Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1673 The well-known Chu Hao scholar has not returned for seven years

When Liao Dazhuang was young, he had a nickname, "Liao Dazhuang".

He dares to catch the thief that others dare not catch. He dares to stand up for things that others dare not stand up for. It can be regarded as daring to fight and fight hard, and has done a lot of practical things for Wayao Town.

That's how I got the position of head of the pavilion.

These are of course the resumes summarized by Dong Bingrong, the lord of Tiannan City, and they are shown to prove that he is not nepotism.

At this moment, Liao Dazhuang walked into the town hall and saluted. Hou Yuanwei, the governor of Baolong County, who was sitting at the bottom, had already asked aloud: "Why is there so much noise and crying outside! Who are there? "

Can make the magistrate so impatient, it can be seen that the waiting just now is extremely tormented!

Liao Dazhuang lowered his head and answered honestly.

Among the people he brought were Zhang Cuihua, Chu Yao's mother and son, Zhang Cuihua's old father, brother and sister-in-law, Zhang Cuihua's younger brother Zhang Hong who had just been released from prison, Zhang Hong's wife Du Shi, and Du Shi and others. Brothers from her natal family... There is even the owner of the gambling shop who made Zhang Hong lose everything, Liao Dazhuang's nephew Liao Guo.

"That is to say, none of the people related to the current situation of Zhang Cuihua and Chu Yao have been missed, and they have all been summoned in such a short period of time." Hou Yuanwei said indifferently: "It can be seen from this that you Liao Dazhuang is a Competent officials!"

Liao Dazhuang's knees were weak at that time, and he fell to his knees with a plop: "This official is incompetent, incompetent!"

Dong Bingrong came up and kicked: "If you are incompetent, wouldn't I be blind and let you be the head of the pavilion?"

After all, he saved his strength and didn't dare to kick people to death.

Liao Dazhuang rolled around on the ground, got up and continued to kneel, without saying a word, just knocked his head on the ground.

Hou Yuanwei was too lazy to look at the two of them, turned his face away, Xiaoyi said: "Master Hou, look..."

"Let them in first." The person sitting at the top said.

The voice is young and very gentle.

But Liao Dazhuang, whose forehead was pressed against the cold floor tiles, felt colder than his forehead at this moment.

Now, how could he not guess the identity of this big man?

How many young masters can there be in the Great Qi Empire?

How could such a person who reaches the sky have anything to do with Wayao Town and that pair of orphans and widows! ?

At this moment, he only felt that the world was spinning, and many voices could not be heard clearly.


The big man who came from the imperial capital overnight said, Dong Bingrong, the owner of Tiannan City, doesn't know how to do things. Without waiting for orders from the sheriff, he actively turned out of the town hall and shouted: "Let them in!"

No one is fool.

At least among the soldiers of the city guard who could be brought to Wayao Town by Dong Bingrong, there can be no fools.

Although Dong Bingrong didn't say a single extra word, the attitude of the soldiers of the city guards was obviously different when they sent these people into the town hall.

Prisoners like Zhang Hong who have not been released from the shackles, and gambling shop owners like Liao Guo who have a bit of face in the small town are dragged in by them like dead dogs.

As for the ordinary Zhang Cuihua and the dark and thin Chu Yao, they would say "this way please" on the left and "watch your step" on the right. Their attitudes were as good as waiters in an inn.

But their attitude is obviously still thinking shallowly.

Because when Zhang Cuihua, who was ashamed and haggard, walked into the town hall, the world-renowned military master left his seat and came out to greet him first!

"Miss Cuihua!"

Although he had some predictions in his heart, Zhang Cuihua was still stunned on the spot when he heard the sound in his ears and saw this person in his eyes.

She never imagined.

The big man who has reached the high level of the empire and is looked up to by everyone still remembers a promise he made casually back then. He actually came to Wayao Town in person with the dignity of a prince from three thousand households in the city. He even called her Big Sister!

Even those benevolent and righteous characters in the storybook, who have nostalgia for the old days in their hearts, are nothing more than sending someone to deal with them, or passing a message to someone to take care of them.

And this person in front of him.

He is already above the billions of people in the world, and he should be like a dragon and a phoenix, walking in the nine heavens, but do you still remember her and Chu Yao, who are like gray stones and dust, decaying grass and dust?

It must be known that even her own close relatives refused to recognize her again!

