Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1676 I want to use this tree as a pillar

Jiang Wang had no habit of fishing in the past.

Fishing was a pastime to pass the time, and he thought he didn't have enough time, so there was nothing left to pass. However, after seeing Wang Changji fishing in mountains and seas after his trip to the mountain and sea environment, he also moved his mind.

Occasionally, he would go out with a fishing rod.

While practicing, while waiting for the fish.

Often, self-cultivation is forgotten, and the fish eat up the bait. Go with an empty pole and return with an empty pole, but I want to be free.

Laoshan is named "Old", but I don't know where it is.

The mountain is neither high nor special.

Only the area is quite large.

Many towns can be gathered around the mountain, which shows that the mountain is quite stable.

What Jiang Wang saw was green and green, full of vitality, and the occasional birdsong made the mountains even more secluded.

Laoshan is naturally divided into two layers, the outer layer is where the surrounding townspeople rely on the mountain to eat, and the sight of roe deer, fox and rabbit is unavoidable. The inner layer is almost untouched, and there are no traces of animals.

Chitan is hidden in a deep mountain depression, so it is not easy to find. Not only is there terrain occlusion, but also a naturally formed maze. As time goes by, there are many traces of man-made adjustments. However, the most recent adjustment dates back forty years ago.

"Great Xia Local Chronicles" only uses the word "yin" to summarize.

If ordinary people really don't understand anything, they will go into the mountains to find Chitan, and they will definitely find nothing.

After the decisive battle with Yangcheng, the whole territory of Xiadi surrendered at the point of Daqi's soldiers. Almost everything about Xia Ting was taken over by Nanxia Governor's Mansion.

Jiang Wang was entrusted here, and he justifiably holds the right to the mountain. "Old Mountain Mountain Shape Map" and "Zhitan Formation Explanation" are naturally available in the Hou Mansion, and Lian Que also takes them with him when he goes out.

Although Jiang Wang no longer has it in his hand, the monk of Shenlin is naturally different.

At this moment, he was walking slowly, his spiritual sense had already spread out, and he searched the wilderness in the poor mountains. It didn't take long for him to discover the different places in the old mountains.

Go straight to the target mountain col, the maze has been opened by Lian Que, and it can cover the vision of ordinary people, but it can't stop Qianyang Chitong.

But I can see the ring of the mountain col, the low-altitude thunderclouds are faint, and the electric snakes are flickering. From time to time, lightning falls on the water, causing ripples.

This col is like a teacup, Leiyun is like a tea cover, and Chitan is like that cup of tea.

The water in the pool looks very clear, but the bottom is faint and you can't see the end. Razer occasionally enters the water to play, but it can't cause much change.

It's peaceful.

It has an eternal power.

If the legend is true and the pool was transformed by Chi kiss's blood and tears, then its history can be traced back to the Middle Ages, which is indeed ancient. Maybe the name of Laoshan came from this?

Lian Que set up a stove in the pool, with a big pot on it, and was cooking something. Upon closer inspection, there was nothing but calm water in the pot.

Simply boil water?

Chu Yao was holding a cattail fan with both hands, fanning the stove with all his might.

The fire was burning extremely vigorously, but the water in the pot did not react at all.

One more embarrassing thing is...

There are no fish in Chitan.

Jiang Wang has read "Great Xia Local Chronicles", especially the part that records Chitan.

But when he took the fishing rod and went up the mountain, he didn't think of this at all.

"Great Xia Local Chronicles" said: "The bottom here is bottomless, and the water in the pool is extremely cold, and it freezes when you touch it." Nine hundred feet is the limit of the presence of the gods. Although there are divine powers, they can no longer submerge.

There is a maze outside the Chitan, with thunder clouds on it, and electric snakes swim across the water from time to time. The water in the pool was extremely cold, and even monks below 900 zhang couldn't go deep. What kind of fish can live here?

There are really fish that can live here, how can they be caught by his ordinary fishing rod?

What was even more embarrassing was that Chu Yao had already seen the fishing rod in his hand.

Seeing Jiang Wang, Chu Yao's face immediately overflowed with joy, but he didn't dare to put down the work in hand, and continued to fan the flames while shouting: "Master!"

His slender eyes glanced sideways: "Are you here to fish?"

Jiang Wang didn't hide his fishing rod at all, just said "hmm", and walked down the mountain casually along the path, walking gracefully with his clothes fluttering.

