Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1688

Among the fallen sword flowers all over the sky, Jiang Wang finally met Ning Shuangrong face to face.

Even though he was completely immersed in the world of swordsmanship, he had to admit that the smile in front of him was really beautiful.

A smile overflowed in her eyes, flowing on the corners of her lips and brows.

She is sincerely happy to be an old friend who has never met, and a bosom friend in the world of swordsmanship.

Of course you will feel the brilliance in this smile, and of course you will be moved by this natural sword.

The gorge wind trembled in Ning Shuangrong's hair. At this moment, her flying black hair, the skirt of her clothes, every detail seemed to be explaining the mystery of the way of swordsmanship.

And Qiushuijian is in this mysterious world of swordsmanship. Among countless possibilities, Xiufeng stands out, and he can count on everyone.

In this way, go to the west building alone!

The dangers of the mountains in the world are strange and steep, and there is no one who is as ups and downs as people's hearts.

The regrets of many years ago are always unbearable to look back.

Grief after many years always comes suddenly, flying out of the sky, unnoticed by people.

This sword was too dangerous, too strange, and too sudden.

Jiang Wang has fought countless times, and has been on the battlefield several times. From the unknown bandit to the prince of a big country, I don't know how many opponents he has faced, but he has never seen such a sword.

It was clearly within the range covered by the eyes, but it escaped from the eyes.

It should be coming towards the throat, and the position is staggered by a centimeter.

Thirty-six vital points all over the body, but cold everywhere!

If you have to talk about it, this style is somewhat similar to Yi Shengfeng's sword that is hidden from the senses.

But Yi Shengfeng's sword escaped his five senses, while Ning Shuangrong's sword seemed to be in his heart first. The sword has entered the heart, and then it appears outside.

Both body and soul are harmed, and lovers are heartbroken!

When this sword stabs out, there is actually some smell of body and soul decaying in the Seven Styles of Dou Zhan. Ning Shuangrong's talent in swordsmanship is truly unparalleled in the world.

Jiang Wang has immortality in his heart, and his body is like glass. He was not afraid of such a sword style, but at the moment he stopped using his supernatural powers and banned other methods, he suddenly fell into danger.

The sword flower has not withered, but the scars of the heart have begun to appear, and all the vital points of the body are pointed by the sword.

At such a moment, he shook his body, raised his head like a dragon, and the terrifying coercion filled the surroundings! The majestic sword power condensed into a peak supporting the sky, this is the sword of extreme power.

This style of the sword of the peak topples, cuts out the peak, but does not fall.

Jiang Wang himself flew up into the sky with a majestic sword force, smashed a few scattered sword flowers, and became a peak to support the sky, thus getting rid of the envelop of Ning Shuangrong's style of going up to the west building alone.

Wonderful response!

It is impossible to have such a natural response without being a supreme fighting genius.

Ning Shuangrong used the old sword style, but it was in vain, but she was not disappointed. Instead, she felt pleasantly surprised, and a very beautiful inspiration was born from it.

It takes such a hard-to-find opponent in the world to be able to collide with the hard-to-find swordsmanship brilliance in the world.

One sword failed, and another sword was raised.

Wuyan went up to the west building alone, and what he saw was empty.

The scene is empty, and the heart is empty.

Her tricky and treacherous sword suddenly went up!

The tip of the sword is raised like a cornice.

Then the whole sword flew into the air like a spirit snake.

People soar to the sky with their swords.

The momentum of the sword was lifted up, like a sapling, and thousands of years passed in a flash, and the huge tree towered to the sky for a while!

Ning Shuangrong's sword and Jiang Wang's sword soared into the sky at the same time.

But her sword does not show majestic momentum, instead there is a faint sadness, which makes people have nowhere to hide.

This style, Lonely Indus!

Jiang Wang's supreme sword is able to support the sky and the earth, while Ning Shuangrong's lonely sycamore is like a gangrene attached to the bone, and it is like a shadow.

