Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1690 Red Talisman (Add 78/78 for Yan Shaofei of the League)

Chapter 1690 Red Talisman

When dealing with the monks who came to challenge, there are ways to be unruly and there are ways to be polite.

The former is like Sikong Jingxiao's attitude towards Xiangqian and Bai Yuxia.

A few months ago, I came to Jiange to challenge the monks from the same territory, and there was no opponent. This matter was nothing to begin with, and Xiangqian himself promised that it was only to verify the way of swordsmanship, and the results of the battle would not be reported to the outside world.

But Sikong Jingxiao was very dissatisfied with the defeated junior, thinking that he insulted the name of Jiange. Said that "I am not good at learning art, so I made Xiao Xiao the top, and I lost the small skill with my unique skills, which ruined my Jiange's ten thousand-year reputation."

Inheriting the ancient three peaks of flying swords, in terms of history, compared to the 30,000-year history of Jiange, it is really nothing.

The entire flying sword era is in the history of this world, and it has not been traced back to modern times.

The flying sword era was glorious but short, it only lasted for 107 years before it died out. From the 733rd year of the Daoist calendar to the end of the 840th year of the Daoist calendar.

It can be said that the Jiange standing on Tianmu Peak has witnessed the birth and end of the Feijian era.

They look down on flying swordsmanship, which can be regarded as traceable. The old look down on the backward, and the remaining look down on the dead.

But forward was certainly not satisfied.

As a person, he doesn't care at all if anyone says he's a trash or something. But scorning Sophie Kendo is a small skill, which is to touch his inverse scale.

The flying sword technique can declare an era in just one hundred and seven years. How could Weiwo Sword Dao be able to stand at the peak of the times and be listed as one of the top three flying swords?

Most importantly, this is the way his master passed on to Feng Qi!

Therefore, he stepped forward exhaustedly, hit Sikong Jingxiao hard, and said angrily that after the god came, he would come south again, and he would definitely be defeated by the sword.

So he was hung up...

The crime is "the younger generation is rude to the big one."

Bai Yuxia, who was walking with Qiangqian, couldn't see it, so she stood up and "said something fair", so she was hanged together with Qiangqian.

Xiangqian has no foundation at all. The era of Feijian has come to an end, and Xiang Fengqi has been dead for many years, so how can he have any background?

As for Bai Yuxia, the Bai family of Yueguo has a good reputation, but to Jiange, it is nothing at all.

He, Sikong Jingxiao, wouldn't really kill Bai Yuxia, he just hung around for a few months to grind his temper, and it was expected that the Yueguo Bai clan would not say anything, and maybe he would thank him for helping to discipline his children.

It's just that the sword pavilion stands as a sword. I ask the sword leader in the world, and even set up the Wangji Tianmen, which is known as "no one who comes will be rejected". What kind of courage is this? Such behavior as Sikong Jingxiao's is indeed a bit too petty, and if it is spread, it will damage the reputation of Jiange.

But he also has his reasons.

In the past, when he came to Feng Qinan, he defeated the five sword masters of Jiange in a row. Among them, Tu Anli, the Wuxin sword master who had his left arm cut off, was his master, Sikong Jingxiao.

Tu Anli regards this defeat as a great shame and humiliation, saying that he is invincible to Feng Qi, and his left arm will never be restored for life. Later, Xiang Fengqi folded his sword under Jiang Mengxiong's fist, and he lost his chance to win the round forever, and he is still one-armed.

A flying sword technique that has disappeared in history is still struggling there. The new age has already arrived, and the ghosts of the old age are still howling. The master at the Dongzhen level came to challenge the Jiange, and the disciples at the inner government level also came to challenge the Jiange. What do you think of the Jiange?

Sikong Jingxiao was indeed targeting forward on purpose, and in order not to appear too targeted, he also hoisted Bai Yuxia up by the way.

It is of course an unruly way to use God's Linxiu as an attack to suppress the inner palace. Jiange also has enough confidence to do so.

But Jiang Wang was different.

For Jiang Wang, he had to follow the rules.

If Jiange doesn't want to follow the rules, Qi State may be the more willing party.