Chu Yao turned his head and looked at Chitan for a while, then turned around and asked inexplicably, "But there are no fish here?"

Jiang Wang smiled inscrutably. First, he said to Lian Que: "What are you cooking?"

Lian Que stared at the iron pot without blinking, using a bamboo spoon to scoop out a little water from time to time, and put them into bamboo tubes by category. They also used wooden wine spoons and wooden cylinders to do the same.

He replied casually: "The water is too cold, boil it to judge the color."

Jiang Wang sneered: "Isn't it the same when it's boiled?"

Lian Que didn't take it seriously: "Its performance at each stage will tell its story. If you don't understand it, you won't be able to use it correctly."

The Lian family of Dayan used to be the governor of the Luodi Grottoes, so that the disaster water would not enter the world. It was a famous family for a while.

The Changluo Grottoes are still far away from Laoshan on the map, but the farthest is only the entrance of the Changluo Grottoes in Changluo Mansion. Really removing the influence of the array, the interior of the Changluo Catacombs is actually not far from the Chitan, and there is a certain connection between the two. Jiang Wang had already noticed this when he suppressed the disaster.

The reason why he brought Lianque to Chitan was also to let the contemporary patriarch of the Lian clan try to see if he could regain his former glory.

But Lian Que seems to be only interested in quenching water now.

Jiang Wang glanced at the stove, and continued to walk forward calmly, while untying the fishing line, he said to Chu Yao: "Why fishing?"

Chu Yao rolled his eyes: "Fish!"

"What is a fish?" Jiang Wang asked again.

"White meat! It has thorns, it's delicious." Chu Yao said, and added: "There are also thorns."

Jiang Wang shook his head: "This is Xiaoyu."

"The big fish is also like this." Chu Yao was puzzled.

Jiang Wangyun smiled lightly: "The size you mentioned is a narrow size. The big fish I'm talking about is not the big fish you think."

Chu Yao's small face wrinkled into a ball: "It sounds so confused."

"It's right to be confused." Lian Que said abruptly.

Jiang Wang quickly glared at him: "Teaching apprentices, don't interrupt!"

Lian Que said: "I think this kid is very clever, and you have been delayed in teaching him. You might as well learn from me."

Chu Yao was in a hurry: "I don't want to be a blacksmith! My master is so chic!"

It's about the future, and he doesn't care about being afraid of this ugly guy anymore. Besides, with Master by his side, can he still be eaten? The stubborn mouth is also daring to be stubborn, even if the movement of the hands still does not stop.

Jiang Wang laughed.

Lian Que shrugged.

Chu Yao cleverly said with a smiling face: "Master, tell me about the big fish. What kind of big fish are you talking about?"

Jiang Wang was calm and eloquent, talking eloquently: "The big fish drifts between the sky and the earth. Leaps up the blue clouds, dives into the secluded springs, swallows the high clouds and mists, and wraps around the nine-curved haze. There must be momentum in the ascent, and there must be sound in the action. Immortal wind, suddenly becomes the bones of the Tao, suddenly seen by thousands of people, suddenly manifested by thousands of years... Fishing for the teacher, this is the fish."

Chu Yao was in a daze, and it was a pity that he couldn't read well. It was very difficult to understand which word corresponded to which word in these words.

Thin eyes looked at his master blankly.

"Hey, Xiao Yao! Do you know what I'm doing?" Lian Que asked unwillingly.

Chu Yao didn't care what he was doing, but she was a little afraid of him after all, so she took another look cooperatively.

The ugly man was still repeatedly scooping water from the pond into the bamboo and wooden tubes, each time the amount was the same, and the water was only slightly different in temperature.

"Let's scoop up water," Chu Yao said.

"It's filling water." Lian Que said solemnly: "It's all filled."

"Chu Yao don't pay attention to him." Jiang Wang interrupted: "Do you understand what Master told you just now?"

Chu Yao shook his head and said honestly, "I don't understand."

Jiang Wang nodded with satisfaction: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you will understand later... Fishing, fishing is a kind of artistic conception."

At this time he had untied the line, set the hook and set the bait.

Holding a pole in one hand, he walked to the center of Chitan, sat cross-legged on the mirror-like water, and slowly lowered the fishing line.

Qifu used thunderclouds as a cover and cold water as a mat to fish in empty mountains.

Wearing a green shirt to shine on the clear water, there are thunder snakes swimming around.

Not to mention anything else, the posture is indeed very chic.