Sword force twists sword force, sword light collides with sword light, and sword edge chases sword edge!

She and Jiang Wang fought on every definition related to swords.

Without unmatched confidence in the way of the sword, it would be impossible to develop such a sword style.

Killed in one place in green shirt and green clothes, the sword light all over his body poured like a waterfall.

They killed higher and higher, and they killed higher and higher, almost rushing out of Wenjian Gorge.

The shadow of the sycamore tree shrouded the small courtyard, making people feel very lonely.

But what makes people lonely, was it ever the shadow of a phoenix tree, and was it ever the moon-full West Tower?

It's what you want in your heart!

Ning Shuangrong's sword was like a suffocating net. Zhang Luo is silent, but there is no way.

"People" cannot escape loneliness.

A style of lonely sycamore, in this specific situation, suppressed all possibilities of the herringbone sword.

Can't come, can't go, can't stop.

At this moment, Jiang Wang felt restrained, even painful.

He used the killing style as the escape style, and he was already an antelope hanging horns, and there was no trace to be found. Ning Shuangrong's connection is even more unique and genius, which is beyond words. Make him rise to the top of the sword, but fall into the dust net instead.

His body and mind were indeed affected by this sword style, and he once again realized Ning Shuangrong's unique talent in swordsmanship.

There are countless ways of answering in my mind like a stream of light, but only swordsmanship, how many possibilities are there?

bang bang bang!

Heart beating violently.

Painful throbbing.

It was a moment of inspiration!

In the ancient star dome, there is a red seven-storey small building with four corners cornices, and a majestic seven-story purple building, at this moment, they moved slightly at the same time.

In the distant star world, a kind of resonance occurred.

Jiang Wang's heart suddenly stopped.

In Ning Shuangrong's sense of sight, hearing, smell and taste, the world-famous Sauvignon Blanc disappeared!

And at the same time.

She felt extreme fear, a crisis of imminent death!

The Lonely Indus Sword Style is like a rolling cloud, and the sword shadows all over the sky disappear suddenly.

She had to withdraw the sword and retreat first.

What Jiang Wang used at this moment was Yi Shengfeng's sword that escaped his senses!

His Greedy Wolf Star Tower and Pojun Star Tower had absorbed Yi Shengfeng's Tongyu Star Tower for his own use. But it seems that apart from strengthening the star building itself, it has no other effect.

Today may be an accident.

In his daily practice, he deepened his path, sculpted the star tower, and touched his inspiration in the battle with Ning Shuangrong just now.

This sword, which Jiang Wang tried to imitate several times but failed to obtain, reappeared here in Wenjian Gorge!

Compared with Yi Shengfeng's original sword, this sword lost the ability to wipe out the enemy's vigilance, but in the hands of Jiang Wang, who has become a god, it even jumped out of the enemy's spiritual consciousness. It is a sword that truly kills the enemy without knowing it.

It's hard to open your eyes in a long night without a moon, and you don't know where life and death come from!

The Qiushui sword rises again, rises and falls again.

Ning Shuangrong's figure fell rapidly. He couldn't see Jiang Wang's sword, but he knew that it was chasing him.

Tangible and qualitative, but without a trace.

At this moment, her eyes were complicated and unspeakable.

Her Autumn Water Sword has also become very complicated.

Wearing green clothes, she floated lightly in the air, like a green leaf that should not fall. But her Qiushui sword flew around her body as if she had an independent spiritual sense.

But I saw the shadow of the sword, the edge of the sword, and the light of the sword.

Her sword force and sword spirit wove a huge cage in an instant, enclosing everything in the world.

Meet and Greet the Thousand Years Lock!

Lock up the bright moon, so that there will be no lovesickness in the world.

Lock Qianqiu, so that there is no sorrow of parting.


Qiu Shuijian cut on Sauvignon Blanc.

The blades staggered, drawing a long line of dazzling sparks.

