Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1683 Stay! (Add 76/78 for Dameng Yan Shaofei.)

Chapter 1683 Stay! (Add 7678 for Dameng Yan Shaofei.)

Real people in this world are still like this!

And he is a real person like Shi Mingzheng.

There is no need to describe the strength of the comer.

Is it Shenggong, Shenxia, ​​or King Zhao?

Su Guanying lost his composure, flipped his left palm, and he had already engraved the seal of the governor of Nanxia. Hold this seal to act on behalf of the emperor's order, and use the power of the country in southern Xinjiang! A steady stream of power is pouring towards her, giving her the confidence to challenge anyone at this moment.

The sea of ​​clouds for thousands of miles is churning.

The huge human face that replaced the sky suddenly shrank, shrinking into a black spot.

Return the sky to the present world.

And he is far away in the sky.

This black dot fell down extremely quickly, and it was only a matter of thought from far to near.

Appearing in the center of the tiger platform was a man with a face as bright as fire, who could not be looked at directly.

Said he was a man, because his voice was very powerful.

"Heaven's law is clear, but the mantis' arm is like a cart!"

He is King Zhao!

The three leaders of the equal country, although there has been no clear geographical division. But generally speaking, the leader who handles the affairs of the southeast and southeastern regions of Pingping Kingdom is King Zhao. Those who appeared more in the Northwest and Northwest regions were Shenxia. Most of the people who organized and acted in the equal country in the central region were Sheng Gong.

Accompanied by this sound, King Zhao, who descended on Hutai, pushed out casually, his posture was as natural as pushing a window to look at the moon.

But there is a fundamental change that has occurred.

Su Guanying's whole body exudes a continuous terrifying aura. With the help of the title of governor of Nanxia, ​​he uses the majestic national power to add to his body, and has almost unlimited mighty power. He wants to use this to compete with King Zhao. But for no reason, the whole person suddenly disappeared in place and left Hutai.

As if being squeezed away by this world, when she reappeared, she was already in Huaiqing!

Across the land of Gyeonggi and the entire Sang Prefecture.

There is no resistance!

Even though she has infinitely approached the True Monarch at this moment, she is not a True Monarch after all, and the current Southern Border is not enough to push her to a truly extraordinary height.

Dongzhen and Yandao have fundamentally different power levels.

If King Zhao really wanted to kill her, it would be easy, but it would take a lot of effort.

But right now he has more important things to do.

"Take Chu Xu away. Died for an ideal, we will always miss it."

He gave Zhao Zi such a light command, and then he stretched his hands into claws and fell directly to the tiger platform!

Zhao Zi rolled up Chu Xu's body and disappeared in a flash. Qian Chou and Li Mao did not hesitate, and fled away one after another.

After all, it is a direct confrontation with a hegemony like Qi, they can only touch and go, and they must not stay for a long time. King Zhao may not be able to take care of them after that.

A few Pingguo guardians over there have just left.

Here, the entire tiger platform with a square of 3,000 steps suddenly appeared dense cracks like spider webs.

The great power belonging to King Zhao has already extended to the infinite depths of the underground through this Tiger Terrace!

Yes. It is just a pretense to destroy the official examination in southern Xinjiang and shake Qi's rule in Nanxia.

Resolving Su Guanying or Shi Mingzheng is not what Equality Nation really seeks in this big move.

With an unquestionable victory, Qi won the authority in the southern region, and the rule of southern border is an established fact. At best, they are only shaken, and there is absolutely no possibility of subversion.

And killing a Su Guanying or Shi Mingzhen will not affect the overall situation of Qi State at all.

King Zhao took a huge risk and made a move openly in front of others. How could he kill only one real person?

What they want is the Sixuan Underground Palace!

In the first Qixia War, it was destroyed by Qi Tianzi, and the Sixuan Underground Palace was not able to be repaired until the second Qixia War!

Ding ding ding ding ding ding.

There seems to be a piano sound plucking between heaven and earth.

But that's not the sound of the piano.

It is the collision of the lines of rules, the symphony of the truth of the world.

The truth has its own beauty, and the avenue has its own music.

The great power of Yan Dao powerhouse makes the heaven and earth naturally respond.

The cracks that spread like spider webs on the surface of the tiger platform were quickly filled with endless starlight.

It is like the water of a lake, quickly flowing through all the cracks. It doesn't heal the rift, but the Tiger Terrace has in fact become a whole again.

Ugly cracks have become beautiful decorations.

Three thousand steps square, such a beautiful star pattern tiger platform.

It doesn't stop there.

At this moment, the entire sky was also covered by a gorgeous and complicated star map.

If you observe carefully, you can find that this star map can be compared with the star pattern formed by Hutai at this moment. It is not the same kind of deliberate pattern, but the two patterns have a sense of harmonious echo.

This is an almost artistic collocation, anyone can capture this beauty.

Without a deep understanding of the starry sky, it is impossible to spread out such an appropriate star map.

At this time, everyone is under the starry sky, and they all need to look up at the stars!

In the flow of starlight, a man with an unusually young face and wearing a star map Taoist robe appeared.

