Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1691 What is... arrogance

He was blasted down from the sky of Yuanshen Sea, and blasted all the way back to Yunshen Temple.

Sitting on that divine chair at this moment, Sikong Jingxiao's manifested body of spirit and soul has obviously become much weaker, and he feels a little transparent. The scarlet talisman sword spirit held in his hand also dimmed clearly.


The palace door suddenly closed.

He forcibly closed the Yun Temple!

The afterglow of Dongjin Tuo was shattered outside the Yunshen Temple, and finally could not invade again.

Sikong Jingxiao's achievement was several years earlier than Jiang Wang's, and this was also his confidence in wanting to come forward and teach Jiang Wang a lesson.

No matter how arrogant and peerless he is, he must face the time gap. And he, Sikong Jingxiao, isn't he the one who chooses the best among the best and beats his peers?

But in the struggle at the level of spirit and soul, he has no power to fight back!

that door...

That ancient portal is terrible.

Jiange's 30,000-year inheritance, of course, can find the soul secret technique that can fight against it, but the requirements are too high, and he has not been able to cultivate it.

How difficult is it to practice such a level of soul-mystery technique? How long did it take for Jiang Wang to become God? Just how strong is this person's spiritual background?

At this time, it is too late to regret or doubt, he must win this victory, otherwise his personal face will be ruined, and the majesty of the Jiange will also be damaged!

Therefore, he immediately chose to close the Yun Temple and stop colliding with it head-on.

Then he made a wrong jaw, and even risked damaging his original source, he blatantly moved the Yun Temple!


In the primordial spirit sea, this majestic palace rose directly from the sky, and the wind and thunder roared, causing the world to boil. In the majesty of this world shaking, the Temple of Yun directly crashed into the ancient door of the sky, and it really seemed like everything would be destroyed!

Jiang Wang's Bodhisattva of Six Desires originally wanted to step out of the sky tower and end the spiritual struggle, but at this moment, he suddenly stopped, pulled out the entire Chaotian tower, and withdrew from Sikong Jingxiao's Yuanshen Sea.

Yunshen Temple sits above the Yuanshen Sea, and the general town is full of people, so it cannot be moved lightly.

Sikong Jingxiao even pulled out the Temple of Yun. He hurt himself first, and then attacked the enemy.

If the two were fighting for life and death this time, he would not be afraid to fight head-on with Sikong Jingxiao. But this time it was just a questioning of the sword, and it would definitely not work to kill Sikong Jingxiao. If you continue to hit head-on, no one can control the consequences.

So he chose to withdraw first.

Anyway, at the soul level, Sikong Jingxiao was injured first, and the situation is already in a good position.

In the entire Shantai Square, Jiange disciples saw such a scene——

Their elder brother, Sikong Jingxiao, had just grasped the famous red talisman sword, just now he had the sword intent soaring to the sky, the red talisman sinking the sword, and he was indescribably majestic.

The Marquis of Wu'an in Qi State cast a cold look, and before the sword came out, the eldest brother Sikong Jingxiao spit out a big mouthful of blood on his back!

How to be cold like a knife?

This gaze is heavier than the light of a knife!

Jiang Wang hurt their elder brother severely with just one look.

What a chill!

"It's the soul, it's the battle between the soul and the soul." A senior brother explained aloud.

But the brothers and sisters around obviously cannot get comfort from this explanation. The word victory or defeat makes people panic, and I haven't seen the process of fighting... Big brother lost now?

of course not!

Sikong Jingxiao's eyes burned with such intense emotions.

He did not hesitate to forcibly move the Yun Temple, but also to blast Jiang Wang out of the world of spirits and souls, how could he be willing to admit defeat?

While returning to the body and spraying blood on the back, countless ancient sword symbols flew out of the bloody sword body of the Chifu Sword, circling around the body.

He refused to suppress the instinct of vomiting blood, and would rather lose face in front of his juniors and younger sisters, in order to build a counterattack immediately, in order to win!