A flood of autumn water opens the bright moon.

With this sword, she slashed Jiang Wangdun's sword beyond her senses!

Jiang Wang was cut back to the sky with his sword!

Jiang Wang, who was flying upside down, shrank into a ball, and his sword became round.

The sword frame is not scattered, but the sword momentum is still there.

If he had more faith in the power of the sword that escaped his senses, it would be more than that at this moment, he should have already lost.

It was because he always had spare energy that he was able to escape from Ning Shuangrong's eternal lock for a short time.

This short-lived staggered front has its own ideas behind it.

Ning Shuangrong and Yi Shengfeng had fought each other before, and she had already thought about how to deal with Yi Shengfeng's sword strike. Although she was surprised that Jiang Wang could repeat it, she planned to take advantage of the situation to end the victory with this sword strike. And Jiang Wang knew that Ning Shuangrong had fought Yi Shengfeng before, so he had some reservations about this sword.

At this moment, Jiang Wang's figure flew upside down.

Ning Shuangrong has jumped up with the momentum of Qianqiu Lock, and she refuses to let go of the rare advantage.

Suddenly, starlight like a waterfall covered the entire Wenjian Gorge.

Four bright and strong stars reflect the sky here.

The star road turned and ran through Beidou for a while.

Jiang Wang's huddled body suddenly opened, like a bow that was fully drawn but loosened, and at this critical moment, he moved the Daodu Killing Sword, but the Big Dipper shines on the Jiange!

Ning Shuangrong sighed softly, and with just a twist of her wrist, the Qiushui sword flew out of her hand and returned to its sheath.

"The Marquis of Wu'an is far more skilled than others, Ning admits defeat!"

The power of the boundless sword and the sword intent dissipated.

In the scattered sword energy, she landed lightly.

Qiu Shuijian trembled a few times unwillingly on the cliff, and then flew back into her hand with the sword and sheath.

The similarity between Ning Shuangrong and Dou Zhao lies in the fact that they also had an insight into Jiang Wang's ability to capture perception, and they also chose to suppress Jiang Wang's perception with novelty and smooth out Jiang Wang's coping advantages in battle.

During the battle, Dou Zhao kept changing his saber skills, and Ning Shuangrong's Absolute Sword skills followed suit.

But she is different from Dou Zhao.

Dou Zhao's Dou Zhan Seven Styles is the first killing technique since the present world, so he doesn't worry about being targeted. Dou Zhao saved it until the critical moment, but he didn't want to give Jiang Wang more opportunities to adapt, and it was more for a clean lore. Most of the time when he confronted Jiang Wang, he was not the strongest.

And Ning Shuangrong has been showing the strongest state, there is no other choice besides these sets of absolute sword skills.

Only weaker, not stronger.

So if Xiangjianhuan's swordsmanship fails to defeat Jiang Wang, she has already lost.

The last leap to chase was just the last unwilling attempt. When Jiang Wang's Dao Dao sword was lit up, she had no chance and had no choice but to return to the sheath and admit defeat.

Ning Shuangrong retracted the sword neatly,

Jiang Wang's return to the sheath was also calm and breezy, and with a touch of his hand, the starlight in the sky was wiped away, and the Big Dipper's only light was wiped away.

Stepping on the blue sky, strolling back to the ground, he cupped his hands at Ning Shuangrong: "Jiange is worthy of being the best swordsman in ancient and modern times, and Fellow Daoist Ning is also unmatched in swordsmanship. This battle, Jiang has gained a lot!"

Of course, neither of them used supernatural powers, Taoism, or spiritual domain this time. In these three aspects, he indeed has an absolute advantage.

But only in terms of swordsmanship, he didn't overwhelm Ning Shuangrong in this fight. In the end, moving the road to kill the sword is also intended to break through it with strength.

Ning Shuangrong said that he had lost more than one chip, but he was embarrassed to admit it.

This sword fight, from all aspects, can be called a wonderful battle.

