Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1684 There is real meaning in this

This time, the collision between Pingping Kingdom and Nanxia Governor's Mansion broke out suddenly at the end of the Nanjiang official examination. But the confrontation under the water has actually gone on for many rounds.

Both sides have done a lot of preparation.

The Nanxia Governor's Mansion is in the Ming Dynasty, and the Equality Kingdom is in the dark, which determines the difference in logic between the two sides.

Equal Kingdom implements "fairness" everywhere in southern Xinjiang, which is the first level.

Pingpingguo deliberately sabotaged the official examination in southern Xinjiang, which is the second level.

Pingguo wants to seek Su Guanying or Shi Mingzheng, which is the third level.

Pingguo wants to seize Sixuan's underground palace, and this fourth floor is the real goal behind layers of cover-up.

They don't mind being guessed that they have plans for Nan Xia, and there is no need to guess. What they want is that the Nanxia Governor's Mansion misestimated their goals and determination!

It must be known that an organization like the Equality Nation will never be able to stand under the sun and collide head-on with the hegemony of the world.

They exist in the current power structure, but they want to overthrow everything that exists. Every action is extremely dangerous.

For example, Yan Tu, who had become the commander-in-chief of the nine soldiers, was picked up by Jiang Wuqi by the most stupid method just because of a smooth response that should have been without risk, and was tortured to death.

Therefore, every action they take is very cautious. A slight disturbance is the cutting and silence of the whole line. The same was true for the envoys of the Ping An Kingdom handed over by Xia Guo earlier, and the same for Yan Tu and Li Yougui later.

For this operation in southern Xinjiang, Equal Country dispatched a large number of manpower.

It can be regarded as the largest operation in recent years, and it is also to save the successive setbacks in Qi.

Among them are three real people in the world and one strong man in the presence of God. Even in the end, King Zhao took action himself! What I want is to be safe.

No matter what preparations Qi State has in Nanxia Governor's Mansion, as long as the preparations are no more than the presence of a strong Daoist Yan. King Zhao had the confidence to take away Sixuan's underground palace.

On the Qi side, the opponent cannot be confirmed for the time being, or in other words, the scale of the enemy's actions cannot be confirmed. For the frequent cases in various parts of southern Xinjiang, we choose to use static braking. Large-scale selection of officials and the establishment of a separate criminal department are one of the methods.

Let Marquis Wu'an be responsible for maintaining the order of the official examination in southern Xinjiang. Su Guanying, the governor of Nanxia, ​​and Ming Cheng, the military governor, as the strongest combat power on the surface, personally sit in Hutai.

And Yiqin Tianjian supervises Ruan Yu, who hides in Sixuan's underground palace.

A Yan Dao powerhouse who is ready to wait is the first hole card.

A Sixuan underground palace that has been successfully restored is the second hole card.

Pingguo has estimated the variables as much as possible, but Qi has left more room for error.

Ruan Yu and Sixuan's underground palace are enough to suppress all possibilities!

Even this is not determined by the resourcefulness of both parties, but the cards they can play, which are different.

Which one of the real kings and powerhouses in the world doesn't have a name and a surname?

After so many years, only one Winter Emperor Xie Ai was born. But her clues can also be traced back to Xu Qiuci, the Frost Immortal Lord, who possesses the secret of reincarnation that affects the world.

It even goes so far as to say that even Xie Ai himself is an existence who made an appearance at the Yellow River Meeting and is remembered by many people in the world.

The real identities of the three leaders of the Equal Kingdom are by no means unknown existences. They sit in the deep mountains and old forests for a lifetime, and they cannot sit out the strong ones. Every move of their true identities must be watched by many eyes. It is not easy to get a chance to make a move. Therefore, every shot must have enough value.

Earlier in the Qi Xia War, Shenxia was motivated, wanted to intervene in the battle, and did not want to see Qi successfully conquer Xia. But King Zhao made it clear at the time that he would not get involved, and Shenggong also refused to take risks. In addition to different judgments on the situation, it is also because each of them is not free.

