Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1707 I am the only one who is incompetent and moves forward

When we parted outside Fenglin City, Qianqian was still at the Tenglong Realm, and Jiang Wang had already achieved the inner palace at that time.

At that time, Xiangqian regained his old self, let go of his bold words, and wanted to compete with Jiang Wang for the title of invincible in the inner palace.

Jiang Wang also said that Xiang Xianglai should sharpen his sword for himself.

It has been several years now, and it has been several years since he stepped forward into the inner palace, and Jiang Wang has already come to call his name.

But there is still this question going forward.

For he has not forgotten the Old Testament.

In the long nights of starry water, he could always think of the conversation between the two young souls in front of the bloody and debt-ridden monument.

It is no longer possible to truly fight against each other in the inner court, but if Jiang Wang looks at him with a sword, it is enough to distinguish the strong from the weak - three years after the farewell, am I invincible in this realm?

Jiang Wang only said: "Of course."

Xiangqian then slowly closed his eyes, the experiences of the past few years flowed like water, when he opened those dead fish eyes again, they were already full of sword light, sharp and piercing!

He didn't do anything else, he just raised his index finger and flicked it up casually.

It's like a landscape with splashed ink, a stroke of madness.

call out!

A sudden scream seemed to pierce the eardrum of the listener.

Many rangers following the car looked up at the sky following the sound, but only saw a soaring tailbow in the separated stratus clouds!

And in Jiang Wang's eyes that had turned red gold, it was not only an extreme sharpness, but also a precise description. Describes the experience along the way, describes the decadence forward, the unwillingness forward, the occasional struggle forward, and the long-term pain!

In the midst of pain, in the place of hopelessness, the "only I" was born.

Jiang Wang clearly saw that such a small, handleless sword was constantly piercing through the air barrier and hitting the sky at a terrifying speed.

This speed is definitely the limit that ordinary inner monks can achieve.

But it is not the limit of this sword.

Raising his finger forward to pick out the sword, every time he breathed, he accelerated by a knot.

Overlapping again and again, flying faster and faster.

Accelerated 18 times in a row!

In the end, it even broke through Tianfeng and escaped from Qianyang Chitong's sight!

With this hand alone, there is almost no one in the world's inner government.

It's no wonder that they beat Jiange to the point where there was no one to fight against him, which made Sikong Jingxiao furious and wanted to hang him upside down.

Jiang Wang was surprised and sighed.

Chu Yao got his head out of the carriage, stared hard at the sky, and asked after a long while, "Master, where is your sword? Did you lose it?"

He raised his index finger forward casually in response. A ray of miniature and condensed sword light was spinning at his fingertips.

He said desperately: "After we separated from you, I first went to Rui country to try my hand. I was afraid that my skills would be unfamiliar, so I found out how I felt. Then I went to Luo country, Wan country... and then went to Yujing Mountain .”

Jiang Wang said objectively: "With your killing power in the Tenglong Realm, even on Yujing Mountain, you should be invincible."

Qianqian continued: "The group of Taoist priests did not embarrass me, and hoped that I would come again. They were very willing to accept the challenge. Compared with the group of Jiange, I don't know how stronger they are... After coming down from Yujing Mountain, I went all the way south again. , arrived in the state of Qin, established the inner government in the Weishui River. After that, I passed Wuguan and went to Yuyuan, not too deep. From Yuyuan, I went all the way east, passing through Xuan and Qiao, passing through the state of Chu, passing through Li and Yue, Until it stops at Jiange."

Jiang Wang asked, "Who did you challenge in Chu State?"

He knew it must not be Zuo Guangshu, because Zuo Guangshu had never mentioned this in his letter. But if Qu Shunhua is the opponent to challenge forward, and if Qu Shunhua is not stingy with He Tian's use, then it is really hard to predict the outcome of these two people who are also in the inner palace.

