Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1689 Overbearing

Chu Yao obediently unloaded the cart, untied the burden on Bai Niu, and then walked up the sword steps next to Bai Niu.

Jiang Wang and Ning Shuangrong were in front, chatting while walking.

Chu Yao and Bai Niu were behind, chatting as they walked.

This Asking Sword Gorge looks extremely high, but only by walking on this sword step can you have a rough understanding of its height.

In short, Chu Yao's legs were numb from walking, and the second half of the journey was all about pulling the white bull's tail up.

When the sword steps reached the end, they stepped onto the rickety Tianmen plank road.

Although it doesn't look very stable, but with the weight of a white bull, it has no effect.

At this time, the sword steps flew away again, and countless long swords roared away in the air, like a flock of swallows returning to their nests, and disappeared.

At this moment, standing in the middle of the Tianmen plank road, looking up, it seems that the distance from the cliff top is not too far, as if it can be climbed in one leap. But the clouds and mists were so lingering that it was hard to see clearly.

Looking forward and backward, I suddenly felt that the gorge itself was like a sword.

And this Tianmen plank road is exactly where the "sword grid" of the long sword is.

From the "Jiange" to the "Jiange", it is very ingenious.

The two fortresses cut into the cliff connected by the Tianmen plank road are the two mountain gates of Jiange.

The name "Tianmen" also refers to this.

The northwest is called Zangfeng Tianmen, and the southeast is called Wangji Tianmen.

"Is there anything special about these two mountain gates?" Jiang Wang asked after hearing Ning Shuangrong's introduction.

Ning Shuangrong stood still, waiting for the guests to decide which way to go first: "It's nothing special, it all depends on your own mood. Whichever way you enter, it's the same to Jiange. Maybe the meaning of going to Zangfeng Tianmen is a little gentler."

Jiang Wang is ready to move forward.

Suddenly a handsome man with curly hair came out from behind the Wangji Heavenly Gate and raised his voice, "If you enter the northwest gate, you will keep a low profile. It is for visiting friends. If you enter the southeast gate, Wuji, anyone who comes will not be rejected!"

This sentence has its own grandeur, showing the strong background of Jiange.

But speaking out of this person's mouth is very provocative.

Because his expression is so frivolous.

He has a pair of sharp eyes, and these eyes looked at Jiang Wang without any concealment: "Marquis Wu'an can go wherever he wants. Anyone who comes to my Jiange will not be rejected."

Ning Shuangrong said that there was nothing particular about the two mountain gates, so she didn't want Jiang Wang to express his opinion too early.

This person purposely spoke out about his particularity, in order to force Jiang Wang to express his opinion.

Jiang Wang raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

Ning Shuangrong opened his mouth to speak, but this person had already said first: "I am Sikong Jingxiao, as Jiange's contemporary chief disciple, I can represent Jiange's attitude."

Jiang Wang specially came to visit Jiange this time, so he would never know anything about Jiange.

This Sikong Kui is in his thirties this year, and he has achieved God's Prominence seven years ago. Strictly speaking, he is the same group of geniuses as Tian Anping and the others. Of course, his strength is not bad, so he has such confidence.

He also has enough reasons to show his attitude for Jiange.

Jiang Wang smiled gently: "Then I'll go this way."

After all, he went straight to Wangji Tianmen.

If you say infinite, then it is infinite.

Chu Yao led the white ox, and naturally followed closely behind his master.

Sikong Jingxiao took a deep look at him, but he just turned sideways and said "please", leading the way freely.

Ning Shuangrong didn't say anything at this time, but just walked in.

The gate of Wangji Castle is no different, it is just a simple stone arch.

Walking into the inner room, there are more than a dozen passages on each side, leading to different rooms, from which you can probably get a glimpse of the complex structure of the Wangji Castle itself.

The faint coercion persists, indicating that this fortress is probably capable of war.

But they didn't have a chance to observe carefully. Under the leadership of Sikong Jingxiao, they only took the main passage.

When the long corridor came to the end, everything in front of me suddenly became clear.

It was supposed to be walking in the mountain, but when they walked out of the tunnel, a group of people appeared at the foot of a towering mountain.

The mountain reaches straight up to the sky, and most of the mountain is hidden in the clouds, and its height is unknown.

There is only a winding mountain road in front of you, like a dragon and a snake winding up the mountain.

Sikong Jingxiao took the lead to climb up the stairs, and his words were proud: "This mountain is called Tianmu, and you can climb to the top of the mountain, as if you are in the sky outside the sky, and you can see the world at a glance, so it has this name. The founder of the self-Jiange sect built a hut here, and the mountains and rivers of the world Turn, and the inheritance of my Jiange will not be extinguished, and it has been thirty thousand years!"

Jiang Wang praised sincerely: "It's amazing."

The Daoist calendar is newly opened, and the national system can be prosperous. Among all the kingdoms in the world, Jingguo, which has the longest history, is less than four thousand years old. It is of course a very remarkable thing that the Jiange can last for 30,000 years, and Sikong Jingxiao has enough reasons to be proud.

