Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1672 Akiaki Amahi

Jiang Wang looked out the window and didn't speak for a while.

The side face is just clearly outlined by light and shadow, and has a rather superior outline.

Chong Xuansheng naturally understood Jiang Wang, seeing that he was silent, he didn't ask any further questions.

Seeing a piece of rice paper spread out on the table, he reached out to uncover it, but saw what was written on the paper——

"The sky is shining brightly, so why is there anyone who doesn't know?"

This sentence comes from "Jing Lue".

Chong Xuansheng understood immediately, and said with a sneer, "Mediocrity!"

Jiang Wang became angry from embarrassment: "What do you know?"

Chongxuansheng Shi Shiran said: "Don't you hear that the peach blossom fairy, who has wandered around for many years, is also a national scholar. Once he develops Taoism, he will be a national pillar?"

Jiang Wang's face darkened: "He finally surrendered."

After he finished speaking, he realized that something was wrong, and changed his words: "Don't make fun of Yu Shangqing!"

"Let me guess, the emperor has rewarded you again for this mission to Muguo?" Chong Xuansheng still smiled: "It makes you feel a little bit uneasy, and feel that you deserve it?"

Jiang Wang remained silent.

"Isn't this a very normal thing?" Chong Xuansheng was still smiling: "Today, the emperor will either not reward, or reward will be infinite. You deserve it, and it is exactly the effect he wants. You are a loyal minister who understands Tianxin. , Marquis of Wu'an!"

"Tell you that you don't understand either." Jiang Wang said impatiently.

"I don't understand?" Chong Xuansheng sneered: "Which time did you fight with your life?"

"From Shi Qi to now, have you done anything that insults the country's dignity?"

"How much did you get in Qi State, and how much did you pay for Qi State?"

"Being famous near the sea, the leader of the Yellow River, beheading generals and capturing the flag, blocking the disaster..."

"Which of everything you have today is not something you have worked hard for?"

"I want to scratch my head, but I can't think of anything you have done to offend Qi... Maybe the only thing is that you didn't report Yin Guan, but instead covered him to enter the city? But at that time, Yin Guan would have entered the city as well without you. .If there is no Yin Guan, you are already dead. How can a dead person report the news?"

"What's more, I am relatively immoral. At that time, I seriously thought about whether I should report back and send Yin Guan to the prison, but he didn't give me a chance. I simply waited and watched. I am still Qi You come from a noble family, you are an authentic old Qi! Compared with me, you, a new Qi, are you so different?"

"You are a person who is too self-demanding. I would rather people blame you first than you. You are too old-fashioned! Are you stupid?"

"You use the four characters Wailou as a cage to restrict your path and imprison your original desire. This is the practice of a genius. But you can't be too demanding on yourself. Everything is too late. This is going to be crazy, wake up Wake up! The sages are 'I examine myself three times a day', not 'torture my body three times a day'! With one mind and one thousand thoughts, who can stand such torture?"

"What kind of character is He Chonghua? It's listed in "The Biography of Shing Chen", and the ranking is still higher than Yi Ya! To put it bluntly, you are worthy of being compared with He Chonghua?"

Chong Xuansheng used a series of questions to beat Jiang Wang into speechless.

The sentence "The sun is shining" written by Jiang Wang is from the third volume of "Jing Lue".

The text says——

At that time, the powerful minister He Chonghua conspired against the country, thinking that he was acting secretly.

Emperor Ling pointed and said to each other: "The sky is shining brightly. Does anyone know what is going on?"

He Chonghua draws his sword in shame and hatred, he is the Emperor of Killing Ling.

Helping the prince ascend the throne, cutting mountains and rivers with his sword, and sealing the land by himself. The prince pointed it out again and denounced him as a national thief.

He Chonghua killed him again.

Then Shiyi, the eldest daughter of the emperor, is the imperial power, and Shiyi denounces it.

He Chonghua killed Shiyi.

The world hates it.

At that time, the blood of the emperor, only the king of Changle led the army.

He Chonghua summoned him to succeed the emperor.

The king of Changle cut down his ambition, and said bitterly, "I would rather give up my ancestral business than punish the country's thieves, and swear to never burn incense."

Gathering the five surnames of Shan, Murong, Cao, Jiang, and Zhong, forming six armies, and destroying the three tribes of the He family, he became Emperor Cheng.


