Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1704 Although the world is like chess, don't think that everyone else is a child

Jiang Wang looked at Ruan Yu in surprise.

In the wind facing him, Ruan Yu asked softly, "Do you think Huo Shiji is really dead?"

After thinking about it seriously, Jiang Wang replied: "As far as I know, yes. Moreover, Master Si, Dean Chen and Master Wu also think so...Why do you ask such a question?"

"If the Blood River Sect has no other problems, the Blood River Sect really wants to welcome the champion, and nothing else is involved. Kou Xuejiao really respects Huo Shiji's last is related to the ten thousand-year inheritance of the Blood River Sect, why should she Respect Fox and the thoughts he mentioned by chance during his lifetime?"

Jiang Wang thought for a while: "You mean to say that she got Huo Shiji's instruction?"

Ruan Yu said: "This is just a possibility I guess. But concerning the vital interests and the future of the Blood River Sect, the wishes of the dead will never be more influential than the wishes of the living."

"But why?" Jiang Wang was puzzled: "He is the master of the Blood River Sect, and he is the most extraordinary in the world. Why does he have to feign death? Why is this necessary?"

"Xu Mingsong spied on the road to the Dao, causing disasters and turmoil, and made the Bodhi Evil Ancestor born early. Huo Shiji has been trying to hide the truth, but in the end he couldn't hide it anymore. He was awakened by Peng Chongjian, a real man who moved the mountain, and heroically filled the sea with his body... This is indeed a very logical thing, and it has been witnessed by those true kings." Ruan Yi shook his head: "Even I can't figure out what the problem is. Maybe there is no problem at all. "

"But." He said but.

"As far as Huo Shiji himself is concerned, it is indeed necessary for him to suspend his death. Because this is the only way to get rid of the control of our Qi State."

"Get rid of...our...Qi's...control?" Jiang Wang was in a daze.

How come Huo Shiji, the majestic True Lord of Blood River, has always been controlled by Qi State?

In the entire Qixia War, unless Jingguo really sent out a strong army to attack and kill Qi Tianzi who had vowed to put on the armor himself, otherwise, how could Xiaguo ever have the slightest hope?

Even if Jing State really sent troops that time, Qi State also had great hope that it could defeat Xia State against Jing State's offensive - if Huo Shiji, the True Lord of Blood River, was really controlled by Qi State, Not just if a transaction is made.

Even in the current Nanxia Governor's Mansion, Jiange is still proudly independent there, and Liang Guo is still grinning there, why is it necessary?

Facing Jiang Wang's shock, Ruan Yu said slowly: "You have been to the Changluo Catacombs, and you should know that the layout there is a method left by Emperor Xia Xiang."

Jiang Wang nodded.

Ruan Yuman said: "First of all, you need to know that when Changluo Juezhen was in the hands of Emperor Xia Xiang, its power is very different from when it was in the hands of Si Jiao and others. Emperor Xia Xiang already recognized Knowing that the situation is not optimistic for Xia Guo, so he made such a move with painstaking efforts, and wanted to use the Changluo Juezhen to force us to retreat, and use the threat of annihilation to achieve the effect of forcing the peace."

He asked like this: "You personally suppressed the disaster in the Changluo Catacombs. Do you think that with the degree of disaster you feel, it is possible to threaten His Majesty who was personally conquered by the imperial driver?"

Thinking of the dazzling names in the first Qixia War. Not to mention Emperor Qi, there are Duke Lou Lan, Grand Marshal Jiang Mengxiong, Prime Minister Yan Ping, Ruan Yi and Ruan Jianzheng in front of him...

At the beginning of that battle, the murderous Tu Zhongxuan and Chu Liang were just an inconspicuous general of the Chongxuan family. Yang Jiande, the last ruler of the Yang Kingdom, was only a young general who joined the war under a pseudonym.

