Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1675

There is a considerable reason why Duke Duhou and Cao Jie cannot control Xiadi alone.

On the one hand, with his ability in military affairs and his cultivation of Dao, he easily put Chu on the alert, Cao Cao suppressed Xia, and his neighbors were in trouble. The second is that with his great prestige of destroying Xia in one battle, it is easy to separate the country from the general town.

"You Sheng Bi Tan" said, "Jade should not be placed in a fragile place, how can the name be lightly given to the person who holds the weapon!"

The truth has been explained.

This has nothing to do with whether Cao Jie is loyal or not, and whether Emperor Qi trusts him.

Rather, any emperor should avoid such problems and avoid giving his courtiers the space they shouldn't have.

Governor Xia Di is not Chongxuan Chuliang, Li Zhengyan, or Chen Zeqing, and the same is true.

Jiang Wang, as a great hero in the war against Xia, is an extremely prestigious existence in Xia, but he is no exception, even if his current cultivation base is even less threatening.

Su Guanying said that she prepared tea for her, of course it was the attitude of the master here, but in words, he attributed Jiang Wang to Nanjiang and classified it as his own. The heat in this is just right.

Jiang Wang only answered "I can't help myself", and I listen to the emperor for everything, which can be regarded as a measured answer.

The two sides established a preliminary consensus through these two pleasantries, and also had a little understanding of each other beyond the rumors.

The emperor forced Jiang Wang to endorse, and what he memorized was "The History of the Knife Cutting the Sea", precisely because time flies, the years are rolling, and there is nothing new in the world for thousands of years. Everything that happens today can be reflected in history.

Reading history can be wise.

The two sides entered the Governor's Mansion, and they sat opposite each other in the main hall, but there was no priority.

Su Guanying said with a smile: "Wu'an Marquis Xuan came here at this time, and he is using his actions to support our construction in southern Xinjiang."

Now her posture became a little more friendly.

"Jiang is a martial artist who only knows how to play with fists and feet, so he doesn't know what country building is." Jiang Wang said with a wry smile: "To tell you the truth, Linzi is too noisy, I just find a place to practice quietly."

"The Marquis of Wu'an is a Marquis with martial arts, so unexpectedly he is a quiet person."

"I just know how much I weigh."

"Isn't it Wanjun Zijin Liang?" Su Guanying smiled: "This governor looks at this big Qi, and there is no one in the younger generation who is heavier than you."

"Don't say that." Jiang Wang waved his hands again and again: "Bo Wang Hou Shisun is much heavier than me!"

There is an attitude between jokes.

Seeing that he was so unwilling to do anything, Su Guanying pondered for a moment and said: "Actually, before you came here, a meeting of the supervisory department was being held here. I don't think Marquis Wu'an liked the excitement, so he didn't let them come to see the ceremony."

Jiang Wang got up quickly: "How dare you miss the governor's business? Please continue. It is a blessing to see the governor today, so I will leave first."

Su Guanying raised his hand to signal him to sit down: "It's almost time to talk, and I just happened to talk to Marquis Wu'an."

She took a sip of tea slowly: "At that time, southern Xinjiang was initially settled, and there was a shortage of people everywhere. The Governor built the Governor's Mansion at the beginning. Official. But it is hard to get a name, and it is easy to arouse the heart of returning to summer. It will not last forever, but only temporarily."

Jiang Wang felt troubled when he heard it, and was thinking of finding an excuse to avoid it.

But Su Guanying spoke very quickly, and before he could think of something to say, he got straight to the point: "The situation is basically stable now, and everything in southern Xinjiang is going to be prosperous. The mountains and rivers are changing, and the old things are changing. I have already reported to the emperor, and the summer exam will be held today. Redesignate the title, unify the position and salary...Since the Marquis of Wu'an coincides with this meeting, how about being the chief examiner?"

Jiang Wang immediately refused: "Jiang himself is very ignorant and ignorant of political affairs. How can he be qualified to be the chief examiner? Southern Xinjiang covers thousands of miles, and the official examination is by no means a trivial matter. Dare to mislead your son."

