Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1708

After talking to Xiangqian and others, Jiang Wang took Chu Yao with him and left Southern Xinjiang overnight.

At Nanxia Governor's Mansion, he didn't greet anyone, but flying across the territory, he couldn't avoid Su Guanying's sight. It saves me the trouble of greeting again.

One night plus one day, Jiang Wang flew from Xiadi Laoshan all the way to Linzi.

The journey never stopped, but Chu Yao woke up and fell asleep several times in his arms.

When he arrived in Linzi, he didn't go back to the mansion, but put Chu Yao at the gate of the city, let the little apprentice go back first, and informed the mansion to make some preparations such as silk money.

He went straight to Bowang Hou Mansion.

He didn't have a deep impression on Old Hou Ye. Because of Zhong Xuansheng's relationship, he actually had some opinions on the old man, and felt that the old man's bowl of water was not too fair, which made Chong Xuanpang suffer too much since he was a child.

But I don't know why. This time back to Linzi, a scene always flashed back in his mind along the way——

That day, he saw that the atmosphere was not right, so he took the initiative to send Ye Henshui, Doctor Ye, away. It was similar but different from when he first entered Bowanghou Mansion. He heard the old man yelling Chong Xuansheng's name, and he yelled that sentence weakly and forcefully... "I'm going to die!"

He knows it.

Everyone knows that Chong Xuan Yunbo's life is not long.

The whole of Linzi knew that Chongxuan Yunbo would not live past the age of one hundred and twenty, he would not live past the fifty-seventh year of Yuanfeng.

It should be said that it was a miracle that he survived such a horrible injury on the battlefield.

And he, who cut off the hope of God's presence, just supported Chongxuan with one hand, running around in the officialdom and the battlefield, watching it rise and fall, decline and fall prosper.

He survived and sent off his third son Chongxuanmingshan on the battlefield.

He was alive, and sent away his most proud son, Chongxuan Mingtu, after Qi Xia fought for hegemony and the Great Qi Empire was in full swing.

He lived to see his eldest grandson rebel against his will.

He was alive, looking at his Xu Yi family's future grandson, rejecting his arrangement.

Losing a child in old age is the most painful thing in life. And he lost two sons one after another.

When a person is about to die, he is most afraid of losing all his efforts, and he has indeed experienced the ups and downs of his family many times.

How would one describe such an old man?

"All people suffer."

In the courtyard where the old man Chongxuan used to stay, Jiang Wang saw Chongxuansheng.

This is the first sentence Chong Xuansheng said.

This man has always been reluctant to show his emotions.

Most people can always see him smiling. It seems that he is not angry with anyone, and he doesn't care about anything.

At this moment, he is still a big lump of fat sunken in the recliner, with two soybean-like eyes embedded in his face.

There is no princely demeanor at all.

Only the expression on his face was so complicated that Jiang Wang had never seen before.

He listened quietly.

Chong Xuansheng spoke slowly.

"In this noble Marquis Mansion, in this top-ranked family in Daqi, everyone has their own pain."

"My father has my father's pain, his ideals, his wife and children, his friends, his subordinates, his family, his loyalty...he can't take care of all of them. He became famous when he was young, but he struggled to death all his life."

This is the first time Jiang Wang heard Chong Xuansheng say, 'my father'.

"My brother has my brother's pain. He is self-conscious and unwilling to be restrained. He is demanding of perfection and does not allow himself to have a shortcoming. He has a firm goal and wants everything he wants. He is not willing to let go of anything. In fact, he puts Push yourself very hard."

This is also the first time Jiang Wang heard Chong Xuansheng mention Chong Xuan Zun in this tone.

"My uncle has my uncle's pain. His most beloved elder brother died, and he was powerless. The stronger he is, the more he feels that everything in this world is difficult. No matter how fierce he is, he can't go to Yuanhai to put people back together again. .Even if he is already a real person in this world, re-emphasizing Xuan Mingtu is also a lesson from the past."

"My fourth uncle has my fourth uncle's pain. His third brother died in battle because he was implicated by his second brother. But his second brother also died to protect the family. He wants to resent, but he doesn't know who to blame He still can't accept all this, so he stays overseas all the year round, and never set foot in Linzi after his father died."

Chong Xuansheng said slowly: "Of course I also have my pain. What is my pain? You walked with me, you know."

He took a deep breath, still looking at the misty distance: "I know that in this world, everyone's life is not easy, and everyone has their own pain. It's just that I'm sitting here today, and suddenly thought, my grandfather ...He is also in pain. He is even more painful than everyone else. He has experienced and lost more than anyone else. But he has not shown it in his life. "

"When he was crippled on the battlefield, he worked hard to train his son to become a talent. When the emperor was born, he put on armor and went to battle again. When his son died in battle, he just raised the banner higher. When the family declined, he just put on his waist. Straighter."

"He has never been weak in his life, except for the previous time...he told me that he was going to die."

"But at that time, I still chose to turn around."

