Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1709 Unreachable like the moon in the water

The two brothers of the Yi family are really two completely different people. One old-fashioned, one cunning.

Yi Xingchen is a romantic person. When he was young, he was a genius who was as famous as Li Zhengshu. It has been smooth sailing until now. He has been listed in the political affairs hall and has become the top figure in Qi.

Both of his sons are mediocre, and many people feel sorry for him.

But Jiang Wang felt that the Yi brothers were very good people.

Of course, going back and forth, Yi Huaimin wanted to use this little trick to identify the "suspect", and he, who had been through so much trouble like Lord Jiang Hou, couldn't be fooled.

He would never admit that the remnants of the Kurongyuan had something to do with him.

joke. Who doesn't know that he, Jiang, is quite different from Fozong?

Master Kujue cried and asked him to shave, but he didn't go.

What's more, the Metropolitan Inspection Office has already checked it. He, Mr. Jiang, is innocent!

Yi Huaimin's malicious speculation is true and hateful!

But Bao Zhongqing specially brought his wife to worship, and now he felt a little taste.

This son of Uncle Shuofang is obviously not satisfied with merely being an uncle's son, but wants to take over Bao's banner in various fields and expand his own influence.

This trip to the Bowanghou Mansion is more of a reminder, within the Bao family, to the outside world, and to his wife's natal family...

The Bao family has been fighting with the Chong Xuan family for many years.

Now that Chongxuanzun is already a Marquis of Military Merit, Chongxuansheng is about to take over the title. He, the son of an uncle of the same generation, will be a father again, and it is reasonable that he should have more responsibilities.

If Jiang Wang's expectations are not bad, no matter what major events happen in Qi State next, this pockmarked brother will always step in and show his presence.

But this is Bao's family matter and has nothing to do with him, Mr. Jiang.

Not long after Bao Zhongqing left, Gao Zhe came again on behalf of the Jinghai Gao family.

Although neither Jiang Wang nor Chongxuan Sheng had been able to play with this person long ago, the relationship between Chongxuan's family and Gao's family is still maintained after all.

And today, Chongxuansheng is already the head of the Chongxuan family, so he can no longer use his youth as an excuse, and he can no longer just rely on his own likes and dislikes in many things.

When Gao Zhe came to pay homage, he had no reason to rush but to greet him.

Jiang Wang then forced himself to be polite again.

He usually dislikes these gestures of welcoming and sending off. Among the "Eight Sufferings" mentioned by Buddhism, one of them is "the meeting of resentment and hatred", which refers to the suffering of having to stay with someone you hate.

He has always had a clear distinction between likes and dislikes, if he agrees, he will come, and if he doesn't agree, he will go. But with the promotion of status and the growth of experience, it is not as free and casual as it was at the beginning. The more people wallow in the world of mortals, the more they worry.

It's like being detached at the end of the official path, one of which is to get rid of those entanglements.

Of course, if it is placed in his own Marquis of Wu'an Mansion, he will retreat and practice at every turn, and no one will take care of him, and no one can challenge him. To welcome guests for Chongxuan's family today, I can only hold back.

The connections of Chongxuan's top giants are extraordinary. The old man has been a soldier all his life, and has countless old troops under his command. Although the funeral was kept low-key, there was still an endless stream of worshipers, and none of them were of ordinary status.

After three days of being inactive, Jiang Wang only felt that he had seen almost all the famous people in Qi State.

After Chongxuansheng carried the coffin back to the Chongxuan clan for burial, he didn't follow him anymore, only Fourteen went with Chongxuansheng—people other than the Chongxuan clan were not allowed to go to the Chongxuan clan at this time.

According to the rules, Chongxuan Sheng must first inherit the position of Patriarch of the Chongxuan clan in Yu Clan under the witness of the elders. Then he returned to Linzi and took on the title of noble. This is also the reason why the elders of the Chongxuan family have a high status. They are rarely involved in government affairs, and they exist to support the family.

The old man had made proper arrangements before his death, and Chong Xuan Chuliang was accompanying him, so there would be no further disturbances.

To Jiang Wang's surprise, Chongxuanzun did not go to the Chongxuan clan either.

In the Mansion of Marquis Bowang, where few people were left, the two youngest Marquis Marquises of Qi State had a rare conversation.

At that time Jiang Wang was staying in the courtyard where he had sat with Chong Xuansheng all night. There is a small pool in the courtyard, and there is a pavilion in the pool, which is connected to the bank by a stone bridge.

Jiang Wang stood on the stone bridge, looked at the water shadow quietly, and remembered something from a long time ago.

Chong Xuanzun also came over.

"Why didn't you go to Qiuyang County?" Jiang Wang came back to his senses and asked aloud.

Chongxuanzun still had a filial piety belt tied on his forehead, and he straightened his forehead hair a little, which seemed to wipe away the misty mist and rain, making his eyebrows and eyes like distant mountains clearer.