"De Gao is better than being able to suppress disasters, and being respected is like saving the people." Su Guanying looked at him: "In this southern border, among all the officials in our Daqi, only you, Marquis Wu'an, are the most respected! If you don't come to be the man, who will be him ?”

Jiang Wang said with a bitter face: "Other people don't know, how can Su Du not know? It's just my luck to suppress disasters and save the people. I have been deceiving my name. Du Hou used his soldiers like a god, and he has no plans. In fact, he has already done it Prepare. Even if I am not here, the disaster will not fall to the Jiangyin Plain. You are making fun of me by talking about this!"

"Let's not talk about the strategic significance of Duhou's saving a hole card. For the people in southern Xinjiang, Jiang Wangye, Marquis of Wu'an, is the one who is in trouble. This is an established fact and the truth they recognize. As for the others, It's not important. A consensus has been formed, and your prestige in southern Xinjiang is unmatched." Su Guanying said: "Or is it that Marquis Wu'an is in his position, but he is unwilling to accept his responsibility?"

This guy is amazing.

Before today, Jiang Wang only had a general understanding of Su Guanying's resume.

The Su family used to be considered a noble family, but it has declined since her grandfather's generation. Her father even died in Haijiang, and the building collapsed.

Su Guanying has been pampered and cared for since he was a child. Longer than female red, sexually fond of planting flowers, good poems, good words, and beautiful jade.

After her father died in battle, everything changed.

The beautiful scenery on a good day is all a matter of course.

She put down the needlework and thread cutting, picked up the old armored sword, and has been stationed overseas since then.

He said, "Before the age of twenty, I don't know people's hearts. After twenty years old, I know people's hearts everywhere."

At the age of twenty-five, he became famous in the counterattack on Cassia Island.

Later, he successively served as a doctor of the official department, the sheriff of Jinghai County, and the lord of Pinglu City after the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters...

There are outstanding achievements in each term.

At the age of forty-three, he went to the Lost Realm again and avenged his father by killing the True King of the Sea Clan.

Although she was following the official path, she became a real person after becoming a real person in the world, not a real person after becoming a real person.

Although there is not much difference in combat performance between the two, and she is also bound by officialdom. But this is enough to prove that she has amazing talents no matter in government affairs or practice itself.

And after today, Su Guanying became a real person from a beautiful resume with Jiang Wang.

A person with a gentle face, a firm will in essence, and a person who is very capable of implementing his own will and achieving the set goals.

As far as official Taoism is concerned, the political platform is the way, government affairs are practice, and political resources are the cultivation resources.

South Xia is set at the beginning, who can not be indifferent?

There are nine officials in the court of Qi, and nine commanders in the military affairs hall. In addition to those who failed to make up the Liangzheng hall but still have great influence and talent, such as Li Zhengshu, a scholar of Donghua, more than ten people are eligible to compete. number.

In the end, it was Su Guanying who was the governor of Nanxia and had control of this huge political resource.

Faced with such a character, what resistance do you have?

Jiang Wang had a headache, but he could only ask, "I don't know what are the exams for the southern Xinjiang official exam?"

Su Guanying said with satisfaction: "The literary and martial arts exams are parallel, the literary exams are based on policy theory, and the martial arts exams are practiced. Unless there is a certain subject that is particularly good, you have to pass both civil and military exams to be considered a pass." The eight characters are the core of this official examination."

"I don't know anything about strategy theory, and I can explain a little bit about it in practice, otherwise I will be in charge of the martial arts exam." Jiang Wangqing knew that he couldn't evade it, so he took the initiative to choose one, and cut off half of his authority.

Su Guanying looked at him and said with a smile, "That's fine."


After visiting the governor of Nanxia, ​​he took a job.

Jiang Wang felt extremely bad.

For those who are dedicated to officialdom, it is probably impossible to ask for it. Responsible for the official examination in southern Xinjiang, how many students can be obtained, and what a huge official network can be established.