"Miss Cuihua?"

Jiang Wang called again softly, and said with a smile: "Why, I haven't seen you for a few years, and you don't recognize me anymore? Do you need to introduce yourself again?"

He cleared his throat, cupped his hands as he did when he first met, and said politely: "Excuse me... are you Chu Haoxue's family?"

It was the same person a few years ago with the same problem.

At that time, this noble man was scolded by Zhu Zhu who was working with him.

Zhang Cuihua was in a trance for a moment, and held Chu Yao's hand tightly: "Yes... yes, we are."

When Chu Mi left, Chu Yao was less than two years old.

Chu Yao was only seven years old when Chu Mi died in the Lost Realm.

He is nine years old this year.

He had a pair of slender eyes like his father's, and looked at the man in front of him timidly and slyly.

Chu Yao is very scared these days.

Because he was kicked out of the house by his grandfather, he moved to a dilapidated hut with his mother. Can't stop the wind, can't stop the rain. His mother said that studying was going to be a problem, but he wasn't afraid of it. After studying, I found that studying is harder than picking tiles, and my husband always likes to beat his palms. If it wasn't for the fact that the mother hurts more than the husband beats someone, he wouldn't want to read it!

Only my aunt always brought people over to make troubles, ping-pong-pong every day, very scary. Beat him a few times.

But when he thought of his father, who was a great hero, he didn't cry.

Every day, he holds a small awl that his mother used to make shoes, and stays with his mother.

When my aunt came to scold someone, he scolded back. He is very good at scolding, especially like the grandson at the entrance of the village, who can't lay eggs, gave birth to a son without an asshole, and collapsed his old lady lying on the floor...

When my aunt wanted to beat someone, he yelled to report to the police.

It was his first time to visit the town hall of Wayao Town, it is so big and grand.

He was actually nervous.

He had never seen so many soldiers.

And all of them are still wearing armor, and all of them are holding knives and guns.

His little uncle with a bad temper also knelt, and so did his little aunt. My little aunt's fierce brothers also knelt on the ground with their heads drooping. Even the pavilion chief who used to be majestic and arresting people everywhere is kneeling now, with his buttocks sticking out, and he doesn't dare to lift his head.

And he and his mother were standing.

He is still young and doesn't know the meaning of dignity. But there was a lot of security in my heart.

All this is because of the man in front of me.

This young, good-looking, imposing man with a friendly smile.

who is he?

"I'm a good friend of your father's."

Jiang Wang smiled at Chu Yao, and then said to Zhang Cuihua: "At the beginning, I told my elder sister that no matter what wrongs Chu Yao and elder sister suffered, just come to me. Did elder sister forget? Or do you want to not treat Jiang Wang as a friend?"

Dong Bingrong, who was standing beside him, looked at the dusty mother and son with complicated expressions. Who dares to take Marquis Wu'an as a friend among the people in the hall and town, including the governor?

Who deserves it?

At this time, he wanted to kill Liao Dazhuang, and he wanted to slap himself a few times. There is a true god under his command, but he doesn't know how to worship it. It should be a blessing, but it is a disaster!

Because she has been working in the tile kiln, Zhang Cuihua's skin is very bad, her face is chapped, and her appearance is much older than her real age, but her eyes are very clean.

She seriously said to the big man from the imperial capital in front of her: "It's not the end of the day. These are trivial things now! I can still work and support my son."

Her voice lowered: "I don't dare to use the opportunity my man has earned so hard."

If it is said that when Jiang Wang went to Wayao Town to see Zhang Cuihua and Chu Yao, he was only a man from Qingyang Town, and he came here with the news of Chu Haoxue's death, it is reasonable for Zhang Cuihua to feel uncertain about the future.

But later he won the first prize of the Yellow River, and he became famous all over the country. He was also named a marquis for his military achievements, and he was known all over the world. Zhang Cuihua never let Chu Yao come to join him, she must have her own thoughts in her heart.

This is a very opinionated woman, otherwise she wouldn't have waited for Chu Mi for so many years.

Jiang Wang was very willing to respect her ideas, so it was only in this situation that he came to the door again.

"I regard Chu Haoxue as an elder brother. His wife and children have been wronged and bullied. This is no small matter." He said, looking at Hou Yuanwei, the prefect of Baolong County, who had gotten up early and waited aside, his voice Not heavy: "This is slapping Benhou in the face."