Qianqian said: "I wanted to challenge Xiang Bei, but he hadn't come out of seclusion, so I had to miss it. I challenged Dou Mian from the Duke Wei's Mansion of Great Chu."

Xiang Bei chose to retreat when he left the mountain and sea realm. Jiang Wang knew about it, but he didn't know that it had been closed for so long.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Xiang Bei has outstanding talent and is unparalleled in dominance. However, it is difficult for him to withstand your sword with his Thief Swallowing Dominant Body. The variable of your victory or defeat lies in whether he can use his natural double pupils to fight against the soul. Level meritorious deeds, but you have Longguang Shedou sitting in the Tongtian Palace... His chances of winning are very low. Of course, I don’t know the results of his retreat practice, and my judgment is only based on previous contacts.”

Xiang Qiang said slowly, "I have only lost one game against Qin Zhizhen during this journey, from north to south, from west to east. In that battle, I entered the inner palace before the battle, and I lost very badly."

Jiang Wangdao: "If you and Qin Zhizhen were promoted to the inner palace at the same time, Qin Zhizhen should not be your opponent. But he is a person who looks more terrifying as he walks back. With your current state of the inner palace, Qin Zhizhen should not be your opponent. Compared with the peak state of the Inner Mansion Realm, the outcome is unknown."

With his current vision, of course, he can make an accurate judgment on the forward strength from the sword just now.

He lowered his eyes forward: "Qin Zhizhen's peak state in the Inner Palace is not as good as your limit state in the Inner Palace. After all, there is no one in history who can match you. What do you mean... now I am still not as good as you Are you at the limit of the inner palace?"

Jiang Wang said seriously: "There is a chance to win against me at that time, but the probability of winning or losing is 30-70."

"I'm seven and you three?" Xiangqian asked.

Jiang Wang smiled and said nothing.

Qianqian sighed absentmindedly and weakly: "The road is long and long!"

"Not leaving?" Jiang Wang asked.

Qianqian laughed: "The one who knows me is Jiang Qingyang!"

As soon as this sound fell, in the east of the high sky, the direction where his previous sword was flying... A bright star suddenly lit up!

It was as if his sword, which had escaped everyone's sight, had actually reached the Eastern Azure Dragon Starfield during the time he was speaking!

At this moment, even the white bull pulling the cart was frightened by the sharpness, and stopped to look at the sky.

And Qianqian only sang in a long voice: "The green dragon belongs to wood and nourishes my sword!"

The Four Spirits Starfield has always been the most common choice for extraordinary monks to enter the Outer Building Realm. Its stability and possibility are unquestionable, as early as the long years, it has been broadened almost infinitely by the sages.

It is precisely the extremely cutting-edge cultivation method of the Flying Sword Art that needs a stable landing point the most.

While speaking, the Starlight Holy Building has already been erected forward. It was cut with one sword. This building is high in the sky, seemingly infinitely far away. The starlight fell, making this slumped man also give birth to a kind of brilliance.

This didn't stop, the voice said again: "The white tiger belongs to the golden sharpening my front!"

So in the Western White Tiger Starfield, the starlight also lit up.

The long song of moving forward is endless, and the star towers of the distant star vault are also repeated one after another.

"Suzaku belongs to Fire Burn My Furnace!"

"Xuanwu belongs to water quenching my fire!"

The four starlight holy buildings lit up one after another, and the starlight reflected like water.

"Jian Cheng!"

Between heaven and earth, the sound of the sword resounded.

Accompanied by hundreds of rangers, all the hanging sabers rang out.

Even Jiang Wang's Sauvignon Blanc in the sheath responded naturally.

The condensed sword light that hangs forward from the fingertips is bursting with light, as if shining back on the starry sky. When it becomes clear in people's sight, it has turned into a handleless Longguang Shooting Dou!

The tip of the sword turned towards the sky, turning quietly.

It is simply unique and extremely sharp.

Chu Yao blinked his eyes in the carriage, and realized for the first time that this unkempt Master Xiang was actually very imposing.