It's definitely not that any of them has a better impression of Jiang Shu and is willing to sit back and watch Qi grow stronger.

For example, when King Zhao went to Linzi in person to continue the bridge line, he had already shown great courage. After all, that time was just a covert action, but this time it was an open move.

The determination of the equal country could not be firmer.

And what about Qi?

After a war to annihilate a major country in the region, there are still unused cards, which can be saved for today!

This hole card was even buried thirty-four years ago. Even Xia Guomantang's ministers have been deceived, and they are still hiding half a year after the end of the Qi Xia War.

Who would have guessed it?

Even a top figure like King Zhao couldn't help feeling suspicious at this moment——

Who is Jiang Shu?

But Ruan Yu naturally wouldn't take care of his feelings. Seeing that King Zhao was about to escape, he immediately urged Sixuan's underground palace to appear in the world horizontally and suppress time and space.

The so-called "cave sky", there is another world in the cave!

A cave is a world, and it is a precious world born in the center of all worlds in this world. It is not comparable to the small world outside the sky. No matter how well managed those small worlds are, they can only be used as extraterrestrial supplies, without the possibility of being brought into the present world, and will not affect the pattern of the present world.

The predecessors and sages exhausted their talents and refined them into the treasures of the cave, breaking through the limit of "tools", and the power is unimaginable.

Especially under the control of Ruan Yu, a strong Daoist like Ruan Yu, even directly interfered with the "Tao" on this battlefield!

The distance from here to King Zhao's next landing point has been completely suppressed. The meaning of space becomes a barrier, and the meaning of time is erased. There are many choices about the way to go, and they have been brave for thousands of years, and they cannot be exhausted. There is also an invisible line of rules, and began to try to reconstruct the Taoist body of King Zhao.

The outer world overwhelms the inner world!

One world, one person!

Although King Zhao's face cannot be watched, people can still feel his attention to Ruan Yu and his surprise at Sixuan's underground palace.

"Give it away for free!"

His movements could not be caught by sight.

But the indescribable power seemed to affect the world with this voice.

If it is a concept, a belief, it can also be specific to a brick, a stone, a plant and a tree. Those frail individuals, even though they are as small as dust, once looked up at the starry sky.

It is like the grass growing in spring, and it is like wildfire starting a prairie fire.

The changes in the small rules have shaken the fundamental structure of this world and broken the blockade at the rule level.

The blue thunder around King Zhao's body suddenly annihilated!

His Taoist body has become translucent.

Then, like an overwhelmed water polo, it exploded silently.

Countless fragments flew like butterflies.

At this point, all the power disappeared together, and all traces were taken away by him.

King Zhao's real body has escaped.

Ruan Yu, who was standing on the dome of Sixuan's underground palace, pulled out the Moyu hairpin with his backhand, and swiped forward decisively!

A starlight gate appeared in front of him, and the extremely gorgeous stargate opened, and a piece of clothes fluttered down to the palm of his left hand.

The posture of the corner of the clothes is actually graceful, hovering like a goddess.

This is the legacy of King Zhao!

It's not that it can add any gender significance to King Zhao.

It is the external sign of this posture, which just represents strength.

Beauty is power.

Naturally, King Zhao couldn't allow a piece of clothing to be captured by Ruan Yu, leaving it in the hands of the world's great master of astrology. This is too dangerous a thing!

Therefore, although the real body has been far away, it turned around again, shaking the sky and shaking the earth, and descended with great power.

There is thunder in the distance, which is like the sound of drums in the sky.

This is a rule-level oppression.

The entire sky is faintly collapsing!

It gives people a kind of terrible pressure of hopelessness in the world.