But every word is like a hammer!

Hou Yuanwei's cold sweat immediately came down.


Dong Bingrong even fell to his knees, cracking the floor tiles with his knees: "The kind people under the rule are bullied by others. As the lord of Tiannan City, the lower official is responsible for it! Please send the head of the lower official temporarily, the lower official must Give an explanation on this matter!"

And that Liao Dazhuang who was known for his 'boldness' couldn't stand it, but suddenly collapsed and fainted!

"Lord Hou, Lord Hou!"

Zhang Hong knelt on the ground trembling.

Zhang Hong's mother-in-law, Mrs. Du, had the courage, and suddenly yelled: "There is a misunderstanding, we are all Chu Haoxue's family members, and we are also our own people, and I even cooked for him!"

Jiang Wang frowned obviously.

Hou Yuanwei immediately took a step forward and pointed his halberd at the man: "Ignorant village woman, what kind of character are you, how dare you cheat on nobles! Come, cut off her tongue with me!"

The left and right soldiers immediately drew their knives and stepped forward!

Du's face was pale with fright, and he covered his mouth in horror.

Jiang Wang just raised his hand to stop Hou Yuanwei's positive performance.

"I already know the right and wrong. I don't need to listen to their sophistry, and I don't care if they have any difficulties or reasons." He looked at Chu Yao, smiled and stretched out his hand: "Come on."

Zhang Cuihua let go of his son's hand and sent him forward.

Chu Yao was a little uneasy, but also boldly stretched out his hand.

Then got pulled.

His black and thin hand was held by that slender and powerful hand.

He felt that the hand holding him was very warm and powerful. It seems that he can take him anywhere in the world.

He no longer remembers what his father looked like.

But those little friends who lost the fight, crying and being led by the father, is this the feeling?

Jiang Wang took Chu Yao by the hand, and said to Zhang Cuihua, "How to deal with these people today, Sister Cuihua, you have the final say. If you have revenge, you have revenge, if you have resentment, you don't have to endure any grievances you have suffered today..."

He smiled: "Just take it as helping me and saving my face."

"Is it possible?" Zhang Cuihua asked.

Jiang Wang raised his hand and made a gesture of please.

And the whole hall was silent, no one dared to make an extra sound.

Zhang Cuihua seemed to understand the weight of that "Lord Hou".

She turned around, walked a few steps slowly, and walked up to her old father who was still kneeling on the ground. Looking at these bewildered old people, she tried to calm her voice: "You were seriously ill in bed At that time, your two sons and two daughters-in-law were waiting for you to was me."

She nodded to her heart: "It's this daughter who was beaten out by you with a hoe, who took out the silver taels used by Yao'er to study, and treated you! You scolded me a lot, and I won't return to you. You beat me a lot , I won’t pay you back. You drive Yao’er out too...Father, you won’t have a daughter anymore!”

After saying this, she turned her head and left without looking at the old man's expression.

She walked up to her brother.

This timid and cowardly man had tears falling down one by one, and his face was twisted together.

Zhang Cuihua raised his hand, and he flinched suddenly.

After all, Zhang Cuihua didn't slap, but just pointed to his nose: "Brother, it's useless for me to call you big brother, and it's useless for Yaoer to call you uncle! You can't control your wife, you can't control your younger brother, you can't care about your father." , you don't care about your sister."

She gritted her teeth, and her voice was almost squeezed between her teeth: "You are a good old man in everything, and a coward in everything!"

After scolding all this, she stopped bitterly.

He skipped over the sister-in-law who was smiling awkwardly at her, and walked to the side.

He walked up to his younger brother Zhang Hong who was still wearing shackles.

After squatting in the cell for several days, he was very pitiful at this time. Looking up at her own sister, Nuonuo opened her mouth: "Sister..."


Zhang Cuihua slapped him neatly, gritted his teeth and said, "That's my son's education money!"

Zhang Cuihua, who often works in the tile kiln, burns and moves tiles, doing as much as men. His hands were calloused, as rough as bricks and stones. With this slap, Zhang Hong lost a tooth!

But Zhang Cuihua held his face back and slapped him again!

"That's money for my son's education!"

Helped back again, another slap!

"That's money for my son's education!!"

After three slaps like this, Zhang Hong's face was covered with blood, and several front teeth were missing.

Zhang Cuihua didn't look at him, but turned to look at Du's sister-in-law.

