Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1705 Sauvignon Blanc ashamed to the weak

Saying goodbye to Ruan Yu, he flew down Wenjian Gorge alone, holding the knife coin in his hand, Jiang Wangcai suddenly remembered that Yu Beidou had given him a knife coin a long time ago.

It's just that Yu Beidou's knife money was originally given by himself, and after turning it around, it returned to his own hand, very clean, as clean as new. At first, he took the new money directly from the government office, and put it in the box for later use.

As for Ruan Yu's knife money, it is still a little dirty, and it looks like it has been circulating in the market for a long time.

The slovenly Yu Beidou gave him a new coin after some handling.

The personable Ruan Yi gave him an old coin.

Do these fortune tellers like money so much?

Can I give Yuanshi directly next time? The so-called money can pass through the gods, and the more you give, the better you can cast spells, right?

But thinking about it this way, he has a deep understanding of Yu Beidou's stinginess, and he hasn't dared to make jokes about Ruan Yi, and he is still not very familiar with it.

This time, when I come to Jiange again, there will be no disturbances.

Si Yu'an, the master of the pavilion, didn't know whether to return or not, Sikong Jingxiao didn't leave the seclusion, and the Wuxin sword master didn't know where he was either. The other disciples in the Jiange treated him like nothing, neither insulted him nor greeted him.

Ning Shuangrong accompanied him up the mountain, and then sent him down the mountain. On the plank road of Tiantian Gate, she only said goodbye.

Then go up the mountain in green clothes and go far away in green shirts, and let the wind pass through the Changxia every day.

Someone from Ren Jiang picked up Chu Yao and Xiangqian, took the white cow and Bai Yuxia by the way, the group drove the bullock cart, and gradually went away in the long and narrow Wenjian Gorge.

Speaking of Jiang Wang's trip to the Blood River Sect, Chu Yao and Qiangqian are quite familiar - after all, which child doesn't like an adult who lets him let go of playing?

Considering Qiangqian and Bai Yuxia's physical condition.

The majestic Marquis Wu'an of Qi drove the car in front and gave way to the two poor people who had been hanged for several months to recuperate.

The little apprentice was sitting next to his master, asking all kinds of weird questions one after another. Is the Blood River Sect in the river? Why doesn't the fairy sister in green go back to the southern border together? Is the master already number one in the world?

Jiang Wang also replied indifferently.

The curtains are rolled up.

Bai Yuxia sat in meditation in an orderly manner, recuperating herself, seeing forward leaning against the wall of the carriage, staring blankly at the outside of the carriage, her eyes seemed to be the backs of the two, one big and one small, and they seemed to be farther away. ... I don't know what I'm thinking.

This lethargic swordsman who lays down at will seems a little sad?

When he took a closer look, the dead fish eyes were closed, his breathing became steady, and he quickly fell asleep.

It really is an illusion...

Bai Yuxia shook her head and looked out the car window. The experience after leaving the country of Yue was something he had never experienced before. It expanded his life and made him feel a novelty. Even if he regains his freedom now, he doesn't want to go back to Yue.

The kind of days when I demand myself all the time, the kind of time when every step and every goal is in front of my eyes... I haven't felt comfortable when I was hanging on Tianmu Peak.

The so-called "lie down and think about it, you will suddenly feel that the world is wide."

Counting the sword marks on the cliff aimlessly, he has also learned to be in a daze now. The bullock cart was about to drive out of the Wenjian Gorge, but suddenly I heard——

jingle jingle jingle jingle...

Countless sword cries!

All kinds of swords, with sword sounds of different severity, rise and fall one after another in Wenjian Gorge, playing a magnificent long song with a special rhythm!

"Oh my god, brother Niu, run faster!" Chu Yao yelled in shock, "They are here to hunt us down!"

Bai Niu was also frightened in the Jiange, as soon as he raised his hoof, he wanted to speed up.

But it was held down by Jiang Wang casually.

"Don't talk nonsense." Jiang Wang glared at Chu Yao.