But if we really want to discuss it, which one of the world's great sects that can still occupy a place in this world doesn't have an extraordinary history? Jiange's 30,000-year history is nothing compared to the three holy places of Taoism.

Climbing a mountain is like walking on the back of a dragon.

The two men walking in the front have their own charms.

Followed by a naive white cow and a green-clothed beauty.

It was like a picture scroll for a while.

This group of people walked very fast, and Chu Yao, who was not able to walk, was also carried by a white bull.

After less than half an hour, there was a huge platform in front of him, lying here. Digging a mountain into a platform has its own splendor that cannot be found anywhere else.

At the front is an archway made of swords, with a unique shape and style. On the plaque on the archway, there are four words of sword spirit in the book, saying "Sword of All Beings".

Behind this archway, there are pavilions and pavilions, and houses are like forests. There are quite a few Jiange disciples in the middle, fighting swords, chatting and chatting, so uncomfortable.

Sikong Jingxiao once again took on the important task of explaining: "If you compare Tianmu Mountain to a huge staircase, the Jiange actually has only three steps. We are now on the first step, and you have seen the name, 'Sword of All Beings'. The Sword of All Beings , all enter this gate. Jiange welcomes all swordsmen in the world to come here to worship the mountain with their swords in hand."

The name is bold.

Jiang Wang asked casually, "I don't know which level the heaven and earth sword box is in?"

Sikong Jingxiao smiled: "The next level is. But it is not easy to open to outsiders."

Jiang Wang didn't ask how it was not easy, but said: "If you go further up, it must be the real palace of Jiange?"

"Yes, its name is 'Saiyue Jiange'." Every word that Sikong Jingxiao uttered has a special tone, with a feeling of "you are honored".

Jiange is indeed worthy of the pride of its disciples.

But the 30,000-year history has continued, who is the protagonist in this world now?

Or to be more specific, whose voice is more important in Jin'an Mansion in Nanxia alone?

Ning Shuangrong asked at this time: "Brother Jiang, what are you thinking?"

Jiang Wang sighed: "The background of the great sect makes people linger. There is true meaning in 'Sword Que of All Beings', 'Sword Box of Heaven and Earth', 'Sword Pavilion of Time and Moon', I have forgotten it!"

Sikong Jingxiao laughed: "The Marquis of Wu'an is naturally the first-class talent in the world, and his spiritual sense is extraordinary. When will he take off this dusty body and come to Tianmu Mountain to seek the Tao with a pure heart, and he will become the world's best swordsman!"

These words really don't make sense.

I don't know if Jiang Wang's gentle attitude gave him an illusion.

What is your identity, Sikong Jingxiao, that you can represent the Jiange to recruit the Duke of Qi?

Ning Shuangrong took two steps forward: "Brother Jiang, come this way!"

Jiang Wang was noncommittal, but just followed the steps ahead, and stepped across the archway of the Sword of All Beings.

Sikong Jingxiao followed along and said, "Speaking of which, there used to be a man named Liu Shentong in Qi State. I wonder if Marquis Wu'an knows?"

Jiang Wang's pace slowed down.

In this Shantai Square, not far after crossing the archway, you can see the first building here - it should be a welcoming pavilion. There are two people hanging upside down on the pole.

"Liu Shentong...what?" Jiang Wang looked at one of the people hanging upside down, and said, "I just heard his name."

Sikong Jingxiao didn't doubt that he was there, and said to himself: "He is also the top talent in Qi country. At that time, we met overseas and killed some sea people together. He admired me very much and said that he would ask me to learn swordsmanship." Coming. Unfortunately..."

It's a pity that it's a boast, and it didn't make Jiang Wang react.

After all, Liu Shentong is also the son of the famous family of Daqi, so how could he want to learn swords from Sikong Jingxiao? When Liu Shentong was alive, the Fufeng Liu family had not completely declined, and he himself was extremely talented, so how could he find a real master? Thinking about it, even if the two of them really had some contact at the beginning, Liu Shentong was at most polite and said some polite words like asking for advice.

This Sikong Jingxiao is bragging about himself here because Liu Shentong has been dead for many years and can't talk back. The original intention was to overwhelm Qi Guo.

Just to show off this prestige, but still pick and choose to find a dead person, dare not mention Tian Anping who killed Liu Shentong, and dare not mention Chen Zeqing and Ji Zhaonan.

Don't say that Sikong Jingxiao's words are not credible, even if it really happened.

He, Jiang Wangnai, was unsuspectingly the number one in Qi's age group. At the time of Liu Shentong, he was at the same level as Tian Anping. Even if you, Sikong Jingxiao, were really stronger than Liu Shentong back then, who could you hold back?

The dignified chief disciple of Dazong is full of petty air everywhere!

Seeing that Jiang Wang's reaction was mediocre, Sikong Jingxiao said again: "Does Marquis Wu An know little about Liu's supernatural power? This is normal, after all, when you went to Qi, he was no longer there. Back then, Fufeng Liu's supernatural power was... "

"Ask me." Jiang Wang had already reached the gazebo at this time, and raised his hand to interrupt him: "Why is this man hanging here?"