"Jiang Wang, I'm not saying that I regret choosing Fourteen. I'm just thinking, can I have... a better way?"

"From my father all the way to me. Each of us can be self-willed and toss. We can all express pain. Because the old man is still alive, no matter what happens, there is a person behind us."

"My cultivation has already caught up to him. My uncle, my fourth uncle, my elder brother, and my father are all above him. But the entire Chongxuan family has always been him, covering up Wind and rain."

"Because he cares more about the family than anyone else. So he has been bearing all that silently."

Jiang Wang remembered that it was at Dongjiekou. The white-haired old man flew across the sky, angrily scolded Jiang Mengxiong in the street, and questioned Emperor Qi loudly. That scene is indeed unforgettable. Unforgettable.

Chong Xuansheng's voice was very calm: "He has been sitting in this place, so we think it is very appropriate and normal for him to sit here. Like this chair, like this yard, like this sunshine. "

"Until he's gone."

"Until he left, those usual fragments became unusual."

"Look at the clouds in the sky, have they always been so leisurely?"

Chong Xuansheng closed his eyes, seemed to be a little sleepy, and murmured: "So it wasn't."

Jiang Wang listened to this silently.

He knows that cleverness is as important as Xuan Sheng, and he doesn't need any advice, he just needs a trustworthy person who can talk to him.

From Xiadi Laoshan to Linzibo Wanghou's Mansion, he had to take care of Chu Yao on the way, he was indeed a busy man. But the meaning of his coming here is not that Marquis Wu'an of Great Qi, a strong man in the presence of God, but just a friend.

Chong Xuansheng is the best friend in this life.

He didn't say anything, and sat down next to Chong Xuansheng.

I just sat with him for an afternoon and a whole night.



August is high autumn.

When the yellow leaves shatter and fall, it always makes people know the love in the world.

The old man ordered before his death that everything in the funeral should be kept simple, so the funeral was not grand.

There is nothing ten miles, not even a running water mat.

It's just that a memorial hall was set up in Bowanghou's mansion, and the coffin was stopped for three days, and people worshiped. Three days later, the coffin will be carried back to the Chongxuan Clan in Qiuyang County for burial.

After that, there will be Chong Xuansheng's ceremony of attacking the nobility.

Although this funeral is simple, the standard is not low.

First of all, Dingyuan Hou Chongxuan and Chu Liang personally guarded the outer courtyard as welcome guests. Lords of the Political Affairs Hall and the Military Affairs Hall, all those who are in power have come to the hall to pay homage. Those who were not in Qidi also had people send wreaths and elegiac couplets.

Military God Jiang Mengxiong, State Prime Minister Jiang Rumo, and former Prime Minister Yan Ping were all in person.

Then, through the court meeting, the Ziwei Zhongtian Taihuang flag hanging in front of the Ziji Hall was lowered to half-mast, and the Daqi Empire sent off the princes with a national gift.

Finally, on the day of the main sacrifice, the Emperor Daqi came to the scene in person and offered a stick of incense to the old Hou Ye.

Zhongxuan Yunbo has used his whole life to explain his loyalty, bravery and commitment.

The way he wanted to walk and the duty he should fulfill had all been accomplished.

After he settled his affairs, he won world fame.

For a person's life, what can be considered as having no regrets?

Jiang Wang is still very young and doesn't know the answer.

In the hall, Chong Xuansheng is wearing filial piety, kneeling and sitting in the left main seat.

The champion Hou Chongxuanzun knelt and sat opposite him.

The two brothers saluted everyone who came to pay their respects, thanking them for seeing their grandfather off.

It's hard to imagine that Fourteen was in charge of the entire funeral. Even if everything is kept simple, it is too much of a challenge for this woman who has been unable to speak a word for several days.

Uncle Mingguang has always done his part in matters such as welcoming and sending, and he would not let anyone steal the limelight.

But this time there is no way.

His own cultivation is not good, and his mind is not good. For some reason, something went wrong when carrying Dao Yuan, and even the inner palace almost collapsed. Fortunately, he was resting in the Champion Hou's mansion at that time, and Chong Xuanzun found out in time and helped calm him down.

Even so, it has been lying in bed for several days.

Jiang Wang saw him during the wake last night and almost didn't recognize him. The whole person was so emaciated that he knelt there without saying a word, but kept crying.

Later, Chong Xuanzun forced him to faint and sent him back to rest.

Jiang Wang tried to help inside and out, but in fact there was nothing he needed to do. That is, to help greet the guests who come to worship in the inner courtyard.

As for Chongxuansheng's fourth uncle, Chongxuanminghe, he did not return to Linzi, and only sacrificed at Neverwinter Island.

"Blue sheep!"

With a friendly address, it was Shuo Fangbo's son Bao Zhongqing, who was walking into the inner courtyard with a beautiful woman.

Some people call it that for intimacy, and some people call it that for boredom.

Bao Zhongqing is obviously the latter.