But for the current scene, he did have some doubts.

Well done, what's the purpose of this Jiange Mingjian?

It wouldn't be the case that Lin arrived and left, saying that Si Zhenjun would not show up any more, and he would beat him up a bit, right? How can this happen again and again? It must be known that when we can't bear it anymore, we also "repay in the future"!

"It's Ten Thousand Sword Songs." Bai Yuxia, who came back to his senses, was both surprised and envious, with a complicated expression: "According to the tradition of Tianmu Peak, if you ask about swords and swords, if you are invincible, Jiange should send you off with a sword song!"

"Oh, that's it." Jiang Wangfeng nodded calmly, as if there was no disturbance at all.

After all, he just came back from Nie Hai, he has seen the battle at the Yan Dao level, and he has also had contact with the existence looming above the Jue Peak. What are such small scenes... Hahahahaha.

With great difficulty, he pushed back the corners of his grinning mouth.

"Uncle Xiang! Uncle Xiang! Don't go to sleep, do you hear?" Chu Yao danced and said joyfully, "My master is so majestic! I follow my master, and I am so majestic!"

It was easy for him to accept Xiangqian's claim to be his uncle, after all, he was much older than his own master.

He slumped forward in the carriage, didn't open his eyes, just hummed: "What kind of broken song, I've heard it many years ago. When my master brought me here, I don't know how much more majestic than you!"

Jiang Wang didn't speak.

Neither did Bai Yuxia.

Only Chu Yao was very unconvinced: "You call out Master Ni and compare with my master!"


Jiang Wang gave him a brainstorm: "Compared to what? All day long, I will only make trouble for your master!"

Chu Yao pursed his mouth aggrievedly.

Why can't this master understand what you are talking about? We are on your side!

The ox cart representing Marquis Wu'an of the Qi State came out of Wenjian Gorge slowly and returned to Nanxia by the same route.

Xiangqian fell asleep in the carriage, Bai Yuxia adjusted her breath, and began to sleep soundly.

The master and apprentice who were driving were leisurely and leisurely, like an outing.

But the bullock cart went south and then returned, just like this back and forth. The atmosphere in Jin'an County has quietly changed.

Aside from the sudden and urgent changes in Niehai and the current complicated situation of the Blood River Sect, Jiang Wang's goal of going south this time has been successfully achieved.

First of all, Jiange has regressed. After the monks of the same generation were completely subdued by Jiang Wang, he said that he would not interfere in the affairs of Jin'an County.

As for the Blood River Sect, there was no need for Jiang Wang to ask about the sword. The status quo of the Blood River Sect had no attitude at all.

Although Ruan Yu said that the blood river sect's true king-level combat power has never been dated, even now that Huo Shiji has died in battle, it is very likely that there is still a true king-level combat power embodied in a special way. But the existence of Huo Shiji is still closely related to the influence of Blood River Sect.

At least the current Blood River Sect has absolutely no confidence in supporting Liang Guo to occupy Jin'an County.

Su Guanying's speed was extremely fast.

Before Jiang Wang left the Blood River Sect, the Nanxia Governor's Mansion had sent troops into Jin'an County on the pretext of investigating the remnants of Pingguo, and asked Liang Jun, who was guarding Jin'an County, to cooperate in the arrest.

On the Liang side, Huang Deyi, who personally took over the "Xiuping Mansion", was unwilling.

But after Jiang Wang traveled once, the direction of the wind has changed.

When Jiang Wang was taken by Si Yu'an to Niehai, Jiange disciples left "Xiuping Mansion" first. Before Jiang Wang's bullock cart drove out of Wenjian Gorge, the Shenlin strongman who was originally in charge of the Blood River Sect also left in a hurry.

How could Liang Guo dare to refuse the request of Nanxia Governor's Mansion only by himself?

So when Jiang Wang's bullock cart came back here again, he could occasionally see several teams of Qi people holding up the portraits of Pingguo guardians on the road——

Of course it was impossible to catch any Equalizers by this.