Du Shi was so frightened that he burst into tears, but he didn't dare to cry out, fearing that his tongue would be cut off by the soldier next to him.

Zhang Cuihua didn't hesitate, she stepped forward and slapped her when she raised her hand.

Accompanied by crisp applause, she shouted vigorously: "My man is not a wimp!"

A slap with the forehand and a slap with the backhand.

"It's not that my man doesn't want us both!"


"My man is a good man!"


"Chu Yao has a father, and his father is called Chu Haoxue!"


After several slaps like this, Du Shi fell to the ground directly, and Zhang Cuihua herself gasped for breath.

After panting for a while, she withdrew her hand and turned around.

"No more?" Jiang Wang asked.

Zhang Cuihua thought for a while, then pointed to the kneeling gambling shop owner Liao Guodao: "This person often lures gambling, acts as a banker, and releases horse money, forcing debts at high interest rates. He has harmed countless people! If this kind of person doesn't If you are punished, there will never be peace in Wayao Town!"

"How do you want to punish?" Jiang Wang asked.

Zhang Cuihua shook her head: "I'm a country woman, I don't know the law, so I don't know how to punish. Let the officials deal with it."

Jiang Wang said calmly, "I told you, you can punish him however you want."

Zhang Cuihua only said: "Master Hou takes pity on us orphans and widowed mothers, and decides for us. But I don't know anything, how dare I delay Master Hou's reputation?"

Jiang Wang asked again: "Is there any more?"

"Anyone who makes a mistake should be punished," he stressed.

Including the pavilion chief, the city lord, and the sheriff, he supported Zhang Cuihua's accountability today.

But Zhang Cuihua just shook his head: "I have short-sightedness, and I don't understand the affairs of officials and gentlemen. I don't know what is right and what is wrong. If they make mistakes, they will be dealt with by the Marquis and punished by the law. I Those few slaps were just for the grievances I suffered, and for the fright that Yaoer received."

Jiang Wang sighed: "Although the eldest sister has never practiced, her realm is already higher than many people... I am still used to you calling me big brother."

"Honorable and orderly." Zhang Cuihua said, "You can be approachable, but I can't be confident. No matter how much my deceased husband has done, you have paid off by making this trip in person tonight. From now on, only we owe you. "

"How can you still be clear?" Jiang Wang's eyes were complicated at this moment. He patted the back of Chu Yao's head: "I plan to take this child as an apprentice, I wonder if elder sister agrees?"

Zhang Cuihua was surprised and delighted, and hurriedly said to Chu Yao: "Kowtow to your master quickly!"

Chu Yao was clever, turned over and knelt on the ground, and gave Jiang Wang a knock.

The child didn't know how to express his gratitude, so he knocked very hard, made a bang on the floor tiles, and said crisply: "Master!"

Jiang Wang only took this knock, and picked him up.

Hou Yuanwei said from the side: "Marquis Wu'an accepting apprentices, this is a big event! It is a great joy for me in Baolong County! Wayao Town has accumulated virtues for many years before raising Jiaolong! Please allow the lower officials to arrange Once again, invite guests from all over the world, so that good friends and good friends can witness, so I can fully congratulate you!"

The effort to organize this funeral is really worthy of being a sheriff.

He only looked at Dong Bingrong, who was kneeling on the side and hadn't got up yet, with both surprise and admiration.

But Jiang Wang just waved his hand: "Don't pay attention to those. The master-student friendship, since getting along with each other in the future, is not in these rituals."

He also specifically pointed to Liao Guo, Liao Dazhuang and others, and said to Hou Yuanwei: "Master Hou remembers to deal with this person and these people. Whatever the law is, so it is."

Hou Yuanwei immediately patted his chest and promised: "After the investigation is clear, we must act impartially. Never make arbitrary judgments, and never indulge!"

"The lower official is willing to use the head of the item as a guarantee!" Dong Bingrong resolutely said from the side.

I don't know how many heads he has, but he protects them every day.

Fortunately, Jiang Wang didn't intend to embarrass them, he just stroked Chu Yao's head, stroked away the bruise on his forehead, and asked slowly: "Go to Linzi with Master, okay?"

Chu Yao didn't care about feeling the magic of Taoism, and turned to look at his mother.

Jiang Wang also looked over: "Eldest sister, let's go together, Chu Yao is still young, and shouldn't be separated from his mother."