But Jiang Wang didn't show anything, he just stretched out his hand and said: "Please come in for worship."

At this time, Bao Zhongqing had a very solemn expression. But the calm self between his brows can still show that he has lived happily during this time. The woman next to him should be the wife he married a few months ago, Miao Yuzhi, the daughter of the sheriff of Cangzhu County. He was also generous, saluted Jiang Wang, and called him "Marquis of Wu'an".

Many disciples of Bao Shi and Song Yao have cooperated in many aspects, and they have developed very well in all directions.

Bao Zhongqing patted Jiang Wang's arm and said, "My condolences."

Then he said apologetically to Miao Yuzhi: "You are pregnant, so it's inconvenient to go in, so just wait for me outside."

Miao Yuzhi understood very well: "Husband, let's go."

Bao Zhongqing asked Jiang Wang to help take care of one or two, and then went to Diantang by himself.

These two people seem to be in love, but what does love have to do with others?

To be honest, Jiang Wang didn't quite know what the purpose of his trip was. Uncle Shuo has already come to pay homage in person, and besides, your daughter-in-law is pregnant and it is inconvenient to attend the funeral, so why did you bring her here?

Jiang Wang beckoned someone to move a soft chair, and asked Miao Yuzhi to sit and wait.

After thanking Miao Yuzhi very politely, she sat down on the soft chair. Suddenly he smiled and said: "I remember Miss Wen organized a few poetry gatherings, saying that the Marquis of Wu'an would go, and I also participated, but I didn't meet anyone."

"Oh." Jiang Wang reacted, and laughed at himself: "How do I know any poetry? The first time Miss Wen invited me, I went with the cheek, and the whole scene was like sleepwalking. After a few times, I didn't have the nerve to participate again."

Miao Yuzhi covered her mouth and smiled: "They all said that you have a quick mind and a good understanding of poetry."

Recalling the poetry meeting that he participated in back then, Jiang remembered that he didn't say anything other than "good", "very good" and "very good".

It turns out that this is also called "thinking".

"They are all kind girls. After all, the truth hurts people." Jiang Wangru said.

"There are so many kind-hearted girls, which one did Hou Ye fall in love with?" Miao Yuzhi asked with a smile.

Jiang Wang shook his head: "Practice Luyao, I don't think about it for now."

"That's right, a person like Lord Hou has lofty aspirations, so he won't be trapped in his children's affair." Miao Yuzhi said, before changing the subject: "You didn't come to my wedding with Zhongqing last time. I just met our Daqi hero today."

Jiang Wang explained: "There were other important things at the time...but I delivered the gift."

Miao Yuzhi laughed again, she seemed to love to laugh, and she was really pretty when she smiled, especially the two dimples, which were very touching. No wonder Bao Zhongqing takes her with him wherever he goes.

Jiang Wang said a few words with him, and then consciously went to greet the others.

Not long after, Bao Zhongqing finished the worship, came back to pick up Miao Yuzhi, and had some polite exchanges with Jiang Wang before saying goodbye. The couple loved each other and went home hand in hand. This man and woman are beautiful, and their families complement each other. They are indeed an enviable couple.

Seeing the couple leave, Yi Huaimin, who came to help Yi Shishi's family, came over and said, "His wife is pregnant with a child, why did he come here to talk to you? What's wrong, it's yours." Credit?"

The second son of Dr. Yi Xingchen did not think he was born very well.

Ever since he was once forced to copy the "Agama Sutra" by a mysterious person who was said to be the remnant of Kurongyuan, his attitude towards Jiang Wang has become very close. He often tells people that he is also the elder brother of Fourteen, and Jiang Wang is also the elder brother of Fourteen. Rounding off, he and Marquis Wu'an are brothers.

Yi Huaiyong happened to pass by at this time, and immediately reprimanded: "What are you talking about! Your crap will be torn apart sooner or later!"

Yi Huaimin rolled his eyes, turned his head away, but bowed honestly: "I didn't guard the door for a while, brother taught me a lesson. I won't talk about it anymore."

Yi Huaiyong left with a serious expression.

He snorted again in front of Jiang Wang: "If he didn't like to complain to my father, I would be afraid of his boss Yi?"

He lowered his voice, and urged him hard: "Help my brother out, how about you tie up Boss Yi and put him in a sack, and force him to copy a copy of the Diamond Sutra?"

"No, no, that's not good either. He doesn't care about copying the scriptures, maybe it's exciting. Let him dance! How about it?"

The more he talked, the more excited he became: "Just dance to the newly released "Wu Ye Cry" by Wen Yushuixie, he appointed it suitable!"

"What tied him up, what Wen Yu Shuixie, I didn't understand what you were talking about." Jiang Wang glanced at this fellow, and left here with his hands behind his back.

I, Jiang, don't say that I have the dangers of mountains and rivers and the depths of the city. I have experienced many battles, I have seen a lot and know a lot, how can I be used by you kid?

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