Ruan Yu looked up at the sky without changing his face. The gloomy light soared, and Sixuan's underground palace shook accordingly, and endless power shot up to the sky, like a mountain lifting the sky, resisting the pressure given by King Zhao.

The two great forces collided with each other, and there was no result for a while.

But the piece of clothing that fell on Ruan Yu's palm suddenly disintegrated bit by bit, disintegrating into the tiniest existence. Or that is, the "one" that belongs to Yuan Hai.

So, should King Zhao erase the legacy?

Jiang Wang, who was watching the battle, thought so, and saw Ruan Yi slightly raised his eyebrows, gracefully inserting the ink jade hairpin back into his bun, and his left index finger flashed brightly, drawing a small circle in front of him.

That small circle has become a real existence, and there is a very thin breath in the circle, twisting like a dragon and snake.

The aura left by King Zhao on the corner of his clothes was captured!


The shocking lightning pierced the sky, like a zigzagging knife light, completely tearing apart the star vault.

King Zhao certainly refused to allow this to happen.

He even wants to break through the blockade and fight head-on with Ruan Yu who controls Sixuan's underground palace.

But at this moment, from the land of Qi to the land of Xia, on the thousands of miles that has been completely conquered, the flags are suddenly fluttering, and the purple energy is rising!

As long as he is entangled for a moment, there will be another True King in Qi Kingdom!

"It's ridiculous that the world underestimates you, Ruan Yi!"

Only such a voice remained, and then the voice was also erased.

Suddenly the sky was clear and the clouds were clear, and all the visions disappeared.

King Zhao really left this time, because if he didn't leave, he would definitely be left here.

So there is peace all around, and the wind is smooth.

There seems to be no waves in the world.

The majestic Sixuan Underground Palace also returned to the ground.

Only the star-patterned tiger platform outside the city of Guiyi silently greets the sky, as if the star-patterns on it have existed since ancient times, and there is no abnormality.

Ruan Yu, whose face was too young, stood alone in the center of the Xingwen Tiger Terrace, like a young man enjoying the scenery here.

He glanced at Su Guanying and Jiang Wang who flew back at a high speed, closed the small circle of starlight with his left hand, stretched his right hand toward the sky, and lifted it up slightly.

Outside the Tiger Terrace, Shi Mingyu, who was pushed into the ground by King Zhao Yuanyuan's slap, was pulled out. The terrifying power that suppressed him was also easily dispelled by Ruan Yi.

"Grandma's!" The vicious Shi Mingyu stepped back to the Xingwenhutai step by step. He didn't care to observe the changes here, so he said bitterly: "Pingping country is so courageous, I will bring it everywhere next time." With the army!"

Everything is as usual at Linzi Observation Tower, Ruan Yi hides in Xiadi to suppress all possible changes after the new settlement in southern Xinjiang. He is dignified as the true king of the world, and he has not moved a step, and has been sitting here for more than half a year.

The hole card of Sixuan Digong is not aimed at Pingping Country. It just happened that the equal country was the most rampant, so it was dumped in the equal country's face.

Shi Mingzhen did not expect that Pingguo really dared to make a move at the level of King Zhao. This slap was wronged.

When Shi Mingzhen and Su Guanying came back, the battle was over. Compared to Su Guanying, Shi Mingzheng was seriously injured.

Except for Ming Shouqi, the lord of Sixuandi Palace, Jiang Wang was the only one who had seen the whole battle between King Zhao and Ruan Yu clearly. Because he does not have the threat of being excluded from the battlefield by King Zhao.

"Master Jianzheng." Jiang Wang saluted Ruan Yi slightly, and said, "With this ray of breath, I think King Zhao's true identity has nowhere to hide!"

"The aura is fake." Ruan Yi smiled lightly and shook his head: "I can't capture King Zhao's real aura under such circumstances."

Jiang Wang was a little disappointed.

The capital of Pingping has been so arrogant, three real people and one god came directly to the final part of the southern border official examination, and King Zhao even forcibly pulled out Sixuan's underground palace. Qi Guo also turned over the hole cards one after another, but in the end nothing was left?

