Red Heart Survey

Chapter 1718 The stars and the moon are cold

At the Fenglin City Taoist Academy back then, Zhang Linchuan obviously had the strongest strength among the disciples in the inner courtyard, but he has always been hidden under Zhu Weiwo and Wei Yan, maintaining an outstanding but not eye-catching posture.

How is it that in Lushuang County now, he borrowed Lei Zhanqian's shell, but he still hides behind Zhou's family in the same county as soon as he responds?

At the beginning, Zhang Linchuan didn't show his mountains or dew his water, but during the change of Fenglin City, he suddenly attacked and killed Wei Quji forcefully.

How is this kind of caution and determination similar to everything he showed in the process of plotting Fourteen and killing Lin Youxie!

And he erased Lin Youxie's cruelty, how similar he was to killing Fang Zehou with a flash of lightning, and beating Wei Yan to death with his fist indifferently!

The consistent person in this world can be counted as Zhang Linchuan.

At this moment, I heard Jiang Wang calling out his name.

He clapped his hands again: "Yes."

"I've become like this, you can recognize me." He smiled and asked, "What's this called?"

His smile is so hateful: "Deep love from the same family? A tacit understanding?"

Regarding Lei Zhanqian, he has paid attention to it for a long, long time.

From the first time when members of the Lei family approached him and were pulled into the inanimate world by him, he had been concerned about this Lu Shuang Lei family. But he remained silent all the time. Lei Zhanqian sent people one after another. His inanimate world always refused to come, but he never gave any news.

Because he knew very well what Jiang Wuqi's existence meant to Lu Shuanglei's family. He is extremely cautious about the existence of the well-known Master of the Longevity Palace who is qualified to compete for the hegemony.

The pre-conditions for life-substitution supernatural powers are very strict. During the period of just completing life-substitution, it is extremely easy to see the flaws. Qi is such a powerful country. Anyone who comes here at random can crush him .

So he just waited for a long time.

He waited patiently for many, many days before Jiang Wuqi died and Lei Zhangan collapsed...

Then he sneaked into Lushuang County, touched Lei's ancestral house, picked an auspicious day, destroyed his aspirations, destroyed his body, and killed his spirit, and finally completed the substitution quietly.

After replacing Lei Zhangan and completing this most important step, it is tantamount to winning a place in Qi State and gaining a great room for development.

Along the trajectory of Lei Zhanqian's identity, the more one goes up, the more one's destiny becomes one, and the less likely he will be discovered again.

He is Lei Zhanqian, and Lei Zhanqian is him, his fate will change, who will doubt it?

He has been in Qi State for more than a year, and he is still paving the way for Lei Zhangan's transformation. In another year or a half, he will gradually start to show his edge and start competing with peerless geniuses like Zhongxuan Zun and Jiang Wang.

Just like in the Fenglin City Taoist Academy, he competed with Zhu Weiwo and Wei Yan, and was at the top of the Taoist list.

He quietly reproduced everything that Lei Zhangan did, and refined it. He slowly completed the transformation and shaped a reasonable character, means, and growth. And based on Lushuang County, with the identity of Lei Zhanqian as the core, he began to weave his own web.

He sat on the big ship of Qi State, and everything that Jiang Wangyizhi won, he, who is smarter and more powerful, can naturally win it too.

He watched with cold eyes the great Qi Empire flourishing day by day, and watched Junior Brother Jiang, who used to follow behind him, gradually become more prominent.

He is not in a hurry, he has enough patience and caution.

Let those wonderful characters set up battles with each other, killing dazzling and turning the world upside down, he just waits silently, and only takes action at the most critical moment. Just like in the past when the tiger's mouth was snatching food, first snatching the gate of hell, and then snatching the holy body of bones.

Until the end of April this year, when Chong Xuansheng and Jiang Wang came out of Jixia Academy, they actually investigated the border county, mobilized huge network resources, and went looking for a dead man named Fourteen with great fanfare.

He saw the importance of that fourteen and realized the golden opportunity.

This Fourteen has an excellent entry point. If you control her, you will have the opportunity to further influence Chong Xuansheng and Jiang Wang, so as to complete Lu Shuanglei's leap faster and more reasonably, allowing him to skip the stage of accumulation and stand on a higher stage in one step.

He thought he was very familiar with Jiang Wang, and he was very confident in establishing friendship with the great Qi Wu'anhou under his new identity.

If it fails, it doesn't matter, just continue to dormant. In short, there is no risk in waiting for an opportunity.

He is a person who is very good at acting and knows how to hibernate.

So when he realized that there was a Qingpai head catcher coming that day, he immediately gave up his action and left as if passing by.

But what I didn't expect was...that headhunter who only had cultivation in the inner palace had such sharp eyes.

Captured the necessary traces of the identity of "Lei Zhanqian", and then cast doubt on him!

He made a decisive decision and wiped it away.

So when he met Fourteen face to face, it became a huge doubt.

In order to solve this doubt.