But the people of Qi hunted down criminals today and searched for thieves tomorrow, and after a few visits, they didn't need to do anything else at all. "Xiuping Mansion" would naturally become Jin'an County.

Liang people are naturally dissatisfied and angry, but they are doomed to be helpless.

The general trend is overwhelming, and no one can hold it back alone.

These rangers are all from the southern frontier army, and those who can stay in the army after the major disarmament are all heroes who are selected from the best. After encountering the car driver of Marquis Wu'an by chance, they all actively followed the car driver and wanted to escort Lord Hou back.

After entering the border of Jin'an County, within a few tens of miles, there were already more than 300 horsemen following the ox cart.

Jiang Wang didn't put on a high profile with them, he still set up the cart himself, and chatted with the cavalry pawns who came up to say hello from time to time. Ask them how they are treated now, ask how the brothers who have retired from the army are doing now, and whether they have been allocated fields.

The nobles of the old Xia were wiped out, and the Qi court ruled the Xia land mainly with benevolence. None of the nobles in the country came here to exploit them, that is, the real heroes who participated in the Qi Xia war, more or less Some interests are less divided.

And the fertile land in southern Xinjiang is thousands of miles wide!

Daqi's national power, which is at its peak, can give the people in southern Xinjiang a sense of security. Ten thousand miles of fertile land is allocated in one term, which is enough to win the hearts of the people.

After such a round of chatting, I knew that Governor Su had indeed done a good job, and most of the cavalry were satisfied with the status quo. The few who were dissatisfied also concentrated on the military quota. But disarmament is a major policy in southern Xinjiang, and it must be implemented whether it is reasonable or not.

Jiang Wang also only explained some principles of recuperation in a gentle voice.

To this day, Jiang Wang thinks of all the powerful impressions about Qi State, the one that makes him feel the most deeply is still the scene when he came to Qi State at the beginning of the year and saw the scene where ordinary people could go outing at will.

There are no ferocious beasts, no evil spirits, and the sun is bright and bright.

The kind of shock at that time made him unforgettable for a long time.

If Fenglin City is still there, he hopes that the elders in his hometown can also live this kind of life.

He has never learned the art of governing the country, and he doesn't really understand the relationship between the strength of the people and the strength of the country. But I think if the common people can live well, the country must not be too weak.

I'm gossiping.

In the distance, a cavalry army of nearly a thousand people rushed towards them rapidly, and the horseshoes with big bowl mouths marched in unison, smashing the official road like a drum.

It's getting closer in a moment.

The leader was a young man, wearing leather armor, carrying a longbow, hooked on the victory hook, and hung a bright silver gun.

His voice was clear and bright, and he said from a distance: "But Marquis Wu'an of Great Qi is in person?"

Daqi Youqi, who had been accompanying the bullock cart, had spontaneously rushed forward, blocking the future by a hundred steps.

Although the number is less than three hundred, it is not an army, and they are not very familiar with each other. But proudly stood in front of them, and none of them shrunk their necks.

A few days ago, when they were still Xia Guo cavalry, they overwhelmed the people of Liang Guo who dared not look north. If it weren't for the Jiange across the Wenjian Gorge, they would have been to Biancheng many times.

Today is the Qi army, and it is impossible to use these Liang soldiers.

A captain with the highest rank came forward even more, and Hong Sheng angrily scolded: "You know that Marquis Wu An is here, but you dare to lead the army to block the way!? What crime should you be in for disturbing the car of the Marquis?"

Liang Guofang's leading young talent didn't speak, and the person behind him, who was probably a lieutenant general, came back angrily: "This is Xiuping Mansion, the territory of Liang State. The Marquis of Qi State has no privileges here!"

"Really?" The ranger captain who opened the way only asked this, and then he pulled out his knife and pointed forward: "Today I will escort Lord Hou back to the mansion. If anyone dares to block the way, I will hit him with the edge of the knife." Wait, let it go or not?"