Based on the scale of the disaster he felt in the Changluo Catacombs, at most it would overturn the Jiangyin Plain and destroy the main force of the Qi army at that time, but it would not impact the entire territory of the Xia Kingdom, so that the Qi Tianzi in the first Qi Xia War felt the same. to the threat of annihilation.

"It should not be enough." Jiang Wang's tone was a little difficult.

Qi Xia's struggle for hegemony back then was really a glorious period of history. Although it was stopped due to Jing Guo's strong interference, the brilliance that both Qi and Xia erupted in this battle for hegemony could not be concealed even after decades had passed.

The latecomers can't help but be amazed every time they look through the history and get a glimpse of the picture.

Ruan Yu asked again: "Then why do you think there is such a big gap between the current Changluo Juezhen and the current Changluo Juezhen? Apart from the difference in abilities between Emperor Xia Xiang and King Wu Sijiao, what else is there?" ?”

Jiang Wang already knew the answer, but he still couldn't help but wonder: "True Monarch Blood River?"

Ruan Yu said in a low voice: "Do you think that without the cooperation of True Monarch Xuehe, Emperor Xia Xiang would have been able to complete the real Changluo Juezhen, and use the calamity to create a disaster that could threaten the Qi army at that time and destroy the world?" ?"

Jiang Wang was stunned.

After a while, he said: "The Changluo Catacombs are also connected to the gap of disaster water. With Emperor Xia Xiang's ability, he probably... can do it too?"

"It seems that your understanding of the Blood River Sect is somewhat biased. The current Niehai is bounded by the Blood River. You don't understand what this concept is. Is it because they almost gave up the Blood River this time, and you feel , Blood River seems to be nothing more than that?"

Ruan Yu shook his head: "That's just because the Bodhi Evil Ancestor is too terrifying. The power of this blood river is beyond your imagination. Many Taoism techniques of the Blood River Sect originate from this river. Many secret methods are borrowed from this river. The power of the river. I will only tell you one thing--in the 54,000-year history of the Blood River Sect, there has never been a time when there has been a true monarch-level combat power. Every era has a true monarch-level combat power Existence! Do you know what this concept is? Why do you think the Blood River Sect can be passed on for such a long time?"

"But this time..." Jiang Wang's thoughts turned sharply: "This blood river is similar to the treasure of the cave?"

Ruan Yu said: "Otherwise, why do you think that Huo Shiji suppressed the Bodhi Evil Patriarch? But they should have other hidden backgrounds. Even the treasures of the cave, if they are not the top ones, it is difficult for real people to rely on them." Fight against the real king."

Jiang Wang was silent.

He realized that in the previous blood river sect, under the already complicated rhetorical confrontation of all parties, there were more complicated undercurrents.

Ruan Yu continued: "Back to the Blood River. With this Blood River as the boundary, Niehai has almost become the courtyard of the Blood River Sect's own family. Emperor Xia Xiang wanted to use the disaster water to cause a world-destroying disaster, so it is impossible to hide it from the Blood River." Zong. And Huo Shiji not only acquiesced, but also actively cooperated."

"But such things...why would True Monarch Blood River cooperate?" Jiang Wang frowned: "This completely violates the responsibilities of the Blood River Sect, and once it is spread, the foundation of the entire Blood River Sect's existence will be erased. "

"With such a huge risk, there are naturally huge rewards that match it. We don't know the conditions that Emperor Xia Xiang negotiated with Huo Shiji back then. Because Huo Shiji's words are not credible, and Emperor Xia Xiang is dead. Ruan Yu said: "But what we know is that no matter how much Si Yuan and Huo Shiji deceive and use each other, their ultimate goals are not the same. He was forced to fight me on the frontal battlefield. What can tempt Huo Shiji is nothing more than the scenery on the top. We guess that Huo Shiji should hope that the disaster will really be attracted, so that he can appear as a savior. Completing the meritorious deeds of immortality and gaining great merit. This contradiction is enough for us to take advantage of."

There was a clear admiration on Ruan Yu's face, and Jiang Wang didn't know if it was for him to see it on purpose.