The stubbornness of the Dajing royal family is completely engraved in their bones. From this history, it can also be seen.

The Tang dynasty was almost extinct, and no one was willing to bow to He Chonghua, who was in power for a while. Even Emperor Jing Ling, who is known for his mediocrity, is not lacking in blood, and would rather die than surrender.

Chong Xuansheng, a fat man, knows everything by seeing a little, and he can guess the whole story when he sees a sentence written by hand. It's really no secret at all.

Jiang Wang then heaved a long sigh: "It can be seen that you are also an educated person."

"Come on." Chong Xuansheng threw the piece of paper in his hand and lightly threw it back on the table: "You are still using allusions with me here. I was afraid that you would not understand, so I only said Peach Blossom Fairy. Otherwise, you will find allusions casually. I don't know where it came from."

Jiang Wang glanced at him, got up and left.

"Hey, where are you going?" Chong Xuansheng reminded: "This is your study."

"Get out!"

"You just came back, which door did you go out?"

"Go to Nanyao."

"What are you going to Nanyao for?"

"Find Lian Que and take him to Chitan."

"Oh, Chitan." Chongxuansheng suddenly realized: "Then what about Chongxuanzun?"

"I do not understand!"

"Hey! Are you still a human!?" Chong Xuansheng chased after him, but with his fat body, how could he catch up with the divinely aware Lord Jiang Hou?

This side just came out of the study room, and there was no sign of him over there.

"Bastard! Mingkong Hanshan, you also take care of me by the way!" He shouted in the empty yard.


The carriage left Linzi city in the starry night, headed south, and went to Chiyang.

Lord Jiang was sitting idle in the carriage, leisurely familiarizing himself with the newly acquired secret technique [Chaotianque].

In a person's life, there should always be a friend who can wake you up at critical moments. For Jiang Wang, Chong Xuansheng, who is extremely intelligent and insightful, is such a friend.

The two of them just sat down and chatted for a while, and his mood calmed down, and he got rid of the trouble for a while.

Of course, this did not affect him to leave the house decisively.

He understands Chong Xuan Sheng too well. If he was still in Linzi, this fat man would come to torture him every day without any discouragement. But how could he have the heart to ruin the chance for the Chongxuan brothers to get along?

Today, I saw Chongxuansheng Fourteen, talked about the old days with them, and asked Chongxuansheng to help relieve my mood. I haven't given this fat man time to play tricks... The timing is just right, which makes Jiang Wang quite proud.

This will study the exercises, and it is also extraordinarily brisk.

Zhuang Gaoxian's pressure from Du Ruhui, the pressure from Wushengjiao, and his thinking about his current identity...all were put on hold for a while. He didn't think about it so much for the time being, and devoted himself to the practice.

The call from the divine seal method appeared at this time.

Of course it won't be the true demon Song Wanxi. In fact, since knowing the true identity of the black-clothed demon, Jiang Wang no longer has any hope of finding Song Wanxi.

Apart from Song Wanxi, only Dugu Xiao communicated with God Seal.

Dugu Xiao is very sensible, if it is not important, he will never disturb him easily.

Jiang Wang sank his mind and responded to her immediately.

"Master." Dugu Xiao said succinctly: "The woman named Zhang Cuihua in Wayao Town, Baolong County that you asked me to pay attention to has an accident."

After returning from the Lost Realm, Jiang Wang deliberately went to Wayao Town in disguise to visit Chu Mi's wife and children.

At that time, Zhang Cuihua was unwilling to let his son enter the dangerous world, saying that he would make his own decision when the child grew up. Jiang Wang also respected her wishes, and promised to keep the chance for Chu Yao forever, left a bag of money and left.

But in fact, they secretly arranged for people to quietly pay attention to the lives of Zhang Cuihua's mother and son, so that they would not have time to ask for help if something happened to them.

A few years have passed in a flash.

"What happened?" Jiang Wang got out of the carriage while asking through the divine seal method, and told the groom: "Since you went to Nanyao City to find the Patriarch of the Lian family, you asked him to wait for me in Linzi, he knew What is it?"

The groom respectfully agreed.

He has risen from the air and flew straight to Baolong County.