Enduring the pain of being wounded, he clenched his long sword tightly and strengthened his sword intent.

The sword talisman surrounding him roared out, and charged straight at the opponent, roaring like a dragon!

It was a torrent of countless bloody sword-shaped runes, packed with unimaginable sharpness, and filled the distance between him and Jiang Wang in an instant.


Before the sword talisman poured down, there was a circle of flames surrounding him, which expanded rapidly.

The fire domain spread across Shantai Square in an instant.

Jiang Wang pressed the Bi Fang seal with his left hand, and the one-legged bird looked up to the sky and sang.

The fire domain rule suppresses the sword energy.

Countless flame sparrows transformed into the fire field, frantically pecking at the sword talisman. A flock of flame sparrows, blocking the river of sword symbols.

Jiang Wang himself followed closely behind the Flame Sparrow, and suddenly drew his sword out!

A sword is frosty and snowy.

Countless frosty white sword threads rushed forward, screaming and colliding with the torrent formed by the sword symbols.

Countless flame sparrows shattered and extinguished, and the flames exploded, still heating up the fire area.

The sword threads penetrated each sword talisman one by one, and the remaining power was still unabated, and he continued to kill Sikong Jingxiao.

At this moment, Sikong Jingxiao turned from the posture of spraying blood on his back, his eyes burning with flames of victory fixed on Jiang Wang, and the sword intent soaring to the sky unfolded to the extreme at this moment.

The clouds in the sky opened up, and a dazzling ray of sky light fell down!

No, where is it the skylight?

It was clearly Jian Guang!

The Absolute Sword Art that Sikong Jingxiao majored in, Wuxin Heavenly Sword Art!

Its speed is too fast and its power is too fierce.

Almost at the same time as it appeared, it had already arrived at Jiang Wang's fire area, and resolutely penetrated the fire area——

It pierced through the afterimage of a blue cloud.

It wasn't that Jiang Wang's movement was faster than such a powerful sword light of the Heavenly Sword, but that he had already rushed towards Sikong Jingxiao before that. The whole person shuttles freely in his own spiritual domain, wandering thrillingly and turning suddenly among the afterimages of flame sparrows, sword threads, and sword symbols.

Sikong Jingxiao couldn't tell whether it was a coincidence or a prediction.

But the opponent is approaching, and the opponent's spiritual domain has been overthrown, but this is a fact that he must face now.

Then, at the position of his heart, a sword cry suddenly came out.

His body seemed to be a piece of broken porcelain, hovering on the edge of destruction and existence, and countless sword lights shot out from his body.

At that moment, he seemed to become the sun condensed by the sword light.

Spiritual consciousness entangles sword energy, and his Wuxin sword domain is also spreading in an instant!

He pointed to his toes, held the red talisman sword in his hand, and instead of retreating, he advanced, facing Jiang Wang!

Between square inches, fighting to kill life and death with swordsmanship, what fear does he have?

But at this moment, Jiang Wang stopped abruptly.

He is like an arrow that has already left the string, but it stops in mid-air ridiculously.

At the same time, the entire fire area crushed Sikong Jingxiao mercilessly.

Hit the spiritual realm with the spiritual realm.

Use the fire domain to crush the Wuxin sword domain!

How could Jiang Wang let go of the victory and defeat and the advantage gained at the level of spirit and soul?

Why is it that the first time he returned to his body, he opened up the spiritual domain to fight back?

If Sikong Jingxiao doesn't move the spiritual domain, he will naturally have a huge advantage.

As soon as Sikong Jingxiao's spiritual domain opened, he directly collided with the spiritual domain. Spiritual consciousness was first killed in Yuanshenhai, and then killed in this world, making Sikong Jingxiao unavoidable.

Perhaps the usual fire domain may not be able to overwhelm the Wuxin sword domain too much. Although Jiang Wang has a strong spiritual sense, Sikong Jingxiao has been in business for a long time.