The Lord Jianzheng continued: "Facing the threat of Emperor Xia Xiang, our son of heaven swore to the sun that the people of Qi would not retreat a single step, and that millions of Qi troops could die in Xia State, but the people of Qi State The spirit is still there, and the state of Qi is still there. Once the calamity falls, even if the Xia Kingdom can survive today, it will not be able to recover for tens of thousands of years. If the calamity does not fall, even if the Xia Kingdom falls at that time, there will still be fire left.

Emperor Xia Xiang threw out the choice, thinking that we would be in a dilemma. But the emperor didn't choose at all, and only let Emperor Xia Xiang decide for himself! Gou Yanzhi's remnant breath, and Qianqiu's fire seed, he knew very well how Emperor Xia Xiang would choose.

Because in a way, they are actually the same kind of people. "

Jiang Wang thought to himself, before the danger of both perishing, they charged forward firmly... This is indeed the domineering that the emperor would have, and it is indeed the choice that the emperor would make.

"It's still hard for me to understand. Didn't it mean that the Blood River Sect has the status of guarding Niehai and is favored by God's will? This is God's will..."

Ruan Yu said: "The will of the present world exists, but it does not possess wisdom. It is closer to a mixture of many rules that maintain the existence of the present world. The Blood River Sect has suppressed Nie Hai for so many years. The understanding of Nie Hai is unparalleled in the world. Of course, there are some of their own. The method. Huo Shiji successfully concealed the "will of heaven" and the world, and completed the cooperation with Emperor Xia Xiang. The secret of this matter was only known by Huo Shiji and Emperor Xia Xiang."

Jiang Wangdao: "But I couldn't hide it from His Majesty... Your Majesty is really wise and powerful!"

Regardless of whether His Majesty can hear it or not, Jianzheng Ruan is always praising His Majesty here, and if he follows up, there must be nothing wrong.

Ruan Yu smiled: "With His Majesty's sageness, he will naturally not be deceived. While facing Emperor Xia Xiang, he showed his determination not to hesitate to perish together, and at the same time, he used various means to create suspicion between Emperor Xia Xiang and Huo Shiji. It further reduced the possibility of Emperor Xia Xiang launching the Changluo Juezhen. Later, he defeated Emperor Xia Xiang on the frontal battlefield and almost wiped out Xia in one battle. But at the same time..."

His voice became more serious: "We also pretended not to know anything about Changluo's death, and gave Huo Shiji enough time to erase the relevant traces."

Jiang Wang suddenly said: "Although he has erased his own traces, we must have obtained a certificate here. We used this matter to control this Blood River True Monarch!"

Ruan Yu sighed: "This matter is related to the survival of the Blood River Sect, and Huo Shiji has to be restrained. But how can the dignity of a true monarch be lightly insulted? Over the years, we have never contacted Huo Shiji once. Until Cao Shuai fell Xia, I just asked him to stop Lord Changsheng once. This time, the situation has changed, and I planned to take this opportunity to communicate with him and plan for the situation in southern Xinjiang..."

A Yan Dao Zhenjun was caught in the gate of life, and he was indeed a very useful pawn. It's a pity that it was scrapped after only one use. Huo Shiji's death can be regarded as a huge loss for Qi Guo.

Now that I think about it, when Huo Shiji turned around in front of the gate of the world of mortals, is there also a reason for his unwillingness to be controlled by others?

After all, Changluo's plot to end the battle ended with Emperor Xia Xiang and him. Emperor Xia Xiang had been dead for decades, and once he died too, there would be no reason for the Qi State to mention this matter again.

Jiang Wang murmured: "No wonder you suspect that Huo Shiji's death is faked. If it were me, I would also think that he is using this method to get out. But the true kings of Sanxing Palace, Jiange, and Mugu Academy were all present to witness , Nayan Dao-level evil view, and even Bodhi Evil Patriarch, I have personally seen it, I am afraid this matter cannot be faked."