Sitting opposite the black and thin Chu Yao, with a white complexion as white as a piece of snow jade, she was a little dazed at the moment.

As a friend who has been with Qiang through thick and thin, he is certainly happy to take the leap forward. But at the same time, there is also a very complicated feeling.

It's like in that old story... the sheepherder sleeps on the hillside, and the woodcutter sleeps on the hillside. When night fell, the sheepherder drove the sheep home, and the sheep were full. The woodcutter didn't get a single piece of firewood.

He looked forward, full of resentment. You still have this hand, you should have said earlier, let me be decadent for so long!

In the perception of everyone, please ask Jiang Wang to look at him with a sword, and then cut through the fourth floor with a sword, jumping from the peak of the inner mansion to the peak of the outer building in an instant, this is of course worthy of the elegance of the ancient flying sword.

Only Jiang Wang understood that at this moment just now, Qiangqian had given up trying to challenge the Qing history record of the inner government.

Only Jiang Wang can see the "Tao" moving forward and understand his mood.

If Xiang Fengqi's "I am the only one" is "I am the only one who is invincible", there is nothing in the world that can be taken for granted.

Then the only self who moves forward is "I am the only one who is incompetent".

"Incompetence" is a perception.

He has witnessed the top talent in the world, and he understands the gap between himself and that kind of arrogance.

He knows the difficulty of the way He is walking. He already understands that what he wants to do may not be accomplished in his lifetime.

He is more talented than most practitioners in this world, but compared with people like Xiang Fengqi and Jiang Mengxiong, he can only be regarded as an incompetent person, which is his objective view.

He had a hard time.

He didn't want to save himself either.

He knew it wasn't good, but, so be it.

In the past, he lived from day to day, living his life in a daze.

Now he just barely moves forward, thinking "maybe".

If it really doesn't work out in the end, then that's okay.

To fail is to fail, to die is to die.

There are the most extraordinary characters in the world, but unfortunately I am not among them. There are the most wonderful stories in the world, but I am an incompetent person.

But there are many incompetent people in the world.

"Only I am incapable, but move forward."

Admit that you are a waste, that you cannot succeed. But we still have to move forward.

This is his way.

Jiang Wang was silent for a while, and said: "Remember the two people I told you about in Qingyang Town? One of them was under tremendous pressure and broke the limit of the Heaven-reaching Realm. He lost two games in a row in the Tenglong Neifu, and Chasing him farther and farther away from his opponent... But this man never didn't believe in himself for a moment. I saw his fist, and he was still himself. Those who rise and fall suddenly and remain proud, I believe that he will rise again sooner or later .In fact on the battlefield, I've seen it.

And the other guy I was talking to you about, he's already won the battle for the heir to the family. At that time I said, I believe he will win the final victory, don't you still believe it?

It can be seen that for things in this world, as long as you work hard, there is always a glimmer of hope.

Now I want to tell you, I believe that one day, you will also go to a height that you have never imagined. "

Bai Yuxia, who was listening in the carriage, was aroused by these words to fight infinitely.

Little Chu Yao also secretly made up his mind to fight for three days.

Only Xiang Qiang who was sitting next to Marquis Wu An casually withdrew his index finger. The sharp and unparalleled Longguang Shedou disappeared, the star tower on the horizon disappeared, and the brilliance of his body suddenly faded.

He's that slovenly, half-asleep guy again.

Lazily leaning back into the carriage, twisting like a pig, finding the most comfortable posture, closing his eyes——

"Drive your car, brother struggle."



Laoshan is of course a good place.

The location of the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion is very appropriate.

It is said that there was a Beppu here earlier that served Duke Zhou Ying, but it was bulldozed for some reason.

In Lian Que's words... the so-called meticulous site selection by the master craftsman sent by the Emperor Qi is to follow the old track! Who wouldn't choose?