But under the premise that the soul has been injured, Sikong Jingxiao can't give Wuxin Jianyu enough support at all!

The damaged spiritual consciousness was his injured leg.

And Jiang Wang stepped on the injured leg!


Sikong Jingxiao spurted blood again, but stood firmly, refusing to back down.

Only when spiritual consciousness interferes with the present world can the spiritual realm be generated.

The collision of the two spiritual domains is related to the way, the rules, and more importantly, the foundation of spiritual knowledge. Normally, the process of fighting between two spiritual domains is slow.

It's about fighting for it inch by inch. Otherwise, even the party with the most powerful spiritual domain can easily fall into the opponent's carefully constructed spiritual domain.

It's like when two armies are at war, each needs to be cautious.

However, under the premise that Jiang Wang had obtained an absolute advantage in spiritual knowledge, he directly raised his army and swarmed forward. Sikong Jingxiao didn't even have time to avoid it.

In this no-frills collision, Sikong Jingxiao's Wuxin Sword Domain was directly crushed! His spiritual consciousness was injured again, and he was already a little dizzy at this time, and afterimages appeared in his eyes!

No! How could this be so?

Sikong Jingxiao roared in his heart.

Part of his heart cracked silently, and an ancient aura erupted from then on.

That is the supernatural power he relies on the most. He has made up for his regrets and blossomed, and he wants to fight back life and death with this!


But his whole body was in the air, bowed like a shrimp, and the light of supernatural power scattered around his body.

It was Jiang Wang's merciless kick, which kicked right at the position of his heart. With the body of Tianfu and the light of five rounds of supernatural powers, he crushed his supernatural powers, making his supernatural powers momentary. Failed to explode!

"Death!" Sikong Jingxiao's eyes were already in a trance, and the light of supernatural powers had faded. The severe pain made him unable to grasp his body, but he still insisted on pointing forward!

The terrifying sky light transformed by the Wuxin Heavenly Sword Art suddenly fell from the sky!

This is such a fierce and powerful sword style.

It was Sikong Jingxiao's frightening struggle with all his strength.

But in the eyes of so many people at the scene, Jiang Wang just strolled forward calmly.

That day, Jian Jianguang lost his aim at all, and fell from Jiang Wang's side, penetrating into the ground of the mountain platform, leaving a bottomless hole as thick as a little finger.

Not a single strand of hair was hurt.

Jiang Wang walked in big strides, looking confident, strong, and fearless, but cautious in his movements. With a single touch from a distance, Sikong Jingxiao was in a state where his spiritual consciousness was scattered and his body was unstable. .

At this time, Sikong Jingxiao had entered a desperate situation of ignorance and insensibility.

He couldn't grasp the trajectory of Tianjian Jianguang, couldn't hear any sound, and couldn't catch Jiang Wang's figure...but he felt that Jiang Wang was approaching him.

He stubbornly grasped the possibility of fighting, and continued to condense the light of supernatural power.


Continue to be kicked to pieces by the boot that condenses the light of heaven.

"Die! Go die!"

He gave up all protection for himself, and with all his strength, he once again aroused the foreshadowing that he had buried in the sky since the beginning of the war——

It was supposed to be him strolling casually, calmly appreciating the embarrassment of his opponent under the Wuxin Heavenly Sword.

But now, there is only fear that Tianguang has lost his aim time and time again.

The light of supernatural powers was constantly kicked to pieces, and the light of swords kept falling into nothing.

Backed all the way, staggered all the way, refused to fall all the way.

He is not reconciled!

He didn't have time to display all his swordsmanship, the true power of Wuxin Tianjian Art was not fully displayed, and his magical powers were not displayed at all.

But he lost at the soul level, and the whole battle was like a landslide!

He clearly knew that he could no longer hold on, but he still refused to give up.

Some Jiange disciples couldn't help crying when they watched this scene.

Maybe it was some kind of aura, maybe God couldn't bear Sikong Jingxiao to work so hard, so he gave him a chance.