Only he left behind a guardian of the equal kingdom at the level of God's presence?

At this moment, the broken hair on the top of his head has been regenerated, and it doesn't look too abrupt. But after all, unlike before, this kind of temporary hair cannot be preserved in a slightly more intense battle. It will take a while to grow the hair that truly belongs to the monks of God.

Su Guanying said from the side: "As long as King Zhao himself thinks it is true, that's enough. And he turned around and made a stroke, which shows that he believed it. But in the end, when the flag was lit, he didn't try his best, which shows that although he He felt that there was danger and wanted to erase it, but he was sure that the danger was not that great. He was sure that even if Jianzheng Ruan left his real aura, it would not be considered his real identity."

Shi Mingxuan, who had been cursing for a while, also said at this time: "In this world, there are not many places where Jianzheng Ruan can get the real breath."

Ruan Yu looked at Jiang Wang, and said with a smile: "Marquis Wu'an, don't be disappointed, the time has come for Sixuan's Underground Palace. It is already the biggest gain for King Zhao to make a public move, but to return without success. .”

Jiang Wang was thoughtful.

Everyone present is a fine person, and each person has hundreds of minds on average. After Ruan Yu said this, Su Guanying immediately said: "Can the Sixuan Underground Palace be opened now?"

"Don't talk about it." Shi Mingzhen didn't feel any pain anymore, and he answered the conversation very naturally: "There are a few good seedlings in the Winter Mute Army, and they will be abandoned in Changluo. They really should enter the Sixuan Underground Palace Just study hard with Jian Ruan. Maybe Daoist Ming can also be free? Next time we deal with Pingping Kingdom, it will be easier after all."

Speaking of this, Jiang Wang is not stupid, and of course he knows that it is time to share the benefits again. But he thought about it, but said nothing.

Ruan Yu smiled slightly: "Doctor Su is the governor of Nanxia, ​​who controls southern Xinjiang. Of course, Doctor Su has the final say on when the Sixuan Underground Palace will open."

Su Guanying said: "We will discuss the specific opening of the palace with the Master Ming later."

Ruan Yu said to Jiang Wang again: "Marquis Wu'an is really hard today, why don't you accompany me to the underground palace to sit and rest for a while?"

Entering the Sixuan Underground Palace is of course a reward.

Jiang Wang himself was a little curious about the interior of Sixuan's underground palace.

But now is obviously not a good time.

Immediately, he cupped his hands and said: "After I supervise this martial arts test, I will go to the underground palace to disturb the supervisor."

"It's good to have a beginning and an end." Ruan Yu chuckled.

Then without saying anything else, he has already turned into starlight and merged into the star pattern.

On the Xingguanghutai, there were only three people who had just supervised the examination left.

Today's accident, the existence of Jiang Wang, at least affected Chu Xu's life and death. Of course, Ruan Yu's early or late shot may also lead to slightly different results.

But to say how much Jiang Wang's influence is, it's not always the case.

Whether he comes to Nanxia or not, this will be the scene today.

Rather than saying that this time is the victory of the Nanxia Governor's Mansion, it is better to say that it is still the victory of Jiang Shu, the emperor of Qi. Once a child is born, it takes thirty-four years. It is worthy of being an inexhaustible hero who pushed Qi to the position of hegemony. He overwhelmed a man as powerful as Emperor Xia Xiang.

The higher you go, the more you feel the height of the mountain.

"You two, we can have a good discussion about the quota for the first opening of the Sixuan Underground Palace." Su Guanying said at this time.

Shi Mingzheng half-truthfully said: "Can the wounded get a little more?"

"The two adults should discuss the government affairs in southern Xinjiang by themselves. I will call all the candidates back, so I won't listen in." Jiang Wang flew away directly, leaving the Xingwenhutai.

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