Chu Yao firmly remembered the master's words in his heart, and felt very rewarding and very happy.

Isn't this more promising than blacksmithing?

Let's say that the water in Chitan is extremely cold, and there are thunder snakes swimming around. It is not easy to put the fishing line into the water.

Behind Jiang Wang's unrestrained movements, the huge Dao Yuan attached to the fishing line, straightened it silently, and fell straight to the bottom of the water.

This fishing line is no more than nine feet long, and compared to Chitan, it can't go deep enough, but without the protection of Dao Yuan, it would have been frozen and cracked by now. The fishhook is also made of ordinary iron, so it can't stand the water at all. The bait made by earthworms has been working hard to resist the tendency of frost...

And Jiang Wang was sitting cross-legged in the center of Chitan at the moment, and he could feel the ubiquitous chill silently invading his body.

This kind of coldness is not Xiayang Dongshuang, but penetrates into the bones of people, penetrates into the soul of people,

Where does Chitan's cold come from?

Where does the extremely secluded bottom lead to?

There is no record in the relevant information that can be found.

Jiang Wang didn't rush to investigate, but silently operated the Xuantian Liuli Gong. Here, one needs to fight against the cold water of Chitan, while one needs to fight against cumulus clouds and lightning, and at the same time, one must carefully protect the fishing rod and fishing line. This is a good environment for practicing physical exercises.

The "Xuantian Liuli Gong" presented by Tu Hu sounds very similar to a Buddhist skill at first glance, but it is not.

"Xuantian" is the sky in the north.

"Liu Li" is crystal clear, without any dirt.

It is the orthodox grassland true power, and it is a rare power method on the grassland that is independent of the Cangtu divine religion system.

Or to put it in a more accurate way - it is one of the rare grassland skills that has not been erased by the Cangtu God Sect, and is not a god.

Tu Hu came up with this exercise, he really put his mind to it.

It is neutral and peaceful, has strong compatibility, will not conflict with the body of abundance, and can well adapt to Jiang Wang's current physical condition.

So far, Jiang Wang has practiced the Four Spirits Body Refining Jue, took Shimencao, experienced the heavenly bath in the hot spring palace, and tempered his body with the light of heaven and the light of stars, and then achieved God's presence and golden chalcedony.

Physical strength is actually not bad. It is difficult to benefit from ordinary body training exercises.

At the same time, it should be considered that the other side of "golden body and chalcedony, youth is not old" is that it is not easy to change, and it will not be broken until death. No matter how strong some body training methods are, they cannot be practiced any more if they are not suitable for one's own state. This is no better than before God's arrival, and there is still a lot of room for adjustment.

Jiang Wang is based on the mystery of Huang Weizhen's God's presence, and achieved it in the state of "three noes" on the battlefield. The body of God's presence can be called perfect. If it is an incompatible body training method, it will cause flaws on the contrary. Even if the defense is greatly enhanced, the gain is not worth the loss.

The Xuantian Liuli Art is different, it has no nature itself, it is like the sky containing everything, like the glass reflecting everything. In the history of the grassland, it was also usually used as a supplement to the religious practice system.

Once this skill is completed, it will be able to integrate this physical body well,

Master Jiang Hou came here today with a pole, originally to enjoy leisure and practice quietly.

It is not easy to hold the fishing rod now, but practice is still practice.

Liuli Qingguang turned around, and he ordered casually: "Chu Yao, stand on the Taiyi White Tiger Pile."

This pile skill is very suitable for laying the foundation, and it can help Chu Yao complete the physical preparation before opening the veins. He has already taught it on the way to southern Xinjiang.

"Hey!" Chu Yao hurriedly put down his cattail fan, put on a decent posture at the side, and stood up.

Lian Que didn't care about their masters and apprentices, he turned on the stove casually, and analyzed the water in Chitan by himself.

There was a moment of silence among the cols, and everyone was doing their own thing.

There was only the crackling of firewood in the furnace, and occasional thunder and lightning.

Time slipped away quietly like this.


When Xue Rushi walked into the mountain depression, he saw such a scene. But seeing the monk sitting on the surface of the pool like a Bodhi, fishing alone with a single pole, the boy standing in a lunge and gnashing his teeth, and the ugly man by the stove concentrating on testing the water with a pious expression... This picture is surprisingly harmonious.

He waited quietly at the col, without saying a word.