"That's right. It's impossible for Wu Bing to act with him, and it's even more impossible for Bodhi Evil Ancestor." Ruan Yu's unusually young brows were slightly sad: "Although there are many doubts, they can all be explained. Let's see what can be found at the Zhengshitang, and wait for the results of the investigation from the Underground Palace. Maybe we pushed him too fast..."

Because of being ruled by the Qi State, Huo Shiji was eager to cultivate the next true monarch, so he tacitly allowed Xu Mingsong to cause disasters and changes, and to spy on the road to the future. After Xu Mingsong played with him, he simply suppressed him with his own body... Reasonable storyline.

Jiang Wang didn't know what to say for a moment.

Ruan Yu sighed again: "Marquis Wu'an, this matter has alerted me, and you must remember in the future—'Although the world is like chess, don't think that everyone else is a loser.'"

Jiang Wang said sincerely: "I will keep it in my heart."

"Go." Ruan Yi stopped at a high altitude, the star map rippling slightly, and pushed away the floating clouds: "Below is Wenjian Gorge, I won't accompany you to pick up people."

Jiang Wang didn't leave immediately, but said: "I still have some questions about the wonders of Yan Dao you mentioned earlier."

Ruan Yu said, "Let's listen."

Jiang Wang said while recalling: "I once explored in the Seven Stars Secret Realm in Daze County when it was opened, and went to a world called floating land. In the cave of that world, I also encountered something similar to Yan They are really a kind of 'beast'. There is also a slang word in the floating land world, saying that 'the fall of the blue sky is a star general, and the rise of the dark sky is a star beast'. The star general refers to people like me. People who enter that world, star beasts refer to the kind of monsters in the crypt... The appearance can be in any shape, but the body is full of stars. That kind of star points, and the star points of the wonders I saw , very similar, I can't tell the difference. But most of those star beasts are weak, and the more star points, the stronger. Do you know anything about this place?"

"What is Qingtian? What is Youtian?" Ruan Yu asked.

Jiang Wangdao: "The blue sky is the sky. In the sky of that world, there is only one Tianshu star hanging in the sky, and the day and night are replaced by the light and darkness of the Tianshu star. Youtian is actually underground. At the bottom of the cave, you can't see anything. Hei, Wuzhiren or something, once it falls, it will dissipate completely. Only the star beasts float in it."

Ruan Yi was very interested: "Who else entered the floating land world you mentioned?"

Jiang Wang replied: "I don't know how many people went in, but the ones who came out were Miss Li from the Marquis of Ruicheng, Jiang Wuxie, the owner of Yangxin Palace, Lei Zhangan from the Lei family, and a first-class deacon of the Universal Business Alliance. The name is Fang Chong. I don’t know the rest of them.”

"I haven't paid attention to these things, and Palace Master Yangxin has also gone?"

"Yes, we were still under a lot of pressure against Lei Zhangan at that time."

Ruan Yu smiled, but didn't say anything more about Jiang Wuxie, but asked: "Do you know where that floating land world is, and is there a corresponding star map? If I have a chance, I'll go and have a look. "

Jiang Wang smiled wryly and said, "I wasn't even in the Inner Mansion at the time, so I didn't even know what the star map was. I was completely following the power of the secret realm of the Seven Star Tower. Every time the secret realm of the Seven Star Tower connects to a different world..."

Ruan Yu thought for a while, flipped his fingers, took out a knife and money, and handed it to Jiang Wang: "I have some guesses about what you said, but I can't confirm it. Keep this knife and money, if you If you have a chance to go there again, you can contact me.”

Jiang Wang accepted the knife money ignorantly, and asked again: "Is that a terrible place?"

"Whether it's scary or not is not certain. But there may be a tomb world... But why there is still civilization, I haven't seen it with my own eyes, and I don't know."

"Tomb world?" Jiang Wang was puzzled.

"Do you know the Tomb of Myriad Realms?"

"Know a little..."

"That's the biggest tomb world!"

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