He combined the history of the Savage Forest recorded inside the Lei family, temporarily caught a scorpion, made it contaminated with the atmosphere of the Savage Forest, and then killed it with the strength that Lei Zhanqian should have.

And it took a lot of hard work to create a collective memory within Lei's family that "traces of savages appeared in the savage forest, and a large number of Lei's mushroom picking team died in the savage forest".

This is used to shape his rationale for appearing in Savage Forest.

And no matter the Lei family or himself, the details of all aspects can definitely stand the investigation——

Unless someone is serious enough to send a large army to search the savage forest, and plow this huge old forest like a plow, to find the lair that will never be found.

But who would pay a huge price to do such a thing when all the evidence is clear?

It's not that he hasn't thought about solving this last loophole. However, in a place like Savage Forest with clear historical records, it is indeed not so easy to create a real nest that can withstand scrutiny from scratch. It will take at least a year and a half to carve and evolve.

He has no time.

Unfortunately, Lin Youxie who appeared unexpectedly disrupted the plan. The lucky thing is that this Lin Youxie has no relatives, no reason, and is about to leave Qi, so no one cares about him.

After killing Lin Youxie, there was no disturbance for more than three months.

He thought it was over forever.

However, he still kept the "evidence" cautiously, and still rehearsed how he should behave after being traced to Lei's house countless times. They have even started to build nests in the savage forest, trying to make a nest of them. At that time, it is entirely possible that Lin Youxie bumped into Yan Chi by accident and was eaten by Yan Chi. just need a little time...

At that time, he didn't mind using the reborn Lei Zhangan's identity to show kindness and help Jiang Wang complete his "revenge" in Savage Forest.

The former seniors can become friends again through another way.


It's a pity that Jiang Wang came to the door at this time.

It's a pity that the fat man named Chong Xuansheng is too smart.

It's a pity that he took the place of Lei Zhanqian after all, and the deity hadn't arrived yet, so he couldn't cover everything, and couldn't show his strength in all directions, so that the woman in the mere mansion left a clue.

Thought dust technique?

He is very interested.

But before that, he must try to recover a little loss.

It's not that he didn't suspect that Chong Xuansheng was fishing for him when he said he wanted to come to Savage Forest.

But he had to take a look, otherwise, if Chong Xuansheng and Jiang Wang really found something in the savage forest, with the resources that the two princes could mobilize in the territory of Qi, he would sit at home and wait, wouldn't he be waiting to die?

If he could not show up, he would never show up.

Because so much preparation has been made, so much painstaking effort has been made, and the opportunity to replace his life with magical powers is so precious, and Lei Zhanqian has such a good identity! How he wished that Chong Xuansheng really believed in him.

Before the fat man left, he hinted that there would be more cooperation with the Lei family. Isn't it a good start?

Even if you are dubious, continue to pester and prove yourself.

He is very confident that he can play a game of chess against the opponent within the rules of the state of Qi, and gradually merge with Lei Zhangan in the game of check and hide.

But Chong Xuansheng's sentence "just need to do some definite evidence first", Jiang Wang even directly asked to transfer the army, let him know that there is no chance of luck.

So he stepped out of the shadows and walked up to the three.

Of course he has no hatred for Jiang Wang, and he can't talk about any other emotions, but he still needs to make Jiang Wang feel pain. Because things have evolved to this point, this is the prerequisite for him to recover his losses.

"do you know?"

Looking at Jiang Wang, who pursed his lips and said nothing, his murderous intent agitated.

Zhang Linchuan said with a faint smile: "Your friend named Lin Youxie, at that time she ran away desperately, escaped desperately...and escaped all the way here."

He raised his finger and pointed to the half-decayed tree behind Jiang Wang, and his eyes also looked at the past. During this time, there was an almost morbid and recalled emotion: "Just stop at this place, and I won't let her run away. At that time, she kept looking at the tree. Looking in your direction, staring at you. I can see that she seems to have something to say to you. "

"It's really pitiful..."

He noticed Jiang Wang's bulging veins on the back of his hand, and there was some satisfaction in his tone: "Unfortunately, brother, I am an inhuman guy."

"I didn't let her open her mouth."

His expression was so indifferent that it ended the last description.

Jiang Wang's hand holding the sword was almost bleeding.

It was a force that was too violent and suppressed too tightly.

At this moment, his and Zhang Linchuan's auras were locked to each other, but Zhang Linchuan's killing intent was bouncing back and forth on Chong Xuansheng and Shisi.

He can't act rashly.

Because once an opportunity arises, Zhang Linchuan never minds erasing Chong Xuansheng and Shisi.

Facing Zhang Linchuan, who is at least a top-level god, Chong Xuansheng and Shisi's current individual combat power can only become a burden.

The night wind is no longer flowing.

Ruyi Xianyi was still hunting.

One can imagine how angry he is at this moment, how much he wants to kill, but how depressed he is!