He stood on the other side of the star pattern tiger platform, with a wave of his sleeve, all the Qi Guofang people on the tiger platform disappeared. And he faced King Zhao alone.

"Ruan Yu!" King Zhao's voice was thick and close to the verification of the truth: "Do you think you can stop me?"

So domineering!

Facing Zheng Ruan Yu, the Qin Tianjian Supervisor of Qi State who once confronted Xia Guowu Wang Sijiao head-on, King Zhao actually spoke contemptuously, and stepped forward, breaking Ruan Yu's star chart rules, and walked into his room. at a safe distance.

But Ruan Yu just looked at him calmly: "You'd better be able to behave flawlessly, you better not show any flaws, you better not let me figure out who you are."

The equal country is almost an enemy of the present world, and it is an existence that all hegemonic countries are hostile to.

Once King Zhao's true identity is revealed, no matter what level of existence it is, it is foreseeable that the end will be very tragic.

"Hahahaha!" King Zhao laughed loudly: "You who pretend to be gods and play ghosts, you'd better have such abilities."

At this time, there was a sound of tearing silk from the sky.

The star map covering the night sky was torn apart from the middle!

At this moment, the star pattern formed on the Tiger Terrace suddenly glowed brightly, reaching to the sky, and the light rushed to the sky, forming a series of starlight curtain walls, forcibly supporting the map of the star dome.

Obviously, it appeared at first to make up for the gap caused by King Zhao, but at this moment it formed an formation so naturally, it seemed that King Zhao himself had become a part of the formation.

So the power that swept across the world began to strangle King Zhao!

Starlight hangs from the sky, and star walls rise from the ground.

All rules are broken and remade.

Therefore, the sky collapses and the earth shatters, time and space are shifted, the five elements are reversed, and the truth is turned into emptiness!

It is for the nine-day star to return to the virtual formation.

This array has evolved to the end, and it can even disintegrate the "Tao" of the true monarch!

However, Ruan Yu completed it so naturally, without any disturbance.

From the shot to the present, every step of Ruan Yi's is far-reaching. It seems that behind every step of action, there are endless backhands, making people overwhelmed and hard to guess. If it is based on calculations, who will the True Monarch of the Gua Dao be afraid of?

The terrifying rules touched the Taoist body, and there was a green thunder hidden outside King Zhao's body, twisting like a dragon and snake. That is not a powerful technique, but a reaction to the power of the formation of the Taoist body.

He sat and watched Ruan Yu unleash the killing array, and only reached out with his big hand.



At the bottom of the Star-patterned Tiger Terrace, it was obvious that something great had shaken. The surrounding world rules have been broken one by one.

King Zhao actually resisted Ruan Yu's offensive and wanted to forcibly remove Sixuan's underground palace!

So vain, so tyrannical!

The reason why he made such a choice was, of course, based on his terrifying strength, and he could indeed bear it. Secondly, he can't entangle Ruan Yu here for a long time, because other strong men from Qi State will come at any time. This is also the reason why he didn't choose to spend more effort to kill Shi Mingzhen and Su Guanying on the spot.

Pulling out the Sixuan underground palace, this trip is a victory.

If you can't take away Sixuan's underground palace, even if you kill Shi Mingzheng and Su Guanying, the trip will be a failure.

So he tried his best to damage his Taoist body, and he had to force it.

Of course, the degree of damage to the Taoist body is completely under his control and can be tolerated.

Of course, he had also speculated about whether there was a real king of Qi hidden in the southern border, and the reason why he still made the trip. Because he has self-confidence, even if such a worst result does occur, he can still achieve his goal.

It is precisely because Qi Guofang has a strong man at the level of a true monarch, so it may be even more unexpected that he has a conspiracy against Sixuan's underground palace!

The Sixuan Underground Palace is buried deep in the ground and lives under the Tiger Terrace, but it affects thousands of miles in southern Xinjiang. It has initially established a close relationship with the Nanxia Governor's Mansion.

If in a few more years, the government in southern Xinjiang is well-organized and the people are harmonious, everyone will return to their hearts, and pulling out the Sixuan underground palace is like pulling out the Nanxia governor's mansion.

From this point of view, today is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Ruan Yu sighed: "As expected of King Zhao, how many years have you ruled the world, how many heroes want to kill you but can't kill you! I really can't stop you. But—"

King Zhao looked at the highest achiever in Eastern Territory astrology in front of him...but?

but what?

He soon knew but what!

The Sixuan Underground Palace that he moved with his supreme power, suddenly came a majestic force, formally resisting his invasion!

King Zhao felt surprised for the first time.

how come?

Sixuan's underground palace has long been broken, and it has not been restored since then, so where did the power come from?

If it has recovered, if it still has strength, why didn't it come out in the battle of Qi State to destroy Xia State? !


The ground shaking became more intense.

All the rules in this world are breaking down, and new rules are being born.

A great palace suddenly appeared high in the sky.

It happened to appear in the gap where the sky of the star map was torn apart, as if filling the vacancy, and possessed the great power to suppress for a lifetime.

Inside the palace, with the help of the power of the underground palace, a magnificent voice came out——

"Ming Shouqi, the lord of Sixuandi Palace, has met King Zhao!"