Especially for the warring parties.

They are bosom friends who have clashed many times in the Illusory Realm, and they are opponents who have discussed swords with each other the most. In reality, although the fate is limited, they have already known each other and can be regarded as good friends.

Of course, today's body has its own attributes, so we have to fight each other with swords.

But from a personal point of view, there is no malice to each other.

Jiang Wang's first sword was Shuang Xueming, expressing his pure heart with the sword in his hand, and asked Ning Shuang to be clear.

Ning Shuangrong's last response was a happy meeting, a swordsman meets a swordsman, a hero cherishes a hero. Ning Swordsman and Dugu Wudi are happy to meet each other.

It can be described as hearty and dripping, each with no regrets.

It was only at this moment that Chu Yao urged the white bull to drive the ox cart forward. His slender eyes were shrewd and earnestly said: "Master, Sister Fairy, get in the car, and I will drive the cart for you!"

Ning Shuangrong smiled: "I am on the same generation as Master Ni. If you call me sister, don't you call me a generation younger?"

"Then... Mistress!" Chu Yaoshi shouted in shock.


Jiang Wang's brain collapsed, and he hugged his head and shut up on the spot.

Chu Yao pursed her mouth in grievance, tearing from the pain.

He didn't have any other thoughts, but simply thought that this sister was too good-looking, and thought how great it would be if he saw it every day? And only such a beautiful woman is worthy of her master.

Now that I have learned my lesson, I bitterly thought in my heart, you don't pay close attention to such a good-looking woman, telling you to find a daughter-in-law like a pig woman in the future!

That's a good pig feeder in Wayao Town, with a thick waist and chest. Once the voice is opened, it can roar from the east end of the town to the west end of the town. His skin was dark, a little darker than Chu Yao's.

Such ferocious fantasies relieved the pain on his forehead a lot, and he couldn't help but giggle.

Ning Shuangrong looked at the little boy crying and laughing, his mind was not working well, so he didn't pay much attention to his unintentional words, and just turned sideways to make a gesture of please, and said to the master and apprentice: "Please Come with me."

Jiang Wang pressed his sword and walked side by side with Ning Shuangrong, and Bai Niu obediently pulled the cart, following behind them.

The long Wenjian Gorge gradually reached its destination as the sun shifted.

This is probably the end of the entire Wenjian Gorge.

At the high places of the cliffs on both sides, the mountains were dug through and strong fortresses were built. Needless to say, how solid the material is, how strong the pattern is, and how ingenious the structure is.

It is worth saying that both forts have names.

The northwest side is called "Zangfeng", and the southeast side is called "Wangji".

In the two fortresses, it is obvious that there are strong people sitting in the fort. In Zangfeng Fort, it was as silent as nothing, and in Wangji Fort, the sword energy soared into the sky.

Looking up, from southeast to northwest, the two fortresses are only connected by a plank road.

This is also the only plank road in Wenjian Gorge.

It lies here, as if together with the cliffs on both sides, it forms a natural portal.

"It's called Tianmen Plank Road." Ning Shuangrong introduced, "Since ancient times, this is the only way to visit Jiange."

Chu Yao raised his head hard, looked left and right, and said with a sullen face, "Then how do I and Bai Niu go up?"

Of course he wanted his master to fly up with him on his back, but the white bull is so big, it should be difficult for this fairy sister to carry it, right?

Ning Shuangrong smiled: "The car can be unloaded here temporarily, no one will move it. As for you and Bai can walk up by yourself."

She used her index finger and middle finger as a sword, and with just a slight twist, she pointed in the air.

Suddenly there were sharp sounds.

A long sword flew across the sky, almost covering the sight for a while.

In the dazzling flight, there is also a wonderful order. Finally, it was neatly arranged under the plank road of Tianmen, forming a ladder built with swords!


Chu Yao came to Wenjianxia when he was nine years old.

The immortal refers to the sword as a step, and climbs the sword pavilion.

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