Even at such a sad time, it still makes people feel that the green hills are bright.

"There are... many people who support me in the clan." He said calmly, "There is no need for my fat brother to think about this, and there is no need for those who shouldn't think about it."

This is of course the truth, and there is nothing to show off.

For a long period of time, he was the only candidate for the position of Patriarch of the Chongxuan Clan.

Looking forward a few years, Chong Xuansheng is still getting rejected everywhere.

Thinking about it now, it's like a dream.

Jiang Wang was silent.

Chong Xuanzun also looked at the water, and said: "Besides, this is a matter for the new Bowanghou."

The clear pool water reflected two figures in the same suit. In the rippling waves, each has its own charm, and each has its own lonely mood.

Jiang Wang can probably understand. Champion Hou's Mansion and Bowang Hou's Mansion have officially separated from today.

The old man has passed away, which is normal.

And the sooner it is clear, the better, otherwise, as Chong Xuanzun said, there will always be some people who will "think too much".

Without him, Chongxuanzun is too good, he is naturally a big ship. Even if you don't do anything, there are many people who want to squeeze up.

Jiang Wang asked: "I heard that you rejected the invitation of Blood River Sect?"

He had heard about this matter in southern Xinjiang, but he didn't know the specific details. It is not secret news that Peng Chongjian, the real person who moved the mountain, has officially succeeded the suzerain of Xuehe.

Regarding Qi Ting's attitude in the follow-up, in order not to be involved in it, he was pointed at the East and West, so he didn't care anymore. The closed-door practice in Laoshan Beppu is not just an excuse, it is really a matter of indifference.

Facing this problem, Chongxuanzun only said in a low voice: "Shortcuts are for those who lack talents. I have the avenue to go straight, so why do I need to take a detour?"

Jiang Wang recalled what he had seen and heard in the Blood River Sect, and thoughtfully: "Is this how you came back to Master Kou?"

Chongxuan said: "It's more direct than this."

"How did you come back?" Jiang Wang was very interested.

The hem of Chong Xuanzun's clothes fluttered quietly in the wind, and he only said: "I'm not interested."

Jiang Wang nodded approvingly: "It's very champion-like."

"I heard that you went to Jiange to be domineering and threatened to flatten Tianmu Peak in three months." Chongxuanzun said calmly: "It's also very Marquis Wu'an style."

Who is so talkative?

It must be the one named Yu Xiaochen, we must not let him go later! Of course, it could also be Sikong Jingxiao, one must not let it go.

It can't be Ruan Zhenjun or Si Zhenjun, right? It is impossible for a strong Taoist to be so boring.

"That's right." Jiang Wang laughed dryly twice: "The matter here is over, I'll go back first, and we can talk next time when I have time."

While talking, he has already walked out.

"No." Chong Xuanzun still looked at the water, without turning his head.

Marquis Wu'an's footsteps gradually faded away.

Like many people and things who have left, it is actually very calm and there are no waves.

He is very familiar with this yard.

Usually, when the sun is right, the old man will sit on the recliner and lazily bask in the sun. His father would move a pony to sit beside him, serve tea and water courteously, squeeze his shoulders and beat his legs.

The topic of Dad always revolves around the position of Patriarch. The three sentences are not far from the right of inheritance, and they keep urging the old man to abdicate and let the virtuous. The most sage is, of course, the eldest son of the Chongxuan family, and the next sage is his son, the eldest grandson of the Chongxuan family. You can't go wrong if you ask the old man to choose one of them.

The old man usually scolds and kicks.

And he respects Xuan Zun, and often sits on the stone steps connecting the small bridge to the bank, quietly reading an idle book, and rarely interferes with the topic of the father and son.

It used to be such a normal time.

Thinking about it now, it's like the moon in the water is out of reach.


Chong Xuanzun was alone in this courtyard, on this stone bridge, and sighed softly, softly.

He rarely sighs.

It's like watching fallen leaves many times without feeling sad.

I listened to a lot of tunes quietly, and never felt emotional.

But one day, in such an ordinary afternoon, I suddenly remembered a lot of the past.

So this pool of autumn water is so melancholy.


Walk down the stone bridge, and then walk up the stone bridge.

After walking back and forth on the stone steps several times, he finally left without looking back.

Chong Xuanzun left the courtyard, walked outside the room where his father was resting, thought for a while, and pushed the door open.

Uncle Chongxuan was lying on his back on the rocker bed, with his eyes open, staring blankly at the top tent in a daze.

"Grandpa has been sent to the clan for burial, and the funeral is over." Chong Xuanzun approached the bed and said softly.

Chongxuan Mingguang hummed. Weary.

"Let's go." Chong Xuan followed.

Chongxuan Mingguang's eyeballs moved: "Where are you going?"

"Don't you have your own house?" Chong Xuanzun said, "You can go to my place."