Although he set off to visit as soon as he learned that Marquis Wu'an was coming to southern Xinjiang. Although he went to the mansion to visit but failed, he hurriedly searched into the mountains. Although he is eager to express his fistful heart and loyalty...

But he just waited quietly.

Of course he knew that Marquis Wu An would not miss them all.

"How did Ru Shi find this place?" Jiang Wang shifted his gaze.

By the way, he waved to Chu Yao, signaling the kid to rest.

Chu Yao relaxed, and followed the method taught by his master to relax his tendons and activate his blood, while looking at the visitor curiously. Look at the clothes and temperament, he is also a high-ranking official.

"Master Hou." Xue Rushi saluted respectfully, and then said: "The general heard that Lord Hou has arrived in southern Xinjiang, so he came to visit as soon as possible. He was anxious to listen to Master Hou's teachings, so he chased him to the mountains... Lord Hou Yaxing, what a crime!"

Xia Fang's generals like Xue Rushi, who turned their backs on the battlefield, have now been entrusted with important tasks in the Xia land. Chong Xuansheng's original promise is not empty words. Under the rule of Qi Ting, Xia people will never be excluded, because Qi Tianzi wants eternal unification, and all Xia people are Qi people.

In particular, Xue Rushi followed Jiang Wangzhong and Xuan Sheng back and forth, and made many contributions in the war. Participated in persuading capitulation, arresting captives, and attacking fortifications. Now they are temporarily acting as the magistrate of Fengli, and the word "generation" can be removed only when the cultivation level is improved. Compared with the time when he had worked so hard for many years to become the general of Dai City, it was completely different.

The state of Xia is a prefecture system, and the magistrate is equivalent to the sheriff of the state of Qi, and of course it is an important job.

In the past, the old system of summer control was used for the sake of stability. This time, after the official examination in Southern Xinjiang, the names will be redefined, the righteousness will be unified, and the Qi court's rule over Nanxia will be strengthened. All regions will follow the trend and change their prefectures into prefectures, which will converge with Qi... These are all mentioned by Su Guanying.

The magistrate is a high official, and Xue Rushi still calls himself a general when facing Jiang Wang, which is of course an expression of loyalty.

"This time I came to Nanxia to recuperate. I was thinking that I am not familiar with this place. Rushi, you came just in time." Jiang Wang was also very friendly, and introduced them in a casual tone: "This is my friend Lian Que. , the head of the Lian clan of the Nanyao army casting family. This is Xue Rushi, my former general on the battlefield. We fought side by side thanks to his great efforts. Now he is the magistrate of Fengli."

"Temporary, just temporary..." Xue Rushi politely saluted Lian Que: "How lucky is Xue to be able to meet the Lord of the Holy Land of the Armor Builder today!"

Lian Que doesn't like these flattering people by nature, but he won't let Jiang Wang be friends, just let his temper tear things down, and return a salute in a decent way: "Mr. To some extent it is."

"This kid is my new apprentice, named Chu Yao." Jiang Wang pointed to Chu Yao and introduced: "Chu Yao, call someone."

Chu Yao said politely like a grown-up: "Chu Yao has seen Zhifu Xue!"

Xue Rushi also saluted him with a smile: "Xue Rushi has met the young master."

Chu Yao smiled happily, thinking that this person is really pleasing to the eye.

Jiang Wang casually put the fishing rod on the water, got up and walked to Xue Rushi: "Maybe we haven't seen each other for a long time, let's take a few steps together?"

"The last general can't ask for it." Xue Rushi quickly turned half of his body to let Jiang Wang go first, and he was half a step behind, respectfully following behind.

The two walked out of the col and walked among the old forests with luxuriant foliage.

The boots fell to the ground, and the dead branches and broken leaves made a soft sound.

When Jiang Wang returned to Chitan fiefdom, Xue Rushi's visit was justified. The person who was originally accepted by Chongxuansheng also performed very well in that war, so he and Chongxuansheng were naturally labeled and belonged to their lineage.

But there must be something else going on in such an eager pursuit to Laoshan.

Jiang Wang guessed that it should be related to the upcoming official examination in southern Xinjiang. Xue Rushi's own cultivation is not enough to be the magistrate of Fengli. The past six months have passed, but they have not been able to break through to the outer building.

If Nanxia Governor's Mansion was stricter, not only would the word "Dai" not be removed, the Dai Zhifu might have to be replaced.