"She had a falling out with her family, was kicked out of the house, and was involved in a lawsuit. Now she rents a place to live outside, and people come to make trouble every day. I have sent someone to investigate the specific situation. You said not to take it lightly. Disturbing their lives, so until I get your further instructions, the people I arranged don't know what to do."

Dugu Xiao clarified the matter in a few words, then closed his mouth.

It's not that she doesn't want to say a few more words to Jiang Wang.

But as Jiang Wang's status increased day by day, she was less and less afraid to waste Jiang Wang's time.

She was very afraid that Jiang Wang would find her annoying and leave such an ordinary her behind at any time.

Something happened to Zhang Cuihua in Baolong County, she was actually happy in her heart, the joys and sorrows of others had nothing to do with her, she only knew that she had an extra chance to contact the master.

Although this conversation was short, she had carefully rehearsed it several times.

"You've done a good job, and I'll take care of it next." Jiang Wang nodded in approval, and said, "I'm going to Chitan in the next two days, and there is a lack of management in the fief over there. Do you want to go?"

"Is the master willing to take me there?" Dugu Xiao was surprised and delighted.

Jiang Wangdao: "The fief over there is larger, and you can better display your abilities."

"I'd love to go!"

"Then you hand over the work in Qingyang Town, and then go to Linzi and wait for me. After the matter in Baolong County is settled, we will set off."

"Okay!" Dugu Xiao was full of energy and his eyes were shining brightly.

And Jiang Wang interrupted the connection with Shenyinfa, and sped up the journey.

At this time, the night has fallen, and he is alone in the sky.

Along the way, the aura of a strong man kept rising, and disappeared after a short contact.

Let him cross the counties and watch him go straight to Baolong.

And that night, the whole Baolong County was shaken.

Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi, come!


Liao Dazhuang, the head of the pavilion in Wayao Town, was awakened by a slap in his deep sleep.

Five earthworm marks on his face quickly swelled up.

Lying next to him was his beautiful and charming lady.

His first feeling was bewilderment, and then anger.

How could he be an official of Daqi, how could he be humiliated like this? Which thieves are so bold?

He jumped up angrily, and reached out to touch the knife!

Then he knelt heavily on the ground.

Because the person who woke him up was his immediate boss, Dong Bingrong, the owner of Tiannan City.

"My lord, you came late at night, this is..." His whole face was wrinkled, almost crying, and his whole body was in a kind of unknown fear.

What happened? He counted all the things he had done in his mind, one after another.

Dong Bingrong's eyes were bloodshot, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You incompetent trash! Invite Zhang Cuihua and Chu Yao's mother and son over here for me. If a hair is missing, I will pay for it with your life!"

Of course he would not pity Liao Dazhuang.

Because he was also fanned up by the sheriff in the middle of the night.

He rushed from the city lord's mansion where the nephrite jade was warm and fragrant all night to the wayao town where the birds don't shit, and wiped his ass for this waste, how could he show any good looks?

He wished he could kill this fellow with one blow!

"Yes, yes, yes." Liao Dazhuang was about to get up with a mournful face, but his legs were weak.

He could clearly feel the murderous aura of the city lord.

After trembling a few times, he stood still, stumbled and rushed out, shouting loudly to call for his hands.

Zhang Cuihua's case was not complicated.

At the beginning, Jiang Wang left a bag of money for Zhang Cuihua, the amount was not large, but it was enough for their mother and child to live on.

Zhang Cuihua went to burn tiles every day as usual, and hid the money, leaving it all for Chu Yao to study. She didn't let anyone know about this money, so it has been peaceful all the time.

She calmly accepts the inevitable grievances of orphans and widows.

There are occasional quarrels between the sisters-in-law, but they are also small things that can be tolerated and let go.

Until the year before last, Zhang Cuihua's old father was seriously ill, and the family had no money for treatment, so the old man had to wait to die. She took out some silver taels, saying that it was the family money left by her husband Chu Haoxue, and it was used for her son's education.

It's okay for the old father to recover from his illness.

But last year, Zhang Cuihua's younger brother, Zhang Hong, injured someone outside. If he didn't pay him, he would be dragged to court. Zhang Cuihua had no choice but to take out some more.

The younger brother was of course grateful at the time, but afterwards the family murmured.

Why does Zhang Cuihua have so much money? Is there any more? How much property did Chu Haoxue leave behind?

This year, Zhang Hong went out to play money and lost everything, so he came to beg Zhang Cuihua again.