But his voice was calm: "Zhang Linchuan, if you wanted to provoke me, then you did it. I will make you regret everything you have done today. You can regard this promise."

Zhang Linchuan was slightly surprised.

He could completely feel Jiang Wang's anger, Jiang Wang's hatred, and Jiang Wang's pain.

However, Junior Brother Jiang, who was so angry and furious when he saw a child's corpse, suppressed everything with amazing willpower. The blood vessels in the hand holding the sword were about to explode, but the sword in his hand did not tremble at all from the beginning to the end.

The whole person is so sharp and tense, maintaining a peak fighting state at all times, not giving him any chance.

He had to admit that the growth of the other party was more specific than everything he had heard.

This is also far from the result he envisioned.

It makes him, sorry.

But he just said indifferently: "It seems that you don't understand the gap between you and me, and you are no different from those idiots who died in Fenglin City. It was the same in Zhuang Country back then, and it is the same here today. You , and your fat friend, this stupid woman..."

He raised his boots, and took the initiative to step forward in this confrontation of entangled qi and crazily killing intent!

Above the whirling tree shadows, in the boundless night sky, a dense electric grid suddenly appeared, as if cutting the dark clouds into pieces, making the savage forest seem like daytime for a while.

"You messed up my plans."

Zhang Linchuan's hair was windless and active, dancing wildly in the flashing thunder!

"Do you know what the price is?"

Jiang Wang didn't say a word. Under the huge pressure, he didn't spare any energy to speak. He stared at his opponent, watching the ever-moving frontier of life and death.

Power, intention, and spirit are all at their peak, and he hasn't shown his extreme killing power for a long time.

And there are four star towers lit up in the sky, and the star road climbs and winds through.

The Big Dipper shines on Lushuang, and the sky cannot be covered by lightning!

"Wait a mininute."

In a confrontation between a strong god and at least a top god.

Da Qi Bo Wanghou, the newly appointed Duke, took the initiative to take a step forward, relying on the power of officialdom, to briefly enter the battle.

Of course he doesn't have the power to control the situation of the battle.

But he squinted his eyes, looked at the present Zhang Linchuan, and looked carefully: "You are Jiang Wang's senior brother in Zhuangguo, the bone messenger of Lao Shizi's bone road? Why are you so impulsive?"

Zhang Linchuan smiled lightly and raised his palm, aiming at Chong Xuansheng from a distance: "The former envoy of bones, now the ancestor of Wusheng. Fatty, what advice do you have?"

The big rough hand that belonged to Lei Zhanqian gradually lost its color and became pale and terrifying. The terrifying power spread like a tsunami and landslide.

Chong Xuansheng was very calm, just said: "Shooting flies is a very interesting thing, do you know what weapon is the best to use to hit flies?"

Zhang Linchuan shrugged his shoulders, and responded with great interest: "Javelin? Bow and arrow?"

"I think it's a moon shooting crossbow," Chong Xuansheng said.

The most famous ordnance of the Great Qi Empire on the battlefield, its name is Shooting the Moon, and it is close to a god in one blow!

Of course, it was impossible for Chong Xuansheng to bring the Moon Shooting Crossbow without Zhang Linchuan noticing it.

But as his voice fell, a not tall figure suddenly stepped into the forest!

This is a fat old man who looks so kind, and he looks at Zhang Linchuan so calmly.

And for a while, everything was silent, and the stars and the moon were cold.

The torrential rain and the flashing thunder have all stopped!

The former No. 1 god in the Eastern Region, now the powerful real person in the world, the title of Marquis of Dingyuan, and the murderous slaughter of Xuan Chuliang!

He stepped into the savage forest, glanced at Zhang Linchuan, and didn't say a word of nonsense.

Between the heaven and the earth, a bright knife light has already lit up.

It seems to split the night!

Heaven and earth return to daylight.

All the thunder and clouds were swept away.

A long ravine running from east to west also appeared in the entire Savage Forest.

Zhang Linchuan, who replaced Lei Zhanqian's life, just froze in place.

No injuries could be seen on the whole body, only a line of blood appeared between the eyebrows.

"Three-to-one, please ask for reinforcements..."

As Zhang Linchuan said, he stretched out his hand to press the center of his eyebrows, as if he wanted to heal his wound: "You Marquis of Wu'an, you don't talk about martial arts."

Before he finished speaking, his left hand that was close to the center of his brow was also cut off by the terrifying saber intent.

Then the line of blood between the eyebrows quickly spread downwards, and in an instant, it crawled across his face, passed through his neck, from his chest to his abdomen... His body also cracked like glass shattering.

In the end, he still looked at Jiang Wang and said regretfully: "Junior Brother Jiang, I wanted to play a game with you in Qi State, just like we played in Zhuang State.

It's not you chasing me anymore...

You are Marquis Wu'an of Great Qi, and I am just a member of a dilapidated family in Qi.

This time you have a big lead, and we can slowly compete in the court of Qi.

But you don't seem to be able to play anymore. "


The whole person shattered to the ground.

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