King Zhao understood everything in an instant.

The so-called "Xie Huaian used the momentum of thunder to suppress the Sixuan underground palace first, surrounded it without fighting. Then he stormed Guiyi, forced to surrender An Lebo, and then turned around to take over the Sixuan underground palace..." Su Guanying told Jiang Wang first Qi Guofang also disclosed this plot long ago.

It's just "drama".

The real process is not like this.

In fact, it was Ming Shouqi, the master of Sixuandi Palace and real person in the world, who had already surrendered to the Qi court!

In the first Qixia War, the Emperor Qi had successfully surrendered Ming Shouqi, and as one of his adversaries, he was about to take Guiyi City in one fell swoop. But at that time, Empress Dowager Xia acted resolutely, Yitian Temple fell first, the breath of countless powerful men descended, and Jingguo's power overwhelmed the world!

Emperor Qi had no choice but to withdraw his troops, all the way back to the Eastern Region, and spit out all the territory in the Southern Region.

But Ming Shouqi stayed.

In the dilapidated Sixuan Underground Palace, Ming Shouqi, the lord of Sixuan Palace who was seriously injured and dying, stayed in the same dilapidated and crumbling Xia Kingdom.

After that, it was the age of the gods and martial arts that lasted for thirty-three years.

The monarchs and ministers of the Xia Kingdom were united and worked hard to govern, and then established a large array to protect the country, built a strong army, and secretly rebuilt the Sixuan Underground Palace as a trump card. However, they have been publicizing that the restoration of the Sixuan Underground Palace is still far away.

It's a pity that this hole card is the card of Qi Tianzi Jiang Shu!

When Qi State retreated thirty-four years ago, it buried this nail.

That's why in the final Qixia War, Xie Huaian defeated Guiyi City so easily.

That's why a strange woman like the Empress Dowager Xia didn't make any resistance and set herself on fire. Otherwise, even though she was deeply hurt by her son and was disheartened, she would have done something again—at that time, there was really nothing she could do.

Because Xia Tingyi was one of the back-hands, and it was also the Sixuan Underground Palace that Guiyi City relied on at that time, and refused the summon at that time!

And what that means, Xia Ting's real senior management is very clear.

Why did the Qi State know all about Xia State's situation throughout the entire Qi Xia War?

Because of Ming Shouqi.

Why did Xia Guofang's carefully constructed intelligence system leak like a sieve?

Because of Ming Shouqi!

The Sixuan Underground Palace itself has a greater significance.

Since ancient times, it has never been heard that there are weapons that are better than humans.

No matter how powerful the weapon is, it needs to be held in human hands.

No matter how great the tools are, they are all created by man.

Cultivators endure hardships all their lives, and generations of monks are extremely wise and constantly expand the boundaries of practice.

It doesn't make sense that dead things can be stronger than living things, and magical artifacts can be stronger than real people.

This is even more so since the way of weapon repair was completely shattered.

All tools have limits, but the potential of the extraordinary road is endless!

The Mohists have struggled for so many years with the power of outstanding learning in the world, and the extraordinary puppets made by painstaking efforts, don't they stop at the level of real people at most? And with one less one, mass production cannot be done at all.

Not to mention the rest of the instruments and the like. Usually only useful in low-level battles. There are very few magic weapons that can participate in the battle at the God's Promenade level. It is rare in the world to be able to participate in real-life battles!

And at the level of a true monarch, no matter what magic weapon you have, it is impossible to play a role. One thought is broken, one thought is immortal.

Even if it is the weapon of the True Monarch, once it leaves the protection of the True Monarch, it will degrade rapidly.

But throughout the ages, there is one kind of existence that can be an exception.

That is the treasure of the cave created by countless sages who worked hard and used the cave conceived by the heavens and the earth!

This is also one of the fundamental reasons why the value of Dongtian is much higher than that of blessed land.

Just like the Sun Palace of the old Yang Empire in the past, it ran rampant in the heavens and suppressed the Eastern Region. Who would dare to refuse to accept it?

The Sixuan Underground Palace is also like this!

Although its predecessor is only one of the thirty-six small caves, the treasures of the caves refined are enough to interfere with the battle at the level of Yan Dao.

Now that Ming Shouqi came out from Sixuandi Palace, the overall situation has been established.

King Zhao knew that great things were difficult to achieve, so he didn't say a word, and let the green thunder faintly outside his body, and he was going to go thousands of miles away with just one step.


With fluttering hair, Ruan Yi stepped onto the dome of Sixuan's underground palace.

In an instant, the brilliance was overwhelming, bullying Lieyang and covering the nine heavens, this great underground palace erupted with unimaginable power, directly suppressing the body of King Zhao!

Ruan Yu has been hiding in Sixuan's underground palace for many days, isn't he just waiting for such an accident as King Zhao of Pingguo?

He has also been familiar with Sixuan's underground palace, and even at this moment, he can directly control Sixuan's underground palace!

This is Qi's unarmed hand in the war against Xia. It has been kept for so long, but today, it fell on the face of Pingguo!

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