came back to live for a few days. These days No outsiders, if someone comes uninvited, you help get rid of it."

Jiang Wang looked at him suspiciously: "Is this foreigner a marquis?"

"This family can't accommodate you anymore!" Chong Xuansheng was furious in an instant: "Are you still my brother? Do you still care about me? I have been married for so many days, and I haven't had a good day! You are a marquis It's made of mud, so it can't stop other Hou Ye?"

Jiang Wang smiled and said, "I don't know if I was pinched like mud, but I really like to see some people being pinched like mud."

Chong Xuansheng cursed loudly.

Jiang Wang ignored it completely, and only said to Shishi: "Shishi, I brought you a gift, in your yard, see for yourself if you like it or not?"

Fourteen, who was no longer wearing armor, was a little less shy and more gentle.

After saying hello with a smile, he let go of Chong Xuansheng's hand, and walked towards the courtyard where they lived.

Chong Xuansheng yelled and scolded for a while in the courtyard, threatening and luring him to be soft and hard, begging Bai Lai to ask Jiang Wang to help him stop Chong Xuanzun for a few days. Everything about married life and the principles of nature and human relations have been talked about.

Jiang Wang smiled but refused.

Chongxuansheng was useless for spitting, and walked into the study with a thousand displeasure and a thousand anger. Sit down in his special big chair, facing Jiang Wang head-on.

The evening light came in from the window, bringing some inexplicable trivial emotions.

Neither of them spoke for a while.

There was a silence.

Chong Xuansheng stared at his friend: "Do you have something on your mind?"

In the past two days, the chapter said that it was not displayed for a special reason.

But I can see it in the background, but the front end does not display it.

It should be fine in two days.

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