Zhang Cuihua refused to give it this time, saying that he had no money.

Zhang Hong even forcibly snatched it! He tied up Zhang Cuihua, searched the house upside down, and found out the silver taels that his sister had hidden under the bricks, then locked the door behind him, and went out to gamble again.

It was Chu Yao who came back from school to untie Zhang Cuihua.

Zhang Cuihua is not a delicate character at all, she tolerates each other on a daily basis, just for the sake of her children. This time he couldn't bear it anymore, so he directly sued his younger brother into the Yamen.

She chose to sue the government in order to recover the silver as much as possible.

But in such a poor place as Wayao Town, is it an ordinary person who can set up a game to gamble? He insisted on waiting until Zhang Hong lost all his silver and was kicked out of the gambling house before allowing the government servants to arrest people.

Zhang Hong didn't pay a penny, so he was sent to prison.

This time stabbed a hornet's nest.

The whole family took turns to fight with Zhang Cuihua, expressing affection, moving with reason, and sprinkled with Zhang Cuihua.

In the end, her old father, who had been in poor health since his illness, sat up in shock as he was dying, picked up a hoe, and beat her out of the house. He threatened that if she did not withdraw the complaint, she would never even think about going home.

Zhang Cuihua took Chu Yao to live in a rented house, and only killed one thing. If Zhang Hong didn't pay back the money, she would never withdraw the lawsuit. Even if Zhang Hong sells the land and house, he has to make up for this hole, because this is the money for her son to study!

Since she moved out.

Zhang Hong's mother-in-law, Mrs. Du, brings several natal brothers to her home to harass her every day. Pick up harsh scolding, what used to be Kefu, now Ke brothers, and future Kezi. What kind of slut who steals people, what kind of broomstick who refuses to admit that she has cheated on her brother...

Those who are orphans and widows have a falling out with their natal family, so there is no one to support them. They didn't do anything, and the yamen servants in the town didn't care too much, and the neighbors gathered around every day to watch it as a play.

This is not a rare story, the suffering of ordinary people happens every day. Even such a powerful state of Qi is no exception. Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang Banner cannot illuminate all dark corners.

Du Shi did not dare to do anything, which is a good proof that the laws of Qi State are in operation.

to beat.

Common people often say, bear with it and it will pass.

The same is true for Zhang Cuihua. The hustle and bustle of the past few days will pass sooner or later. Du Shi can block the door and curse for three to five days, but it is impossible to persist for three to five months. No matter how disgusting and mean-spirited a person is, it is impossible to scold him for several months. Of course those dirty names will always be with her.

Orphans and widows can only endure.

this is the truth.

To this day, Dong Bingrong, the lord of Tiannan City, came to Xingye and woke up Wayao Town with a slap in the face.

There are thirteen towns under Tiannan City, and Wayao Town is the poorest among them. For Liao Dazhuang, the head of the pavilion in Wayao Town, Dong Bingrong is bigger than his own father.

How dare he not be careful?

Dong Bingrong asked him to invite Zhang Cuihua and Chu Yao's mother and son. He figured out what happened in the shortest time possible, and brought all the relevant personnel to the town hall.

It can be said that "I don't want to say what Shangguan said", which is the essence of doing things.

But after gathering all the people in the town hall, he realized that this matter was more terrifying than he had imagined.

The Town Hall of Wayao Town has already been taken over by the city guards, and there are three floors inside and outside.

Those yamen servants under him who were usually vicious were disarmed on the spot, and their calves were trembling.

He is the only one who can enter the town hall to report.

The town hall, which is so familiar, is like a giant beast squatting in the dark.

The eyes of those soldiers were as indifferent as the light of a knife.

And Dong Bingrong, the majestic owner of Tiannan City, was waiting at the entrance of the hall like a servant.

Not even a seat!

Trembling, he walked further in, and saw Lord Hou Yuanwei, the magistrate of Baolong County, who had the honor of seeing him from a distance.

The sheriff sat down instead.

But only half of his butt was touched, and he stayed with the lower position like a zama step.

Who is that person sitting at the top?

He no longer dared to look up!

Thanks to the book friend "Obsessed with Mobai" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 345th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

Thanks to the book friend "Xiaoyao with the Sword" for becoming the leader of this book! It's for the 346th League of the Chixin Sky Survey!

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