It is of great benefit to establish one's own political platform and promote one's own political views in the future.

Su Guanying is simply giving a favor!

But for Jiang Wang, although he is in the officialdom, he does not rely on officialdom. So far, all his cultivation has been obtained by his own hard work.

Now that he is completely devoted to the official path, he can certainly get quite amazing benefits in practice, which greatly improves the possibility of the hole. When he wants to leave in the future, he will definitely have to work hard. He does not take it.

On the contrary, the promotion of Marquis Wu'an's title does not need to be maintained by government affairs. As long as you don't go to Jue for a day, you can use the power of the country to practice for a day.

Of course, such things as borrowing the power of the country to practice will also have certain cause and effect in themselves. Connect the monk's own path with the fate of the country.

Back then when Qixia was fighting, King Wu Sijiao asked Changshengjun of Nandou Palace to fight. It is said that one of the conditions was to borrow ten years of national power to help him practice. In fact, it is to use the power of the Xia Kingdom to support the real king and the strong, and let a monk of Yan Dao suck ten years of blood.

I don't know if Lord Changsheng has a unique way to cut off the cause and effect of the country's power, so that he can only enjoy the benefits and not bear the responsibility... It should also need Xia Ting's cooperation. If it hadn't been for the survival of the country, Si Jiao would never have made such a condition.

Going back to the matter of the official examination in southern Xinjiang, Jiang Wang has no intention of managing any old students and old officials. Even if the whole world weaves a net and raises the court to approach Wu'an, what's the use of him not following the official path to practice? Those are the strengths of Chong Xuansheng, but he just thinks it is too troublesome, and he has lost a lot of time for his own practice.

But the matter has been settled. As he himself said, the selection of officials is not a trivial matter, which is related to the well-being of hundreds of millions of people, and he cannot ignore it.

On the way to Chitan, he had been studying the requirements of the Nanxia Governor's Mansion for all levels of official positions, as well as the list of examiners given to him by Su Guanying.

As the chief examiner, he can decide the examination questions, and at the same time, he can adjust the list of examiners to a certain extent, which can be said to be in his hands.

The first essence of the official examination is nothing but fairness. As long as this fundamental point is grasped, no matter how bad this official examination is, it won't be much worse. If this fundamental point is lost, the official examination itself will lose its meaning, and the credibility of the Nanxia Governor's Mansion will suffer a major blow. To put it seriously, it will even shake Qi Ting's rule over southern Xinjiang.

From this point of view, Su Guanying's strong grasp of Jiang Wanglai as the chief examiner can be called a master.

Jumping directly out of the interference of the military and political environment in southern Xinjiang, I found a candidate who can best implement fairness.

With Jiang Wang's huge influence in southern Xinjiang, no one objected to him being the chief examiner. And Jiang Wang himself does not work in Southern Xinjiang, and he is also famous for focusing on the practice itself, so there is no need to worry about him forming a party for personal gain. Coupled with Jiang Wang's good reputation in the past, it is really safe to use.

As the first Southern Xinjiang official examination publicly promoted by the Nanxia Governor's Mansion, it can almost be regarded as the source of Su Guanying's political responsibilities.

The more Jiang Wang thought about it, the more he wanted to keep these people from Zhengshitang at a respectful distance. Getting along with them is too brain-intensive and not at all enjoyable.

He now even suspects that the time of the southern Xinjiang official examination was temporarily set by Su Guanying after he saw him. Otherwise, apart from a large-scale list of examiners and the eight-character official examination policy, why are there no other preparations? It would be too coincidental to say that this plan was only started today.

"Great Xia Local Chronicles" has a cloud: Chitan is 700 steps away, hidden in the old mountain, with cumulus clouds all the year round, and thunder snakes touching the water.

It means that Chitan is hidden in the old mountain, and there are always dark clouds in the sky, and thunder and lightning occasionally hit the water.

It was a spectacle.