So he had to give the people of Qi a little setback, but also controlled it within the rules.

But among those who are similar to Jiang Wang's age, Ning Shuangrong is already the most outstanding one in Jiange, and has already been defeated by Wenjian Gorge.

Generally speaking, the competition between the younger generation among the big powers is carried out among peers.

For example, Jiang Wang is 21 this year, so he shouldn't be facing the 36-year-old Sikong Jingxiao, after all, he is still a lot younger.

How could he, Sikong Jingxiao, justify his attack?

As long as Jiang Wang himself doesn't mind, others have nothing to say.

So he deliberately made Jiang Wang angry.

And Jiang Wang... also intentionally let himself get angry.

Sikong Jingxiao thought that he came here to ask the sword because he was a monk of the same age at the Asking Sword Pavilion. Little did he know that Jiang Wang had planned to ask all the gods of Jiange to come!

Ruan Yu asked him to be a little more arrogant during this trip.

He didn't put on any arrogance, and he didn't show the face of those shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and he came here to capture the king.

To be arrogant, do the most arrogant thing.

Entering the Jiange through the Wangji Tianmen, there is no upper limit to his challenge this time.

Today he came here with a horizontal sword, and the target he wants to challenge is everyone in the entire Jiange from the five great sword masters down. No matter how many years of hard work, no matter how deep the accumulation is, as long as it is at the level of God, he will challenge it. Today he is a "comer", and he will never refuse anyone who comes!

It's just that challenging this kind of thing can be like a forward challenge, just to sharpen the sword, and close the door to win or lose. It can also be like Jiang Wang is doing now, blocking the gate of the sword gate of all living beings, calling names and surnames, and showing off.

The former is just to learn from each other, while the latter is almost like kicking the gym!

Originally, it was only for Ning Shuangrong's face, but Jiang Wang was not like that.

But Xiangqian was bullied by Sikong Jingxiao, so humiliatingly hanging here.

He must find the field back for Xiangqian.

What is a bosom friend?

Hai Zongming, who accompanied him to ambush the Outer Building before Qianqian even arrived at the Inner Mansion.

This guy who is used to eating and waiting for death, too lazy to even raise his eyelids too high, ran to Qin State to challenge, was beaten by Qin Zhizhen and fell into the Wei River, and he did not forget to build momentum for him, so that he was in the Yellow River. When Shang Qin reached the peak, he could still take the lead. It is famous for Yijianjuekui.

This is a bosom friend.

Just because he was joking with Qiangqian doesn't mean he really doesn't care.

When he laughed and moved forward, his heart ached!

He could understand Sikong Jingxiao's intentions, and he didn't intend to save any more face for Jiange.

At this moment, Jiang Wang almost poked Sikong Jingxiao's forehead for a fight, with a domineering and arrogant attitude. In the entire Shantai Square, many Jiange disciples were attracted and glared at him.

Ning Shuangrong took a step forward.

Sikong Jingxiao directly raised his hand to stop him: "Junior Sister Ning, don't say too much!"

Jiang Wang took the initiative to invite the battle, his goal had been achieved, and he would never give Jiang Wang another chance to avoid the battle.

"I just want to say." Ning Shuangrong said: "It's a common thing to learn and learn about swords, so there's no need to hurt your friendship. It's better for you two to go to the heaven and earth sword box to fight, so you can use it more freely. With the sword master looking after you, there is no need to worry about it. "

"No need!" Sikong Jingxiao said: "I won't kill him, but it's best to be here, let the juniors and younger sisters all take a look, what is the ultimate swordsmanship, and why our sword pavilion has stood for thirty thousand years!"

Ning Shuangrong is recognized as the most talented person of Jiange's generation, and she has just achieved God's presence, so she is absolutely qualified to speak at such a time.

But Jiang Wang and Sikong Jingxiao's attitudes were very firm, and it was impossible for her to stop the fight. He simply stopped talking, and silently merged into the group of Jiange disciples.

Although Chu Yao liked this fairy sister very much, but at this time he also led the white bull, walked back a few steps, and stood firmly behind the master.

At this time, it is near the archway of the Sword of All Beings.