Finally, a ray of heavenly sword light landed in the right direction, and pointed straight at Jiang Wang——


A horizontal line was drawn between the sky and the earth. Divide life and death, cut off the horizontal line of grievances and hatred.

It's Jiang Wang's ray of sky!

The sword light of this heavenly sword is blocked by Sauvignon Blanc!

This is the humane sword style, and after evolutions time and time again, it has a sharp edge to determine cause and effect. Slashing a mere ray of sword light is no problem.

Too many times.

Sikong Jingxiao dropped the Heavenly Sword and Jianguang too many times.

With Jiang Wang's ability to capture knowledge, there is no suspense in judging its location at this time.

This casual sword shattered Sikong Jingxiao's only hope.

Many Jiange disciples couldn't bear to watch it anymore.

Jiang Wang strode forward: "Kneel down!"

Raise one foot and sweep towards Sikong Jingxiao's leg!

Whether it's Jiange senior brother or a long-standing cultivator of God's Landing, if he says he wants to beat you to your knees, he will beat you until you kneel!

At this moment, a terrifying coercion suddenly descended.

Sikong Jingxiao moved more than ten feet out of thin air, and instantly distanced himself from Jiang Wang.

"Children, don't go too far!"

Following the sound, the one who landed on Shantai Square was a man wearing a square hat, wearing a black silkworm robe, and the cuff of his left arm was empty.

"I have seen the sword master!"

Jiange disciples on the Shantai square bowed down one after another.

The person who will appear here at this time to save Sikong Jingxiao is of course the Wuxin Swordmaster Tu Anli, one of the Five Great Swordmasters of the Jiange.

The most striking thing is his browbones.

Like two dangerous peaks protruding, there is a sense of sharpness that is about to burst out at any time.

This makes his eyes, also extremely oppressive.

At this moment, he was standing in front of Sikong Jingxiao, his eyes were as cold as killing people.

This one is a real person in the world, and a very powerful real person in the world. It would not take too much effort to pinch Jiang Wang to death now.

But Jiang Wang squinted at this person, but just smiled and said: "It's the tradition of the Jiange to beat the young ones to grow old! Dare to ask this sword master, if you are also repelled, should the pavilion master come forward? gone?"

"Wonderful!" Leaning forward on the back of the white bull, although he was still a little weak, he clapped his palms and praised: "What a sword pavilion, but one can be picked up one by one, it's really inexhaustible! The inner government came here The god of war is coming, the god is coming to this battle cave, Wangji Tianmen, so that's what it means!"

Tu Anli's brows sank, and his murderous intent burst out immediately, causing the white bull to kneel down on all fours: "Presumptuous!"

"You are presumptuous!" Jiang Wang pointed at Tu Anli's face with his halberd, and said unceremoniously: "The mere old sect, sitting on a dry mountain, will abandon the world! How dare you stroke the beard of a bully?!"

"Give you face, so the Marquis came to ask for the sword. If you don't give you face, the army will be overwhelmed!"

At this time, the kneeling white cow, eyes full of fear, has already rolled down in embarrassment forward. Bai Yuxia's face was miserable, and Chu Yao's eyes were bewildered.

Only Jiang Wang.

Instead of retreating, he strode forward, as if holding his sword, stabbing at the opponent's heart.

He confronted the Wuxin sword master Tu Anli directly: "I am the Marquis of Wu'an, a household of 3,000 households in the food city of the Daqi Empire. I was ordered by the Qin Tianjian Supervisor Zheng Ruan Yu to come here to worship the mountain and ask the sword! I borrow your courage! Today Do you want to move me and try?!"

At this time, the entire Shantai Square was speechless for a moment.

Bai Yuxia, a descendant of the famous Bai family in the Yue Kingdom, can be considered to have a very high vision and a lot of knowledge. At this moment, he stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

Jiang Qingyang, who used to be the most famous in the world on Guanhetai, pointed his halberd at the real person in the world today, and cursed at him.

What is tyrannical?

What is arrogance! ?

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