His mother died when he was very young. My aunt treated him not badly, but she was not that kind.

The loneliness and helplessness between him and An An is an unchangeable fact.

He didn't want Chu Yao to have his childhood mood.

Although practice is a long and lonely journey, there are some regrets that cannot be made up for no matter how long you practice.

"Your Majesty's great kindness, our mother and son really don't know how to repay it." Zhang Cuihua was about to kneel down and salute: "Please accept my worship!"

Jiang Wang immediately helped her: "Chu Haoxue is my good friend, and Chu Yao is my apprentice, then we are a family, and we only need to be siblings in the future. Sister, don't see each other like this again."

"Is there anything to pack?" he asked again.

Zhang Cuihua shook her head: "There is nothing left at home."

Jiang Wang raised his hand to form a cloud, lifted Zhang Cuihua and Chu Yao together, and without saying anything to Wayao Town, just flew out of the town hall and turned straight to Linzi.

For many people in Wayao Town, this is nothing more than another legend of flying immortals.

Perhaps a few years later, there were rumors like this - "There is a famous Chu Hao scholar in Wayao Town, who sought immortality and Taoism, but he did not return for seven years... When he returns, his whole family will be promoted."


Both Zhang Cuihua and Chu Yao were flying in the sky for the first time, so they were inevitably nervous.

Jiang Wang said something to ease their mood.

"Linzi is actually nothing special, it's just very big."

"What is the concept of a radius of three hundred and twenty miles? Even if you have short legs, you can run around the city wall for three days and three nights, but you can't run a circle."

"There are a lot of people in Linzi. If there are more people, there will be more fools. The bad people are very bad, and the good people are also very good."

"Hahaha, the Marquis of Wu'an's mansion is full of good people!"

"When you are studying in Linzi, you should study hard and don't bully others. But if others take the initiative to bully you, you can beat them if you can. If you can't beat them, come back and tell Master, and Master will help you."

"What can't be beaten? There is no one that can't be beaten."

"Hahahaha, it's not number one in the world! Don't talk nonsense in Linzi. There is a man named Jiang Mengxiong who has a bad temper. No one your master can beat will have children in the same school as you. You can do it Don't worry. Again, don't bully others."

Just talking and laughing like this, he flew back to the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion.

It's still not dawn at this time!

Chu Yao, clamoring to see how tall Linzi City is, fell asleep halfway.

"Hey, why are you back again? You still have a little conscience, don't you? If I can't run away, I'm going to run to Mingkong Hanshan!" Zhongxuan Fatty rushed out after smelling the smell: "Why do you go out for a while?" Bring back two people, and a child!"

Jiang Wang kicked Chongxuanpang back first, and ordered the housekeeper Xie Ping to take Zhang Cuihua, mother and son down to rest, and then deal with Chongxuanpang alone.

"Let me tell you, remember that Tianyatai..."


Fly to heights that have never been reached.

I saw a great city that I had never seen before.

She lived in a mansion that she had never lived in before, and the small courtyard where she and her children lived temporarily was larger than the courtyard where her whole family lived together.

And there is the impoverished and barren Wayao Town, and here is the city of Linzi, where every inch of land is expensive.

Marquis Wu An is of course a good man, and Marquis Wu An is of course very good.

But Zhang Cuihua understands better, how can anyone in this world treat you well for no reason?

That timid Chu Haoxue who never caused trouble...what did he pay for it?

Lying on a rocking bed with beautiful carvings, covered with a silk quilt.

The material of the mattress is smoother than the oil surface, as if lying in the clouds.

It's all like a dream.

But Yao'er was sleeping soundly, with a satisfied and relaxed smile on his face. How real is this smile.

She looked at her son's sleeping face.

Tears burst suddenly.

Her son's money for studying was robbed, but she didn't cry.

Because she wants to fight for the money back.

She was kicked out of the house by her own father, but she didn't cry.

Because she has to take care of her son.

Holding her son in the room, she didn't cry when she heard the insults and door slamming outside.

Because if she is afraid, her son will only be more afraid.

She does physical work like a man, trying to keep the children fed and warm.

No matter how bullied she was, no matter how much wronged she suffered, she never shed a single tear.

In this noisy and peaceful night...

Wept bitterly silently.

One of the chapters was added for Dameng Yan Shaofei (73/78.)

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