Even going back further, Dayan Lian also built a house here. I don't know if Lian Que has any special feelings after living here for so long.

Lord Jiang successfully completed the task of traveling south and brought Jin'an back to Xiadi. Driving back home, he was warmly welcomed.

Several days after the official examination, officials from all over the country have officially performed their duties. Therefore, on the way back to the mansion with the ox cart, there were constant visits from officials, all of whom regarded themselves as disciples of the Marquis of Wu'an.

Bai Yuxia was secretly startled, and had a deeper understanding of Jiang Wang's influence in Xiadi. It might be a little exaggerated to say so, but Mr. Gao is in Yuedi, so it is nothing more than that.

But Jiang Wang hid directly in the carriage, in the name of practicing, and never disappeared.

He doesn't use the countless threads of mortals to ascend to the sky, and he doesn't want to be tied hands and feet.

The newly recruited Yu Xintian was not suitable for dealing with these things, and Qiangqian's unrequited dead fish face was a good card for avoiding visits, so he soon became a coachman - he always sleeps everywhere.

All the way home without incident.

Bringing a few more people back made the cold old mountain Beppu more lively.

Bai Yuxia often took the initiative to ask Jiang Wang for advice, and Jiang Wang was not stingy, actively experimenting with the effects of different killing methods on this Yue Kingdom genius.

Chu Yao still studied and practiced martial arts, Lian Que continued to forge iron, and Xiang Qiang still slept soundly.

Speaking of Bai Yuxia, Xiangqian, and Lianque, these three can actually be regarded as young and handsome, with extraordinary talents. In terms of pure cultivation talent, Lian Que is undoubtedly the worst of the three. But now he is alone in charge of the Lian family, with his back to Qi Ting, he is in control, and the Lian family has developed extremely well, coupled with the life card to suppress disasters, there is God's will in the dark, but the speed of practice is not slow.

But others are fighting with killing skills, but for him, training soldiers is his way of seeking Tao.

Jiang Wang is also happy to live in closed house.

He doesn't care about the situation in southern Xinjiang, the changes in the officialdom, or the pattern of the world.

In addition to daily practice, I drank and drank with these friends of the same age with different personalities, passed hands, chatted about ancient and modern events, and scolded Fang Qiu. Then there is teaching the young apprentices, and inspecting the old mountain cavalry from time to time... Besides, writing letters every now and then.

Such a life is full and comfortable.

Until the end of August, heavy black and fat paper cranes flew in the illusory realm.

Seeing each other in Xinghe Pavilion, Jiang Wang was still a little embarrassed.

Because it wasn't until Zhong Xuanpang's letter came that he suddenly remembered the matter of Mingkong Hanshan. When he went to Jin'an County before, he specially asked Tiqi to stop there, but he completely forgot about it when he returned.

I didn't remember it until I got back to Laoshan Beppu, and I thought it would be okay to go again in a few days... So I have not been to it until now.

Chong Xuanpang is diligent and diligent in running their business in Qi State, taking care of his Qingyang Town. He has been here in Nanxia for so long, and he said that he wants to work hard... But the fief is handed over to Dugu Xiao, and Tiqi is handed over to Xue Rushi , I didn't even step into the gate of Chongxuan Fatty's fiefdom.

"That, your Mingkong Hanshan." Jiang Wang preemptively said: "Very good, with great potential for development."

If it was in the past, Chong Xuansheng must have heard it immediately that this guy didn't go to work at all, so he would have to be ridiculed. But today he just looked at Jiang Wang.

Seeing Jiang Wang was very uncomfortable, and he almost wanted to admit his mistake voluntarily.

"Let's go back to Linzi." He said.

His expression was calm, but his voice was a little hoarse.

"Okay." Jiang Wang agreed first, and then asked, "What's the matter?"

He added with a smile: "Don't tell me that you were beaten and cried by Champion Hou and asked me to vent your anger on you."

"The old man is gone." Chong Xuansheng said.

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