"Old mountain" is not a description of a mountain, but the name of a mountain. In the west of Guiyi City, there are few people.

Qi Tianzi enfeoffed Marquis of Wu'an in Chitan, of course he didn't just assign him an ancient pond for him to fish and play.

Jiang Wang's fief includes this old mountain, as well as nine towns near the old mountain.

Judging from the household register, the nine towns add up to a total of nearly 300,000 people, which can be classified as a city independently. Of course, because these towns are all built on the old mountains, they are scattered, and communication is not smooth, so it is not realistic to unite the city.

Dugu Xiao took over the management of this place, and the affairs he had to face were naturally much more complicated than those in Qingyang Town. Correspondingly, the power in his hands has also expanded a lot - it is worth mentioning that the post of pavilion chief in Qingyang Town was transferred to Duguxiao, a Zhou Tianjing cultivator who later defected. The cultivator was hard-working and quick in handling affairs, and he became the number two person in Qingyang Town early in the morning. As for Zhang Hai, who was determined to refine the divine elixir, he was still serving as a priest, where he ordered his meat on time, ate and waited to die.

The Marquis of Wu'an Mansion is built at the foot of the old mountain, and the full name engraved on the door plaque is "Other Garden of the Marquis of Wu'an".

Emperor Qi specially appointed a master craftsman to supervise the construction in Xiadi, and it was completed after careful selection of the site. It costs a lot of money and has unique ingenuity. Sitting on the mountain and looking at the water, this house is very magnificent.

There are some servants in the mansion, but they are running smoothly, and they are all paid from Nanxia Governor's Mansion for the time being.

When Jiang Wang came back this time, he brought Dugu Xiao to manage the fief again, so he had to recruit additional people, and he had to pay for it himself after that. But these are things that Dugu Xiao needs to worry about.

When Jiang Wang came over from Guiyi City, Dugu Xiao had already ordered people to clean up inside and out.

She is used to the world and has a city mansion. She has been tempered in the management of Qingyang Town for the past few years. Although she is a newcomer, she handles all trivial matters smoothly, and there are no servants who are not open-eyed or disobedient. stupid thing.

"Where's Chu Yao?" Jiang Wang asked after turning around the door.

"I went into Laoshan with Lord Lian, and said I was going to Chitan to see." Duguxiao replied.

Jiang Wang was surprised and said, "Isn't he quite afraid of Lian Que? Why did he follow him?"

The Dugu thief smiled and said: "Master Lian yelled, and he followed. I see him, he dare not follow, and he dare not not follow."

Jiang Wang also smiled, and casually handed the list to Dugu Xiao: "Governor Su gave me an errand and asked me to take charge of the official examination in southern Xinjiang. , Pick a few reliable ones."

This matter is easy to say, but it is not a simple project. Especially since they are newcomers, when it comes to investigations, it is difficult to find a way out.

Dugu Xiao accepted it happily: "This subordinate will do it now."

What better thing to prove the meaning of one's own existence than being needed by the master?

Jiang Wang ordered again: "By the way, let's collect the folklore of these towns under our rule, and bring them to me when the time comes... Don't worry about this, let's deal with the examiner's business first."

"The subordinates know." Dugu nodded vigorously.

There are exactly nine towns surrounding Chitan in Laoshan, which are easily reminiscent of the nine towns in Changhe, and there may be some hidden secrets among them.

But the whole Chitan is his fief, so there is no need to rush.

After pushing all the tedious matters to Dugu Xiao, Mr. Jiang inspected his mansion in Nanxia in a decent manner with his hands behind his back. He wanted to give advice on the layout, but Dugu Xiao followed his preferences everywhere. Can't fault it. In the end, I forced someone to move the lotus vat in the front yard to the back yard, and then I gave up.

Then he wandered leisurely, picked up a fishing rod, and headed for Laoshan.

I think there is a couplet on the mountain gate of Diaohai Tower, which is very bold, and it is said to be "unhooking for the moon".

Master Jiang is free today, so he might as well go fishing in the empty mountain!

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