Chongxuan Mingguang closed his eyes: "This is my home, I lived here when I was a child... I have lived here for many years."

"All right, all right." Chong Xuanzun said, "I'll help you buy the neighbor's yard to the east, and I'll open it up for you together. Then ask Master Xu to design it. Do you know Master Xu? Tianxiangyun Pavilion is his handwriting. I will be fully responsible for the expenses, and I will definitely make your house the number one mansion in the north of the city."

"It's not about the house!" Chongxuan Mingguang sat up and muttered while looking for shoes, "It's mainly because I'm not used to it."

Chong Xuanzun squatted down, and while helping him put on his boots, he said: "Xiao Pang said, he will still keep your room for you, and you can come back to live whenever you want, and you can stay for as long as you like. But I think , what kind of person is the father, the most important thing in his life, how can he stay at the nephew's house after the family is separated?"

"That's right." Chongxuan Mingguang nodded vigorously, and sneered: "I am dignified and respectful, and my business is doing well. Is it possible that I will be short of a house? Little fat nephew, it's ridiculous. Worry!"

At this time, the boots were already put on, Chong Xuanzun made a gesture of please.

Then he got up, but he got up too fast, and was dazzled for a moment, swayed, and fell back to sit down again.

The vigor on his face disappeared immediately, and he looked at Chong Xuanzun sadly: "Am I getting old?"

Chong Xuanzun looked at him seriously: "Father is still very handsome."

Chongxuan Mingguang's eyelids drooped slightly: "Father will no longer have a father."

Chongxuan Zun said: "Grandpa's life is tied to the family. My fat brother still has some skills, and he will not insult Chongxuan's family name."

His voice is very calm, and naturally has the power to soothe emotions.

"There are also some small cleverness." Chongxuan Mingguang snorted: "Don't talk about comparing with me, you are even worse than you, I really worry about the future of the family!"

"Yes, yes, yes." Chongxuan Zun echoed, "But since the deal is done, and the father sells his son for a face, I don't care about him any more."

Chongxuan Mingguang glared at him: "How could I care about a junior? Is your father that kind of person who has a good body but no stomach?"

After a pause, he asked again: "But you said... can your grandfather rest assured?"

Chong Xuanzun said in a serious tone: "Little Fatty is only lacking in force. I taught him for three months without reservation. Grandpa knows it."

Chongxuan Mingguang was a little melancholy: "I'm afraid you can't teach well. He is too stupid."

Chongxuanzun said helplessly: "Then when you are free, you can guide me yourself."

"Forget it, forget it." Chongxuan Mingguang waved his hand: "I also figured it out. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. When your grandfather was alive..."

When he said this, he stopped talking suddenly, and heaved a long sigh as if thinking of something.

Chong Xuanzun was puzzled: "You are?"

Chongxuan Mingguang did not speak.

"You have something to say directly." Chongxuan said.

Chongxuan Mingguang stared at him blankly: "My father is gone, and your father will be gone in the future."

Chong Xuanzun sounded like he had been scolded, so he didn't say anything for a while.

"Father is thinking about it." Chongxuan Mingguang sighed, "When father leaves in the future, you are alone in the world, what should you do?"

"This is easy." Chong Xuanzun said: "As long as you cultivate to the realm of God's Realm, your lifespan will reach 518 years old, and the days will be long."

Chongxuan Mingguang glanced at him resentfully, and then said after a while: "It's not that father can't cultivate, the main ambition is not here."

"A few days ago, I saw you practicing there by yourself in the middle of the night. I thought you were full of ambition." Zhongxuan said.

"It's not that your grandpa is gone. I said try to be strong and let him go with peace of mind... As a result, you have also seen that God is jealous of talents, and God dare not make me succeed. Besides, such things as cultivation You can't act too hastily, it depends on fate. Some people practice hard all their lives, but their achievements are only mediocre. There are also sages who have made a lot of money, but they have developed their way step by step. What is your father's gap? Dad will start studying next year, and it may not be impossible. You still have Little, I don’t understand the reasoning behind this. I’ll talk about it later when I’m free.”

Chongxuan Mingguang patted his thigh while talking: "Father is mainly worried..."

He sneaked a glance at Zhong Xuanzun's expression, suggesting clearly: "When you grow old, who will take care of you?"

Chongxuanzun said calmly: "You don't worry too much. I am a cultivator of God, and I will grow old until I die. Besides, my hole is really not a problem, and I can live at least 1,296 years old."

"Oh, that's all right." Master Mingguang got up and left.

Thank you Dameng I love Qiqi 888 for the two new silver rewards!

I have read all the messages of Big Boss Qiqi, but didn’t you see my reply?

There are too many debts, more than 100 chapters are owed, and the writing is too slow, and there is a side story owed to Mr. Qin that has not been written

I'm getting more and more embarrassed... O, O

This week, this week must add an update to Kiki.

Thank you again~

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