It is inevitable for Xue Rushi to come to find a relationship, and Jiang Wang can fully understand it. What's more, Xue Rushi really deserves credit for all his hard work, so he is qualified to say this.

But since Jiang Wang agreed to be the chief examiner, and since he was determined to clean up the examination style, it was absolutely impossible for him to make such an excuse for selfishness.

If you are not right, how can you be right about others?

So, how to properly refuse, without making Xue Rushi renounced?

This is probably a simple question for Chong Xuansheng, but Jiang Wang needs to think seriously.

If it is too cold and hard, Chong Xuansheng's earlier investment in this person will be in vain. That fat man will definitely not give up with him when he turns around.

The two walked among the mountains and forests, some chatting for a while.

Jiang Wang asked casually: "Have you heard about the official examination in southern Xinjiang?"

Xue Rushi respectfully said: "I have heard about it, but I don't know when it will be implemented."

"Just these two months." Jiang Wang said.

Xue Rushi weighed heavily on his feet: "Master Hou is still well informed."

"Ru Shi." Jiang Wang walked in front with his hands behind his back and sighed, "I always thought you were a smart person, but this time, you are not smart enough."

In the past, Jiang Wang on the battlefield was a god who blocked and killed a god, and a Buddha who blocked and killed a Buddha. Xue Rushi was forced to surrender on the spot. Today's Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi is even more honorable and prestige in all directions.

Even though there was no angry expression, just a simple sentence, Xue Rushi felt uneasy in his heart, and swallowed hard: "The general is dull... I don't know what Lord Hou is referring to?"

"Do you know who is the chief examiner for the southern border official examination?" Jiang Wang asked quietly.

Of course Xue Rushi couldn't know.

Even Jiang Wang himself was assigned a temporary task today.

"I don't know if it's an adult from the governor's mansion...or a general from the commander-in-chief's mansion?" He carefully observed Jiang Wang, wondering if Marquis Wu An could get on line with that person.

"It's me." Jiang Wang said directly.

Xue Rushi was stunned for a moment.

Jiang Wang sighed regretfully: "You said that you came to me at this critical time, didn't you just trap yourself in gossip? It made those who didn't know the truth think that you, Xue Rushi, seemed to be going through the back door! You have no shortage of credit, no lack of ability, why bother making people suspicious?"

"I...the last general really doesn't know." Xue Rushi said in a dull voice.

"Since this Marquis presides over this official examination, there must be no favoritism and fraud. Fraudulent official examination is a serious crime that destroys the government. Regardless of status or background, this Marquis is honored by the title of the Son of Heaven, and his reputation is here. Kill him with the sword!"

As soon as these murderous words were finished, Xue Rushi's face turned pale.

Jiang Wang said again: "You are Ben Hou's old department. It is also intentional to visit Ben Hou here today. It is a pity that we are at this embarrassing time. Although we are innocent, our words are scary. During the official examination, Ben Hou will be more strict with you, this is also your protection, I hope Ru Shi can understand."

Xue Rushi wiped his sweat and said, "The general understands, fully understands. Having such a selfless examiner like Lord Hou is really a blessing in southern Xinjiang!"

Jiang Wang walked a few steps, and said again: "The days ahead are still very long. No matter what the result of this official examination will be, you must remember that your credit will never be erased. This is what this Marquis gave you. Promise of."

Xue Rushi breathed a sigh of relief: "Ru Shi thank you Lord Hou!"

Jiang Wang stopped: "Having said that, your cultivation should keep up."

He reached out and patted the thorn tree next to him, and asked, "I want to use this tree as a pillar, is this tree okay?"

"It can only be cut down for firewood..." Xue Rushi said with a face of shame: "The general is ashamed."

Jiang Wang looked at him and said earnestly: "This Marquis believes that you Xue Rushi is a pillar, but you can't just let Ben Hou believe it, do you understand?"

Xue Rushi said solemnly: "The general will work hard and will never disappoint the expectations of Lord Hou!"

"Let's go." Jiang Wang moved forward and raised his chin: "Let's talk to Benhou about the officialdom in southern Xinjiang, who is partying with whom, who is false and who is good... Benhou is still at a loss now, I rely on you to solve it." confused!"

"The final general should know that there is everything to say, and there is nothing to say."

Fragmented light pierced through the forest, and while talking, the two stepped on fallen leaves and drifted away.

One of the chapters was added to the Dameng Yan Shaofei (74/78.)

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