More than two hundred Qi soldiers drew their swords at the same time, and shouted in unison: "Give it up or not?!"

Although there are thousands of troops on the opposite side, they are temporarily intimidated!

It's not that Liang Jun is so weak that he is still afraid of his opponents with more than three to one numbers. It is because the confidence given by the countries behind the two sides is different. If the two sides really have a military conflict here, no one of them can hold it back!

Jiang Wang sat quietly in the driver's seat of the bullock cart and did not speak.

Sitting here without speaking, he is already a banner, giving great courage to the Qi army present.

Marquis Wu'an of the Great Qi is here, what fear do we have?

With less than 300 Rangers present, the Qi army took the initiative to press forward!

So far, Liang Jun has also drawn his sword.

In this tense atmosphere, the youth led by Liang Jun shouted loudly: "The old man on the Guanhe Terrace, isn't Marquis Wu An missing?"

This person is Huang Su, the grandson of Huang Deyi, the first Duke of the Liang Kingdom, and he is also the pride of heaven who has won the place in the main match of the Yellow River Club.

So he said "Old friend."

With Jiang Wang's eyesight, of course he recognized it a long time ago, but only now said: "Let him come over."

Nearly 300 rangers Zhang Nu carrying knives separated into two rows, stared at this man with cold eyes, and watched him walk towards Marquis Wu'an's chariot alone.

When Huang Su came, he was very aggressive, but now that he was riding his horse in the forest of knives, he didn't change his expression.

But as Jiang Wang's calm face became more and more clearly reflected in his vision, even a young talent like him couldn't help feeling nervous!

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

At Guanhe Terrace back then, Jiang Wang was the number one inner palace in the world, overwhelming all the people in the same territory.

Now after many years, he is still polishing in the inner palace, trying to get close to the perfect god. And the reputation of the other party has skyrocketed, like the sky!

Even his grandfather Huang Deyi may not be able to sit on an equal footing with this person.

He couldn't help thinking to himself.

Why is he here?

Was that righteous indignation reckless?

But no matter what.

The two sides are already close.

Now that he has come, and now that he has blocked the way, don't be timid. Otherwise, it would be Liang Guo's face that would be lost.

Jiang Wang leaned against the car door casually, and asked calmly: "The old man on Guanhetai... why did you ask me with a sword?"

Huang Su calmed down, held the rein in one hand, and said on the horse's back, "Huang Su didn't come here with swords. He was just excited when he heard the news from Lord Marquis during the military training, and he will dispatch the troops in time."

He explained a sentence like this, and then said: "We haven't seen each other for two years. You and I are so different, we shouldn't bother you. But Huang Su really has a question in his heart, so he has to ask. He is really angry and has to ask for a solution! I hope Lord Hou can forgive me!"

Jiang Wang didn't care what questions he had or what righteous indignation he had, he just said in a low voice: "This is the first time I came here, Liang Jun came to the road with a blade, but my prince's guard of honor, I didn't care about it. I went to ask Jianxia At that time, you had a prince named Kang Wenhao who led the army to block the way, but the Marquis ignored him. The reason for not caring and ignoring it was not that the Marquis was magnanimous, nor that the Marquis had a good temper."

His voice raised slightly, like a sharp sword: "It's just that Sauvignon Blanc is ashamed to treat the weak!"

There was some doubt on his young face: "Now that the Marquis is returning to Nanxia, ​​you will lead the army to block the way again?"

The Marquis, who had established great military feats in the Qi Xia War, put one hand on the hilt of his waist, leaned forward slightly, calmed his voice, and even asked a little gently: "Liang people think that long-term lovesickness is not good? !"

Its momentum is like a landslide and a tsunami!

At this moment, Huang Su felt that he had been enveloped by a boundless murderous aura, as if someone had strangled his neck, making his blood stagnant and breathing difficult. And the BMW bestowed by Emperor Liang under his crotch suddenly hissed and knelt heavily on all fours!



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