Jiang Wang, Marquis of Wu'an in Qi State, faced with Sikong Jingxiao, the contemporary chief disciple of Jiange.

Behind Sikong Jingxiao were Jiange disciples who kept rushing over from the mountain platform.

Behind Jiang Wang are Chu Yao, Bai Niu, Qianqian, Bai Yuxia... the small ones, the useless ones, and the most powerful one is a cow.

If the two sides collided unruly, Jiang Wang and the others would run away.

There is such a huge disparity between the supporters of the two sides, and Sikong Jingxiao is older than Jiang Wang in terms of age, time of practicing Taoism, and the number of years of attainment of God. But here, no matter Chu Yao, Bai Niu, or Qianqian, they are all full of confidence.

Only Bai Yuxia is a little worried. He is a person who pursues perfection. Although he has been influenced by the forward and has relaxed a lot now, he still has considerable demands on himself. Although Jiang Wang's fierce attitude today is mainly for the sake of moving forward, it also has something to do with him. If this caused Jiang Wang to be humiliated, he would feel very disturbed.

Xiangqian is different, Qianqian still has the leisure to chat with Chu Yao. "Boy, who are you?"

Chu Yao watched the two confronting each other nervously, and replied, "I am my master's apprentice. The second apprentice! My surname is Chu and my name is Yao!"

"Accepting apprentices at such a young age, and receiving second apprentices? It's really not troublesome..." He muttered to Qianqian and waved listlessly: "Come on, help your uncle, let's step back , in case that Sikong has no place to kneel later."

When Chu Yao heard that this person was his uncle, there was no way he would be disobedient.

He quickly came over to help him, and pulled the white cow over tenderly: "Brother Niu, let my uncle sit down for a while, he is injured."

The white cow mooed, swung its tail, and rolled it forward onto its back.

"Ha! Really good!" Qiangqian smiled happily.

No matter what happened to his brother Bai Yuxia, he just leaned on the broad back of the white bull and used his hands as pillows to rest on the cow's buttocks. By the way, he raised his legs and was fully prepared for the battle.

I wanted to ask if there was any wine, but it was useless to ask, so I didn't bother to ask.


Sikong Jingxiao, of course, took the forward words as a fart. Looking at Jiang Wang at this moment, he just said: "Since Marquis Wu An insists on competing with me, although I have a long time, I am ashamed to bully the small with the big, so I can only accept it. After all, Jiange asks the best swordsman in the world. It should be reasonable. It’s just that if you lose today, where did you come from, where do you go back, and don’t mind your own business in the days to come.”

"Yes." Jiang Wang looked at him calmly: "If I don't beat you to your knees today, I will lose."

He has always been a person who respects his opponents, and he has never let go of such slanderous words like green-skinned hooligans scolding each other before a duel with anyone, and this time he was really angry, so he said this according to the forward words.

"That depends on whether you have the ability!" Sikong Jingxiao made a random move, and the red runes appeared out of nowhere, and quickly criss-crossed in the air, weaving into a long red sword, flowing light secretly.

The name of this sword is "Red Talisman". It is a world famous sword hidden in the Jiange, and it is said that it was worn by Emperor Liang Min, the last emperor of Liang Dynasty.

It is said that this incompetent emperor who was killed by the medicine of the Xia people also had good swordsmanship back then. It's a pity that he is incompetent in governing the country, not a king. Once the body dies and the country is destroyed, it is just a laughing stock.

The sword later arrived at the Jiange somehow.

When Sikong Jingxiao chose a sword when he was young, he caught the red talisman with his eyes, but the elders of the master's sect didn't know the details and allowed him to choose another one. Sikong Jingxiao replied: "There have been ominous people in ancient and modern times, and fools have never heard of unknown weapons. If they come to fruition, foolishness can bear a heavy burden."

Wuxin Sword Master Tu Anli was overjoyed upon hearing this, and said that my way can be continued, so he accepted it as a personal transmission.

So the one Jiang Wang despised so much today was also a legendary figure among Jiange disciples. Tired of glory, he is very much supported by his brothers and sisters. No wonder the Jiange disciples in the entire Shantai Square were filled with anger.