Sikong Jingxiao's conversation was interrupted, he was a little unhappy, and said bluntly: "I'm hanging on, these two thieves are very rude."

"Oh." Jiang Wang nodded, walked two steps, and asked again: "I don't know how to be rude?"

"I also forgot, it's nothing more than roaring at the mountain gate." Sikong Jingxiao waved his hand: "Don't pay attention to these Xiaoxiao, please come here, Marquis Wu'an, I will arrange with you today to ask about swords or something. There are many juniors in the pavilion Junior sister, I have also been curious about Marquis Wu'an's swordsmanship for a long time."

Jiang Wang didn't move: "How long are you going to hang?"

"Maybe three months, maybe five months." Sikong Jingxiao recalled: "Know?"

The two people who were hanging upside down on the crossbar were already very weak at this moment, with their eyelids drooping. There was no response from others approaching. Let them discuss it here.

Although one of them was embarrassed, he still couldn't hide his face as pure as white jade. He was a real handsome man, and he was very eye-catching under any circumstances.

The other... seems to be very suitable for this kind of embarrassment, even he is the embarrassment itself. With disheveled hair, beard stubble sighing, the whole person is weak, and this shameful posture of hanging upside down has reached a strange harmony.

They are in a state of embarrassment, but this meeting is not life-threatening. But if, as Sikong Jingxiao said, he hanged for another three to five months, it would be hard to say.

Jiang Wang stepped forward, half squatted down with great interest, and faced the face of the bearded and sighing man.


He breathed lightly.

This is a ray of oriental common wind imitated by the eight winds, dragons and tigers. Of course, it is just the wind of Taoism, not supernatural powers, but it is more than enough to deal with such a situation. The wind just blew in the face, and the two people who were hanging upside down woke up and opened their eyes together.

Seeing Jiang Wang, they all showed surprise expressions.

The responses were not the same, though.

After the surprise, the handsome one felt a little ashamed. He wanted to hide, but there was nowhere to hide. His body curled up slightly, exuding a clearly visible sense of shame.

After being pleasantly surprised, the decadent one lazily closed his eyes, as if he thought he was dreaming. But soon opened it again, those eyes of deathless fish burst out with a strong look in an instant!

"Yo!" Jiang Wang looked at the familiar dead fish face hanging upside down in front of him, and said in a frivolous tone, "It's been a long time since I saw you, and the legendary flying sword Sanjue collapsed like this?"

Then he turned his head and looked at the handsome man next to him: "Why is Brother Bai here, as a neighbor to this tired rascal?"

Of course he knew these two people.

One is Bai Yuxia, the pride of the Yue Kingdom, whom he had seen on the Guanhe Terrace.

The other one is his best friend whom he hasn't seen for a long time, the only contemporary inheritor of Weiwo Kendo, who can lie down and never sit forward.

Bai Yuxia suppressed her weakness and shame, and forced herself to speak: "It's a shame to see an old friend in such a situation. Please, brother Jiang, please help inform the Bai family of Yue State. Bai will definitely be rewarded in the future."

Xiangqian said impatiently: "Don't talk nonsense! Put me down quickly, this group of grandchildren, if the younger ones can't beat them, they will come to the older ones, and if you say a few words to them, you will hang people, almost tormenting me to death!"

Jiang Wang still smiled cheerfully. While reaching out to untie the two of them, he said to the front: "I still remember the last time we parted, what did you say to me? How majestic? Donglai sword cuts the gate of life and death... Tsk Tsk tsk, goodbye has become the Hanged Man!"

"Marquis Wu'an, stay here!" Sikong Jingxiao stretched out his hand to stop him at this time: "We must follow the principles in our conduct and actions. You come to worship the mountain, and that's what you do. How to deal with these two Xiaoxiao is my Jiange's business. I'm afraid it would be inconvenient for outsiders to intervene. You let people go at this moment, but where are the rules of my Jiange?"

"Sikong Jingxiao!" Jiang Wang stood up abruptly, and pushed the untied handle behind him, while he faced Sikong Jingxiao, his eyes flashed like a sword light: "This Marquis has endured you for a long time! You Now shut your mouth for this Marquis, ask about the sword or something, don’t arrange other people, it’s just you!”

His finger almost poked Sikong Jingxiao's face: "You heard me right, it's you!"

Sikong Jingxiao had the air of not changing his expression in front of the landslide, but narrowed his eyes: "Could it be possible that Marquis Wu'an of Qi State can be so tyrannical?"


Sauvignon Blanc has been unsheathed, and the soaring sword energy directly draws a deep ravine on the ground.

Jiang Wang held a sharp blade in his hand, and his murderous aura rushed to the sky for a moment: "Now! Immediately! This Marquis wants to discuss swords with you! If you don't choose a venue, it's here! I have to let you see today, what is bullying? !"

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