It's a pity that these angers cannot substantially interfere with the battle.

There is no need for any presiding, when Sikong Jingxiao holds the red talisman, the battle has already begun.

His sword intent soared into the sky, splitting the clouds.

The crimson sword body is like a blood-colored river, and ancient runes float in it.

But Jiang Wang's sword was already out first.

Out of the spirit world!

In the vast Yuanshen Sea and the majestic and towering Yunshen Temple, Sikong Jingxiao, holding the red sword in his hand, opened his eyes impressively.

He was keenly aware that his control over this sea of ​​primordial spirits was shaken.

Lifting the sword, he flew out of Yunshen Temple and stepped into Tongtian Palace.

Its man and its sword sit in the skull of the Daomai True Dragon.

The Taoist True Dragon entrenched on the roof instantly raised its head to the sky and screamed, endless sword lights burst out from outside its body, as if it wanted to pierce the eternal night of Yuanshenhai. After the sword light dissipated, every dragon scale of the Daoming True Dragon turned into a sword edge!

Especially a pair of dragon horns, exuding a terrifying edge comparable to the red rune sword, shining in the dark night.

This is the mystery of the sword pavilion, the sword dragon controls the sky.

It is the supreme soul secret art of killing souls with swords.

This dragon bears a sword on its body, combined its power in one, has the powerful authority to control Yuanshenhai, and has the terrifying killing power to destroy the enemy and destroy the soul. Sikong Jingxiao fights with his spirit and soul, and rarely sees an opponent.

But almost at the same time.

A supreme and noble ancient portal stands in the sky!

Terrifying majesty enveloped this Fang Yuan Divine Sea. The stegosaurus, which had already flown into the sky, had no warning at all, and was directly suppressed to the point of falling more than ten feet!

Of course, this distance is only a concept in the soul world, and it reflects the authority in the soul world.

Obviously, Sikong Jingxiao's authority has been cut off too much.

The Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth is coming, who will falsely claim to control the sky?

The ancient portal standing on the dome burst open!

The terrifying stegosaurus stretching for more than ten miles, at the position of the dragon's head, a figure with a red sword in his hand flew upside down,

But it was Sikong Jingxiao who was expelled from the Stegosaurus by Chao Tianque's terrifying power with his sword in hand!

The Jiange has been passed down for 30,000 years, and the secrets of the soul that can be passed down are of course not bad.

But the so-called present must overcome the past.

Emperor Wu of Qi returned to the country alone, laying the foundation for hegemony for a Qi State that had actually been shattered.

Such a heroic king, compared to the previous generations of the Jiange, must not be willing to lose.

It is not an exaggeration to say that his special skills are overwhelming.

Jiang Wang's powerful spiritual power, combined with Chaotian Que, crushed Stegosaurus Yutian on the spot.

But at this moment, a pillar of red gold light suddenly burst out from the sky, chasing after Sikong Jingxiao.

Cave golden watchtower!

Sikong Jingxiao, who was flying upside down, swung his sword horizontally, and countless sword-shaped runes rose around his body, each drawing a mysterious trajectory, and there was a divine power in the howling.

This is his original soul secret technique created by He Chifu Jianwei, Sword Talisman Guardian Spirit!

But the ancient celestial tower that suppressed the dome just shook slightly, and the world here moved! Sikong Jingxiao's spirit protection sword talisman was scattered on the spot, and the mysterious and mysterious trajectory was all deviated.

At this moment, Dongjin Tuo's red beam of light collided with each other, shattering layers of sword symbols, causing Sikong Jingxiao to fly back continuously.


He was directly blasted back to the Temple of Yun!

And without missing a step, he was falling back to his throne in Yunshen Temple!

Take a sneak attack.

I have a disease of wanting to pay off debts as soon as I have a manuscript in deposit.

I was in good condition yesterday, so I wrote a little more, but I couldn’t resist handing it in today. Now the more I think about it, the more I regret it...

When can we go play like this?


This chapter is added by Dameng Yan Shaofei.

Chapter 78 Ah! Chapter 78! Do you know how I finished it? I am bald with a knife!

Take Brother Yan away!

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